M2 Post-Task Regional Economic Integration

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Profile of the

Classification as
Regional Member
Specific Goals The Rich North/
Economic Countries
The Poor South
1. European Union  The European  Austria – Rich The European Union
Union's mission is North corresponds to the rich
Date Founded: to give economic  Belgium – Rich north since in 2019, it
November 1, 1993 assistance and North contributed 19.9 trillion
strengthen  Bulgaria – Rich dollars to the global
Treaties: Treaty on the relationships North economy, accounting for
functioning of the among its  Croatia – Rich 15.3 percent of global GDP,
European Union, The members through North making it one of the world's
Treaty on European fostering  Cyprus – Rich top and greatest economies
Union harmony, North (Amadeo, 2021). The
integrity, safety,  Czech Republic – unrestricted movement of
and equality. They Rich North commodities inside the
also hope to  Denmark – Rich European Union improved
promote and North their worldwide status. The
appreciate  Estonia – Rich European single market
cultural diversity North acted as a spur for EU
among the  Finland – Rich nations' economic growth
countries North and development.
engaged.  France – Rich
 fight prejudice North
and  Germany – Rich
socioeconomic North
 Greece – Rich
 create an North
economic and
 Hungary – Rich
monetary union
with the euro as
 Ireland – Rich
its currency
 improve EU
 Italy – Rich North
nations' economic,
 Latvia – Rich
social, and
 Lithuania – Rich
coherence and
 Luxembourg –
Rich North
 Malta – Rich North
 Netherlands –
Rich North
 Poland – Rich
 Portugal – Rich
 Romania – Rich
 Slovakia – Rich
 Slovenia – Rich
 Spain – Rich North
 Sweden – Rich
2. African Union  To advocate and  Burundi – Poor Even if its countries have
support African South enormous natural
Date Founded: solidarity on  Cameroon – Poor resources, the African
July 2, 2002 problems that South Union adheres to the
concern the  Central African impoverished south. Poor
Treaties: General continent and its Republic – Poor governance, a poor
Convention on the people. South education, and a lack of
Privileges and  Chad – Poor South health services all
Immunities of the  To promote  Congo Republic – contribute to their poverty.
Organization of African democratic values Poor South Funds designated for
Unity, Constitutive Act and institutions,  DR Congo – Poor important sectors are not
of the African Union as well as public South dispersed effectively due to
involvement and  Equatorial Guinea dishonest personnel.
effective – Poor South Another element
governance.  Gabon – Poor contributing to Africa's
South poverty is World Bank and
 To develop IMF loans, which come with
 Sã o Tomé and
greater African stringent terms that
Príncipe – Poor
unity, coherence, influence economic growth
and cooperation decisions.
 Comoros – Poor
among African South
counties and  Djibouti – Poor
nations. South
 Eritrea – Poor
 To encourage South
long-term  Ethiopia – Poor
economic, South
political, and
 Kenya – Poor
cultural growth,
as well as the
 Madagascar –
unification of
Poor South
 Mauritius – Poor
 Rwanda – Poor
 To protect its
member states'
 Seychelles – Poor
sovereignty, and  Somalia – Poor
freedom South
 South Sudan –
Poor South
 Sudan – Poor
 Tanzania – Poor
 Uganda – Poor
 Algeria – Poor
 Egypt – Poor
 Libya – Poor
 Mauritania – Poor
 Morocco – Poor
 Sahrawi Republic
– Poor South
 Tunisia – Poor
 Angola – Poor
 Botswana – Poor
 Eswatini – Poor
 Lesotho – Poor
 Malawi – Poor
 Mozambique –
Poor South
 Namibia – Poor
 South Africa –
Poor South
 Zambia – Poor
 Zimbabwe – Poor
 Benin – Poor
 Burkina Faso –
Poor South
 Cabo Verde – Poor
 Cô te d’Ivoire –
Poor South
 Gambia – Poor
 Ghana – Poor
 Guinea – Poor
 Guinea-Bissau –
Poor South
 Liberia – Poor
 Mali – Poor South
 Niger – Poor
 Nigeria – Poor
 Senegal – Poor
 Sierra Leone –
Poor South
 Togo – Poor South
3. CARICOM  Trade and  Azerbaijan – Poor Because most of its
commercial links South members are less
Date Founded: August with foreign  Armenia – Poor economically advanced
1, 1973 countries are South nations, the
being expanded.  Belarus – Rich Commonwealth of
Treaties: The Treaty of  Improvements in North Independent States, or CIS,
Chaguaramas Collective global  Georgia – Poor belongs to the
Security Treaty, START competitiveness South impoverished south. In
II Treaty  Increased output  Kazakhstan – Poor truth, the vast majority of
and productivity South its members are
via administration  Kyrgyzstan – Poor categorized as developing
 Increasing the South countries. Tajikistan,
amount of  Moldova – Poor Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia
economic South have been listed as some of
influence  Russia – Rich Asia's poorest nations.
North These countries, like the
 Tajikistan – Poor United States, rely on
South imported commodities and
are plagued by corruption.
 Turkmenistan –
Poor South
 Uzbekistan – Poor
 Ukraine – Poor
4. MERCOSUR  Mercosur's  Argentina – Poor The Mercado Comn del Sur
primary goal is to South (MERCOSUR) is believed to
Date Founded: March improve the  Brazil– Rich North be in the impoverished
26, 1991 performance and  Paraguay– Poor south since all of its
Treaties: Treaty of profitability of all South member nations are poor
Asuncion partner countries  Uruguay– Poor due to a lack of accessibility
by expanding South to fertile land and
markets and  Venezuela– Poor inefficient resource
encouraging South allocation, among other
economic factors.
development in a
5. ANDEAN  Increase  Bolivia, THE RICH NORTH:
Community employment  Colombia None
creation and  Ecuador
Date Founded: May 26, income  Peru
1969 development. THE POOR SOUTH:
 Encourage them Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador,
Treaties: Cartagena to take part in the Peru
Agreement, national economic
Complementary integration.
Agreement in the  Minimize the
Authoritative Sector member nations'
 Strengthen
 Continue to
increase your
living standard.
6. Commonwealth of  The  Azerbaijan THE RICH NORTH:
Independent States Commonwealth of  Armenia Russia
(CIS) Independent  Belarus
States' mission is  Georgia
Date Founded: to develop  Kazakhstan
December 8, 1991 coordination  Kyrgyzstan THE POOR SOUTH:
throughout all  Moldova Azerbaijan, Armenia,
Treaties: Charter socioeconomic  Russia Belarus, Georgia,
Treaty and political Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
 Tajikistan
matters in order Moldova Tajikistan,
 Turkmenistan
to increase the Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,
 Uzbekistan
effectiveness of Ukraine.
 Ukraine
life of its
members. It also
conforms to
foreign and
domestic policies
and promotes
unification in
order to maintain
the safety and
security of its

7. EFTA  The European  Iceland – Rich Because its member

Free Trade North nations are among the
Date Founded: May 3, Association's  Liechtenstein – world's wealthiest, the
1960 (EFTA) major goal Rich North European Free Trade
Treaties: Free trade was to liberalize  Norway – Rich Association (EFTA) adheres
agreements and trade trade between its North to the rich north. The four
relations by partners, member nations.  Switzerland – Rich nations are economically
European Economic It also intends to North prosperous and skilled in
Area promote their particular fields of
commercial links competence, with a greater
between Western emphasis on finished goods
European rather than raw resources
countries. extraction.
8. NAFTA  to increase and  Canada – Rich NAFTA is a part of the Rich
secure the trade in North North because it
Date Founded: January goods and  Mexico – Poor contributes to the nations'
1, 1994 services South economic growth and also
manufactured in  United States – the increase in worldwide
Treaties: North North America Rich North demand for products and
American Free Trade  establishing clear services. Despite having the
Agreement, United and mutually highest proportion of
States-Mexico Canada beneficial trade impoverished people
Agreement (UMSCA) regulations among the country's
 to aid in the wealthiest economies,
development and Mexico is linked to two
expansion of affluent and developed
global commerce nations with comparable
and to act as a economic and cultural
catalyst for traits, which aids in the
greater growth of Mexico's
international economy.
 to lower trade
 to improve North
American labor
through more
9. ASEAN  By adhering to the  Brunei Despite the fact that ASEAN
ideals of the Darussalam – Rich outperformed other areas
Date Founded: August United Nations North in terms of GDP growth, it
8, 1967 Charter, ASEAN  Cambodia – Poor is designated as a Poor
Treaties: Treaty of aspires to South South since the bulk of its
Amity and Cooperation, improve the  Indonesia – Poor members are developing
Freedom and Neutrality growth and South nations. Despite the
Declaration development of its  Laos – Poor south presence of a few affluent
members by  Malaysia – Poor and developed members,
structural reform, South the majority of ASEAN
as well as actively  Myanmar – Poor nations are still trying to
advocate South rise out of poverty and
unification and  Philippines – Poor create a stronger economy
mutual trust South in order to raise people's
amongst nations.  Singapore – Rich living standards.
 The amicable North
resolution of  Thailand – Poor
problems or South
disputes  Vietnam – Poor
 Refusal to use or south
threaten to use
 They can work
10. Pacific Island Forum  “Work in support  Australia THE RICH NORTH:
of Forum member  Cook Islands Australia, New Zealand
Date Founded: 1971 governments, to  Federated States
Treaties: Civil Aviation strengthen the of Micronesia
Safety and Security economic and  Fiji
social welfare of  French Polynesia
the community of  Kiribati THE POOR SOUTH:
the South Pacific  Nauru Cook Islands, Federated
by improving  New Caledonia States of Micronesia, Fiji,
coordination French Polynesia, Kiribati,
 New Zealand
among Nauru, New Caledonia,
 Niue, Palau
government and Niue, Palau, Papua New
 Papua New
private entities, Guinea, Republic of
and by protecting Marshall Islands, Samoa,
 Republic of
the interests of Solomon Islands, Tonga,
Forum members Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
 Islands, Samoa
in ways agreed
 Solomon Islands
upon," the Pacific
Islands Forum's  Tonga
mission states.  Tuvalu
 Vanuatu
11. Asia Pacific  Encouraging free  Australia – Rich The Rich North, which has a
Economic Cooperation trade and long- North majority of twelve
(APEC) term growth in  Brunei – Rich members with highly
Date Founded: the economies of North industrialized industries
November 1989 the Pacific Rim.  Canada – Rich and a successful and
The Asia-Pacific North sustainable governance
Treaties: Free Trade Economic  Chile – Rich North system, and the Poor South,
Agreements and Cooperation  China – Poor which has nine members
Regional Trading (APEC) was South with far less developed
Agreements established in  Chinese Taipei – industrialized industries,
response to the Rich North make up the Asia-Pacific
growing  Hong Kong – Rich Economic Cooperation
dependency of North (APEC).
Asia-Pacific  Indonesia – Poor
economies. South
 Japan – Rich North
 Malaysia – Poor
 Mexico – Poor
 New Zealand –
Rich North
 Papua New
Guinea – Poor
 Peru – Poor South
 Philippines – Poor
 Republic of Korea
– Rich North
 Russia – Rich
 Singapore – Rich
 Thailand – Poor
 United States –
Rich North
 Vietnam – Poor
12. South Asia Regional  SAARC's mission  Afghanistan – The SAARC is associated
Cooperation (SAARC) is to enhance Poor South with the destitute south
economic growth  Bangladesh – Rich since many of its members'
Date Founded: and raise the North populations live in poverty.
December 8, 1985 living standards of  Bhutan – Poor Factors such as illiteracy,
South Asian South hunger, and poverty
Treaties: Multilateral inhabitants. They  India – Poor South The occurrence of poverty
Treaties/Agreements, also hope to  Maldives – Rich in South Asian nations is
Regional Convention on provide assistance North due to the proliferation of
the Suppression of to SAARC  Nepal – Poor illnesses and poor income
Terrorism, South Asian members in a South levels.
Association for Regional variety of  Pakistan – Poor
Cooperation (SAARC) disciplines that South
would aid in their  Sri Lanka – Poor
economic growth. South
SAARC's other
objective is to
establish peace
and build
connections with
other nations.
13. Arab Maghreb Union  The Arab Maghreb  Algeria THE RICH NORTH:
(AMU) Union's (AMU)  Libya None
goal is to achieve  Mauritania
Date Founded: political and  Morocco
February 17, 1989 economic alliance  Tunisia
in North Africa, as THE POOR SOUTH:
Treaties: The Founding well as to Algeria, Libya, Mauritania,
Treaty establish an Morocco and Tunisia.
unified economy
in the Maghrebian
14. Gulf Cooperation  The Gulf  Bahrain – Poor Because to its member
Council Cooperation South nations' geography in the
Council's (GCC)  Kuwait – Poor middle east, which has
Date Founded: May 25, principal goals are South historically considered
1981 to foster unity and  Oman – Poor wealthy in environmental
cooperation South assets, notably oil and gas,
Treaties: Unified between national  Qatar – Poor the Gulf Cooperation
Economic Agreement, governments, as South Council (GCC) was
Value Added Tax (VAT) well as to aid Arab  Saudi Arabia – regarded a part of the rich
Treaty and Gulf Poor South north. Not before the oil
governments in  United Arab price, their main source of
gaining economic Emirates – Poor income, fell to a reasonable
integration in all South level.
areas, particularly
where they have a
shared interest.

 Critical Thinking Questions:

1. How did Globalization challenge the Global North-South divide?

Globalization intensified the North-South separation by further exposing the disparity between states. The
Global North is seen to be rich, while the Global South is considered to be less industrialized. On the other side,
Globalization influenced the Division by decreasing the gap amongst each nation by forming new alliances,
organizations, and chances to aid and enrich nations, particularly those in the Global South, permitting them to
become equal economically through their Northern counterparts.

2. Describe the relationship between Globalization and the rise of transnational crimes and terrorism?

Boundaries among countries have been removed as a result of globalization, and global security has suffered as
a result. It has given transnational criminals and terrorists greater opportunity to function efficiently, allowing
them to thrive. Telecommunications, as well as poverty as a means of recruiting, have contributed to the expansion
of illicit networking. Because of globalization, terrorists can obtain guns and other illicit products from one nation
and sell them in another. As a result, global crimes and terrorists benefit greatly from globalization.

Part 2. In 100 words make an analysis of how the new concept of global relations emerges from the experiences of
Latin-American countries. 

Commerce, productivity, labor market, and demographic growth are positive consequences of
globalization, whereas negative effects include community divergence, increasing transitional, and regional
relocation, and infrastructure deficiency. Changes in the international economic scenario have four main effects on
the region: an improvement in international rate of interest, increased challenges in Economic growth due to the
financial vulnerabilities, improved US protectionism as well as its impact on the Chinese economy, and a higher
level of inconsistency regarding the advancement of the primary economic factors, such as exchange rates among
major currencies.

Jean Elisha Santos


M2 Post-task: Regional Economic Integration

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