Final Questionnaire

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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. A second-degree polynomial equation that can be written in the form ax 2 + bx + c = 0, where a,

b and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
a. Linear Equation
b. Quadratic Equation
c. Linear Inequality
d. Quadratic Inequality

2. When the quadratic equation (2𝑥 + 5) (𝑥−1) = −6 is written in standard form, what are the
values of a, b, and c?
a. 𝑎= −2, 𝑏=3, 𝑐=1
b. 𝑎=2, 𝑏=−3 𝑐= 1
c. 𝑎=2, 𝑏=3, 𝑐=1
d. 𝑎= −2, 𝑏 = −3, 𝑐 = 1

3. An equation in one variable that is a mathematical sentence of degree 2 that can be written in
the standard form ax2 + bx + c = 0, where a, b, and c are real numbers and a ≠ 0.
a. Cubic Equation
b. Quadratic Equation
c. Linear Equation
d. Quartic Equation

4. What do you do to the b value to correctly complete the square?

a. square it
b. divide it by 2 and take the square root of the result
c. divide it by 2 and square the result
d. divide it by 2 only

5. What method can we use to solve a quadratic equation that can be written in the form x 2 = r?
a. Quadratic Formula c. Extracting Square Roots
b. Factoring d. Completing the Square

6. Which of the following states that if the product of two real numbers is zero, then either of the
two is equal to zero or both numbers are equal to zero?
a. Multiplication Property c. Identity Property
b. Zero Product Property d. Transitive Property

7. In the equation x2 + 5x – 14 = 0, the solutions are _______________.

a. 7 and -2 b. -7 and 2 c. 7 and 2 d. -7 and -2

8. What are the x- intercepts?

a. x= 0 and x= -4 c. x= 0 and x= 4
b. y= 0 d. x= 2

9. In the quadratic equation 3x^2-6x-10=0, 3x^2 is the _________________?

a. constant term c. linear term
b. quadratic term d. coefficient

10. Solve the roots of 4x2 + 12x – 16 = 0 _______________.

a. 8 and -2 b. -4 and 1 c. 4 and -1 d. -8 and 2

11. Solve the roots of x2 +121 = 22x _______________.

a. 9 and -9 b. 12 and -12 c. 11 and 11 d. 8 and 13
12. Solve the equation x2 - 5x = 14.
b. 7 and -2 b. -7 and 2 c. 7 and 2 d. -7 and -2

13. What is the first step to solving THIS equation by completing the square? a 2 + 10a + 21 = 0.
a. Set the equation equal to zero
b. Add a2 and 10a together
c. Divide 10 by 2 and add the result to both sides
d. Subtract the 21

14. What is another word that describes the zeroes of a quadratic function?
a. y-intercepts
b. x-intercepts
c. vertex
d. maximum

15. When do you use the plus or minus symbol? ±

a. After taking the square root of both sides
b. After taking half of b
c. After adding the square to both sides
d. After setting the equation equal to zero

16-18. Solve the given graph below, and answer the following features of the graph.

16. What is the range?

a. y≥-3
b. y≥-1
c. All real numbers
d. y≤-1

17. What is the domain?

a. -4<x<-2
b. All Real Numbers
c. -6<x<0
d. y≥-1

18. What is the vertex?

a. -1
b. -3
c. (-3, -1)
d. (-1, -3)

19. If the graph of a quadratic does not intercept the x-axis at any point, then it has:
a. 1 Real Solution
b. 2 Real Solutions
c. Half a Solution
d. No Real Solution

20. What is the maximum/minimum of a parabola called?

a. vertex
b. point
c. top
d. bottom

21. Which of the following forms are best to use if we want to identify the vertex of a quadratic
a. Standard Form
b. Intercept Form
c. Vertex Form

22. Y = ax2 + bx + c is called the ______________ form of a quadratic equation.

a. Vertex
b. Standard
c. Intercept
d. Usual

23. Y = a(x-h)2 + k is called the ______________ form of a quadratic equation.

a. Vertex
b. Standard
c. Intercept
d. Usual

24. Solve the equation x2- 3x – 40 = 0.

a. -5 and -8 b. 5 and -8 c. -5 and 8 d. 5 and 8
25. Solve for x in the equation x2 + x = 12.
a. 6 and -2 b. -3 and -4 c. - 4 and 3 d. -2 and 6
26. Solve for x in the equation 2x2 -2x – 12 = 0.
a. -6 and 2 b. -3 and 4 c. - 4 and 3 d. -2 and 3
27. Solve for x in the equation x2 = 256 by extracting square roots.
a. 14 and -14 b. 23 and -23 c. 16 and -16 d. 18 and -18
28. Solve by extracting square roots: 2x2 = 162
a. 7 and -7 b. 9 and -9 c. 9 and -11 d. 11 and -11
29. Which answer choice describes y = -3x² +7x - 2 accurately?
a. opens up with a maximum
b. opens up with a minimum
c. opens down with a maximum
d. opens down with a minimum
30.A parabola has a vertex at (-3,2). Where is the axis of symmetry?
a. y = -2
b. x=3
c. x = -3
d. y=2
31.What is the vertex of y=x²+4x+3?
a. (2,1)
b. (-2,1)
c. (0,0)
d. (-2,-1)
32.Use the graph to determine the solutions.
a. -1 and -3
b. 1 and -3
c. 1 and 3
d. -1 and 3
33.Find the y-intercept of f(x) = 2x²-2x + 1
a. 2
b. -2
c. 1
d. 4
34. In the equation x2 + 18x + 81 = 0, the roots are _______________.
a. 8 and -8 b. - 9 and - 9 c. 9 and 8 d. 9 and 9
35. In the equation x2 – 5x – 14 = 0, the solutions are _______________.
a. 7 and -2 b. -7 and 2 c. 7 and 2 d. -7 and -2
36. The roots of 4x2 + 12x – 16 = 0 are?
a. 8 and -2 b. - 4 and 1 c. 4 and -1 d. -8 and 2
37. In the equation x2 + 64 = 16x, the roots are _______________.
a. 9 and -9 b. 12 and -12 c.11 and 11 d. 8 and 8
38. In the equation 4x2 - 16x + 12 = 0, one of its roots is _______________.
a. 3 b. 4 c. -3 d. 2
39. In the equation x2 - 8x + 15 = 0, the solutions are_______________.
a. 3 and -3 b. 5 and -3 c. 5 and 3 d. -5 and -3
40. In the equation x2 – 2x = 7, the solutions are_______________.

a. 1+ and 1- c. 1+ and 1-

b. 3+ and 3 - d. 1+ and 1-

Test II. Matching Type

Direction: Match Column A with the corresponding item in column B. Write the letter of your answer
on the space provided before each number.

41. A, B, and C if y=3x²-8+5x a. zeros
42. The values of x that make a quadratic equation b. (-2,-1)
ax² + bx + c =0 true are called
43. Solve x2 - 6x - 11 = 0 c. x=5
44. Standard form of a quadratic equation d. (0,6)
45. In the equation x² + 64 = 16x, the roots are e. x=-3
46. Rewrite y = x² + 4x - 1 in vertex form f.Quadratic Equation
47. Another word for x-intercepts g. y = (x + 2)2 – 5
48. Axis of symmetry for this function: -x²+10x-17 h. y=ax²+bx+c
49. The vertex of y=x²+4x+3 i. f(x) = (x - 4)²- 15
50. Axis of symmetry in a parabola that has j. f (x) = a(x - h)² + k
a vertex at (-3,2)
51. When to use the plus or minus symbol (±) k. (m - 5)² - 9
52. Solve y-intercept of f(x)=2x² + 4x + 6 l. roots
53. vertex form of a quadratic function m. y= (x-1)²-6
54. If the discriminant is positive, then the quadratic has n. Subtract the 21
55. f(x) = x2 - 8x + 1 written in vertex form o. A=3, B=5, C=-8
56. Convert the equation y= x²-2x-5 into vertex form p. 3+ and 3-
57. Convert from Standard Form to q. 8 and 8
Vertex form: m2 + 10m + 16 = 0
58. An equation in one variable that is a mathematical r. two real solutions
sentence of degree 2 that can be written in
the standard form ax² + bx + c = 0
59. the first step to solving THIS equation by s. Standard Form
completing the square? a² + 10a + 21 = 0
60. y=2x²-6x+1 is in what form t. after taking the
square root of both sides

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