Effect of Extenders With Narrow and Broad Particle Size Distributions On The Properties of Coatings
Effect of Extenders With Narrow and Broad Particle Size Distributions On The Properties of Coatings
Effect of Extenders With Narrow and Broad Particle Size Distributions On The Properties of Coatings
Extenders are manufactured in a wide range of finenesses enabling paint formulators to influence specific properties of the finished paint.
It is necessary to know the “granulometry” or particle size distribution of the extender to select the appropriate one to achieve the desired
Two extenders with practically the same top cut, but one with a broad particle size distribution curve, and the other one with a narrow
or “steep” particle size distribution curve, were compared in four different coating systems. The extender with a narrow particle size
distribution offered some advantages over the finer one with a broader particle size distribution.
The technical advantages of using such extenders over those with broad curves but similar finenesses, are in particular: ease of
dispersion, higher opacity, haze-free gloss, shortening of the drying time, and spacing properties for titanium dioxide.
xtenders are manufactured in a An additional property is the “steep- ultra-fine). It represents a convention-
wide range of finenesses and are ness” of a particle size distribution ally manufactured, very fine extender.
used in the paint industry to ful- curve, defined by the “steepness fac- An extender with a narrow particle
fill specific requirements in different tor” (SF).1 This is the quotient of the size distribution curve contains particles
coating systems. Products that are used d50 and the d20 values (corresponding within a smaller size range. Ideally such
in the coatings industry range from very to the size of particle such that 20% by an extender would be monodisperse or
fine powders in the sub-micron range weight of those present are finer). The iso-diametric, i.e., all particles would be
up to 7-mm chips. To cover the varying SF defines certain properties in the of the same size. In the following text, an
requirements of paint manufacturers, a finished paint. extender with a very high proportion of
large number of extender grades are The SF can be calculated from the particles within a very narrow particle
manufactured. particle size distribution curve of the rel- size range will be described as CaCO3-
Why are there so many different ex- evant extender as shown in Figure 1 us- ID (for iso-diametric).
tenders? The paint chemist can influ- ing the following equation: The most important fineness data
ence a wide range of properties, e.g., together with the oil absorption and
rheology, density, mechanical and op- d
SF = 50 (1) specific surface area of two fine cal-
tical properties, corrosion resistance, d20 cium carbonate extenders are summa-
and durability, by correctly selecting ex- rized in Table 1. Figure 2 gives the par-
tenders with the appropriate chemical 0.85µm
SF = = 1.89 (2) ticle size distribution curves of CaCO3-
composition and granulometry. The 0.45µm UF and -ID, representing fine extend-
granulometry or particle size distribu- ers with broad and narrow curves, re-
tion of an extender is characterized in A curve with the SF greater than 2 is spectively.
general by the particle size distribution described as “broad,” and those with
curve illustrated in Figure 1. The most the factor of less
important points are the “top cut” (d98), than 2 as “nar-
which gives the diameter of extender row” or “steep.”
particle so that at least 98% of the par- In other words,
ticles by weight are finer, i.e., in prin- a fine extender
ciple the coarsest particle present, and with a broad
the “median particle size” (d50), which particle size dis-
represents the size of particle so that tribution curve
50% of the particles by weight are contains a wider
coarser or finer. range of differ-
These terms are of particular impor- ent size par-
tance when considering fine extenders. ticles, e.g., from
under 0.1 to 3
Revised version of a paper presented at 1998 FSCT µm. Such an ex-
Annual Meeting Technical Program, October 14–16,
1998, New Orleans, LA. tender will be re-
*Technical Services Laboratory, Paints & Surface ferred to in the
Coatings, CH-4665 Oftringen/Switzerland.
following text as
Contact in the USA: OMYA, Inc., Alpharetta, GA
CaCO3-UF (for Figure 1—Particle size distribution.
The machine paints were made using CaCO3-UF .................. 40 µm 4.5 - 5.0
a high speed disperser (HSD). The ph- CaCO3-ID .................. 10 µm 7.0 - 7.5
thalocyanine blue pigment was made For comparison:
into a paste concentrate separately us- Titanium dioxide ......... 10µm 7.0 - 7.5
ing a three-roll mill.
The HSD was run for 10 min with a
peripheral disc speed of 18 m/s (60 ft/
s). The results are given in Table 7.
The superior dispersion properties of Table 6—Formulation (Q 161)—Blue Industrial Metal Finish
this iso-diametric extender compared to
CaCO3-UF, which contains many ultra- Formulation Pt. Wt. Lb/100 Gal (U.S.) Gal (U.S.)
fine particles that tend to form agglom-
Medium oil alkyd resin (55%) ............. 653.1 601.4 76.71
erates, are evident.
Phthalocyanine blue .......................... 14.2 13.1 0.95
In Table 8, the gloss and gloss reten- Titanium dioxide, rutile ...................... 141.2 130.0 3.90
tion after four-weeks’ drying at 23°C and CaCO3 test extender (density 2.7) ...... 57.6 53.1 2.36
50% RH are given. Haze was also as- Solvents + additives .......................... 133.9 123.4 16.10
sessed after 10-weeks’ drying time by 1000.0 921.0 100.2
using visual standards graduated from Data
0 (no haze) to 10 (very hazy). Pigment volume concentration (PVC) ............... 17.0%
The 20° gloss was measured 24 hr Density of the liquid paint .............................. 9.21 lb/gal
after application to the glass panels (start- Volume solids ............................................... 42.3%
Weight solids ............................................... 59.6%
ing values) and after four-weeks’ dry-
ing. The loss of gloss was about 14 per-
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