Recitation 1

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CS201: Recitation 1

GNU Compiler, Server, Makefile

(not writing any code)

1) Downloading an IDE with GNU compiler

2) Running your first simple C++ code
3) Running your first simple C++ on the server
4) Headers and running projects with multiple files
5) Makefile, making compiling your project a bit easier
6) Debugging your code in IDE
1. Download an IDE

1) One good option is CodeBlocks:

2) For windows make sure you download ‘mingw’ option

2. Create and run a simple C++ code as a
part of a project
In upper left corner click: File > New > Project
2. Create and run a simple C++ code as a
part of a project
Choose Empty Project
2. Create and run a simple C++ code as a
part of a project
Give your project a name And choose a project folder
2. Create and run a simple C++ code as a
part of a project
VERY IMPORTANT: For this and all your future CodeBlocks projects in
CS201 course please make absolutely sure that you choose GNU GCC
Compiler. Press Finish.
2. Create and run a simple C++ code as a
part of a project
Add a C++ file your project: File>New>Empty file
2. Create and run a simple C++ code as a
part of a project
Press yes
2. Create and run a simple C++ code as a
part of a project
Name it ‘main.cpp’ (.cpp is standard c++ file extension)
2. Create and run a simple C++ code as a
part of a project
Make sure debug and release options are checked and press ok
2. Create and run a simple C++ code as a
part of a project
Copy and paste this code and then press ‘build and run’ icon

// Your First C++ Program

#include <iostream>

int main() {
std::cout << "Hello World!";
return 0;
2. Create and run a simple C++ code as a
part of a project
If you did everything right, a window will pop up and display something
like this.

Congratulations, you ran your first C++ code!

3. Running your code on a remote server
● Unlike your previous coding classes, assignments in CS201 are
evaluated not locally but on a remote server

● This means that during grading we will upload your code to a

remote server and run it there, and give you a grade based on the
output we get

● Therefore, to make sure that there are no unexpected errors and

problems when your code is ran on the server, you too have to
connect to the server and run your code there before you submit it

● If after submission we cannot run your code on the server, you are
likely to lose a good portion of your grade even if your code works
perfectly on your computer.
3. Running your code on a remote server
● Luckily, uploading your code to the server and running it there is
very simple

● It is a two-step process 1) Uploading your code and 2) Running your

code. For each of these processes we use a separate software.

Software for uploading the code: FileZilla

Software for running the code: Your Command Prompt

Download FileZilla and let’s move to the next step. Command prompt is
already available on your pc.
3. Running your code on a remote server
● The server we are going to use is located at Bilkent and is called
Dijkstra. Think of it as a computer somewhere in one of our
buildings which is connected to the bilkent network.

● To connect to this server, you too, must be connected to the Bilkent

network. Which means you either need to be using campus internet
connection, or connect to your Bilkent VPN if you are not inside the

● Use this link if you don’t already have a Bilkent VPN

● Again, you don’t need VPN if you are connected to Bilkent network.
3. Running your code on a remote server
● Before this recitation or shortly after, each student taking this
course will receive a unique server ID and password which they will
use to connect to the server.

● With that being said. Lets go and upload our code to the server
using FileZilla, our ID and password.
3. Running your code on a remote server
Open FileZilla. It has 3 sections. The one marked with blue is for establishing connection, the red section is the
contents of your computer and green section is the contents of the server. Because we are not connected yet, the
blue and green sections are empty
3. Running your code on a remote server
Establish a connection. On the upper corner you will see four slots.
Username: yourusername
Password: yourpassword
Port: 22

Here host ( is the address of our server on the Bilkent network. And
username and password are the ID details that each individual student received.

Press Quickconnect to connect to the server.

3. Running your code on a remote server
Once connected it will looks something like this. On the right you will see the
contents of your server folder. For now it only contains some random files that you
don’t need to worry about. Let’s upload our code.
3. Running your code on a remote server
On the left locate the main.cpp file we previously created, right click and press upload. Once you do that
the same file will appear in the window on the right. This means you successfully uploaded your code to
the server. You are now ready to compile and run it.
3. Running your code on a remote server
● Next we will run our code on the server

● Some of you may already know that it is possible to run programs

from your command prompt just as you do from IDE by pressing
run button. Some of you might have already used command
prompt to run codes.

● Here we will use our command prompt to connect to the remove

server and run codes on the server.
3. Running your code on a remote server
Open your command prompt and type the following command:

Naturally, you need to replace ‘yourusername’ part with the username that you have
been provided for the server. Type the command and press ‘Enter’.
3. Running your code on a remote server
You will be asked to enter a password. As you enter your password you will not see it
being typed on the prompt, it is normal, just type the password and press enter.

If you entered it correctly then you will see something like below. Now you command
prompt is connected to the server.
3. Running your code on a remote server
For example if you now type ‘ls’ you will see same files listed in the command prompt.

Here you can also see the main.cpp file that we just uploaded using FileZilla is visible from prompt.
Let’s compile and run it.

To compile the file, you will use command ‘g++ main.cpp -o my_program’

Here: ‘g++’ is the name of the compiler

‘main.cpp’ is the name of the file that we want to compile
‘-o’ is a command for output assignment
‘my_program’ is a name that we choose to give to our compiled binary file

This command will generate a compiled binary named ‘my_program’ that we will use to run the code.
3. Running your code on a remote server
After you execute the compile command you can actually see my_program binary that
we just created by listing the folder using ‘ls’

Finally to run the binary, type: ./my_program

Hello World! Is printed. Congrats! You ran your code on the server!
3. Running your code on a remote server
● Okay, now we know how to run a single .cpp file on the server. But
how do we run large projects?

● It is not much different, the exact same procedure with a minor


● Project might contain header files. We need to include them. What

are they?
4. Running a project with multiple header
and cpp files.
● Header files are used to separate declaration and implementation in
C++. For the sake of this recitation you just need to know that they are
part of the project, they are linked with .cpp files, and they need to be
present to be able to compile the project.

● In this recitation we will use a ready project named GradeBook that

contains a header file. You don’t need to worry about implementation we
will provide you with the code.

● The program is very simple, it asks for grades of the student on

individual assignments and prints the letter grade that the student is
going to receive from the course.

● The program has 3 files. main.cpp, GradeBook.cpp and GradeBook.h

4. Running a project with multiple header
and cpp files.
● Locate .h and .cpp files in the project folder and upload them just
as we did with single main.cpp file.
4. Running a project with multiple header
and cpp files.
Now, navigate to the command prompt again. Run ‘ls’ command again, you should be able to
see the files that you have uploaded.

Now run: g++ main.cpp GradeBook.cpp -o my_second_program to generate the binary of this
program. As you might have guessed, when we are compiling a project with multiple cpp files, we
simply type the names of all cpp files instead of a single one. You might have also noticed that
we don’t type the name of .h file. This is because .h files are internally linked with .cpp files and
don’t need to be included in the command. But they need to be present in the same folder.
4. Running a project with multiple header
and cpp files.
Now you simply run you new binary.
4. Running a project with multiple header
and cpp files.
● That’s it. If you reached this point. You are ready to test your code on
the server before submitting it.

● Always make sure that you test your code on the server before you
submit it

● Always make sure that you are ONLY using ‘g++’ compiler.

● Uploading you code to the server is not same as submitting it. Your
code on the server is seen by you and only you. You still need to upload
your code to the Moodle. And that is what we will use for grading.

● Next I will discuss an extra trick that might make your life a bit easier. It
is called Makefile.
5. Briefly about Makefile

● Makefile is often used for making compiling large projects a bit easier.

● You now know that we need to type the names of all of our cpp files
when we compile a project on the server.

● You can imagine how on a project with 10-15 cpp files compile command
might get messy: g++ main.cpp car.cpp house.cpp person.cpp ...

● Makefile comes in handy in similar situations.

● Best way to explain this is to demonstrate and example. So let’s do it.

5. Briefly about Makefile
On your computer create a txt file called ‘makefile.txt’. Open that txt file and
type the following:
5. Briefly about Makefile

● Red section on the left is the name of your output

● Green section on the right contains the names of the files you will use to
generate the output

● And the yellow section at the bottom is the really long command that
you don’t want to type over and over again on the command prompt
5. Briefly about Makefile
Save and close the file. After you closed it rename it such that it no longer
has the .txt extension.

You will get a warning. Just press yes. Now upload this file to the server just
as you uploaded your code. After you upload the makefile go to the
command prompt and type ‘ls’ to observe the makefile in the directory.
5. Briefly about Makefile
Now, to execute the same ‘g++ main.cpp Gradebook.cpp -o my_second_output’
command you simply need to type ’make’.

And now your long command has been executed by just typing ‘make’
5. Briefly about Makefile

● In all honesty though, Makefile is a very powerful tool used by

professional teams. It does more than just simplify commands. It
optimizes the compilation process as well.

● But that is outside the scope of this course. But we do encourage you to
read up on the Makefile.

● Please refer to for more information on

usage of Makefile
6. Debugging
● In debugging mode you can track your code as it is being executed

● Instead of running the entire code at once you can watch step-by-step
as each command is being executed

● Let’s open the project GradeBook and try each step

6. Debugging
6. Debugging
6. Debugging
6. Debugging
6. Debugging
6. Debugging
6. Debugging
6. Debugging
6. Debugging
6. Debugging
6. Debugging
6. Debugging

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