HighNote3 Unit Language Test Unit04 GroupA

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• Choose the correct option to complete

the sentences.
• Did you remember to pack your travel adapter / engine?
• If you want more leg room, choose an aisle / a window seat.
• We’re planning to drive down to the south of France, but we’ll set / stop off in Paris on the way.
• There’s a real problem with traffic congestion / pollution – it takes so long to get anywhere!
• There are so many fuels / fumes from the traffic – you can smell the diesel in the air.
• They left their baggage unattended / upright and someone has taken it away!
___ / 5

• Complete the text with the missing word or phrase. The first letters are given.

I’ve just got back from the trip of a 0 lifetime, backpacking around Japan with a group of friends. It’s not a place
where I’d ever thought of going, but when my best friend Laura suggested we go there after college, I thought why
not grab the opportunity while I can. We spent several weeks looking at guidebooks and reading travellers’ blogs so
we could plan an interesting 1 route Finally, it was time to go and we took a 2 direct flight from London to Tokyo,
which took twelve hours – luckily, I slept most of the journey. A lot of people recommended spending time in Tokyo or
Kyoto, but we decided to go off the 3 beaten track as well – to get an idea of what Japan is like away from the usual
tourist trails. We had quite a bit of time in the mountains Wakayama, and in the wilds of Hokkaido, where organised
tourism was almost non-existent! We had to do everything for ourselves, which was a fantastic experience. We didn’t
really want to leave Hokkaido and its beautiful clean 4 environment Not like Osaka, which we travelled through later.
The 5 smog there was terrible – it was actually hard to breathe!
___ / 5

• Find the mistakes and write the correct sentences. One sentence is correct.
• Paul, who car is parked outside, works at the museum.
Paul, whose car is parked outside, works at the museum.
• Mum bought me a phone which it was easy to use.
Mum bought me a phone which was easy to use
• Have you looked at the map I brought?
Have you looked at the map which I brought?
• Sasha who is one of the most experienced travelers went to Thailand.
• Can you tell me how you are so late?
Can you tell me why you are so late?
• This is the book what I got in Holland.
This is the book that I got in Holland.
___ / 5
• Choose the correct option to complete

the sentences.
• Must I / Do I have to stay here next summer?
• Someone ought to / may warn the guests not to drink the tap water.
• He may not / can’t swim yet – he’s only three.
• Can / May you tell me how you say this in Spanish?
• Since we arrived, I haven’t been able to / couldn’t get a phone signal.
• I’m really sorry but you don’t have to / mustn’t speak during the performance.
___ / 5

• Complete the text with one word in each gap.

This week at college we’ve been discussing the impact of cars in cities and thinking about possible solutions. It’s part
of an environmental science project 0 which I’m taking this term. Our hometown is quite progressive really. There are
a lot of areas where you aren’t 1 allowed to drive except for emergencies, and car-sharing is quite usual. I don’t know
which ideas those were, but they have worked. However, there is more to be done. Probably the most important
step to begin with is to get people to stop and think before they set 3 off on a journey. Do they actually need to take
their car, or 4 ____________ they walk? We’ve all become used to being part of a car culture, but we need to change
what we do to really make a difference.
___ / 5

• Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one.
Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than four words including the word in bold.
• Could you tell me your name please, sir?
May I have your name, please?
• It’s not possible for passengers to sit in these seats.
Passengers may not possible in these seats.
• Paul can’t hire a motorbike as he doesn’t have a licence.
Paul hasn’t got a licence so he will be able to hire a motorbike.
• Let’s get directions to the station.
Let’s get the way directions to the station.
• Someone has to tell the passengers about this.
We ought to tell the passengers know about this.
• Scot gave me a locally published guide book.
Scot gave me this book which was published locally.

___ / 5

TOTAL ___ / 30

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