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Food choice of an Algerian population of the spur‐thighed tortoise, Testudo


Article in African Journal of Herpetology · December 2008

DOI: 10.1080/21564574.2008.9635573


7 423

7 authors, including:

Rachid Rouag Luca Luiselli

University of El-Tarf Rivers State University of Science and Technology


Ghoulem Tiar Slim Benyacoub

University of El-Tarf Badji Mokhtar - Annaba University


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Living with congeners: biology in the only contact zone of three congeneric European Vipers View project

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African Journal of Herpetology, 2008 57(2): 103-113. ©Herpetological Association of Africa

Original article

Food choice of an Algerian population of the

spur-thighed tortoise, Testudo graeca


Centre universitaire d’El Tarf, 36100 El Tarf, Algérie; Rachid [email protected]
Département de Biologie, Université Badji Mokhtar, BP 12, El Hadjar, 23000 Annaba, Algérie
F.I.Z.V. (Ecology) and Centre of Environmental Studies Demetra s.r.l., via Olona 7,
00198 Roma, Italia; [email protected]
Faculté des Sciences, Semlalia Département de Biologie, Université Cadi Ayyad, BP 2390,
40000 Marrakech, Maroc

Abstract.—The diet of an Algerian population of spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo graeca) was studied with
the aims of exploring: (i) the variation in diet among males, females and juveniles, (ii) the relationships
between consumption and relative availability of the plant species, and (iii) which plant tissues, vegeta-
tive or reproductive, are eaten by tortoises. We recorded more than forty plant species at the study area,
with monocot species (n = 7) having a greater percent cover than that of dicot species (n = 31 species)
or Gymnospermae (n = 2). Tortoise diet was studied by categorising 4422 plant and animal fragments in
faecal pellets of 20 males, 16 females and eight juveniles. Tortoises ate a wide variety of plant species,
including 13 dicots and three monocots, and occasionally invertebrates. The number of fragments for a
plant species was correlated with plant species cover, and plant vegetative tissues exceeded plant repro-
ductive tissues in the faeces. Dicots (Fabaceae, Composeae, Primulaceae, and Caryophyllaceae)
accounted for over 70% of the diet (faecal fragments). The high dietary (niche) overlap, and null model
analysis (RA3 algorithm with 30,000 Monte Carlo simulations), indicate that males, females and juve-
niles did not partition food resources; all three groups ate the same plant species.

Key words.—Testudinidae, herbivory, north Africa, feeding, faecal pellet analysis.

ost extant reptiles are carnivorous (croc- instructive for understanding other aspects of
M odiles, snakes, lizards, freshwater tur-
tles), with herbivory being unusual (in fresh-
life-history and evolution of these reptiles (e.g.,
Luiselli 2006), and scientists are beginning to
water turtles), rare (in lizards), exceptionally carefully analyse the dietary habits of testu-
rare (in crocodiles), or nonexistent (in snakes; dinids (e.g., MacDonald & Mushinsky 1988;
Halliday & Adler 2002). Terrestrial chelonians, Jennings 1993; Luiselli 2003; El Mouden et al.
especially members of the family Testudinidae, 2006). Such detailed dietary studies are neces-
are unusual among reptiles in that typically sary to help us understand the main patterns of
they are herbivorous, with few species being tortoise foraging ecology.
omnivorous or mainly carnivorous (Ernst &
Barbour 1989; Hailey et al. 2001; Luiselli The spur-thighed or Moorish tortoise (Testudo
2006). Studying foraging ecology may be very graeca graeca Linnaeus, 1758) has a wide dis-


tribution in north Africa (Maghreb and MATERIALS AND METHODS

Cyrenaica), southern Spain, the Balearic
Islands, and in the Balkans east to the STUDY AREA
Caucasus, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iran
and Iraq (Ernst & Barbour 1989; Fritz & Havas We studied Testudo graeca in the Parc National
2007). The species has been studied widely in d’El Kala, in northeastern Algeria. The study
terms of ecology, demography and geographic area is a part of the northeastern Algerian Tell,
variation (e.g., Braza et al. 1981; Díaz- and is situated between 36°43’N and 36°57’N
Paniagua et al. 1995, 1996 & 2001; Bailey & and between 07°43’E and 08°37’E. The cli-
Highfield 1996; El Mouden et al. 2001; Van der mate is Mediterranean, with most of the annual
Kuyl et al. 2002; Ben Kaddour et al. 2005; rainfall (630 mm) falling during the winter
Rouag et al. 2007). However, Testudo graeca months.
foraging ecology has been studied little in the
wild (Andreu 1987; Cobo & Andreu 1988), The study area was a 30 ha parcel of
with only one study from northern Africa (El Mediterranean ‘maquis’ vegetation, dominated
Mouden et al. 2006). by dwarf palms (Chamaerops humilis) on a
sandy soil, with a forest of black alders (Alnus
Animal foraging and feeding ecology are influ- glutinosa) at the site’s edge. About 50% of the
enced complexly by many factors, including habitat was heavily disturbed, with extensive
several abiotic and biotic elements of the ani- agricultural areas surrounding the maquis
mal’s environment (Stephens & Krebs 1986; patches. Bushes had a mean height of 32.4 cm
Berdoy & MacDonald 1991). Thus, to portray and a relative cover of 19.4%. The grasses
reliably the feeding ecology of a species, we averaged 2.3 cm tall with relative cover
need independent studies from disparate geo- exceeding 70% (Rouag et al. 2007).
graphic and bioclimatic conditions within the
species’ range (Stephens & Krebs 1986). RESEARCH PROTOCOL
Additionally, evaluating the feeding ecology of
populations where other information (e.g., pop- Plant availability.—We surveyed plants during
ulation ecology) is known enhances analysis April 2007, coinciding with the peak activity
and interpretation in light of the complex links period for Moorish tortoises (R. Rouag, C.
among ecologically relevant variables (e.g., Ferrah, L. Luiselli, G. Tiar, S. Benyacoub, N.
energy availability, age and reproductive per- Ziane and E. El Mouden, unpublished data).
formance; Bonnet et al. 1998; Zuffi et al. We used a line-intercept method to visually
2008). In this paper we aim to evaluate aspects estimate the relative cover of plant species in
of the feeding ecology of spur-thighed tortoises 30 independent, randomly-chosen 430 m line
from a part of the range where their feeding transects. Relative cover was estimated for
habits are unknown, north-eastern Algeria, but each 10m-long station, placed every 30 m
for a population where demography has been along each transect to avoid the study area
assessed (Rouag et al. 2007). Here we evaluate boundaries, using the Braun-Blanquet &
(i) dietary variation among groups (i.e., males, Pavillard (1929) categories: +, for species pre-
females and juveniles), (ii) the relationships sent but rare (<1% of study area), and 1 to 5
between consumption and relative availability respectively, for species covering less than 5%
of the various plant species, (iii) whether vege- (score = 1), 5-25% (2), 25-50% (3), 50-75%
tative or reproductive tissues are eaten, and (iv) (4), or 75 to 100% (5). Stations were placed
intraspecific partitioning of food resources. outside very disturbed areas. Plant species were

ROUAG ET AL. — Food choice of Algerian tortoises

identified using keys in Quezel & Santa (1963). Carl Zeiss). According to Rodde’s technique,
three microscope slides were prepared for each
Tortoise diet.—We quantified T. graeca diet by sample, and fragments were counted on three
analysing faecal pellets collected in spring horizontal lines, separated by 2 mm, on each
2007, in exactly the same period as we did slide (El Mouden et al. 2006).
plant surveys. Faecal pellet analysis has been
widely employed on tortoises (e.g., MacDonald Most plant fragments in faeces were identified
& Mushinsky 1988; Luiselli 2003) because it is to species level using a photographic atlas of all
noninvasive and unlikely to harm low-density plant species identified at the study area; some
species (Luiselli 2006). However, this method were identifiable only to higher taxonomic lev-
may pose biases in that softer materials may be els. Identification followed Baumgartner &
digested so that they are unidentifiable in the Martin’s microhistological method (see Rodde
faecal fragments (Demuth & Buhlmann 1997; 1977, Chapuis 1980), which has been widely
Gunzburger 1999; Pincheira-Donoso 2008); used for analysing diets of mammalian herbi-
this bias has not been quantified. Faeces were vores. The micro-morphological criteria for
collected from wild tortoises during random plant identification included the shape, size and
walks throughout the study area. Once cap- general feature of cells, cellular inclusions,
tured, tortoises were marked individually by density and distribution of stomata, and the
carapace scale notching, sexed, and identified morphology of external epidermal structures.
as male, female or juvenile for intraspecific We were unable to prepare a photographic
analyses (e.g., Bury & Luckenbach 1977; identification atlas for invertebrates, so we lim-
Rouag et al. 2007). Adults were distinguished ited these identifications to the presence or
from juveniles based on the appearance of nar- absence of invertebrate tissue.
rower growth annuli that occur at maturity
(Castanet & Cheylan 1979; Diaz-Paniagua et Statistical analyses.—Using diet composition
al. 2001; Rouag et al. 2007). Tortoises typical- (% of total fragments), dietary diversity (H’,
ly defecated during capture and manipulation. sensu Spellerberg & Fedor 2003) and equitabil-
Their faecal pellets were collected, placed in ity indices (E) were calculated according to
ethanol (50% v/v), and stored in plastic vials Shannon & Weaver’s formulas (1949). H’ and
for subsequent analysis. Then the tortoises E differences among groups (males, females
were released at their capture points. To avoid and juveniles) were calculated by a matrix per-
pseudoreplication, only one pellet was collect- mutation test, contrasting the actual data matrix
ed per tortoise. with data generated by 5000 random boot-
straps, and then applying the Mantel’s test
Faecal pellets were air dried, homogenised in a (Manly 1997). Food niche overlap (Ojk) among
mortar, decoloured using Javel’s water groups was calculated by Pianka’s (1986) sym-
(Massemin 1992), and sieved under a series of metric equation, with values ranging from 0
0.4-0.8 mm sieves (Chapuis 1980). Fragments (no overlap) to 1 (total overlap). To test the
longer than 0.4 mm were dried again, washed hypothesis that there was intraspecific resource
in a 50% (v/v) glycerine-water solution and partitioning for food, we employed null model
repulverised to make a fine, homogeneous analysis (e.g., Gotelli and Graves 1996) on
sample, and added back to the sample to help niche overlaps. The occurrence of non-random
produce a large number of fragments (Rodde intraspecific food resource partitioning in T.
1977; Butet 1985). Rodde’s technique (Rodde graeca was tested by contrasting the original
1977) was used to identify and count all frag- data matrices with simulated data matrices gen-
ments via light microscopy (x100; Microscope erated by Monte Carlo simulations (Gotelli &


Graves 1996). Randomisation algorithm RA3 RESULTS

(Lawlor 1980) was used as it is robust for niche
overlap studies (Gotelli & Graves 1996). RA3 Plant species diversity and abundance.—We
tests for guild structure by conserving niche recorded more than 40 plant species, and
breadth for each population group, but destroy- assessed the relative cover of 31 dicot, 7 mono-
ing guild structure manifested by the resource cot and 2 Gymnosperm species (Table 1).
utilisation matrix’s zero structure (Gotelli & Although Dicotyledons occurred at every sam-
Graves 1996). To avoid algorithm biases pling station, Monocotyledons covered more
(Lehsten & Harmand 2006), for each pair of area. Monocots covered more than 50% of the
groups (male-female, male-juvenile and study area, with a preponderance of species
female-juvenile), 30,000 random Monte Carlo belonging to Poaceae (Graminaceae), primarily
permutations were generated. This number of Hordeum murinum and Cynodon dactylon
permutations ensures that algorithm biases are (Table 1).
avoided. Niche overlap values were calculated
for each of these randomly generated matrices, Diet composition of tortoises.—We analysed
and then compared to expected mean overlap faeces from 44 Moorish tortoises (20 adult
values generated from permutations. males, 16 adult females, and eight juveniles)
Occurrence of significant intraspecific food and categorised 4422 faecal fragments. Faecal
resource partitioning between population analysis revealed that tortoises ate a wide vari-
groups was assumed if Pobs<exp < 0.05 (Gotelli ety of plants and, to a much lesser degree,
& Graves 1996). Plant availability data were invertebrates (Table 2). Based on the frequency
used in the niche overlap calculations and in of fragments in the faeces, plant consumption
the algorithm computations (Gotelli & varied considerably among species (range per
Entsminger 2001). To test for dietary differ- group = 0.1 to 13%, Table 2).
ences among the three groups, we used contin-
For dicots, vegetative fragments (>51% of
gency table (Χ2) tests on the number of individ-
total) were more common than were reproduc-
ual tortoises that ate the different plant species.
tive fragments (7.8%; Χ21 test: P < 0.01).
The P-level criterion was adjusted using the
Vegetative parts of Monocotyledons accounted
Bonferroni Method. The relationships between
for 29.4% of all faecal fragments, but there
plant species availability and consumption (%
were no fragments of monocot reproductive tis-
of faecal fragments) were assessed by
sues (Table 2). Invertebrate remains accounted
Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
for only 3.2% of the total fragments and were
Statistical analyses, with all tests being two-
tailed and alpha set at 5%, were performed consumed less than plant fragments (Χ21 test, P
using SPSS (Version 11.0) and Statistica < 0.0001).
(Version 7.0) software. Monte Carlo simula-
tions and niche overlaps were calculated using The tortoises ate at least 16 plant species,
Ecosim (Version 7.68, Acquired Intelligence including three monocots and at least 13 dicots
Corp., Kesey-Bear) software. (Table 2). The most common fragments
belonged to the families Fabaceae, Composeae
(Asteraceae), Primulaceae, Poaceae and
Cyperaceae. Trifolium sp. was the most com-
mon genus identified, accounting for 12 to 17%
of total fragments (depending on tortoise
group), and was abundant in the field (Cover
index = 2, Table 1). Among monocots, Poaceae

ROUAG ET AL. — Food choice of Algerian tortoises

Table 1. Relative cover indices* of plant species in the 30 ha study area of the Park National d'El Kala, in
northeastern Algeria, April 2007.

Plant Taxa Cover

Family Species
Amaranthaceae Amaranthus albus +
Apiaceae Chimaphila umbellata +
Daucus carota +
Other unidentified Apiaceae +
Apocynaceae Nerium oleander +
Asteraceae Centaurea napifolia +
Chrysanthemum coronarium 1
Evax pygmaea 1
Galactites tomentosa +
Ormenix mixta 1
Unidentified Asteraceae 2
Boraginaceae Cynoglossum sp. 1
Echium plantagineum 1
Campanulaceae Campanula dichotoma +
Caryophyllaceae Paronychia argentea 1
Cistaceae Tuberaria guttata 1
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia sp. +
Fabaceae Coronilla scorpioides 1
Lotus ornithopodioides 1
Trifolium arvense 1
Trifolium campestre 1
Trifolium sp. 2
Lamiaceae Lamium sp. +
Mentha pulegium +
Mentha rotundifolia +
Plantaginaceae Linaria pinifolia 2
Polygonaceae Rumex bucephalophorus 1
Primulaceae Anagalis arvensis 1
Rosaceae Rubus ulmifolius 2
Rubiaceae Rubia peregrina +
Thymelaeaceae Daphne gnidium +

Family Species
Alliaceae Allium triquetrum 1
Arecaceae Chamerops humilis +
Cyperaceae Carex remota 1
Iridaceae Iris pseudacorus 1
Poaceae Cynodon dactylon 4
Hordeum murinum 4
Smilacaceae Smilax aspera 1


Family Species
Polypodiaceae Polypodium vulgare 2

Family Species
Cupressaceae Juniperus oxycedrus +

* Braun-Blanquet & Pavillard (1929), the relative abundance scores represent: +, species present but very
rare (<1% of study area), and 1 to 5 respectively, for species covering less than 5% (score = 1), 5-25% (2),
25-50% (3), 50-75% (4), or 75 to 100% (5).


Table 2. Relative abundance (%) of fragments identified in the faeces of 20 male, 16 female and eight juve-
nile Testudo greaca. The number of fragments counted was 1700, 1516 and 1206 for males, females and
juveniles, respectively. The vegetative parts included leaves and stems. The reproductive parts included
flowers and seeds.

Taxa Male Female Juvenile


Cynodon dactylon
leaves 11.88 8.97 9.95
stems 2.53 2.11 2.74
Hordeum murinum
leaves 8.06 10.29 7.79
stems 2.00 2.31 1.66
Carex remota
leaves 3.53 9.04 -
stems 1.71 2.84 -
Monocot vegetative 29.71 35.55 22.14
Monocot total 29.71 35.55 22.14


Anagalis arvensis
leaves 2.71 3.76 1.82
stems 0.88 1.52 0.91
seeds 0.35 1.98 1.00
Apiaceae indet.
leaves 2.47 0.73 1.82
stems - - 0.50
leaves 2.65 1.58 2.82
stems 9.06 3.96 0.50
Chrysanthemum coronarium
leaves 3.06 1.65 2.82
stems - 0.20 0.83
Coronilla scorpioides
leaves 1.06 1.85 1.91
stems - 0.20 2.82
seeds 0.65 1.72 0.75
Cynoglossum sp.
leaves 3.12 0.99 2.32
stems - 0.33 1.24
Linaria pinifolia
leaves 0.71 1.32 1.24
stems - 0.13 -
seeds 0.29 1.12 0.17
Lotus ornithopodioides
leaves 4.82 1.52 1.66
stems 0.76 0.66 1.49
flowers 2.12 1.72 1.82
Ormenix mixta
leaves 0.35 - -
stems 1.53 - -
Paronychia argentea
leaves 1.18 1.19 1.41
stems - 0.13 0.66
flowers 1.53 1.32 2.07
Trifolium arvense
leaves 1.65 1.58 2.40
stems 0.47 0.66 0.75

ROUAG ET AL. — Food choice of Algerian tortoises

Table 2 continued.

Taxa Male Female Juvenile

Trifolium sp.
leaves 13.24 10.03 11.44
stems 3.53 2.31 3.57
Tuberaria guttata
leaves 1.88 3.23 4.56
stems 2.70 3.82 2.82
seeds 0.59 2.11 2.57
Dicot vegetative 57.82 43.34 52.32
Dicot reproductive 5.53 9.96 8.37
Dicot total 63.35 53.30 60.70

Undetermined plant (vegetative) 6.59 8.05 9.95

Undetermined invertebrate 0.36 3.10 7.21
Total 100 100 100

(i.e., Cynodon dactylon and Hordeum mur- using the Bonferroni-adjusted criterion
inum) were important food items (Table 2) and (P=0.016), there were no sexual (Χ21= 14.93, P
covered considerable area (Cover index = 4). = 0.037) or adult-juvenile (Χ21= 16.05, P =
Several species, such as Paronychia argentea, 0.025) differences in seed fragments or inverte-
Cynoglossum sp., and Chrysanthemum coro- brate fragments (sexes: Χ21= 5.101, P = 0.024);
narium (Table 2), were rare in the environment adult-juvenile: Χ21= 3.887, P = 0.049).
(scored + or 1) and faeces. However, tortoises
ate some rare species disproportionate to their Diet diversity was nearly identical in males (H’
availability. For instance, among the species = 3.693), females (H’ = 3.712) and juveniles
with abundance score = 1, Carex remota and (H’ = 3.702; differences not significant, P >
Lotus ornithopodiodes were consumed regular- 0.25 with Mantel test). Equitability was also
ly (Table 2). Overall, species consumption (% relatively high, and not statistically different
of faecal fragments) was correlated to plant among males (E = 0.886), females (E = 0.908),
species availability (rs = 0.57, n = 16, P < 0.01). and juveniles (E = 0.925; P > 0.15 with Mantel
test). Food niche overlap values were very high
Dietary comparisons among groups.—The fre- between males and females (Ojk = 0.972),
quency of faecal fragments seemed similar males and juveniles (Ojk = 0.986), as well as
among groups (Table 2). For monocots, neither females and juveniles (Ojk = 0.957). The mean
the male-female nor adult-juvenile comparison observed index (Ojk = 0.972) was greater than
was significant (both Χ21< 4.47, P > 0.480). the simulated values (Ojk = 0.459±0.019) in
Similarly, the frequency of vegetative and 29,997 simulations out of 30,000. The Pobs<exp
reproductive plant tissues, whether or not = 0.999, thus rejecting the hypothesis of an
including monocots and dicots, did not differ intraspecific resource partitioning for food.
between sexes (Χ21= 2.118, P = 0.548) or Furthermore, the observed index was signifi-
between juveniles, males and females (Χ22= cantly higher than the simulated value (P <
6.097, P = 0.107). The data showed a slight 0.0001), suggesting all groups ate the same
suggestion that seeds and invertebrates were foods.
consumed differently among groups. However,


DISCUSSION Hofmeyr, pers. comm.). Similar to our study,

Gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus;
Algerian spur-thighed tortoises were essential- Garner & Landers 1981) food choices depend-
ly plant-eaters, occasionally consuming inver- ed on plant nutritional quality, with a clear pref-
tebrates. Their diet is consistent with broad erence for Fabaceae. Fabaceae were also the
dietary patterns exhibited by the Testudinidae main food component for another desert tor-
(e.g., Ernst & Barbour 1989; El Mouden et al. toise, Gopherus agassizii (Jennings 1983).
2006; Luiselli 2006). The variety of plant
species eaten by Algerian tortoises was much Moorish tortoises consumed substantial
less than that eaten by conspecific populations amounts (3.7 to 7.3 %) of the scarlet pimpernel
from Spain (88 species, Andreu 1987) and (Anagalis arvensis), a toxic plant species that is
Morocco (34 species, El Mouden et al. 2006), avoided by herbivorous mammals (El Mouden
probably reflecting the relatively low species et al. 2006). Anagalis arvensis is also eaten by
richness of plants at our study area. Our tor- Moroccan Testudo graeca, and its consumption
toises ate 40% of the plant species available, so may be due to the anti-helminthic properties of
the tortoises appeared relatively generalist in this plant (El Mouden et al. 2006). Other tor-
their food choices. It is likely that this percent- toise species also eat plants toxic to mam-
age would be higher if our study extended for a malian herbivores (Milton 1992; Meek 1985,
longer time span. Dietary generalism was also Kabigumila 2001, Henen et al. 2005).
confirmed by the positive relationship between Monocots, mostly grasses, accounted for near-
plant species available and consumed by tor- ly 30% of the Moorish tortoise diet. This is
toises at the study area. likely correlated to the high availability of
monocots, and is a further indication of these
Plant selection by terrestrial vertebrate herbi- tortoises being relatively generalist in their
vores is determined by several criteria includ- food choices.
ing plant species phenology, nutritional quality
(Robbins 1993), presence of toxic or indi- Although vegetative parts of plants constituted
gestible plant parts (e.g., Lagarde et al. 2003), the main dietary component for T. graeca, they
rates of food passage in the digestive tract (e.g., also ate seeds and flowers. Invertebrates were
Tracy et al. 2006), and animal energy and water consumed occasionally, especially by juve-
requirements. There is a strong selection for niles. Juveniles probably eat invertebrates for
plants with high nutritive value (e.g., Frase & their high protein contents, which may help
Armitage 1989). In our study area, plant selec- juveniles grow. The presence of invertebrates
tion by tortoises seemed to be directed towards in diets of herbivorous tortoises is a widespread
vegetative parts of plants, with a preference for occurrence (e.g., Cloudsley-Thompson 1970;
a few dicot families. This selection is likely due MacDonald & Mushinsky 1988; Mason et al.
to high contents of certain nutrient (e.g., phos- 1999), may help provide nutrients for tortoises
phorus, sodium and calcium, Carey et al., and may enhance the assimilation of certain
1985) in dicots compared to monocots (e.g., other nutrients (e.g., Bjorndal 1991). In tropical
Poaceae). For instance, Fabaceae are richer in Africa, terrestrial tortoises (genus Kinixys)
nitrogen and minerals than are Poaceae (Carey have a predominantly carnivorous diet (Hailey
et al. 1985), and Fabaceae (Trifolium sp.) was et al. 2001; Luiselli 2003). In agreement with
the primary faecal fragment in our study. the present study, juveniles of other terrestrial
Conversely, some nutrients (e.g., neutral deter- and freshwater chelonians are more carnivo-
gent fibre) may be higher in monocots than in rous than their adults (e.g., Ernst & Barbour
dicots (Henen et al. 2005; BT Henen and MD 1989).

ROUAG ET AL. — Food choice of Algerian tortoises

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Received: 15 June 2008; Final acceptance: 18 November 2008.


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