Diet Composition and Prey Selectivity of Colombian

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Diet composition and prey selectivity of Colombian populations of a social


Article  in  Insectes Sociaux · August 2016

DOI: 10.1007/s00040-016-0505-z


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5 authors, including:

Luis Fernando García Julio César González Gómez

Universidad de la República de Uruguay University of Tolima


Juan Carlos Valenzuela-Rojas Everton Tizo-Pedroso

South Colombian University Universidade Estadual de Goiás


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Insect. Soc.
DOI 10.1007/s00040-016-0505-z Insectes Sociaux

Diet composition and prey selectivity of Colombian populations

of a social pseudoscorpion
L. F. Garcia1,4,5 • J. C. Gonzalez-Gomez2,3,5 • J. C. Valenzuela-Rojas2,5 •
E. Tizo-Pedroso5,6 • M. Lacava4,5

Received: 29 October 2015 / Revised: 21 July 2016 / Accepted: 19 August 2016

Ó International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI) 2016

Abstract Prey capture is a determinant aspect in arachnid potentially dangerous species which possess stingers or
sociality, since cooperative hunting allows the individuals behaved aggressively. When evaluating size, we found that
access to very large prey. Although this behavior has been P. nidificator is able to prey on arthropods up to eight times
extensively studied in some spiders, the knowledge about larger than itself. These results suggest that by hunting in
some minor groups such as pseudoscorpions is still scarce. groups, P. nidificator is able to capture not only larger prey,
The aim of this study was to analyze diet composition, prey but also prey which could be potentially dangerous for
selectivity and prey size in Colombian populations of the solitary individuals such as some ant species.
social pseudoscorpion Paratemnoides nidificator. We col-
lected prey captured by 112 colonies of P. nidificator as well Keywords Social behavior  Feeding habits  Foraging 
as their potential prey. We found that hymenopterans Pseudoscorpiones  Atemnidae
(Formicidae) were the most consumed prey, while other
items found in the diet included dipterans, embiopterans,
hemipterans, mantids, neuropterans and spiders. When Introduction
comparing prey composition, we found a low similarity
between actual and potential prey. Paratemnoides nidifi- Sociality is an uncommon phenomenon among arachnids
cator showed a positive selectivity towards ant species (Avilés 1997). While degrees of sociality have been repor-
which lacked strong defensive mechanisms, while avoiding ted among different arachnids (Choe and Crespi 1997; Costa
2006), the most extreme cases of sociality occur among
spiders and pseudoscorpions, where examples of species
& E. Tizo-Pedroso that cooperate for prey capture and breeding can be found
[email protected] (Avilés 1997; Ainsworth et al. 2002; Del-Claro and Tizo-
Pedroso 2009; Settepani et al. 2013; Yip and Rayor 2014).
Centro Universitario de la Región Este, Universidad de la
República, Simón del Pino 1132, Treinta y Tres, Uruguay
In spiders, food is a critical determinant of sociality, as
group number is regulated by prey availability and size
Universidad Surcolombiana, Semillero INVUSCO, Avenida
Pastrana Borrero-Carrera 1, Neiva, Huila, Colombia
(Whitehouse and Lubin 2005; Lubin and Bilde 2007;
Guevara et al. 2011). By hunting in groups, spiders are able
Grupo de Investigación en Zoologı́a, Universidad del Tolima,
Barrio Santa Helena Parte Alta, Ibagué, Tolima, Colombia
to capture prey which otherwise would be unavailable for
solitary individuals (Majer et al. 2015). This includes larger
Laboratorio de Ecologı́a del Comportamiento, Instituto de
Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente Estable, Avenida Italia
and more varied prey including those which may be
3318, Montevideo, Uruguay potentially harmful to the spiders, such as ants, wasps and
5 bees (Souza et al. 2007). A constant supply of food and the
Grupo de Investigación BEA, Corporación Huiltur, Carrera 5
No 8-67, Neiva, Huila, Colombia consumption of large prey are necessary for the mainte-
6 nance of a large group size (Giraldeau and Caraco 2000).
Universidade Estadual de Goiás, Câmpus Morrinhos,
Laboratório de Ecologia Comportamental de Aracnı́deos, For this reason, social spiders are predominantly found
Goiás, Brazil when prey richness is high or where insects several times

L. F. Garcı́a et al.

larger than the spiders are frequent (Guevara and Aviles (Kunth) and 20 trees of Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb) Benth
2009; Majer et al. 2013a, b, 2015). (Fabaceae, Mimosoideae). These samplings were made by
The Order Pseudoscorpiones is a diverse group of four researchers between February and May 2014 over 20
Arachnids, with more than 3300 known species (Harvey non-consecutive nights, and were ended after completing 20
2011). Sociality in this group is poorly known compared to sampling hours for each collector. Since pseudoscorpions
spiders (Del-Claro and Tizo-Pedroso 2009). Previous stud- are nocturnally active, all sampling was done between 20:00
ies on the diet and feeding behavior of social and 22:00. We chose this time period because P. nidificator
pseudoscorpions have focused on the Northern and Central individuals can be found outside their nests at this time.
American pseudoscorpion Paratemnoides elongatus (Banks During sampling, we collected only colonies which we
1895) (Atemnidae), and showed that this species can feed on found to be consuming a prey. When we found pseu-
arthropods several times larger than adult individuals and doscorpions feeding, the prey was removed and identified to
can capture these cooperatively (Brach 1978; Zeh and Zeh the lowest possible taxonomic level. Additionally, obser-
1990). In South America, studies based on the ecology and vations were made ad libitum when interactions between
natural history of the cooperative species P. nidificator pseudoscorpions and their prey were found in the field.
(Balzan 1888), a pseudoscorpion commonly found under After collecting the prey, most of the pseudoscorpions hid
the bark of living trees and which forms groups of up to 300 inside their shelters so it was not possible to collect all the
individuals, showed that Brazilian populations of this spe- living individuals to measure them or determine how many
cies also feed on large ants and other large insects such as of them participated in prey capture. Nevertheless, in all
stink bugs and beetles (Tizo-Pedroso and Del-Claro 2007). cases only adult pseudoscorpions were found capturing the
Additional studies about prey capture under laboratory prey, therefore, we collected 30 adult individuals to estimate
conditions found that adults are mainly responsible for their mean body size. The voucher specimens were depos-
providing food for the colony (Tizo-Pedroso and Del-Claro ited in the entomological collection of South Colombian
2007, 2011). Despite this, there are no detailed studies University (Universidad Surcolombiana). Pseudoscorpions
describing prey selection by these pseudoscorpions. Prey feed on prey’s internal tissues leaving the exoskeleton
selectivity is an important aspect, as it allows us to unveil almost intact (Tizo-Pedroso and Del-Claro 2007). We,
the trophic specialization and importance of different prey therefore, photographed adult pseudoscorpions and
types on the life history of an organism (Martin and exoskeletons of consumed prey under a dissecting micro-
Wainwright 2011; Litsios et al. 2012). Considering the food scope. The measurements of both prey and pseudoscorpions
demands of pseudoscorpion colonies (Tizo-Pedroso and (total body length) were made using the software imageJ
Del-Claro 2007; Del-Claro and Tizo-Pedroso 2009), we 1.46r (Rasband 2015).
expect that the colonies preferentially capture large prey. To identify the potential prey, we collected all arthropods
Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the diet that we found crawling on trees, inside crevices and on tree
composition and prey size selectivity of Colombian popu- barks. Samplings were also made between 0 and 8 m in
lations of the social pseudoscorpion, P. nidificator. height on the tree trunks during the same time lapse and with
According to previous studies, social pseudoscorpions are the same effort per collector used to sample the actual prey.
able to capture animals larger than themselves (Brach 1978; Because some pseudoscorpions were found consuming
Zeh and Zeh 1990; Hahn and Matthiesen 1993; Tizo-Pe- flying arthropods, we decided to sample all the vegetation
droso and Del-Claro 2007), so we expected P. nidificator to found 5 m around the trees using 500 sweep net passes per
consume a range of large crawling arthropods such as ants sampling to collect flying insects, which climb up trees. The
and bugs. collected individuals were placed in vials of ethanol (70 %).
Preserved individuals were placed in the entomological
collection of the Universidad Surcolombiana. We also used
Methods the Morisita index to compare species composition between
actual and potential prey (Krebs 1999).
Prey composition and size
Prey selectivity
We analyzed the prey composition by evaluating the con-
sumed prey found associated with multiple colonies of P. Prey selectivity was measured using a Manly index, which
nidificator that were found in a cloud forest next to Neiva evaluates selectivity as the ratio between proportion for
city, Colombia. Since P. nidificator individuals are often each item in the diet divided by the proportion for each item
found associated with rough bark trees (Tizo-Pedroso and on the environment (Manly et al. 2002). When the index
Del-Claro 2007), we sampled colonies found between 0 and value is significantly larger than one it indicates a preference
3 m height in ten trees of Pseudosamanea guachapele for a certain prey item. In contrast, when the value is less

Diet composition and prey selectivity of Colombian populations of a social pseudoscorpion

Table 1 Prey available in the environment and prey consumed by Paratemnoides nidificator
Prey Common name Actual Available Size for actual prey (mm)

Acromyrmex octospinosus Leaf-cutting ant 40 68 6.69 ± 0.29

Camponotus cf. brevis Carpenter ant 31 28 6.88 ± 0.28
Camponotus sp. Carpenter ant 18 74 5.89 ± 0.22
Camponotus cf. substitutus Carpenter ant 7 106 7.85 ± 1.36
Coreidae Leaf-footed bugs 4 25 12.03 ± 2.90
Pseudomyrmex sp. Elongate twig ant 4 1 6.93 ± 0.88
Crematogaster sp. Acrobat ant 3 40 6.88 ± 0.28
Ectatomma tuberculatum Selva ant 3 40 6.93 ± 1.09
Odontomachus sp.* Trap-jaw ant 2 18 2.87
Chrysopa sp.* Lacewing 2 6 7.27
Schizocosa sp.* Wolf spider 2 4 6.84
Mantoida sp.* Praying mantis 2 2 22.09
Embioptera* Foot spinner 2 1 8.94
Sciaridae* Dark-winged fungus gnat 2 1 3.03
Total 122 414
The sizes for actual prey are represented as the mean ± standard error. (* Indicates prey where only one individual could be measured)

than one, it indicates avoidance. Values near to one indicate

that the resource is used proportionally to its availability
(Desbiez et al. 2009). The statistical significance for this
index was analyzed using a Chi-square test with a sequential
Bonferroni correction for critical values (a = 0.003). Sta-
tistical analyses were performed with the software R for
Windows 3.1.1 (R Core Team 2015) and the package ade-
habitat (Calenge 2006).


Diet composition and prey size

We recorded a total of 112 colonies consuming prey. All the Fig. 1 Histogram for the size of the prey captured by individuals of
observed prey had been captured by adult pseudoscorpions Paratemnoides nidificator
and were in good condition (i.e., slightly deteriorated) by
the time they were collected. Among the prey we found, pseudoscorpions are able to capture prey up to eight times
hymenopterans (family Formicidae) were the most abun- the size of an adult individual.
dant followed by hemipterans, mantids, neuropterans and
spiders (Table 1). Since several morphospecies of ants were Prey selectivity
recorded in comparison to the other groups, ants were
identified to a lower taxonomic level compared to the other When analyzing the prey selection in P. nidificator, we
prey. The species composition was different between found that these show a marked selectivity for different
available and consumed prey and exhibited a similarity of arthropods (v213 = 127.98, p \ 0.0001). After analyzing the
3 % according to the Morisita index. selectivity index (Wi), we found that when significant, both
The rank sizes for consumed prey were most frequent positive and negative significant values were recorded in
between 6 and 8 mm (Fig. 1). A gradual decrease in fre- ants (Fig. 2). Positive selectivity was registered in Acro-
quency is observed as prey size increases. Paratemnoides myrmex octospinosus (Wi = 1.99, p \ 0.0001) and
nidificator rarely captured prey bigger than 16 mm. The Camponotus cf. brevis (Wi = 3.75, p \ 0.0001). In con-
mean size recorded for P. nidificator adults is trast, negative selectivity was observed in Camponotus cf.
2.7 ± 0.2 mm, therefore, this suggests that these substitutus (Wi = 0.22, p \ 0.0001), Crematogaster sp.

L. F. Garcı́a et al.

Fig. 2 Manly selectivity index

for the prey captured by
Paratemnoides nidificator.
Values above the horizontal line
indicate positive selectivity,
while values below it indicate
negative selectivity. Error bars
represent 95 % confidence
interval. (*Indicates prey which
are consumed in a significantly
different proportion when
compared to their availability)

(Wi = 0.25, p \ 0.0001) and Ectatomma tuberculatum Brazilian populations of P. nidificator during the dry season.
(Wi = 0.25, p \ 0.0001). No significant selectivity was We, however, surveyed for only a short period, so the diet
found for other arthropod groups such as Coreidae could change across seasons (Tizo-Pedroso and Del-Claro
(Wi = 0.56, p = 0.087), Mantoida sp. (Wi = 3.93, 2007).
p = 0.87), Chrysopa sp. (Wi = 1.13, p = 0.32), Embiop- Although there is limited information about prey size in
tera (Wi = 6.78, p = 0.22), Schizocosa sp. (Wi = 1.19, pseudoscorpions, especially for solitary species, most
p = 0.56) and Sciaridae (Wi = 6.78, p = 0.22). A similar studies report arthropods smaller or slightly larger than the
tendency was observed in some ant species such as Cam- pseudoscorpions, including mites, collembolans and fruit
ponotus sp. (Wi = 0.86, p = 0.331), Odontomachus sp. flies (Weygoldt 1969; Harvey 1986; Witt and Dill 1996).
(Wi = 0.38, p = 0.018) and Pseudomyrmex sp. Experiments of prey size preference show that solitary
(Wi = 13.57, p = 0.060). pseudoscorpions prefer individuals which measure about
50 % of their own body length (Johnson and Wellington
1980), while social species like the Brazilian populations of
Discussion P. nidificator have been recorded consuming prey four
times larger than adult individuals (Tizo-Pedroso and Del-
Our study provides the first quantitative description of prey Claro 2007). The P. nidificator Colombian populations
selectivity in pseudoscorpions under field conditions. In caught prey up to eight times their size, although the most
spite of having a wide variety of available prey, pseu- frequent prey captured were between approximately 1.8 and
doscorpions showed a marked consumption for certain prey 3 times the body size of an adult pseudoscorpion.
groups, which is reflected by the low similarity between the Sociality allowed the pseudoscorpions to catch and use
actual and the potential prey. The mantids and embiopterans prey several times larger than themselves, which otherwise
are reported here for the first time in the diet of P. nidifi- would be very difficult to capture. In North America, the
cator, nevertheless, their consumption was low compared to social pseudoscorpion P. elongatus is capable of capturing
other prey such as ants and true bugs, which had been large ants, beetles and millipedes (Brach 1978; Zeh and Zeh
previously recorded in Brazilian populations (Tizo-Pedroso 1990). The capture of larger prey is a common trait in social
and Del-Claro 2007). The high consumption of ants and arachnids: for example, it has been shown that social spiders
bugs may be explained by the fact that these insects walk are able to capture prey up to 10–20 times larger than an
actively on the tree bark, where pseudoscorpions build their adult individual (Nentwig and Wissel 1986). Consumption
nests. In contrast, the low frequency of other prey items may of large prey by P. nidificator (prey larger than the pseu-
be because they were only temporarily present on the tree, doscorpions) was confirmed by this study.
such as some flying insects, or because they do not move The selectivity values for the majority of prey were not
actively on these, such as some spiders. These results agree significant, suggesting that most of prey were consumed
with previous findings by Tizo-Pedroso and Del-Claro according to their availability. Nevertheless, the positive
(2007), who report ants as the most important prey in selectivity values recorded for some species such as A.

Diet composition and prey selectivity of Colombian populations of a social pseudoscorpion

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indicates that P. nidificator has a marked preference for David Guzmán, greatly helped us with the English correction for the
manuscript. We are also indebted to two anonymous referees who
these prey. The consumption of leaf cutting ants was greatly improved this manuscript with their suggestions.
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A. Hódar and Carmen Viera provided us with several suggestions and dae). Proc R Soc B-Biol Sci 279:3662–3669
literature to write this manuscript. We thank to Paola González Lubin Y, Bilde T (2007) The evolution of sociality in spiders. Adv
Vanegas, who kindly helped us with the insect identification. We also Study Behav 37:83–145
thank to Antonio Agudelo who helped us to identify the mantid spe- Majer M, Agnarsson I, Svenning JC, Bilde T (2013a) Social spiders of
cies. Volker Manhert helped us with pseudoscorpion the genus Anelosimus occur in wetter, more productive

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