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The Impact of Information Technology on Productivity in Developing


Article · January 2010

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2 authors:

Ronia Hawash Guenter Lang

Butler University Kühne Logistics University


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Faculty of Management

Working Paper Series

The Impact of Information Technology on

Productivity in Developing Countries

Ronia Hawash
Guenter Lang

Working Paper No. 19 February 2010

The Impact of Information Technology on
Productivity in Developing Countries
Ronia Hawash
Guenter Lang

February 2010

The information technology (IT) revolution has resulted in a digital divide
evolving between nations that have the skills and capability to absorb these
new technologies, and those without. Since developing countries have as-
sumed that the adoption of IT may be their key engine of growth, they have
exerted a lot of efforts in an attempt to overcome this digital gap. This
study tests whether higher IT adoption results in higher total factor produc-
tivity (TFP) growth of developing countries or not, by conducting a panel
data regression for 33 developing countries over the period 2002-2006. It
also examines the relative importance of IT adoption in comparison to other
technological aspects such as: Technology creation, technology transfer,
and enhancing individuals’ technological absorptive capacities through
higher educational levels. The study concludes that IT adoption and higher
educational attainment tend to relatively be the most significant factors af-
fecting TFP growth in developing countries.

JEL classification
O33; O47

Information Technology; Productivity; Digital Divide; Development

Ronia Hawash Guenter Lang

German University in Cairo German University in Cairo
Faculty of Management Technology Faculty of Management Technology
Al Tagamoa Al Khames Al Tagamoa Al Khames
11835 New Cairo – Egypt 11835 New Cairo – Egypt
[email protected] [email protected]

(corresponding author)

The information revolution promises to provide economic growth to those with

access and ability to use these new technologies. This claim has provoked a considerable
trend of research focusing upon the information technology (IT) sector investments, in an
attempt to examine and quantify its contributions to economic growth and productivity.
As expected in the case of any newly introduced technology, most of the research in this
area has focused on the developed world; yet, with contradicting conclusions. A few
earlier studies have claimed that IT may have had a negative contribution to productivity
growth (such as: Roach 1986, 1987; Berndt & Morrison, 1995; Baily & Chakrabarti,
1998); namely, the productivity paradox. On the other hand, most of the more recent
studies have reached a consensus that the production and/or usage of IT have become one
of the main determinants of productivity growth in the developed world (such as: Oliner
& Sichel, 2000; Jorgenson & Stiroh, 2000; Schreyer, 2000; Basu et al., 2003).
Even though the debate on the impact of IT on productivity growth has intensified
within the studies tackling the developed world, a very limited number of studies have
empirically examined the contribution of IT to the economic growth of developing
countries. This can be justified by two factors: the limited availability and reliability of
data for the developing countries, in contrast to that of the developed world, especially
for recent technologies like IT. Another factor is that in addition to having investments in
IT as a percentage of GDP very small in the developing world, the complementary
investments in physical infrastructure and human resources tend to be much lower than
those of the developed countries. This results in having the IT payoffs in the developing
world less obvious in comparison to the developed world. Moreover, not only have the
number of studies testing this hypothesis on the developing countries been very limited;
but these few studies have also reached contradicting results.
Some of the cross-country studies which included both developed and developing
countries in its samples (such as: Dewan & Kraemer, 2000; Pohjola, 2001; Kraemer &
Dedrick, 2001; Plice & Kraemer, 2001; Lee et al., 2005) have agreed that, in contrast to
the developed world, IT investment has not had a significant positive impact on the
productivity and economic growth of the developing countries during the period of the
1980s and early 1990s. Even though these studies have used different methodologies,
they reached nearly the same results. These studies consent that this conclusion is due to
the fact that the developing countries have a low level of IT investment relative to GDP.
In addition, developing countries lack complementary assets necessary in order to benefit
from the payoffs of IT investments such as the needed infrastructure and the knowledge
base which is essential to support the effective use of IT. In other words, even though
some of these studies have shown that there is generally a positive correlation between
economic growth, productivity and IT investment for the full set of countries in their
samples; but, the results seemed less obvious for the subset which included only
developing countries. On the other hand, other few cross-country studies (such as:
Balimoune, 2002; Lee & Khatri, 2003; Chen & Dahlman, 2004) which have included
only developing countries in their samples reached contradicting results. These studies
have concluded that higher IT investments have resulted in higher economic growth in

developing countries. It may be deduced, accordingly, that having a positive relationship
between IT investments and growth has been recently more obvious for subsets that
included only developed countries but there has been a clear disagreement among the
studies tackling the impact of IT usage on the developing countries. This disagreement
makes testing the hypothesis for developing countries yet to be interesting. Thus, the
main motivation behind this study is to fill in the gap in the literature of developing
Our study is an empirical study aiming at examining the impact of IT usage on the
productivity growth in developing countries by testing the significance of the growth in
Information and Communication Technology spending and the number of Internet users,
as proxies to the magnitude of IT usage, on the growth of TFP1. Accordingly, we will
start by computing the growth of TFP for 33 developing countries during the period of
2002-2006 using the neo-classical growth accounting techniques and then test for the
significance of IT usage on the growth of TFP during the same period using a panel data
regression analysis. The model will include other explanatory variables that reflect other
aspects of technology; that is technology creation, transfer, and absorptive capacity and
examine their significance on TFP. The main contribution of our study is that, to our
knowledge, this is the only panel data model examining the relative importance of IT
adoption in comparison to these other technology facets. Even though there are several
studies that tackled each of these technological aspects individually; yet, none of them
introduced these factors collectively to examine the importance of each aspect relative to
the others. We believe that this comparison is particularly important in the case of the
developing countries, which suffer from relatively limited resources and more pressing
goals. Accordingly, choosing how to utilize these limited resources in an attempt to
derive the highest utility and benefit for its peoples tends to be a critical issue which is
worth seriously taking into account. Section II of this paper will introduce the
methodology used; section III will present the data and variables used in estimation; and
section IV will present the empirical results and section V is the conclusion.

Many aspects of information technology such as the computers and the Internet, are nowadays used as a
medium of communication (e.g. voice chats). Therefore, it may be difficult to strictly separate Information
technologies from Communication technologies; and thus, we include ICT in total as our explanatory
variable. As a result, IT and ICT may be used interchangeably.


In testing for our hypothesis, our analysis is conducted on two phases: we will start
by computing the growth of TFP for 33 developing countries during the period of 2002-
2006 using the neo-classical growth accounting techniques and then test for the
significance of IT spending on TFP during the same period using a panel data regression

1. Growth Accounting Framework

Growth accounting, which has been developed by Abramovitz (1956) and Solow
(1957), remains to be a widely used technique to segregate growth between factor
accumulation and productivity growth. We begin by applying the standard growth
accounting framework: The production function of developing countries undertaken in
our model relates the nation's GDP (Y) to the conventional inputs: Labor (L) and Capital
Stock (K). The function also contains a parameter ( At ) which captures disembodied
technological shifts over time. Since we are dealing with a panel data study covering 33
developing countries over the period 2002 till 2006, a production function of the form
shown below will be assumed:
Yi ,t = At F (Li ,t , K i ,t ) (1)

where: i indexes the country i, for i = 1,2,…33. and t indexes time t, for t =
1,2,…5 (country and time subscripts will be omitted hereafter for simplicity of
Assuming that the production functions takes a Cobb-Douglas form; in natural
logarithms, the production function can be written as:

y = a + α 1l + α k k (2)

where lower case letters indicate that a variable has been transformed into a
natural logarithm (e.g. y = lnY). Thus, the growth rate of output can be written as:

• • • •
y = a+ α l l + α k k (3)

where a is the TFP growth and the other terms are the growth rates of the inputs.

( x indicates the first difference transformation).

Under the neo-classical assumptions of having perfectly competitive factor and product
markets, the output elasticities of labor and capital ( α l and α k ) are equal to the ratio of
the cost of the input to the value of the output (i.e. their shares in revenue).

λX X
αX = (4)

where λX is the unit cost of factor X and P is the output price (so PY is the revenue)
Growth in TFP (Solow Residual) is computed as the residual of growth in GDP
after deducting the contributions of both labor and capital. TFP is estimated using the
following equation:

• •
rK • wL •
a = y−k− l (5)
where: r, w and P are the real price of physical units of capital, labor, and output

2. Regression Analysis

After computing the TFP growth ( a ); the second step is to estimate the elasticity
of TFP to IT usage. Our regression will be having an array of independent variables each
of which represents a certain aspect of technology. That is, the growth in ICT spending
and the number of Internet users are indicators of information technology adoption (our
main research interest), Research and Development (R&D) spending as an indicator of
technology creation, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Trade Openness as indicators
of technology transfer, and Education represented in the Combined Gross Enrollment
Ratio of all levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary as an indicator of the technology
absorptive capacity. We hypothesize that technological advances reflected by the above
mentioned explanatory variables is likely to influence the TFP growth of the developing
The formulation of our model may be quite different from one formulated to
study technology and growth of TFP of developed countries. This is because
industrialized countries are already on or just below the World Technology Frontier;
accordingly their main focus would be upon innovation through technology creation. On
the other hand, the developing countries are still in the phase of trying to make use of the
already existing technologies to catch up with the leaders. Accordingly, it would be
expected that a model formulated for developed countries to include indicators of
innovation capability, such as: R&D investment, patents, and intellectual property rights
as their main aspects of technology rather than mere technology adoption and ensuring
having the absorptive capacity needed.
In estimating our equations, panel data modeling will be used. In such models, it
is crucial to properly account for cross-section heterogeneity unobserved by the
researcher. The problem with such unobserved effects is that if they are correlated with
any of the observed explanatory variables in the model, the least squares estimator of the
parameter turns to be biased and inconsistent as a consequence of an omitted variable. In
this case, the fixed effects estimators are used, and the model is formulated as shown in
equation (6).

yit = xit′ β + α i + ε it (6)

where yit is the dependent variable, xit includes the k regressors (not including the
constant term), α i is the group or individual specific constant term, and ε it is the white
noise random error.
On the other hand, if the individual heterogeneity is assumed to be uncorrelated to
the regressors included in the model, the random effects approach is more appropriate to
be used. In this case the random effects framework will be as follows:

y it = x it′ β + α + u i + ε it (7)

Here u i is specified as group specific random element2. The Hausman (1978)

specification test which tests for the orthogonality of the unobserved effects and the
regressors will be conducted to decide upon the more appropriate model to be used, fixed
or random effects.
It is worth noting that in this study, we attempted to avoid some of the
measurement problems faced by other studies testing the same hypothesis. For example,
we may notice that most of the IT investments belong to the services sector. However,
given that most of the measurement problems tend to be concentrated in this sector in
specific in which most of the output is considered as intermediary elsewhere, we
preferred to tackle the relationship between IT usage and productivity growth on the
aggregate level rather than to concentrate exclusively on the services sector. This is
because if IT truly raised the output of these intermediary industries in unmeasured ways,
these pay-offs should appear in the output of final goods industries that appear in the
aggregate GDP of nations.
Moreover, in deflating the IT capital stock, hedonic price indexes have been used
such that rapid technological and quality advances in IT equipment would be taken into
consideration. Given that, hedonic prices are not available specifically for developing
countries, we preferred to use the U.S. hedonic price deflator will be adopted. Since the
U.S. is considered to be the leader in terms of IT innovation, and developing countries are
merely recipients to the technological advances, we believe that hedonic prices of the
U.S. economy would be a good indicator to the IT prices in the developing countries and
hence it is used as a deflator to IT spending figures. In addition to the above, we tend to
use the TFP growth as our dependent variable rather than other growth indicators such as
GDP growth and GDP per labor, as we believe TFP may be a better indicator to
economic efficiency improvements.

For a more detailed discussion on fixed and random effects estimation see Greene (2003, 301ff.)


Our analysis is based on 33 selected developing countries as shown in appendix

II. Nominal as well as real figures are converted to international dollars using the World
Bank PPP. Annual employment is used as a proxy to the labor input, the labor price by
the annual wage in constant prices. The source of our employment and wages figures is
the ILO database. For developing countries, the capital stock variable is not available;
and therefore, it has to be estimated. Accordingly, the "Perpetual Inventory Method"
(PIM) will be used to measure the capital stock for the developing countries undertaken
in our study. The Perpetual Inventory Method (PIM) generates an estimate of the capital
stock by accumulating past purchases of assets over their estimated service lives (OECD,
2001, p.43). The capital stock in period t is calculated as

K t = I t + (1 − δ )K t −1 (8)

where K is the capital stock, I is the value of gross fixed capital formation in constant
prices and δ is the depreciation rate. Since we have no information on published data as
to country-specific depreciation rates, so we assume the depreciation rate to be 10% as an
attempt to capture the diversity of assets included in the gross fixed capital formation
series (GFCF). In addition, it will be assumed to be constant across countries and
overtime. The source of the GFCF series is the IFS database.
The unit cost of capital will be the interest rate (lending rate) plus the
depreciation rate (assumed to be 10%) minus the price increase of capital goods
(investment price index). The investment price index is published by the Penn World
Tables until 2004. The years 2005 and 2006 are forecasted using the percentage rate of
change in the GDP deflator. Multiplying the unit cost of capital by the capital stock
figures derived using the PIM will be our estimate of the cost of capital.
R&D spending in our model is used as a proxy of technology creation. Although
the developing countries may be far lagging behind the developed world in terms of
R&D; yet, when discussing TFP, it is necessary to include R&D as one of our
explanatory variables. R&D spending is expressed in 000 PPP$. The source of these
figures is the UNESCO database.
Growth in ICT spending is our main interest, as it gives an indication to the
magnitude of information technology adoption in developing countries. Data on ICT
spending will be obtained from the Digital Planet Report (2006) issued by World
Information Technology Services Alliance (WITSA) which is a consortium of
information industry representatives from around the world. ICT spending will reflect
spending on computer hardware, software, computer services, and communication in
U.S. dollars on an annual basis. ICT spending includes expenditures by businesses,
households, and government sectors. Figures for ICT spending will be deflated using the
U.S. city average Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Information and Information
Processing published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In order to take into account
technology improvements and improvements in quality or functionality, a “hedonic”

price should be used. Due to the unavailability of hedonic prices data for developing
countries, we will use the U.S. CPI for IT equipment, as its prices in the U.S. (as the
leader in the IT industry) are expected to be highly correlated to its prices in the
developing world. Accordingly, the U.S. city average Consumer Price Index (CPI) for
Information and Information Processing published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
has been used. The growth rate of ICT spending (ICTGR) will be our first explanatory
variable denoting information technology adoption. Moreover, the number of internet
users is another variable used as a proxy for IT adoption. The source of our figures on the
number of Internet users is the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) estimates.
Educational Attainment is a proxy to the labor force’s potential technological
absorptive capacity. It will be reflected in the combined gross enrollment ratio, which
includes: primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. Even though the combined gross
enrollment ratio may be an indicator of the future absorptive capacity, not the current
one; our argument is that the structure of the enrollment rates in the majority of the
countries under study is rather stable. Thus, it may be also an indicator of the absorptive
capacity of the current work force. The source of our data on educational attainment is
the UNESCO database.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a direct form of technology transfer from
developed to developing countries. The source of FDI figures is the UNCTAD database.
The other variable reflecting technology transfer is trade openness which is a proxy for
globalization and plays an important role in the indirect technology transfer from
developed countries to developing countries; which in turn affects the growth of TFP.
Trade openness is measured as the sum of exports and imports as a percentage of GDP.
Figures of imports and exports are obtained from the IFS online database. Trade
Openness (TO) will be our second explanatory variable for technology transfer. A
summary of the descriptive statistics of the variables is shown in the appendix I.

IV. Empirical Results

Using the neoclassical growth accounting framework in computing the growth of

TFP, our results indicated that (on average) capital growth share and TFP growth
constitute the highest shares of economic growth. One of the arguments behind having
low labor shares in incomes of developing countries is that there is a gap in the data quality
for the developing countries in comparison to that of the developed countries. That is, low-
income countries tend to have a large informal sector in which data is not available. In
addition, many large family businesses exist in which labor income appears as profit. This in
turn results in having low shares of income attributed to labor in developing countries in
comparison to the developed world (Hulton & Isaksson, 2007).
Our results, moreover, emphasize the fact that the relative importance of growth
in TFP in comparison to conventional factor accumulation differs among countries
according to their economic characteristics. In other words, the capital share in economic
growth tends to be highest in oil countries such as: Algeria, Iran, Venezuela, Kuwait,
Bolivia and Ecuador. On the other hand, in most of the emerging economies, such as:

Argentina, Indonesia, Pakistan, Poland, Singapore, and South Africa, growth in TFP
constitutes more than 60% of output per capita growth. After estimating the TFP growth;
the elasticity of TFP to different aspects of technology including: technology creation,
adoption, transfer, and absorptive capacity have been estimated. By conducting the
Hausmann specification test, the null hypothesis of orthogonality is rejected for the 8
regressions conducted. Accordingly, the OLS fixed effects model is preferred to the GLS
random effects one; as it will be more consistent.
One of the determinants of technology creation is R&D spending. Table (1)
(Panel F) shows that RDGR, which represents growth in R&D spending, took the
expected positive sign for its coefficients; yet, not significant at (10% significance level)3.
It is worth noting that several studies (such as: Ahn (2001); Baldwin et al. (1995);
McGuckin et al. (1998)) argued that it is not investment in R&D that counts, but the usage
of new technologies is what affects productivity. In other words, innovations have a
greater impact on users of the technology rather than the producers (Isaksson, 2007). In
fact, R&D spending as a percentage of GDP in the developing countries under study is
very low4; according to the UNESCO estimates, on average it never exceeded 0.36% of
GDP for the period 2000 till 20055. Moreover, in some cases the relationship between
R&D spending and productivity may be more complex than just a static linear
relationship between both variables as assumed in our model. That is, there may be a time
lag between R&D spending and technological improvements or even a non-linear
relationship between both variables (Lang, 2009). Hence, our model results indicate that
in the short-run developing countries would be better off investing in learning how to
have the ability and competence to adopt new technologies rather than trying to create
them through devoting more resources to R&D.
The results of the fixed effects regressions reported in Table (1) indicate that the
growth of spending on ICT has always been significant in explaining variations in the
growth of TFP. That is, growth in ICT spending has been the most robust to the addition
of explanatory variables. The results show that there is an increasing relationship between
both variables, but at a diminishing rate, since the coefficient of (ICTGR^2) turned out to
be negative. This implies that the latecomers in using the information technologies have
the potential to leapfrog and boost their productivities at a higher rate than the first
movers. Adding another explanatory variable, namely the number of Internet users, to the
base regression (Table: (1), Panel A) reaffirmed the fact that IT usage is considered to be
an important determinant of TFP growth; as our results indicated that as the number of
Internet users increases by one user every 100 persons, TFP grows by 0.15%. Moreover,
by observing the R-squared of the same equation, we may see that IT usage reflected in
both, growth of ICT spending and number of Internet users explains around 49% of the
growth in TFP.
As for the combined gross enrolment ratio; unsurprisingly, it appears from Table
(1): panel C that it as well is an important factor in explaining variations in TFP.

R&D spending and R&D spending as a percentage of GDP turned out to be insignificant as well.
South Korea, Singapore and China are an exception as R&D spending as a % of GDP reached 2.99%,
2.36% and 1.34% in 2005.
The highest were South Africa, India, and Morocco with averages of 0.8%, 0.69%, and 0.69%
respectively; while, the lowest was for Honduras, Ecuador, and Indonesia with averages of 0.05%, 0.06%,
and 0.06% respectively.

However, when variables, educational attainment and the number of internet users are
included together, one of them changes to be insignificant as shown in panel E. This may
be explained by the high correlation between both variables. This may be an expected
result since one of the most important determinants of the Internet usage is the level of
education. Accordingly, as more people are educated, more of them use the Internet.
When multicollinearity between two explanatory variables is present, the estimated
coefficients may be unstable in their degree of significance and the t-statistics usually
fall; however, the OLS estimates remain unbiased (Greene, 2003). In fact, the correlation
coefficient between both variables appeared to be significantly high (0.95). This shows
that a strong correlation exists between both variables, which justifies the instability of
the significance of both variables when they are both included together as explanatory
variables in the same regression.
Results of our model shown in Table (1), Panel G, indicate that the relationship
between FDI, TO and growth of TFP for the developing countries under study is
insignificant. Some arguments revert this to the fact that many of the host developing
countries lack the minimum threshold of human capital needed in order to adapt and
absorb new technologies; and as a result, productivity does not significantly increase
(Borensztein et al. (1998)). Another argument is that this may be due to the technological
gap between the Multinational Enterprises affiliates and the domestic firms in the host
countries and therefore developing countries do not benefit from the positive spillovers of
FDI (Meyer, 2004). Our results also indicate that trade openness has not a significant
factor explaining change in TFP. This may contradict with many other studies which
emphasize the importance of trade to increase the productivity of developing countries.
Yet, this is not the main focus of our research; and hence, we believe that if other
indicators for the intensity of trade have been used, results may have been more

According to the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), the best models that suffice
to make statistical inferences are Panels C and E (Table (1)). This is because they are the
models with the lowest values of AIC. It is worth noting that AIC penalizes the loss of
degrees of freedom as the model is expanded more harshly than that by the adjusted R-
squared. Accordingly, generically it is more preferred to be used in comparison to the
adjusted R-squared (Greene, 2003). Meaning that, our results indicate that technology
adoption and the technological absorptive capacity, where ICT spending, Internet usage
and education are used as proxies, are the most important factors affecting growth of
TFP. Our results may coincide with other studies like: Cohen & Soto (2001); Hanushek
and Kimko (2000) which have also proved in their international cross sectional studies
that education has a positive effect on economic growth and productivity. On the other
hand, our results still contradict with other studies like: Dewan & Kraemer (2000);
Pohjola (2001), which argue that IT spending turned out to be insignificant in explaining
growth in developing countries. Our results may be different from the previously
mentioned studies due to the fact that we are examining a different period of study. The
previously mentioned studies examined the period of the 80’s and the early 90’s. We are
using more recent data covering a period in which developing countries started to pay
more attention to the ICT sector in terms of access and promoting skills of its users.

Accordingly, it may be understood that countries which are investing more in the ICT
sector are starting to reap its returns.
The interesting fact is that as we re-estimated the previous models having the
growth of labor productivity as the dependent variable instead of the growth of TFP, the
same results, in terms of significance, have been achieved. That is, ICT spending, Internet
usage and education turned out to be the most significant in explaining the growth of
labor productivity. In fact, our results indicate that each 1% increase in ICT spending is
associated with more than 0.2% increase in labor productivity growth, which is slightly
less than its impact on TFP growth.
As for the country specific intercepts, given that IT adoption is our main concern
in this study, Figure (1) shows the intercepts corresponding to Panel B, where only ICT
spending and Internet usage are taken into consideration. The intercepts in this case
reflect growth of TFP when there is no growth in ICT spending and no Internet usage. It
may be inferred that most of the countries tend to have negative TFP growth; yet, the
countries most affected by the absence of the Internet and ICT growth are: South Korea,
Malaysia, Singapore, Chile, and Hong Kong. These countries already proved to have
established a well-built ICT sector in terms of ICT infrastructure and a high e-readiness
rank. On the other hand, countries least affected are: Venezuela, Pakistan, and Egypt
which indicates that these countries may be relying more heavily on factors other than IT
in their productivity growth; such as: investments in human capital or physical public
Since the relationship between growth of ICT spending and TFP growth is
increasing at a decreasing rate, we will attempt to compute the optimal level of growth in
ICT spending that is needed to maximize the rate of growth of TFP. According to panel

TFP = 0.3185ICTGR − 0.6985ICTGR^2 + 0.0025EDU (9)

= 0.3185 − 2(0.6985) ICTGR (10)

As we equate Equation (10) to zero, our estimates show that the optimal level for
ICTGR is 0.228. That is, in order to maximize TFP growth, ICT spending of the
countries understudy should grow by almost 23% per annum on average. On the other
hand, according to the database ICT spending grows only be 13.23% per annum on
average. In other words, according to the results of our study, the rate of growth of ICT
spending should at least double to reach the optimal level to maximize productivity.

- 10 -
Table (1): Fixed Effects Estimation Results6

Dependent Variable: Panel A Panel B Panel C Panel D Panel E

Independent Variables:
ICTGR 0.3576** 0.3664** 0.3185** 0.3525** 0.3430**
(0.0543) (0.0548) (0.0547) (0.0509) (0.0548)

ICTGR^2 -0.7753** -0.7777** -0.6985** -0.7394** -0.7805**

(0.1738) (0.1804) (0.1792) (0.1739) (0.1802)

EDU 0.0025* 0.0015

(0.0015) (0.0017)

INT 0.0015** 0.0009

(0.0006) (0.0008)

TO 0.0266

R-squared 0.4578 0.4907 0.5369 0.4822 0.5591
Adjusted R-squared 0.3139 0.3446 0.3779 0.3324 0.3983
SE of regression 0.0295 0.0289 0.0271 0.0291 0.0265
F-Statistic 108.1** 58.8** 57.4** 56.3** 40.6**
Akaike Information -2.7366 -2.7352 -2.7437 -2.7266 -2.7464
Criterion (AIC)

Figures in ( ) and show the values of standard errors.
*, ** show the level of significance at 10% and 5%, respectively.

- 11 -
Table (1): (continued): Fixed Effects Estimation Results7

Dependent Variable: Panel F Panel G Panel H

Independent Variables:
ICTGR 0.6509** 0.3597** 0.6998**
(0.1182) (0.0580) (0.1309)

ICTGR^2 -1.3122** -0.6898** -1.4609**

(0.3069) (0.1918) (0.3443)

EDU 0.0032

INT -0.0010

TO -0.0546

RDGR 0.0089 0.00412

(0.0274) (0.02976)

FDIGR -0.0016 0.00488

(0.0024) (0.0050)

R-squared 0.6581 0.4519 0.7229

Adjusted R-squared 0.4226 0.2776 0.4458
SE of regression 0.0279 0.0307 0.0294
F-Statistic 43.3** 45.4** 13.9**
Akaike Information -2.5088 -2.6561 -2.3562
Criterion (AIC)

Figures in ( ) show the values of standard errors.
*, ** show the level of significance at 10% and 5%, respectively.

- 12 -
Figure (1): Intercepts of countries under study when there is no growth in ICT spending and no Internet


































-0.14 -0.12 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 0.06

Source: Based on the Author’s Calculations

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V. Conclusion

Even though IT diffusion has been proven to have significant spillovers on the world
economy, these benefits have not appeared to be evenly distributed among countries. In fact,
effective usage of IT equipment requires many other complementary investments including
factors like human capital and the provision of a reliable telecommunication infrastructure which
many of the developing countries still lack. As such, there is a global fear that poor countries
would be left behind by the information revolution. Pessimistic views claim that developing
countries are trapped in a vicious endless cycle where low per capita income leads to low levels
of ICT diffusion. This will negatively affect their competitiveness, which in turn directs us back
to the initial stage of low per capita income and growth. Nevertheless, there is a counter-
argument that states that although it is a fact that economic growth creates opportunities for
technological innovations; yet, the process can also be reversed. In other words, investments in
technology can equip people with better tools that enhance their productivity and in turn enhance
the growth process of the developing countries. Our study supports the latter more optimistic
Results of our model show that technology adoption and enhancing the individual’s
technological absorptive capacity are the most important short-run aspects of technology that
positively affect the growth of TFP in developing countries. This is reflected in having the
growth in IT spending, the Internet usage, in addition to having a higher level of educational
attainment as the most significant explanatory variables affecting TFP growth. Another
important conclusion is that the average ICT spending in developing countries is less than the
optimal level. In fact, it grows by only 50 percent of its optimal rate; which in turn results in less
than maximized growth of TFP. This proposition reflects that developing countries have ample
space for productive IT investment to take advantage of the substantial potential returns.
However, it is worth noting that “successful use of IT requires much more than mere installation
and application of systematised knowledge. It also requires the application of implied knowledge
regarding the organisation and management of the technology and its application to the
contextual environment in which it is to be used” (Davidson et al., 2000). In other words,
spending on new technologies is not only what matters, but knowing how to make the best use
out of these technologies to achieve personal and organizational objectives is what matters most.
Despite the fact that income is one of the most important determinants of IT diffusion, we
believe that this factor may not necessarily hinder the diffusion of IT in the developing countries,
as governments of developing countries still have the chance to benefit from many relatively low
cost opportunities that enable them to provide IT access to their people. One of the opportunities
developing countries have is leapfrogging over successive generations of technologies to reach
the newest versions without having to pass through all the previous stages (Davidson et al.,
2000). Moreover, latecomer advantages enable developing countries to benefit from the rapidly
decreasing prices of IT equipment resulting from technological innovations and R&D conducted
by the developed world. An example of leapfrogging is when the developing countries use
wireless communication technologies rather than having to pass through the stage of having a
well-developed wire-line infrastructure. Thus, more recent technologies may result in the need
for cheaper infrastructures. Also, using open source software which is provided for free on the
Internet, in addition to importing used or low-specification computers are all considered low cost

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options that developing countries may benefit from (James, 2003). It may be noticed that most of
the solutions proposed involve integrated efforts exerted by both, the developing countries (as
technology adopters) and the developed countries (as technology innovators). Yet, given that the
higher the rate of diffusion of the Internet and IT usage, the higher the benefits derived by all the
technology users; this implies that the process of technology transfer to developing countries
tends not only to benefit the technology recipients, but also benefits the technology innovators;
that is, the developed countries.
In addition to the above, our results indicate that enhancing the individuals’ capacities to
absorb new technologies are considered as necessary or even a pre-requisite to being able to
effectively use such new technologies. This cannot be fulfilled without having a better quality of
the educational system in the IT-adopting nations. Moreover, integrating IT equipment in
educational systems not only increases the skills of individuals using such new technologies; but
in addition, introducing these technologies at an early age will enable individuals of surpassing
the motivational and cultural obstacles that hinder the diffusion of IT. However, the introduction
of these technologies in schools should be complemented with training programs in on how to
use these tools effectively in order to ensure a better educational system and a society more
oriented to being “knowledge-based”. Hence, since developing countries suffer from skill
deficiencies in the workforce. It has been suggested that this deficiency may be overcome either
by letting the state-run educational institutions provide courses of training and skill development
or by providing incentives to firms to engage in such training themselves either by reducing their
taxes or providing subsidies (Indjikian & Siegel, 2005). Hence, education is one of the most
critical factors that must be taken into consideration by policy makers in an attempt to achieve
positive spillovers on productivity and growth of developing countries.
Our study, like any other, has its own limitations. For example, we were not able to use a
more dynamic approach in modeling, as a long time series of data is not easily and consistently
available for developing countries for a relatively new technology such as computers. Another
limitation worth taking into account is that our indicators of IT remain to be limited to its
material access in terms of access to computers and its networks (i.e. the Internet). However, we
did not approach the dimension of how efficient and meaningful the usage of IT and the Internet
is; and how this affects productivity of developing countries. This could be an area for further
empirical research.

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Appendix I

Descriptive Statistics of the Data

Mean Median Maximum Value Minimum Value

GDP Growth 0.0585 0.0553 0.0438 0.2620 -0.1169


Labor 0.0184 0.0165 0.0322 0.2377 -0.1470

Growth Rates

Capital Stock 0.0419 0.0338 0.0553 0.3624 -0.0723

Growth Rates

TFP Growth -0.1042

0.0249 0.0214 0.0356 0.2262

R&D Growth
0.0878 0.0859 0.1625 0.5305 -0.5307

ICT Spending
0.1323 0.1271 0.1000 0.4445 -0.5039
Growth Rates

Combined Gross
73.9025 73.9341 11.8654 97.2302 36.0503
Enrollment Ratios

No. of Internet
15.3144 9.2500 15.4261 71.1000 0.4000

FDI Growth
0.0189 0.0094 0.0298 0.1610 -0.0092

Trade Openness 0.9417 0.6900 0.8619 4.7400 0.2900

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Appendix II

List of Countries undertaken in study

Argentina (ARG)
Bolivia (BOL)
Cameroon (CAM)
Chile (CHL)
China (CHN)
Colombia (COL)
Costa Rica (COS)
Algeria (DZA)
Ecuador (ECU)
Egypt (EGY)
Honduras (HOD)
Hong Kong (HON)
India (IND)
Indonesia (IDN)
Iran (IRA)
Jamaica (JAM)
Korea (KOR)
Kuwait (KUW)
Malaysia (MAL)
Morocco (MOR)
Panama (PAN)
Pakistan (PAK)
Peru (PER)
Philippines (PHL)
Poland (POL)
Romania (ROM)
Singapore (SIN)
Sri Lanka (SRI)
Thailand (THA)
Tunisia (TUN)
Uruguay (URG)
Venezuela (VEN)
South Africa (ZAF)

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