Week 14

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Module 14: Basic Dance Terminology and Definitions
Amalgamation A combination of two or more patterns or
American style A type of ballroom dancing which evolved from
social dancing and is now a fully recognized competitive style of
dancing. The 9 main American dances are divided into two groups:
American Smooth: Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz, and
American Rhythm: Cha Cha, Rumba, East Coast Swing, Bolero, and
Arm styling Positioning and movement of the arms, reflecting the
character of a dance or style of dancing.
Ball change A change of weight from the ball of one foot to the flat
of the other foot.
Break A stop in the music.
Break step A step that changes the direction of movement. The
Latin break step is a twostep sequence where the first and second
steps are taken in opposition. Most Latin dances use break steps.
Body rise The body rises by bracing the leg muscles and stretching
the spine then relaxes to a natural stance.
Balance step A step in any direction, followed by a close (no weight)
and a hold.
Center Balance point of the body mass located near the diaphragm.
Change step (or closed change) A three step sequence used to
change weight from one foot to the other. Usually these steps are
the first three steps of the box step.
Chase A figure where one partner pursues the other. Popular in cha
cha. A visual “what you see is what you do” lead
Chassé A step sequence. The working leg slides out. Place weight on
it and draw other leg along floor to it.
Close To bring feet together without a change of weight
Choreography A creation or compilation of steps, patterns and
movements which make up a dance or a dance routine.
Contra body movement A movement of the body which turns the
opposite hip and shoulder toward the direction of the moving leg.
Often used to begin turning movements. Abbreviated CBM
Cuban motion Hip motion resulting from the alternate bending and
straightening of the knees. Cucarachas Alternating side breaks to
the left and to the right. These are also called side breaks. In the
breaking action, the feet move from first position to second position.
Dance Sport The official name given to the sport of competitive
ballroom dancing. Relates to the more athletic form of ballroom
dancing as recognized by the Olympic Committee.
Dancer’s compass A diagram that shows floor movement directions,
such as “forward line if dance,” “diagonal wall,” “diagonal center,” etc.
Dance position closed position:  The normal hold where partners
stand facing each other. In the smooth ballroom dances, partners
stand very close together in body contact, slightly offset to the left. In
the Latin dances, partners stand a few inches apart, either directly in
front of each other or very slightly offset.

Open position: Any dance position where man and lady stand apart
or slightly apart, without taking a closed position dance hold.
Open facing position:  A variation of Open Position where man and
lady stand apart, facing each other, usually with a one- or two-hand
Outside partner position: A variation of the Closed Position where
the tracking of the man and lady's feet are slightly offset. When in
Outside Partner Position, the person moving forward will step in
CBMP, to the partner's right or left.
Promenade position: A V-shaped dance position where both man
and lady move forward and in the same direction, toward the open
end of the "V”
Developpé A movement in which the working leg is drawn up to the
knee of the supporting leg and from there smoothly out to a position
in the air, usually at 90 degrees (i.e., parallel to the floor).
Fan Circular motion of the free foot.
Feet, positions of There are five basic positions of the feet:
First position: feet together (feet in line with heels together, toes
forward and slightly turned out.); Second position: feet apart (feet in
line, heels apart, separated by about the length of one's foot; Third
position: heel to instep (feet touching, one foot in front of the other
with heel to instep);
Fourth position: normal walking step (feet apart, separated about
the length of a foot, one foot in front of the other);
Fifth position: feet touching, one foot in front, heel to toe and toe to
heel. Often used in a rock-step.
Figure A standardized step pattern.
Flex To bend slightly or relax a portion of the body. Example: the flex
of the knee.
Flick Sharp, quick kick backwards with a pointed toe and a flexed
Floor craft The ability of the leader to maneuver around the dance
floor in a skilled and controlled manner as to avoid colliding with
other dancers.
Following The ability of the follower to react correctly to the signals
given by the leader through physical and visual connections. The act
of moving a fraction of a second later than the leader, and yet still be
on time.
Foot rise Elevation of the body through the use of the ankles, by
pushing up onto the balls of the feet.
Footwork The use of the five positions of the feet in dancing.
Frame Posture, body position, and arm position for the purpose of
maintaining connection.
Free turn or free spin To turn independently without any body
Freeze A stop no movement.
Heel lead A heel lead places the forward half of the heel onto the
floor and then transfers the weight onto the rest of the foot. Used in
forward steps in progressive dances.
Inside turn The follower turns to the left under the leader's left
hand, or turns to the right under the leader's right hand.
International Style The Internationally recognized style of ballroom
dancing. For the five "standard” dances," the couples must remain in
closed dance position throughout the dances. The 10 International
Style dances are divided into two categories: Standard: Waltz, Tango,
Viennese waltz, Slow Foxtrot, and Quickstep; and Latin: Cha Cha,
Samba, Rumba, Paso Doble, and Jive.
Isolation Movement of one part of the body independently of the
Latin dances The partner dances originating from the Caribbean:
mambo, rumba, merengue, etc.

Leading. Effective communication of intended actions by the leader

through the use of leader's own body movements and through one
or more physical or visual connections to the follower
Line of dance The counterclockwise flow of traffic around the dance
floor. The Line of Dance represents the general direction of
movement overall, and is only pertinent to dances that travel
continuously around the floor, such as Foxtrot, Waltz, Tango, and
Lock A tight cross of the feet in 1st or 2nd position. The lock step is
usually danced to triple step timing. During the step, the lower part
of the legs cross such that the back leg becomes locked behind the
leading leg until the leading leg moves forward. The lock step is often
used in the triple step of the cha cha cha.
Lunge A weight transfer to a bent leg with the other leg extended.
Modern Style Ballroom The term used to describe the ballroom
dances of the International Style: waltz, foxtrot, Viennese waltz,
tango, and quickstep. This term has been replaced by the term
Natural opposite A term used in teaching to say that one partner
will be dancing the same foot positions in a particular dance pattern
except in the opposite direction and on opposite feet.
Natural turn A turn to the right.
Open break A break step taken in open facing position, usually with
the partners dancing in opposition. In other words, they both break
back simultaneously.
Outside turn The follower turns to the right under the leader's left
hand or to the left under the leader’s right hand. See also inside turn.
Picture line A dance figure (e.g. Over sway, Contra Check)
characterized by changing shapes in stationary position. Also known
as line.
Quick A step or weight change that takes one beat of music.
Reverse turn A turn to the left.
Rise and fall Coming up on the toes by bracing the ankles and
stretching the spine then lowering to the heels.
Rock Two weight changes with the feet apart, taken in any direction.
Rhythm Category A category of dancing that include the following
American Style dances danced at competitions: rumba, cha cha,
bolero, mambo and swing.
Slide To bring the free foot slowly together to the weighted foot.
Slow A step or weight change that takes two beats of music.
Smooth Style Ballroom The term used in Dance Sport events and in
general to mean American Style waltz, foxtrot, tango and Viennese
Split The feet move apart with the weight evenly distributed over
both feet.
Spotting A technique for keeping oriented and avoiding dizziness
during turns. Select a spot; keep looking at it as you turn until you
can't any longer; then quickly turn your head so you are looking at it
Step The transfer of weight from one foot to another. Frequently
used to mean the same thing as figure or pattern of steps.
Syncopate To add or subtract steps within a specific number of
beats performed by dancers to vary the normal step and to allow for
personal expression and creativity.
Triple step Triple steps are popular in swing dancing. The Triple Step
is a three step sequence taken on two beats of music. If the first step
of the triple step is taken on count 1, the second step is taken on the
half beat between counts 1&2, and the third step is taken on count 2.
The step timing is often called out as 1&2. Usually

the triple step is two quick steps and one slow, called out as "quick-
quick-slow", or, using numbers, as "one- and-two.”
Top line A posture and frame concept. The horizontal line that runs
from elbow to elbow and through both shoulder blades.
Theater Arts/Cabaret Division A division at Dance Sport events that
involves dramatic lifts and drops usually performed by strong, highly
trained dancers requiring unusual flexibility and balance.
Variation A non-standard or non-syllabus step pattern. A modified
version of a common step pattern

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