BR PlasmaQuant 9100 Series en

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Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry

PlasmaQuant 9100
Reveal the Details that Matter

Reveal Anything – PlasmaQuant 9100 Series

Experience innovative high-end technology and explore the elemental
details of your samples for superior product quality, process monitoring
and regulation compliance.

Maximum reliability
■ Unique resolving power with high-resolution optics
■ Interference-free trace element analysis
■ Selection of emission lines without compromises
■ Fast measurement readiness

Convenient functionality
■ Less torch handling and increased instrument up-time
■ Broad applicability and superior analytical performance
■ Cost-efficient operation
■ Torch mounting process with no need for alignment

Flexible observation
■ Optimized plasma observation modes without compromises
■ Argon-neutral counter gas for unique sensitivity
■ Detection from sub-ppb to percentage range in one run
■ Minimal need for sample preparation

Increased productivity
■ Outstanding plasma robustness for analyzing any sample matrix
■ Superior accuracy and precision by running undiluted samples
■ Maximum application flexibility
■ Lowest matrix-specific detection limits


Application-specific sample introduction kits

■ STANDARD kit for the analysis of low-matrix sample types
■ SALT kit for the analysis of saline or metal samples with high

matrix content
■ ORGANIC kit for the analysis of oils and petrochemicals
■ HF kit for the analysis of hydrofluoric acid containing samples

■ Variety of autosamplers for aqueous samples
■ Autosampler for organic samples with high volatility
■ Autosampler for organic samples with high viscosity
■ Online and offline automatic dilution auto samplers
■ Rapid sample introduction systems for aqueous and oil samples

Hydride system
■ HS Pro PQ for ultra-trace analysis of hydride forming elements
■ HS PQ for the synchronous analysis of hydride and non-hydride


Variety of sample introduction accessories

■ Concentric, parallel path and special nebulizers of different
■ Ultrasonic nebulizers
■ Temperature-controlled spray chamber
■ Argon humidifier

The Benchmark in ICP-OES

Add clarity, simplicity and confidence to your most delicate analytical routines.
Benefit from the widest working range as well as reduced sample preparation
demands to improve precision, productivity and ease of use.

Reliable performance and low maintenance costs Exceed the limit

The convenient plug-and-play design of the fully demount­ Reliable and stable plasma performance in any sample matrix
able V Shuttle Torch simplifies maintenance and minimizes remains a challenge in ICP-OES. The high-frequency generator
torch handling needs. Individually interchangeable torch of the PlasmaQuant 9100 is designed to run any sample,
components allow for maximum methodological flexibility including the direct analysis of extreme matrices. In addition
while reducing the cost of consumables. All torch gases are to a significant extension of the application range, method
auto­matically connected when the shuttle locks into a rail robustness, precision and productivity are also enhanced by
guide, on which it easily slides into the sam­­pling position. lower matrix specific detection limits and reduced sample
This setup allows the torch to be mounted quickly with no preparation needs. Utilizing a heavy-duty four-winding
need for alignment and increases the availability of the induction coil, the free-running 40 MHz power tube generator
instrument. The vertical plasma orientation allows highly readily transfers power ranging from 700 to 1700 W with the
concentrated sample aliquots to be run and provides highest efficiency into plasma of exceptional length. Its unique
increased accuracy, minimizes blank values, and allows a high-power settings with instant RF power output matching,
wide range of samples to be analyzed without wet chemical required for industrial routine analysis of materials like
pre-treatment. Excellent long-term plasma performance brines, metal concentrates and volatile organics make plasma
without clogging and soot formation is a reality, even for the collapse a relic of the past. Due to its fast warm-up, the
most challenging samples. plasma is stable within minutes and allows for cost-efficient
shift-work operation.
Flexible plasma observation without compromise
The analysis of trace elements and major constituents requires
different plasma observation modes and the flexibility to
apply any mode, radial and axial, to any emission line in a CCD Array
single method. Dual View PLUS enables the free selection of Detector
Dual View
2+2 plasma views in every sample for synchronous analysis of PLUS
contents ranging from sub-ppb to high weight percent. The
availability of automatic attenuators in any observation mode
allow for the widest possible working range in ICP-OES.
Spectral interferences from the cold plasma tail are eliminated
thanks to the latest argon-neutral counter-gas technology
that neither disrupts the stability of the vertical plasma nor
reduces the length of its analytical zone. Dual View PLUS V Shuttle
allows for robust trace element analysis with unique sensitivity Torch
and increased productivity due to minimal sample preparation Optics
efforts across all applications.

Scheme showing the main components of the PlasmaQuant 9100,

including V Shuttle Torch, high-frequency generator, Dual View PLUS,
and high-resolution optics.

Results you can trust Software solutions

The unique resolving power of the high-resolution optics The Aspect PQ software controls, monitors and documents
guarantees unmatched sensitivity, accuracy and precision all of the processes of the entire PlasmaQuant 9100 system.
in real sample matrices. This well-established encapsulated Its modular design offers both maximum operator flexibility
echelle spectrometer utilizes a double monochromator for customized analytics as well as the convenience of
set-up along with the latest high-resolution CCD detector and pre-set method templates that are easy to use and modify.
enables access to any emission line in the spectral window Online status updates on smart phones, tablets etc. increase
of 160 to 900 nm. With a spectral resolution of 2 pm @ 200 the productivity of unattended operations. Powerful and
nm, even severe interferences in challenging samples can be automated data evaluation tools such as an automatic
resolved. Select the best emission line for your analytical task baseline correction algorithm (ABC) and a tool for the
from over 43,000 lines and reveal the details of your samples. correction of spectral interferences (CSI) greatly enhance
The availability of interference-free emission lines with ease-of-use for operators, eliminate the need for guesswork in
high sensitivity allows for robust trace element analysis and data evaluation and significantly boost the productivity of your
highest confidence in results. Internal neon correction ensures analytics.
a wavelength accuracy of less than 0.4 pm without laborious
calibration procedures and allows for a system readiness
within 15 minutes.

FDA CFR 21 Part 11 compliance

The ASpect PQ software fully complies with FDA
require­ments. It is equipped with different levels so that
several users can be granted different access rights. Individual
passwords ensure that the system can only be accessed by
authorized persons. All important events, such as logon/
logoff, measure­ments, calibrations, and messages generated
by the Self Check System, are recorded in the Audit Trail.
Measured data can undergo routine review and approval Wavelength / nm
using electronic signatures. Interference removal with the powerful CSI correction tool

Raise Your Game – Overcome Boundaries

Experience superior analytical performance, application flexibility, robustness,
and reliability with the PlasmaQuant 9100 family.

PlasmaQuant 9100 Secrets revealed with high resolution

With a clear emphasis on broad applicability, simplicity Analysis of the elemental composition of metals, minerals,
and cost-effectiveness in general applications, the chemicals and petrochemicals suffers from many spectral
PlasmaQuant 9100 is not just another ICP-OES. With high- interferences due to their line-rich emission spectra. High
performance features, it allows for more matrix tolerance, spectral resolution separates even close line pairs and reveals
a wide working range and high measurement sensitivity. It most spectral details. This provides access to previously
provides high-quality results in contract analysis, reliability interfered lines with accurate baseline correction and
in quality control and the highest standards in regulated reliable peak integration. Fluctuation in signal peaks due to
industries. Whether aiming for on-off measurements, varying matrix compositions do not significantly influence
method flexibility in shift-operation or continuous aspiration trace element detection. This opens up new opportunities
of challenging samples, the PlasmaQuant 9100 is your for specification analysis and quality control of challenging
instrument of choice. samples.

PlasmaQuant 9100 Elite

High spectral resolution: the extra that makes the difference
in ICP-OES. The PlasmaQuant 9100 Elite uncovers spectral

details like no other ICP-OES. Removing common spectral

interferences minimizes compromises in line selection
and allows the use of highly sensitive emission lines
for every application. In combination with its matrix
tolerance and superior sensitivity, this enables previously
unconceived analytical potential with superior precision,
184,85 184,88 184,91
accuracy and detection limits in any sample type. The
Wavelength / nm
PlasmaQuant 9100 Elite is the number one choice for spectral
resolution, sensitivity and the ideal solution for your most Comparison of spectral data quality of high-resolution and standard-
resolution instrumentation on the example of trace mercury
delicate analytical routines.
determination in petrochemical samples.

Meeting Industry Needs

At home in many industries – helpful in many applications. Reveal the smallest
details of your samples and make the difference in quality control, composition
analysis and process control.

Beyond one industry

The ability to run complex and
concentrated samples, resolve severe
spectral interferences, detect trace and
ultra-trace concentrations and work
across a wide concentration range make
the PlasmaQuant 9100 the ideal tool
for industrial QC and R&D labs as well
as contract and state authority labs with
challenging sample types and stringent
quality requirements. Clients from
various industries, e.g. oil & gas, metals
& mining and chemicals trust in its
performance and stability.

Oil & Gas Geology, Mining & Metals

■ Specification and composition analysis of ■ Quality control of high-purity metals, metal oxides,

petrochemicals like naphtha, gasoline, diesel, fuels etc. metal alloys

■ Feedstock inspection for elements that disrupt the ■ Composition and specification analysis of metal alloys

refining process and steel

■ Specification analysis and metal analysis in oils ■ Analysis of minerals and ores
■ Analysis of refractory metals and rare-earth elements

Chemicals & Materials ■ Process control by analysis of intermediates and

■ Quality and purity control of base chemicals (salts, processing chemicals (e.g. etching/plating solutions)
acids, caustics, metal oxides, polymers, etc.)
■ Purity control of organic solvents Pharma & Life Science
■ Composition analysis of materials (ceramics, ■ Determination of elemental impurities according to
semiconductors, building materials, advanced chemical USP chapters <232> and <233> as well as ICH Q3D
compounds) guidelines
■ Analysis of process media (process water) and ■ Determination of salt contents in infusion solutions

feedstock inspection
Food & Agriculture ■ Analysis of surface water, fresh water, sea water, waste
■ Analysis of toxic metals and micro minerals in food, water
feed and agricultural products ■ Analysis of soil
■ Quality control of fertilizers
Förster & Borries GmbH & Co. KG
© Analytik Jena AG
en · 02/2020 · 888-18003-2-B

Analytik Jena AG Pictures: Analytik Jena AG, p. 7: iStockphoto®/SeanPavone, iStockphoto®/N-sky_ww

Konrad-Zuse-Str. 1 Subjects to changes in design and scope of delivery as well as further technical development!
07745 Jena ⋅ Germany

Phone +49 3641 77 70

Fax +49 3641 77 9279
[email protected]

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