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A Voyage into the Visualization of Athletic Performances: A Review

Article · August 2022

DOI: 10.54536/ajmri.v1i3.479


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5 authors, including:

Stephen Fadare Ermalyn Lambaco

Mindanao State University Mindanao State University


Yasmin Boransing Mangorsi Tercio B Juvenmile

Mindanao State University Mindanao State University


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Volume 1 Issue 3, Year 2022
ISSN: 2158-8155 (Online), 2832-4854 (Print)
American Journal of Multidisciplinary DOI:
Research and Innovation (AJMRI)

A Voyage into the Visualization of Athletic Performances: A Review

Fadare A. Stephen1*, Lambaco P. Ermalyn2, Mangorsi, B. Yasmin3, Lorchano. J.D. Louise4, Tercio, B. Juvenmile5

Article Information ABSTRACT

Every athlete’s path includes visualization as a tool for improving performance and devel-
oping plans to achieve their goals. Visualization assists individuals in visualizing how they
Received: August 07, 2022 wish to perform in their chosen sporting event. Every athlete believes and understands that
Accepted: August 10, 2022 visualization is what they require to achieve their goals. In this review paper, researchers
examine both quantitative and qualitative research methods to describe the power of visu-
Published: August 11, 2022 alization; why it is important for every athlete; visualization methods used by athletes; the
effects of visualization on athletic performance; and visualization techniques in sports. A
literature review was conducted on several published peer-reviewed journal articles, but only
Keywords articles from 2015–2022 and those written in the English language were considered for in-
Athletic, Performance, Review, clusion in this study. Researchers made use of search engine like Google Scholar, Microsoft
Academic, ProQuest, PLoS One, Cochrane Library, and Microsoft Academic databases for
Visualization, Voyage, information. Several articles were related to the subject, but only a few text articles were
used for this review. In conclusion, the reviewed articles demonstrated that what coaches,
trainers, physical educators, and sports teachers need to do is provide more assistance to help
our athletes build more effectiveness in visualization to improve their sporting performance,
which will serve as a fantastic tool that they may utilize to establish the mentality needed to
attain long-term and short-term goals and teach younger athletes visualization, it’s important
to do it in a way that’s easily accessible and fun for them.

INTRODUCTION to perform at your best. It has a huge impact if an athlete

For good reason, visualization has become a term in sports visualizes before and after a competition. People from all
psychology and other areas of performance. Visualization areas of life have publicly introduced visualization. They
is being used and credited by an increasing number of were sports psychologists, coaches, and motivational
athletes across all sports to improve outcomes and speakers in 1980. (Competitive Edge, 2021).
achievement. Sports have never been more competitive Visualization in sport, according to Quinn (2021), is
than they are today, with victory margins narrowing as we a training approach that is part of the greater field of
reach the pinnacle of human speed, strength, and agility. sports psychology. It is the practice of visualizing, guided
Anything that can provide you an advantage should be meditation, and setting an intention for what you want
pursued and incorporated into your training regimen, and to happen or experience. Visualization is a person’s point
the importance of psychology cannot be overstated. of view in which they rehearse the intended outcome,
A clear mind works best for intuitive, free-spirited, and similar to reading a screenplay that contains emotion (The
experienced athletes. They have a lot of confidence and After Bar, 2022). There are two sorts of visualization:
belief in their abilities because of their many years of outcome visualization (visualizing the outcome) and
accomplishment. You develop a peaceful mentality by process visualization (using the other senses of the
thinking on something other than your sport. Talking to body to process the desired conclusion) (Moe, 2021).
others, thinking about someone or something that makes Furthermore, visualizing is a powerful strategy that
you happy, and listening to music in your brain are all anyone in a competitive context can apply. In reality, the
ways to keep your mind clear and avoid it from interfering world’s most successful athletes imagine their success
with your body’s performance. before a tournament. In contrast to quiet meditation,
It is critical to visualize your accomplishment in sports which entails letting go and not intentionally guiding
activity. Visualization will assist you in planning your your thoughts, visualization entails consciously forming
performance in the sporting event. Every athlete takes mental images (Erikson, 2019).
several measures to instill and master. To establish which Visualization, often known as visual imagery, is the
attitude will work best for you, you must first experiment. technique of creating mental representations of a desired
Second, you must make a commitment to cultivating a outcome in your mind. Mental imagery is a sort of
good mindset. Third, you must focus on building your psychological intervention that can help with depression,
intended goal during practice and competition. Finally, anxiety, and other problems (Skottnik & Linden, 2019).
Page 105

you must train and compete enough to deeply embed your These images are created by mentally rehearsing the
ideal attitude, so that when you enter the most important game in your head while using your five senses (Rollins,
competition of your life, it simply turns on and allows you 2016). Michael Phelps, the most successful Olympian in
CSPEAR, Mindanao State University (Main) Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Philippines.
Iligan City East National High School, Sta Filomena, Iligan City, Philippines.
SSCT- Malimono Campus, Cagtinae, Malimono Surigao Del Norte, Philippines.
Iligan Medical Center College, San Miguel Villa, Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines.
Corresponding author’s e-mail: [email protected]
Am. J. Multidis. Res. Innov. 1(3) 105-109, 2022

history, has employed imagery brilliantly (Predoiu et al. of visualizing. They are more likely to succeed in their
2020). Visualization can also be considered as a type of ideas before interacting (Mayberry, 2015). Athletes,
training and warm-up that helps athletes improve their entertainers, surgeons, doctors, police officers, and
performance (Cohn, 2022). politicians all believe in the power of the mind. “If my
According to Dr. Blaslatto of the University of Chicago, mind can imagine it and my heart can believe it, then I
who led the groundbreaking visualization research. He can achieve it,” said Muhammed Ali. Affirmation and
assessed players’ progress in free throw shooting in three visualization are powerful tools that celebrities such
groups. One group did not practice for 30 days, while as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey, and Jim
another spent 30 minutes per day on free throws and the Carey believe in. Immunity, stress, healing, and pain
third imagined successful free shots. The group that did management have all been proved in scientific research
not practice made no progress, the group that conducted to have positive benefits on health (Globokar, 2020). It
physical practice made 24 percent more progress, and improves several elements of life, such as athletic ability,
the group that imagined made 23 percent more progress cognitive function, self-esteem, and goal attainment
(Razmus, 2020). Furthermore, many professional athletes (Smith, 2018).
use visualization techniques as part of their preparation According to Emily Cook, a three-time Olympian, “the
and competition. Many athletes have used these tactics word visualization, for me, does not take in all the senses.”
to build a competitive edge as a multi-sensory experience You must smell it. You must hear it. Everything has to be
(Quinn, 2021). Indeed, professional or elite athletes have felt. “ She excels at freestyle skiing and values visualization,
mastered and applied visualization or imagery in every even taking it to the highest level (Restoic, 2020). Michael
game (Cohn, 2022). Phelps’ final in the 200m butterfly Phelps, the most decorated athlete in history and an
at the 2008 summer Olympic Games, according to American swimmer, is also proof that visualizing works.
Predoiu et al. (2020), was arguably the strongest example He couldn’t concentrate at that age. Then, his coach, Bob
of the power of mental imagery. Visualization can help Bowman, introduced Michael to visualization and advised
athletes enhance their motor skills, self-confidence, him to imagine his best performance in his head. Michael
attention, concentration, and anxiety, as well as their pain Phelps visualizes finishing a triumphant race every night,
management, physical motivation, and performance. It and it is quite effective in reality (Athlete Authority, 2022).
also makes athletes calmer and more adaptable to tough In any situation, visualization reigns supreme. It will
situations. However, the process entails far more than condition your brain and assist you in responding. It
simply visualization (Quinn, 2021). will psychologically prepare you for a specific situation
With this scenario, the researchers aimed to reveal how (Rollins, 2022). According to Dr. Michael Gavais, a sports
every sports enthusiast can support the effective of psychologist, the goal of visualization is not to anticipate
visualization when used as method to enhance sporting the future, but rather to prepare for unexpected actions
performance. from the opponent ahead of time (Feloni, 2020).
As a result, visualization increases the likelihood of
Power of Visualization success. The late great was recognized by his persistent
The brain is an asset in both sports and life. Individuals work ethic, as proven by Kobe Bryant. He was well-
with a performance mindset have developed methods known for being drenched in sweat before 5 a.m. every
to harness this drive to propel them forward. Mental day and for having drilled so thoroughly that he held
imagery and visualization skills have been researched and himself to shooting 800 shots before tipoff every night.
proved to be valuable advantages for athletes preparing Many people are unaware that Kobe worked outside of
for competitions in sports as diverse as boxing, basketball, the gym, the court, or the editing room. Some of his most
and volleyball (Weiland, 2016). In fact, guided imagery important work was done alone in a quiet room with his
can be used to help people visualize themselves in a eyes closed, picturing the game to be played, a tendency
safe or relaxing situation, with the goal of reconnecting shared by Michael Jordan. Even before he was given the
with this experience later when it will be useful. It could honor, Jordan remarked that he had always imagined
also be seen as a strategy to deflect attention away from himself taking the game’s final shot. He saw himself in
bad emotions (Ekeocha, 2015). According to Mallette the biggest moments, making the biggest shots, and he
(2020), the traditional way of practice is that repetition was ready when the time came (Felber, 2020).
of one thing leads to skill development. However, just as The reasoning behind this is that there is strength when
our bodies are complex, so are our minds. Visualization an athlete can envision the right sport’s competitive as
occurs when the mind imagines something, and the body well as the flow and end of the game while picturing.
responds. Visualization has been used by successful Athletes’ defenses and strategies are already in their heads.
people. A good visualization does more than just give a visual
Indeed, visualization has tremendous potential in creating interpretation of data; it also improves comprehension,
an environment conducive to athletes achieving their life communication, and decision-making (Stewart, 2019).
Page 106

goals (Canfield, 2022). The mind is quite powerful. When

used effectively, visualizations may be a powerful tool for Importance, Benefits, and techniques of Visualization
success. Successful people are aware of the importance for every athlete
Am. J. Multidis. Res. Innov. 1(3) 105-109, 2022

The importance and benefits of visualization have levels were more likely to employ mental visualization
been proved to aid in increasing wellbeing and overall techniques in their sport, meaning that less experienced
functioning, but it may also be used to non-health athletes may not benefit as much as their more
situations. It simply allows athletes and coaches to experienced counterparts. It is normal for an athlete or
visualize themselves achieving any difficult activity that player to have negative thoughts, anxiety, and even panic
may appear insurmountable or life-threatening. It has before or during a game. A coach, on the other hand,
been shown, for example, to be particularly beneficial in should always prioritize mental preparation for his or her
enhancing athletic abilities. athletes. Before a game, visualization plays a crucial role
Visualization techniques are vital for all athletes and their in a team. A coach cannot ask a player to use or exercise
coaches because they can help enhance motor abilities, visualization immediately and must adequately explain its
muscle strength, self-confidence, attention span, anxiety, value to the athlete. If the athlete is ready, the coach can
and stress. Athletes can improve their pain management, determine whether or not to incorporate it into the game
endurance, performance motivation, and physical (Peterson, 2017).
performance by using imagery (Predoiu et al., 2020). Collins (2017) demonstrated that certain scenarios are
According to Predoiu (2016) highlighted some benefits frequently outside the athletes’ control, and the stress
and techniques of visualization that can be useful among they generate can be worsened by something more sport-
athletes: specific, such as being a pinch hitter with the bases loaded
i. The focus of attention increases, athletes being in the ninth inning. So, how do athletes maintain their
required to reach their full potential, calm and confidence in these uncertain situations? Some
ii. Athletes learn to be more positive (mental practice professional athletes may argue that they control what
is characterized by positive and Positive thoughts are they can and let the rest happen spontaneously; others, on
eliminated because of successful representations, the other hand, prepare for them through mental training,
iii. Athletes better understand the importance of goal particularly imagery. Every day, these athletes will see and
setting, construct events in their minds’ eyes, preparing them
iv. Self-control ability is improved, tension and fear are for every eventuality. However, learning to control your
reduced, while self-confidence grows (Xiong, 2012), own thoughts is a talent in and of itself. Visualization
v. The athlete prepares the optimal programme of is a method for dealing with bad emotions (Peterson,
technical and tactical execution (Mental practice helps to 2017). When an athlete visualizes a situation, he or she
improve temporal and spatial organization) motor action does so in two ways. Visualization of unexpected results
characteristics, and mental practice of a flawless workout (Predoiu
vi. The athlete’s thinking becomes more disciplined, et al. 2020). Athletes often visualize how their team
organized, and planned, raising awareness of the motor prepares for competition, and visualization can assist
skills performed, an athlete remember a game and the overall sensation
vii. The time needed to acquire different technical and of a successful outcome (Peterson, 2017). Having the
tactical elements is reduced, and the level of preparedness opportunity to recreate a game will allow athletes to
for stressful situations (a characteristic of competitive develop themselves (Tilkes, 2020). Dr. Gevais stressed
activity) is increased. that practicing visualization ahead of time is more helpful
Sowinski (2018) also mentions the usage of mental than practicing on the same day, which is unsuccessful
imagery as a visualization tool. This approach is usually (Feloni, 2017). We cannot dispute the link between
utilized by soccer players to memorize the game while the body and the mind. When you understand how to
watching or studying it. This is a strategy for making your improve your thinking, you have complete power over
desired future a reality (Moe, 2021). your performance (Mallette, 2020). As a result, visualizing
Furthermore, there are other methods for visualizing; an event ahead of time can help you perform better
you must be explicit with your goal, use all five senses, mentally and physically (Cumming, 2016).
do it in real-time with no skipping or fast-forwarding,
and practice often to make it a habit (Restoic, 2020). A Methods of visualizations used by Athletes
visualization approach can assist the athlete in controlling Athletes, on the other hand, have employed a variety of
their fury. They may see themselves maintaining calm strategies to picture their games and prepare their brains
while an opponent attempts to start a fight (dot FIT, 2022). for impending competitions. To achieve the best results,
Meanwhile, guided visualization is a stress-reduction visualization approaches should encompass the five major
approach. It’s a soothing approach that involves picturing senses (touch, hearing, sight, smell, and taste) as well as
pleasant, quiet places, such as a beautiful beach or a critical features such as viewpoint, mood, surrounds, task,
peaceful meadow. This technique is sometimes referred and timing. Mental rehearsal (or visualization) is effective
to as guided meditation or visualization (Nunez, 2020). because the subconscious processes the experience
Most people begin by relaxing in a comfortable and calm as if it were real (by firing the neurons responsible for
Page 107

environment, such as a comfortable chair, bed, or even a skill acquisition), making the person calmer and more
hot tub (Ekeocha, 2015). adaptable to stressful situations, and it can speed up
According to Parnabas et al. (2015), athletes at higher the learning process in athletes and others. One hour
Am. J. Multidis. Res. Innov. 1(3) 105-109, 2022

of mental training per day in 6-10 sequences provides a control overachieving achievement. Visualization has
distinct advantage that cannot be obtained by any other shown to be a useful tool for general technique practice.
way. According to Predoiu et al. (2020), athletes employ In conclusion, the reviewed articles demonstrated that
guided imagery techniques and practice to create mental what coaches, trainers, physical educators, and sports
maps that help them perform effectively. Visualization teachers need to do is provide more assistance to help
techniques that work for athletes can benefit all athletes, our athletes build more effectiveness in visualization to
regardless of their goals or performance level. improve their sporting performance, which will serve as a
Here are five (5) tried-and-true strategies for visualizing fantastic tool that they can use to establish the mentality
like a pro: tips to guide you along your visualization route. required to achieve long-term and short-term goals and
1. Obtain Clear on Your Objectives: You must be clear teach younger athletes visualization, it’s important to do it
about what you want to accomplish. It could be a specific in a way that’s age appropriate. Finally, future researchers
technique you’re working on or a specific incident you can investigate into more aspects of how visualization
want to nail down. When you are specific and detailed, can be detrimental to athletes, if such a thing exists.
visualization works best. It should be as realistic as
feasible. Author Contributions
2. Utilize More Than Just Images: All your senses must This work was carried out in collaboration among
be engaged. Visualization encompasses more than just all authors. All authors read and approved the final
images. The experience must be visible, felt, smelled, manuscript.
heard, touched, and even tasted. If necessary, use physical Ethical Approval: No ethical approval is required.
actions to make it feel more real. Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of
3. Execute It in Real-Time: Do not attempt to hasten the interest.
procedure. A 200-meter race should take more than 20
seconds to complete. Similarly, if you’re ticking down the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
seconds until the game-winning jump shot, the visuals We appreciate the authors whose works were cited in
should be in sync. The visualization should last if the this study. To Dr. Hendely A. Adlawan, the Dean of
actual race or event. Don’t scrimp on quality. If you want College of SPEAR, MSU Marawi for serve as our internal
to harness the power of imagination, talk to a mental peer reviewer. We were also grateful for the insightful
game coach about incorporating this important ability comments offered by the anonymous peer reviewers at
into your training. AJMRI.
4. Practice, practice, and more practice: Visualization is a
skill that takes time to develop. Do it every day, make it a REFERENCES
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