DLL PE Grade 7 Q1

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K to 12 School Grade Level 7

Teacher Learning Area PHYSICAL EDUCATION

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates Quarter 1st

A. Content Standards The learner . . .
demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve personal fitness
B. Performance The learner . . .
Standards designs an individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness
C. Learning The learner . . . The learner . . . The learner . . . The learner . . .
undertakes physical activity identifies training guidelines prepares an exercise program describes the nature and background of the sport
and physical fitness and FITT principles PE7PF-Ic-27 PE7GS-Id-5
assessments PE7PF-Ib-25
PE7PF-Ia-h-23 executes the skills involved in the sport
recognizes barriers ( low level monitors periodically one’s PE7GS-Id-h-4
sets goals based on of fitness, lack of skill and progress towards the fitness goals
assessment results time)to exercise PE7PF-Id-h-28 monitors periodically one’s progress towards the fitness
E7PF-Ia-24 PE7PF-Ib-26 goals
Objectives: PE7PF-Id-h-28
Objectives: 1. List down training
1. Recall the guidelines and FITT Objectives:
different principles 1. Discuss the nature/history of the sport.
physical 2. Cite barriers to 2. Enumerate the equipment needed in the game
fitness tests. perform physical 3. Perform/execute the skills necessary in the
2. Conduct activities sport
Fitness Tests
3. Record and
assess the
results of
4. Create/set
goals based
on the results
of PFT
A. Training Guidelines, A. Training Guidelines, FITT A. Training Guidelines, FITT STRENGTHENING ACTIVITIES
FITT Principles Principles Principles
A. Individual Sports
 Physical Fitness  FITT Principles  Exercise (running, gymnastics, swimming)
Tests (Frequency, Intensity, Program/Fitness
Time,Type) Plan Note: Activities dependent on teacher capability and
 Principles of school resources
Fitness Training
 Barriers to

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 4-7, 20-21 Pages 37-40,22-24, 26 Page 19 Pages 40-52
2. Learner’s Material Pages 4-8,15-17 Pages 17-20, 32-34, 22-23 Page 14 Pages 35-42
3. Textbook Pages OHSP PE 1 Q1 – module 1 MAPEH G7 Based on the K to Active MAPEH I- Pages 248 - MAPEH G7 Based on the K to 12 BEC
PE &Health LM for G8 12 BEC 250 Pages 261-263
pp.12-16 Pages 223 – 226
Active MAPEH I- Pages 309 - 316
Active MAPEH I- Pages 250 -

4. Additional DepEd Physical Fitness Test http://study.com/academy/

Materials from lesson/what-is-the-fitt-
Learning Resources principle-definition-
B. Other Learning  http://www.cdc.gov/ http://business.inquirer.net/ https://www.google.com.ph/? https://
Resources physicalactivity/ 223197/filipinos-lack-exercise gfe_rd=cr&ei=vwcbWYb6MLD4 www.youtube.com/
basics/adding-pa/ 8AeGoK7ACg&gws_rd=ssl#q=e watch?
barriers.html xercise+program+design v=J2BOiR2VSPg-
 P.E G7 LM Q1&2 Freestyle
( see page 44TG G7)
A. Reviewing previous a. Answer Diagnostic/Pre- a. Review of the past lesson What does FITT stand for? What is the importance of doing Review of the
lesson or presenting the Assessment and Par Q and b .Group Activity: Think, Pair Describe the five principles of regular exercise? lesson
new lesson You and Share fitness training. - Name of
B .Provide a copy of Physical sport
Fitness Score Card Group 1:Principle of Overload - History
c. Activity: “ Ready Get Set” Group 2:Principle of - Equipment
Group them into two (2) Specificity - Skills
- Give example of Group 3:Principle of
Physical Fitness Tests(Write Progression
as many as they can) Group 4:Principle of Variation
Group 5: Principle of
Group 6: Frequency
Group 7: Intensity
Group 8: Time
Group 9 Type
B. Establishing a a. Ask them to execute the Showing pictures of the known Practicum
purpose for the lesson PFT ( Teacher must a. Give them 10 minutes to Let them create an exercise personalities who gave honor to
observe/ check the execution) read and discus among program. Show them example the country in the field of athletics Let students bring
themselves the topic on the running in particular their note book so
b. Daily routine Principles of Fitness Training ( see page 133-134 LM G10 ) they can record their
- Get the HR (before and FITT Principles time to monitor if
&after ) there is development
HR Log: Activity or they got their
Notebook targets

-Warm-Up: Dynamic Daily routine

stretching Exercises Accomplish the
following before
proceeding to the
activity proper:

Warm-Up: Dynamic
stretching Exercise
HR Log: Activity

C. Presenting examples/ Administration of Physical How do you design a fitness Are you familiar with
instances of the new Fitness Tests Let students present the topic program? Lydia de Vega?
lesson ( Teacher can make a assigned to them Elma Muros?  Warm up
plan/schedule for What are the things to consider in ( Give some information about activity
the test administration ) designing fitness program ? their accomplishments/ pictures)  Jogging for
5 minutes
( Note: 3-4 days or dependent Discuss pointers in
on number of students and making/designing exercise
teacher’s capability) program:
*Principles of Training
*Training session

D. Discussing new a. Physical Fitness Test

concepts and practicing Proper (Note: After the discussion, Ask them questions: a. Give some safety
new skill #1 teacher must give feedback on Let them create their fitness plan  What is an individual precaution
PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTS the report/discussion to correct considering their weaknesses. Sport? Examples?
misconception and provide ( Provide/show the template ) b .Practice the skills
Height meaningful information) Video showing of the background
Weight and nature of the game c .Conduct drills
3- Minute Step Test
Push up ( Note: For
Basic Plank swimming without
Zipper test access to swimming
Sit & reach facilities, you can
Juggling download videos
Hexagon Agility test that demonstrates
40 m sprint each stroke)
Standing Long jump
Stork Balance Stand Test ( see page 44 of TG
Stick Drop Test G7 )

b.( On the last day )

*The learners will set

their goals based on their
individual PFT results
*Ask them to work
*They will choose three
components that they
consider as their weakness.
*Let the learners follow
the chart below:
Component Goal Activities
to do to

E. Discussing new As you design your fitness

concepts and practicing Ask them: program, keep these points in Discuss the following: *Conduct
new skill #2 - Did you join in any mind: drills/practice of
a. Physical Fitness Test physical activities? 1. -Consider your fitness goals. a. History skills
Proper Explain 2. -Create a balanced routine. b .Equipment
( Always observe safety of - What are the barriers for 3. c. Skills
-Start low and progress slowly.
the students ) not joining the activity as
b. Record the result on PFT teen? Adult? 4. -Build activity into your daily ( Prepare power point
Score Card - routine. presentation )
Activity: Barriers to Exercise5. -Plan to include different
Answer the survey form activities
( see pages 38-40 of TG ) 6. -Allow time for recovery.
7. -Put it on paper.

F. Developing Mastery Group Activity :

a. Physical Fitness Test Let them work independently. Design and write exercise Encourage the learners to ask Group competition
Proper Based on the result of survey program for fitness (manila questions, and give insights
b. Based on the PFT results, form, let them list down their paper)
assess the students top 5 barriers to being active.
( see page 8-9 TG )
G. Finding practical Cite some benefits of As an adolescent and student Let the students realize the Ask students if there are somebody
applications of concepts engaging to regular physical like you is there any activity importance of having an exercise in the class who experienced Group competition
& skills in daily living fitness activities. you do each day which you program and its benefits. joining in the sports event
think may help you develop ( running, swimming, gymnastics,)
Let them share something about
their experiences, what benefits
they have gained from it.
H. Making Why is it important to apply Practice for a group presentation  Let the experienced Competition Proper
generalizations & FITT principles in acquiring student/s demonstrate the
abstractions about the As students how will you skill development? skill
lesson develop your physical ( observe and check the
fitness? execution)

I. Evaluating Learning Fill in the column *Let students study

Teacher will give a 5 items Group presentation their recorded time
Is it important to do constant quiz.
exercise for you to be able to (Note: Teacher must facilitate and *Arrange it from
achieve physical fitness? give suggestions ) highest to lowest to
determine their best
*Identify potential
students to
_______________ participate in the

school level

( for

*Log your HR(after)

J. Additional activities
for application or Cool-Down Teacher will show pictures of *Improve and complete exercise *Research more about the latest Make a plan of
remediation Collage ( Illustrates the a specific physical activity and program to be performed next athletes who brought honors to the action on how to
benefits of doing physical let students identify what meeting. country improve their
fitness) particular FITT component is *Each member of the group must * Wear comfortable attire /PE skills/time
being developed. have a copy attire
*Let them create their own fitness
plan/exercise program


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did

I encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

DAILY School Grade Level 7

LESSO Teacher Learning Area PHYSICAL EDUCATION (cont...)
N Teaching Dates and Quarter FIRST
LOG Time

A. Content The learner . . .
Standards demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve personal fitness
B. Performance The learner . . .
Standards modifies the individualized exercise program to achieve personal fitness

C. Learning The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner… The learner…
executes the skills involved in executes the skills involved in the describes the nature and executes the skills involved in the executes the skills involved in th
the sport sport background of the sport sport sport
PE7GS-Id-h-4 PE7GS-Id-h-4 PE7GS-Id-5 PE7GS-Id-h-4 PE7GS-Id-h-4

performs appropriate first aid for assumes responsibility for keeps the importance of winning
Distinguishes from fallacies sports-related injuries achieving personal fitness and losing in perspective
and misconceptions about the ( e.g. cramps, sprain, heat PE7PF-Id-h-31 PE7PF-Id- h-32
physical activity participation exhaustion)
PE7PF-Id-29 PE7PF-Id-30

Aerobics Aerobics  INDIVIDUAL SPORTS
Jumping rope Jumping rope (RUNNING, GYMNASTICS, SWIMMING)
running running

1.Modified individualized 1.Modified individualized exercises Note: Activities are dependent on the teachers capability and availability of resources
*For Leg Power scenario Teacher may also modify any game or create activity that is suited to the students interest and
*For arm and shoulder strength 2.Apply first aid to a given capability that may develop personal fitness

*For abdominal Strength

(Teacher may select / choose (Teacher may select / choose
activity suited for the students activity suited for the students need )
need )
A. References
1. Teacher’s Pages 54-55, 56-59, 59-60 Pages 40-52
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Pages 45-47, 47-50, 50-51 Pages 35-42
Material Pages
3. Textbook MAPEH G7 Based on the K to MAPEH G7 Based on the K to 12
Pages 12 BEC BEC
Pages 232 – 234 Pages 246 – 251

4. Additional DepEd Physical Fitness Test DepEd Physical Fitness Test https://www.google.com.ph/?
Materials from gfe_rd=cr&ei=6QIdWYmGOa7
Learning AfqjYGIAw&gws_rd
B. Other  http://www.cdc.gov/ http://business.inquirer.net/
Learning physicalactivity/basics/ 223197/filipinos-lack-
Resources adding-pa/barriers.html exercise
 P.E G7 LM Q1&2


A. Reviewing
previous lesson Picture identification Did you enjoy performing the A .Review A.Review
or presenting the ( The teacher will show pictures activity yesterday? B. Video Presentation/ B.Daily routine
new lesson of different physical activities Which part do you find yourself showing pictures Accomplish the following before proceeding to the activity proper:
that improves endurance and strong? ( individual sports preferred)
muscle and bone strength) Which part do you find yourself Warm-Up: Dynamic stretching Exercise
weak? HR Log: Activity Notebook

Let the students describe the

characteristics of the physically
fit, thin and the one having a
very fat body composition.
( Teacher must show pictures)

B. Establishing a Do you have comments, What is the importance of doing regular exercise?
purpose for the Daily routine Do you think the activities will insights about the video
lesson Accomplish the following before develop your endurance and muscle presentations/ pictures?
proceeding to the activity and bone strength? Can you give example of
proper: equipment used?
What will you do next?
Warm-Up: Dynamic stretching Divide the group into three(3)
Exercise Daily routine
HR Log: Activity Notebook Accomplish the following before Group1.Nature/ history of the
proceeding to the activity proper: game
Group 2.Facilities&
Warm-Up: Dynamic stretching Equipment used
Exercise Group 3.Skills used in the
HR Log: Activity Notebook game

C. Presenting A good health goal is to have Conduct of activities to improve

examples/ physical fitness in your life. endurance and strengthen the Let them discuss the topic A. Perform all the skills a.Give some safety precaution
instances of the What basic steps can you start to muscles and bone assigned
new lesson check if the physical activity you (Teacher may follow or improvise ( Skills of particular sports)
have chosen can help you reach the activities depending on the ( Teacher will give additional
your fitness goal? Explain. students interest and given time) information ) B. Observe safety measures

D. Discussing Conduct of activities to improve

new concepts endurance and strengthen the Discuss thoroughly especially A. Execute the skill step by a..Practice the skills
and practicing muscles and bone Let them perform the planned the skills used . step
new skill #1 activities. B. Be careful with the b.Conduct drills
For arm and shoulder strength position, correct stance,
Coffee grinder *Give proper instruction and have etc. ( Note: For swimming without
Dog walk instant correction if needed C. Ask volunteer to access to swimming facilities, y
*Secure the safety of the students demonstrate can download videos that
For abdominal Strength while doing the activity D. Let the group perform the demonstrates each stroke)
Scissors skills
V-sit with arm support ( see page 44 of TG G7 )

(Teacher may follow or

improvise the activities
depending on the students
interest and given time)
( see pages 54-55, 56-59, 59-60
TG of G7 )
E. Discussing
new concepts *Give proper instruction and *Discuss the Treating Sports Injuries Ask one learner to
and practicing have instant correction if needed (see page 67-68 ) demonstrate accurately the
new skill #2 skills needed.
*Secure the safety of the *Activity:
students while doing the activity Group them into 5. Each group will ( Check the position, stances,
*Ask the learners to cite some perform the appropriate first aid to hand and arm movement, PRACTICE
fallacies regarding the conduct the situation given etc.)
of physical activities/ execution ( see page 69-70)
of physical activities

F. Developing Group practice

Mastery Conduct the activities Conduct the activities Activity: Pick Me
( Teacher may write/post the ( Teacher may write/post the ( Teacher may provide) , let ( To be monitored by the teacher )
activities) activities) them pick 1 question to be
answered by the group. More
correct answer will be
declared as winner.)

G. Finding
practical Perform with group mates Let them realize the importance of Do you think playing this How you find the activity?
applications of ( Let students perform the having knowledge for first aid. kind of sports could help
concepts & skills activities by group, they can use improve personal fitness?
in daily living music ) How? explain

Make the activity a simple


H. Making
generalizations Cite importance of first aid Q&A Group presentation
& abstractions As an adolescent and student - as an athlete
about the lesson like you is there any activity you - as a learner ( Ask several questions ( Check the execution )
do each day which you think - as a member of the family regarding the topic)
may help you strengthen your - etc.
muscles and bone?

What about your endurance?

( Let students identify activity at
home and in school)
I. Evaluating
Learning Complete the statement below: Prepare a short quiz Presentation of the whole class PRACTICUM
Evaluate the group activity using
rubrics * Engaging in physical activity
( Teacher may create rubrics) * I learned that…
* Having knowledge in first aid
J. Additional *Review and practice the * Cool- Down * Find time to enhance the
activities for Cool-Down Study about other individual sports skills . * Be ready for the practicum different skills.
application or ( depends on the kind of sports *Be ready for the activity
remediation assigned by the teacher) * Wear proper/ comfortable
A. No. of
learners who
earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of
learners who
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the
remedial lesson
work? No. of
learners who
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

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