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Kepada Yth. Bapak/Ibu Dosen Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Kami Dewan Bimbingan penulisan Tugas Akhir Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris menyatakan

Nama Mahasiswa : Iffah Sumayyah

NPM : 192122141

Telah mengajukan usulan proyek tugas akhir S-1 (Skripsi) dengan informasi berikut:

Tema Penelitian (Maksimal 5 Kata Kunci)

English teaching, Student Engagement, Elementary School

Judul Riset Tentatif (Maksimal 21 Kata)

Student Engagement in Learning English: A Case Study in an Elementary School

Rasional (40-70 Kata)

English Education Department 1 | Page

English is a subject that is "feared" by students in the school environment. It is
common for students to call in sick to skip class to avoid this lesson. Curriculum 2013 has
actually offered a solution and hope for every educator and student in Indonesia.
Curriculum 2013, which is the perfection of the previous curriculum, promises solutions to
every problem that existed in the last curriculum. However, with the existence of the
2013 curriculum, it becomes the cause of English learning is the reduction of lesson hours
by 2 hours. Even at the elementary school level, English was abolished and only
considered a Mulok (muatan Lokal) subject which means that schools can choose to teach
English in elementary school or not.
In essence, English Language Learning in primary schools is the right time for the
implementation of English Language Learning. Because at this stage, students have a
golden period for their brains so that they can absorb English well.
Student engagement is defined as the level of effort or interaction between the time
or the learning resources that develop learning outcome and experience. When students
are highly engaged in their learning, they can improve their academic achievement, such
as critical thinking and grades, and then apply the acquired knowledge to real life. Student
engagement is also an indicator of the quality of education and whether active learning is
taking place in classes. In other explanation “Student engagement is the degree of
attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion that students show when they are
learning or being taught, which extends to the level of 430 motivation they have to learn
and progress in their education. (Hidden Curriculum dalam Nelson, 2016)”.
Based on research conducted by Aprianti (2018) that student involvement in the
learning process in class can be seen through three dimensions, including behavioral
engagement, cognitive engagement, and emotional engagement. Therefore, Reeve (2005)
explains that student engagement is important because it has an important role in the
learning process. Among them, student engagement makes the learning process possible.
The development of knowledge or skills is impossible without attention, effort,
persistence, positive emotions, commitment, and active interaction with others in the
learning process. In addition, student engagement is a requirement for a productive
learning experience.

Rumusan Masalah (20-40 Kata)

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“How do the elementary student engage in english learning in the classroom?”

Landasan Teori dan Konsep (20-40 Kata)

The literature review that will be discussed in this research is Students' English Learning
Engagement in Elementary School. Mann (2001, 7) contrasted engagement with
alienation, proposing the engagement– alienation dyad as a more useful framework to
understand students’ relationships to their learning than the surface–strategic–deep triad
(Marton and Säljö, 1976), since both ‘surface’ and ‘strategic’ approaches to learning are
responses to alienation from the content and the process of study. Engagement is more
than involvement or participation – it requires feelings and sensemaking as well as activity
(see Harper and Quaye, 2009a, 5). Acting without feeling engaged is just involvement or
even compliance; feeling engaged without acting is dissociation. Although focusing on
engagement at a school level, Fredricks, Blumenfeld and Paris (2004, 62- 63), drawing on
Bloom (1956), usefully identify three dimensions to student engagement, as discussed
below: Behavioural engagement, Emotional engagement and cognitive engagement.

Desain Penelitian (20-30 kata)

The case study method was applied in this research by the researcher. "An empirical
inquiry that analyzes contemporary events in real-life circumstances, especially when the
borders and context are not obvious," Yin (2014). The usage of case study approach was
chosen since it makes it easiest to develop a thorough understanding of the subject under
investigation. Case study analysis can take into account the intricacy of actual events
(Stake, 1995). Furthermore.

Metode Pengambilan Data dan Analisis Data (20-30 kata)

The data collected was by observation and interview. Observation is an empirical research
method for generating accounts of first-hand, real-world naturalistic events to gain insight
into their defining characteristics, and contextual and time-sensitive qualities (Berg, 2004.

English Education Department 3 | Page

As for the definition of an interview, interviews give interviewees the freedom to explain
their thoughts and draw attention to particular areas of interest and expertise they
believe they possess. In addition, the questioning technique is intended to elicit a fully
comprehensive description of the experience of the phenomenon (Howwit, 2016).
Interviews were conducted with three participants from grade five at an elementary
school in Tasikmalaya. The interview consisted of seven main questions to be answered,
adapted from Laili and Nashir (2020) and Dang (2020).

Tujuan dan Kontribusi (20-40 Kata)

The present study aims to to find out and to know the influence student background from
the students' engagement when english learning in classroom.
Emprical: This study will provide empirical insights into students' engagement in learning
English in terms of cognitive engagement.

Theoretical: This study will enrich a reference as well as a resource for teachers about
student engagement in English language learning.

Practical: This study will be very helpful for teachers to be able to achieve goals in English
learning by paying attention to student engagement.

Acuan Bacaan dan Jadwal Pelaksanaan Tugas Akhir

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Study in EFL Context. Online Submission, 4(2), 81-93.

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English Education Department 5 | Page

Saito, K., Dewaele, J. M., Abe, M., & In'nami, Y. (2018). Motivation, emotion, learning
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settings: A cross‐sectional and longitudinal study. Language Learning, 68(3), 709-743.
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learners’ motivation and online self-regulation: A structural equation modelling
approach. System, 76, 144-157.

English Education Department 6 | Page

Berdasarkan informasi di atas, Kami Dewan Bimbingan Skripsi program Studi Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris menyetujui usulan proyek penelitian atas nama mahasiswa yang
bersangkutan. Untuk penyelesaian proposal penelitian secara lengkap serta bimbingan
penelitian dan penulisan skripsi sampai selesai, Kami menyerahkan tugas dan kewajiban ini
kepada Tim Dosen Pembimbing. Untuk itu, Kami mohon kesediaan Bapak/Ibu untuk menjadi
dosen pembimbing utama dan dosen pembimbing pendamping.

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)* Ketua/Sekretaris/Anggota

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