12 Mechanical Scheme and Syllabus VII VIII Finally Submitted After Faculty

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Scheme & Syllabus of


B.Tech. VII & VIII Semester

Mechanical Engineering

Bikaner Technical University, Bikaner

Effective from session: 2021 – 2022
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

Teaching & Examination Scheme

B.Tech.: Mechanical Engineering
4th Year – VII Semester
Course Contact Marks Cr
SN Catego hrs/week
ry Code Title
L T P Exm IA ETE Total
1 7ME5-11 I. C. Engines
2 PEC 7ME5-12 Operations Research 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
3 7ME5-13 Turbomachines
4 OE Open Elective-I 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
Sub Total 6 0 0 60 240 300 6


5 7ME4-21 FEA Lab 0 0 3 3 45 30 75 1.5
6 Thermal
PCC 7ME4-22 Engineering Lab II
0 0 3
45 30 75 1.5
7 7ME4-23 Quality Control Lab 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
8 7ME7-30 Industrial Training * 1 0 0 1 75 50 125 2.5
9 7ME7-40 Seminar * 2 0 0 2 60 40 100 2
10 Social Outreach,
Discipline & Extra 0 0 0 0 25 25 0.5
CA 7ME8-00 Curricular Activities
Sub- Total 3 0 8 255 195 450 9
TOTAL OF VII SEMEESTER 9 0 8 315 435 750 15

*for the purpose of counting teaching load

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits

ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

Teaching & Examination Scheme

B.Tech.: Mechanical Engineering
4th Year – VIII Semester
Course Contact Marks Cr
SN Categ hrs/week
ory Code Title
Exm ET
L T P IA Total
Hrs E
1 Hybrid and Electric
2 Supply and
PEC 8ME5-12 Operations 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
3 Additive
4 OE Open Elective - II 3 0 0 3 30 120 150 3
Sub Total 6 0 0 60 240 300 6


5 Industrial
8ME4-21 Engineering Lab 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
6 8ME4-22 Metrology Lab 0 0 2 2 30 20 50 1
7 140
PSIT 8ME7-50 Project *# 3 0 0 3 210 #
350 7
8 Social Outreach,
Discipline & Extra 0 0 0 0 25 25 0.5
CA 8ME8-00 Curricular Activities
Sub- Total 3 0 4 270 205 475 9.5
TOTAL OF VIII SEMEESTER 9 0 4 330 445 775 15.5

*for the purpose of counting teaching load

#Evaluation by one internal and one external examiner (External examiner

will preferably be from Industry)

L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, Cr: Credits

ETE: End Term Exam, IA: Internal Assessment

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

List of Open Electives for Mechanical Engineering

Subject Title Subject Title
Code Code
Open Elective - I Open Elective - II
Human Engineering and
7AG6-60.1 8AG6-60.1 Energy Management
Environmental Engineering Waste and By-product
7AG6-60.2 8AG6-60.2
and Disaster Management Utilization
7AN6-60.1 Aircraft Avionic System 8AN6-60.1 Finite Element Methods
7AN6-60.2 Non-Destructive Testing 8AN6-60.2 Factor of Human Interactions
7CH6-60.1 Optimization Techniques 8CH6-60.1 Refinery Engineering Design
7CH6-60.2 Sustainable Engineering Fertilizer Technology
Introduction to Ceramic Electrical and Electronic
7CR6-60.1 8CR6-60.1
Science & Technology Ceramics
Plant, Equipment and
7CR6-60.2 8CR6-60.2 Biomaterials
Furnace Design
7CE6-60.1 Environmental Impact 8CE6-60.1 Composite Materials
7CE6-60.2 Disaster Management 8CE6-60.2 Fire and Safety Engineering
Quality Management/ISO
7CS6-60.1 8CS6-60.1 Big Data Analytics
IPR, Copyright and Cyber Law
7CS6-60.2 Cyber Security 8CS6-60.2
of India
Electrical Machines and Energy Audit and Demand side
7EE6-60.1 8EE6-60.1
Drives Management
7EE6-60.2 Power Generation Sources. 8EE6-60.2 Soft Computing
Principle of Electronic Industrial and Biomedical
7EC6-60.1 8EC6-60.1
communication applications of RF Energy
Micro and Smart System
7EC6-60.2 8EC6-60.2 Robotics and control
7MI6-60.1 Rock Engineering 8MI6-60.1 Experimental Stress Analysis
7MI6-60.2 Mineral Processing 8MI6-60.2 Maintenance Management
Unconventional Hydrocarbon
7PE6-60.1 Pipeline Engineering 8PE6-60.1
Water Pollution control
7PE6-60.2 8PE6-60.2 Energy Management & Policy

Material and Human Resource

7TT6-60.1 Technical Textiles 8TT6-60.1
Garment Manufacturing
7TT6-60.2 8TT6-60.2 Disaster Management

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

7ME5-11: I. C. Engines
Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
History of IC engines: Nomenclature, Classification & Comparison,
2 SI & CI, 4stroke- 2 stroke, First Law analysis, Energy Balance. Fuel- 4
air cycles, Actual cycles.
Testing & Performance: Performance parameters, Measurement of
operating parameters e.g. speed, fuel & air consumption, Powers,
3 IHP, BHP, FHP, Efficiencies Thermal, Mechanical, Volumetric, 4
Emission Measurement, Indian & International standards of Testing,
Fuel & Combustion: Combustion in CI & SI engines, Ignition Limits,
Stages of combustion, Combustion parameters. Delay period and
Ignition Lag, Turbulence and Swirl, Effects of engine variables on 4
4 combustion parameters, abnormal combustion in CI & SI engines,
Detonation & knocking, Theories of detonation, Control of abnormal
combustion, Combustion chamber design principles, Types of
combustion chamber.
Alternative Fuels: Methanol, Ethanol, Comparison with gasoline,
5 Manufacturing, Engine performance with pure Methanol, Ethanol & 2
blends, Alcohols with diesel engine, Vegetable oils, Bio gas.
Engine Systems & Components: Fuel System (SI Engine),
Carburetion & Injection, process & parameters, properties of A/F
6 mixture, Requirements of A/F ratios as per different operating 4
conditions, Carburettors, types, Aircraft carburettor, comparison of
carburetion & injection, F/A ratio calculations.
7 CI engine: Mixture requirements & constraints, Method of injection, 3
Injection systems, CRDI etc. system components, pumps injectors.
Ignition system: Conventional & Modern ignition systems Magneto
8 v/s Battery, CB point v/s Electronic ignition, Fuel Ignition Energy 3
requirements. Spark advance, centrifugal, vacuum Firing order,
spark plugs.
Engine Friction & Lubrication: Determination of friction,
Lubrication principles, Types of lubrication, Places of lubrication
Bearings and piston rings etc., Functions of Lubrication, Properties,
9 Rating and Classification of lubricating oil, Additives, Lubrication 5
systems. Engine Cooling: Requirements of cooling, Areas of heat flow,
High temperature regions of combustion chamber. Heat Balance,
Cooling Systems, Air, Water Cooling, Cooling system components.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

Supercharging: Objectives, Thermodynamic cycle & performance of

super charged SI & CI engines, Methods of super charging,
10 Limitations, Two stroke engines: Comparison of 4s & 2s engines 5
construction & valve lining scavenging. Process parameters, systems,
supercharging of 2 stroke engines.
Dual & Multi fuel engines: Principle, fuels, Combustion,
11 3
performance Advantages, Modification in fuel system.
12 Special Engines: Working principles of Rotary, Stratified charge, 2
Free piston, Variable compression ratio engines.
Total 40

1 Mathur and Sharma, Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Gupta H.N., Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines, Prentice Hall of
2 F. EdwardObert, Internal Combustion Engines, Harper and Raw Publisher
3 John B. Heyword, Internal Combustion Engines Fundamentals, McGraw Hill
4 Lichty, Internal Combustion Engines, McGraw Hill.
5 Gill, Smith, Ziurs, Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines, Oxford &
IBH Publishing
6 Rogowsky, IC Engines, International Book Co.
7 Ganeshan V., Internal Combustion Engines, Tata McGraw Hill.
8 R. Yadav, I.C. Engines, Central Publishing House, Allahabad

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)


Credit:3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Overview of Operations Research 1
Linear Programming: Applications and model formulation, Graphical
method, Simplex method, duality and Sensitivity analysis. 4
Transportation Model and Assignment Model including travelling
salesman problem. 4
Integer Linear Programming: Enumeration and cutting Plane
solution concept, Gomory’s all integer cutting plane method, Branch
and Bound Algorithms, applications of zero-one integer
programming. 5
Replacement Models: Capital equipment replacement with time,
group replacement of items subjected to total failure. 3
Queuing Theory: Analysis of the following queues with Poisson
pattern of arrival and exponentially distributed service times, Single
channel queue with infinite customer population, Multichannel
queue with infinite customer population, 3
Competitive Situations and Solutions: Game theory, two person
zero sum game, saddle point, minimax (maximin) method of optimal
strategies, value of the game. Solution of games with saddle points,
dominance principle. Rectangular games without saddle point –
mixed strategy, approximate solution, and simplified analysis for
other competitive situations. Application of linear programming 4
Theory of Decision making: Decision making under certainty, risk
and uncertainty. Decision trees. 3
Deterministic Inventory control models: functional role of
inventory, inventory costs, model building, Single item inventory
control model without shortages, with shortage and quantity
discount. Inventory control model with uncertain demand, service
level, safety stock, P and Q systems, two bin system. Single period
model. Selective Inventory control techniques. 4
Probabilistic Inventory control models: Instantaneous demand
11 without setup cost and with setup cost, Continuous demand without
setup cost 4
Simulation: Need of simulation, advantages and disadvantages of
simulation method of simulation. Generation of Random numbers,
Generation of Normal Random numbers. Use of random numbers for
system simulation. , Monte Carlo simulation, simulation language
ARENA, Application of simulation for solving queuing Inventory
Maintenance, Scheduling and other industrial problems 4
Total 40

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

1 Operations Research, Ravindran, Phillips and Solberg, Wiley India.
2 Operations Research, Gupta and Heera, S. Chand Publications.
SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Introduction to Operations Research, Hillier F.S. and Lieberman G.J., CBS
2 Operations Research, Taha H.A., Pearson Education
3 Linear Programming and Network Flows, Bazaraa, Jarvis and Sherali, Wiley
4 Principles of Operations Research, Wagner H.M., Prentice Hall of India.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)
3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN Contents Hours
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 01
Basic Concepts of Turbo Machines: Definition & classification of
Turbo machine, Basic laws and governing equations: continuity
2 equation, steady flow energy equation(1st law of
thermodynamics),2nd law of thermodynamics applied to turbo
machines, Newton's 2nd law of motion applied to turbomachines -
Euler's pump equation and Euler's turbine equation
Dimensional analysis applied to hydraulic machines, power
coefficient, flow coefficient, head coefficient, non-dimensional specific
3 speed, Range of specific speeds for various turbo machines, 3
Dimensional analysis applied to compressible flow machines,
pressure ratio as a Function of temperature ratio, mass flow rate
parameter and speed parameter
Centrifugal Compressors and Fans: Components and description,
velocity iagrams, slip factor, energy transfer, power input factor,
4 stage pressure rise and loading coefficient, pressure coefficient, 8
degree of reaction, Centrifugal compressor characteristic, surging,
rotating Stall and Choking
Axial Flow Compressors and Fans: Basic constructional features,
Advantages of axial flow compressors, working principle, velocity
5 triangle, elementary theory, stage work, work done factor, stage
loading, degree of reaction; vortex theory, simple design calculations,
introduction to blade design, cascade test, compressibility effects,
operating characteristics
Reciprocating Compressors: Basic constructional features, working
6 principle, work done calculation, single and double acting 4
Centrifugal Pumps: Main parts, work done and velocity triangles,
7 slip and slip factor, pump losses and efficiencies, minimum starting 4
speed, net positive suction head, performance curve.
8 Axial Flow Pumps: Description, velocity triangles, work done on the 4
fluid, energy transfer, axial pump characteristics, cavitation.
Reciprocating Pumps: Classification, component and working,
single acting and double acting, discharge, work done and power
9. required, coefficient of discharge, indicator diagram, slip, effect of
friction and acceleration, theory of air vessels.
Total 40

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

1 Gas turbines, V. Ganesan, Tata McGraw-Hill
2 Hydraulic Machines, Subramanya, K., Tata McGraw Hill
Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Principle of Turbo Machinery, Turton R.K., Springer Publication
2 Fundamentals of Turbo Machinery, William W., John Wiley and Sons.
3 Turbo Machinery Basic Theory and Application, Logan E.J.
4 Principles of Turbo Machinery, Shepherd Dennis G., Mac Millan Pub, N.York.
5 TurboMachines, A ValanArasu, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
7 Gas turbine theory, Cohen and Saravanamutto, Pearson Educational Pub.
8 Hydraulic Machines: Turbines and Pumps, Nazarov N.T., Springer New York.
9 Gas Turbine Theory, Cohen and Roger, Pearson Education.
10 Hydraulic Machinery, Jagdish Lal, Metropolitan Books.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

7ME4-21: FEA LAB

Credit: 1.5 Max. Marks: 75(IA:45, ETE:30)

0L+0T+3P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN List of Experiments

1 Laboratory work for the solution of solid mechanics problems, heat transfer
problems, and free vibration problems
A: by using FE packages such as NASTRAN/ANSYS/SIMULIA/ABAQUS
2 Introduction of GUI of the software in the above mentioned areas’ realistic
3 Analysis of beams and frames (bending and torsion problems)
4 Plane stress and plane strain analysis problems
5 Problems leading to analysis of axisymmetric solids
6 Problems leading to analysis of three dimensional solids
(a) Heat transfer problems
(b) Modal analysis problem
B: by writing own code for finite element analysis using MATLAB for:
7 Plane stress and plane strain analysis problems
8 Modal Analysis problem

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

7ME4-22: Thermal Engineering Lab-II

Credit: 1.5 Max. Marks: 75(IA:45, ETE:30)

0L+0T+3P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN List of Experiments

1 To perform constant speed load test on a single cylinder diesel engine and to
plot performance curves: indicated thermal efficiency, brake thermal efficiency,
mechanical efficiency Vs. Brake power and heat balance sheet.
2 To estimate the Indicated Power, Friction Power and Mechanical Efficiency of a
multi-cylinder Petrol Engine. (Morse Test)
3 Analysis of engine exhaust gases using Orsat apparatus /Engine gas analyzer.
4 Determination of coefficient of performance of Refrigeration cycle and tonnage
capacity of refrigeration unit.
5 To determine the COP and tonnage capacity of a Mechanical heat pump.
6 To study various controls used in Refrigeration and Air conditioning system.
7 Study of commercial Refrigeration equipments like cooling towers, hermetically
sealed compressors, automotive swash plate compressor etc.
8 To study automotive air conditioning system.
9 Determination of dryness fraction of steam.
10 Study and Performance of Simple Steam Turbine
11 Performance characteristics of Hydraulic turbines.
12 Study and Performance of Gas Turbine Plant.
13 Performance characteristics of variable and rated speed centrifugal pump.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

7ME4-23: Quality Control Lab

Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 50(IA:30, ETE:20)

0L+0T+2P End Term Exam: 2 Hours
SN List of Experiments

1 Case study on X bar chart and R chart of an industrial process output and
process capability analysis of the process. The charts are to be drawn and
calculations of process capability analysis to be reported.
2 p Chart:
(a) To verify the Binomial Distribution of the number of defective balls by
treating the balls with a red colour to be defective.
(b) To plot a p -chart by taking a sample of n=20 and establish control limits
3 Case study on C-chart of a product and establish control limits.
4 Operating Characteristics Curve:
(a) To plot the operating characteristics curve for single sampling attribute plan
for n = 20; c = 1, 2, 3. Designate the red ball as defective.
(b) To compare the actual O.C. curve with theoretical O.C. curve using
approximation for the nature of distribution
5 Distribution Verification:
(a) To verify Normal Distribution using the experimental setup.
(b) To find the distribution of numbered cardboard chips by random drawing
one at a time with replacement. Make 25 subgroups in size 5 and 10 find
the type of distribution of sample average in each case. Comment on your
6 To carry out verification of Poisson distribution using experimental set up.
7 Central Limit Theorem:
(a) To show that a sample means for a normal universe follow a normal
(b) To show that the sample means for a non normal universe also follow a
normal Distribution.
8 Solve quality control problems using SPC software like
Important Note:
It is mandatory for every student to undertake a Case Study. The case study
shall be of real problem involving quality issues preferably from local industry
whose quality issues shall be solved using seven magnificent tools of SQC and
other techniques of quality control. Case study shall be a group activity. A
group shall consist of maximum five students. Final evaluation shall include
30% weight age to case study.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

8ME5-11: Hybrid and Electric Vehicles

Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)

3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN Contents Hours

1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1

2 Introduction to Hybrid Electric Vehicles: History of hybrid and

electric vehicles, environmental importance of hybrid and electric 5
vehicles, impact of modern drive-trains on energy supplies.
3 Conventional Vehicles: Basics of vehicle performance, vehicle
power source characterization, transmission characteristics, 4
mathematical models to describe vehicle performance.
4 Hybrid Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of hybrid traction,
introduction to various hybrid drive-train topologies, power flow 6
control in hybrid drive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.

5 Electric Drive-trains: Basic concept of electric traction,

introduction to various electric drive-train topologies, power flow 6
control in electricdrive-train topologies, fuel efficiency analysis.
6 Electric Propulsion unit: Introduction to electric components
used inhybrid and electric vehicles, Configuration and control of
DC Motor drives, Configuration and control of Induction Motor 6
7 Energy Storage: Introduction to Energy Storage Requirements in
Hybrid and Electric Vehicles, Battery based energy storage and its
analysis, Fuel Cell based energy storage and its analysis, 6
Hybridization of different energy storage devices.
8 Sizing the drive system: Matching the electric machine and the
internal combustion engine (ICE), Sizing the propulsion motor,
sizing the power electronics, selecting the energy storage 6
Total 40

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

Iqbal Hussein, Electric and Hybrid Vehicles: Design Fundamentals, CRC
SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 James Larminie, John Lowry, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained, Wiley
2 Mehrdad Ehsani, YimiGao, Sebastian E. Gay, Ali Emadi, Modern Electric,
Hybrid Electric and Fuel Cell Vehicles: Fundamentals, Theory and Design,
CRC Press

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)


Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)

3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours
SN Contents Hours

1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1

Introduction to operations management (OM), the scope of OM;

2 Historical evolution of OM; Trends in business; the management
process. Operations Strategy, Competitiveness and Productivity 4
Demand Forecasting: components of forecasting demand,
Approaches to forecasting: forecasts based on judgment and
opinion, Time series data. Associative forecasting techniques,
Accuracy and control of forecasts, Selection of forecasting
technique. 4
4 Product and Service design, Process selection, Process types, Product 5
and process matrix, Process analysis.
Capacity Planning: Defining and measuring capacity, determinants
5 of effective capacity, capacity strategy, steps in capacity planning
process, determining capacity requirements, Capacity alternatives,
Evaluation of alternatives; Cost-Volume analysis. 5
Facility Location: Need for location decisions, factors affecting
6 location, qualitative and quantitative techniques of location.
Facilities layout: Product, Process, Fixed position, combination and
cellular layouts; line balancing. Material Handling 5
Planning levels: long range, Intermediate range and Short range
planning, Aggregate planning: Objective, Strategies, and techniques
of aggregate planning. Master scheduling; Bill of materials, MRP;
inputs processing and outputs, and overview of MRPII , use of MRP
to assist in planning capacity requirements, Introduction to ERP 4
Techniques of production control in job shop production, batch
production and mass production systems. sequencing: priority rules,
sequencing jobs through two work centers, scheduling services 4
Introduction to Just-in-time (JIT) and Lean Operations: JIT
9 production, JIT scheduling, synchronous production, Lean
operations system 4
Supply Chain Management (SCM): Need of SCM, Bullwhip effect,
10 Elements of SCM, Logistics steps in creating effective supply chain, 4
Purchasing and supplied management.
Total 40

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

1 Stevenson, Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
SN Name of Authors /Books /Publisher
1 Roberta S. Russell, Bernard W. Taylor, Operations Management, John Wiley
2 Joseph S. Martinich, Production And Operations Management, John Wiley
3 S.N. Chary, Production and Operations Management, Tata McGraw Hill
4 Norman Gaither, Greg Frazier, Operations Management, Thomson Learning

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)


Credit: 3 Max. Marks: 150(IA:30, ETE:120)

3L+0T+0P End Term Exam: 3 Hours

SN Contents Hours
1. Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2. Overview of Rapid Product Development (RPD): Need for the 2
compression in product development, history of RP systems,
Definition of RPD; Components of RPD. Rapid Prototyping (RP);
Principle of RP; Technologies and their classifications.
3. Stereo Lithography Systems: Principle, Process parameter, 2
Process details, Data preparation, data files and machine details,
4. Selective Laser Sintering& Fusion Deposition Modelling: 4
Selective Laser Sintering: Type of machine, Principle of operation,
process parameters, Data preparation for SLS, Applications.
Fusion Deposition Modelling: Principle, Process parameter, Path
generation, Applications.
5. Solid Ground Curing: Principle of operation, Machine details, 4
Applications. Laminated Object Manufacturing: Principle of
operation, LOM materials. Process details, application.
6. Selection of RP process; Issues in RP; Emerging trends. 2
7. Rapid Tooling (RT): Introduction to RT, Indirect RT process- 3
Silicon rubber molding, Epoxy tooling, Spray metal tooling and
Investment Casting, Cast kirksite, 3Q keltool, etc.
8. Direct RT processes: Laminated Tooling, Powder Metallurgy 3
based technologies, Welding based technologies, Direct pattern
making (Quick Cast, Full Mold Casting),
9. Emerging Trends in RT, Reverse Engineering: Geometric data 3
acquistion, 3D reconstruction, Applications and Case Studies,
Engineering applications, Medical applications.
10. Processing Polyhedral Data: Polyhedral B-Rep modeling, STL 2
format, Defects and repair of STL files,
11. Introduction to software for RP : Brief overview of Solid view, 2
magics etc.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)

1. Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications, Volume 1 by Chee Kai
Chua, Kah Fai Leong, Chu Sing Lim, World Scientific.
1. Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing, Rapid Prototyping, and
Direct Digital Manufacturing by Brent Stucker, David W. Rosen, and Ian
Gibson, Springer
2. Additive Manufacturing Technologies: Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital
Manufacturing, Gibson, Ian, Rosen, David, Stucker, Brent, Pearson.
3. Rapid Prototyping: Principles and Applications in Manufacturing
Noorani R, John Wiley & Sons.
4. Rapid Prototyping and Engineering applications: A tool box for prototype
development, Liou W. L., Liou F. W., CRC Press.
5. Rapid Prototyping: Theory and practice, Kamrani A. K., Nasr E. A.,

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)


Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 50(IA:30, ETE:20)

0L+0T+2P End Term Exam: 2 Hours
SN List of Experiments

1 Determination of time standard for a given job using stopwatch time-study.

2 Preparation of flow process chart, operation process chart and man-machine

charts for an existing setup and development of an improved process.
3 Study of existing layout of a workstation with respect to controls and
displays and suggesting improved design from ergonomic viewpoint.
4 To perform ABC analysis for the given set of inventory data.

5 To develop Bill of Materials/Product structure tree and calculate planned

order release (POR) using MRP format
6 To solve the operations research problems on Linear
programming/Transportation/Assignment etc. using OR software’s like
7 Simulation of inventory system/Queuing system/production system using
Monte-Carlo method.
8 To perform case study on sales forecasting.

9 To perform case study on project management using PERT/CPM.

10 To perform a case study on plant location and layout planning.

11 To perform a case study on capacity planning.

Important Note:

It is mandatory for every student to undertake a Mini project. The mini project
shall involve a detailed project report of establishing a factory in which plant
location, plant layout, capacity planning, selection of processes, ergonomically
designing of equipments and other facilities are to be installed. Mini project shall
be a group activity. A group shall consist of maximum five students. Final
evaluation shall include 30% weight age to mini project.

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards
Scheme & Syllabus
IV Year- VII & VIII Semester: B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)


Credit: 1 Max. Marks: 50(IA:30, ETE:20)

0L+0T+2P End Term Exam: 2 Hours
SN List of Experiments

Study of various measuring tools like dial gauge, micrometer, vernier caliper
and telescopic gauges.
2 Measurement of angle and width of a V-groove by using bevel protector..
3 To measure a gap by using slip gauges
4 Measurement of angle by using sine bar.
Study and use of surface roughness instrument (Taylor Hobson make)
5 Inspection of various elements of screw thread by Tool makers microscope
and optical projector.
6 Measurement of gear tooth thickness by using gear tooth vernier caliper.
To check accuracy of gear profile with the help of profile projector.

To determine the effective diameter of external thread by using three-wire

To measure flatness and surface defects in the given test piece with the help
of monochromatic check light and optical flat.
To plot the composite errors of a given set of gears using composite gear
Measurement of coating thickness on electroplated part and paint coating on
steel and non-ferrous material using coating thickness gauge.
12 Study and use of hardness tester for rubber and plastics.
To check the accuracy of a ground, machined and lapped surface - (a) Flat
surface (b) Cylindrical surface.
To compare & access the method of small-bore measurement with the aid of

Scheme & Syllabus of 4th Year B. Tech. (ME) for students admitted in Session 2018-19 onwards

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