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WLL LS1EnglishJHS Q2W3M1L3 Sequencing

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Community Program ALS A&E

Learning Center
Learning Literacy Level JHS
Quarter Quarter 2 –Week 3 Learning strand LS1- Communication
Nov. 21-25, 2022 Skills in English
Weekly Lesson Log

I. Objectives  
A. Content Standard/ Focus Demonstrate understanding of information heard to make meaningful decisions, as
well as understanding of text elements to see the relationship between known and
new information to facilitate comprehension.
B. Performance Standard Listen attentively and critically in English to be able to function effectively as a
member of the family, the community, the nation, and the world and to participate in
community and economic development

C. Learning Competencies At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
 sequence a series of events/at least 3 events using signal words/
mentioned in the text listened to (LSICS-L-PSA-BL/LE/AE/JHS 3)
 follow a set of oral/verbal instruction/direction (2–3 steps) in a process in
everyday life situations (LSICS-L-PSA-LE/JHS 15)
 sequence steps in stories read or events in written materials (e.g.,
preparing land for planting, following a recipe, arranging historical
events, and implementing a project) (LSICS-EN-R-PSD-LE-JHS-19)
 · Communication Skills in English Module 1
III. Learning Resources · Bond paper
A. References  
1. Session Guide pages Pages 21-33
2. Module/ Learner's material LESSON 3: Just Follow Me pg. 21-33
3. Additional materials from K-12 Basic Education for the Alternative Learning System (ALS K to12)
Learning Resource (portal) Curriculum Guide- Learning Strand 1: COMMUNICATION SKILLS: ENGLISH

IV. Procedures  
A. Activity (Review of the Assess the learners’ familiarity with “sequence series” and “imperative sentences” by
previous lesson or presenting asking them to identify the correct answers to the following questions. Advise the
the new lesson learners to write the number of their answers on the piece of bond paper.
1. Complete the statement below:
A sequence series appears _____.
a. chronologically
b. in any order
2. Which is not a sequence word?
a. Initially
b. At the beginning
c. Subsequently
d. Thoroughly
e. Finally
f. Ultimately
3. Which of these sentences is in imperative form?
a. Are you quiet?
b. You be quiet.
c. You are quiet.
4. Complete the statement below:
The imperative form .
a. gives instructions
b. expresses a surprise
c. makes statements
 Give students an example of a common classroom procedure, such as morning
arrival or going out for recess.
B. Springboard/ Motivation
 Ask learners to help you record the steps in the process.
 Record the steps on the board.
Explain to learners that they just gave a sequence of events of a common daily
Point out that to find the sequence of events, one should think about what happens in
C. Analysis
the beginning, middle, and end.
Discussion of:
 Using Sequence Words
More sequence words as used in sentences:
D. Discussing new concepts · Earlier, I saw you sitting in the garden, but then you disappeared.
and practicing new skills · In the end, it wasn’t meant to be. They finally went their separate ways.
(Sub-act. 1) · Riding a bike is difficult at the beginning, but consequentially, it becomes
very easy.
· I find that, every now and then, we should be thankful for what we have.
· Ultimately, life is what we make of it.
· Now we are free, at last
Discussion of
THE IMPERATIVE: Giving Verbal Instructions
1. To give an order
2. To give instructions
3. To give advice or warnings
4. To make an offer or extend an invitation.

Simple Instructions With or Without Sequence Words

E. Discussing new concepts 1. Instructions found in cookbooks
and practicing new skills 2. Instructions on how to operate a device
(Sub-act. 2) 3. When giving direction

Some Tips on Giving Verbal Instructions

1. Break down your instructions and give them one at a time.

2. Be direct and specific.
3. Use positive language.
4. Ask the listener to repeat your instructions in their own words.

Ask the following:

1. What is Sequencing?
F. Abstraction (Making
2. What is imperative?
generalizations about the
3. Enumerate the uses of imperative sentences
4. Enumerate imperative sentences used to give instructions do not include
signal words.
G. Application (Developing ACTIVITY
Mastery) Directions: Read the following steps in planting a tree. Take note
that these are not arranged in order yet.
____Next, plant your tree in the hole.
____Before anything else, find the right spot where your tree can grow.
____Then, put the soil back into the hole to cover the roots of your tree.
____After finding the right spot, dig a hole.
____Finally, water your tree.
____Once you have dug the hole, prepare the pre-planted tree by detangling the roots.
Using the sequence words and other clues found in each sentence, arrange the steps
in the correct order
Sequences and Series play an important role in various aspects of our lives. They help
H. Valuing us predict, evaluate and monitor the outcome of a situation or event and help us a lot in
decision making.

Write your answers on a piece of paper.

I. Complete the statements in the series below by providing the beginning, middle,
and ending events.
1. First of all, . 2. Then, all of a sudden, . 3. Finally, .
II. Insert the appropriate sequence words from the box below in the following text.
You can also use other sequence words that you know. Be guided by the rubric on
page 33.

I. Evaluation (Assessing

J. Agreement (Additional Differentiate Facts from Opinion

V. Remarks  
VI. Reflection  

A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the evaluation  
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who

continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What Innovation or
localized materials did I use/
discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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