DLP in English 5
DLP in English 5
DLP in English 5
Make one daily lesson plan (DLP) in Filipino 5 and English 5 in any quarter.
Consider the following requirements in making lesson plans:
Lesson must follow the 3 domains of learning by Bloom and following the parts of DLP.
In your DLP integrate technology, highlight it for easy recognition.
In assignment part of your DLP make a project showcasing the project method (with
connection to the lesson), with this rubric is required.
A. Recognize fact and opinion.
B. Identify evidences that support fact or opinion.
C. Distinguish among statements the evidences that support a given fact or opinion.
III. PROCEDURE Teacher’s activity Student’s activity
A. Preliminary “Good morning, class” “Good morning, ma’am!”
“Let us pray first” (One Student will lead the
“Before you take a seat, please pick up the trash around “Yes ma’am”
you put it on the trash bin”.
A ball will be tossed to the students. Whoever catch the
ball will be ask of the following questions.
1. How old are you?
2. What is your name?
3. What is the first word that comes to your mind
about him/her?
“Class what did you observed about the questions?” (Students are answering)
“What does the first couple of questions are referring
“Great! What about the third question what does it refer
C. Discussion “Our lesson is all about recognizing fact and opinion, and
identify evidences that support fact or opinion, and
distinguish among statements the evidences that
support fact or opinion”
“The boys will read the dialogue of Ethan and the girls
will read the dialogue of Jacob.”
1. What can you say about the evidences they
presented to support their opinion?
2. Whose evidence was more convincing?
3. Were you convinced by Jacob as Ethan was?
4. If you were to give your opinion on the topic, what
will it be?
E. Application
Group activity:
“So, class, I will group you into 3 groups. Please come
forward the representative of each group.”
(Group 1 is presenting)
(Group 2 is presenting)
(Group 3 is presenting)
F. Generalization “Class, always remember what is a FACT and what is an “Yes ma’am.”
OPINION because these two has differences.
“Facts are important because they help us communicate
information in a way everyone can understand, while
opinion helps us express our thoughts, feelings and