Profed 06 Lesson 5

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Paniqui, Tarlac


Chapter 2- Development and Administration of Tests

Lesson 5 – Construction of Written Test


At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. 1. Identify the appropriate test format to measure learning outcomes.

2. Apply the general guidelines in constructing test items for different test.


How do you construct various types of traditional test formats to assess learning?

Significant Culminating Performance Task and Success Indicators

            At the end of the lesson, you should be able to demonstrate your knowledge and skills in
constructing traditional types of tests that are most applicable to a particular learning outcome.
You are considered successful in this culminating performance task if you have satisfied at least
the following indicators of success.

     Performance Tasks                          Success Indicators

Identify the test format that is most appropriate for a
Classifying tests
particular learning outcome


            Classroom assessment are integral part of learners’ learning. They do more than just
measure learning. It is important that assessment tasks or tests are meaningful and further
promote deep learning as well as fulfill the criteria and principles of test construction.

            There are many ways by which learners can demonstrate their knowledge and skills and
show evidence of their proficiencies at the end of the lesson, unit, or subject.

            To learn or enhance your skills in developing good and effective test items for a
particular test item format, you need to go back and review your prior knowledge on different
test format, how and when to choose a particular test format that is the most appropriate measure
to the identified learning objectives and desired learning outcomes of your subject; and how to
construct good and effective items for each format.

What are the general guidelines in choosing the appropriate test format?

            Not every test is universally valid for every type of learning outcome. For example, if an
intended outcome for a Research Method 1course is “ to design and produce a research study
relevant to one’s field of study” you cannot measure this outcome through a multiple-choice test
or a matching-type test.

            To guide you in choosing the appropriate test format and designing fair and appropriate
yet challenging test, you should ask the following important questions:

1. What are the objectives or desired learning outcomes of the subject /unit /lesson
being assessed?

Deciding on what test format to use generally depends on your learning.

2. What level of thinking is to be assessed (remembering, understanding, applying,

analyzing evaluating and creating) ? Does the cognitive level of the test question match
your instructional objectives or DLOs?

The level of thinking to be assessed is also an important factor to consider when designing your
test, as this will guide you in choosing the appropriate test format.

3. Is the test matched or aligned with the course’s DLOs and the course contents or learning

The assessment tasks should be aligned with the instructional activities and the DLOs. Thus, it is
important that you are clear about what DLOs are to be addressed by your test and what course
activities or tasks are to be implemented to achieve the DLOs.

4. Are the test items realistic to the students?

Test items should be meaningful and realistic to the learners. They should be relevant or related
to their everyday experiences.

What are the major categories and formats of traditional tests?

1. Selected-Response Tests require learners to choose the correct answer or best alternative

from a several choices.
 Multiple choice Test. It is the most commonly used format in formal testing and
typically consists of a stem (problem), one correct or best alternative (correct answer),
and three or more incorrect or inferior alternatives (distractors).
 True-False or Alternative Response Test. It generally consists of a statement and
deciding if the statement is true (accurate/ correct) or false (inaccurate/incorrect).
 Matching-Type Test. It consists of two sets of items to be matched with each other
based on a specified attribute.

2. Constructed- Response Tests require learners to supply answers to a given question or

problem. These include:

Short Answer Tests. It consists of open-minded questions or incomplete sentences that require
learners to create an answer for each item, which is typically a single word or short phrase. This
include the following types;

 Completion. It consists of incomplete statements that require the learners to fill in the
blanks with the correct word or phrase.
 Identification. It consists of statements that require the learners to identify or recall the
terms/concepts, people, places, or events that are being described.
 Enumeration. It requires the learners to lists down all possible answers to the question.

Essay Test. It consists of problems /questions that requires learners to compose or construct
written responses, usually long ones with a several paragraphs.

Problem- Solving Test. It consists of problems/questions that requires learners to solve

problems in quantitative or non-quantitative settings using knowledge and skills in mathematical
concepts and procedures and /or other higher -order cognitive skills (e.g, reasoning, analysis,
critical item

What are the general guidelines in writing multiple -choice test items?

Writing multiple choice items requires content mastery, writing skills, and time. Only good and
effective items should be included in the test.

What are the general guidelines in writing matching -type items?

The matching test item format requires learners to match a word, sentence, or phrase in one
column (i.e.,premise) to a corresponding word, sentence, or phrase in a second column (i.e.,

What are the general guidelines in writing true or false items?

True or false items are used to measure learner’s ability t identify whether a statement or
proposition is correct/ true or incorrect / false. They are best used when learners ability to judge
or evaluate is one of the desired learning outcomes of the course.
What are the general guidelines in writing short-answer test items?

A short answer test item requires the learners to answer a question or to finish an incomplete
statement by filling in the blank with the correct word or phrase.

What are the general guidelines in writing essay tests?

Teachers generally choose and employ essay tests over other forms of assessment because essay
tests require learners to create a response rather than simply select a response from among
alternatives. They are most appropriate for assessing learners’ (1) understanding of subject -
matter content, (2) ability to reason with their knowledge of the subject, (3) problem0solving and
decision skills because items or situations presented in the test are authentic close to real life

What are the general guidelines in problem-solving test items?

Problem -solving test items are used to measure learner’s ability to solve problems that require
quantitative knowledge and competencies and/ or critical thinking skills.


Based on the guidelines on writing items for traditional tests and examples of good and faulty
items presented, you are now ready to construct effective tests of different formats to assess your
learners’ learning outcomes.

             Topic/ Lesson        Types of Test
e.g., Show understand ding
of the concept of demand Definition of demand and supply, Multiple-choice; true or
and supply shortage, surplus, and market false, matching type, and
equilibrium completion test
Exchange Rate

Change in the Price of Goods in the

Apply the concepts of
Market Essay, problem sets, case
demand and supply in actual
analysis, and exercises
Price ceiling and Price Floor


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