Chemical Engineering Catalouge - Aug12th - Final Revision

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Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering

Updated syllabus for undergrad program of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering

Omar Mustafa Al-Kubaisi

[email protected]
1 About the Department
1.1 Preface
The Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering is one of the important departments in the College of
Engineering - University of Anbar, despite its recent opening in 2012. Its importance comes due to its close connection
with the development of industry in various fields, especially in the oil and gas industry, petrochemicals,
pharmaceutical, food, plastics, ceramics, fertilizers and detergents. Paints, batteries, environmental decontamination
processes, water treatment…etc. The Department of Chemical Engineering is also a basis for study in other
engineering disciplines, such as nuclear engineering, energy engineering, environmental engineering, genetic
engineering, medical engineering, and biochemistry.

1.2 Vision
The Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering believes that the importance of studying in
it stems from providing a quality of engineering education that contributes to its outputs year after year
by qualifying students scientifically and technically to serve the development process in the sectors
related to the Department of Chemical Engineering, which leads to contributing to the country’s progress
by graduating qualified chemical engineers and through Carrying out applied scientific research that helps
to recognize the program at the local, regional and international levels as a competitive teaching program.

1.3 Objectives:
The Department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering aspires to prepare specialized engineering
staff to advance the scientific and industrial movement in all its institutions, equipment and curricula,
according to the latest approved international curricula and make it able to meet and cover all the
country’s needs in these areas and achieve harmony and integration between the goals of the scientific
movement, and the general plans of Iraq in the fields And industrial activities in the light of the
reconstruction and development projects that Iraq is currently witnessing, and according to the successive
discoveries and the rapid progress of science and technology, and the preparation of a generation strong
in its structure, personality and morals, proud of its loyalty to its homeland and armed with the scientific,
technical and technological achievements of the era and knows how to use and develop them in order to
build a better future for Iraq.

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1.4 Outcomes of the Department

Students of the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering program will attain (by the time of graduation):

i) An ability to distinguish, identify, define, formulate, and solve engineering problems by applying
principles of engineering, science and mathematics.

ii) An ability to produce engineering designs that meet desired needs within certain constraints by
applying both analysis and synthesis in the design process.

iii) An ability to create and carry out proper measurement and tests with quality assurance, analyze and
interpret results, and utilize engineering judgment to make inferences.

iv) An ability to skillfully communicate orally with a gathering of people and in writing with various
managerial levels.

v) An ability to perceive ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering cases and make brilliant
judgments taking into account the consequences in worldwide financial, ecological and societal

vi) An ability to perceive the continual necessity for professional knowledge growth and how to find,
assess, assemble and apply it properly.
vii) An ability to work adequately on teams and to set up objectives, plan activities, meet due dates, and
manage risk and uncertainty.

1.5 Course Coding:

The course coding is follow the rule as shown in the table below (CHE 0000):

0 0 0 0

Requirement Category
1: 1st level
1: University requirement
2: 2nd level Number of subjects
2: College Requirement
3: 3rd level
3: Department Requirement
4: 4th level

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1.6 Credits and hours distribution

Subject Category Credits Hours

University requirement 14 14
College requirement 38 54
Department Requirement 94 120
Total Credits and Hours 146 188

1.7 Courses distribution

The set of the courses below are the curriculum of chemical and petrochemical engineering department
for different courses and their description for four years of study.

1.7.1 First level Semester 1

No. Code Course Title Credits Hours/Week

Theo. Prac. Tut. Prerequisite
1 CHE 1101 Human rights 2 2 0 0 None
2 CHE 1102 English language I 2 2 0 0 None
3 CHE 1201 Computer Science 2 1 2 0 None
4 CHE 1202 Physics 3 2 2 1 None
5 CHE 1203 Calculus I 3 3 0 1 None
6 CHE 1204 General Chemistry 3 2 2 1 None
7 CHE 1301 Principles of chemical Engineering I 3 2 0 1 None
14 6 4
Total 18
24 Semester 2

No. Code Course Title Credits Hours/Week

Theo. Prac. Tut. Prerequisite
1 CHE 1103 Arabic language 2 2 0 0 None
2 CHE 1205 Calculus II 3 3 0 0 None
3 CHE 1206 Eng. Drawing 3 2 2 0 None
4 CHE 1207 Engineering Mechanics (Static) 3 3 0 0 None
5 CHE 1208 Fundamentals of electric circuit 2 1 2 0 None
6 CHE 1302 Practical Physics 3 3 0 1 None
7 CHE 1303 Principles of Chemical Engineering II 3 2 0 2 None
Total 17 16 4 3

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1.7.2 Second level
Semester 1

No. Code Course Title Credits Hours/Week

Theo. Prac. Tut. Prerequisite
1 CHE 2104 Democracy 1 1 0 0 None
2 CHE 2209 Calculus III 3 3 0 1 None
3 CHE 2304 Organic chemistry 3 2 2 0 None
4 CHE 2305 Fluid Mechanics (I) 3 2 0 2 None
5 CHE 2306 Physical Chemistry 3 2 2 0 None
6 CHE 2307 Technology of Chemical Industry 2 2 0 0 None
7 CHE 2308 Mass Transfer I 3 2 0 2 None
14 4 5
Total 18
23 Semester 2

No. Code Course Title Credits
Theo. Prac. Tut. Prerequisite
1 CHE 1105 English Language II 3 2 2 0 None
2 CHE 1210 Calculus IV 3 3 0 0 None
3 CHE 1309 Engineering Materials 3 2 2 0 None
4 CHE 1310 Petrochemical Industry 2 2 0 0 None
5 CHE 1311 Fluid Mechanics II 3 2 2 0 None
6 CHE 1312 Mass Transfer II 3 3 0 1 None
7 CHE 1313 Thermodynamics I 3 2 2 0 None
16 8 1
Total 20

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1.7.3 Third level Semester 1

No. Code Course Title Credits Hours/Week

Theo. Prac. Tut. Prerequisite
1 CHE 3106 English Language III 3 2 2 0
2 CHE 3211 Engineering Statistic 3 3 0 0 None
3 CHE 3314 Heat transfer I 3 2 2 1 None
4 CHE 3315 Unit operation I 3 3 0 1
5 CHE 3316 Char. Petroleum and Natural Gas 3 2 2 0 None
6 CHE 3317 Thermodynamic II 3 2 2 0 None
7 CHE 3318 Reactor Design I 3 3 0 1
Total 21 17 4 3
24 Semester 2

No. Code Course Title Credits Hours/Week

Theo. Prac. Tut. Prerequisite
1 CHE 3212 Engineering Numerical Method 3 2 2 0
2 CHE 3319 Heat Transfer II 3 2 2 1 None
3 CHE 3320 Technology of Natural Gas 2 2 0 0 None
4 CHE 3321 Water Treatment 2 2 0 0 None
5 CHE 3322 Composite Materials 2 2 0 0 None
6 CHE 3323 Unit Operation II 3 3 0 1 None
7 CHE 3324 Reactor Design II 3 3 0 1 None
Total 19 16 4 3

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1.7.4 Forth level Semester 1

No. Code Course Title Credits Hours/Week

Theo. Prac. Tut. Prerequisite
1 CHE 4107 English Language IV 3 2 2 0 None
2 CHE 4325 Petroleum Refining Engineering I 3 3 0 1 None
3 CHE 4326 Industrial Equipment Design 3 2 2 0 None
4 CHE 4327 Environmental Engineering 2 2 0 0 None
5 CHE 4328 Process Control 3 3 0 0 None
6 CHE 4329 Transport Phenomena 3 3 0 1 None
7 CHE 4330 Project Design I 3 1 4 0 None
Total 19 15 8 2
25 Semester 2

No. Code Course Title Credits Hours/Week

Theo. Prac. Tut. Prerequisite
1 CHE 4108 Management and leadership skills 2 2 0 0 None
2 CHE 4331 Petroleum Refining Engineering II 3 3 0 1 None
3 CHE 4332 Industrial Safety 2 2 0 0 None
4 CHE 4333 Corrosion Engineering 2 2 0 0 None
5 CHE 4334 Technology of Catalyst 2 2 0 0 None
6 CHE 4335 Modeling and Simulation 3 2 3 0 None
7 CHE 4336 Project Design II 3 1 4 0 None
Total 16 13 7 1

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2 Course Definition and Description:
2.1 Level 1st
2.1.1 1st semester CHE1101 -Human Rights

CHE1101 Human Rights

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course is designed to give the student the definition of freedom and the right language and idiomatically and
legitimacy of the user, Origin of the right in the eyes of Islamic law, Elements of the right and types of, Personal
freedom, Intellectual freedom, Rights and economic freedoms, Islam and Slavery, Human rights objectives, The
use of freedom and the right general project, The right of a Muslim to his Muslim brother, Parental rights, Right
neighbor, The right of women, Human rights in the heavenly religions, Religious tolerance in Islam.
Recommended Textbook(s):
By Topics
Course Topics:
• The definition of freedom and the right
• Origin of the right in the eyes of Islamic law
• Elements and Types of the Human right
• Rights and economic freedoms
• Islam and Slavery
• Human rights objectives
• The use of freedom and the right general project
• The right of a Muslim
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
• Explain the concept of “human rights”
• Able to recognize the human rights in Islam
• Define and describe the relationship between human rights and democrac

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CHE 1102 English language I
This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course is designed to enable academic writing course which provides an opportunity for the students to learn
and practice the skills needed for handling topics related to the field of study. The course emphasizes the
development of academic writing skills as well as the ability to read and think critically. Students will learn to use
the library and appropriate online resources to find and evaluate sources to inform, develop and support their ideas
in term paper writing. They will also learn skills for reading analysis, such as comprehension and inference
Recommended Textbook(s):
• Ewer J.R. & Latore G. “A Course in Basic Scientific English”, Longman Group United
Kingdom (1984).
Course Topics:
• Am/ are/ is, my/ your • This is ....• How are you? • Good morning!
• What's this in English? • Numbers 1-10• Plurals

• Countries • He/ she/ they, his/ her • Where's he from? • Fantastic/ awful/ beautiful
• Numbers 11-30 • Jobs • Am/are/is • Negatives and questions • Personal information
• Social expressions-1

• Our/ their • Possessive's • The family • Has/ have

• The alphabet • Sports/ food/ drinks • Present simple- I/ you/we/they
• a/ an • languages and nationalities • Numbers and prices
The time • Present simple- he/ she • Always/ sometimes/ never • Words that go together • Days of the week

• Question words • Me/ him/ us/ them • This/ that • adjectives

• Can I ....? • Rooms and furniture • There is/ are • Prepositions • Directions
• Saying years • As/ were born • Past simple- irregular verbs • Have/ do/ go
• When's your birthday? • Past simple- regular and • Questions and negatives Irregular
• Sport and leisure • Going sightseeing
• Can/ can't . Adverbs • Adjective+ noun • Everyday problems
• I'd like- some/ any • In a restaurant
• Signs all around

Course Outcomes:
Students can:
• Develop academic writing proficiency and critical thinking skills
• Students are able to conduct effective searches of printed and electronic resources
• Students can use external sources to support ideas in an academic writing in electrical
• Students can identify and explain the academic integrity (how to avoid plagiarism)
• Students are familiar with the citation methods like the APA style
• Students can participate in a classroom community that involves constructive exchange
of ideas

Page 8 of 52 CHE 1201-Computer Science

CHE 1201 Computer Science

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course presents an overview of fundamental computer science topics and an introduction to
computer programming. Overview topics include an introduction to computer science and its history,
computer hardware, operating systems, digitization of data, computer networks, office and application.
Recommended Textbook(s):
By Topics
Course Topics:
General Definitions. System, Computer System, Program, Hardware, Software, …etc. - Hardware
Components. CPU, Main Memory, I/O, System Bus. CPU Structure (ALU, Registers, Control Unit, CPU
Interconnection). Basic Computer Functions (Data Processing,) - Memory System Input/ output. Input
Devices. Output Devices (Display Screens, Printers, Speakers). Mass Storage or External Storage -
Representation of Information on Computer. Numeric Data. Number System (Decimal, Binary, Octal,
Hexadecimal). Computer safety and licenses. Operating systems. Microsoft word, Microsoft PowerPoint,
introduction to excel sheet: creation and manipulation. Advanced Microsoft word. Basic applications of
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
• Analyze, design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program
to meet desired needs.
• Identify problems and formulate solutions for systems.
• Communicate effectively with a range of audience.
• Work effectively as part of a team to develop and deliver quality software artifacts.
• Design solutions using approaches that integrate ethical, social, legal, and economic responsibilities.

Page 9 of 52 CHE 1202-Physics

CHE 1202 Physics

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course uses calculus-based mathematical models to introduce the fundamental concepts that describe the
physical world. Topics include units and measurement, vector operations, linear kinematics and dynamics, energy,
power, momentum, rotational mechanics, periodic motion, fluid mechanics, and heat. Upon completion, students
should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles involved and display analytical problem-solving
ability for the topics covered. Laboratory experiments, some of which are computer-based, and computerbased
tutorials enhance and consolidate the basic principles discussed in the theoretical section of the course.
Recommended Textbook(s):
R.D. Knight, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd ed., Pearson 2008 Laboratory
Manual, Compiled by Instructor
Course Topics:
Basic international units of physics; Vectors; Motion; Laws of motion; Circular motion. Work and energy; Linear
momentum; Rotation of rigid bodies; Angular momentum; Static equilibrium; Oscillatory motion; Universal
gravitation; Mechanics of solids and fluids; Temperature; thermal expansion, and ideal gases. Heat and the first law
of thermodynamics; Kinetic theory of gases; Heat engines and entropy.
Lab. Section:
• Orientation. Introduction to Error Analysis/ Part (I). Introduction to Error Analysis/ Part (II)
• Experiment 0: Measurements and Data Analysis
• Experiment 1: Analyzing the kinematic components of 1Dmotion by using motion sensor
• Experiment 2: Determination of the Acceleration of Gravity by studying Free fall
• Experiment 3: Verification of Newton’s Second Law
• Experiment 4: Conservation of mechanical energy
• Experiment 5: Verification of Work – energy theorem
• Experiment 6: Static Equilibrium of a rigid object
• Experiment 7: Determination of the Acceleration of Gravity using the Simple Pendulum
• Experiment 8: Verification of Hook’s Law
• Experiment 9: Determination of the speed of Sound in Air using a resonance tube
• Experiment 10: Determination of the Coefficient of Viscosity
• Experiment 11: Determination of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat
• Experiment 12: Determination of Specific Heat Capacity of a solid
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
• Describe the SI unit system and convert units.
• Describe the translational motion of a single particle in terms of position and inertial frames, inertia, velocity,
acceleration, linear momentum and force.
• Describe the rotational motion of a rigid body using the concepts of rotation angle, angular velocity, angular
acceleration, angular momentum, moment of inertia, and torque.
• State the Newton’s three laws of motion and apply them to solve problems on one and two-dimensional
translational motion.
• Represent graphically the problem of motion of a physical system using the free-body diagram technique.
• Identify the forces acting on ordinary mechanical systems to be gravity and electromagnetism (Drag force,
frictional force, normal force, etc.).
• State the fundamental laws of kinematics and dynamics of rotational motion of a rigid body and use them to solve
problems on simple rotational motion.
• Analyze the translational and rotational motion using a scalar approach based on the concepts of work,
conservative and non-conservative forces, potential energy and conservation of mechanical energy.

Page 10 of 52 CHE 1203-Calculus I

CHE 1203 Calculus I

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Students are expected to use their mathematical knowledge and practices to solve problems. This course strengthens
students’ understanding of functions in preparation for the process of differentiation and integration. The course
provides a comprehensive, thorough, and up to date treatment of engineering mathematics. It is intended to
introduce students of engineering, physics, mathematics, computer science, and Related fields to those areas of the
applied mathematics that are most relevant for solving practical problems.
Recommended Textbook(s):
• Stewart, J., Clegg, D. K., & Watson, S. (2020). Calculus: early transcendental. Cengage Learning.
• Thomas, G. 8., Haas, J., Heil, C., & Weir, M. (2018). Thomas' Calculus. Pearson Education Limited.
• Stroud, K. A., & Booth, D. J. (2020). Engineering mathematics. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Course Topics:
Tangent line and slope problems; drawing functions; continuity and limit of functions; Limits at infinity, horizontal
asymptote. infinite limits, vertical asymptotes and drawing of functions; Derivative of functions and rates of change.
Differentiation of polynomials; product of quotient rules; Derivatives of exponential, logarithmic, and
trigonometric functions; Chain rule and implicit differentiations; Applications of differentiation maximum and
minimum values; the mean value theorem; derivative of hyperbolic functions and indeterminate form and hospital’s
rule; Optimiztion problems and anti derivative of functions.
Lab. Section:
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
• To develop mathematical skill so that students are able to sketch the graph of various functions and
evaluate Limits by using different techniques including L’Hospital’s rule.
• Apply mathematical methods and principals in solving various derivative problems from Engineering
fields, involving applications of derivatives.
• Demonstrate algebraic facility with algebraic topics including exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric
• Compute derivative and anti derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, in trigonometric, exponential,
logarithmic, and apply them to solve problems in a range of engineering applications.

Page 11 of 52 CHE 1204-General Chemistry

CHE 1204 General Chemistry

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course is a comprehensive survey of chemistry for the general student that emphasizes the principles
underlying the formation and interaction of chemical substances: stoichiometry, states of matter, thermochemistry,
atomic and molecular structure, intermolecular forces, solutions, thermodynamics, kinetics, chemical equilibrium,
acids and bases, electrochemistry, and environmental chemistry.
Recommended Textbook(s):
By Topics
Course Topics:
Measurements Handling Numbers. Dimensional Analysis in Solving Problems Recognize chemical safety and
hazardous materials icons. And apply laboratory safety rules; Atomic Number. Mass Number. and isotopes. The
Periodic Table. Molecules and Ions. Describe laboratory instruments and some basic techniques used in the
chemistry laboratory, including balances and standard volumetric equipment. Chemical Formulas. Naming
Compounds. Atomic Mass. Avogadro's number and Molar Mass of an Element. Describe and use UV/VIS
spectrophotometric methods of analysis; Molecular Mass. The Mass Spectrometer. Percent Composition of
Compounds. Experimental Determination of Empirical Formulas. Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations.
Describe how to Prepare accurate laboratory reports of their experimental results; Amounts of Reactants and
Products; Limiting Reagent Calculations; Reaction Yield; General Properties of Aqueous Solutions. Precipitation
Reactions. Acid-Base Reactions; Oxidation-Reduction Reactions; Concentration of Solutions. Acid-Base
Titrations, Cases Pressure. The ideal Gas Equation; Gas Stoichiometry; Partial Pressures; The Nature of Energy
and types of energy; Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions; introduction to Thermodynamics. Enthalpy of
Chemical Reactions; Calorimetry; Standard Enthalpy of Formation and Reaction; From Classical Physics to
Quantum Theory; Bohr's Theory of the Hydrogen Atom; Quantum Numbers; Atomic Orbitals; Electron
Configuration; Development of the Periodic Table; Periodic Classification of the Elements; Periodic variation in
Physical Properties; Ionization Energy; Electron Affinity Lewis Dot Symbols; The ionic Bond; The Covalent Bond;
Electro negativity; Writing Lewis structure; Formal Charge and Lewis Structures. The Concept of Resonance.
Exceptions to the Octet Rule Bond Energy; Molecular Geometry; Dipole Moment; Spectrophotometric Analysis of
tetracycline; Valence Bond Theory. Hybridization of Atomic Orbital's. Hybridization in Molecules Containing
Double and Triple Bonds. Delocalized Molecular Orbital's.
Lab. Section:
1- Safety; Lab Check-in; Mass and Volume Measurements.
2- Qualitative Analysis of Anions: Part I
3- Qualitative Analysis of Anions: Part II
4- The Empirical Formula of a Metal Oxide
5- Volumetric Analysis: Standardization of Sodium Hydroxide and Determination of Molar Mass of an Acid
6- Applications of Volumetric Analysis: Determination of Active Ingredients of Commercial Bleach and
7- Evaluation of the Universal Gas Constant R
8- Heat of Formation of Magnesium Oxide
9- UV/VIS Spectroscopy and Spectrophotometry
10- Spectrophotometric Analysis of Aspirin
11- Synthesis of Alum and Crystal Growth
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
• Define the structure of atoms in terms of the nucleus with protons, neutrons, & electrons.
• Write and balance chemical equations, name inorganic compounds and ions and describe the properties of the
main group elements.

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• Carry out chemical calculations, including mass relations in chemical reactions, limiting reagent & reaction yield
calculations, and calculations of reactions taking place in solution.
• Understand the concept of oxidation-reduction, calculate oxidation numbers, and balance redox reactions. • Apply
the ideal gas law in solving problems involving the gas phase.
• Solve problems in chemical thermodynamics and calorimetry.
• Predict the electronic structure of atoms and ions from quantum theory, and9) relate the position of an element in
the periodic table to its electronic structure and to the physical and chemical properties of the elements.
• Describe the principles of chemical bonding and write Lewis structures
• Predict the geometry of the electron pairs and the shape of molecules using VSEPR theory, predict bond polarity
and molecular dipoles
• Describe the valence bond theory, predict the hybridization of atoms in molecules, and describe bonding in
molecules with single, double and triple bonds in terms of and π bonds, and delocalized molecular orbitals CHE 1301-Principles of chemical Engineering I

CHE 1301 Principles of chemical Engineering I

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course will introduce you to a number of principles and concepts that are fundamental to chemical engineering.
The fundamentals of engineering calculations (units and dimensions), behavior of fluids, mass balances, processes
and process variables. The course gives real-life examples of process industries to provide you with the context
engineering in practice. We equip students with creative engineering problem solving techniques and fundamental
chemical engineering material balance skills. Lectures, experiments problem, and recitation sessions are designed
to provide coordinated training and experience in data analysis, material property estimation for single- and multi-
phase systems, basic process flowsheet, reactive and non-reactive mass balances, problem solving strategies and
tools, and team dynamics.

Recommended Textbook(s):
Felder R. M. and Rousseau, R. W. “Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes” John Wiley & Sons.
Course Topics:
Introduction, dimensions, units, and their conversion. Moles, density and concentrations, Choosing A basis.
Temperature and pressure basic relationships and their units and their conversion. Introduction to the material
balance in chemical engineering instruments. A general strategy for solving material balance problems. Solving
material problems for single unit without chemical reaction. The chemical reaction equation and stoichiometry.

Course Outcomes:
Students can:
1. To introduce the student to the principles and calculations techniques used in chemical engineering.
2. To explain to the student what material balance is, and how formulate and solve them.
3. To assist the student in learning efficient and consistent methods of problem solving so that he/she can
effectively solve problems that she/he faces after leaving school.
4. To offer practice in defining problems, collecting data, analyzing the data and breaking it down into basic
patterns, and selecting pertinent information for application.
5. To review certain principles of applied physical chemistry.

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2.1.2 2nd semester CHE 1103-Arabic language

CHE 1103 Arabic language

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course aims at building students’ familiarity with and competence in Arabic literature in its various genres
to increase their ability to appreciate literature and to develop their awareness of its concepts through the study of
poetry, novel and the short story.
Recommended Textbook(s):
By Topics
Course Topics:
Study the text of the Quran and analyze its language, spelling, and rules. the rules of writing the hamza, Written
verbatim by Arab and Za -Rules of number and numerical adjective, punctuation, the method of detection for words
in Arabic Dictionaries, In the applications of grammar and language- the actor and his deputy, Debutante and the
news Acts missing, Equated with the letters already By products, The case and exception, Ancient literary studies,
Definition of literature and its importance, Ages historical Arabic literature – Modern Literary Studies, Study the
texts of poetic eras (pre-Islamic, Islamic, Umayyad, Abbasid, Andalusia), Study of ancient prose texts (speeches,
messages), examine the texts of modern poetry and contemporary, examine the texts of modern prose (drama, novel,
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
• Develop academic essay writing proficiency
• Apply reading skills
• Expand academic vocabulary through reading
• Improve critical thinking skills CHE 1205-Calculus II

CHE 1205 Calculus II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course provides a comprehensive guide and up-to-date treatment of engineering mathematics with an in-
depth overview of the many mathematical methods. It is intended to introduce students of engineering, physics,
mathematics, computer science, and related fields areas of applied mathematics that are most relevant for solving
practical problems.
Recommended Textbook(s):
• Stewart, J., Clegg, D. K., & Watson, S. (2020). Calculus: early transcendental. Cengage Learning.
• Thomas, G. 8., Haas, J., Heil, C., & Weir, M. (2018). Thomas' Calculus. Pearson Education Limited.
• Stroud, K. A., & Booth, D. J. (2020). Engineering mathematics. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Calculus I
Course Topics:
Principles of Integration; Integral Methods; Integration techniques- integration by parts; integration techniques;
trigonometric integrals; partial fractions. Integral Application: infinite integral areas; Arc length; Surface Area.
Volumes (Disk, Washer, Shell); Polar Coordinates: Tangent with polar coordinates, curves defined parametric
equations; Sequence and series.

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Course Outcomes:
Students can:
1- Evaluate of definite, indefinite and improper integrals by using different integration techniques
2- To determine arc length, surface area and volume by using the applications of integration techniques'
3- Define polar coordinate graphs and solve related problems including area, arc length and volume
4- Identify the properties of sequences and their limits with identifying standard convergent operations of
power series' CHE 1206-Eng. Drawing

CHE 1206 Eng. Drawing

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
The fundamentals of engineering drawing including orthographic projection, dimensioning, sectioning, exploded
and auxiliary views, assembly drawings, and SolidWorks. Homework drawings are of parts fabricated by the
student in the lab.
Recommended Textbook(s):
Interpreting Engineering Drawings, Jensen, C.H. and Helsel, G.D., 7th ed., Thomson Delmar Learning, 2007
Course Topics:
Introduction: graphic language, standards, instruments, letters…etc; Basics for interpreting drawings, line types,
types of drawings and sketches; Orthographic views. Deducing front, top, and side views from a pictorial;
Dimensioning Sectional views: full and half sections; Drawing a missed view from given two;Pictorial sketching:
isometric and oblique
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
1. Recognize the value of engineering graphics as a language of communication.
2. Infer the nature of engineering graphics, the relationships between 2D and 3D environments.
3. Comprehend and deduce orthographic projections of an object.
4. Visualize wide variety of objects and drawing the missing views.
5. Comprehend and deduce section views CHE 1207 -Engineering Mechanics (Static)

CHE 1207 Engineering Mechanics (Static)

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts of engineering mechanics. We will start
by reviewing the general method of mechanics and principles of analysis. Then, we will define the basic quantities
(force and moment) and relations, which are necessary for describing and analyzing, in a systematic mathematical
way, the equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies. Along the way, students will also learn how to treat distributed
loads and how to find the centroid/center of gravity and moments of inertia of bodies and areas. Eventually, we will
put a strong emphasis on applying the concepts to solving the equilibrium of simple structures (trusses, frames and
machines) and analyzing internal forces in beams, when they are acted on by external loads.
Recommended Textbook(s):
R.C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics: Statics, Prentice Hall, 12th ed.2010.
Course Topics:
1- Resultant and equivalence of 2D force system,

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2- Definition of moments and couples, Couples in 2D and 3D systems, Force systems with couples.
3- Resultant and equivalence of 3D force system, Systems with couples Analytical solutions.
4- Concept of free body diagram (FBD), Equilibrium of rigid bodies, Equations of equilibrium in 2D and
3D space.
5- Distributed forces and centre of gravity, Determination of Centroids
6- Coefficients of friction, friction law, solving systems with friction.
7- Definition and types of internal forces, getting internal force diagrams in beams and shafts.
8- Truss structures, various methods of structural analysis, method of sections and method of joints.
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
• Draw free-body diagrams
• Formulate and solve the equations of equilibrium
• Analyze internal forces for simple structures
• Construct shear force and bending moment diagrams for beams
• Determine the centroid, center of gravity, and moment of inertia
• Determine friction forces and their effects on rigid bodies CHE 1208-Fundamentals of electric circuit

CHE 1208 Fundamentals of electric circuit

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Basic Concepts & Basic Laws: System of units, voltage and current, circuit elements, voltage and current sources,
electrical resistance and conductance, power and energy, Ohm's and Kirchhoff’s laws, Resistances in series and
parallel, current and voltage division, delta-star and star-delta transformations. DC circuits’ analysis: Nodal
analysis, Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources, Mesh analysis, Mesh Analysis with Current Sources. Circuit
Theorems: Linearity Property, Superposition, source transformation, Thevenin’s theorems, Norton’s theorems and
maximum power transfer theorems. Capacitors and Inductors: series and parallel connections of capacitors and
Recommended Textbook(s):
• Alexander and Sadiku “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits” Third Edition McGraw Hill.
• Boylestad, R. L., Introductory Circuit Analysis (10th Edition).
CHE 1203
Course Topics:
Systems of Units, Charge, Current, voltage, power and Energy. Voltage and current sources, electrical resistance
and conductance. Ohm’s law. Nodes, Branches, and Loops. Series/parallel connections of resistors. Voltage
Division and Current Division. Kirchhoff’s current law and Kirchhoff’s voltage law. Wye-Delta Transformations,
Delta to Wye Conversion, Wye to Delta Conversion. Series/parallel DC circuit analysis. Nodal analysis, Nodal
Analysis with Voltage Sources. Mesh analysis. Mesh Analysis with Current Sources. Superposition theorem.
Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s theorem. Source transformation. Maximum power transfer theorem.
Capacitance and capacitors series/parallel connections. Inductance and inductors series/parallel connections.
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
• Define concepts of electric current, voltage, power, Kirchhoff’s
• Apply Ohm’s Law in series and parallel connections.
• Apply Thevenin’s theorem and Maximum power transfer and superposition theorems for
circuit analysis.
• Apply nodal and mesh analysis to solve DC circuits
• Apply superposition and source transformation methods to solve DC circuits.
• Apply Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s theorem to solve DC circuits.
• Apply Source transformation and maximum power transfer theorem
• Analyze electric circuit using simulation software

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• Understand inductors and capacitors properties. CHE 1302-Practical Physics

CHE 1302 Practical Physics

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course provides a basic understanding of the core area of physical chemistry, based around the theme of
systems, states and processes. As students receive a solid background in chemistry and organic chemistry through
the CHEM 1112 and CHEM ……., respectively, this course is an appropriate ensuing course for students because
it will give them a good understanding of physical chemistry which is very important to students intending to
complete a major or minor study in Chemical Engineering. This course covers the basic principles and methods of
Physical Chemistry, mainly: ideal gas behavior and its laws, real gases, thermodynamics and chemical kinetics.
Recommended Textbook(s):

CHE 1204 General Chemistry
Course Topics:
Introduction to Physical Chemistry; Review of gas behavior from both theory and empirical viewpoints :The perfect
gas: states of gases, the gas laws; Real gases: the Van der Waals equation ;The First law of Thermodynamics: the
basic concepts; Work , heat, energy: The Internal energy; Expansion work ; Heat transactions (Heat Capacities);
Enthalpy; Adiabatic changes; Thermochemistry: Standard enthalpy changes; Standard enthalpies of formation; The
temperature dependence of reaction enthalpies. The Second law of thermodynamics: The dispersal of Energy;
Entropy; Entropy change accompanying specific processes (Expansion, Phase transition, Heating). The Third law
of Thermodynamics: The Nernst theorem; The Third law Entropies. Gibbs Free Energy (and Helmholtz Free
Energy): Criteria of spontaneity; Maximum work; Maximum non-expansion work; Standard molar Gibbs energies
(Properties of the Gibbs Energy. What is Nanotechnology.
Course Outcomes:
Students can be: to demonstrate an understanding of gas behavior using different equations of state and kinetic molecular
model. to demonstrate an understanding of thermodynamics laws and their applications. to demonstrate knowledge about kinetics laws, define the rate of reaction and the rate constant.
4.skilled in problem solving and analytical reasoning as applied to scientific problems. CHE 1303-Principles of Chemical Engineering II

CHE 1303 Principles of Chemical Engineering II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Energy forms and energy balances and thermodynamic principles. Balances on non-reactive processes Balances on
reactive processes including fuels and combustion. Solution of simultaneous material and energy balance equations
for process flow sheets using suitable software’s (computer laboratory).
Recommended Textbook(s):
Felder R. M. and Rousseau, R. W. “Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes” John Wiley & Sons.
CHE 1301- Principles of Chemical Engineering I
Course Topics:
Energy and energy balance; (Forms of energy, the first law of thermodynamics, energy balances on closed
systems, energy balance on opens systems, table of thermodynamic data, energy balance procedures,
mechanical energy balances). Balances on nonreactive processes (Elements of energy balance calculations,
changes in pressure at constant temperature, changes in temperature, phase change operations, mixing and

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solution, psychrometric chart). Balances on reactive processes (Heats of reaction, Hess’s law, formation
reactions and heats of formation, heats of combustion, energy balances on reactive processes, fuels and
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
1- Able to identify, use and convert various forms of energy.
2- To use tabulated energy-related data.
3- Able to perform energy balances on non-reactive systems.
4- Able to perform energy balances on reactive systems.
5- Able to understand and perform energy balance calculations on combustion reactions.

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2.2 Level 2nd
2.2.1 1st Semester CHE 2104 – Democracy

CHE2104 Democracy
This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course is designed to give the student the definition of freedom democracy, the concept of democracy, history
of democracy, the properties of democracy, traditional Greek democracy, its principles, modern democracy, and
pressure groups .
Recommended Textbook(s):
- By Topics
CHE 1101
Course Topics:
• The concept of democracy
• History of democracy
• The properties and principle of democracy
• Traditional Greek democracy and modern democracy
• The relationship between human rights and democracy
• Pressure groups
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
• Learn what democracy ?
• Democratic approach in Islam and its applications
• Accepts differing views
• Evaluation of pressure groups CHE 2209 - Calculus III

CHE 2209 Calculus III

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course uses to understand these concepts of applications and how to evaluate volumes, surface area, and to
understand analytic geometry. Provide practice at developing critical thinking skills, solving open ended problems
and to work in teams Develop a deep understanding of issues related to the basic principles of polar Coordinates,
vector analysis, determinants, and how to solve problems in chemical engineering.
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Thomas Calculus, by George B. Thomas, Jr, Elevnth Edition Media Upgrade 2008"
CHE1203, CHE1205
Course Topics:
Multiple integrals: double integral, area, double integral in polar form, triple integral in rectangular coordinate
volumes and averages value trible integral in spherical and cylindrical coordinate. Matrix theory: definition

Page 19 of 52
properties, system of linear equation gas elimination linear independence and rank, determinants and inverses, gauss
Jordan elimination, matrix eigen values problem , special matrices, Ordinary differential equation: definition type,
order , degree , first order , ordinary differential equation, separable variable equation , homogenous equation linear
differential equation exact equation substitution method integrating factor method, second order differential
equation, homogeneous second order, non- homogenous second order (undeterminants coefficient variation of
parameters ,engineering application third and fourth order, solution of differential equation by series). Vector
calculus: scalar and vector: components of vectors, vector addition, and multiplication of vector, scalar product,
vector product and line integral using parametric equation of the path, line integral in vector field work. Laplace
transform: definition and properties of Laplace transform, Laplace transform of different function inverse Laplace
transform, using different method, solution of ordinary differential equation using Laplace transformation.
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
Recognize the analogy between Cartesian and polar coordinates systems.
Understand the vectors and their applications in modern mathematics.
Be familiar with 3-dimension mathematics.
Understand the differentiation concepts.
Understand double and triple integrals and be able to extend them to higher integrals. CHE 2304 - Organic chemistry

CHE 2304 Organic chemistry

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Introduce and develop an understanding the basic concepts of organic chemistry, understanding the concepts of
organic reactions for analysis of unit processes Students will learn the polymeric chemistry
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Morrison, R. Thornton; Boyd, R. Neilson "Organic Chemistry" 6th edition, 2001
- Skoog, D.A., West D.M., Holler F.J., and Crouch S.R. “Fundamentals of analytical chemistry”, 8ed
edition, brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. 2004
CHE 1204
Course Topics:
Introduction & Classification Organic Chemistry, names of organic compounds, Aliphatic compounds, alkyl
halides properties, preparation and reactions, Bonding and isomerism. Alkanes and cycloalkanes. Alkenes and
alkynes. Aromatic compounds. Alcohols, phenols and thiols. Ethers and epoxies. Aldehydes and ketones.
Carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Amines.
Lab. Section:
• Experiment 1: Separation and purification processes.
• Experiment 2: Determination of physical constants.
• Experiment 3: Identification of different functional groups (alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic
acids and amines).
• Experiment 4: Carbohydrates (simple sugars and polysaccharides).
• Experiment 5: Separation of mixtures of organic compounds.
• Experiment 6: Preparation of simple organic compounds (aspirin and methyl benzoate).
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
Able to differentiate between different types of organic materials and structures.
Able to relate materials properties and performance to the structure.

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Understanding different property of organic and aromatic material.
Apply physics and chemistry to relate materials structure to their properties. CHE 2305 - Fluid Mechanics (I)

CHE 2305 Fluid Mechanics (I)

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
foundations of fluid mechanics, fluid statics, kinematics, laminar and turbulent flow; macroscopic balances;
dimensional analysis and flow corrections.
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Fluid Mechanics by whith
- Fluid mechanics and Mechinery by dranlics by R.V Giles
- Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Mustafa B.Hadithe
Course Topics:
Introduction : physical properties of fluid ,definition of type of fluid (Newtonian -non-Newtonian), incompressible
,compressible fluid , static and dynamic fluid , dimensional analysis Raleigh’s method and Buckingham’s theorem
,fluid static and application ,fluid dynamic :fluid pattern and Reynolds number ,Bernoulli equation ,correction to
Bernoulli equations Newton’s law of viscosity and momentum boundary layer flow of incompressible Newtonian
in pipes and channels effect of friction calculation of friction in straight pipe and fitting ,calculation of pressure
drop in straight pipe and fittings ,calculation of pressure drop in straight pipe, friction from changes in velocity in
all direction velocity distribution for laminar and turbulent flow in pipe, flow measurement :venture meter ,orifice
meter Pitot tube area meter Rota meter notch and weirs.

Course Outcomes:
Students can:
Students will demonstrate a knowledge of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics.
Students will demonstrate the ability to use various techniques for analyzing problems with frictional flow.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basics of boundary layer theory for use in transport of heat and
Students will demonstrate the ability to apply fluid mechanics principles and their relevance to engineering and the
ability of these to solve societal problems. CHE 2306 - Physical Chemistry

CHE2306 Physical Chemistry

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course give an introduction to the uses of physical chemistry in chemical engineering, It provide many
opportunities for the intermediate applications of ideas and equations in solving problems, Studying
thermodynamics laws zero, first , second and third law , Learning about Thermo chemistry, Show how rates of
chemical reactions can be understood, Learn about different energy like entropy ,Gibbs and Helmoltz energies,

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Drive Maxwell relation used in thermodynamics relations & Understnnd phase equilibrium and chemical
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Physical chemistry seventh edion by alberty
- Physical chemistry by S.CHAND

Course Topics:
1st of thermodynamic, 2nd and 3rd law of thermodynamic, Gibbs free energy, chemical equilibrium, chemical
reaction, rate of reaction equation, phase equilibria in ideal solution, phase equilibria in non-ideal solution,
electrochemical equilibrium surface thermodynamics, experimental gas kinetics and liquid kinetics, viscosity of
liquid, electrical conductance, electrolyte.
Lab. Section:

Course Outcomes:
Students can:
Calculation of ideal gas law and real gas laws
Calculations of enthalpy at different conditions
connect between theory and the experimental work in the physical chemistry laborotary.
calculations of different energies
learning about reactions rates CHE 2307 - Technology of Chemical Industry

CHE 2307 Technology of Chemical Industry

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Chemical or chemical industries, also called manufacturing industries, include manufacturing processes that take
place during the production of petrochemicals, medicine, polymers, paint, oils, cement, glass, soap and detergents,
fertilizers and other industries. The sciences of chemistry and chemical reactions are used to produce new
chemicals, or separate substances from each other using many properties such as the extent of solubility, charge or
distillation, in addition to transformations that take place using heat and other methods.
The chemical industry involves operating or changing raw materials obtained from mines, soils, and agriculture
into other useful materials that can be used in our daily lives or as raw materials for other industries. The food
industries are not considered among the chemical industries.
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Shreve's Chemical Process Industries ,5th edition,1988
2004 ‫ ﺍﻟﺟﺎﻣﻌة ﺍﻟﺗﻛﻧﻭﻟﻭﺟﻳﺔ‬،‫ﺍﻟﺻﻧﺎﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺑﺗﺭﻭﻛﻳﻣﻳﺎﻭﻳﺔ‬،‫ﺟﺎﺑﺭ ﺷﻧﺷﻭﻝ ﺟﻣﺎﻟﻲ‬.‫ ﺩ‬-
Course Topics:
Treatment of industrial water. Prevention and removal of scales, Industrial carbon, Gases (carbon dioxide,
ammonia, nitrogen, helium, oxygen), Sulphur and its compounds, sulfur and sulfuric acid production.
Fertilizers, urea, nitric acid, Soap and detergents, Magnesium compounds, Ceramic industries, Cement, Glass
industry, Paper and cellulose, Sugar industry, Fermentation industries, Fats and vegetable oils, Pharmaceutical
industry. Introduction to Food industry such as dietary industries.

Page 22 of 52
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
Knowing the advantages of chemical industries and how they are developed and increasing interest in theoretical
Knowing the forms and types of equipment needed for each industry and how to choose and deal with them.
Knowing the variables of each industry and the optimal conditions for it and how to give the best production
capacity in the least time and at the lowest cost.
Calculation of production capacity, as well as operational costs and total costs for each industry.
Determining the type of reactions specific to each industry and knowing the appropriate conditions for them, as
well as determining their quality if they are homogeneous or heterogeneous. CHE 2308 - Mass Transfer I

CHE 2308 Mass Transfer I

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
The course aims to provide deeper knowledge, a wide scope and improved understanding of the mechanics in mass
transfer as well as a better insight into analytical and empirical methods applied in analysis and synthesis of mass
transfer. The student should gain knowledge to apply the theories to relevant engineering.
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Coulson, J.M. , Richardson, J.F., Backhurst, J.R and Harker, J.H. “Chemical Engineering vol.2” , 4th
Edition, Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K, 1991.
- Geankoplis, C.J., “Transport Processes and Unit operations” 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc, Edgewood
Cliffs, N.J., 1993.

Course Topics:
Definition of mass transfer, molecular and convective diffusion, Ficks first law for molecular diffusion definitions
of concentration, velocities and fluxes, molecular diffusion in gases and liquids, diffusion through varying cross-
sectional area. Maxwell theory: for gases in binary and multi component mixtures diffusion coefficient in gas and
liquids, molecular diffusion in solid, molecular diffusion in biological solutions, continuity equations and
introduction to unsteady state of diffusion. Mass transfer coefficients: mass transfer coefficients from dimensionless
group, mass transfer for flow inside a wetted well column, mass transfer in flow parallel to flat plates and past
single spheres, theories of mass transfer. Absorption: vapor liquid equilibrium gases and absorption, capacity of
packed absorption for diluted and concentrated mixtures, relation between individual and overall height of transfer
unit, absorption in plate tower, non-isothermal absorption, steam stripping.
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
Explain the diffusion concept and use Fick’s law to predict flux
Calculation of diffusion coefficient for real and ideal gas as well mixture of gases, in liquid and the effect of solid
presence on flux and diffusion coefficient for the above cases.
Apply numerical methods to calculate flux.
Defining overall mass transfer coefficient and apply the two resistance theory for two phases.

2.2.2 2nd semester

Page 23 of 52 CHE 1105 - English Language II

CHME1105 English Language II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course is designed to enable students to achieve academic oral and written communication to the standard
required for English language at university level. The course integrates all the language skills with emphasis on
writing. It stimulates students' imagination, and promotes personal expression. Course activities include writing
various types of academic essays, acquiring advanced academic vocabulary and getting involved in group
discussions and debates. In addition, the course also includes other skills to consolidate the main skills, such as
further readings in civil engineering.
Recommended Textbook(s):
- John & Liz Soars, ,,New Headway plus- pre_lntemediate Student,s Book,,, lOth 2012
Course Topics:
- Question forms – Tenses - Vocabulary (Jobs) - Present simple - Present continuous -Have/have to
- Writing (informal letter) - Writing (Linking words +Describing a person) - Past simple - Past continuous - Have
+ noun - Writing (a story 1) -Count and uncount nouns – Articles - Expression of quantity - Vocabulary (clothes) -
Writing (filling in forms) - Verb patterns - Will and going to - Writing (postcard) - Would like and like - Vocabulary
(adjective formation) - Comparative and superlatives - Writing (relative closes) - What... like?
- Present perfect-Vocabulary (men and women)- Tense revision - have to & got to -biography) - Vocabulary (job
description) - have to & should & must - Present simple or will -Writing (formal letter) - Time clauses - Conditional
clauses -Verb patterns- Used to – Infinitives - The passive form - Active and passive -Vocabulary (words with more
than one meaning) - Second conditional - Writing (email) Might - Vocabulary (phrasal verbs) Writing (a story 2)
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
By the end of successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
l. Develop academic writing
2. Apply reading skills
3. Expand academic vocabulary through reading
4. Ability to speak through group discussions and debates CHE 1210 - Calculus IV

CHE 1210 Calculus IV

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course uses to Understand methods of solving First order and Higher order ordinary differential equations
along with some physical Application. Demonstrate the relevance of the mathematical methods learnt to chemical
engineering. Understand the concept of Fourier-series representation of periodic functions and their application.
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Thomas Calculus, by George B. Thomas, Jr, Elevnth Edition Media Upgrade 2008"
CHE1203, CHE1205, CHE2209
Course Topics:
Some of the areas covered in a single-variable calculus course include: Polynomials, Derivatives, Logarithmic
functions, Limits, Integration, Qualities of the real number system. Multivariable Calculus: Differentiation
involving several variables, Vector-valued functions, Multiple integration, Line integrals, Vector analysis and

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surface integrals. Differential Equations: Linear systems of differential equations, Fourier series applications,
Stability, Bifurcations, Numerical methods, Nonlinear systems. Linear algebra and the closely related analytic
geometry are used extensively in natural sciences like chemistry. Students enrolled in a linear algebra course learn
about solutions to linear equations, linear independence, determinants, eigenvalues, subspaces and matrices as well
as vectors.
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
Identify various types of equations and their particular solution.
Understand finite differences and their applications in interpolation and extrapolation.
Identify formulate and solve chemical engineering problems.
Use the techniques, skills and modern mathematical tools necessary for engineering practice in chemical
engineering applications.
Be familiar with the differential equations and able to use the relevant equations in solving the problems. CHE 1309 - Engineering Materials

CHE 1309 Engineering Materials

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Introduce the student to materials science& engineering and to highlight the relationships between structure ,
properties , and application of materials
Recommended Textbook(s):
- William D. Callister. “Materials Science and Engineering an introduction” John Wiley & Sons, sixth
CHE 1207
Course Topics:
Strength of materials definitions, Simple stress, Shear stress, Stress in cylinders, Simple strain, Thermal stress,
deformation in beams, Equations of stress and momentum in beams. Curves of stress and momentum in beams.
Crystalline structure, Phase diagram, Alloys of copper, aluminum and iron, Plastics (polymers), Properties and uses
of polyethylene, Ceramics, crystalline deformations, Practical: tests of the resistance of materials to friction,
crystalline structure of metals.

1- Support Reactions for Simply Supported Beam

2- Tension Test
3- Compression Test
4- Verification of the Theory of Pure Bending
5- Torsion Test
6- Deflection of Beam
7- Impact Test
8- Fatigue
9- Hardness Test
Course Outcomes:
Students can:

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Able to differentiate between different types of materials and structures quickly and accurately.
Able to relate materials properties and performance to the structure.
Understanding phase diagrams for solid materials and performing materials balance calculations for different
materials systems.
.Apply physics and chemistry principles to relate materials structure to their properties.
Apply thermodynamic principles to study the equilibrium between different solid phases. CHE 1310 - Petrochemical Industry

CHE1310 Petrochemical Industry

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Getting to know the industries that produce petroleum, how are the production processes in the factories?
How to control the production process. The study of how interactions between substances and compounds take
place. The effect of pressure and temperature on the petrochemical industries
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Shreve's Chemical Process Industries ,5th edition,1988
- ‫ ﺍﻟﺟﺎﻣﻌة‬،‫ﺍﻟﺻﻧﺎﻋﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﺑﺗﺭﻭﻛﻳﻣﻳﺎﻭﻳﺔ‬،‫ﺟﺎﺑﺭ ﺷﻧﺷﻭﻝ ﺟﻣﺎﻟﻲ‬.‫ ﺩ‬2004 ‫ﺍﻟﺗﻛﻧﻭﻟﻭﺟﻳﺔ‬
Course Topics:
Characteristics of petrochemical industries, classification of petrochemical compound according to their source
(methane, ethylene, propylene, and aromatics hydrocarbons) methane and their derivatives, (acetylene and
methanol) ethylene and derivatives (ethylene oxide, and poly-ethylene), propylene and derivatives (isopropyl
alcohol, Phenol and poly propylene) aromatics cyclic hydrocarbons.
Introduction of benzene derivatives (ethylbenzene, styrene, cumene, nitro benzene, cyclohexane, toluene
derivatives (benzoic acid, xylene derivatives, teretholic acid), polymers (LDPE, HDPE, PP, PVC, PS) synthetic
fibers, industrial rubber.
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
Clarify the petrochemical industries and their products and consider them as raw materials for the various
chemical industries.
Knowing the forms and types of equipment needed for each industry and how to choose and deal with them.
The ability to know the advantages and disadvantages of each industry and how to deal with them and choose the
The ability to determine the necessary and required equipment for each industry and know what is best to give
better and more productivity. CHE 1311 - Fluid Mechanics II

CHE 1311 Fluid mechanics II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Student's knowledge of dynamic fluid specifications in general and how to simulate the practical side theoretically,
Introduce the student to how to calculate the coefficients of friction and the energy lost during the movement of
fluids, introduce students to the design laws of centrifugal pumps, How to use engineering applications in the laws
of mass, time, continuity and momentum for fluid motion and deduce forces of which.

Page 26 of 52
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Fluid Mechanics by whith
- Fluid mechanics and Mechinery by dranlics by R.V Giles
- Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Mustafa B.Hadithe
CHE 2305
Course Topics:
Pumping of liquids, calculation of total head NPSH, performance, characteristics curves, calculation of horsepower,
types of pump, compressible fluid: general equation, isothermal and adiabatic condition work and compressors fans
and blowers. Mixing: equipment and operation, degree of mixing , power curve , scale up of liquid mixing, non
Newtonian fluid :type of fluid calculation of friction , pressure drop for general time, independent in laminar and
turbulent flow, flow through granular bed, and packed column, fixed bed and fluidized bed.
Lab. Section:

1. Calibration of pressure measurement device.

2. Determination of pressure center of a surface embedded completely or partially in a liquid.
3. Determination of Reynolds number.
4. Measurement of flow rate through piped using Venturi-Meter.
5. Comparison of flowrate measurement using different devices.
6. Determination of Hydraulic gradient line and total energy line.
7. Determination of losses friction through pipes and fittings.

Course Outcomes:
Students can:
Students will demonstrate a knowledge of the fundamentals of head, pump and type of fluid mechanics.
Students will demonstrate the ability to use various techniques for analyzing problems with mixing.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the basics of non Newtonian fluid.
Students will demonstrate the ability to design packed column fluidized bed. CHE 1312 - Mass Transfer II

CHE 1312 Mass Transfer II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Application of chemical engineering principles to multistage and differential processes involving separation of
chemical components, equilibrium stage concept. Design applications in distillation, gas absorption, and liquid-
liquid and solid-liquid extraction
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Coulson, J.M. , Richardson, J.F., Backhurst, J.R and Harker, J.H. “Chemical Engineering vol.2” , 4th
Edition, Pergamon Press, Oxford, U.K, 1991.
- Geankoplis, C.J., “Transport Processes and Unit operations” 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, Inc, Edgewood
Cliffs, N.J., 1993.
CHE 2308
Course Topics:
Phase Equilibrium relations and phase diagrams. Fundamentals of stage operations, the equilibrium stage, graphical
and analytical stage determination, Application of equilibrium stage analysis to Distillation: Types of distillation:

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Differential, Equilibrium Flash Vaporization, and steam distillation. Analysis of binary distillation processes,
McCabe-Thiele, graphical methods and stage-to-stage calculations, Introduction to multicomponent distillation.
Plate-to-plate calculations and short-cut methods of stage determination. Efficiency of vapor-liquid contactors.
Design and operating characteristics of plate columns. Determination of column height and diameter. Distillation
tray design and dynamics, Application of equilibrium stage analysis to solvent extraction and leaching: - Liquid
liquid Extraction: Fields of application, modelling and analysis of single, multiple cross-current and multistage
counter current extraction cascades. Equipment in common use. Leaching: Solid liquid equilibrium, design of
counter current leaching equipment. Absorption as an example of a differential contact process. Gas absorption
relationships. Basic design equation of packed columns. Characteristics of tower packing, flow of fluid through
tower packing and phenomena associated with it such as flooding and loading etc…, Introduction to absorption
when accompanied by chemical reactions, and multicomponent absorption.
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
Ability to perform vapor -liquid equilibrium calculations and to solve phase equilibrium problems.
Ability to formulate and solve problems involving, differential distillation, flash vaporization.
Ability to formulate and solve design problems involving binary and multi -component distillation with emphasis
on plate columns.
Application of equilibrium stage analysis to solvent extraction and leaching.
Understanding the principles of plate column design, efficiency determination, plate dynamics and stability. CHE 1313 - Thermodynamics I

CHE 1313 Thermodynamics I

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Learn to analyze energy transfer and transformation in systems using fundamental concepts of properties of
materials, work, heat, internal energy, entropy, equilibrium, and relations derived from the First and Second Laws
of Thermodynamics. Learn the methods to measure thermodynamic properties and estimate values for properties
using property tables and relations.
Recommended Textbook(s):
- Smith, J.M.; Van Ness, H.C.; and Abbott, M.M. “Introduction to Chemical Engineering
Thermodynamics”, 6th ed. McGraw Hill, 2001.
- Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach, Yunus A. Cengel and Michael A. Boles, McGraw-Hill,
8th Edition, 2015.
CHE 2306
Course Topics:
Introduction first law of thermodynamic ,Joules experiment, internal energy equilibrium ,phase rule, reversible
processes and heat capacity volumetric properties of pure fluids ,virial equation and application ,ideal gas ,equation
of state , generalized correlation for liquids and gases ,heat effect ,standard heat of reaction ,formation and
combustion heat effects of industrial reaction ,standard law of thermodynamic ,heat engine ,entropy and 3rd of
thermodynamic ,thermodynamics properties of fluid ,residual properties and thermodynamic properties of gases,
thermodynamic of flow processes (flow in pipes expansions and compression pressures.
Lab. Section:
• Experiment 1: steam boiler (relation between saturated temperature and pressure).
• Experiment 2: temperature measuring devices.
• Experiment 3: The relationship of temperature, pressure, and volume at isothermal process.
• Experiment 4: The relationship of temperature, pressure, and volume at isochoric process.

Page 28 of 52
Course Outcomes:
Students can:
To provide the students with the concept of energy and its related issues, such as energy forms and its
classifications, and with the basic concepts of classical thermodynamics.
To get familiar with the principle of energy conservation
To apply mass and energy balances to closed systems.
To learn how to better use, interpret, predict, and produce thermodynamic data such as P-V-T data, heat
capacities, and enthalpy data.
To introduce the concept of entropy and the limitations on energy conversion.
To enable students to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.

2.3 Level 3rd

2.3.1 1st semester CHE 3106-English Language III

CHE 3106 English Language III

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course emphasizes the fundamental language skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, viewing and
presenting. An emphasis on vocabulary and composition skills will be an on-going part of the program. Its main aim
is to continue in student´s actual language skills, improve them and extend basic vocabulary so that he or she would
be able to understand a simple text and to communicate and study in an English.
Recommended Textbook(s):
• Liz and John Soars, "The new headway intermediate book", Oxford.
CHE 1105
Course Topics:
Auxiliary verbs; Grammar revision; Vocabulary; Pronunciation; Prepositions; Writing (Correcting mistakes 1);
Reading (Wonders of the modem world); Listening and speaking (My wonders).
Present simple; Pronunciation revision; Present states and actions; Vocabulary; Phrasal verbs; Reading and speaking
(I'm a clown doctor!); Writing (Letters and emails).
Past simple and past continuous; Grammar revision; Past perfect; Past passive Vocabulary; Prepositions revision;
Listening and writing (Books and films); Writing Narrative 1); Everyday English (Giving opinions).
Have to /don't have to; Can and be allowed to; Should; Must and have to; Vocabulary; Pronunciation; Listening and
speaking (Come round to my place!); Writing (For and against).
Future form 1; Future form 2; Grammar revision; Vocabulary; Pronunciation; Prepositions revision; Reading and
speaking (Hotels with a difference); Writing (Making a reservation).
Like; Grammar review; Verb patterns; Vocabulary; Pronunciation; Phrasal verbs; Listening and speaking (New
York and London) Everyday English (Signs and sounds); Writing a description.
Present perfect; Tense review; Present perfect passive; Vocabulary; Pronunciation; Prepositions; Reading and
speaking (Dream jobs); Listening and speaking (The busy life of a retired man); Writing (A letter of application).
Conditionals 1 and time clauses; Conditionals 2; Vocabulary; Pronunciation; Phrasal verbs; Reading and speaking
(Who wants to be a millionaire); Everyday English (Making suggestions) Writing (Narrative 2).
Modal verbs of probability in the present; Modal verbs of probability in the past Vocabulary; Pronunciation;
Prepositions; Listening and speaking (Brothers and sisters); Writing A description 2.

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Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• Make informed guesses of target vocabulary of intermediate level reading passages.
• Expand targeted vocabulary assigned from intermediate level textbooks.
• Improve vocabulary quiz- and test-taking ability.
• Identify topic sentences and main ideas; discern major from minor details in intermediate textbooks.
• Be able to identify the setting, main events, climax and resolution of readers at the intermediate level and
summarize the novel in writing.
• Respond thoughtfully, verbally and in speaking and writing, to intermediate level texts by drawing
connections between personal experiences and/or world knowledge to the assigned text CHE 3211-Engineering Statistic

CHE 3211 Engineering Statistic

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Statistical Engineering models are based on mathematics and probability theory. This course provides students with a
working knowledge of fundamental statistics principles and probability in addition to a preface to the regression and
correlation analysis. By the end of the semester, students should be able to determine when each of the various topics
we have covered is appropriate to use, and to apply them to practical engineerin8 situations or problems. This course
will cover techniques on data collection (presentation, descriptive statistics, basic elements of probability theory,
sampling techniques theory, statistical estimation, hypothesis testing and regression analysis.
Recommended Textbook(s):
• Elementary Statistics A Step-by-Step Approach, Eighth Edition, By Allan G. Bulman
• Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Fourth Edition, By Sheldon Ross

Course Topics:

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Fundamentals (Introduction to Statistics): Introduction; Descriptive and inferential statistics; Variables and Types
of Data; Data Collection and Sampling Techniques; Observational and Experimental Studies.
Presentation of a Statistical Data: introduction; Organizing Data; Grouped Frequency Distributions or Frequency
Distributions Table; Graphs: Histograms, Frequency Polygons, and Ogive; Other Types of Graphs
Data Description: Measures of Central Tendency (Mean, Median and Mode); Measures of Variation: Population
Variance and Standard Deviation; Sample variance and Standard Deviation; Variance and Standard Deviation for
Tabulated Data; range. Coefficient of Variation
Discrete Probability Distributions: Probability Distributions; Mean, Variance, Standard an Deviation; The
Binomial Distribution; The Poisson Distribution;
Continuous Probability Distributions the Normal Distribution: Normal Distributions; Applications of the Normal
Distribution; Normal Distributions Formula; The Standard Normal Distribution; Finding Areas Under the Standard
Normal Distribution curve (Table Method); A Normal Distribution Curve as a Probability Distribution Curve;
Applications of the Normal Distribution; Determining Normality; The Normal Distribution Approximation to the
Binomial Distribution.
Confidence intervals and Sample Size: Preface; Confidence intervals for the Mean When o is Known: A point
estimates; An interval estimates Confidence intervals. Sample Size; t-Distribution; Confidence intervals for the
Mean when 𝜎 is Unknown; The chi-square Distribution. Confidence intervals for Variances and Standard Deviations
Confidence interval for a Variance; Confidence interval for a Standard Deviation.
Hypothesis Testing: Preface; Steps in Hypothesis Testing-Traditional Method: The null hypothesis (Ho); The
alternative hypothesis (Hr); The level of significance. z Test for a Mean; P-Value Method for Hypothesis Testing; t
Test for a Mean; z Test for a Proportion 𝜒2 Test for a Variance or Standard Deviation
Testing the Difference Between Two Means, Two Proportions, and Two Variances: Preface. Testing the
Difference Between Two Means: Using the z Test; Testing the Difference Between Two Means of independent
Samples: Using the t T; Testing the Difference Between Two Means: Dependent Samples; Testing the Difference
Between Two Variances
Correlation and Regression: Preface Scatter Plots and Correlation; Regression; Coefficient of Determination and
Standard Error of the Estimate.
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course, the student should be able to:
• Use a number of methods and techniques for collecting and presentation the sets of data.
• Calculation and demonstration the center tendency and variation of data;
• Compute the probabilities in a simple case and using the rules of probability in computing.
• Give an account of the concept random variable and be able to use some common probability distributions;
• Understand the meaning of the central limit theorem;
• Use point and interval estimates for some typical statistical problems;
• Apply elementary regression for fitting measured data. CHE 3314-Heat transfer I

CHE 3314 Heat transfer I

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

Course Description:

This course deals mainly with an introduction of thermal energy transfer problems which occur in the process industry
(Chemical, Petrochemical, food, Pharmaceuticals, etc.) It also gives an Introduction to the 3 modes of heat transfer:
Conduction, convection c and radiation, heat transfer. Finally, the course reviews heat transfer with phase change and
describe heat exchangers and their design.

Recommended Textbook(s):

C.J.Geankoplis ,” Transport Processes and Unit Operations, Allyn And Bacon , 2nd ed. , Newton ,1983

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Course Topics:

Introduction and mechanisms of heat transfer;

Conduction: Steady state heat transfer by conduction; conduction through single plane; conduction through
composite plane; conduction though cylindrical annulus; conduction through composite pipe; conduction though
single spherical wall; conduction though composite spherical walls.

Convection: Introduction to convection; dimensionless analysis; natural convection; forced convection; correlations
for convections and its different forms for different actual situation such as heating and cooling inside tubes outside
tubes in turbulent; transition and laminar flow.
Radiation: Principles, grey bodies, black bodies, emissivity, Kirchhoff’s law, Planck’s law, absorbing, non absorbing

Overall heat transfer coefficient, fouling factors, Logarithmic mean temperature difference for parallel, counter-
current and mixed flow arrangements.

Heat transfer with phase change: Boilers- condensers

Introduction to multi tubular heat exchangers: Types, classification, constructions, applications, sizing. Effectiveness

Steps for design of Multi tubular heat exchangers without phase change: general considerations, introduction to
TEMA codes.
Thermal and mechanical design for shell and tube multi tubular selection: Fluid allocations, heat transfer
calculations (tube side- shell side), Determination of initial and final thermal areas, pressure drop calculations),
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:

• To familiarize the students with basic modes of heat transfer, appreciate the physical principles and basic
concepts underlying the transfer of heat by conduction, convection and radiation.
• To present the methodology required to solve problems to be encountered in actual practice (determine heat
transfer coefficient, LMTD).
• To introduce the student to the design of heat exchangers
• To familiarize the students with the concept of heat transfer parameters measurement (conductivity, heat
flux, temperatures…)
• To enable students to prepare written technical reports and oral presentation.
• To expose students to open ended problems solving. CHE 3315-Unit operation I

CHE 3315 Unit operation I

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

Course Description:

This course deals mainly with the study and concept of the operations involving particulate solids: properties,
modification, separation, settling and flow through porous media.
Recommended Textbook(s):

- W. L. McCabe, J. C. Smith and P. Harriot, Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill,
Inc., New York, 2001.

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CHE 1312-Mass Transfer II

Lab. Section:
• Solid handling: size reduction and screen analysis.
• Filtration (discontinuous- cake filtration using filter press).
Course Topics:

1.Properties, Handling, and Mixing of Particulate Solids: Characterization of solid particles, properties of particulate
masses, storage of solids, mixing of solids, types of mixers.
2.Mechanical Size Reduction: Principles of comminution, size reduction equipment, equipment operation.
3.Flow Past Immersed Bodies: Friction in flow through beds of solids, motion of particles through fluids,
4.Mechanical-Physical Separation I: Screening, filtration, centrifugal filters, principles of cake filtration, clarifying
filters, liquid clarification, gas clarification, principles of clarification.
5.Mechanical-Physical Separation II: Separation based on the motion of particles through fluids: gravity settling
processes, centrifugal settling processes.
Course Outcomes:

By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:

• Study the different physical separation processes based on mechanical unit operations, with emphasis on a
physical understanding of these processes.
• Provide the necessary tools to obtain quantitative solutions to engineering problems involving basic
separation operations.
• Study the properties of particulate solids.
• Understand Solid handling: size reduction and screen analysis.
• Understand principles of size reduction.
• Understand principles of Flow through Packed Beds, and fluidization.
• Understand principles of mechanical physical separations processes such as filtration, screening, gravity
settling, centrifugal settling.
• Expose students to open-ended problem solving CHE 3316-Characteristics of Petroleum and Natural Gas

CHE 3316 Char. Petroleum and Natural Gas

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

Course Description:

This course is designed to familiarize the students with the fundamental aspects of petroleum engineering: introduction
to engineering, petroleum exploration, major concepts of drilling, production and reservoir engineering, historical
background of petroleum industry, worldwide sources of petroleum, companies and societies in petroleum industry as
well as relevant environmental, health, safety and ethical issues.
Recommended Textbook(s):

By topics

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Course Topics:

Introduction: Composition Of Crude Oil; Physical Properties Of Crude Oil;Origin Of Hydrocarbons ;Exploration
Techniques ; Origin Of Hydrocarbons; Exploration Techniques; Resource Estimation; Oil Field Development; Well
Logging; Transportation And Metering Of Crude Oil; Coal Bed Methane

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:

• Be able to understand the characteristics of crud oil properties

• Understand the mechanism of oil exploration techniques
• Familiar with steps of oil field development
• Familiar with transportation and metering with crude oil
• Familiar with crude oil products and test methods CHE 3317- Thermodynamic II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

Course Description:

This course deals mainly with the applications of chemical Engineering thermodynamics to phenomena of interest
in chemical engineering, such as flow system, expansion and compression processes, with emphasis on phase
equilibrium in pure fluid and chemical-reaction equilibrium and thermodynamic analysis of process. A good
understanding of the material in this course is essential for the study and understanding of chemical engineering.
Recommended Textbook(s):

-J.M Smith and H.C Van Ness, M.M.Abott: Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th edition,
McGraw-Hill, N.Y, 2005.


Course Topics:

Introduction: Review of the scope of thermodynamics (fundamentals and laws)

Thermodynamic Properties of Fluids: Property relations for Homogeneous phases, Residual properties, Residual
Properties by equation of states, Thermodynamic diagrams, generalized Property correlations for Gases
Applications of Thermodynamics to Flow Processes: Throttling process, turbine and expanders, compressors
and pumps.
Production of power from heat and refrigeration: Steam power plant, Rankin cycle and efficiency calculation,
Carnot refrigerator, the vapor-compression cycle, coefficient of performance.
Introduction to vapor-liquid equilibrium calculation: VLE qualitative description, Raoult's law, Henry's law,
modified Raoult's law, VLE from K-value calculation, azeotropic detection, flash calculation
Theory of solution thermodynamics: Chemical potential and phase equilibria, partial properties, the ideal gas
mixture model, fugacity and fugacity coefficient.

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Chemical reaction equilibria: the reaction coordinate, the standard Gibbs energy change and the equilibrium
constant, effect of temperature on the equilibrium constant, evaluation of equilibrium constant and its relation to

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:

• To give students concepts and understanding the basics of chemical engineering thermodynamics.
• To develop the fundamental mathematical structure of thermodynamics by applying the first and second
laws principles for real fluids at any temperature and pressure.
• To apply thermodynamics principles for flow processes, heat engines and refrigerators
• To acquire a basic understanding of phase equilibrium and different methods of computing Vapor-Liquid
Equilibrium properties.
• To understand the thermodynamics of liquid solutions and reacting systems.
• To assess team problem-solving processes to improve these processes

CHE 3318 Reactor Design I

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

Course Description:

This course provides a detailed and in-depth analysis to the principles of chemical kinetics, and reactor analysis and
design. The topics in chemical kinetics include: rate constants, reaction order, rate equations for elementary and
complex reactions, kinetic data analysis, and product distribution. In reactor analysis and design, discussion is focused
on ideal reactor systems and arrangements, including batch reactors, plug flow reactors, continuous stirred tank
reactors, and recycle reactors. The last part of the course considers homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic
reactions. The design component consists of how to make an appropriate choice of reactor type and operating
conditions to optimize a desired product; sizing such reactors and determining conversion levels under various
conditions of temperature and pressure; determination of reaction kinetics from experimental data.
Recommended Textbook(s):

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• Walas, S. M. (2013). Reaction Kinetics for Chemical Engineers: Butterworths Series in Chemical
Engineering. Butterworth-Heinemann.


CHE 2306- Physical Chemistry

Course Topics:

1. Mole Balances, conversion and reactor sizing

3. Rate laws and stoichiometry
4. Isothermal reactor design
5. Collection and analysis of rate data
6. Multiple reactions
7. Steady-state nonisothermal reactor design
Course Outcomes:

The objective of this course is to develop general methodologies for analysis and design of a variety of systems
(chemical, biochemical/biological, polymer, electrochemical) for which engineering of reactions is needed. In the first
part of the course, basic concepts of chemical kinetics and chemical reactor design as related to simple reaction systems
will be introduced. Topics covered will include the general mole balance, reactor types, conversion and reactor sizing,
rate laws and stoichiometry and isothermal reactor design. In the second part of the course, we will build upon the
concepts developed in the first half of the course to describe real systems that deal with complex reactions and non-
ideal reactors. Topics to be covered will include non-isothermal reaction design (energy balances), multiple reactions
and reaction pathways, non-ideal reactors/residence time distribution (time permitting), and heterogeneous reactions
(time permitting). CHE 3318- Reactor Design I

CHE 3212 Engineering Numerical Method

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

Course Description:

ln numerical analysis one explores how mathematical problems can be analyzed and solved with a computer. As
such, numerical analysis has solved with a computer. As such, numerical analysis has very broad applications in
mathematics, physics, engineering, finance, and the life sciences. This course gives an introduction to this subject

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for mathematics majors, Theory and practical examples using MATLAB will be combined to study a range of topics
ranging from simple root-finding procedures to differential equations and the finite element method.

Recommended Textbook(s):

• Atkinson, K. E., & Han, W. (1985). Elementary numerical analysis. New York: Wiley.
• STEVEN, C. C. (2007). Applied Numerical Methods with Matlab: For Engineers and Scientists. Tata McGraw Hill
Education Private Limited.

Calculus-l, Calculus-ll, Calculus-lll, Ordinary Differential Equations.

Course Topics:

Error Analysis: Measuring Errors; Sources of Error; Consistency, order, Smoothness and convergence.
Roots of equations (Nonlinear Equations): Bisection Method; Newton-Raphson Method; Secant Method
(optional); False-Position Method (Optional).
Simultaneous Linear algebraic Equations:
- Direct Methods – Review of Determinants and Matrices; Cramer’s Rule; Gauss-Elimination method (simple
and partial pivoting methods); Gauss-Jordan Method; Matrix inversion method
- Indirect (iterative) Method- Jacobi Method; Guess- Seidel Method; Successive Over Relaxation Method
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical differentiation using difference method; Numerical integration,
Trapezoid and Simpson's Rules; Extrapolation of Errors
Interpolation and Curve Fitting: Direct Fit Polynomial; Least Squares Method; Logarithmic regression (Optional)
; Exponential regression (optional); Linear interpolation; Quadratic interpolation; Lagrange interpolation (Optional);
Newton Divided Difference interpolation (optional).
- Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial Value Problem; Euler's Method; Runge-
Kutta 2nd ; Runge-Kutta 4th ;Higher Order Equations
- Boundary Value Problem: Equilibrium (Finite Difference) Method
Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations: Elliptic Equations; Parabolic Equations; Hi-
parabolicEquations; Advanced Application (Case Studies based on each department interests).

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
• Find roots of functions by using a range of methods,
• Solve systems of linear and non-linear algebraic equations by using a range of methods
• Apply numerical interpolation, approximation, integration and differentiation in solving engineering
• Use techniques for solving ordinary differential equations
• Use MATIAB or other numerical tools for solving problems by numerical methods
2.3.2 2nd semester CHE 3212-Engineering Numerical Method

CHE 3319 Heat Transfer II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

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Course Description:

This undergraduate course provides an introductory treatment of steady and transient conduction, natural and forced
convection and radiation heat transfer with applications to basic heat exchanger design and other multimode problems.
Students will work through textbook problem and lecture material to establish the relationship between these principals
and practical applications.
Recommended Textbook(s):

- Incropera, F.P. and DeWitt, D.P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, 5th edition, John Wiley and Sons,
New York, 2002.

CHE 3314-Heat transfer I

Course Topics:

Course Outcomes: CHE 3319-Heat Transfer II CHE 3320-Technology of Natural Gas

CHE 3320 Technology of Natural Gas

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

Course Description:

This course deals mainly with the study of concept of gas processing, the principal types of natural gas, its
applications both as feedstock in petrochemicals industries and as an energy source. The course also discusses the
main low temperatures process such as liquefaction cycles, and separations process related to natural gas. It also
introduces recent advanced technology related to LNG, storage and transport equipment

Recommended Textbook(s):

• 1A.J. Kidnap, Parish, D.Mc Carty: Fundamental of Natural Gas, 2nd edition.

CHE 3316

Course Topics:

1. Natural Gas background (History- Development- Properties- )

2. Types of natural gas (Resources, Rich gas, lean gas)
3. Principal uses of natural gas (Natural gas industry-Petrochemicals- Energy- calorific values)
4. Transport –storage and distribution of natural gas
5. Principles of low temperature processes: relative volatility, boiling points, component mixtures.
6. Purification of natural gas - Low temperatures distillation (single column-double column): McCaBe Thiele
method, PanchonSavarit method
7. Principles of liquefaction natural gas cycles (classical cycles and recent advanced cycles),Partial and total
condensation principles.:
8. Swing adsorption used in natural gas processing: Definition, principles and applications
9. Membrane separation applied to natural gas purification: Description, theories and applications.

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10. Natural gas upgrading: Description and design.
Course Outcomes:

• identify the geological origins of petroleum reservoirs and reservoir fluids;

• describe the history of the oil and gas industry;
• explain the structure of the modern oil and gas industry;
• list the various disciplines that make up the petroleum engineering profession;
• illustrate the differences between conventional and unconventional reservoirs;
• analyze rudimentary engineering methods;
• interpret semi-log and log-log plots;
• apply linear interpolation and regression;
• analyze statistical descriptions of reservoir data;
• identify and solve problems requiring simple iteration; and
• discuss the role of environmental stewardship in the petroleum engineering profession. CHE 3321-Water Treatment

CHE 3321 Water Treatment

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

Course Description:

This course is an overview of engineering approaches to protecting water quality with an emphasis on fundamental
principles. Theory and conceptual design of systems for treating municipal wastewater and drinking water are
discussed, as well as reactor theory, process kinetics, and models. Physical, chemical, and biological processes are
presented, including sedimentation, filtration, biological treatment, disinfection, and sludge processing. Finally, there
is discussion of engineered and natural processes for wastewater treatment.
Recommended Textbook(s):

•MWH Staff. Water Treatment: Principles and Design. 2nd ed. New York, NY: Wiley, 2005. ISBN:

Course Topics:

Introduction to Water Supply and Wastewater. Why Treat Water and Wastewater? Water Quality Parameters.
Reactor Tanks - Mixed Tanks, First-order Kinetics, Plug Flow. Reactor Tanks - Dispersed Flow, Tanks-In-Series,
Residence Time Distribution; Sedimentation-Flocculation; Filtration; Chemical Treatment – Softening; Chemical
Treatment - Adsorption and Ion Exchange

Course Outcomes:

An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

An ability to design a system component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic,
environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.
An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global economic and
environmental and societal context.
Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
Knowledge of contemporary issues.
An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

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CHE 3322 Composite Materials

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

Course Description:

Composite materials are materials comprising two or more material phases with different physical properties. Because
they usually exhibit remarkable physical properties, in general superior to the properties of their individual
components, they appear pervasively in engineering applications (e.g., reinforced concrete in construction, fiber-
reinforced materials for aircraft structures, reinforced rubber in car tires, …). Despite being comprised multiple
material phases with different physical properties, these materials may be considered for practical purposes as
homogeneous materials with physical material-like effective properties.

Recommended Textbook(s):

- Callister, W. D., & Rethwisch, D. G. (2018). Materials science and engineering: an introduction (Vol. 9). New
York: Wiley.


Course Topics:

Introduction to composite materials; filler materials; classification of the composite materials; Reinforcement; Types
of Fiber Reinforced; Composites; Fiber Materials; Mechanical behaviour of fibre reinforced composites; Effect of
fiber length; Elastic behavior Longitudinal loading (continuous and aligned fiber composite); Elastic behavior -
Transverse loading (continuous and aligned fiber composite); Longitudinal Tensile Strength; Discontinuous and
aligned -fiber composites; Discontinuous and randomly oriented-fiber composite. Manufacturing Techniques;
Manufacturing Process Selection Criteria; Product Fabrication Needs; Basic Steps in a Composites Manufacturing
Process; Manufacturing Processes for Thermoset Composites; Hand lay-up process; Methods of Applying Heat and
Pressure. Filament Winding Process; Making of the Part; Pultrusion Process; Basic Raw Materials characterization
of composite materials; Practical application of composite in industry.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. obtain important information of the mechanical properties of materials.
2. classified the materials.
3. select the optimal material for each application.
4. Analyze any type of failure and find the reasons of failure.
5. To know the developments of new materials. CHE 3323-Unit Operation II

CHE 3323 Unit Operation II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

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Course Description:

This course is a complementary to the third–year course Unit Operation I at which the student gained an introductory
to unit operations through studying diffusion, absorption, and distillation in the first place. The covered topics in this
course are meant to deal with: Boundary layer theory and its applications in chemical processes, the analogies between
momentum, heat, and mass transfer such as Reynolds analogy, the Evaporation which is a type of the separation
process, drying (mainly used in food industry), humidification and dehumidification to design cooling towers,
extraction, leaching, crystallization, and adsorption.
Recommended Textbook(s):

• C.J. Geankoplis, Transport Processes and Unit Operations, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall Inc., 1993.
• J.F. Richardson, J.H. Harker, J.R. Backhurst, Coulson and Richardson’s Chemical Engineering: Volume 2,
5th edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002.

CHE 1312-Mass Transfer II

Course Topics:

Boundary layer in laminar and turbulent flow; Boundary layer in laminar sub layer; Distribution on surface and pipes;
Momentum heat and mass transfer; Analogies; Evaporation, introduction, and definitions; Types of evaporation, and
evaporator types; Heat transfer in evaporation single and multi effects; Design of evaporators single and multi effects
types; with and without BPR Drying; general principles; Drying rate and mechanisms; Theories of drying material
movements; Material and energy balance for continuous dryer; Humidification, dehumidification , and cooling towers,
general principles; Air- water system , enthalpy – humidity charts; Mechanism for humidification, and
dehumidification; Cooling towers and its design; Extraction process, and general definitions; Ternary diagram and
three liquid system; Single and multistage extraction processes and types of arrangements with soluble or partially
soluble solvents, examples; Crystallization process: general principles, rate of crystallization batch and continuous
Course Outcomes:

• Apply the principle of filtration and its application to food and allied industries;
• Apply the principle of centrifugation and its application to food and allied industries
• Apply the principles of size reduction including milling, screening and emulsification and their application
to food and allied industries;
• Understand fully the importance of mixing in food processing systems. CHE 3324-Reactor Design II

CHE 3324 Reactor Design II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.

Course Description:

Recommended Textbook(s):


CHE 3318 Reactor Design I

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Course Topics:

Non isotherm reaction fundamental; Energy balance and 1st law of thermodynamic; constant balance and its relation
with Gibbs free energy; Study the irreversible reaction; Enthalpy study and estimation heat of reaction; Study the
adiabatic reaction; design a plug flow reactor under adiabatic condition; study the mix flow reactor; adiabatic and
non-adiabatic operation for plug, mixed flow and plug with recycle; Multiple reaction, parallel reaction
and how to maximize the yield of reaction. Multiple reaction in PFR and mixed flow reactor.

Course Outcomes:

On successful completion of the course students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles underlying kinetics and reaction engineering

2. Show an awareness of issues related to the practical application of reaction engineering

3. Exhibit expertise relevant to the practice of kinetics and reaction engineering

2.4 Level 4
2.4.1 1st semester CHE 4107-English Language IV

CHE 4107 English Language IV

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:

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This course is designed to enable the students to achieve academic oral and written communication to the standard
required at university level. The course integrates all the language skills with emphasis on writing, and it stimulates
students’ imagination, and promotes personal expression. Students, in this course, are trained to apply critical
thinking skills to a wide range of challenging subjects from diverse scientific topics. Course activities include
writing various types of academic essays, acquiring advanced academic vocabulary, and getting involved in group
discussions and debates. In addition, the course also includes other skills to consolidate the main skills, such as
further readings in chemical engineering
Recommended Textbook(s):
John & Liz Soars, "New Headway Plus- Beginner Student's Book”, 10th ed 2014

Course Topics:
1. • Grammar (The tense system and spoken English) • Vocabulary (Compound of words lifestyle, home
town, house-proud) • Reading (A home from home-two people describe their experiences of living abroad)
• Listening (‘things I miss from home’) • Speaking (Exchanging information about people who live abroad)
• Everyday English (Social expressions) • Writing (Applying for a job) • Vocabulary • Pronunciation •
Phrasal verbs • Revision • Reading and speaking (A death) • Listening and speaking (My way) • Writing
(Correcting mistakes 2) • Grammar (Present perfect, simple and continuous, and spoken English) •
Vocabulary (Hot verbs, make, do make way, do damage) • Reading (‘Paradise Lost’- how tourism is
destroying the object of its affection) • Listening (An interview Tashi Wheeler about her travels as child
with parents) • Speaking (Information Gap) • Everyday English (Exclamations) • Writing (Informal letters
and correcting mistakes) 3. • Grammar (Narrative tenses, past simple, Conts, and Perfect) • Vocabulary
(books and films) • Reading (Jane Austen-one of the world’s most downloaded authors) • Listening (The
money jigsaw-a news item from BBC’s radio) • Speaking (Retelling a news story, responding to a news) •
Everyday English (Showing interest and surprise) • Writing (Narrative writing 1) 4. • Grammar (questions
and negatives and spoken English) • Vocabulary (Prefixes and Antonyms in context) • Reading (‘Diana and
Elvis shot JFK!) • Listening (‘My most memorable lie’-people confess to untruths) • Speaking (Discussion-
good and bad lies) • Everyday English (Being polite) • Writing (Linking ideas) 5. • Grammar (Future forms
and spoken English) • Vocabulary (Hot verbs-take, put) • Reading (‘Today’s teenagers are just fine’) •
Listening arranging to meet-three friends decide a time and a place to get together) • Speaking (Future
possibilities in your life) • Everyday English (Telephone conversations) • Writing (writing Emails) 6. •
Grammar (Expression of quantity) • Vocabulary (Words with variable stress) • Reading (A profile of two
famous brands) • Listening (Radio advertisements-what’s the product? What are the selling points?) •
Speaking (A lifestyle survey) • Everyday English (Business expression, Numbers, Fractions, decimals, date,
time…) • Writing (A consumer survey) 7. • Grammar (Modals and related verbs 1, spoken English,
Declarative questions, and Question expressing surprise) • Vocabulary (Hot verb-get) • Reading (‘Meet the
kippers’-an article about grown-up children who won’t leave home) • Listening (Getting married-an Indian
lady talks about her marriage) • Speaking (The pros and cons of arranged marriage) • Everyday English
(Exaggeration and understatement) • Writing (Arguing your case) 8. • Grammar (Relative clauses) •
Vocabulary (Adverb collocations and adverb adjectives) • Reading (‘Chukotka, the coldest place on earth’-
an article about a remote territory of Russia) • Listening (Extreme experiences-people describe their
experiences in extreme weather conditions)

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• Develop academic essay writing proficiency
• Promote reading skills
• Expand academic vocabulary through reading
• Promote speaking ability through group discussions and debates
• Promote critical thinking skills

Page 43 of 52 CHE 4325-Petroleum Refining Engineering I& II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Characterization and evaluation of crude petroleum. Application of chemical engineering to the oil industry. Refining
techniques, physical separation, chemical conversion and treating processes. Design and costing of refinery
equipment. Product testing and specifications. Environmental issues
Recommended Textbook(s):
1. Gary, J.H. and Handwerk, G.E., “Petroleum Refining Technology and Economics” , 4th edition,
Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, 2001.
2. Nelson, W.L.”Petroleum Refining Engineering”, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill , New York, 1980

Course Topics:
1. Introduction to history and development of refining. The operations and size of the petroleum and
petroleum refining industry and its economic importance. (
2. Refinery feed stocks, crude oil evaluation, and characterization, chemical composition of petroleum.
3. Types of refineries and basic refinery modules. Overall refinery flow. Factors affecting choice of a
refinery type. (6 classes)
4. Principal operations in the refinery. Physical separation processes. Conversion processes. Treating and
finishing processes.
5. Products: Types and specifications. Product blending. (6 classes)
6. Introduction to environmental regulations and legislations and their effects on refining operations.( 3
Lab. Section:
Experiment 1: distillation if crude oil
Experiment 2: pour and cloud point
Experiment 3: specific gravity and viscosity of oil
Experiment 4: flash and fire point
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• Understanding the importance of crude oil as a source fuel and petrochemicals and the size of the refining
• Knowledge of the physical and chemical nature of crude oil and crude oil characterization techniques.
• Understanding operations in modern fully integrated refineries and ability to choose a refining route for a
crude type and product demand
• Application of chemical engineering principles (heat, mass, fluid, reactor design…etc ) to analysis of major
refinery units, columns ( furnaces, reformers, crackers. .etc ).
• Awareness of the environmental regulations and product specifications and their effects on the refining
industry as a whole and on individual refinery configuration.
• Ability to work effectively in problem solving teams in and out of the class room CHE 4326- Industrial Equipment Design

CHE 4326 Industrial Equipment Design

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
In this course, the student will look deeply into the main parts of the chemical equipment, and how these parts will
work together for desired product. The course covers the steps to design a heat exchanger; a distillation column, and
a vessel (time permit). The course will cover the optimization for each equipment.
Recommended Textbook(s):

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Course Topics:
Introduction to equipment design; Process layout, Categories of Processes lay out; fluid transport equipment; pumps;
mechanical design of piping system; heat transfer equipment; types of heat exchangers; design of heat of heat
exchangers; separation process design, design of distillation, design of vessel.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• The primary types of fluid flow equipment—pipes, pumps, compressors, valves
• The key relationships for designing and analyzing a heat exchanger
• Analysis of shell-and-tube heat exchangers. Common correlations for heat transfer coefficients for single-
phase and change-of phase conditions
• The combination of these coefficients with appropriate resistances due to fouling and conduction to determine
a single overall heat transfer coefficient. Equations for extended heat transfer surfaces (fins) for common fin
configurations. Methods to design new heat exchangers. Predicting the performance of existing exchangers
• The separation basis and separating agent for the most common chemical engineering separations
• How to determine the size of tray columns and packed columns
• The key design parameters affecting tray columns and packed columns
• The internals of tray and packed columns
• The impact of the reboiler and condenser on the design and performance of distillation columns
• The economic trade-offs for tray and packed columns
• The performance of existing tray and packed columns
• The types of equipment used in extraction, their advantages and their disadvantages
• The type of equipment used for gas-permeation membrane separation CHE 4327-Environmental Engineering

CHE 4327 Environmental Engineering

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:

Recommended Textbook(s):
• Environmental Engineering, Peavy etal.
• Fundamental of environmental engineering, James.
• Warren Viessman Jr., Mark J. Hammer, Elizabeth M. Perez, Paul A. Chadik, Water Supply & Pollution
Control, Prentice Hall, 8th ed., 2009.
General Chemistry, fluid mechanics; Unit operations.
Course Topics:
Introduction-Environment, environmental Engineering, environmental Engineering Rule, Pollution, pollution types,
Wastewater, wastewater characteristics, wastewater sources, Effluent wastewater quality, wastewater treatment plant,
Air pollution, Air pollutant types, Air pollution effects, Air quality Standards, dispersion equations, Air pollution
treatment Solid Waste Management: Types, characteristics, sources and quantities of solid waste; Collection disposal
and recycling. Environmental Legislation and Regulations Sustainable environmental engineering Sustainability,
Sustainable Engineering, and Sustainable Engineering Design

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
1- To know the basics, importance, and methods of Wastewater treatment.

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2- To learn the objectives and methods of Air treatment and to study the features and function of different Air
treatment units.
3- To study the features and function of different Solid waste management.
4- To learn the principles of Sustainable environmental engineering. CHE 4328-Process Control

CHE 4328 Process Control

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Process control is the ability to monitor and adjust a process to give a desired output. It is used in industry to maintain
quality and improve performance. An example of a simple process that is controlled is keeping the temperature of a
room at a certain temperature using a heater and a thermostat. Other examples, material and energy balances are used
to model unsteady state (dynamic) process systems where control algorithms are required to bring the process back to
equilibrium. Therefore, this course applies the key concepts of automatic control and instrumentation to process plants.
Recommended Textbook(s):
Modern Control Engineering, Fifth Edition 2010, Katsuhiko Ogata
Calculus IV, Physics, Fluid Mechanic, Heat transfer, Electrical systems
Course Topics:
Introduction to automatic control; Representation of control components; Representation of mechanical systems:
Mass, spring damper system; Representation of electrical systems: DC motor. Steady-state operation; Laplace
transformer; Transient and steady-state responses; Steady-state errors in control systems; Stability of control
systems; The rout locus method; Frequency response systems
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to: CHE 4329-Transport Phenomena

CHE 4329 Transport Phenomena

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
The course advances the fundamentals of material, momentum and energy transfer. Emphasis is placed on the theory
and analysis of diffusion, convection and interphase transport of material in laminar and turbulent streams and their
similarities. Applications in engineering and environmental transport processes are presented, and the modelling of
complex processes is considered.

Recommended Textbook(s):
• Bird, R.B., W.E. Stewart and E.N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, REVISED SECOND EDITION, Wiley, New
York (2007).
Mass Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer
Course Topics:

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• Understand the basic unifying concept behind transport phenomena
• Understand the general form and solution strategy for transport phenomena problems

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• Through examples develop an understanding of how the general form is converted to a specific solution
• Review and recall how the basic vector and matrix operators are used in defining Transport Phenomena
• Become familiar with the general expression for diffusive flux of a conserved quantity
• Understand the concept of diffusive transport of conserved quantities: Fick’s Law, Fourier’s Law,
Newton’s Law CHE 4330-Project Design I &II

CHE 4330 Project Design I& II

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
A two-part project (CHE 496 and CHE 497). The student uses the previous knowledge gained through out of his
course study of the various chemical engineering courses to design or model or perform experiments to meet
graduation requirement
Recommended Textbook(s):
Any books, journal’s articles, software packages and/or laboratory equipment needed to accomplish the mission.

Course Topics:
Problems of various natures (design, modeling, experimental) are posed by the faculty. Based on their interests, the
students choose a problem and work on under the guidance of a faculty member for two semesters (CHE 4330 and
CHE 4336). Independent grades are awarded each semester. Depending on the nature of problem, the objectives may
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• Design Projects: The student will be handed a problem statement, typically production of a particular
material. It is the responsibility of the student to devise a proper flow sheet for the plant, collect needed data,
perform material and energy balances, detailed design of some units, perform economic evaluation for the
plant, write report at the end of each semester and present his findings. More than student may share the first
part of the project; however, the design and economic parts are done independently.
• Modeling Projects: This type is somewhat similar to the design type; however, the main focus will be on a
particular unit. After defining the problem, the student required to collect data, develop material and energy
balance equations, solve the equations, perform simulation studies, prepare his report and present his findings.
• Experimental Projects: The main focus here will be in performing experiments. The student is required to
design his experiments, perform them, use various analytical instruments pertaining to his experiments,
present and discuss his results, prepare progress and final reports and present his findings. More than one
student may share the project.
2.4.2 2nd semester CHE 4108-Mangement and Leadership Skills

CHE 4108 Management and leadership skills

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course is designed for engineering students who are interested in advancing into management and leadership
roles. You will gain a perspective on what it is like to be an engineering leader. You will develop awareness of your
own strengths and weaknesses as a leader when you are placed in charge of a project. You will learn how to leverage
your strengths and control your weaknesses. You will also learn how to manage relationships with your team members
and how to set up a creative environment for your team to motivate each team member to reach his or her potential.
You will also learn how to deal with different ethical issues that are related to engineering field.

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Recommended Textbook(s):
1- Benator, Barry and Thumann, Albert “Project Management and Leadership Skills for Engineering and Construction
Projects.” 2003, The Fairmont Press, Inc., USA 2- Fleddermann, C. B. (2012). Engineering Ethics. Upper Saddle
River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 3- Code of Ethics- Iraqi Engineers Association
Course Topics:
Introduction to leadership: Leadership definition Can one person make a difference? Why is leadership important
for engineers? Are leaders born or made? Personality assessment.
Leadership and management styles Command leadership vs. servant leadership Characteristics of servant leader
Management styles Leader or manger? The outstanding leader competencies
Effective team leadership: What is team Why work in teams? Different types of teams Team roles. Role of team
Practical Implementation: Time management (first things first) Project related activities Conducting Effective
Meetings Giving effective feedback Recognition and reward
Communication: Communication types Thoughts emotion and communication (head, heart and hands) What
influences our communication Damaging communication habits Connecting with others
6. Leadership and management styles Management styles Attributes of the engineering leader Modern leadership
Characteristics of servant leader Command leadership vs. servant leadership 7. Professional Ethics Definition Origins
Principles 8. Introduction to Engineering Ethics Professional Codes of Ethics 9. Ethical Issues in Engineering Practice
1 -Safety Considerations 2- The Role of Good Design A- Sustainable design and design for all B- Safety and risk in
Design 3- Environmental Ethics 10. Steps in Confronting Moral Dilemmas 11. Case Studies
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• Explain the basic concepts of leadership.
• Build power and influence.
• Add value to their sphere of influence
• Give and receive feedback, actively listen, provide supportive communication, and coach and counsel their
team members. CHE 4331- Petroleum Refining Engineering I& II

CHE 4331 Petroleum Refining Engineering I& II
This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Characterization and evaluation of crude petroleum. Application of chemical engineering to the oil industry. Refining
techniques, physical separation, chemical conversion and treating processes. Design and costing of refinery
equipment. Product testing and specifications. Environmental issues
Recommended Textbook(s):
1. Gary, J.H. and Handwerk, G.E., “Petroleum Refining Technology and Economics” , 4th edition,
Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, 2001.
2. Nelson, W.L.”Petroleum Refining Engineering”, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill , New York, 1980

Course Topics:
1. Introduction to history and development of refining. The operations and size of the petroleum and
petroleum refining industry and its economic importance. (
2. Refinery feed stocks, crude oil evaluation, and characterization, chemical composition of petroleum.
3. Types of refineries and basic refinery modules. Overall refinery flow. Factors affecting choice of a
refinery type. (6 classes)
4. Principal operations in the refinery. Physical separation processes. Conversion processes. Treating and
finishing processes.

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5. Products: Types and specifications. Product blending. (6 classes)
6. Introduction to environmental regulations and legislations and their effects on refining operations.( 3
Lab. Section:
Experiment 1: distillation if crude oil
Experiment 2: pour and cloud point
Experiment 3: specific gravity and viscosity of oil
Experiment 4: flash and fire point
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• Understanding the importance of crude oil as a source fuel and petrochemicals and the size of the refining
• Knowledge of the physical and chemical nature of crude oil and crude oil characterization techniques.
• Understanding operations in modern fully integrated refineries and ability to choose a refining route for a
crude type and product demand
• Application of chemical engineering principles (heat, mass, fluid, reactor design…etc ) to analysis of major
refinery units, columns ( furnaces, reformers, crackers. .etc ).
• Awareness of the environmental regulations and product specifications and their effects on the refining
industry as a whole and on individual refinery configuration.
• Ability to work effectively in problem solving teams in and out of the class room CHE 4332-Industrial Safety

CHE 4332 Industrial Safety

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
This course will provide students with a strong overall understanding of the many safety practices and requirements
as they relate to industrial settings, specifically power generation, transmission, and distribution. The course will
cover material from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standard and other current industrial safety
Recommended Textbook(s):


Course Topics:
Introduction to industrial safety,
Environmental and Occupational Diseases; Repetitive Stress Injury; Regulations, Laws, and Agencies, Overview of
Pollution Issues, Injury and Illness Statistics
Hazards in the chemical process industries,
General Terminology; Polymer Production; Rubber Products Manufacturing Industry; Sulfuric Acid Manufacturing;
Phosphoric Acid Manufacturing; Insecticide Manufacture; Concepts of Industrial Hygiene Sources of Information;
Inhalation hazard in refineries
Inhalation and Fire Hazards; Pressure Relieving Systems; Inhalation Hazards from Tanker Operations; Oil-Water
Effluent Systems; Air Emissions from Valves; Cooling Tower Operations; Miscellaneous Air Emissions.
Personal Protective Equipment
Eye, Face and Head Protection; Foot and Hand Protection; Chemical Protective Clothing; Levels of Protection;
Working with Asbestos and Other Synthetic Mineral Fibers; Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation; Web Sites for
Additional Information.
Safety in the Laboratory
Compressed and Liquefied Gases; Flammables and Combustibles; Corrosives; Ethers and Other Peroxide-Forming
Chemicals; Oxidizers; Carcinogens, Highly Toxic Chemicals, and Controlled Substances; NFPA Hazard Ratings

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Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• The student will consider and analyze the various operating characteristics of different types of generation,
transmission, and distribution equipment and systems. CHE 4333-Corrosion Engineering

CHE 4333 Corrosion Engineering

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Corrosion Engineering provides you with a thorough training in corrosion and its control. Initially, you will study the
fundamental chemistry, physics, and metallurgy underpinning corrosion processes. Subsequently, you will learn about
approaches to corrosion control, ranging from material selection, through cathodic protection, to corrosion inhibition
and protective coatings
Recommended Textbook(s):


Course Topics:
Corrosion of metals and alloys
Local cell model and mixed potential; Potential-pH diagram; General corrosion; Localized corrosion
Passivation and passive film
Polarization curve; Measurement of passive film – impedance, ellipsometry and other methods
Atmospheric corrosion
Atmospheric corrosion through thin water layer Weathering steels
Corrosion protection
Protection on the basis of electrochemistry; Cathodic protection; Anodic protection
New trends for study on corrosion
Optical technique; Electrochemistry
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• This course aims the students to be able:
• Provide an introduction to the corrosion phenomenon and its repercussions is carried out
• Provide an understanding of various corrosion processes, protection methods and materials selection with
practical examples
• Estimate the disastrous effects of corrosion on the economy, safety, energy consumption and environment.
• Determine the probable corrosion type, estimate the corrosion rate and propose the most reasonable protection
method as regards safety, price and environmental considerations. CHE 4334-Technology of Catalyst

CHE 4334 Technology of Catalyst

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
The course "Catalysis and Catalysts technology" covers the general mechanism of the catalytic action, types of
adsorption, macro kinetics features of heterogeneous catalytic reactions, and mass transfer laws.
Recommended Textbook(s):

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Course Topics:
Catalyst Preparation Techniques and Equipment 1:
Introduction; Forming of Catalysts; Impregnation and Drying; Rotary Calcination; From the Laboratory to a
Commercial Plant
Extrusion Technology
Background; Rheology; Extrusion.
The Aspect Ratio of an Extruded Catalyst: An In-depth Study
General; Introduction to Catalyst Strength and Catalyst Breakage; Mechanical Strength of Catalysts; Experimental
Measurement of Mechanical Strength; Breakage by Collision; Breakage by Stress in a Fixed Bed; Breakage in
Contiguous Equipment; Statistical Methods Applied to Manufacturing Materials
Steady-state Diffusion and First-order Reaction in Catalyst Networks
Introduction; Classic Continuum Approach; The Network Approach 1
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:
• be aware of the patterns and mechanisms of catalytic action;
• be able to select and describe the technology of preparation and equipment design of basic catalyst
• calculate and predict the catalytic process;
• able to classify and summarize the basics of modern catalyst technologies;
• have experience in calculation and selection of optimal catalysts and catalytic systems CHE 4335-Modeling and Simulation

This is a required course for the Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering Program.
Course Description:
Study of scientific strategies for the design of chemical processes. Process Design involves the use of the principles
of chemistry, physics, biology and computer software to create industrial chemical processes that satisfy social needs
while returning a profit.
Recommended Textbook(s):
• Process Design Principles, D.Seider, J.D.Seader and D.R.Lewin, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York,
CHE 3212 Numerical Method
Course Topics:
Chemical engineering problems; Modeling – Steps involved; Variables – Stream, Unit, and Process variables;
Constraints – Conservation relations, Sources and sinks, Material, Energy, Momentum balances; Equilibrium
relations, Constitutive models; Common assumptions in modeling; Types of models – Lumped, Distributed, and
Staged parameter models; Design variables – Characteristic length, time, velocity, temperature, mass, force; Change
of variables; Dimensionless groups in modelling.

Filling and draining tanks: Steady and unsteady states, Varying inlets and outlets, Level and flow control; Mixing
tanks: Two and multiple streams, Composition control; Heated tank: Jacketed kettle with steam condensation,
Electrical heating, Phase change; Isothermal CSTR: 1st and 2nd order reactions, Enzyme kinetics; Nonisothermal
CSTR; Centrifugal separation.

Shell balances: Flow through a pipe, Continuity equation; Compressible fluid flow, Shock waves; Double-pipe heat
exchanger: Steam condensing in shell/tube, Parallel vs counter flow; Pipeline flashing; Isothermal PFR: Component
continuity equation, 1st and 2nd order reactions; Non-isothermal PFR: 1st and 2nd order reaction.

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Triple effect evaporator; Binary distillation: continuous and batch columns; Multicomponent distillation: Underwood-
Gilliland model; Gas absorption into a laminar liquid jet; Tray tower absorption: Kremser-Brown-Sauders equation,
rigorous models; Reactive absorption in a wetted wall column; Multistagecountercurrent liquid-liquid extraction.

Selected Systems from the following: Multiple steady states and Stability: Isothermal and Non-isothermal CSTR;
Temperature control in a non-isothermal PFR; Packed bed reactor; Polymerization: Bulk and Suspension
polymerization; Membrane separation – Cross flow and reverse osmosis; Activated sludge process – secondary
bioreactor; Pyrolysis of plastic; Chemical vapor deposition; Continuous, multicomponent distillation column; Dry flue
gas desulfurization; Ball mill; Rotary kiln.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, at the intermediate level, students will be able to:

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