Issues Paper
Issues Paper
Issues Paper
Jasmine Barco
Poor communication can ultimately lead to poor patient outcomes. To properly care for patients
the whole care team must openly communicate with each other and the patients / families.
Nurses can effectively help lessen communication failures by openly having honest
communication with patients regarding their needs and wishes. This information can then be
relayed to providers to help create the best plan of care collaboratively with patients. By using
patient portals, patients have their active health information and can be an asset to the health care
team by being better educated to help make care decisions. With group meetings and daily
check-ins patients ultimately suffer less as they have an active educated voice in choosing what
Communication is a key tool in providing excellent patient care and creating a trusting
relationship with your patients or family members. Nurses are with patients and families more
than any other person on the health care team. As being the sole person to interact with patients it
is important to know the care team’s plan and goals for a patient. Knowing an accurate plan
provides the nurse with the opportunity to properly care for a patient and answer any questions
that might arise. Increased patient acuity often brings an increased number of specialists to treat a
multi-organ problem. Having increased providers comes with multiple opinions and treatments,
treatments to help their specific system might hurt another and provide conflicting treatment for
another provider. When families receive conflicting information from providers it causes
mistrust and confusion, leading to impaired decision making (Wood et al., n.d.). It is important
for a family to trust in their nurse as they are the patient advocate and provide the most direct
care. Lack of communication provides unsafe patient care as a nurse is unsure of what orders to
follow or what concerns to be looking for. Clear communication amongst providers, nurses and
patients provides easier clinical decision making and ultimately better outcomes for patients
Historical aspects
Most of the care for sick people was provided at home by family for all of history up until
the 19th century. People were not cared for by others unless there was a vast illness amongst the
population and additional help was needed, and during this time our version of medicine was not
available (Whelan & Buhler-Wilkerson, 2011). Homemade tinctures, cool washcloths, and
isolation for the sick to prevent spread was the extent of care. It was during this period that
Florence Nightingale along with a group of nurses went and took care of the British soldiers
(Whelan & Buhler-Wilkerson, 2011). When imagining nursing then the infamous scene of a
nurse tending to a soldier’s needs and wrapping bandages comes to mind. Nurses were given
orders from doctors at bedside and provided what interventions they had available. A doctor,
nurse, and sometimes an orderly was the extent of the care team, therefore communication was
not a huge downfall. There were not multiple specialists creating multiple opinions, and due to
lack of medical advancements not many options were available. Nurses were not relied on to
distinguish accurate communication and then provide it to patients and families. Until the last
few decades visitors were not even allowed in acute care areas for more than an hour or so a day.
The perception was the doctor was always right and would tell you the plan and decisions,
families and patients did not have much say as they were not the experts. Since the plan came
from one provider, and nurses were there to carry out orders and not have a voice,
consequence with severe injury or even death. The most recent medication error that was very
well reported was a nurse who mistakenly administered vecuronium instead of versed.
Vecuronium is a paralytic drug that when given stops self-regulated movement of the diaphragm,
therefore if the patient is not intubated will cause respiratory arrest and ultimately death. This
nurse had received an order to give versed to her patient before a scan to help reduce her anxiety
from claustrophobia (Sofer, 2019). This is a fine example of good communication; the patient
expressed her fears to the nurse who then spoke with a physician to provide the best care for her
patient by easing her fears and completing the needed test. If this communication did not occur
the test more than likely would not have occurred and then there could have been a potential
delay in care. When this nurse went to remove the versed from their medication dispenser it was
not listed, so she used the override function and searched “VE” which is ultimately how she
obtained the vecuronium instead of versed (Sofer, 2019). This represents how poor
communication ultimately costs the patient’s life. When the ordered medication did not show up
in the medication dispenser the nurse should have called pharmacy to check if there was a failure
in approval of the order or availability, if there were no solutions presented as to why it was not
showing as an active order then a call should have been made to the physician to see if the order
Another past incidence of poor communication was the doctor who prescribed multiple
1000mcg doses of fentanyl to the terminally ill. All these larger, unusual doses of a very potent
opioid were administered by a nurse causing respiratory depression and death. Although these
patients were end of life it was a controversial topic because it promoted quicker death than what
was expected. Narciso reports that two nurses each administered 1000mcg to the same patient
twenty minutes apart. The nurse that gave the second dose was unaware a dose was given twenty
minutes prior (2022). There are multiple communication failures in this specific incidence,
between nurses, doctors, and pharmacy. Being such a highly unusual dose of a lethal medication,
the pharmacy should have never approved the order or both orders twenty minutes apart which
would have triggered a nurse to think about administration beforehand. Any nurse who has given
fentanyl before is aware 1000mcg is a very large dose, too large, the doses range from 25 -
100mcg at a time. Both nurses who administered such a high dose of fentanyl should have
questioned the dose with pharmacy and the physician also, even if ordered it is still the nurse’s
responsibility to make sure the order is safe and refuse administration if not. A nurse’s license is
at risk if they carry out a directly harmful order that should have been questioned just as the
doctor will be held liable for ordering it as well. What is even more of a failure is that the nurse
who gave the 2nd dose did not know the first one was given, was it signed off in the electronic
medical record (EMR), was the 2nd dose signed off in the EMR? When giving pain medications it
is standard practice to preview the EMR and see when the last dose was given. Which of these
two nurses was the patients primary nurse, there should have been communication between them
when administering this dose. If the primary nurse gave the initial dose and another nurse was
asked by the doctor to give a dose, he should have first checked with primary nurse about past
administrations, and if the other nurse gave the first dose it should have immediately been
communication about the initial order, administrations, and order verification cost this patient a
quickened death and the family a traumatic memory attached to their loved ones passing.
There are many implications that nurses are responsible for when it comes to effective
communication in health care. Nurses cannot control how well physicians communicate and
report to each other but can be a voice for the patient. If the nurses are adequately able to explain
and relay information or plan of care to patients it creates a better trust bond. When there is a
good therapeutic relationship between nursing and patients/ families it is easier to provide
excellent care. When a patient is very acute, and the family is the one left to make the decisions
for care, it is easier for them to come to a care conclusion that best follows the patient’s wishes if
Nurses are responsible for carrying out the orders written by the medical staff to provide
proper care for patients. It is reported that 27% of malpractice suits were from communication
failure regarding medications (Tiwary et al., 2019). Whether the communication failure was not
actively nurse driven, the nurses are still apart of medications errors as they administer it. Often
two physicians do not agree on treatment depending on what body system they are trying to heal
but fail to communicate this to each other. Although physicians write daily progress notes they
don’t often communicate with each other when treatments conflict, verbal communication
portraying the concerns pairs best with written communication to provide effective
communication (Umberfield et al., 2019). The nurse is often tasked with making sure one
provider knows what orders have already been carried out due to being prescribed by another
team member or also sometimes must explain why one feels their desired treatment is not always
the best choice. Since the nurse is always at bedside it often leaves them to be the middle person
and then despite communication must go along with orders that another physician would not
have wanted. Families find it harder to make adequate care goals and decisions for their loved
ones when they are getting conflicting information. This also puts a strain on the therapeutic
relationship they have established with their nurse as it makes it appear no one can agree on a
A nurse’s main priority is to be an advocate for their patients and to provide the best care
based on their needs and wants. When it comes to patient care what they want might not always
be what will heal them but what might provide them with the best quality of life. When a patient
is end of life, family often becomes the decision-making surrogate due to the patient’s inability
to do so. Open effective communication from the beginning of the hospital stay makes it easier
to decision make. Families report they are more likely to make a decision that improves quality
of life when there is frequent, honest communication. A study showed that patients who would
end up dying regardless of care provided spent less time on life support when the family was
appropriately communicated with. Having a well-trained nurse in communication that can speak
with the family daily to update them and make sure they are fully understanding what is
happening with the body and what treatments are taking place is effective in making quality life
Communication is something the nurse is very involved in and a main player in keeping
the patient safe. Whether it is the nurse who reports and allergy to prescribed medication or
reports a patient’s fear about a chosen care plan, it provides for easier patient care. There is little
we can do about communication between providers except voice our concerns for the patient,
and make it known that the patient’s safety and health is our ultimate concern. When the nurse
can help ease a patient’s or family’s mind, what is ultimately best for a patient occurs.
There are a few things that nurses can do to help improve communication amongst
themselves, providers, and patients. In high acute care areas, it is shown that having family
meetings often with daily check-ins promotes best care and decisions for patients (Wood et al.,
n.d.). A nurse cannot demand a provider hold a patient meeting every few days or insist he call
the family, but they can effectively communicate how active the family is. Often if providers are
aware of how interested a family is in care and decision it is more likely they will meet with
them. When meeting with families it is often important to stop and have them explain what they
understand so far to make sure they are comprehending accurately, if families are given a lot of
information but cannot comprehend what it means from the start there is more likely to be a
communication mistake. Speaking in clear lemans terms is most important for effective
communication, it provides for less confusion and better decision making (Wood et al., n.d.).
Between provider meetings it is important that daily clear communication happens with the nurse
to ensure the current care plan is understood and agreed upon, families that know accurate
information and expected outcomes are more likely to choose the most ethical treatment choice
If the patient is being seen but multiple specialists it is important to make sure they speak
to each other about treatment plans. Nurses cannot force the providers to agree or communicate
but hopefully facilitate suggest or facilitate it. When two providers are on the floor a nurse can
offer to get the provider so they can communicate in person on treatment plans or bring up a
concern and offer to call them and the two providers can discuss together. Families are more
receptive to information coming from the primary providers, so encouraging this much needed
Another intervention nurses can do is to encourage the use of online patient portals. Most
hospitals provide these to patients, and they are updated in real time. Providers notes, nursing
notes, radiology results and lab work are all uploaded in a timely fashion to help promote
awareness. Nurses often can sign up the patient for an online account or send them a link where
they can register themselves to have immediate access to all information. Having immediate
access to this information helps patients and families be better prepared when they meet with
healthcare providers. Having the basic details of the overall progress, or already formulated
questions reduces time wasted on formulating them as they arise in conversation giving patients
Achieving a trusting bond with your patient is ultimately what is best with your care.
There is only so much to help facilitate communication that a nurse can do but the best effort is
what is needed. So often doctors walk in and say we need to check for xyz by doing xyz, well is
this what the patient really wants or do they want a more comfort care approach. Acknowledging
their wishes and knowing what the patients plan for themselves is, helps come up with the
treatment plan (Wood et al., n.d.). Whether it is voicing the patients concern for them or
encouraging them to make a list of questions and asking themselves, patient centered care is the
Communication is the key point to effective patient centered care. Providers, nurses and
patients should all effectively communicate together to provide the best plan of care for a patient.
As mentioned above in two scenarios poor communication amongst a variety of different team
members can ultimately lead to untimely patient death. Although in the worst-case scenario it
can happen, the goal is to do no harm in any measure. Nurses cannot complete change practice
and eliminate communication errors but can provide a huge role in eliminating some. By
encouraging providers to speak with each other to have a matching care plan greatly increases
trust in the healthcare team (Wood et al., n.d.). Being the most available healthcare team member
gives nurse the largest voice when it comes to portraying the patients fears and concerns,
encouraging use of web portal helps better prepare the patient to have effective communication
when providers come in the room. Using Effective communication amongst all parties involved
in care provides a more comfortable death for patents that will ultimately die (Wood et al., n.d.).
Communication Between Doctors and Nurses. (2020, February 26). HIPAA Journal.
Narciso, D. T. C. D. (2022, March 10). Nurses say they gave fentanyl doses to same patient 20
Sofer, D. (2019). Is a medical mistake an error or a crime? AJN, American Journal of Nursing,
Tiwary, A., Rimal, A., Paudyal, B., Sigdel, K. R., & Basnyat, B. (2019). Poor communication by
health care professionals may lead to life-threatening complications: examples from two
Umberfield, E., Ghaferi, A. A., Krein, S. L., & Manojlovich, M. (2019). Using Incident Reports
to Assess Communication Failures and Patient Outcomes. The Joint Commission Journal
Wood, G. J., Chaitin, E., & Arnold, R. M. (n.d.). Communication in the ICU: Holding a meeting
with families and caregivers. UpToDate. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from