Avio 550 - 560 Max ICP OES Specifications

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ICP-Optical Emission Spectroscopy

Avio 550/560 Max ICP Optical

Emission Spectrometers

The Avio® 550 and 560 Max are compact, fully simultaneous ICP-OES instruments, ideal for labs with high throughput
requirements. They utilize a vertical plasma and are engineered to handle even the most difficult, high-matrix samples
without dilution, delivering productivity, performance and faster return on investment. The instruments' performance is
further optimized by Syngistix™ for ICP software, thanks to a host of smart features developed with the user in mind,
providing smart workflows, smart monitoring and smart data.

Spectrometer Specifications
Patented Optical Coatings: The Avio 550/560 Max modes in a single method, providing maximum flexibility for
spectrometers utilize a patented coating for all of the optics the most difficult samples. With the dual view capabilities of
designed to increase light throughput throughout the UV region, the Avio 550/560 Max systems, viewing of the plasma is
resulting in superior detection limits for all sample matrices. accomplished by computer control of a mirror located in the
optical path, allowing selection of axial or radial view and
Polychromator: The high-energy (f/6.7) echelle-based
adjustment of the plasma viewing in both the vertical and
Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES polychromator utilizes two SCD
horizontal planes.
detectors simultaneously covering the spectral range from
163-782 nm. The measured resolution of the system is 0.006 nm Shutter and Hg Recalibration System: The computer-
at 200 nm. The 80 by 160 mm echelle grating has 79 lines/mm controlled, motor-driven shutter automatically opens and
and a blaze angle of 63.4 degrees. The cross-disperser is a free- closes for each sample, protecting the transfer mirrors from
form optic for the UV region that has 374 lines/mm grating, long exposures to the intense UV radiation of the plasma,
while a 60-degree fused-quartz prism is added as the cross- extending the lifetime of the mirrors. A mercury lamp is
disperser for the visible region. built into the shutter mechanism and can be viewed at a
user-selected frequency to automatically update the system
The free-form UV cross-disperser within the Avio 550/560 Max
wavelength calibration at the 253 nm mercury emission line.
spectrometer incorporates Schmidt correction to eliminate
aberration (distortion) to produce sharp images at the Detectors: Two custom-designed, application-specific, fully
detector, providing superior resolution across the spectrum, simultaneous segmented-array charge-coupled device (SCD)
for the 400 mm radius camera sphere. UV and visible detectors consist of 235 addressable subarrays
covering approximately 6000 wavelengths on a 13 by 19 mm
Thermostatted Optics: The entire optical system is enclosed
silicon substrate. Typical readout noise is about 13 electrons
in a purged and thermostatted optical enclosure. The optical
RMS; dark current is less than 100 electrons/pixel/second; and
enclosure is mounted on the same optical bench as the
readout speed is 50 μsec/pixel. Correlated double-sampling
sample-introduction system. The optical bench is shock-mounted
data-acquisition electronics further reduce electronic noise.
to the frame of the instrument so that normal floor vibrations do
SCD detectors are designed to prevent charge blooming on a
not affect system performance.
pixel and have guard band protection on each subarray.
Vertical Dual View Plasma: The system incorporates a
vertically oriented plasma with complete dual-viewing optics
under computer and software control. Any wavelength can be
used (163-782 nm) in the radial, axial, or mixed viewing
ICP System Specifications
RF Generator: The Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES instruments feature real-time elimination of non-vaporized complex sample matrices and
a fourth-generation 40-MHz, free-running solid-state RF generator, carryover contamination prevent cone deposition with elemental
adjustable from 1000 to 1500 watts, in 1 watt increments. The power particle deposits that would otherwise fall into the plasma and corrode
efficiency is greater than 79% with < 0.1% variation in output power the optics, resulting in improved signal stability and robustness.
stability. True power control maintains the plasma power at the set
point, ±1 watt, even when changing sample matrices. The compact Sample Introduction System
RF supply meets all FCC certification requirements for RF emission Torch/Torch Mount: A unique, demountable vertical torch design
(Part 18 of FCC rules and regulations). using one-piece quartz tubing for plasma and auxiliary gas flow is
Plasma Source: The instruments' unique Flat Plate™ plasma supplied. The standard torch includes a 2.0-mm i.d. alumina injector
technology is made of high-quality aluminum that does not for full corrosion resistance to all acids, including hydrofluoric and
require water cooling for safety and generates a transversely aqua regia. A variety of other injectors are available. The externally
symmetrical, robust and matrix-tolerant plasma, with a typical mounted spray chamber is integrated into an easily removable sample-
total argon flow of 9 L/min, approximately half the consumption introduction cassette. The sample-introduction cassette can be
of helical load-coil systems. adjusted (with the plasma on) for maximum performance in different
matrices. No tools are required for torch or sample-introduction
Integrated Camera: PlasmaCam™ color camera allows real-time cassette removal.
plasma and sample introduction viewing for easy method
development, remote diagnostics and troubleshooting for Spray Chambers: Instruments can be ordered with a Ryton®
maximum uptime. HF-resistant Scott-type or a glass cyclonic spray chamber.

Plasma Ignition and Extinction: Plasma ignition is computer- Nebulizers: The Avio 550/560 Max ICP-OES can be ordered with
controlled and totally automated. The software allows the plasma a cross-flow or glass concentric nebulizer. The cross-flow design
to be ignited automatically at a user-determined time and turned with GemTips™ is HF and corrosion-resistant (sapphire/ruby tips in
off automatically after an analysis. a PEEK body). The system can routinely handle 50% (v/v) solutions
of HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, H3PO4, 20% (v/v) HF and 30% (w/v) NaOH.
Safety Interlocks: For user safety and system protection, the Additional nebulizers are available.
system constantly monitors water flow, shear gas pressure, argon
pressures, sample-compartment door closure, plasma stability and Peristaltic Pump: The integrated four-channel, computer-controlled
displays the interlock status on the computer screen as graphic pump has variable speeds from 0.2 to 7 mL/min in 0.1 mL/min
symbols. If an interlock is interrupted, the plasma will immediately increments, using 0.76 mm (0.030 in.) i.d. tubing. Syngistix software,
and safely shut down. designed with the user in mind, offers many smart features to make
your analysis easier and more accurate. Some of these features specific
Cooling Water: A water-recirculating cooling system is required, to the peristaltic pump include FastPump™ and SmartRinse™, which
with approximately 4 L/min flow capacity at 310 to 550 kPa and a dramatically improve the sample rinse-out and analysis times, and
temperature between 15 °C and 25 °C. Tubing Saver, which increases the longevity of the tubing by slowly
cycling the pump back and forth when the system is turned on but
Gas Flow Controls
not in use.
Argon Flow: Computer-controlled solenoid valves are used to
regulate the flow automatically within the range of 0-17 L/min in Spares Kit: A spares kit of common replacement items is included.
1 L/min increments for plasma argon and 0-2.0 L/min in 0.1 L/min
Physical Data – Instrument
increments for auxiliary argon. A mass-flow controller is supplied
with all systems for the nebulizer argon flow and is variable between Power: One 200-230 VAC, 20A line, 2800 VA, single-phase,
0 and 2.0 L/min in 0.01 L/min increments. 50/60 Hz (±1%)

Shear Gas: PlasmaShear™ is a compressed-air shear gas (18-28 L/min) Dimensions: 76 x 87 x 84 cm (W x H x D), 163 kg
that utilizes thin air-knife technology, providing a more cost-effective Environmental: The instrument will operate with a laboratory
approach to removing the cooler plasma zone otherwise known as temperature between 15 and 35 °C (59-95 °F). For optimum
the plasma tail. Removal of the plasma tail from the optical path instrument performance, the room temperature should be
minimizes interferences and extends the dynamic range. Also, controlled at 20 ±2 °C.

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