TQM Course Syllabus 02 - 2023
TQM Course Syllabus 02 - 2023
TQM Course Syllabus 02 - 2023
0 10-July-2020
2nd Semester, S.Y 2022 – 2023
COURSE TITLE Total Quality Management
CLASS HOURS 9:30-11:00 AM & 1:00-2:30 PM
COURSE SCHEDULE Tuesday & Thursday
2. Engage in relevant, comprehensive and sustainable development initiatives through multiple perspectives in decisions and actions that
build personal and professional credibility and integrity.
3. Set challenging goals and tasks with determination and sense of urgency which provide continuous improvement and producing quality
outputs leading to inclusive growth;
4. Exhibit life-long learning and global competency proficiency in communication skills, inter/interpersonal skills, entrepreneurial skills,
innovative mindset, research and production initiatives and capability in meeting the industry requirements of local, ASEAN and
international human capital market through relevant and comprehensive programs;
5. Display, socially and environmentally responsive organizational culture, which ensures higher productivity among the university
constituents and elevate the welfare of the multi-sectoral communities and;
6. Practice spiritual values and morally upright behavior which promote and inspire greater harmony to project a credible public image.
1.Promote a deep sense of
nationalism and pride in the
Nationalistic, ▪ Loyal to his/her country and very proud to represent the country’s culture and
student’s own culture and
Culture Sensitive products.
national identity.
3.Communicate effectively
and efficiently with
stakeholders using oral,
Eloquent ▪ Express ideas confidently in oral and written form
writing, and electronic
documentation skills.
This course provides the learners with an understanding of quality control and improvement systems. The course also includes study of topics related to quality
management approaches, design and implementation of quality-related procedures, and related technologies. The focus of the course is on enhancing goods, services, and the
business environment.
I Aware on the needs and wants customers PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7,
PO8, PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12 & PO13
D Understand the role of leader in strategic planning. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7,
PO8, PO9, PO10 PO11, PO12 & PO13
D Knowledgeable on current human resource practices PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8,
PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12 & PO13
I Accustomed with the process in developing a new product or service PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8,
PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12 & PO13
D Aware on performance measurement and information management PO2, PO8, PO10, PO11, PO12 & PO13
P Familiar on practices in building and how to sustain performance excellence in organizations PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8,
PO10, PO11, PO12 & PO13
D Knowledgeable on principles of six sigma PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8,
PO10, PO11, PO12, & PO13
P Accustomed on six sigma and process improvement. PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8,
PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12 & PO13
I Accustomed on six sigma and process improvement. PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8,
PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12 & PO13
P Able to perform designing six sigma application. PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7,
PO8, PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12 & PO13
P Familiar with tools for process improvement PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8,
PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12 & PO13
D Knowledgeable on statistical process control. PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8,
PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12 & PO13
Learning Activities
Course Learning Materials
Learning Outcomes Topics Hours (Face-to-Face and Assessment
Outcome/s and Platform
Remote Teaching)
CO1 1. Aware on modern 1. Introduction to Quality 4 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
importance of quality. Modern Importance of Quality Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
Quality Assurance Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
2. Understand the competitive History of Quality Assurance Brain-storming LMS
advantage in the application Contemporary Influences on Quality
of quality management. Defining Quality
Formal Definitions of Quality
Quality Perspective
Customer-Driver Quality
Total Quality
Principles of Total Quality
Customer and Stakeholder Focus
Participation and Teamwork
Process Focus and Continuous
Deming’s View of a Production
CO2 1. Understand the growth of 2. Total Quality in Organizations 4 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
modern quality Growth of Modern Quality Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
management. Management Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
Systems Thinking Brain-storming LMS
2. Able to identity the quality Manufacturing Systems
management practices Relationships in a Typical
applied in various sectors. Manufacturing System
Quality in Marketing
Quality in Product Design
Quality in Purchasing
Quality in Production Planning &
Quality in Manufacturing & Assembly
Quality in Process Design
Quality in Finished Goods Inspection
& Testing
Quality in Installation and Service
Quality in Business Support Functions
for Manufacturing
Quality in Services
Critical Differences Between Service
and Manufacturing
Components of Service System
Quality in Health Care
Quality Issues in Health Care
Quality in Education
Quality in Higher Education
CO3 1. Identify the different quality 3. Philosophies and Frameworks 4 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
philosophers and their Leaders in the Quality Revolution Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
theories. Deming Chain Reaction Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
Brain-storming LMS
2. Distinguish the different Deming’s System of Profound
types of quality Knowledge
management concepts. Deming’s 14 Points
Juran’s Quality Trilogy
Philip B. Crosby Absolutes of Quality
A.V. Feigenbaum Three Steps of
Kaoru Ishikawa
Genichi Taguchi
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality
Criteria for Performance Excellence
The Baldridge Framework-A Systems
Criteria Evolution
Baldridge Award Evolution Process
Deming Prize
Other Quality Award
ISO 9000:2015
Objectives of ISO Standards
Structure of ISO 9000:2015
ISO 9000:2015 Quality Management
Six Sigma
1 hour Quiz
Key Concepts of Six Sigma
CO4 1. Aware on the different types 4. Focusing on Customers 4 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
of tools in classifying Importance of Customer Satisfaction Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
customer requirements. and Loyalty Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
American Customer Satisfaction Index Brain-storming LMS
2. Appreciate the relevance of (ACSI) Model of Customer
customer relationship Satisfaction
management. Customer-Driven Quality Cycle
Leading Practices
Key Customer Groups
Identifying Internal Customers
Customer Segmentation
Key Dimensions of Manufacturing
Key Dimensions of Service Quality
Kano Model of Customer Needs
Customer Listening Posts
Tools for Classifying Customer
Using Customer Information
Moments of Truth
Customer Relationship Management
Importance of Complaint Management
Measuring Customer Satisfaction
Survey Design
Analyzing Feedback: Performance-
Importance Analysis
Difficulties with Customer Satisfaction
Customer Perceive Value (CPV)
Customer and Market Focus in the
Baldridge Criteria
CO5 1. Understand the role of 5. Leadership and Strategic Planning 4 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
leadership and strategic Leadership Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
planning. Strategic Planning Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
Brain-storming LMS
2. Apply the environmental The Baldrige Leadership Triad”
assessment tool in the Executive Leadership
formulation of strategic Leadership Competencies
plan. Leading Practices-Leadership
Leadership Theories
Leadership System
Leadership and Social
Leading Practices-Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning Process
Values (Guiding Principles)
Environmental Assessment
Strategy Deployment
Policy Deployment
Link Human Resource Plan and
Business Strategy
The Seven Management and
Planning Tools
Leadership and Organizational
Team-Based Organization Chart
Leadership in the Baldrige Criteria
Strategic Planning in the Baldrige
CO6 1. Understand the objective of 6. Human Resources Practices 4 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
human resource Objectives of HRM Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
management. Key Activities in HRM Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
Leading Practices Brain-storming LMS
2. Demonstrate to design a Teams
high-performance work Types of Teams
system. Functions of Teams
Ingredients for Successful Teams
Six Sigma Project Teams
High Performance Work Systems
Designing High Performance Work
Hackman Model
Enhancing Work Design
Employee Involvement
Advantages of Emotional Intelligence
Successful Empowerment
Training and Education
Compensation and Recognition
Effective Recognition and Reward
Performance Appraisal
Measuring Employee Satisfaction
and Effectiveness
Human Resources in the Baldrige
Award Criteria
CO7 1. Identify the process in 7. Process Management 4 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
product development. AT&T Process Management Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
Principles Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
2. Understand the project life Types of Processes Brain-storming LMS
cycle management. Control vs. Improvement
Leading Practices
Product Development Process
Design for Manufacturability
Design for Quality and Social
Streamlining Product Development
CO8 1. Understand the relevance 8. Performance Measurement and 6 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
of performance Information Management Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
measurement. Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
Information Management
Brain-storming LMS
2. Explain the use of balance Process Flow
scorecard. Use of Information and Analysis
Benefits of Information Management
Leading Practices
Balance Scorecard
Baldrige Classification of
Performance Measurement
Customers Measures
Productive and Service Measures
Financial and Market Measures
Human Resources Measures
Organizational Effectiveness
Governance and Social
Responsibility Measures
Purposes of Performance
Measurement Systems
Practical Guidelines
Linkages to Strategy
Process-Level Measurements
Common Process Quality Measures
Creating Effective Performance
Analyzing and Using Data
The Cost of Quality (COQ)
Quality Cost Classification
Quality Cost Management Tools
Return on Quality (ROQ)
Managing Data and Information
Knowledge Management
Internal Benchmarking
Measurement and Information
Management in the Baldrige Award
CO9 1. Understand the value of 9. Building and Sustaining 2 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
building and sustaining Performance Excellence in Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
performance excellence in Organizations Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
organizations. Selling the Total Quality Concept Brain-storming LMS
Organizational Culture and
2. Aware on the benefits of Performance Excellence
implementing ISO 9000 and Baldridge Core Values and Concepts
Six Sigma. Cultural Change
Building on Best Practices
Best Practices: Infrastructure Design
Implementing Total Quality: Key
Strategic vs. Process Change
Common Mistakes in Total Quality
Sustaining the Quality Organization
Important Probability
Central Limit Theorem
Sampling Method
Sampling Error
Statistical Methods
Statistical Tools
CO12 1. Familiar with the 12. Design for Six Sigma 4 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
measurement system Tools for Concept Development Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
evaluation in the Quality Function Deployment Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
application of six-sigma. House of Quality Brain-storming LMS
Building the House of Quality
2. Aware on the tools for Concept Engineering
concept development. Tools for Design Development
Tolerance Design
Design Failure Mode and Effects
Analysis (DFMEA)
Reliability Prediction
Types of Failures
Types of Reliability
Reliability Measurement
Tools for Design Optimization
Optimizing Reliability
Tools for Verification
Reliability Testing
Measurement System Evaluation
Metrology-Science of
Repeatability and Reproducibility
Spread Sheet Templates
Process Capability
Types of Capability Studies
Process Capability Studies
CO13 1. Apply the Deming’s Cycle 13. Tools for Process Improvement 4 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
to improve the business Deming Cycle Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
processes. PDSA Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
FADE Brain-storming LMS
2. Understand the role of a Juran’s Breakthrough Sequence
team leader and its Creative Problem Solving
member in the The Seven Quality Control (QC)
improvement of business Tools
processes. Flowcharts
Run Chart
Control Chart
Check Sheet
Pareto Diagram
Cause and Effect Diagram
Scatter Diagram
Other Tools for Processes
Poka-Yoke (Mistake-Proofing)
Three Levels of Mistake-Proofing
Engaging the Workforce in
Process Improvement
Skills for Team Leaders
Skills for Team Members
CO14 1. Aware on statistical control 14. Statistical Process Control 2 hours Remote Teaching Power Point Virtual
process applied in Statistical Control Process Online Discussion, Internet Presentation, Module, Recitation,
business. Histograms vs. Control Charts Surfing, Library Works, e-books, Microsoft Case Study
Capability Versus Control Brain-storming LMS
2. Understand the commonly Commonly Used Control Charts
used control charts in Typical Out-of-Control Patterns
business. Charts for Attributes
Control Chart Designs Issues
1. Quizzes
2. Mid-Term Examination
3. Final Examination
4. Class Participation/ Recitation (both for Face-to-Face Recitation & Virtual Recitation)
5. Research Work or Case Study
Indicators Points (Descriptive Equivalent)
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Content 50 points
Depth of Discussion/ 30 - 26 25 - 21 20 - 16 15 - 10
Relevance of Answer
In-depth discussion & In-depth discussion & The writer has omitted Cursory discussion in all the
elaboration in all sections of elaboration in most sections of pertinent content or content sections of the paper or brief
the paper. the paper. runs-on excessively. discussion in only a few
Answer is complete; sufficient Answer is brief with insufficient Quotations from others
detail provided to support detail. Unrelated issues were outweigh the writer’s own The output did not answer the
assertions; answer focuses introduced and/or minor errors ideas excessively. question
only on issues related to the in content.
question; factually correct Answer is incomplete.
Excessive discussion of
unrelated issues and/or
significant errors in content
Organization 30 points
30 - 26 25 - 21 20 - 16 15 - 10
Shows a logical organization Shows a logical organization of The organization of ideas is The organization of ideas is
of ideas in constructing the ideas, but may have minor not always clear or does not quite unclear or ineffective
overall argument. The pieces problems follow the thesis argument
flow together well to produce a
convincing line of reasoning
Language 20 points
Grammar 10-9 8-6 5-3 2-0
Mechanics Output contains no grammar Output has no serious Output may contain some Output contains several major
errors; sentences are free of grammar errors; sentences are grammar or sentence errors; grammar/usage errors;
jargon, complete and easy to mostly jargon-free, complete sentences may contain jargon sentences are long, incomplete
understand and understandable or are too long or hard to follow or contain excessive jargon
The output is well designed in The output follows the format. The output contains minor The output does not follow the
its format. It lists all the Lists all the components errors in headings, format as indicated. It contains
components; headings and however, headings and subheading, page set up or major errors in format.
subheadings are easily subheadings are not easily components.
identified. identified.
Please use the criteria below to evaluate your own participation in the discussion forum before posting. Please make sure that both your initial posts and follow-up
responses to classmates meet our criteria.
INITIAL POSTS My response is relevant to the question/s My response is somewhat relevant to the My response is not relevant to the
asked; around 200-250 words; written in a question/s asked; short (less than 200-250 question/s asked; short (one or two
clear and concise manner without any words); includes spelling and grammatical sentences); includes substantial spelling
spelling and grammatical errors. errors which obscure meaning. and grammatical errors.
FOLLOW-UP I posted at least ONE follow-up response I posted a follow-up response, but it is too I did not post a follow-up response, or it
RESPONSES AND it is thoughtful and/or helpful and/or brief (e.g., one sentence), and/or does not does not meet the criteria.
extends the dialogue. extend the dialogue.
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