Kadiyala 'S Quiz - Quizizz

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5/23/24, 10:21 AM Kadiyala 's Quiz | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Kadiyala 's Quiz

Total questions: 14
Worksheet time: 8mins
Instructor name: Kadiyala Sai Susrush

1. How can the book of BG be described?

a) A book for understanding mind b) A book of yoga

c) A book of body d) A book of siddhis

2. What is Jyotisar ?

a) A place where arjuna's chariot was driven to b) The place where gambling match between
show both the armies kauravas and pandavas took place

c) The place where dhritarshtra in-live listened to d) A place in kurukshetra where Krishna spoke
Sanjaya speaking Bhagavad Gita. bhagavad Gita to Arjuna

3. Why was Bhagavad Gita spoken ?

a) to increase the will of Arjuna to fight b) to increase the skill of arjuna to fight

c) To teach him the science of yoga d) to make him strong from outside

4. one word acronym for first chapter of Bhagavad Gita


c) HOPE d) YES

5. How many times did a guru used to recite the verses in the Vedic times so that his disciples could


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6. why was dristarashtra fearful just before the start of Mahabharat war ?

a) The leader of kauravas bhishma was weak and b) krishna was on the side of pandavas

c) because of Kurukshetra's sancity, there can be d) the land of kurukshetra was pious and this can
some effect on kauravas and they may change have a positive effect on pandavas, who are
their mind. pious

7. Why was Duryodhana so confident about his victory ?

a) Because of the boon he received from his b) Because of the great warriors in his army and
mother their dedication for Duryodhana

c) Becase of his large army d) He saw Arjuna lamenting already

8. What was the name of the consh shell blown by Krishna ?

a) Devadatta b) Panchajanya

c) Sughosha d) Anant Vijaya

9. Why did bhismadev blew conschell

a) To grab the attention of krishna b) To please Duryodhana

c) To frighten the pandavas d) To alert the army on the side of kauravas

10. What does the name "Madhava" mean ?

a) Onw who possesses Radha b) the controller of all senses

c) one who plays flute d) One who possesses Lakshmi

11. why was arjuna refusing to fight ?

a) fear of sinful reactions b) due to compassion

c) destruction of family traditions d) killing guru and other acquaintance

12. Killing of how many types of aggressors won't fetch sin ?


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13. What is the meaning of the name " achyuta" ?

a) The possessor of all opulences b) One who is infallible

c) The best-well wisher d) The supreme friend

14. what qualities are required to receive the divine knowledge ?

a) scholarly qualities b) Soft-heart

c) non-violent d) Kindness

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Answer Keys

1. b) A book of yoga 2. d) A place in kurukshetra 3. a) to increase the will of

where Krishna spoke Arjuna to fight
bhagavad Gita to Arjuna

4. a) DOUBT 5. 3 6. d) the land of , because of

kurukshetra c) Kurukshetra's
was pious sancity, there
and this can be some
can have a effect on
positive kauravas and
effect on they may
pandavas, change their
who are mind.

7. c) Becase , Because of the 8. b) Panchajanya 9. b) To please Duryodhana

of his b) great warriors
large in his army and
army their dedication
for Duryodhana

10. d) One who possesses 11. a) fear of , destruction , killing

12. 6guru , due to
Lakshmi sinful c) of family d) and other b) compassion
reactions traditions acquaintance

13. b) One who is infallible 14. d) Kindness , Soft- , non-

b) heart c) violent

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