1608721142787-Question Bank English Gds PQ

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01.Authorised officer for South Central Railway is: [ ]


02.General Manager of South Central Railway is: [ ]

A) Sri. G. Mallya B) Sri.V.N.Mathur C) Sri.M.S.Jayanth D) Sri.G.N.Asthana

03.Life of a detonator can be extended for -------no. of years after the expiry of normal life [ ]
A) 4 B) 3 C) 5 D) 2

04. Paper Line Clear Ticket for Up trains is: [ ]

A) T/B.1425 B) T/D.1425 C) T/C.1425 D) T/A.1425

05. Fog Signal Post is erected at a distance of ---------meters in rear of First stop signal [ ]
A) 270 B) 180 C) 120 D) 250

06. Whose specific orders should be obtained for Running of goods train without Guard? [ ]

07. The fixed stop signal of a station controlling the entry of trains into the next block section is [ ]
A) LSS(Last Stop Signal) B) FSS(First Stop Signal) C) Starter D) IBS(Intermediate Block Signal)

08.Authority to proceed for material train returning to originating station [ ]

A) T/A 462 B) T/465 C) T/462 D) T/A 465

09. The line ordinarily used for running trains through and between stations [ ]
A) Goods line B) Loop line C) Siding line D) Main line

10.When was South Central Railway formed? [ ]

A) 02.10.1966 B) 16.04.1956 C) 12.10.1965 D) 01.04.2003

11.Repeating signal is a [ ]
A) Reception signal B) Other signal C) Subsidiary signal D) Dispatch signal

12.Authority to dispatch Motor trolley ------- [ ]

A) T/A 1525 B)T/1525 C) T/1708 D)T/1425

13.The Speed Restriction of Motor trolley while running over points and crossings is : [ ]
A) 20 Kmph B) 30 Kmph C) 10 Kmph D) 15 Kmph

14. The maximum no. of men that may be carried on a Motor trolley shall not exceed on B.G [ ]
A) 5 B) 10 C) 8 D) 15

15. Engine shall be stopped at a distance of ------- while performing coaching shunting. [ ]
A) 20 m B)10 m C) 15 m D) 12 m

16. Shunting with man power is called as————————- [ ]

A) Flat shunting B) Hand shunting C) Fly shunting D) Loose shunting

17.What is the Speed restriction to be followed while hand shunting is performed? [ ]

A) 5Kmph B) 8 Kmph C) 10 Kmph D)15 Kmph

18.Gate signal is identified with ----------- [ ]

A) P marker B) G marker C) R marker D) S marker

19. When rail breakage is upto 30 mm First train to observe Speed Restriction is------ [ ]
A) 5 Kmph B) 8 Kmph C) 10 Kmph D) 15 Kmph
20. When rail breakage is upto 30 mm Subsequent trains to observe Speed Restriction is ---- [ ]
A) 5 Kmph B) 8 Kmph C) 10 Kmph D) 15 Kmph

21. South Central Railway is divided into ------no.of divisions [ ]

A) 5 B) 6 C) 3 D) 4

22. Head quarters of South western Railway------- [ ]

A) Bangalore B) Hubli C) Bilaspur D) Belgaum

23. Expand CRS: [ ]

A) Commissioner Rolling Stock B) Chief Railway Secretary
C) Commissioner of Railway Safety D) Chief Railway Superintendent

24. Headquarters of RDSO---------- [ ]

A) Lucknow B) New Delhi C) Mumbai D) Hyderabad

25. Distance between two rails in a standard gauge (B.G) [ ]

A) 1676 m B) 1.676 cm C) 1.676 mm D) 1.676 m

26. General Rules are framed by [ ]

[A] Railway Board [B] Authorised Officer [C] General Manager [D] PCOM

27. Approved special instructions are issued or approved by [ ]

[A] PCOM [B] Authorised Officer [C] CRS [D] Railway Board

28.Home signal lever / switch will be normalized after passage of the [ ]

(A) Engine (B) Whole train (C) First vehicle (D) None of these

29. Before the arrival of the train, to avoid complaints from road users, taking off the
approach Stop signals can be delayed to ensure that gate is closed only for [ ]
[A] 20 minutes [B] 10 minutes [C] 15 minutes [D] 30 minutes

30. A signal taken “OFF” for a train can be put back to “ON” position in emergency only to [ ]
(A) Obey SCOR instructions (B) Obey S M instructions (C) issue tickets ( D) avert an accident

31. After putting back starter/advanced starter for a departing train, LP of the train should be advised through a [ ]
(A) Written memo (B) C O (C) T / 369 (3b) (D) none of above

32. The normal aspect of a fixed signal ,except Automatic Signals is [ ]

[A] Attention [B] caution [C] proceed [D] most restrictive

33. Even though departure signals are taken off, LP shall stop at stations where stoppages are scheduled in the [ ]
[A] VG [B] CTR [C] WTT [D] SOB

34. The points on single line, that must be set against the blocked line, immediately after the arrival of a
train at the station [ ]
(A) Rear (B) Front (C) Either end (D) None of the above
35. The points on double line, that must be set against the blocked line, immediately after the arrival of a
train at the station [ ]
(A) Rear (B) Front (C) Either end (D) None of the above

36. When all the lines at a station are blocked by passenger carrying trains and still line clear is granted
for a train , the points shall be set for the line occupied by [ ]
(A) Main line & engine facing (B) Loop line & engine facing
(C) Main line & SLR facing ( D) Loop line & SLR facing

37. The indications that must be checked by the SM to see that the points are in working condition after
the operation of every motor operated point are [ ]
(A) “ N ” (B) “ R ” (C) Either A or B (D) None of the above

38. On Single Line , the Signal over lap shall be reckoned from [ ]
(A) Facing points (B) Trailing points (C) Facing end points (D) Home signal

39. On Single line , MAS the Signal Over Lap shall not be less than [ ]
(A) 100 m (B) 110 m (C) 120 m (D) 150 m

40. The signals that are prohibited to be used for shunting purposes are [ ]
(A) Outer (B) Home (C) LSS (D) All the above

41. The provision of catch siding is compulsory , where the falling gradient towards station is steeper than [ ]
[A] 1 in 80 [B] 1 in 100 [C] 1 in 260 [D] 1 in 400

42. The provision of slip siding is compulsory , where the falling gradient towards block section is steeper than [ ]
[A] 1 in 80 [B] 1 in 100 [C] 1 in 260 [D] 1 in 400

43. All points shall normally be set for [ ]

[A] Loop line [B] Turn out [C] Straight line [D] Any line

44. The notice that S M shall ensure whenever points / signals/ Block Instrument is disconnected by SI / ESM is [ ]
A) Reconnection notice B) Disconnection notice C) Failure memo D) None of these

45. Whenever the points / signals / block instruments are disconnected, S M shall inform
Cabin Man / C ASM / SWM under exchange of [ ]
[A] Message [B] PN [C] Verbal order [D] Intimation not necessary

46. Before reconnecting the Signal gear which is disconnected, SI/ESM shall test jointly with [ ]
[A] TI [B] S&T khalasi [C] Pointsmen [D] SM on duty

47. From the time of Disconnection to Reconnection, the trains shall be admitted by [ ]
[A] Hand signals [B] fixed signals [C] piloting [D] none of above

48. While accepting Disconnection Notice for block instrument the SM shall endorse on the Notice that [ ]
[A] Block Section is occupied [B] Block section is free
[C] Block instrument failed [D] None of the above

49. Whenever signal Inspector is testing the signal, the remarks shall be recorded in [ ]
[A] TSR [B] Station Diary [C] PN exchange book [D] S & T failure register

50. Violently waving a white light horizontally across the body of a person indicates [ ]
[A] Train parting [B] Move away from the person signalling [C] Proceed [D] Stop dead

51. Detonators are also known as [ ]

[A] Fog signals [B] Flare signals [C] Illuminating signal [D]None of these

52. The number of detonators that are given to each fog signalmen is [ ]
[A] 8 [B] 10 [C] 20 [D] 24

53. From FSS the FSP is located at a distance of [ ]

(A) 180m (B) 120m (C) 400m (D) 270m

54. Nominated fog signalmen are two from each department [ ]

(A) Engineering and S &T (B) Engineering and Operating
(C) Mechanical and Operating (D) only from Engineering

55. The Register in which fog signalmen’s assurance will be taken is [ ]

A) TSR B) Station Detonator Register C) Station diary D) SWR assurance
56. Testing of detonator shall be done by moving an empty wagon hauled by a locomotive at a speed of [ ]
A) 11 to 13 kmph B) 15 to 20 kmph C) 8 to 11 kmph D) 12 to 15 kmph

57. No. of detonators which shall be kept in stock at a station is prescribed by [ ]


58. The knowledge of staff that are required to use detonators shall be tested once in [ ]
[A] One month [B] 2 months [C] 3 months [D] 6 months

59. TI/SM/PWI shall test detonators once in [ ]

[A] 3 months [B] 6 months [C] 8 months [D] 12 months

60. Normal life of a detonator manufactured before 2010 is [ ]

[A] 3 years [B] 5 years [C] 7 years [D] No limit

61. Normal life of a detonator manufactured during 2010 and thereafter is [ ]

[A] 3 years [B] 5 years [C] 7 years [D] No limit

62. The maximum number of extensions after successful testing of a detonator is [ ]

[A] One [B] Two [C] Three [D] Any number

63. The signals used to warn the incoming train, of an obstruction during day shall be a [ ]
(A) Flashing Amber light (B) Red flag (C)Red light of H/S lamp (D) Red flashing H/S Lamp

64. Whenever a signal/point/block instrument is defective, SM shall make an entry in [ ]

(A) S&T failure register (B)PN exchange register (C) relay room key register (D)crank handle register

65. Whenever a signal which is detecting a point becomes defective, these points shall be treated as [ ]
( A) Interlocked (B) Non interlocked (C) Working ( D) None of above

66. A blank signal under complete power off situation is to be treated as [ ]

(A) Defective signal (B) Signal at off (C) No signal (D) None of the above

67. Pre-warning about a defective reception signal is not required when there is a / an [ ]
(A) Calling on signal (B) Adv. Starter (C) Isolation ( D) None of the above

68.When pre warning is given about a defective Home signal, the LP may pass such signal on receipt of [ ]
[A] PHS at the foot of the defective signal [B] PHS at the first facing points
[C] T 369(3b)+PHS [D] PN through SPT

69. Before granting line clear, at class `A’ station, Line shall be clear up to (beyond FSS) [ ]
A) Starter B) N L T 400 meters C) Either A or B D) None of the above

70. Advance authority to pass defective Reception signal is [ ]

[A] T 369(3b) [B] T 369(1) [C] T/C 1425 [D] T 409

71. When a train is received on Calling ON signal , cancellation in Podanur panel takes [ ]
[A] 120 seconds [B] 180 seconds [C] 240 seconds [D] 90 seconds

72. The axle counter shall be reset only after ensuring that the monitored portion is [ ]
[A ] Vacant [B] Occupied [C] Obstructed [D] None of the above

73. Whenever axle counters provided for loop line are to be reset , it should be done by S M on duty
along with one [ ]
A) Operating official B) S & T official C) A or B D) none of above

74. Authority to pass defective starter signal (if it is not LSS) is [ ]

A) calling on below starter taken off B) T 369(3b)+ PHS C) A or B D) P L C T
75. The authority given to the LP, when I B distant signal fails in “OFF” position, before dispatching [ ]
A) P L C T B) T 369 (3b) C) P L C T + T 369 (3b) D) none of above

76. On Double line when LSS fails , Authority to proceed is [ ]

[A] T 369 (3b) [B] P L C T [C] T 806+PN [D] T/C 602

77. On Single line token less section, when LSS fails , Authority to proceed is [ ]
[A] T 369(3b) [B] T/B 602 [C] T 806+PN [D] P L C T

78. The authority required by Loco Pilot when passes starter at “ON” partly and stopped before Advanced Starter [ ]
(A) Memo countersigned by Guard B) T 369 (3b)+PHS
(C) Advanced starter taken off / PLCT (D) All the above

79. Gate-cum-Distant signal shall be located in rear of the gate at a distance of not less than [ ]
[A] 90 m [B] 120 m [C] 180 m [D] 350 m

80. If a signal is showing white light in place of a colour light, it is treated as showing [ ]
( A) most restrictive aspect (B) caution (C) attention (D) Proceed

81. The signal shall be treated as defective, whenever colour light signal is flickering / bobbing and does
not assume a steady aspect for at least [ ]
[A] 20 seconds [B] 30 seconds [C] 60 seconds [D] 120 seconds

82. The authority given to the loco pilot at station when I B S is defective [ ]
( A) P L C T (B) T 369 (3b) (C) Both A & B (D) none of above

83. IB signal which is interlocked with L C Gate becomes defective, SM shall [ ]

[A] Treat the LC gate as closed [B] Treat the LC Gate as non-interlocked
[C] Exchange PN with the Gateman [D] Both 'B' and 'C'

84. The facility provided on I B signal post is [ ]

[A] Phone connecting the rear SM [B] Phone connecting the advance SM
[C] Phone connecting the SCOR [D] Phone connecting the TPC

85. When I B S is at `ON’, the Loco Pilot shall stop in rear of the signal and contact [ ]
A) SM in advance B) SCOR C) SM in rear D) TPC

86. When IBS is at “ON” and the telephone is out of order, Loco Pilot after waiting for five minutes shall
proceed when view is clear/not clear upto next stop signal at a speed not exceeding [ ]
A) 10 / 8kmph B) 25 / 10kmph C) 20 / 10kmph D)15 / 8kmph

87. The button to be operated by S M in rear , to reset Analog axle counter, if I B S fails due to improper counting [ ]
[A] PB-1 [B] PB-2 [C] PB-3 [D] PB-4

88. Wherever I B S is provided, LSS is interlocked with [ ]

(A) Axle counter (B) Block Instrument (C) IBS (D) Trailing points

89. In I B S area , the I B Signal is interlocked with [ ]

(A) Axle counter (B) Block Instrument (C) LSS (D) Trailing points

90. The indication that appear at SM in rear, when Loco Pilot passes I B S at `ON’ [ ]
[A] K1 [B] K2 [C] K3 [D] K4

91. The indication that appear , when Loco Pilot passes LSS in `OFF’ position is [ ]
A) K1 B) K2 C) K3 D) K4

92. When Loco Pilot passes LSS in OFF position , K2 indication will appear which will become normal by
putting back [ ]
A) FSS knob B) LSS knob C) Gate key knob D) IBS knob
93. The indication that will appear when Loco Pilot passes IBS in “OFF” position is [ ]
A) K1 B) K2 C) K3 D) K4

94. When Loco Pilot passes IBS in OFF position, K3 indication will appear which will become normal, by
putting back [ ]
A) FSS knob B) LSS knob C) Gate key knob D) IBS knob

95. The indication that appear, along with buzzer, whenever I B S or I B distant signal bulb is fused is [ ]
[A] K1 [B] K2 [C] K3 [D] K4

96. Over the trailed through points, under no circumstances should a train be [ ]
[A] move forward [B] backed [C] run with MPS [D] none of these

97. The control office should advise the standard time daily by a general call to the stations at [ ]
[A] 08.00 hours [B] 16.00 hours [C] 00.00 hours D] none of these

98. All S Ms should correct the time at 16.00 hrs and make an entry in [ ]
(A) T S R / Station Diary ( B) S&T failure register (C) Attendance register (D) PN exchange register

99. ODC shall be allowed to be attached by a train for transport only with prior sanction of [ ]
[A] CRS [B] Railway board [C] TXR [D] PCOM

100. During dense fog maximum speed of a train on Absolute block system shall be restricted to [ ]
A) 25 kmph B) 8 kmph C) 75 kmph D) 20kmph

101. Normally the speed of trains over Non-Interlocked points, turnouts and crossover shall not exceed [ ]
[A] 8 kmph [B] 10 kmph [C] 15 kmph [D] 30 kmph

102. The maximum speed of a train on 1 in 8 ½ turnout (symmetrical split, Thick Web switch of 52/60 kg
& PSC sleepers ) is restricted to [ ]
[A] 8 kmph [B] 10 kmph [C] 15 kmph [D] 30 kmph

103. The speed of a train on 1 in 8½ turnout (curved switch of 52/60 Kg rails) on PSC sleepers is restricted to [ ]
[A] 8 kmph [B] 10 kmph [C] 15 kmph [D] 30 kmph

104. Isolation is necessary, where the trains are permitted to run through the station at a speed exceeding [ ]
[A] 50 kmph [B] 110 kmph [C] 75 kmph [D] 15 kmph

105. Engine pushing is permitted with the prior permission of [ ]

(A) SM in advance ( B ) SM in rear ( C) SM of the notice station (D) None of above

106 . When engine is pushing a train without Guard, the duties of Guard deploys on [ ]
[A] Points Man [B] ALP [C] S M [D] none of these

107. The colour of marker lights on both sides of engine exclusively deployed for shunting purpose shall be [ ]
[A] white [B]Red [C] amber [D] red and yellow

108. When head light is defective after putting marker lights ‘on’ train can go with a speed not exceeding [ ]
(A) 40kmph (B) Severest temporary speed restriction in the block section
(C) A or B whichever is less (D) none of above

109. Last vehicle indicator during night shall be [ ]

[A] L V board of approved design [B] Retro reflective L V board
[C] Red flashing light [D] red flag

110. Normally, Side lights shall show towards the train engine [ ]
(A) Red colour (B) white colour (C) green colour (D) yellow colour
111. Side lights may be dispensed with , for [ ]
(A) E M U (B) Goods trains (C) Express trains (D) Both A & B

112. What shall be fixed behind an assisting engine when it is attached in rear of a train [ ]
A) Tail board (B) Tail lamp (C) either A or B ( D) Flasher Light

113. It will be the duty of the Guard to ensure that , the last vehicle in rear is affixed with [ ]
(A) Tail lamp (B) Tail board (C) Red flag (D) Either A or B

114. Light engines or coupled engines ( in rear )shall have [ ]

(A) Tail board (B) Tail lamp (C) Red marker lights (D) white marker lights

115. The bell signal that SM has to give, when he observes a train passed without tail lamp/tail board
( to station in rear) where B P A C is not provided [ ]
A) Six pause one B) Six pause two C) Six pause three D) Six pause four

116. The bell signal that SM has to give, when he observes a train passed without tail lamp/tail board
( to station in advance ) where BPAC is not provided [ ]
A) Six pause one B) Six pause two C) Six pause three D) Six pause four

117. When SM observes a train passed without tail lamp/tail board (where BPAC is not provided ) shall
stop all the trains proceeding on adjacent line and issue [ ]
(A) P L C T (B) T / 369 (3b) (C) caution order (D) verbal orders

118. Guard shall report to the Station Master of the next important station, any stoppage or other
irregularities in train working and record the details in CTR and send a special report to [ ]

119. The full form of O T L ( BV equipment ) is [ ]

(A) Over time leave (B) One time lock (C) One time leak (D ) One time lever

120. Dy. SS/TNC of the originating station shall record the intactness and availability of BV equipment in
the register and obtain acknowledgement of [ ]
[A] Guard [B] SSE (C&W) [C] LP when without guard [D] all the above

121. Periodical replacement of Fire Extinguishers, shall be done once in [ ]

[A] 3 months [B] 6 month [C] 12 months [D] 3 years

122. At destination station, Guard shall obtain acknowledgement about the intactness of OTL and seal
By Dy.SS or SE / JE-C&W in the [ ]
[A] Rough journal or VG [B] CTR [C] LTM [D] RS-5

123. In case of emergency the Assistant Loco Pilot can be authorized to drive the train up to the nearest
point where he can be relieved (speed not exceeding ) [ ]
A) 30kmph B) 40kmph C) 60kmph D) MPS

124. Maximum No. of officials / staff , including engine crew at any time on the engine (except in emergencies ) [ ]
[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 5 [D] 6

125. The number of persons permitted to travel in the brake-van of goods trains, including Guard, should not exceed [ ]
[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 5 [D] 6

126. In an emergency , a goods train without brake van can be ordered by [ ]

(A) Sr .DOM (B) DOM (C) DRM (D) either A or B

127. Maximum number of coaches in addition to the officers inspection coach can be attached in rear of SLR of a
Passenger / Mail & Express trains [ ]
[A] 1 [B] 2 [C] 3 [D] 5
128. Maximum number of bogies ( or its equivalent ) attached in rear of the rear brake van by a goods train is [ ]
[A] 1 [B] 2 [C] 3 [D] 5

129. Maximum number of damaged vehicle / engine allowed by a goods train. [ ]

[A] 1 [B] 2 [C] 4 [D] any number

130. Damaged vehicle/engine shall be attached to a goods train by SM, only on receipt of written advise in duplicate from [ ]
(A) TXR (B) SSE / loco (C) either A or B (D) none of these

131. Whenever vehicles are attached / detached on a train , at an intermediate station the entries in the VG must
be made by [ ]
A) Guard B) Station staff C) Loco Pilot D) none of these

132. In an emergency, a goods train without Guard can be ordered by [ ]

[A] SM [B] Dy. CHC [C] Sr. DOM [D] DOM

133. In multi pilot system to start the train from siding the authority is [ ]
A) written authority issued by SM, B) written authority issued by siding authority
C) written authority issued by pilot in-charge D) None of the above.

134. The intimation , through which Station Master advices the Loco Pilot with necessary endorsement , stating that
the train is to run without Guard is [ ]
A) verbal orders B) train notice C) train order D) caution order

135 .Where IBS is provided, the SM shall not dispatch a train in rear of train running without Guard unless it reaches the [ ]
A) IBS B) First stop signal C) next block station D) none of these

136. In Automatic block territory, no train shall be allowed to follow a train without brake van / Guard , until it arrives complete
at the next [ ]
A) Reporting station B) Junction station C) Automatic signal D) Gate lodge

137. Running of a goods train without Guard , is strictly prohibited during [ ]

[A] tempestuous weather [B] total interruption of communications [C] temporary single line working [D] all the above

138. When SM receives an advice of Hot axle on a train, it shall preferably be admitted on [ ]
[A] line provided with sand hump [B] loop line [C] Main line [D] none of these

139. The check that shall be conducted , while clearing stabled stock from a station / invalid BPC is [ ]
A) Guard and SM B) LP and SM C) Guard and LP D) SM, Guard & LP

140. The test that shall be conducted , whenever train engine is changed, is [ ]
A) Brake continuity B) GLP check C) brake power D) feel test

141. Time permitted for GLP check of a train consisting of 60 units is [ ]

[A] 20 minutes [B] 60 minutes [C] 45 minutes [D] 30 minutes

142 Time permitted for GLP check of a train working without Guard consisting of 60 units is [ ]
[A] 20 minutes [B] 60 minutes [C] 45 minutes [D] 30 minutes

143. While at station, the Loco Pilot is to obey the orders of [ ]

[A] G D [B] T L C [C] L I [D] S M

144. The validity of CC rake BPC is [ ]

A) 35 days B) 7500 KM C) A or B whichever is earlier D) none of these

145. The validity of Premium rake BPC is [ ]

[A] Till destination [B] 12 days [C] 30 days [D] 35 days

146. The grace period given for Premium rake BPC is [ ]

(A) one day (B) two days (C) three days (D) four days

147. The validity of End to end BPC is [ ]

(A)12+3 day ( B) loading point to destination (C) TXR point to destination (D) two TXR checking points
148. S M shall arrange Pointsmen to show all right signals for a run through train from [ ]
[A] station side [B] off side [C] any side as per convenience [D] none of these

149. The following are exempted from exchanging ‘All right’ signals [ ]
[A] LP of DMU / EMU [B] LP of a train W/O guard [C] Guards of Super fast trains [D] none of these

150. The time allowed normally to goods trains to start , after engines have been attached is not more than [ ]
( A) 20 minutes (B) 30 minutes (C) 45 minutes (D) 60 minutes

151. The time allowed to goods trains to start after engines have been attached in case of formations
tested by Vacuum Exhausters/Air-Compressors, shall not exceed [ ]
(A) 20 minutes (B) 30 minutes (C) 45 minutes (D) 60 minutes

152. Fresh B P C is required when train is stabled at a station ( other than loading / unloading station )
for more than [ ]
[A] 72 hours [B] 24 hours [C] seven days [D] four days

153. Fresh B P C is required whenever ( eight-wheeler ) vehicles are attached or detached, to / from a
goods train by more than [ ]
[A] 10 [B] 4 [C] one [D] 10% of total wagons

154. The effective brake power in case of Mail/Express at the originating station shall be 100% and en
route should be not less than [ ]
(A) 100% (B) 95% (C) 90% (D) not specified

155. When a train is held up at F S S , the Loco Pilot shall depute his Assistant Loco Pilot to go to Station , after [ ]
[A] 10 minutes [B] 15 minutes [C] 5 minutes [D] none of these

156. While working a passenger train , the Loco Pilot shall ensure that the passenger bogies do not over shoot [ ]
[A] platform [B] FSS [C] Sand hump [D] none of these

157. The whistle code, that is given by the Loco Pilot when SM / Station Staff does not exchange ‘ all-right’ signals is [ ]
(A) 00 (B) 000 (C) __ __ 00 (D) 00__

158. When engine whistle fails on run, after clearing block section cautiously , L P shall [ ]
[A] continue with 40 kmph [B] Advise PRC/TLC and act accordingly
[C] ask for repair or relief [D] none of these

159. Whistle code while ` Passing Signal at ON with proper Authority ‘ [ ]

(A) 0 - 0 (B) 0 0 - (C) _ 0 _ (D) _ 0 0

160. Engine whistle code 0 0 - indicates [ ]

( A) Insufficient air pressure in engine ( B) Alarm chain pulled
(C) Either A or B (D) passing signal at On with proper authority

161. Whenever train stopped without clearing fouling mark, to prevent any movement on the fouled line
the Guard shall inform the SM at once by [ ]
(A) showing green flag (B) waving white light (C) exchange of P N (D) exhibiting stop hand signal

162. Material train shall be ordered to work with the permission of [ ]


163. To despatch a material train for working in the block section and return to the same station,
authority given to the LP is [ ]
[A] PLCT [B] ATP W/O line clear [C] T/462 [D] T/A.462

164. The authority given to the LP of a material train for working in the block section and proceed to the next station is [ ]
A) T / 462 B) T/A 462 C) T / 465 D) none of these
16 5. The validity of a material train B P C , is [ ]
A) 30 days B) 21 days C) 15 days D) none of these

166. The effective brake power of a material train shall be ( not less than ) [ ]
[A] 100 % [B] 85% [C] 90 % [D] 95 %

167. Responsibility of stabling a material train at a station, lies with [ ]

A) Guard B) Station Master C) SM & Guard D) Guard and PWI

168. The maximum speed of a T T M is [ ]

A) 10kmph B) 20kmph C) 30kmph D) 40kmph

169. The maximum speed of a T T M , over points and crossing is [ ]

A) 10kmph B) 20kmph C) 30kmph D) 40kmph

170. TTM is permitted to work in the block section only during [ ]

A) line block B) integrated block C) shadow block D) All the above

171. When TTMs are following each other, the speed of the second TTM is restricted to [ ]
[A] 25/10 kmph [B] 15/10 kmph [C] 15/8 kmph [D] No restriction

172. The officials to sign and issue the GWR of Non- Interlocked gates are [ ]

173. SWR diagram must be signed by [ ]


174. Appendix ‘G’ (rules for electrified section) of SWR must be signed by [ ]

175. SWR should be issued afresh , once in [ ]

[A] 3 years [B] 5 years [C]one year after completion of half years [D] 10 years

176. After issue of following number of amendment slips , SWR shall be issued afresh [ ]
[A] 3 [B] 4 [C] 5 [D] 7

177. Fresh declaration shall be obtained from a member of staff in the following case [ ]
[A] when newly joined at station [B] Resumes duty after an absence of 15 consecutive days or more
[C] any change in the SWR [D] Any of the above

178. The following form shall not be issued in manuscript [ ]

[A] T/D 1425 [B] T/369(3b) [C] T/462 [D] T/409

179. Written authority , to receive a train on to an obstructed line [ ]

[A] T/511 B] pilot in memo [C] T/369(3b) [D] T/509

180. While receiving a train on to an obstructed line, Stop hand signal shall be exhibited from the point
of obstruction at a distance of ( not less than ) [ ]
(A) 45 metres (B) 20 metres (C) 120 metres (D) 180 metres

181. Written authority to start a train from a station having common starter, is [ ]
[A] T/511 [B] pilot out memo [C] T/512 [D] T/509

182. The speed during shunting operations ,shall not exceed [ ]

[A] 10 kmph [B] 15kmph [C] 30 kmph [D] 8 kmph

183. Slip coaches shall not be kept on a blocked line in the rear of a [ ]
[A] passenger carrying train [B] light engine [C] shunting engine [D] stabled load
184. While performing shunting on passenger carrying trains, the shunting engine before coming on to
the formation should stop before the formation at a distance of [ ]
[A] 45 metres [B] 20 metres [C] 15 metres [D] 10 metres

185. At a station where separate shunting staff are not employed, shunting operations shall personally
be supervised by [ ]
[A] Points Man [B] Loco pilot [C] SM [D] Guard

186. While backing a full train from one line to another via main line, shunting supervision shall be done by [ ]
[A] Points Man [B] Loco pilot [C] SM [D] Guard

187.Carriages containing passengers shall not be moved for shunting purpose without the personal
orders of [ ]
(A) SM& LP (B) GD & SM (C) GD (D) GD&LP

188. While performing shunting, the points which are not protected by signals must be locked by
following methods [ ]
[A] clamp and padlock [B] cotter bolt and padlock [C] Either A or B D] none of these

189. While shunting wagons containing explosives, the supervision shall be done by [ ]
[A] Points Man [B] Loco Pilot [C] S M [D] Guard

190. The maximum speed while shunting of wagons containing explosives and P O L products shall be [ ]
[A] 10 kmph [B] 15kmph [C] 30 kmph [D] 8 kmph

191. Where shunting operations are supervised by Guard/SM, Loco Pilot shall be given [ ]
[A] T/A 806 [B] Written memo [C] T 806 [D] T 409

192. The gradient that is considered as steep gradient for the purpose of shunting of roller bearing vehicles [ ]
A] 1 in 400 [B]1 in 600 [C] 1 in 260 [D] 1 in 150

193. Shunting of roller bearing vehicles on a steep gradient shall be done only with locomotive attached
towards the [ ]
[A] As per convenience [B] falling gradient [C] Raising gradient [D] none of these

194. While stabling a goods train having BOX ‘N’ / BCN / BRH, etc. Minimum no. of vehicles hand brake
to be applied ( in addition to hand brakes of B/V )are [ ]
[A] 3 from each end [B] six wagons on either side
[C] nine from each end [D] 10 from engine 5 from B/V

195. When the Loco Pilot of a train experiences any abnormal condition on the track, shall stop his train at [ ]
[A] LSS of next station [B] FSS of next station
[C] within station section [D] next block station without clearing block section

196.When the Loco Pilot of a train experiences any abnormal condition on the track, in case of IBS /
Automatic block territories, shall stop the movement of trains and inform [ ]
[A] Station Master [B] Loco pilots of following trains [C] Both A & B [D] None of these

197. When ‘lurch’ is reported and subsequently a train is sent with engineering official, caution order is
given to the LP to [ ]
[A] stop dead and be guided by Engg.official [B] Run through
[C] Simply proceed with 10 kmph D] observe SR of 8 kmph

198. When ‘lurch’ is reported and subsequently a train is sent in the absence of engineering official,
caution order is given to the LP to stop dead if considered safe, proceed at a speed of [ ]
[A] 10 kmph [B] 15 kmph [C] 30 kmph [D] 8 kmph

199. Rail fracture of less than 30mm, the speed of first train shall be [ ]
[A] 10 kmph [B] 15kmph [C] 30 kmph [D] 8 kmph
200. Rail fracture of less than 30mm, the speed of second and subsequent trains shall be [ ]
[A] 10 kmph [B] 15kmph [C] 30 kmph [D] 8 kmph

201. Rail fracture of more than 30 mm or multiple fractures, track is to be certified by [ ]

[A] AEN [B] PWI [C]key man [D] Gang mate

202. On Double line the Authority to dispatch a goods train against the established direction of
traffic for any reason ( other than introduction of TSL working ) is [ ]
[A] C L C T [B] T/J 602 [C] P L C T [D] T/369(3b)

203. During T S L working , the block instruments shall be kept and locked in [ ]
[A] T O L position [B] Line closed position
[C] Line clear position [D] TOL position for wrong line trains only

204. During Temporary Single Line working, the written Authority given to Loco Pilot is [ ]
[A] P L C T [B] C L C T [C] T/D 602 [D] T/369(3b)

205. During T S L working, the speed of first train shall be [ ]

[A] 25 kmph [B] 10 [C] 15 [D] MPS

206. During T S L working the speed of second and subsequent trains shall be [ ]
[A] 25 kmph [B] 10 [C] 15 [D] M P S

207. During TSL working when the train is proceeding on wrong line, in addition to ATP, the train shall be
despatched by issuing [ ]
[A] pilot out memo [B] T/369(3b) [C] T/511 [D] T/512

208. During T I C on double line authority to the Loco Pilot [ ]

[A] T/C 602 [B] PLCT [C] T/B 802 [D] CLCT

209. When trains are dealt on T/C 602, the time interval between two consecutive trains shall be [ ]
[A] 5 minutes [B] 10 minutes [C] 15 minutes [D] 30 minutes

210. During T I C on Single Line /Double line and T S L working, the signal, that cannot be taken OFF is [ ]
[A] LSS [B] Starter [C] reception signals [D] All the signals

211.When a Motor trolley / Tower car is sent for opening communication, it shall be accompanied by [ ]
[A] Engg. Official not below rank of PWI [B] Loco Pilot of any train waiting
[C] Points Man [D] Guard or off duty SM

212. Authority for light engine, going to open communications shall be [ ]

[A] T/A 602 [B] T/B 602 [C] T/C 602 [D] T/D 602

213. The speed of the Light engine going for opening of communication, shall be [ ]
[A] 15/10 kmph [B] 10/8 kmph [C] normal speed [D] 25 kmph

214. After opening communication, the light engine shall return on [ ]

[A] C L C M [B] P L C T [C] T/B 602 [D] C L C T

215. Down CLCT is prepared on Form No : [ ]

[A] T/D 1425 [B] T/G 602 [C] T/H 602 [D] T/F 602

216. When there is an even flow of trains, enquiry and reply messages are sent through [ ]
[A] Loco Pilots [B] SM off duty [C] Pointsmen [D] Guard of the preceding train

217. After opening communication, the speed of the first train ( waiting ) shall be [ ]
[A] 25/10 kmph [B] 15/10 kmph [C] normal speed [D] 15/8 kmph
218. Once communication is restored, the Station Master must send a message to the SM of adjacent
station in the prescribed form on [ ]
[A] T/E 602 [B] T/G 602 [C] T/H 602 [D] T/I 602

219. Written authority to dispatch a relief engine into an obstructed block section, is [ ]
[A] T/A 602 [B] T/B 602 [C] T/C 602 [D] T/D 602
220. S M shall arrange to send a competent railway servant, if a passenger / goods train does not turn up,
even after the normal running time and [ ]
[A] 5/10 minutes B] 10/20 minutes [C] 20/30 minutes [D] 15/25 minutes

221. If Loco Pilot enters block section without A T P and subsequently sends his Assistant Loco Pilot with a
memo to SM in rear, that S M shall arrange to send [ ]
[A] P L C T [B] Caution order [C] T/A 602 [D] T/369(3b)

222. If Loco Pilot enters block section without A T P and subsequently sends his Assistant Loco Pilot with
a memo to SM in advance, that S M shall arrange to send [ ]
[A] P L C T [B] Caution order [C] T/A 602 [D] T/369(3b)

223. If a train parts and the Loco Pilot decided to proceed to the station ahead, he shall, on approaching
the station give the following whistle code [ ]
A] _ _ 0 0 [B] _ 0 _ 0 [C] _ 0 0 [D] 0 _ 0

224. During divided train working, the written authority issued by the Guard of the train , to the L P to
clear the first portion , is [ ]
[A] T/A 602 [B] Caution order [C] T/609 [D] Written memo

225. When a goods Train runs without Guard has to be divided, the Loco Pilot shall bring first portion by preparing [ ]
[A] T/A 602 [B] Caution order [C] T/609 [D] Written memo

226. When a train without Guard is divided in the section, after dropping the first portion, light engine
returning to pickup second portion shall proceed on authority [ ]
[A] T/A 602 [B] Caution order [C] T/609 [D] Written memo

227. On Absolute Block System, no train shall be allowed to leave a block station unless, the following
has been received from advance Block station [ ]
[A] Authority to Proceed [B] line clear [C] consent [D] information

228. On Absolute block system, the adequate distance (BOL) beyond FSS on M A S for granting line clear
shall not be less than [ ]
[A] 180 metres [B] 120 metres [C] 400 metres [D] 100 metres

229. At a class ‘B’ station on D/L equipped with MACLS, to grant line clear, the line must be clear up to [ ]
[A] S L B [B] BSLB / outermost facing points [C] Adv. starter [D] starter

230. At a class ‘B’ station on S / L equipped with MACLS, to grant line clear, the line must be clear up to [ ]
[A] S L B [B] outermost facing points [C] Opposite Adv. Starter [D] any of the above

231. At a class ‘C’ station , line clear shall not be given unless, the whole of the last preceding train has
passed complete at least 400 metres beyond the Home signal and [ ]
[A] Continuing its journey [B] clears advance block section also
[C] condition for taking home signal also fulfilled [D] all the above

232. In automatic block system the line between the block stations, when required, be divided into a series of [ ]
[A] Automatic block signalling sections [B] block sections
[C] station sections [D] all the above

233. On D/L , the automatic signal shall not assume OFF position ,unless the line is clear not only up to the
next Automatic signal ,but also for an adequate distance of (not less than ) [ ]
[A]180 metres [B] 120 metres [C]400 metres [D] 100 metres
234. Automatic signal is identified by [ ]
[A] ‘A’ marker [B] Illuminated ‘A’ marker [C] ‘C’ marker [D] “AB” marker

235. Semi automatic signal when working as automatic signal is identified by [ ]

[A] ‘A’ marker board [B] illuminated ‘A’ marker [C] both A &B [D] none of these

236. Normal aspect of Automatic signal is [ ]

[A] Stop [B] Attention [C] Proceed [D] Most restrictive aspect

237. SMR/TI shall renew the competency certificates ( in Automatic section) for [ ]
[A] S Ms [B] Guards of that station [C] SMs and points men [D] none of these

238.When Loco Pilot passes an automatic stop signal at ON, he shall observe speed restriction of [ ]
[A] 10 kmph when view is clear and 8 kmph in night [B] 15kmph when view is clear and 8 kmph when view is not clear
[C] 10 kmph [D] 15 kmph when view is clear and 10 kmph in night

239. When LSS fails on single line automatic block system, Loco Pilot shall be given [ ]
[A] P L C T [B] P L C T + T/A 912 [C] PLCT+T/ B 912 [D] T/369(3b) +C.O

240. When LSS fails on double line automatic block system, Loco Pilot shall be given [ ]
[A] P L C T + CO [B] P L C T + T/A 912
[C] T/D 912 + T/A 912 [D] T / 369(3b) + CO of 10KMPH up to next automatic stop signal

241. During prolonged failure of signals but communications are available on D/L Automatic Block
System, the authority given to Loco Pilot is. [ ]
[A] T/ D 602 [B] T/ D 912 [C] T /C 602 [D] T /B 912
242. During prolonged failure of signals but communications are available on D/L Automatic Block
System, the speed of first train shall be [ ]
[A] 15 kmph [B] M P S [C] 10 kmph [D] 25 kmph

243. When signals and communication fails on Double line Automatic Block System, the authority given to
the Loco Pilot is [ ]
[A] T/ B 602 [B]T/ D 912 [C]T /C 602 [D] T /B 912

244. The time interval between two trains during signal and communication failure on DL Automatic Block
System shall be [ ]
[A] 15 minutes or normal running time whichever is more [B] 30 minutes
[C] 30 min+ normal running time [D] 30 minutes or normal running time whichever is more

245. Authority to dispatch Relief engine/train in obstructed automatic signalling section is [ ]

[A] T / A 912 [B] T / B 912 [C] T / C 912 [D] T / D 912

246. Relief loco into obstructed automatic section shall proceed with a restricted speed of [ ]
[A] 25kmph [B] 15 /10 kmph [C] normal speed [D] 15 / 8 kmph

247. Fixed signal which can be operated either as an Automatic or a manual signal is [ ]
[A] An Automatic stop signal [B]Manual stop signal in automatic territory
[C] A Semi automatic stop signal [D] A Home signal

248. Gate signal in automatic signalling territory is distinguished by [ ]

A) G marker and illuminated A marker when gate is closed B) only G marker
C) G marker and illuminated A marker when gate is open D) A marker and illuminated G marker when gate is closed

249. No person shall operate the electrical block instruments unless he holds a competency certificate
issued by Principal/ZRTI which shall be valid for a period of [ ]
[A] 3 years [B] 5 years [C] 2 years [D] 7 years

250. Normal authority to proceed on Single Line token less sections/Double line sections [ ]
[A] ‘OFF’ position of LSS [B] PLCT [C] PLCT or token [D] Any written document signed by SM
251. At stations provided with block proven axle counter (BPAC) and functioning, The Station Master on
duty shall send the “train out of block section” signal only by [ ]
[A] seeing clear indication of BPAC [B] getting private number from guard
[C] getting private number from points men [D] listening to LVT buzzer

252. At stations where BPAC is not provided, the Guard of the train, after verifying the last vehicle is
standing clear of the fouling mark, shall inform Station Master by [ ]
[A] waving arm by day [B] Exchange P N through walkie-talkie
[C] Showing white light by night [D] none of these

253. Blocking of a portion of line for maintenance work by more than one department is called [ ]
[A] power block [B] integrated block C] shadow block [D] no specific name

254. Block availed from either end of the block section, between two block stations simultaneously, is
known as [ ]
[A] Power block [B] Integrated block [C] Shadow block [D] Double block

255. Engineering works come under Category – I I I ( e g ; Welding of Rail joints) requires [ ]
[A] only intimation to SM [B] line block [C] material block [D] Intimation not necessary

256. Engineering branch will arrange with the Operating branch for the issue of a circular notice, which
shall be valid for [ ]
[A] one year [B] 48 hours [C] 3 months [D] six months
257. After issuing circular notice, how many days in advance, the DOM will issue an all concerned message [ ]
[A] one year [B] 2 days [C] 3 months [D] six months

258. Authorized engineering official to obtain blocks on the field telephone, who shall not be below the rank of [ ]

259. When more than one T/CAR is programmed to go to block section and return to the same station
the authorities for first T/CAR and subsequent T/CAR are [ ]
[A] T/1708 & Caution order [B] T/A 1708 & Caution order
[C] Caution order & T/1708 [D] Caution order & T/ A1708

260. When more than one T/CAR is programmed to go in the same block section and clear to the next
station the authorities for first T/CAR and last T/CAR are [ ]
[A] T/1708 & Caution order [B] T/A 1708 & Caution order
[C] Caution order & T/1708 [D] Caution order & T/ A1708

261. When more than one TTM is programmed to go in the same block section and return to the same
station the authorities for first TTM and subsequent TTM are [ ]
[A] T/465 & Caution order [B] T/A 465 & Caution order
[C] Caution order & T/465 [D] Caution order & T/A 465

262. When more than one TTM is programmed to go in the same block section and clear to the next
station the authorities for first TTM and last TTM are [ ]
[A] T/465 & Caution order [B] T/A 465 & Caution order
[C] Caution order & T/465 [D] Caution order & T/A 465
263. Authority given to the TTM to go into the section work and return to the same station during block is [ ]
[A] P L C T [B] Caution order [C] T/465 [D] T/A 465

264. Authority given to the TTM to go into the section work and proceed to the next station during block is [ ]
[A] PLCT [B] Caution order [C] T/465 [D] T/A 465
265.When material train, TTM and Tower wagon are permitted in the same block section to work, the
distance to be kept between them shall be [ ]
[A] 100 m [B] 120 m [C] 150 m [D] 1000 m
266.No. of material trains permitted during the line block / integrated block / shadow block is / are [ ]
[A] 1 [B] 2 [C] 3 [D] Any number
267. During line block, to receive the units coming on right line, authority to receive the first unit [ ]
[A] Home Signal [B] pilot in memo [C] T/509 [D] P H S

268. During line block, to receive the units coming on right line, authority to receive the units following
the first unit is [ ]
[A] take off Home Signal B] pilot in memo [C] calling on signal or T/509 [D] P H S

269. During line block, the units are coming on wrong line, shall be received on [ ]
[A] Home Signal [B] pilot in memo [C]Calling on signal [D] P H S

270. When major work such as relaying and re-girdering is in progress , a speed restriction that shall be
observed on the adjoining line in double line section, is [ ]
[A] 30 kmph [B] 40 kmph [C] 50 kmph [D] stop dead and proceed

271. When water rises above the ballast level but below rail level, train should be allowed as per following [ ]
[ A] Train shall not be allowed [B] Train must stop and proceed after the velocity of the water is reduced
[C] Train must stop and be piloted by the PWI [D] Track should be walked over by two men abreast one at either end of the
sleepers before the train

272. When water overflows above the rails – [ ]

[A] Train shall not be allowed [B]Train must stop and proceed after the velocity of the water is reduced
[C] Train must stop and be piloted by the PWI. [D] Train must stop and be piloted by gang man

273. In track circuited areas, trolleys shall have [ ]

[A] Hand brakes [B] Brake power certificate [C] Insulation [D] none of these

274. In token less section, ATP for the movement of independent motor trolley is [ ]
[A] PLCT [B] T/465 [C] T/1525 [D] T/A 1525

275. On Double line, after the arrival of motor trolley, Station Master shall inform the Station Master of
the rear station by [ ]
[A] Giving P N [B] Putting Block instrument from TOL to 'Line closed' position
[C] Both ‘A’ and ‘B’ [D] none

276. When motor trolley is following a full length train or engine or another motor trolley, authority given
as A T P is [ ]
[A] T/1525 [B] T/A 1525 [C] ATP without Line Clear [D] P L C T

277. When a Motor Trolley is following a train, it is treated as [ ]

[A] An Independent Train [B] Last vehicle of that train [C] first vehicle of that train [D] none of these

278. Trolley/Lorry notice [ ]

[A] T/1518 [B] Circular Notice [C] T/1525 [D] T/A 1525

279. During night , a lorry shall always be worked under the rules of [ ]
[A] Trains working [B] rail dolly working [C] Push Trolley working [D] none of these

280. Self propelled vehicle which can run on railway track as well as on road , is [ ]
[A] TTM [B] R R V [C] S P A R M V [D] S P A R T

281. On tracking’ and `off tracking’ of RRV in mid-section shall be done from [ ]
[A] level gradient [B] level crossings only [C] any where [D] as per discretion of In-charge JE/SE P.way

282. Neutral section lies between two consecutive [ ]

[A] Section insulators [B] block stations [C] sub stations [D] OHE depots

283. “Danger Zone” means the zone lying around any live equipment within a radius of [ ]
[A] 45 metres [B] 2 metres [C] 2.5 metres [D] 30 metres
284. Engine crew of all trains shall report any defect/irregularity noticed in the OHE to [ ]
[A] T P C [B] T L C [C] S C O R [D] S M

285. The competency certificate issued by DEE (Tr. D) to S M for operating the isolators ( in emergency )
is valid for [ ]
[A] 2 years [B] 3 years [C]4 years [D] 5years

286. Whenever a tower wagon is to be moved by a train, it should be inside the [ ]

A] Train engine [B] Rear B V [C] Sixth Vehicle [D] Any where

287. The maximum speed of tower car shall be [ ]

[A] 40kmph [B] As stencilled on it [C] 30kmph [D]15kmph

288.When healthy section is temporarily isolated and re-energised, if train entered faulty section, the
speed of the first train by ( day / night ) shall be [ ]
[A] 25/10 kmph [B] 20/10 kmph [C] 40/40 kmph [D] 60/30 kmph

289. During power block, the trains that are allowed to run. [ ]
[A] diesel traction hauled [B] electric traction hauled [C] M E M U [D] no train permitted

290. The permission, the Guard of the train with the ODC receives from the authorized person, to enter
(in electrified section ) is [ ]
[A] permission from CHC [B] permission from TPC [C] Trolly / Lorry notice [D] permit to work

291. The notice stations, where divisional caution order shall be issued are specified in [ ]
[A] Working time table [B] rake link [C] CTR [D] Gradient chart

292. In Caution order, name of the stations concerned should be written in full, but not in [ ]
[A] letters [B] Codes [C] Capitals [D] Numerals

293. The caution order should have all the speed restrictions in force in [ ]
[A] Geological order [B] Gradient wise [C] Geographical order [D] control section wise

294. SM shall bring forward the caution orders in the caution order register ( in geographical order ) [ ]
[A] Every Shift [B] Every Monday at 00.00 hours [C] Everyday at 16.00hrs [D] Everyday 00.00 hrs

295. Record foils of the caution order shall be preserved for a period of [ ]
[A] 6 Months [B] 3 Months [C] 1 Year [D] 3Years

296. Full form of T V U [ ]

[A] Train van unit [B] track vehicle unit [C] Train vehicle unit [D]traffic vehicle unit

297. Level crossing gates situated within outermost stop signals of a station are under the control of [ ]
[A] S E (S&T) [B] S E (PWAY) [C] S M [D] Gate Man

298.At engineering level crossing ( interlocked ) gate connected to station in advance, if the running time
is less than 10 minutes, the Station Master will advise the gateman, the particulars of the train [ ]
[A] before granting line clear [B] after getting “train entering block section” signal
[C] when train sighted [D] before seven minutes

299. When the signal protecting the interlocked level crossing gate becomes defective the gate treated as [ ]
[A] Inter locked with signal defective [B] Non inter locked
[C] Simply issue C.O to observe gate rules [D] None of above

300. At engineering/traffic level crossing non interlocked gates , S M shall advise Gateman ,about the particulars of the train [ ]
[A] before granting/obtaining line clear [B] Immediately after train entering block section
[C] before seven minutes if running time is more than 10 minutes
[D] before seven minutes if running time is less than 10 minutes.
301. If the communication with L C Gate fails, SM shall stop all trains and issue [ ]
[A] special caution to be alert [B] Authority T/369(3b)
[C] T/A 602 treating as obstruction [D] caution order to observe gate rules

302. After exchanging PN with gate man, due to change in planning, SM shall inform gate man about
Cancellation of train movement supported by [ ]
[A] Private Number [B] written authority [C] oral advice [D] None of these

303. The register that staff should also sign, in token of having understood the train working instructions
during NI working. [ ]
[A] Assurance Register [B] Circular notice [C] Special NI working instructions [D] none of these

304. A common N I Home signal provided for any indirect reception of trains, with only [ ]
[A] stop & caution aspects [B] stop & proceed aspect [C] Proceed with caution aspect D] No aspect at all

305. During non interlocking working, all trains must be brought to a stop at the FSS and then allowed to
enter (taking off signals) cautiously at speed not exceeding [ ]
[A] As per standard of interlocking [B] 20 kmph [C] 15 kmph [D] 30 kmph

306. During NI working, the LP shall not pass the outermost facing points even though signals are taken
off unless he receives [ ]
[A] caution order at points [B] PHS at points [C] T/369(3b) [D] none of these

307. During NI working the SM/Guard/SWM in charge of the goomties shall be responsible for [ ]
[A] exchanging PHS at outermost facing point [B] correct setting, clamping and pad locking of points
[C] allowing to take off signals when train stopped at the Home signal [D] All the above

308. Patrolling of railway line is done on following occasions. [ ]

[A] In the event of sudden storm or hurricane during day or night
[B] Security patrolling during civil disorders [C] Monsoon time [D] Any one of the above.

309. Patrol charts are issued by [ ]

[A] PWI [B] DEN [C] SM [D] PWI &TI
310. Name of night patrolmen with arrival and departure timings shall be recorded by SM in [ ]
[A] Beat book [B] Train signal register [C] Station diary [D] All the above

311. If the night patrolman does not turn up even after 15 minutes beyond the schedule arrival time, SM
shall stop all the trains and issue caution order restricting the speed to [ ]
[A] 40 kmph [B] Special Caution [C] stop dead and 10kmph [D] stop dead and 15kmph

312. Station Detonator Register contains ---- Parts [ ]

[A] 3 [B] 4 [C] 5 [D] 12

313.In Station Detonator Register, particulars of Fog Signalmen posted at the station from time to time
shall be recorded in the [ ]
A] part-I [B] part-III [C] part-II [D] part-IV

314.Maximum number of wagons containing explosives permitted by goods trains is [ ]

[A] Three [B] Five [C] Ten [D] any number

315. Minimum number of wagons to be given as support wagons from Loco when wagons containing
explosives are attached by Goods Train are [ ]
[A] three [B] five [C] ten [D] one

316.Minimum number of wagons required to be given as support wagons from B V / Passenger coach /
other inflammables when explosives are carried by a train [ ]
[A] three [B] five [C] ten [D] one

317. To attach a dead engine to a train, a certificate of ‘fit to run’ is required, which shall be issued by [ ]
[A] Section Engineer [B] Power controller [C] Chief Loco Inspector [D] any one of the above

318.Escorting of dead locomotive attached to freight and passenger carrying trains is not necessary [ ]
A) the brakes are fully operational B) attached next to the train Engine C) both A & B
D) None of the above

319. Number of dead engines is/are permitted to attach to passenger carrying train [ ]
[A] any number each after six coaches [B] one [C] two [D] nil

320.Under any circumstances, no dead engine should be attached to any [ ]

A) Passenger Train B) CC Rake Goods Train C) Rajdhani, Shatabdi / Duranto D) Mail/Express

321.Officers inspection carriages are not to be permitted by [ ]

[A] Race specials [B] Postal express trains [C] Military specials [D] All the above

322.One of the following can be attached in excess of the permitted load. [ ]

[A] Party Coach [B] Parcel Van [C] Officer’s Saloon [D] Pantry Car

323.A mail/express train shall have after loco in front and in rearmost at least one [ ]
[A] Brake Van [B] Anti Telescopic or Steel Bodied SLR [C]Saloon [D] Dead Loco

324.When centre S L R is provided in short trains, a maximum number of coaches permitted on either side of S L R [ ]
[A]Three [B]One [C] Two [D] Any number

325.At standard – I R interlocked station the maximum speed permitted for the train over main line points is [ ]
[A] 50 kmph [B] 75 kmph [C]15 kmph [D] 110 kmph

326.At standard – II R interlocked station the maximum speed permitted for the train over main line points is [ ]
[A] 140 kmph [B] 75 kmph [C] 160 kmph [D] 110 kmph
327.At standard – III R interlocked station the maximum speed permitted for the train over M L points is [ ]
[A] 140 kmph [B] 75 kmph [C] 160 kmph [D] 110 kmph

328. At standard – IV R interlocked station the maximum speed permitted for the train over main line points is [ ]
[A] 140 kmph [B] 75 kmph [C] 160 kmph [D] 110 kmph

329.On Double line, to perform shunting beyond LSS, before giving authority, SM shall [ ]
[A] Block forward [B] Block back [C] obtain line block [D] none of these

330.On Double line, to perform shunting beyond LSS, authority is [ ]

[A]T/806 with P.N [B] shunt signal below LSS taken ‘off ’ [C]LSS lever key [D] Any one of the above

331.On S/L token less sections, to perform shunting beyond LSS ( up to opposite FSS ) the authority is [ ]
[A] T/806 + shunt key or PN [B] shunt signal below LSS taken ‘off’ [C] T/806 only [D] T/806 +written memo to come back

332.On double line to perform shunting beyond Outer most facing points/BSLB authority is [ ]
[A]T/806 + PN [B] T/806+ shunt key [C]T/806 only [D]T/806 +written memo

333.In SWR, Working of Level Crossing Gates are given in the Appendix [ ]
[A] ‘G’ [B] ‘B’ [C]‘C’ [D] ‘A’

334.The general precautions regarding O H E ( working ) of a block station are given in appendix ( of S W R ) [ ]
[A] `A’ [B] ‘B’ [C] ‘C’ [D] ‘G’

335. In the event of fire on any part of electrical equipment, the affected part is first to be [ ]
[A] extinguished by water [B] completely isolated [C] extinguished by mud [D] none of these

336. When Home signal is defective on D/L, to prevent block failure, its knob should be kept in [ ]
A) Normal position B)Normal / Reverse position C)Reverse position D)Any Position
337. Bell code to be given to SM in advance, whenever a Train passed without tail lamp or tail board is [ ]
A) 00000 B) 000000 C) 000000 – 0 D) 000000 - 00

338. Slip/Catch siding key cannot be removed when Block instrument is in this position. [ ]
A) TCF B) TGT C) TCF / TGT D) Line Closed

339. In Single line electrified sections , this type of block instruments are only provided. [ ]
A) P T J B) Kyosan C) Daido D) Any One

340. In push button token less block instrument when shunt key cannot be extracted for shunting
purposes, the SM shall advise the SM at the other end [ ]
A) to keep block instrument in line closed position B) to extract shunt key
C) to keep block instrument in TCF position D) none of these

341.On double line sections when a train is pushed back after entering the block section on normal ATP,
the next train shall be dispatched on [ ]
A)Caution Order B)P L C T C)T / 369 (3b) D)Memo

342. A relief engine should be sent, if the engine or vehicles running away have not arrived even after a
lapse of ---------more than the running time of the slowest speed goods train. [ ]
A) 30 min B) 45 min C)10 Min D)5 Min

343. In the event of failure or suspension of Block Instrument, before signalling a train through any
alternative means of communication, both SMs shall exchange messages and record in the TSR in [ ]
A) Black Ink B)Red Ink C)Remarks Column D)None

344. When BPAC fails, after resetting the instrument with the cooperation of SM in advance it goes to this mode [ ]
A) Defective B) Silent C) Preparatory D) Active

345. For issuing P L C T , all trains shall be stopped at [ ]

A] F S S B] Facing Points C] Starter D] Hand over on Run

346. Even if tail lamp/tail board is not found, closing block section need not be held up if provided with [ ]
A)Cabins B)Block Instruments C) B P A C D)Panel Board

347. During PLCT working, entries shall be made at receiving end in this register in addition to TSR [ ]
A) T / A 1425 B) T / B 1425 C) T / 1525 D) All the above

348.While issuing PLCT, Loco Pilot’s signature is to be obtained in [ ]

A) column A of T / A 1425 B) column A of T / B 1425 C) column B of T/A 1425 D) column B of T / B 1425

349.Accidents are classified into how many categories [ ]

[A] One B] Two C] Three D] Five

350. An example of consequential accident is [ ]

A] Signal passing at “ON” B] Entering into B/S w/o ATP C] Fire on train D] Averted collision

351. An example of indicative accident is [ ]

A] Breach of block rules B] Fire on train C] Collisions D] LC gate accidents

352. Passing stop signal at Danger is this type of accident [ ]

A] Indicative accident B] Averted accident C] consequential train accident D] none of above

353. An accident ,shall be treated as Serious accident when it is involved in [ ]

A] death B] serious injury C] loss to Railway property of Rs.2 crores D] all the above
354. On trunk routes when traffic is disrupted for following hours or more, it is treated as serious
dislocation of traffic. [ ]
A] 12 hours B] 3 hours C] 24 hours D] 6 hours

355. To treat any accident as averted collision, outside station limits, the distance between two trains shall be [ ]
A] 600 meters or less B] more than 400 meters C] 1400 meters or less D] 180 meters or less

356. When a person is knocked down or run over and dead, no responsible person is available, body shall be [ ]
A] ignored B] inform at next station C] drop a memo while runs through
D] Handed over at nearest gate lodge or station with a memo

357. When murder is reported in second class compartment, carriage to be detached at [ ]

A] Next station B] Station where crime was detected C] Station, where the coach can be replaced D] Destination

358. An example of breach of block rules is [ ]

A] Train entered into wrong line B] train entered into B/S without a ATP C] Train entered into siding D] all the above

359.The threshold value in terms of loss of Railway property is fixed at Rs [ ]

A] 1 lakh B] 4 lakhs C] 25 lakhs D] 2 Crores

360. Whenever accident takes place, blood samples are to be collected from GLP of the ill fated train and
following ( on duty Station staff ) of stations on either side. [ ]
A] S Ms B] Points men / Cabin men/ Lever men C] Cabin Master D] All the above

361. Accident siren three long indicates [ ]

A] Accident in the adjoining yard B] Outstation accident, MRT required
C] Outstation accident, main line is blocked D) Outstation accident, main line is not obstructed.

362. Accident siren “ accident at out station, main line obstructed and MRT required “ is [ ]
A] Four long B] Three long one short C] Four long one short D] Three long

363. The target time for turning out ART during day and night is [ ]
A ] 15 & 20 minutes B] 30 & 45 minutes C] 1 hour and 90 minutes D] none of these

364. ARME scale –I comprises of [ ]

A] Medical Van B] Auxiliary Van C] both A & B D] none of these

365. Scale II - ARME is stored in boxes and placed in [ ]

A] Stations B] Cabins C] Health Units D] special rooms of Rly. Hospitals

366. The target time for turning out MRT for direct/indirect dispatch, is [ ]
A] 15 and 20 minutes B] 30 and 45 minutes C] 10 and 15 minutes D] 5 and 30 minutes

367. DMO should inspect the Medical Van ( Scale - I ) once in [ ]

A] a month B] 2 months C] 3 months D] 15 days

368. DMO should inspect the Medical Van ( Scale – II ) once in [ ]

A] a month B] 6 months C] 3 months D] 15 days

369. Trail run of ART / MRT shall be done , once in [ ]

A]a month B] 2 months C] 3 months D] year

370. Mock drills for ART shall be conducted once in [ ]

A] a month B]2 months C] 3 months D] a year

371. This is considered as dangerous for running trains ( Rainfall in 24 hours ) [ ]

A]1 cm B]5 cm C]10 cm D] 15 cm
372.Heavy wind is considered dangerous for running trains if wind velocity is [ ]

A] 60 kmph or more B] 65 kmph or more C] 50 kmph or more D] 5 cms or more

373. For the purpose of Weather Warning, South Central Railway is divided into [ ]
A]5 zones B]6 zones C]7 zones D] 4 zones

374.Ex- gratia to be paid In case of death in Train/ manned Level Crossing accident is Rs [ ]
A] 6,000 B] 10,000 C] 25,000 D] 50,000

375.Ex-gratia to be paid in case of serious injury in a Train/manned LC gate accident is Rs. [ ]

A] 25,00 B] 10,000 C] 25,000 D] 50,000
376. Ex-gratia to be paid in case of simple injury in a Train/manned LC gate accident is Rs. [ ]
A] 5,000 B] 10,000 C] 25,000 D] Nil

377.The claim for compensation shall be made within the following time from the date of accident [ ]
A] 1 year B]2 year C] 6 months D] 3 years

378. The claim for compensation shall be made through [ ]

A] Railways Claims Tribunal B] Civil court C] High court D] District court

379. General Rules are framed by [ ]

[A] Railway Board [B] Authorised Officer [C] General Manager [D] PCOM

380. Approved special instructions are issued by [ ]

[A] PCOM [B] Authorised Officer [C] CRS [D] Railway Board

381. A fixed stop signal of a station controlling the entry of trains into next block section is [ ]
[A] FSS [B] LSS [C] Outer [D] Home

382.This includes a train, vehicle or obstacle on or fouling a line, or any condition which is dangerous to trains [ ]
[A] shunting [B] connection [C] communication [D] Obstruction

383. Special instructions are issued by [ ]

[A] CTM [B] PCSO [C] Authorised Officer [D] Railway Board

384. At a Block station the Station Limits are between [ ]

[A] Two outermost signals [B] Two outer signals [C] Two FSS [D] Two LSS

385.On Double line class ‘B’ station Multiple Aspect Signalling, station section lies between [ ]
(A) outermost facing points to LSS (B) BSLB to LSS (C) Either A or B (D) none of above

386.On single line ‘B’ class MAS station, Station section lies between [ ]
(A) Two Advanced Starters (B) Two SLBs (C) Two outer most points (D) Any one of the above

387.The system adopted for the time being for the working of trains on any portion of a railway is known as [ ]
[A] system of controlling [B] Direction of traffic [C] System of working [D] None of these

388.No Railway Servant directly connected with the working of trains shall take or use any alcoholic drink,
sedative, narcotic or stimulant drug or preparation before the commencement of his duty within [ ]
[A] 6 hours [B] 8 hours [C]10 hours [D]12 hours

389.Whenever two yellow lights are exhibited in Distant signal the Aspect is [ ]
[A]Caution [B]Attention [C]Stop [D] Proceed

390. Whenever one yellow light is exhibited in Distant signal the Aspect is [ ]
[A]caution [B]attention [C] proceed slow [D] proceed
391. The indication of the Distant signal in Caution Aspect is [ ]
(A) Stop dead (B) Proceed and be prepared to stop at the next stop signal
(C) Proceed and be prepared to pass the next stop signal at a restrictive speed D) proceed

392. In Double distant area, The indication of the Distant signal in Attention Aspect is [ ]
(A) Stop dead (B) Proceed and be prepared to stop at the next stop signal
(C) proceed and be prepared to pass the signal at a restrictive speed D) B or C

393. In single distant area, if Distant signal is showing proceed aspect means [ ]
(A) Stop dead (B)Train is admitted on to loop line (C) Train is run through via main line, block section
ahead is free (D)Train is admitted on to main line, to stop at station

394. In single distant area, If distant signal is showing attention aspect it means [ ]
(A)Train is admitted on to loop line (B) train is run through via loop line, block section ahead is free
(C)Train is admitted on to main line, to stop at station (D) Any of the above

395. The signal which tells about the aspect of stop signal ahead is [ ]
(A) Outer (B) Distant (C) Advanced starter (D) None of these

396. The normal aspect of Distant signal on Double Distant area is [ ]

[A]Caution [B]Attention [C] Stop [D] Proceed

397. When colour light Distant signal is combined with Gate/LSS, normal aspect of that signal is [ ]
[A] Stop [B] Caution [C] Attention [D] Proceed

398. The light that is displayed when colour light Calling On signal is taken ‘OFF’ [ ]
(A) miniature yellow (B) miniature red (C) green (D) yellow

399. The indication of the Calling On signal when taken ‘OFF’ is [ ]

(A) proceed and be prepared to stop at next stop signal (B) Be prepared to stop short of any obstruction
C) stop dead D) proceed cautiously

400.The occasions when Calling ON signal can be used are [ ]

A) Receiving a train on obstructed line B) when signal above is defective C) Either A or B D) none of the above

401.To take “OFF” calling ON signal, the train must come to a stop on [ ]
A) Axle counter B) free zone C) calling on zone D) distant signal

402. Shunt signal below stop signal, in ‘ON’ position will show [ ]
[A] Red light [B] Two white lights horizontally [C] No light [D] Yellow light

403. The Aspect of independent shunt signal at ‘ON’ is [ ]

[A] Stop [B] Caution [C] Attention [D] No light

404. The colour lights exhibited in ‘OFF’ position of Position light shunt signal is [ ]
A) Two white lights horizontally B) Two white lights diagonally C) Two green lights D) Two yellow lights

405. The authority to pass defective Independent shunt signal or shunt signal below stop signal at “ON” is [ ]
A) T 369(1) B) T 806 C) PLCT D)T 369(3b)+PHS

406.When a fixed signal is not in use, it shall be distinguished by [ ]

A) Two cross bars B) Two parallel bars C) Two horizontal bars D) One vertical bar

407.Route indicators are treated as [ ]

A) Permissive signals B) Stop signals C) Subsidiary signals D)Duplicate signals

408. When a signal is newly erected or shifted, caution order shall be given for a period of [ ]
A) 20 days B) 10 days C) 90 days D) 60 days
409.When a signal newly erected or shifted, in addition to issuing of caution order, it shall be notified in [ ]
A) SOB B) Station Diary C) TSR D) Sign ‘ON’ register

410.The marker board by which Gate signal is identified [ ]

A) IB B) P C) G D) A

411. The marker board for indicating the Outlying siding points is [ ]
[A] A [B] IB [C] S [D] G

412. The speed of a goods train while entering terminal yard is restricted to [ ]
[A] 8kmph [B] 10kmph [C] 15kmph [D] 20kmph

413. A signal which is taken “OFF” for a train will be put to “ON” position in emergency only to [ ]
A) Obey SCOR instructions B) Obey advance SM instructions C) issue tickets D) avert an accident

414. After putting back starter/advanced starter for departing train LP of the train should be advised by a [ ]
A) written memo B) C O C) T 369 (3b) D) none of above

415. The normal aspect of fixed signals except Automatic Signals is [ ]

[A] Attention [B] Caution [C] Proceed [D] most restrictive aspect

416. Even though departure signals are taken off, LP shall stop at stations where stoppages are scheduled in [ ]
[A] VG [B] CTR [C] WTT [D] SOB

417. The signals that are prohibited to be used for shunting purposes are [ ]
A) Outer B) Home C) LSS D) All the above

418. Slip siding is intended to protect [ ]

[A] Outlying siding [B] Block section [C] station section [D] station limits

419. Catch siding is intended to protect [ ]

[A] Outlying siding [B] Block section [C] station section [D] station limits

420. By waving green flag by day and white light by night up and down vertically as high and as low as possible indicates [ ]
A) move slowly B) move towards person signalling C) train parting D) coupling

421. Violently waving a white light horizontally across the body of a person indicates [ ]
[A] train parting [B] move away from the person showing [C] proceed [D] stop dead

422. Detonators are also known as [ ]

[A] fog signals [B] flare signals [C] illuminating signal [D]none of these

423. Normal life of a detonator manufactured during 2010 and afterwards is [ ]

[A] 3 years [B] 5 years [C] 7 years [D] 10 years

424.The maximum number of extensions after successful testing of the detonator is [ ]

[A] one [B] two [C] three [D] any number

425.The signals to be used to warn the incoming train of LP about an obstruction at night shall be a [ ]
A) flashing amber light B) Red flag C) Red flashing H/S lamp D) None of these

426. A blank signal under complete power off situation is to be treated as [ ]

A) Defective signal B) Signal at off C) no signal D) none of above

427. When home is defective and pre warning is given, the LP may pass such signal on receipt of [ ]
[A] PHS at the foot of the defective signal [B] PHS at the first facing points
[C] T 369(3b)+PHS [D] PN through SPT
428. Advance authority to pass defective signal is [ ]
[A] T 369 (3b) [B] T 369 (1) [C] T/C 1425 [D] T 409

429. Authority to pass defective starter signal is [ ]

(A) T 369(3b)+ PHS B) calling on signal taken off C) either A or B (D) PLCT

430.On Double line /Single line token less section when LSS is defective Authority to proceed is [ ]
[A] T 369 (3b) [B] PLCT [C] T 806+PN [D] T/C 602

431.The authority required by Loco Pilot when passes starter at “ON” partly and stopped before Advanced Starter [ ]
A) memo countersigned by Guard B) T 369 (3b) +PHS C) ATP D) all the above

432. During day when Gate signal is at ON, the LP shall wait for [ ]
A) one minute B) 2 minutes C) 3 minutes D) 4 minutes

433.When Gate signal is at ON, the LP shall wait one/two minutes by day/night and gateman not
available, LP may pass the gate after ensuring it is closed on the hand signals of [ ]
A) Gangman B) train crew C) patrolman D)PWI

434. During night when Gate signal is at ON, the LP shall wait for [ ]
A)one minute B) 2 minutes C) 3 minutes D) 4 minutes

435.When Gate signal is at ON, the LP shall wait one/two minutes by day/night and gateman exhibiting
Proceed hand signals LP may [ ]
A) Stop at the gate B) Proceed at MPS C) Proceed cautiously D) none of above

436. If a signal is showing white light in place of a colour light, it is treated as signal is showing [ ]
A) most restrictive aspect B) caution aspect C) attention aspect D) Proceed aspect

437. The signal shall be treated as defective, whenever colour light signal is flickering / bobbing and does
not assume a steady aspect at least for [ ]
[A] 20 sec [B] 30 sec [C] 60 sec [D] 120 sec
438. The authority given to the loco pilot when I B S is defective [ ]
A) PLCT B) T 369 (3b) C) Both A & B D) none of above
439. When I B S is at “ON” immediately the Loco Pilot shall stop and contact [ ]
A) SM of advance station B) SCOR C) SM in rear station D) TPC

440. When IBS is at “ON” and the telephone is out of order, Loco Pilot shall wait for [ ]
A) 2 minutes B) 3 minutes C) 4 minutes D) 5 minutes

441. When IBS is at “ON” and the telephone is out of order, Loco Pilot after waiting for five minutes shall
proceed when view is clear/not clear upto FSS of next station speed of [ ]
A) 10/8kmph B) 25/10kmph C) 20/10kmph D)15/8kmph

442. Over the trailed through points, under no circumstances should a train be [ ]
[A] move forward [B] backed [C] run with MPS [D] none of these

443. The Loco Pilot shall whistle intermittently when his engine explodes detonator and take every
possible caution as necessary including [ ]
A) Increase of speed B) stop the train C) proceed with MPS D) reduction of speed
444. After exploding the detonator, if no obstruction found further, the Loco Pilot, can pick up normal speed after
proceeding cautiously up to a distance of [ ]
[A] 500 meters [B] 1 KM [C] 1.5 KM [D] 2 KM

445. When the Loco Pilot notices a signal warning of an obstruction, except detonator, he shall [ ]
[A] proceed cautiously [B] proceed upto next station and report
[C] stop after noticing the obstruction [D]stop immediately
446. When the Loco Pilot notices a signal warning of an obstruction and no further details are noticed,
shall stop during day/night for [ ]
A) 1 / 2 minutes B) 2 / 3 minutes C) 3/4 minutes D) none of these

447. When the Loco Pilot notices a signal warning of an obstruction and no further details are noticed,
after stopping one/ two by day/night, he shall proceed upto next block station [ ]
A) Cautiously B) with MPS C) 20kmph D) 30 kmph

448. In rear of FSS, the Signal warning board is located at a distance of [ ]

[A] 180 m [B] 400 m [C] 1000 m [D]1400 m

449. The Loco Pilot and guard will be given three L R trips before they are booked for regular working
including one trip between [ ]
A) sunset to sunrise B) 06.00hrs to 20.00hrs C) 21.00hrs to 07.00hrs D) 20.00hrs to 06.00hrs

450. Guard shall set his watch by the station clock or the clock at the authorized place of reporting for
duty and communicate the time to the LP and make entry in the [ ]
A) memo book B) CTR C) TSR D) defective register

451. ODC shall be allowed to be attached by a train for transport only with the prior sanction of [ ]

452. The Guard shall not give the signal unless he satisfies that no person is travelling [ ]
[A] In any vehicle or compartment for not use of passengers [B] roof of the vehicle
[C] A and B [D] none of the above

453. Even under normal circumstances subject to observance of permanent / temporary speed
restrictions in force all Passenger carrying trains should run at [ ]
A) Booked speed B) M P S C) 110kmph D) 100kmph

454. How many times Time table will be changed in railways in a year [ ]
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) None of the above

455.During dense fog maximum speed of a train on Absolute block system shall be restricted to [ ]
A) 30kmph B) 50kmph C) 75kmph D) 20kmph

456.Normally the speed of trains over Non-Interlocked points, turnouts and crossover shall not exceed [ ]
[A] 8 kmph [B] 10 kmph [C] 15 kmph [D] 30 kmph

457. The speed of a passenger/goods train on 1 in 8 ½ turnout (thick web switch, symmetrical layout of
52/60 kg rails) on PSC sleepers is restricted to [ ]
[A] 8 kmph [B] 10 kmph [C] 15 kmph [D] 30 kmph

458. Engine pushing is not permitted without the prior permission of [ ]

A) SM of advance station B) SM of rear station C) SM of the notice station D)none of above

459.When engine is pushing a train and Guard is travelling in brake van, which is leading, the speed shall not exceed [ ]
A) 25kmph B) 10kmph C) 8kmph D) walking speed

460. When engine is pushing a train and Guard is not travelling in leading vehicle, the speed shall not exceed [ ]
A) 25kmph B) 10kmph C) 8kmph D) walking speed

461.When the train is working without BV, while pushing back the LP has to observe the hand signals of guard and proceed with
A) 25kmph B) 10kmph C) 8kmph D) walking speed [ ]

462. When head light is defective after putting marker lights ‘on’ train can go with a restricted speed of [ ]
A) 40kmph B) severest speed of the section C) A or B whichever is less D) none of above

463. Last vehicle indicator during night shall be [ ]

[A] L V board of approved design [B] Retro reflective LV board [C] Red flashing light [D] Red flag

464. Side lights shall show towards engine in normal position [ ]

A) Red light B) white light C) green light D) yellow light

465. Side lights shall show towards rear in normal position [ ]

A) Red B) white C) green D) yellow

466. At night, when passenger carrying train waiting at a station for precedence, Guard shall change the side light
adjacent to the line on which the following train is to be admitted, to show light towards rear is [ ]
A) Red B) white C) green D) yellow

467.At night, when passenger carrying train waiting at a station for precedence, Guard shall change the
side light adjacent to the line on which the following train is to be admitted, to show light towards engine is [ ]
A) Red B) white C) green D) yellow

468. What shall be fixed behind an assisting engine when it is attached in rear of a train [ ]
A) Tail board B) Tail lamp C) Either 'A' or 'B' D) Red marker lights.

469. It will be the duty of the Guard to ensure the last vehicle only in rear is affixed with [ ]
A) Tail lamp B) Tail board C) Red flag D) Tail board / Tail lamp

470. In case of obstruction on track, during day Guard must exhibit [ ]

A) Red flag B) flashing red light C) steady red light D) amber light

471. In case of obstruction on track, during night Guard must exhibit hand signal lamp showing [ ]
A) Red flag B) flashing red light C) steady red light D) amber light

472. Whenever alarm chain is pulled the Guard shall record the fact in the [ ]
A) TSR B) Station diary C) memo book D) CTR

473.Whenever alarm chain is pulled, Guard shall record the fact in CTR and submit a special report to [ ]

474. Guard shall report to the Station Master of the next important station, any stoppage or other
irregularities in train working and record the details in [ ]
A) TSR B) Station diary C) memo book D) CTR

475.The full form of OTL of BV equipment is [ ]

A) over time leave B) one time lock C) one time leak D)one time lever

476. SM/TNC of the originating station shall record the intactness and availability of the BV equipment in
the register and obtain acknowledgement of [ ]
[A] Guard [B] S.E (C&W) [C] LP when without guard [D] none of the above

477. At destination station, Guard shall obtain acknowledgement about the intactness of OTL and seal of
Dy.SS or SE / JE-C&W in the [ ]
[A] Rough journal/VG [B] CTR [C] LTM [D] RS-5

478. The number of persons permitted to travel in the brake-van of goods trains, in addition to the Guard,
should not exceed [ ]
[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 5 [D] 6

479.In emergency a goods train without brake van is ordered by [ ]

A) DOM B) Sr.DOM C) either A or B D) DRM

480. Maximum number of coaches in addition to the officers inspection coach attached in rear of SLR of
Passenger or Mail & Express trains is [ ]
[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 5 [D] 1
481. Maximum no. of bogies or its equivalent attached in rear of brake van by a goods train is [ ]
[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 5 [D] 1

482. Maximum no. of damaged vehicle / engine shall be attached behind the rear brake van of
goods/mixed train [ ]
[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] any number if certified by SSE(C & W/LOCO) [D] 1

483. Attaching of damaged vehicle/engine must be done during [ ]

[A) day time B) clear weather C) Both A & B D) any time

484. All irregularities in connection with the working of trains must be reported by Guard in the [ ]
[A] VG [B] CTR [C] LTM [D] RS-5

485. Whenever vehicles are attached/detached to a train at intermediate stations, the entries in the VG
must be made by the [ ]
A) Guard B) Station staff C) Loco Pilot D) none of these

486. Before starting, the guard will be responsible for checking the load on the train and tally wagon
numbers, booking and destination stations, type of wagons etc. with the entries on the [ ]
[A] VG [B] CTR [C] LTM [D] RS-6

487. Trucks loaded with girders, machinery, long timber etc. shall be inspected by Guard at stopping
stations and they shall be re-secured if the [ ]
A) fastenings have slackened B) loads shifted C) either A or B D) none of these

488.At stations, where PA system is not provided, SM gives permission to Guard to start the train by
ringing beIIs for Up/Dn trains is [ ]
A) 2 / 3 B) 3 / 2 C) 3 / 4 D) 4 / 3

489. LP /ALP and Guard must look back at the Gang Staff and Level Crossing Gates to see whether any [ ]
[A] Stop hand signal is exhibited [B] proceed hand signal is exhibited [C] need not see [D] none of these

490.The following are exempted from exchanging ‘All right’ signals [ ]

[A] LP of DMU / EMU [B] LP of a train W/O guard [C] Guards of A/C SLRs [D] none of these

491. The Guard shall protect in rear when a train is held up at F S S for more than [ ]
A) 5minutes B) 10minutes C) 15minutes D) 20minutes

492. If Guard failed to attract the attention, when notices any danger condition in the train, he may stop
the train gradually by applying [ ]
A) vacuum/air pressure brake B) dynamic brake C) loco brake D) loco hand brake

493. The number of hand brakes of vehicles that must be applied whenever the engine is to be detached
outside station limits when the gradient is not steeper than 1 in 600 is [ ]
A) BV+6 B) BV+12 C) BV+18 D) BV + all

494. The number of hand brakes of vehicles that must be applied whenever the engine is to be detached
outside station limits when the gradient is steeper than 1 in 600 is [ ]
A) BV+6 B) BV+12 C) BV+18 D) BV + all

495. When working a passenger train the L P shall ensure that the passenger bogies do not over shoot the [ ]
A] platforms [B] starter [C] shunt signal if any [D] none of these

496. Whenever a train is stopped on a gradient for any reason like accident, loco failure, OHE supply
failures etc. it is essential and important to apply the [ ]
A) A9 [B) SA9 [C) Both A & B [D) none of these

497. The whistle code, that is given by the LP when SM / Station Staff does not exchange ‘ all-right’ signals is [ ]
A) 00 [B) 000 [C) __ __ 00 [D) 00__
498. When engine whistle fails on run, after clearing block section cautiously and [ ]
[A] continue with 40 kmph [B] Advise SCOR/TLC and act accordingly [C] ask for repair or relief [D] none of these

499. Engine Whistle code for Guard to Protect train in rear is [ ]

A) 00 B) 000 C) 0000 D) -- --

500.Engine Whistle for Guard to come to Engine is [ ]

A) 00 B) 000 C) 0000 D) -- -- 00

501. Whistle code while Passing Signal at ‘ON’ with proper Authority [ ]
A) 0 - 0 B) 00- C) __ 0 __ D) __00

502. Engine whistle code 0 0 - indicates [ ]

A) Defective signal B) A C P C) Guard to come to engine D) Passing signal at On with proper Authority

503. The Bell Code used in EMU/DMU for Zone of Speed restriction is over and to resume normal speed is [ ]
A) 0 pause 0 B) 00 pause 00 C) 000 pause 000 D) 000000

504. Whenever train stopped without clearing fouling mark, to prevent any movement on the fouled line the
Guard shall inform the SM at once by [ ]
A) showing green flag B) waving white light C) exchange of PN D) exhibiting stop hand signal

505.To despatch a material train for working in the block section and return back to the same station, authority
given to the LP [ ]
A] PLCT [B] ATP W/O line clear [C] T/462 [D] T/A 462

506. Authority given to the LP to despatch a material train for work and clear next block section [ ]
A) T 462 B) T/A 462 C) T 465 D) none of these

507. Dividing of material train in the block section is prohibited where the gradient is steeper than [ ]
A) any gradient B) 1 in 100 C) 1in 260 D) 1 in 400

508. The validity of material train B P C is [ ]

A) 30 days B) 21 days C) 15 days D) none of these

509.While stabling a material train at a station, the responsibility to secure it lies with the [ ]
A) Guard B) Station Master C) SM & Guard D) Guard and PWI

510.The prescribed printed forms shall only be used among the following forms [ ]
[A] T 609 [B] T/369(3b) [C] T/462 [D] T/409

511. Written authority for Loco Pilot to receive a train on to an obstructed line [ ]
A] T/511 [B] pilot in memo [C] T/369(3b) [D] T/509

512.While receiving a train on an obstructed line, Stop hand signal shall be exhibited from the point of
obstruction at a distance of not less than [ ]
[A] 45 m [B] 20 m [C] 120 m [D] 180 m

513. Written authority for Loco Pilot to receive a train on to non signalled line [ ]
A] T/511 [B] pilot in memo [C] T/369(3b) [D] T/509

514. Written permission to start a train from a station having common starter [ ]
A] T/511 [B] pilot out memo [C] T/512 [D] T/509

515. To despatch a train from non-signalled line, where tangible authority is not given as A T P,
authority to be given in addition to ATP [ ]
A] T/511 [B] Pilot out memo [C] T/512 [D] T/509

516. As per G & S R signals used for controlling shunting operations shall be [ ]
A] fixed signals or hand signals or verbal orders [B] fixed and hand only
[C] Fixed signals only [D] none of these
517. The speed during shunting operations shall not exceed [ ]
A] 10 kmph [B] 15kmph [C] 30 kmph [D] 8 kmph
518. Except in case of doubt the shunting staff need not accompany during shunt movement of light
engine/s on to a [ ]
A] Siding [B] LP in leading cab [C] attaching to formation [D]Free line

519. Slip coaches shall not be kept on blocked line in the rear of a [ ]
A] passenger train [B] light engine [C] shunting engine [D] stabled load

520. While performing shunting on passenger carrying trains, the shunting engine or train engine, before
coming on to the formation should be stopped before the formation at a distance of [ ]
A] 45 m [B] 20 m [C] 15 m [D] 10 m

521. At station where separate shunting staff are not employed, shunting operations shall be supervised by [ ]
A] Pointsmen B] Loco pilot [C] SM [D] Guard

522. While backing a full train from one line to another via main line, shunting supervision is done by [ ]
A] Pointsmen [B] Loco pilot [C] SM [D] Guard

523.Carriages containing passengers shall not be moved for shunting purpose without the personal
orders of the [ ]
A] SM& LP [B] GD &SM [C] GD [D] GD&LP

524. While performing shunting, the points which are not protected by signals must be locked by [ ]
A] clamp and padlock [B] cotter bolt and padlock [C] Either A or B [D] none of these

525. While shunting wagons containing explosives, the supervision shall be done by [ ]
A] Pointsmen [B] Loco pilot [C] SM [D] Guard

526.The maximum speed while shunting of wagons containing explosives and POL products shall be [ ]
A] 10 kmph [B] 15kmph [C] 30 kmph [D] 8 kmph

527. The gradient that is considered as steep gradient for the purpose shunting of roller bearing wagons [ ]
[A] 1 in 400 [B] 1 in 600 [C] 1 in 260 [D] 1 in 150

528. Shunting of roller bearing vehicles on a steep gradient shall be done only with locomotive attached
towards the [ ]
[A] As per convenience [B] falling gradient [C] Raising gradient [D] None of these

529. When Loco Pilot of the train experienced any abnormal condition in the track, In case of IBS and
automatic block territories, the LP must inform through available means [ ]
[A] Station Master [B] Loco pilot of trains already left [C] Both A and B [D] None of these

530.While stabling goods train having BOX ‘N’ / BCN / BRH, etc., minimum no. of vehicles hand brake to
be applied from in addition to hand brakes of B/V are [ ]
[A] 3 effective wagons from each end [B] 6 effective wagons from each end
[C] 9 effective wagons from each end [D] 10 from engine 5 from B/V

531. When Loco Pilot of the train experienced any abnormal condition in the track, shall stop his train at [ ]
[A] LSS of next station [B] Home of next station
[C] within station section [D] next block station without clearing block section

532.When ‘lurch’ is reported and subsequently a train is sent in the absence of engineering official,
caution order is given to the LP to stop dead if considered safe, proceed at a speed of [ ]
A] 10 kmph [B] 15 kmph [C] 30 kmph [D] 8 kmph
533. Rail fracture of less than 30mm, the speed of first train shall be [ ]
[A] 10 kmph [B] 15kmph [C] 30 kmph [D] 8 kmph

534. Rail fracture of less than 30mm, the speed of second and subsequent trains shall be [ ]
[A] 10 kmph [B] 15kmph [C] 30 kmph [D] 8 kmph

535.Rail fracture of more than 30 mm or multiple fractures, to pass trains track is to be certified by [ ]
A] AEN [B] PWI [C]key man [D] Gang mate

536. During Temporary Single Line working, Authority given to Loco Pilot [ ]
[A] PLCT [B] CLCT [C] T/D 602 [D] T/369(3b)

537.During Temporary Single Line working, the speed of first train shall be [ ]
[A] 25 kmph [B] 10 kmph [C] 15 kmph [D] MPS

538. During Temporary Single Line working when the train is proceeding on wrong line, in addition ATP,
the train shall be despatched by issuing [ ]
[A] pilot out memo [B] T/369(3b) [C] T/511 [D] T/512

539. During Total Interruption of Communication on double line authority to the Loco Pilot is [ ]
[A] T/C 602 [B] PLCT [C] T/B 802 [D] CLCT

540. During T I C on double line, the Loco Pilot to proceed with a restricted speed of [ ]
[A] 25/10 kmph [B] 15/8 kmph [C] 20/10 kmph [D] 15/10 kmph

541. Authority for light engine/vehicle which is going to open communications is [ ]

[A] T/A 602 [B] T/B 602 [C] T/C 602 [D] T/D 602

542. If it is required to dispatch a relief engine or relief train into obstructed block section, it can be
dispatched by issuing [ ]
[A] T/A 602 [B] T/B 602 [C] T/C 602 [D] T/D 602

543. On Double line, Protection on same line in front is required when [ ]

[A] accident occurred [B] relief engine is asked [C] train stopped for 15 min [D] none of these

544. If the stoppage happenes (more than 15 minutes) on a gradient steeper than 1 in 150 for roller
bearing stock (goods train), the number of hand brakes to be applied in addition to the application of
brake van hand brake [ ]
[A] 6 wagons from each end [B] 6 from each end and 6 in centre
[C] 10 inside engine+5 inside B/V or one third whichever is more [D] All wagons

545. When engine disabled, LP will request the Guard to arrange for a relief engine if the LP expects that
putting the engine in working order will take more than [ ]
[A] 5 minutes [B] 10 minutes [C] 20 minutes [D] 30 minutes

546. If Loco Pilot enters block section without authority and subsequently sends his Assistant Loco Pilot
with a memo to SM in rear, that S M shall give [ ]
[A] PLCT [B] Caution order [C] T/A 602 [D] T/369(3b)

547.When a train parts on its journey, the tonnage of the train shall be jointly checked by [ ]

548. If Loco Pilot enters block section without authority and subsequently sends his ALP with a memo to
SM in advance, that S M shall give [ ]
[A] PLCT [B] Caution order [C] T/A 602 [D] T/369(3b)

549. During divided train working, the Guard will prepare a written permission give to Loco Pilot to
proceed to the next station in the form [ ]
[A] T/A 602 [B] Caution order [C] T/609 [D] Written memo
550. At night, during divided train working, the second portion of the train left in section shall be
protected in the rear by [ ]
[A] Guard [B] ALP [C] both ALP and guard [D] none of these

551. The light engine which is coming on T/609 to pick up the second portion shall come with a
restricted speed of [ ]
[A] 25kmph [B] 15/10 kmph [C] normal speed [D] 15/8 kmph

552. In case of fire accident in a passenger carrying train, the first objective to be achieved is to [ ]
[A] Safety of passengers [B] Extinguish fire [C] isolate fire coach [D] Switch off power supply

553. In the event of a fire on any part of the electrical equipment, the affected part is first to be completely [ ]
[A] isolated from power supply [B] put off fire [C] First ‘A’ and then ‘B’ [D] none of these

554. The following shall not be used for extinguishing fires on electrical equipment [ ]
[A] Dry chemical powder [B] sand [C] water [D] none of these

555. On D/L Automatic signal shall not assume OFF position unless the line is clear not only upto the
next Automatic signal but also for an adequate distance of not less than [ ]
[A]180 m [B] 120 m C] 400 m [D] 100 m

556. All Guards, Loco Pilots, Assistant Loco Pilots, Motor men who are required to work in automatic
block system shall undergo one day intensive training and a certificate shall be renewed once in [ ]
A]3 months [B]3 years [C]5 years [D] 6 months

557. SMR/TI shall renew the competency certificates (Automatic section) for [ ]
A] SMs [B] Guards of that station [C] SMs and pointsmen [D] none of these

558. When Loco Pilot passes an automatic signal at ON, he shall observe SR of [ ]
[A] 8 kmph [B] 10kmph [C] 15 kmph [D] 25 kmph

559. When the train has been stopped at an Automatic stop signal, the signal that guard shall show
towards the rear [ ]
[A] White [B] Signal warning of obstruction ahead [C] amber flasher light [D] Proceed

560. After passing an automatic signal at ON, the Loco Pilot of the following train hauled by any locomotive
shall ensure that a minimum distance to be maintained between his train and preceding train is [ ]
[A] 120 m [B] three OHE masts [C] 150 m or two OHE masts [D] none of these

561. When LSS fails on single line automatic block system, Authority to proceed to Loco Pilot is [ ]
[A] PLCT [B] PLCT+T/A 912 [C] CO+T/A 912 D] T/369(3b) +C O of 10 KMPH

562. When LSS fails on double line automatic block system, authorities to be given to LP of the train [ ]
[A] PLCT+ CO of 10 kmph [B] PLCT+T/A 912 [C] T/D 912+T/A 912 [D] T/369(3b)+ CO of 10 kmph

563. When a train is stopped in an automatic block signaling section on single line and train cannot
proceed further, the Guard shall protect in rear duly placing detonators at [ ]
[A] 250m , 500m & 510m [B] 90m, 180m &190m [C] 600m, 1200m & 1210M [D] 90m,180m,190m &200m

564. During prolonged failure of signals but communications are available on D/L Automatic Block
System, the authority given to Loco Pilot is [ ]
[A] T/ D 602 [B]T/ D 912 [C]T /C 602 [D] T /B 912

565. When signals and communication fail on Double line Automatic Block System, the authority given to
the Loco Pilot is [ ]
A] T/ B 602 [B]T/ D 912 [C]T /C 602 [D] T /B 912
566. In the automatic block system, to dispatch a relief loco/train into the occupied block section
authority given as the ATP for the relief loco/ train [ ]
[A] T/B 602 [B]T/ C 912 [C]T /D 602 [D] T /B 912

567. Relief loco/train shall proceed with a restricted speed of [ ]

[A] 25kmph [B] 15/10 kmph [C] normal speed [D] 15/8 kmph

568 .When ‘A’ marker is illuminated of Gate stop signal in Automatic signalling territory, it means [ ]
[A] Gate is open [B] cannot say anything [C] gate is closed [D] gate is defective

569.When Gate signal in Automatic signalling territory is at ‘ON’ and ‘A’ marker is not illuminated, LP shall
follow the rules of passing [ ]
[A] gate rules [B] gate rules and automatic rules [C] automatic rule only [D] none of these

570. LP shall pass a Semi Automatic signal with extinguished .A’ marker at ‘ON’ on receipt of written authority [ ]
[A] T/369(3b) [B] T/A 912 [C] T/D 912 [D] T/C 912

571. The normal authority to proceed on Single Line token less /Double line sections [ ]
[A] ‘OFF’ position of LSS [B] PLCT [C] PLCT or token [D] Any written document signed by SM
572. At stations where BPAC is not provided, the Guard of the train, after verifying the last vehicle is
standing clear of the fouling mark, inform Station Master by [ ]
[A] waving arm by day [B] P N exchange through walkie-talkie
[C] showing white light by night [D] none of these
573. Occasions where exchange of private numbers between SM and guard is not required for ensuring
complete arrival of train [ ]
[A] clear indication of BPAC [B] run through trains [C] end cabins are provided [D] all the above
574. During line block, to receive the units coming on right line, authority to receive the first unit [ ]
[A] taking ‘off’ signals [B] pilot in memo [C] T/509 [D] none of these

575. During line/integrated/shadow block, if the units are coming on wrong line, units shall be received on [ ]
A] taking ‘off’ signals [B] pilot in memo [C] T/509 [D] none of these

576. From the obstruction (work spot), Engg. Stop indicator is located at [ ]
[A] 45 m [B] 1200 m [C] 400 m [D] 30 m

577. From the obstruction (work spot) Engg. Speed indicator is located at [ ]
[A] 45 m [B] 1200 m [C] 400 m [D] 30 m
578. On B.G, from the obstruction (work spot) Engg. Caution indicator is located at [ ]
[A] 45 m [B] 1200 m [ C] 400 m [D] 30 m
579.After stopping at the stop indicator, Loco Pilot shall sign in this book and proceed with restricted speed of [ ]
A] ER-7, 10 kmph [B] ER-7, 8 kmph [C] RS-6, 8 Kmph [D] Rough journal, 10 kmph

580. When major work such as relaying and re-girdering is in progress a speed restriction that shall be
observed on the adjoining line of DL//MULTIPLE/ line section [ ]
[A] 45 kmph [B] 50 kmph [C] stop dead and proceed [D] 30 kmph

581. When water rises above the ballast level but below rail level, train should be allowed as per the [ ]
[ A] a train shall not be allowed [B]train must stop and proceed after the velocity of the water is reduced
[C] train must stop and be piloted by the PWI [D] track should be walked over by two men abreast one at either
end of the sleepers before the train

582. When water overflows above the rails [ ]

[ A] Train shall not be allowed [B]Train must stop and proceed after the velocity of the water is reduced
[C] Train must stop and be piloted by the PWI [D]Train must stop and be piloted by gang man

583. Neutral section lies between two consecutive [ ]

[A] section insulators [B] block stations [C] sub stations [D] OHE depots
584. Danger Zone” means the zone lying around any live equipment within a radius of [ ]
[A] 45 m [B] 2 m [C] 2.5 m [D] 30 m

585. When a train comes to a stop in an electrified section and the cause of stoppage is not immediately
obvious, the LP and Guard shall immediately take action to [ ]
[A]protect train [B] ask relief engine [C] protect train after engine failed only [D] none of these

586. The speed of the train while passing through Neutral section shall not be less than [ ]
[A] 45 kmph [B] 20 kmph [C] 40 kmph [D] 30 kmph

587. When the tower wagon is moved, attached to a train, it should be inside the [ ]
[A] engine [B] working engine [C] rear B/V [D] Sixth vehicle

588. When the tower wagon is attached to a train, the speed of the train should be [ ]
[A] MPS of train [B] Speed stenciled on tower wagon [C] as per load of the train [D] Sectional speed

589. When healthy section is temporarily isolated and re-energised, if train entered faulty section, the
speed of the first train by day / night shall be [ ]
[A] 25/10 kmph [B] 20/10 kmph [C] 40/40 kmph [D] 60/30 kmph

590. The permission, guard of the train with the ODC receives from the authorized person, to enter the
section (electrified) is [ ]
[A] permission from CHC [B] permission from TPC [C] trolly / lorry notice [D] permit to work

591. Notice stations, where divisional caution order shall be issued are specified in the [ ]
[A] Working time table [B] rake link [C] CTR [D] Gradient chart

592.In the Caution order, the names of the stations concerned should be written in full but not [ ]
[A] letters [B] Codes [C] Capitals [D] Numerals

593.The caution order should have all the speed restrictions in force in [ ]
[A] Geological order [B] Gradient wise [C] Geographical order [D] Control section wise

594. LP shall not start the train and Guard shall not give signal to start from a notice station until they receive [ ]
[A] Divisional CO [B] PSR [C] TSR [D] Memo

595. In case of train crew change en route, Guard taking over charge must take over all Caution orders from [ ]
[A] In coming crew [B] SM of that station [C] TTE of the train D] from LP of assisting engine if any

596. During passage of trains, the position of Gateman during day and night shall be [ ]
[A] holding unfurled flags/green light [B] holding furled red and green flags/white light
[C] green flag/green light [D] holding unfurled green flag/no light

597. A common NI home signal without route indicator should be provided for any indirect reception of
trains, with [ ]
[A] stop & caution aspect [B] stop & proceed aspect [C] Proceed with caution aspect [D] No aspect at all

598.During non interlocking working, All trains must be brought to a stop at the FSS and then allowed to
enter (taking off signals) cautiously at speed not exceeding [ ]
[A] As per standard of interlocking [B] 20 kmph [C] 15 kmph [D]30 kmph

599. During NI working, the LP shall not pass the outermost facing points even though signals are
taken off unless he receives [ ]
[A] caution order at points [B] PHS at points [C] T/369(3b) [D] none of these

600. During NI working, SM/Guard/SWM in charge of the goomties shall be responsible for [ ]
[A] exchanging PHS at outermost facing points [B] correct setting, clamping and pad locking of points
[C] Exchanging P N with SM for each train [D] All the above
601. Patrolling of line means in addition to the daily inspection carried out by key man of the gang [ ]
[A] Inspection of L C Gates [B] Inspection of line by foot [C] Surprise night inspection [D] all the above

602.Patrolling of railway line is done on following occasions [ ]

[A] Security patrolling during civil disorders [B] Watch at vulnerable points during monsoons
[C] Monsoon patrolling [D] all the above

603.If the night patrolman does not turn up even after 15 minutes beyond the schedule arrival time, SM
shall stop all the trains and issue caution order restricting the speed to [ ]
[A] 40 kmph [B] Spl. C O C] stop dead and 10kmph [D] stop dead and 15kmph

604.Maximum number of wagons containing explosives permitted by goods trains is [ ]

[A] 3 [B] 5 [C] 10 [D] any number

605. Minimum number of wagons required to be given as support wagons from B V / Passenger coach /
other inflammables when explosives are carried by a train are [ ]
[A] 3 [B] 5 [C] 10 [D] 1

606. Liquids, the vapours of which have flash point below 23° C classified under Class [ ]
[A] ‘C’ [B] ‘A’ [C] ‘B’ [D] Not classified

607. Class ‘A’ POL product when carried, minimum number of wagons given as support wagon from
electric loco and from brake van or passenger carriage are [ ]
[A] 1 and 5 [B] 1 and 3 [C] 1 and 1 [D] 5 and 5

608.Tank wagons containing petroleum and other inflammable liquids not to be carried together With
wagons containing [ ]
[A] liquid air [B] liquid oxygen [C]both A and B [D] none of these

609. To attach a dead engine to a train ‘fit to run’ certificate shall be issued by [ ]
[A] Section Engineer [B] Power controller [C] chief Loco Inspector [D] any of the above

610.Number of dead engines permitted to attach to passenger carrying train is/are [ ]

[A] any number each after 6 coaches [B] 1 [C] 2 [D] Nil

611. Under any circumstances, no dead engine should be attached to any [ ]

[A] Passenger train [B] CC rake goods [C] Rajdhani/Shatabdi [D] Mail/express

612. Officers inspection carriages are not to be permitted by [ ]

[A] Race specials [B] Postal express trains [C] Military specials [D] All the above

613.One of the following can be attached in excess of the permitted load [ ]

[A] Party Coach [B] Parcel Van [C] Officer’s Saloon [D] Pantry Car

614. A mail/express train shall have after loco in front and in rearmost at least one [ ]
[A] Brake Van [B] Anti Telescopic / Steel Bodied SLR [C]Saloon [D] Dead Loco

615. No. of coaches permitted In rear of rear S L R excluding one Inspection carriage for express trains [ ]
[A] 3 [B] 1 [C] 2 [D] Any No.

616. At standard – II R interlocked station the maximum speed permitted for the train over main line
points is [ ]
[A] 140 kmph [B] 75 kmph [C] 160 kmph [D] 110 kmph

617.In case of train shunting, written instructions will be given in form No. [ ]
[A] T/811 [B] T/409 [C] T/806 [D] T/512
618. On Double line, to perform shunting beyond LSS, authority is [ ]
[A] T/806 with P N [B] shunt signal below LSS taken ‘off’ [C]LSS lever key [D] any one of the above

619. On double line, when shunting is permitted beyond LSS in rear of a train travelling away the
authority is [ ]
[A] T/806 without P N ` [B] T 409 [C] either ‘A’ or ‘B’ [D] T/806 with P.N

620. On S/L token less sections, to perform shunting beyond LSS and up to FSS, authority is [ ]
[A] T 806 + shunt key or P N [B] shunt signal below LSS [C] T/806 only D] T/806 +written memo to come back

621.On double line, to perform shunting beyond Outer most facing points/BSLB, the authority is [ ]
[A] T/806 + P N [B] T/806+ shunt key [C] T/806 only [D] T/806 +written memo to come back

622. Maximum number of persons other than the Loco Pilot/Motorman or Guard are authorized to travel
in the Cab of EMU/MEMU with special permits [ ]
[A] 1 [B] 2 [C] 3 [D] 4

623. The test should be conducted before taking out MEMU/EMU on the 1st daily service run from
MEMU/EMU shed, stabling siding and platform line is [ ]
[A] joint brake test [B] LP&ALP check [C] LP & TXR [D] none of these

624. EMU/MEMU shall be protected as per Rule 6.03/9.10, If detention exceeds or it is likely to exceed [ ]
[A] 5 minutes [B] 10 minutes [C]15 minutes [D] none of these

625. In-charge of pilot sent to siding shall be [ ]

[A] Loco pilot [B] Competent authority of siding [C] Guard or any person deputed by SM [D] guard only

626. Guard / L P of all trains who are provided with VHF sets shall inform S M /controller when
passenger /goods trains are delayed in the block section for over [ ]
[A) 10 / 15 Min [B) 5 / 15 Min [C) 10 / 20 Sec [D) 10 / 20 min

627. An example of consequential accident is [ ]

[A] Signal Passing At “ON” [B] Entering Into B/S w/o ATP [C] Fire On Train [D] Averted Collisions

628. An example of indicative accident is [ ]

[A] Passing Stop Signal At “ON” [B] Fire On Train C] Collisions [D] LC Gate Accidents

629. Passing stop signal at Danger is this type of accident [ ]

[A] Collisions [B]Averted Accident C] Breach Of Block Rule [D] Indicative Accident

630 .In an accident if damage to Railway property exceeds Rs 2 Crores, such accident shall be treated as [ ]
[A] Serious Accident [B] Collision [C] Averted Accident [D] SPAD

631.To treat as averted collision, outside station limits, the distance between two trains shall be [ ]
[A] Less than 600 m [B] 400 m or more [C] Less than 100 m [D] Less than 180 m

632. When persons are knocked down or run over and dead, no responsible person is available, body shall be [ ]
[A] ignored [B] inform at next station [C] drop a memo while runs through
[D] Handed over the dead body at nearest gate lodge or station with a memo

633. An example of breach of block rules is [ ]

[A] Train entered into wrong line [B] train entered into B/S without ATP [C] Train entered into siding [D] All

634. Accident siren when accident takes place at out station, main line obstructed and MRT required is [ ]
[A] 4 Long [B] 3 Long 1 Short [C] 4 Long 1 Short [D] 3 Long

635.The target time for turning out ART by day and night is [ ]
[A] 15 & 20 minutes [B] 30 & 45 minutes [C] 1 hour and 1 ½ hour [D] none of these
636.The target time for turning out MRT for direct/indirect dispatch is [ ]
[A] 15 and 20 minutes [B] 30 and 45 minutes [C] 10 and 15 minutes [D]15 and 30 minutes

637. Whenever accident takes place, GLP has to prepare report in forms No [ ]
[A] Acc- 1 [B] Acc- 2 [C] Acc- 3 [D] Acc - 9

638.On complete arrival of the Pilot from siding inside the fouling mark and after verifying the LV number,
the Pilot in charge intimate SM by [ ]
[A] endorsement in Pilot movement register [B] exchange of PN
[C] endorsement in the TSR [D] waving of hand/white light day/night

639. The Guard shall indicate the complete arrival of the train where BPAC is not provided for a
stopping train when walkie talkie is working by [ ]
A] waving of hand/ white light B] writing PN in train intact register
[C] issuing a PN on walkie-talkie [D] talking on walkie talkie to SM

640. The Guard shall issue a PN to the SM at stations not provided with BPAC for a stopping train after
ensuring [ ]
[A] train comes to a stop at the station [B] train clears the block section
[C] train runs through station [D] train arrived completely and standing within fouling mark

641.Train Intact Register is in the form number [ ]

[A] T 1420 [B] T 1410 [C] T 1510 [D] T 720

642. When walkie talkie is not working the Guard shall indicate the complete arrival for a stopping train
where BPAC is not available by [ ]
[A] waving of hand/ white light [B] writing PN in train intact register
[C] Personally coming to SM office and giving PN [D] talking on CUG phone to SM
643. List of stations, no of reception lines at these stations which require exchange of P N by the Guard
to ensure complete arrival with provision of BPACs, shall be circulated through [ ]
A] Sign On register [B] additional LR trips [C] Caution Order [D] SOB

644. As and when there is a change of traction the Loco Pilot/ Guard should [ ]
A] Release the formation [B] conduct GLP check
C] conduct brake continuity test [D] conduct brake continuity test / release the formation

645. The Whistle code to be given while approaching Level crossing gates is [ ]
[A] Intermittent long [B] Intermittent short [C] Continuous long [D] One long one short

646. During dense fog maximum speed of a train on Automatic block system when it is showing single
yellow light shall be restricted to [ ]
A) 25kmph B) Restricted speed to stop at next stop signal C) 60kmph D) 30kmph

647. During dense fog maximum speed of a train on Automatic block system when signal showing two
yellow lights shall be restricted to [ ]
A) 25kmph B) Restricted speed to stop at next stop signal C) 60kmph D) 30kmph

648. In case speedometer of loco is defective on run in the section it can be worked [ ]
[A] with 40 kmph [B] with repair or relief engine arranged
[C] upto shed [D] upto next crew changing point with 10% reduced speed

649. In case speedometer is defective in loco at a crew changing point it can be worked [ ]
[A] with 40 kmph [B] with repair or relief engine arranged
[C] upto loco shed [D] upto next crew changing point with 10% reduced speed

650. Dummy wagons for the POL product from the Loco and BV is not required when [ ]
[A] Engine attached in rear [B] 8-wheeler BV is provided
[C] 4-wheeler is attached in front and rear [D] explosive wagons are attached in rear
651. How the Guard will know about the application of brakes by the LP [ ]
[A] talking with LP on walkie-talkie [B] physically seeing train reduction of speed
[C] Drop in BP pressure guage of BV [D] Drop in FP pressure guage of BV

652. Universal key is provided with the Guard in his personnel equipments to ensure [ ]
[A] Carriages are locked after passengers entrain [B] SLR is locked if not leased
[C] SLR is locked if leased [D] For opening and closing of Guards compartment of SLR

653. For originating train, responsibility for closing the compartment of front/Middle SLR lies with [ ]
[A] LP and ALP [B] Guard of train [C] TXR staff [D] SM of the station

654. Before leaving BV/SLR of the train the Guard shall [ ]

[A] lock the BV/SLR [B] apply the hand brakes of BV/SLR
[C] endorsement is made in rough journal [D] drop in BP pressure

655. After clearance of the loop line cross-over points, when a train passes through loop lines at a
station the LP shall [ ]
[A] look for T/P or T/G board [ B]ask SM whether to proceed with normal speed
[C] guard to inform on walkie talkie D]exchange all right signals

656. LP and Guard notice Flat tyre on run should clear block section with a speed restriction of [ ]
A] 15 kmph B] 30 kmph C] 50 kmph D] 75 kmph

657. The speed that a empty goods/passenger train can run after inspection of the section where flat tyre
is detected upto USFD test is done is [ ]
A] 15 kmph B] 30 kmph C] 50 kmph D] 75 kmph

658. The speed that a loaded goods train can run after inspection of the section where flat tyre is
detected upto USFD test is done is [ ]
A] not permitted B] 30 kmph C] 50 kmph D] 75 kmph

659.The speed that a empty goods/passenger train can run after inspection of the section where flat tyre
is detected after USFD test is done for the first 24 hours is [ ]
A] 15 kmph B] 30 kmph C] 50 kmph D] 75 kmph

660. The speed that a loaded good train can run after inspection of the section where flat tyre is detected
after USFD test is done for the first 24 hours is [ ]
A] 15 kmph B] 30 kmph C] 50 kmph D] 75 kmph

661. To permit pilot into siding with engine pushing, the following condition(s) shall be fulfilled [ ]
A) Gradient not steeper than 1 in 400 B) no non-interlocked gates enroute
C) station yard Isolated from siding line. D) all the above

662. Best method among isolation methods is ————————— [ ]

A) Buffer stop B) Trap point C) Sand Hump D) scotch Block

663 .Number of gauges available on Indian Railways are --------- [ ]

A) one B) T wo C) Three D) none

664. CSR means ------- [ ]

A) Common standing room B) Clear Standing Room C) Case Steady Record D) Common Steady Room

665. The system of working in force on BZA Division [ ]

A) Absolute Block system B) Automatic Block system C) One Train Only System D) Both A & B

666. The item phased out from use on IR recently and replaced by flasher hand signal lamp is [ ]
A) Detonator B) H/S flag C) Fusee D) Torch
667. While receiving a train on an obstructed line the train should be stopped at ------ meters from the
obstruction [ ]
A) 45 m B) 60m C) 70m D) 50m

668. The shunt signal placed in color light area is --- -- [ ]

A) Disc Type B) Semaphore C) Position light D) None
669. Type of Inter locking at Vijayawada station is [ ]
A) Solid state Interlocking B) RRI C) Electronic Interlocking D) Panel Interlocking

670. The standard composition of a BOXN rake is ------- [ ]

A) 59+BV B) 42+BV C) 47+BV D) 58+BV

671. The standard composition of BCN rake is ---------- - [ ]

A) 59+BV B) 42+BV C) 47+BV D) 58+BV

672. Number of RRI cabins available in BZA Division [ ]

A) one B) two C) three D) none

673. --------- is the index of efficiency of passenger train operations [ ]

A) Punctuality B) Speed C) C O D) Earnings

674. --------- is the index of efficiency of goods train operations [ ]

A) Punctuality B) Speed C) C O D) Earnings

675. Quarterly safety bulletin on S.C.Rly is known as ---------- [ ]

A) VIGIL B) Fly Leaf C) JPO D) Gazette

676. Jurisdiction of BZA Division is covering ---- number of Districts [ ]

A) one B) two C) three D) None of the above

677.For the purpose of weather warning BZA Division area falls under-----Zone [ ]
A) FIVE B) Two C) Three D) Four
678. LC Gates census are made once in ----- years to review the classification [ ]
A) FIVE B) Two C) Three D) Four
679. LC Gates census are conducted for a period of ----- Days [ ]
A) 1 B) 3 C) 7 D) 4

680. No. of items which constitute the brake van equipment are -------- [ ]
A) 5 B) 3 C) 7 D) 4

681. Maximum permissible speed of a goods train loaded with CC+8+2 is ---- [ ]
A) 60 kmph B) 30 kmph C) 40 kmph D) 75 kmph

682. For line block purpose the engineering works are divided into ----- categories [ ]
A) 5 B) 3 C) 7 D) 4

683. Suspension is --------- [ ]

A) Minor Penalty B) not a Penalty C) Major Penalty D) None of the above

684. Censure is a ------------ [ ]

A) Minor Penalty B) not a Penalty C) Major Penalty D) None of the above

685. Dismissal is a --------- Penalty [ ]

A) Minor Penalty B) not a Penalty C) Major Penalty D) None of the above

686. Authorities that are consulted before the preparation of time tables are [ ]
A]Revenue authorities [B] RMS [C] District Collectors [D] Transport authorities

687. While fixing the departure, an ideal time for an overnight express train at Originating station is [ ]
[A] afternoon [B] after lunch [C] mid night [D] after Dinner

688. The Representations that are taken into account in the Divisional time table meeting held with branch
officers presided by Sr.DOM are [ ]
A) DRUCC members [B] MP/MLA's [C] both A & B [D]none of the above

689.In the month of October minutes of Divisional time table meeting sent to [ ]

690. Inter Railway Time Table coordination meeting presided over by the Executive Director(Coaching)
held every year generally in the month of [ ]
(A) Jan/Feb [B] Oct/Nov [C] July/Aug [D]Apr/May

691.Inter Railway Time Table coordination meeting held generally in the month of Jan/ Feb every year
presided over by the [ ]
A ) Executive Director (Freight) [B]Executive Director(Coaching)
[C] Executive Director(Commercial) [D] Executive Director(Safety)

692.The basic units for measuring time, distance, weight, etc. are [ ]
A ) Secondary units [B]Derived units [C] Primary units [D] Fundamental unit

693. Multiplication of two primary units is [ ]

[A]Secondary units [B]Derivedunits [C] Primary units [D] Fundamental unit

694. Ratio of Gross working Expenses to Gross Revenue Receipts [ ]

[A] Working Ratio [B] Operating Ratio [C] rate of return [D] None of the above

695. Rostered hours maximum limit for intensive roster is [ ]

[A] 12 hours B] 24 hours [C] 36 hours [D] 48 hours

696. Maximum amount of Retirement Gratuity payable [ ]

[A] 20 LAKHS [B] 10 LAKHS [C] 25LAKHS [D] 15LAKHS

697. Standard form to be used for order of suspension is [ ]

A]SF-1 [B] SF-2 [C] SF-5 [D] SF-11

698. Maternity leave permissible for a period of [ ]

[A]90 days [B]120 days [C] 135 days [D] 180 days

699. From the date of confinement Paternity leaves to be availed within. [ ]

[A] 12 months [B] 24 months [C] 6 months [D]48 months

700. Maximum speed of 140 T Hydraulic Crane (BG) is. [ ]

[A] 40 KMPH B] 60 KMPH [C] 80 KMPH [D] 100KMPH

701. POH interval of passenger coaches run on Mail Exp/Passenger trains is [ ]

[A]6 months [B]12 months [C] 18 months [D] 24 months

702. Percentage of spare coaches for Traffic requirements that must be kept at the depots
for Non AC coaches is [ ]
[A] 2 % [B] 5 % [C] 7 % [D] 10%

703. Percentage of spare coaches for Mechanical requirements that must be kept at the
depots for AC coaches is [ ]
[A] 8.5% [B]6 % [C] 5% [D] 10%

704. Percentage of spare coaches for Traffic requirements that must be kept at the depots for
Rajdhani/Shatabdi trains is [ ]
[A] 8.5% [B]6 % [C] 5% [D] 10%

705. Percentage of spare coaches for Traffic requirements that must be kept at the depots
for AC coaches is [ ]
[A] 8.5% [B]6 % [C] 5% [D] 10%

706. Percentage of spare coaches for Mechanical requirements that must be kept at the depots for
RAJDHANI/SHATABDI coaches is [ ]
[A] 12% [B]6 % [C] 5% [D] 10%

707. Percentage of spare coaches for Mechanical requirements that must be kept at the
depots for Non AC coaches is [ ]
[A] 8.5% [B]6 % [C] 5% [D] 10%

708. BPC for “Parcel Express” is valid for [ ]

[A] 10 days [B]4500 km

[C] ‘A’ or ‘B’ whichever is earlier [D] 35 days/7500km whichever is earlier

709. Different types of maintenance of Passenger carrying trains are [ ]

[A] Primary [B] Secondary [C] Terminal attention [D] all the above

710. The period of interval of IOH of passenger coaches is between [ ]

[A]12 months [B] Two POH [C] 24 months [D] three POH

711. First dual cab Diesel engine is [ ]

[A]WDP-4D [B]WDM-4 [C]WAG-5 [D]WDP-4

712. Running of trains In SCR is permitted with maximum no. of coaches [ ]

[A]18+VPU [B]23+VPU [C]26 [D]24 + VPU/IC

713. Operating Ratio is a parameter of that calculates expenses as a proportion of revenues. [ ]

(A) operational convenient (B) Operational Efficiency (C)Operational Mobility (D) None of these

714. As per VIIth Pay commission Section controller Allownace is [ ]

(A) Rs 6000 P/ M (B) Rs 7000 P/M (C) Rs 5000 P/M (D) Rs 10000 P/M
715. As per VIIth Pay Dress allowance for SM [ ]
(A) Rs 6000 P/A (B) Rs 10000 P/M (C) Rs 5000 P/A (D) Rs 10000 P/A

716. The Minimum pension as per VIIth Pay commission [ ]

(A) Rs 3500 (B) Rs 8500 (C) Rs 9000 (D) Rs 1050

717. Composite transfer grant as per VII PC is equivalent to [ ]

(A) 80% pay (B) 70% pay (C) 65% pay (D) 35% pay

718. The Ministry of Railways Launched programme for all Railway staff to improve their competence.
(A) Rail Vision (B) Rail Vikas Shibir [ ]
(C) Saksham (D) Rail Swachhta Pakhwada

Directions: (Q no. 751 – 775): In each of the following questions, a number series is given with one of the
terms missing. Choose the correct alternative that will continue the same pattern and replace the
question mark (?) in the given series.

719. 21, 23, 27, 33, ? [ ]

A) 37 B) 41 C) 43 D ) 56
720. 68, 67, 64, 59, ? [ ]
A) 52 B) 53 C) 54 D) 56

721. 0, 2, 6, 8, 16, 30, 54, ? [ ]

A) 74 B) 88 C) 100 D) 110

722. 4, ?, 144, 400, 900, 1764 [ ]

A) 25 B) 36 C) 49 D) 100

723. 2, 10, 30, 68, ? [ ]

A) 125 B) 130 C) 128 D) 135

724. 6, 11, 21, 36, 56, ? [ ]

A) 42 B) 51 C) 81 D) 91

725. 8, 14, 26, 44, 68, ? [ ]

A) 71 B) 78 C) 84 D) 98

726. 3, 9, 6, 36, 30, ? [ ]

A) 900 B) 800 C) 950 D) 400

727. 36, 34, 30, 28, 24, ? [ ]

A) 23 B) 26 C) 20 D) 22

728. 97, 90, 76, 55, ? [ ]

A) 28 B) 27 C) 26 D) 25

729. 1, 6, 15, ?, 45, 66, 91 [ ]

A) 25 B) 26 C) 27 D) 28

730. 5, 11, 23, 47, 95, ? [ ]

A) 190 B) 191 C) 161 D) 169

731. 7, 12, 19, 28, 39, ? [ ]

A) 52 B) 50 C) 51 D) 48

732. 2, 6, 12, ?, 30 [ ]
A) 18 B) 24 C) 20 D) 26

733. 24, 6, 18, 9, 36, 9, 24, ? [ ]

A) 24 B) 12 C) 8 D) 6

734. 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5, 8, ? [ ]
A) 9 B) 10 C) 7 D) 8

735. 1, 4, 27, 256, ? [ ]

A) 625 B) 3125 C) 3025 D) 1225

736. 285, 253, 221, 189, ? [ ]

A) 122 B) 153 C) 157 D) 151

737. 8, 3, 11, 14, 25, ? [ ]

A) 50 B) 39 C) 29 D) 11

738. 3, 8, 27, 112, ?, 3396 [ ]

A) 565 B) 452 C) 560 D) 1530

739. 2, 9, 28, 65, ? [ ]

A) 121 B) 195 C) 126 D) 103

740. 31, 13, 45, 54, ?, 63 [ ]

A) 36 B) 54 C) 61 D) 58

741. 8, 27, 64, ? [ ]

A) 216 B) 224 C) 64 D) 125

742. 6, 9, 12, 15, 15, 18, ? [ ]

A) 21 B) 20 C) 19 D) 22

743. 107, 97, 82, 62, ? [ ]

A) 52 B) 42 C) 47 D) 37

744. which is the smallest fraction in given fractions [ ]

A) ½ B) 2/3 C) ¾ D) ¼

745 . Which is the largest fraction in given fractions [ ]

A) 5/7 B) 6/7 C)3/5 D) 2/3

746. Which of following fraction is equal to 3/7 [ ]

A ) 6/7 B) 3/14 C) 9/21 D) 9/14

747. 0.666 can be written as the following fraction [ ]

A) 5/7 B) 6/7 C)3/5 D) 2/3

748. 1.5X 1.5X1.5 = [ ]

A) 33.75 B) 3.375 C) 0.3375 D) 337.5

749. 25+ 5X25 – 15/3 = [ ]

A)145 B) 175 C) 745 D) 485

750. 55+32-78+13= [ ]
A)32 B) 22 C) 23 D) 33

751. 33+12(2+13)-18= [ ]
A) 197 B) 196 C) 195 D) 205

752.Which of the following is a prime number ? [ ]

A) 33 B)81 C)93 D) 97

753. The smallest 3 digit prime number is [ ]

A) 101 B)103 C)109 D) 113

754. The smallest 4 digit number is [ ]

A) 999 B)9999 C)1000 D) 1001

755. The largest 3 digit number is [ ]

A) 999 B)100 C)1000 D) 101

756. How many odd numbers are there between 10 to 20? [ ]

A) 6 B) 4 C)5 D) 7

757. In the following numbers, which number is divisible by 4 ? [ ]

A) 477 B) 516 C) 625 D)710

758 . In the following numbers, which number is divisible by 5? [ ]

A) 471 B) 516 C) 625 D) 726
759. In the following numbers, which number is divisible by 3? [ ]
A) 477 B) 517 C) 625 D) 710

760. In the following numbers, which number is divisible by 2? [ ]

A) 1002 B) 2001 C) 5003 D) 719

761. In the following numbers, which number is divisible by 7? [ ]

A) 477 B) 517 C) 625 D) 672

762. The average age of three boys is 15 years and their ages are in proportion 3:5:7 What is the age
in years of the youngest boy? [ ]
A) 12 B) 9 C) 14 D) 15
763. The average of 10 numbers is calculated as 15. It is discovered later on that while calculating the
average, one number namely 36 was wrongly read as 26. The correct average is? [ ]
A) 14 B) 16 C) 18 D) 20

764. At what rate percent on simple interest will Rs.750 amount to Rs.900 in 5 years? [ ]
A) 2 % B) 4% C) 5% D) 6%

765. What is the rate percent when the simple interest on Rs.800 amount to Rs.160 in 4 Years? [ ]
A) 4% B) 5% C)3% D) 2%
766. A sum of money is to be distributed among A, B, C, D in the proportion of 5 : 2 : 4 : 3. If C gets Rs.
1000 more than D, what is B's share? [ ]
A) 1000 B) 2000 C)3000 D)4000

767. In a camp, there is a meal for 120 men or 200 children. If 150 children have taken the meal, how many
men will be catered to with remaining meal? [ ]
A) 50 B) 30 C) 40 D) 25

768. 36 men can complete a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will 27 men complete
the same work? [ ]
A) 18 B) 24 C) 36 D) 12

769. A does a work in 10 days and B does the same work in 15 days. In how many days they together will
do the same work? [ ]
A) 5 days B) 6 days C) 8 days D) 9 days

770. A can finish a work in 18 days and B can do the same work in half the time taken by A Then, working
together, what part of the same work they can finish in a day? [ ]
A) 1/6 B) 1/9 C) 2/5 D) 2/7

771. A tyre has two punctures. The first puncture alone would have made the tyre flat in 9 minutes and
the second alone would have done it in 6 minutes. If air leaks out at a constant rate, how long does it take
both the punctures together to make it flat? [ ]
A) 3 B) 4.5 C) 3.6 D) 18

772. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in 24, 6 and 12 days respectively. Working together, they
will complete the same work in [ ]
A) 1/24 day B) 7/24 day C) 3(3/7) days D) 4 days

773. A man can do a job in 15 days. His father takes 20 days and his son finishes it in 25 days. How long
will they take to complete the job if they all work together? [ ]
A) Less than 6 days B) Exactly 6 days C) Approximately 6.4 days D) More than 10 days.

774. A man can do a piece o work in 5 days, but with the help of his son, he can do it in 3 days. In what
time can the son do it alone? [ ]
A) 6(1/2) days B) 7 days C) 7 ½ days D) 8 days
775. Seven men can complete a work in 12 days. They started the work and after 5 days, two men left. In
how many days will the work be completed by the remaining men? [ ]
A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 9.8

776. 12 men complete a work in 9 days. After they have worked for 6 days, 6 more men join them. How
many days will they take to complete the remaining work? [ ]
A) 2 days B) 3 days C) 4 days D) 8

777. 3 men, 4 women and 6 children can complete a work in 7 days. A woman does double the work a man does
and a child does half the work a man does. How many women alone can complete this work in 7 days? [ ]
A) 7 B) 8 C) 12 D) Cannot be determined

778. A man, a woman and a boy can complete a job in 3, 4 and 12 days respectively. How many boys
must assist 1 man and 1 woman to complete the job in 1/4 of a day? [ ]
A) 1 B) 4 C) 19 D) 41

779. 10 men and 15 women together can complete a work in 6 days. It takes 100 days for one man alone to
complete the same work. How many days will be required for one woman alone to complete the same work? [ ]
A) 90 B) 125 C) 145 D) 225

780. If the speed of the stream is 2 km per hour, and the speed of the boat in still waters is 10 km per
hour then find the time taken to cover 60 km downstream [ ]
A) 10 hr B) 5 hr C) 20 hr D) 30 hr

781. A man goes downstream and covers a distance of 120 km in 5 hours. The speed of the boat is twice
the speed of the stream. Then the speed of the stream is [ ]
A) 4 km/hr B) 6 km/hr C) 8 km/hr D) 10 km/hr

782. A man goes downstream as well as upstream in a boat. He takes twice as long to row upstream as he
takes to row the same distance downstream. The ratio of the speed of the boat in still water and the
speed of the stream is [ ]
A) 1:3 B) 3:1 C) 4:1 D) 1:4

783. The speed of a boat is 5km/hr in still water. A man rows to a certain distance upstream and back to
the starting point in a river. The speed of the flow is 2km/hr. Find the average speed for the total
journey? [ ]
A) 3.9 km/hr B) 5.3 km/hr C) 4 km/hr D) 4.2 km/hr

784. In one hour, a boat goes 11 km along the stream and 5 km against the stream. The speed of the boat
in still water (in km/hr) is [ ]
A) 3 B) 5 C) 8 D) 9

785. A man can row upstream at 8 kmph and downstream at 13 kmph. The speed of the stream is [ ]
A) 2.5 km/hr B) 4.2 km/hr C) 5 km/hr D) 10.5 km/hr
786. A man rows downstream 32 km and 14 km upstream. If he takes 6 hours to cover each distance,
then the velocity (in kmph) of the current is [ ]
A) 1/2 B) 1 C) 1 ½ D) 2

787. A certain boat downstream covers a distance of 16 km in 2 hours downstream while covering the
same distance upstream, it takes 4 hours. What is the speed of the boat in still water? [ ]
A) 4 km/hr B) 6 km/hr C) 8 km/hr D) Data inadequate

788. A boatman rowing against the stream goes 2 km in 1 hour and goes 1 km along the current in 10
minutes. How long does it take him to go 5 km in stationary water? [ ]
A) 40 minutes B) 1 hour C) 1 hr 15 minutes D) 1 hr 30 minutes

789. 1005+(500-10)-80= [ ]
A)1450 B) 1550 C) 1415 D) 1425
790. 3+33+333+3333= [ ]
A) 3669 B) 3999 C) 3602 D) 3702

791. 48/12+4x25/5= [ ]
A) 24 B) 21 C) 18 D) 15

792. 261/?X15+270=405 [ ]
A) 24 B) 25 C) 27 D) None of these

793. 47+345/15x2= [ ]
A) 103 B) 93 C) 87 D) 83

794. 3.2x2.1x1.6= [ ]
A) 10.732 B) 10.752 C) 10520 D) 10.270

795. 65x15/? =195 [ ]

A) 5 B) 15 C) 6 D) 25

796. 6389-1212-2828 [ ]
A) 2349 B) 2493 C) 2549 D) 2394

797. (749-325-124)/(1250-1100) [ ]
A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 8

798. 34.36-45.67+86.56=?+37.96 [ ]
A) 36.29 B) 32.29 C) 37.29 D) 37.49

799. A 250m long train crosses platform in 10 sec. what is the speed of the train? [ ]
A) 25m/s B) 20m/s C) 30m/s D) data in adequate

800. By how much 2/5th of 200 greater than 3/5th of 125 [ ]

A) 25 B) 20 C) 5 D) data in adequate

801. The product of two numbers is 180. Their difference is 3, what are the numbers [ ]
A) 20,17 B) 30,6 C) 10,18 D) 15, 12

802. The product of two consecutive numbers is 132. what are the numbers? [ ]
A) 21,22 B) 31,32 C) 11,12 D) 22,6

803. 30% of 5760 is [ ]

A) 1728 B) 2420 C) 1660 D) 1490

804. A and B can do a job in two days, if A alone can do the same job in 6 days, how many days will be
taken by B alone [ ]
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

805. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days. B and C can do the job in 15 days, C and A in 20 days.
How many days A +B+C can do this ? [ ]
A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20

806. 24 men can complete a job in 40 days, the number of men required to complete the job in 32 days is [ ]
A) 30 B) 35 C) 25 D) 40

807. A train passes a teligraph post in 40 sec. moving at a speed of 36 KMPH, the length of the train is [ ]
A) 400m B) 500m C) 450m D) 350m

808. A train is going at a speed of 180kmph, its speed in metres/sec. [ ]

A) 15 B) 30 C) 50 D) 60
809. 200m long train crosses the platform of double its length in 36 sec. the speed of the train in Kmph [ ]
A) 60 B) 48 C) 64 D) 66

810. A man covers half of his journey at 6 Kmph and remaining at 3 kmph, the average speed in Kmph [ ]
A) 4 B) 4.5 C) 6 D) 9

811. A borrows Rs 2000 pays back after 3 years at 10% simple interest, the amount paid by the man [ ]
A) 2300 B)2600 C) 2030 D) 2100

812. The rate % per annum simple interest, if Rs 100 for 2 years interest paid on 500 [ ]
A) 5 B) 10 C) 25 D) 50

813. Rajani bought a Saree for 2 hundreds and sold it for 150, her loss % is [ ]
A) 15 B) 25 C) 30 D) 50

814. By selling a Cycle for 330, a man gains 10% profit, what is the cost price of the Cycle [ ]
A) 250 B) 275 C) 300 D) 330

815. An amount of Rs 450 is shared by A and B in the ratio 4:5, the shares of A and B are [ ]
A) 250 , 200 B) 200,250 C) 150,300 D) 300,150

816. An amount of Rs 450 is shared by A, B and C in the ratio 2:3:4, the shares of A, B and C are [ ]
A) 100, 150, 200 B) 150, 200,250 C) 150, 200, 100 D) 100,150,200

817. The average of 9 numbers is 30, if a tenth number is added the average will be 32 what is the 10th
number ? [ ]
A) 40 B) 50 C) 60 D) 70

818. The average of 9 numbers is 30, the average of 1st five numbers is 25 and the last 3 numbers is 35,
what is the 6th number [ ]
A) 40 B) 50 C) 60 D) 70


819. In terms of Article -------- of The Constitution of India, Hindi language in Devanagari script shall be the
official language of the Union [ ]
A) 370 B) 343(2) C) 343(1) D) 342(1)

820. Article 343 (2) of the Constitution of India empowers ___________ to authorize use of Hindi in
addition English [ ]
A) International form of Indian numeral B) Roman numbers C) capital letters D) none of these

821. Official Language Act was passed in _______________ [ ]

A) 1963 B) 1950 C) 1947 D)1960

822. According to Official Language Rules, India is divided into ____ regions and they are ______,
_______ and _________ [ ]
A) 3, A, B &C B) 2, A & B C) 3, X,Y & Z D) 2, NORTH & SOUTH

823. Which two states that come under Region A? [ ]

A) UP & AP B) TN & ASSAM C) MP &UP D) Kerala & Karnataka

824.What are the States that come under Region B? [ ]

A) UP & AP B) Gujarath & Punjab C) MP&UP D) Kerala & Karnataka

825. Which two states s that come under Region C? [ ]

A) UP & AP B) TN& GUJARAT C) MP&UP D) Kerala & Karnataka
826. Communications from Central Government Offices to the States, Offices and persons in _________
Region shall be in Hindi, and if it is in English, a Hindi translation shall accompany [ ]
A) A B) B C) C D) none of these

827. Communications from Central Govt. Offices to States or Offices in ______ region shall be in Hindi,
and if it is in English, Hindi translation shall accompany [ ]
A) A B) B C) C D) none of these

828.Communications from Central Govt. Offices to persons in Region B shall be in__ [ ]

A) Hindi B) English C) Hindi & English D) Hindi or English

829.Communications from Central Government Offices to States or Persons in Region C shall be in __ [ ]

A) Hindi B) English C) Hindi &English D) Hindi or English

830.Communications between Central Government Offices between one Ministry or Department and
another may be in _______ [
A) Hindi B) English C) Hindi &English D) Hindi or English

831.Communications between Central Government Offices between one Ministry or Department and
attached/subordinate offices in Region A may be in ________ depending on number of persons having
another may be in ________ [ ]
A) Hindi B) English C) Hindi &English D) Hindi or English

832.Communications between Central Govt. Offices in Region A shall be in _______ [ ]

A) Hindi B) English C) Hindi &English D) Hindi or English

833.Communications between Central Govt Offices in Region B or C may be in ____ [ ]

A) Hindi B) English C) Hindi &English D) Hindi or English

834.Translations of such communication shall be provided along with the communication where it is
addressed to Offices in _________ [ ]
A) A region B) B region C) A&B regions D) C region

835.Representations, when made/signed in Hindi shall be replied to in _____ [ ]

A) Hindi B) English C) Hindi &English D) none of these

836.Notings in Central Government Offices may be made by an employee in _______ and he translation
be required to furnish a translation of it [ ]
A) Hindi B) English C) Hindi &English D) none of these

837.If an employee has working knowledge of Hindi, he will not ask for English translation of a
Hindi Document, unless it is of _________nature [ ]
A) Non -technical B) Technical C) Clumsy D)none of these

838.Manuals, Codes, Forms, Notices etc., shall be printed or cyclostyled in ____form [ ]

A) Hindi B) English C) Hindi &English D) none of these

839.The forms and heading on registers shall be in ____________ [ ]

A) Hindi B) English C) Bilingual D) English/Hindi

840.All name plates, sign boards, letter heads, inscriptions on envelopes and other stationery shall be in [ ]

A) Hindi B) English C) Bilingual D) English/Hindi

841.Responsibility for compliance of the Official Language Rules shall be that of ___ [ ]
A) Administrative head/Head of the office B) Head of the office C) Administrative head D) None of these

842. Chairman of the Kendriya Hindi Samithi(KHS)------- [ ]

A) President B) Prime Minister C)Vice -President D) Home Minister
843.Charman for committee of Parliament on official language.-------- [ ]
A) President B) Prime Minister C) Vice -President D) Minister of Home affairs

844. Number of committee members for committee of Parliament on official language [ ]

A) 10 B) 20 C)30 D) 40

845. Hindi Divas celebrated on ----------------- [ ]

A) 15th August B) 26th Jan C) 14th Sep D) Oct’20 TH

846. Chairman of Railway Hindi Advisory committee [ ]

A) Minister for Railways B) Prime Minister C) President D) Vice -President

847. Chairman of Zonal official language implementation committee [ ]

A) Minister for Railways B) GM C) SDGM D) PCOM

848. Chairman of Divisional official language implementation committee [ ]



849. The Railway servants (Discipline & Appeal) Rules came into force on ________ [ ]
A) 1968 B) 1970 C) 1971 D) 1978

850.Which form is used for placing a Railway employee under suspension [ ]

A) SF-1 B) SF-5 C) SF-3 D) SF-4

851. Which form is used for revocation of suspension [ ]

A) SF-1 B) SF-5 C) SF-3 D) SF-4

852. Which form is used for imposition of minor penalty [ ]

A) SF-5 B) SF-7 C) SF-11 D) SF-1

853. Which form is used for imposition of major penalty [ ]

A) SF-5 B) SF-7 C) SF-11 D) SF-1

854. Which form is used for nomination of Inquiry Officer [ ]

A) SF-5 B) SF-7 C) SF-11 D) SF-1

855. Which form is used to appoint a presenting officer [ ]

A) SF-5 B) SF-8 C) SF-11 D) SF-1

856. Retired Railway servants cannot act as defense helper in more than ___ cases at a time [ ]
A) 7 B) 9 C) 3 D)5
857. A trade union representative can act as------------ [ ]
A) Defence helper B) Inquiry Officer c) Legal advisor D) none of these

858. Competent authority may increase or decrease subsistence allowance ------ months after suspension [ ]
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D)4


859. He is not to----------for what has happened [ ]

A) blame B)be blamed C) be blame D) blameworthy

860. kamala’s fountain pen is ---------- shyma’s [ ]

A) so expensive as B)expensive than C)expensive D)as expensive as

861. The number of school dropouts-----------quite disturbing [ ]

A) a B) are C) is D)were

862. She has never --------------- with his working as a clerk [ ]

A)satisfy B)satisfied C) to satisfy D)been approve

863. At------------------- station, I will hire a coolie to carry my baggage [ ]

A)a B)the C)an D)none of the above

864. The number of marks carried by each question------indicated at the end of the question [ ]
A) is B)are C)were D)not required
865. It is necessary that everybody -------have a house [ ]
A)must B)should C)could D)would
866. I -------------tennis every day [ ]
A) Play B) Playing C) am playing D) am play

867. How many students in your class ----------- from village? [ ]

A) came B)coming C)come D) are coming

868. I think I -------------- a new calculator for tomorrow’s maths class. [ ]

A) needs B) need C)am needing D) needed

869. The phone ---------------- can you please answer it? [ ]

A) ring B) ringing C) is ringing D) rang

870. She is married ------------ an engineer [ ]

A) to B) with C) for D) not required

871. That job is perfect ---------him [ ]

A) for B) to C) with D) not required

872. She is beautiful -------------her [ ]

A) to B) then C) than D) with
873. I did not -----------him yesterday [ ]
A) see B) saw C)seen D) have seen

874. We enjoy ------------- for a walk after dinner [ ]

A) to go B) going C) go D) for going

875. Smith and ------------ went to the mall [ ]

A) me B) I C) myself D) mine
876. There was a -------------rainfall last year [ ]
A) few B) less C) fewer D) lesser

877. There are ------------students in the class [ ]

A) few B) fewer C) less D) lesser

878. It is ------------- old television set [ ]

A) a B) the C) an D) none of the above

879. I ------------- drive because I passed the driving test [ ]

A) may B) shall C) can D) will

880. I’ve been in America --------------3 months [ ]

A) since B) from C) for D) by

881. At the party, I didn’t meet ---------- [ ]

A) everyone B) anybody C) everybody D)each one
882. They organised the party ----------- [ ]
A) themselves B) himself C) their self D) their selves

883. She is-------------- than Sita [ ]

A) tall B) taller C) very tall D) tallest

884. She studied ------------- the football game [ ]

A) while B) during C) for D)to

885. They do ------------- lot of shopping [ ]

A) an B) the C) a D) not required
886. I do not want to -------------------- the game [ ]
A) lost B) lose C) loss D) loosing

887. You are ------------ to complete the assignments [ ]

A) suppose B) supposed C) supposing D) to suppose

888. Let ---------- go [ ]

A) his B) he C) him D)himself

889. The two brothers love -------------other [ ]

A) one B) each C) every D) between

890. I ----------waiting for you in the office for the last two hours [ ]
A) am B) have C) have been D) has been

891. I ---------------my project yesterday [ ]

A) complete B) completed C) completing D) am completing

892. Ram is blind---------------one eye [ ]

A) with B) in C) for D) to

893. One should realize -----------responsibilities [ ]

A) his B) their C) one’s D) one

894. She is ------------- to music [ ]

A) listen B) listened C) listening D) for listen

895. The ticket grants admission --------------- the show [ ]

A) to B) for C) with D) from

896. Ram has been playing cricket ------------- morning [ ]

A) from B) for C) since D) early

897. If I ------------a bird, I would fly [ ]

A) am B) was C) were D) have

898. If I ------------- to Delhi, I will meet her [ ]

A) will go B) go C) goes D) am going

899. they ---------------for shopping last weekend [ ]

A) gone B) went C) going D) go

900. I was ----------------- many movies back to back during vacation [ ]

A) looking B) seeing C) watching D) gazing

901. She --------------- her essay last Friday [ ]

A) submitted B) will submit C) is submitting D) submit
902. They -------------- for yoga every day [ ]
A) go B) will go C) shall go D) goes

903. Scientists ---------------conducting studies on individual genes for years [ ]

A) have B) have been C) has D) has been
904. Unless you ---------------hard, you will not pass [ ]
A) work B) working C) worked D) works

905. This news was -------------- from all india radio yesterday [ ]
A) broadcasted B) broadcasting C) broadcast D) been broadcast

906. Hard work and honesty ---------- needed for success in life [ ]
A) are B) were C) is D)was

907. I have learnt this lesson word ------------word [ ]

A) for B) from C) by D) to

908. The snake ------ we saw in the forest was a Cobra [ ]

A) which B) who C)whom D) none of these

909. She is the girl ----------- we saw in the Railway station [ ]

A) who B) whom C) when D)where

910. Everyone on the project--------- to come to the meeting [ ]

A) has B) had C) have D)is

911. Neither he nor his bodyguards --------- there [ ]

A) are B) from C) were D) at

912. After he had finished his performance he ----- to home [ ]

A) go B) gone C) by D) went

913. Gurad of the train shall ensure------- departure of train that the BV Equipment is correctly available [ ]
A) before B) from C) on D) after

914. They asked me ---------- my job [ ]

A) for B) from C) by D) about

915. She was late for duty and -------punished for that [ ]
A) for B) was C) by D) from

916. You------get all the information if you read this book carefully [ ]
A) won’t B) from C) can D)to

917. He --------- been working in a bank for past 5 years [ ]

A) has B) was C) from D) have

918. Each one of the boys ----- paid the tuition fee [ ]
A) for B) from C) has D)to

919. Had I known it earlier I ---------- contacted you [ ]

A) would have B) will C) from D) have
920. The person ----- was recommended for this position did not fulfil prescribed norms [ ]
A) where B) who C) whom D) can

921. Why --------- professor Gagan spend so many hours in the laboratory? [ ]
A) can B) from C) this D) does

922. The population of Mumbai is higher ----------that of Delhi [ ]

A) than B) on C) by D)of
923. Scarcely had I arrived--------- the train left [ ]
A) on B) from C) when D) at
924. One ------- my favourite actors is acting in this play [ ]
A) is B) have C) by D) of
925. If there is no train --------- will you get there? [ ]
A) for B) from C) how D) why
926. He ----- in such a hurry that he didn’t wait for me [ ]
A) is B) are C) go D) was
927. The maximum speed permissible ----- 1 in 8 ½ turn outs with curved switches of 52/60 KG Rails on
PSC sleepers should be 15 KMPH [ ]
A) over B) on C) at D) where
928. They ------- been very close friends until they quarrelled [ ]
A) would B) from C) have D)were
929. You -------- remind me to post this letter [ ]
A) were B) have C) will D) must

930. I shall certainly write you------- I reach Bangalore [ ]

A) after B) where C) when D)before

931. On the ring road we witnessed the collision------ truck and auto [ ]
A) at B) between C) by D)with
932. Mr. Patel has not been ----------- his office for the last one month [ ]
A) for B) at C) by D) attending
933. Azaruddin is ----- of the finest batsmen that India have produced [ ]
A) for B) great C) one D) big
934. The thief broke ---------- house at the dead of night [ ]
A) go B) went C) the D) into
935. May I know --------- you want to see please? [ ]
A) who B) whom C) where D)why

936. He said that he---------- mind if I refused his offer [ ]

A) who B) can C) would D)will
937. Though child marriage----------banned ,the custom still prevailed among some groups [ ]
A) has been B) will C) why D)can
938. Fate smiles ...... those who untiringly grapple with stark realities of life [ ]
A) On B) are C) were D)can
939. I saw a ...... of cows in the field [ ]
A) heap B) herd C) crowd D) cub
940. Success in this examination depends ...... hard work alone [ ]
A) with B) from C) by D) On
941. Railway servant while on duty desires to absent ------- from duty shall produce sick certificate from a
competent medical authority without delay [ ]
A) at B) from C) himself D) on
942. Any Railway servant while in uniform and on duty shall not smoke when dealing------- public or on
the platform [ ]
A) for B) from C) by D) with
943. Whenever any amendment is issued to rule book acknowledgement of all staff working at that
station -------- be obtained [ ]
A) is B) shall C) can D)are
944. The help of C&W staff should be ------- when air pressure trouble occurs within the station limits [ ]
A) care B) while C) taken D) given

945. Guard of the train shall travel ------- the engine, when train is to run without Brake van [ ]
A) at B) from C) by D) in

946. The vehicle or load or train shall be -------- the fouling mark [ ]
A) with B) from C) inside D)at
947. The train be chained and padlocked using-------two chains one at either end [ ]
A) with B) at least C) by D)below

948. At least four iron skids be used two each---------the outermost pair of wheels at either end [ ]

A) for B) below C) by D) at

949. Hand brakes of at least six wagons from-------- end must be fully tightened [ ]
A) for B) from C) by D) either

950. In case coaching vehicles are stabled Guards hand brakes in SLR------ be applied [ ]
A) must B) may C) by D) can

951. The points must be set clamped and padlocked------- the blocked line . [ ]
A) for B) with C) against D) by

952. ---------- vehicles are uncoupled the hand brakes should be applied. [ ]
A) before B) from C) by D)to

953. Before uncoupling wooden wedges or iron skids should be used to prevent vehicles---------- rolling down [ ]
A) for B) front C) by D) from

954. As far as possible vehicle or load or train should be stabled on a line which is isolated----------
other running lines [ ]
A) for B) from C) by D) at

955. The speed of trains---------- Non Interlocked facing points shall not exceed 15 Kmph [ ]
A) Over B) from C) by D) at

956. The train may run over Interlocked facing points at such speeds as may be permitted------ the
standard of Interlocking. [ ]
A) for B) from C) by D) on

957. The speed over the turn outs having 1 in 8 ½ straight switch should be restricted-------- 10 KMPH for
passenger carrying trains and 15 KMPH for Goods trains. [ ]
A) to B) from C) by D) with

958. The last vehicle of train shall be indicated ---------- placing a tail board/tail lamp [ ]
A) for B) from C) by D)with

959. The dead locomotive shall be attached ------ to train engine only [ ]
A) for B) next C) by D)with

960. Sick coaches should be properly locked and windows secured so as to --------- entry of any passengers
into these coaches. [ ]
A) for B) from C) by D) Prevent

961. Stop hand signal is indicated at day time by showing red flag or by raising both arms with hands ------
the head. [
]A) above B) from C) by D)with

962. Stop hand signal is indicated at night time by showing red light or by violently waving white light
horizontally------- the body. [ ]
A) by B) from C) across D)with

963. ------- foggy weather the speed shall not exceed 60 KMPH in absolute block system. [ ]
A) In the B) during C) by D)with
964. When an assisting engine is attached in rear of last vehicle of a train, the tail board shall be fixed------
--- the assisting engine. [ ]
A) on B) in C) by D) behind

965. A Light engine --------- in a block section shall have marker lights on during day or night [ ]
A) moving B) from C) by D)with

966. In case of obstruction on track guard must ------ a red flashing hand signal lamp at night or a red flag
during day. [ ]
A) Show B) exhibit C) Seen D)with

967. If the chain has been pulled the guard shall--------- the occupants of coach and try to find out name
and address of person who used it. [ ]
A) for B) Show C) be D) Question

968. The guard shall ------ the fact regarding ACP in the CTR and shall send a special report to the DRM. [ ]
A) record B) from C) be D)with

969. Running of trains without Brake-van is strictly------- during total failure of communication. [ ]
A) for B) from C) prohibited D)with

970. The number of persons permitted to travel in Brake-van of Goods train in addition to guard should
not ------- five. [ ]
A) less than B) from C) exceed D)with
971. In case of express trains a maximum of two coaches may be attached in ------- of the rear SLR. [ ]
A) for B) rear C) by D)with

972. In case of Goods trains a maximum of two bogies or their equivalents may be --------- in rear of the
rear Brake-van. [ ]
A) Below B) low C) by D) attached
973. All the -------- in connection with working of trains must be reported in combined train report (CTR) [ ]
A) Information B) from C) irregularities D)with

974. The guard of train must, at the ------of each trip make over his CTR to the station master for
submission to DRM. [ ]
A) Start B) end C) middle D) none of the above

975. The Vehicle Guidance (VG) must be carefully and legibly prepared in --------at the starting station. [ ]
A) ink B) Platform C) book D) Train

976. The loco pilot of a train shall not pass an outer, a home or a routing signal that refers to him, when it
-------- ‘on’ or defective. [ ]
A) for B) from C) is D)with
977. Normal authority to --------- on single line token section is token. [ ]
A) proceed B) from C) be D)was

978. Authority for the material train after--------- of work coming back to the same station is T/462. [ ]
A) for B) completion C) station D)with

979. To send a relief engine or Train ------ occupied block section is T/A 602. [ ]
A) for B) from C) by D) into

980. In case of even flow of traffic during TIC on S/L after--------- up of communication, line clear enquiry
can be made for subsequent trains through T/E 602. [ ]
A) starting B) from C) opening D)with

981. Authority to -------- block section in rear on D / L section for shunting purpose is T/806 (with PN) [ ]
A) for B) enter C) by D)with

982. Authority when more than one tower wagon is permitted in the ------- section and returning back to
the same station for the first tower car is T/1708 and subsequent tower cars is Caution order. [ ]
A) same B) next C) by D)with

983. South central railway is ----------- into six divisions. [ ]

A) formed B) from C) by D) divided

984. When the LC gate is ---------- and the train is required to pass run through via main line is proceed
aspect. [ ]
A) opened B) on C) closed D)with

985. A calling on signal shall show no light -------- the ‘on’ position. [ ]
A) at B) in C) by D)with

986. The aspects and indications of a disc type shunt signal are -----------on signal. [ ]
A) available B) from C) shown D)with

987. The period of station master training ------- 75 working days. [ ]

A) can be B) is C) are D)by

988. The SM is also responsible-------- ensure that the hand brakes of the vehicles are applied. [ ]
A) to B) from C) by D)with

989. The SM is also responsible to ensure that the hand brakes of the vehicles are applied before the
engine or Brake-van---------- detached from the train. [ ]
A) for B) is C) by D)with

990. The CRS -------- nothing but competent railway servant. [ ]

A) for B) is C) by D)with

991. The ---------- of station master training is 75 working days. [ ]

A) for B) from C) time D) period

992. A banner type repeating signal shall not be lit---------night. [ ]

A) for B) on C) at D)with

993. The SM is also responsible-------- his train accidents. [ ]

A) for B) from C) by D)with

994. --------- accident can be avoided with safety. [ ]

A) an B) from C) by D)with

995. The guard and loco pilot of a material train shall protect the train in accordance--------- GR 6.03 when
working between stations. [ ]
A) for B) from C) with D)of

996. The absence of PHS may be due to ------- obstruction and the loco pilot shall stop the train at once. [ ]
A) for B) from C) an D)with

997. No material which has been unloaded shall be left--------- rail level infringing the standard moving
dimensions prescribed in the schedule of dimensions. [ ]
A) above B) on C) by D)with

998. The guard of a material train shall before giving the signal to start, see that all the workers on the
train and warn them to sit --------. [ ]
A) on B) from C) by D) down
999. The keys of padlocks are kept in SM’s personal custody--------- the material train is ready to leave the
siding or line. [ ]
A) for B) from C) by D) until

1000. The guard shall not relinquish charge until he has satisfied---------- that the material train has been
protected. [ ]
A) for B) himself/herself C) by D)with

1001. The points which leading to the line-------- which the material train is stabled are set against the line
and locked in that position in accordance with the GR 4.64. [ ]
A) on B) from C) by D)with

1002. The train is berthed clear------ fouling mark etc. at each end of the line on which it is stabled. [ ]
A) for B) from C) of D)with

1003. The machine can run both--------- day and night at a maximum. [ ]
A) for B) by C) bye D)with

1004. The speed------- all points and crossings should be maintained as per rule. [ ]
A) for B) from C) by D) over

1005. The track laying machine is a self propelled machine-----------of mobile portal cranes for carrying
assembled track panels. [ ]
A) are B) consists C) by D)with
1006. The tamping machine shall work -------- the direct supervision of an engineering official not below
the rank of PWI. [ ]
A) for B) under C) by D)with

1007. The operator shall be convergent with the section over------- the unit has to run for work. [ ]
A) at B) from C) which D)with

1008. Competency certificate for persons authorized ------- drive tamping machine. [ ]
A) for B) from C) to D)with

1009. The official-------charge shall bring the machine to a stop outside the advanced starter. [ ]
A) in B) of C) by D)with

1010. -------- arrival at the station the person-in-charge shall sign in TSR in token of complete arrival of
unit/units. [ ]
A) for B) from C) by the D) on
1011. In case the units return to the station--------- which they started the SM cancelling the line clear
shall also ensure that all the units have returned. [ ]
A) for B) from C) by D)with

1012. The tamping machine shall not be permitted to work------- total interruption of communications. [ ]
A) during B) from C) in D)with

1013. The competent railway servant must be acquainted ------- rules and regulations. [ ]
A) all B) with C) by D) from
1014. All temporary working instructions during Non-Interlocked working shall be signed------ each page. [ ]
A) a B) from C) by D) on

1015. Rules -------- working of trains in electrified section shall be dealt in Appendix-G. [ ]
A) of B) from C) for D)with

1016. SWR should be issued afresh once --------- five years or issue of three amendment slips whichever is
earlier and reviewed as and when required. [ ]
A) for B) on C) by D) in
1017. In case the LSS is the starter in addition to the written authority, he shall ----- be shown PHS at the
foot of the signal. [ ]
A) also B) from C) by D)with
1018. Lion jumped------- the water stream. [ ]
A) off B) from C) by D)in


1019. Validity for “Mail/Express” in case of ICF coaches checked on pit line [ ]
[A] 3500 kms or 96 hours [B]3500 km or 10 days [C] 4000 kms or 96 hours [D] 3500 kms or 7 days

1020. Validity for “Mail/Express” in case of LHB coaches checked on pit line [ ]
[A] 3500 kms or 96 hours [B]3500 km or 10 days [C] 4000 kms or 96 hours [D] 3500 kms or 7 days

1021. Different types of maintenance of Passenger carrying trains are [ ]

[A]Primary [B] Secondary [C] Terminal attention [D] all the above

1022. The period of interval of IOH of passenger coaches is between [ ]

[A]12 months [B] two POH [C] 24 months [D] 36 months

1023. First dual cab Diesel engine is [ ]

[A]WDP-4D [B]WDM-4 [C]WAG-5 [D]WDP-4

1024 . Running of trains In SCR is permitted with maximum no. of non LHB coaches [ ]
[A]18+VPU [B]23+VPU [C]26 [D]24 + VPU/IC

1025. The Validity kms for LHB Coaches [ ]

[A] 2000 [B] 4000 [C]2500 [D] 3500

1026. Which of the following train runs with maximum speed over Indian Railways [ ]
[A] Rajdhani Express [B] Shatabdi Express [C] Vande Bharat [D] Duranto Express

1027. Indian Railways has Launched a programme on ethics in public governance names as _ [ ]
(A) Satya meva Jayathe (B) Satyanishtha (C) Saksham (D) Rail Swachhta Pakhwada

1028 . What is the axle load of new generation wagons [ ]

(A) 22.9 T (B) 20.9 T (C) 25.0 T (D) 23T

1029. What is Maximum speed of BOXNR Empty Rake ___________ [ ]

(A) 75KMPH (B) 80 KMPH (C) 100 KMPH (D) 60 KMPH

1030. What is Maximum speed of WAG 9 Locomotive over SC Rly _______ [ ]

(A) 75KMPH (B) 80 KMPH (C) 100 KMPH (D) 160 KMPH

1031. If train is losing Punctuality , to make up speed of the train SM has to advice the LP by
exhibiting _______________ board [ ]

1032 . The maximum time slot allotted for Primary maintenance of coaching rake [ ]
(A) 8 hrs (B) 6 hrs (C) ) 4 hrs (D) 10hrs.

1033. The BPC of MEMU/DEMU 1400 HP trains is valid for [ ]

(A) 3500KM or 7days (B) 2500KM or 7days (C) 3500KM or 10days (D) ) 7500KM or 7days.

1034. IRCON means [ ]

(A) Indian Railway Construction Operations news (B) Indian Railway Construction organization
(C) Indian Railway Construction International Limited (D) Indian Railway Construction Limited
1035. IRFC means [ ]
(A) Indian Railway Finance corporation (B) ) Indian Railway Foreign company
(C) Indian Railway foreign corporation (D) ) Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited

1036. CDTS means [ ]

(A) Controller digital train system (B) Control discharge toilet system
(C) Centre for Digital train monitoring system (D) Controlled Digital Train service

1037. CAMTECH means [ ]

(A) Coaching for Advance Mechanical technology (B) Technique for advance maintenance of coaches
(C) Coaches with advanced mechanical technology (D) Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology

1038. IVRS means [ ]

(A) Indian Voluntary retirement service (B) Interactive voice response system
(C) Intra Voice recording system (D) Interactive Voice recording system

1039. Maximum speed of 140 T Hydraulic Crane (BG) is. [ ]

[A] 40 KMPH B] 60 KMPH [C] 80 KMPH [D] 100KMPH

1040. Train number of Conventional Rakes of Passenger trains starts with [ ]

[A] 4 [B]5 [C] 6 [D] 7

1041. Train number of MEMU Rakes of Passenger trains starts with [ ]

[A] 4 [B]5 [C] 6 [D] 7

1042. Train number of DMU Rakes of Passenger trains starts with [ ]

[A] 4 [B]5 [C] 6 [D] 7

1043. BPC for “Parcel Express” is valid for [ ]

[A] 10 days [B] 4500 km [C] ‘A’ or ‘B’ whichever is earlier [D] 35 days or 7500 km whichever is earlier

1044. BPC for “Military/Election Special trains” in case of LHB coaches is valid for [ ]
[A] 3500 km or 96 hours [B]3500 km or 10 days [C] 4000 km or 96 hours [D] 35 days or 7500 km

1045 . BPC for “Military/Election Special trains” in case of ICF coaches is valid for [ ]
[A] 3500 km or 96 hours [B]3500 km or 10 days [C] 4000 km or 96 hours [D] 35 days or 7500 km

1046 . BPC for “Passenger trains without toilets” in case of ICF coaches is valid for [ ]
[A] 3500 km or 96 hours [B]3500 km or 10 days [C] 4000 km or 96 hours [D] 3500 km or 7 days

1047. BPC for “Passenger trains with toilets” in case of ICF coaches is valid for [ ]
[A] 3500 km or 96 hours [B]3500 km or 10 days [C] 4000 km or 96 hours [D] 3500 km or 7 days

1048. EOTT means [ ]

(A) Enhancement of Trains transformation (B) Enhancement of Operations of trains traffic
(C) Enhancement of Operations transformation of trains. (D) End of Train Telemetry

1049. MCDO means [ ]

(A) Monitoring Centre for District Officials (B) Monthly cumulative Demi Official
(C) Monthly Confidential Demi Official (D) Monitoring Confidential Discharge Officials

1050. PGRM means [ ]

(A) Public Grievance Redressal Machinery (B) Public General Redressal Machinery
(C) Public Grievance Rights Machinery (D) Public Grievance Redressal mechanism

1051. PNR means [ ]

(A) Public Name Record (B) Public numeric record
(C) Passenger Name registration (D) Passenger Name record
1052. POET means [ ]
(A) Public operated enquiry terminal (B) Passenger order enquiry terminal
(C) Passenger operated enquiry terminal (D) Public operated enhancement terminal

1053. SSDAC means [ ]

(A) Solid state digital axle counter (B) Solid State Digital Alternating current
(C) Single section Digital alternating current (D) Single section Digital axle counter

1054. POMKA means [ ]

(A) Portable medical kit for accidents (B) Periodical Officers Monitoring of accidents
(C) Permanent official medical kit for assistance (D) Permanent Officers medical kit for accidents

1055. ATM means [ ]

(A) Any time Money (B) Automatic time machine
(C) Automatic teller money (D) Automatic teller machine

1056. FIBA means [ ]

(A) Failure Indication and Brake Application (B) Future indication of brakes application
(C) Federation of International bank Association (D) Federation of International base ball association


1057. Running staff are classified as [ ]

[A]Intensive [B] Excluded [C] Continuous [D] EI roster

1058. Eligibility criteria of Grade pay for availing First class pass as per VII PC Rs [ ]
[A]Level VI & above [B] Level V & above [C] Level VII & above [D] None of these

1059. How many days of LAP in a calendar year, a permanent/ Temporary Railway servant shall
be entitled to get? [ ]
A) 30 days B) 15 days C) 20 days D) 45 days

1060. How many days of LHAP in a calendar year, can be credited to an employee [ ]
A) 30 days B) 10 days C) 20 days D) 12 days

1061. Maximum days of leave on average pay that can be accumulated is [ ]

A) 120 days B) 180 days C) 190 days D) 300 days

1062. How many days of LHAP can be accumulated to an employee in his total service [ ]
A) 300 days B) 450 days C) 600 days D) unlimited

1063 . Maximum encashment of leave on average pay is [ ]

A) 20 days B) 30 days C) 60 days D) 180 days

1064. Maximum period of leave on Average pay at a time that a railway servant may be granted [ ]
A) 120 days B) 160 days C) 180 days D) 300 days

1065. LAP shall be credited to a Railway servant at the rate of [ ]

A) 2 ½ days per month B) 3 days per month C) 2 days per month D) 1 ½ days per month

1066. No of days permissible for Paternity leave is [ ]

[A] 10days [B] 15 days [C] 20 days [D] 30 days

1067. Children’s Education allowance is permissible for how many no of surviving children [ ]
[A] 3 [B] 4 [C] 2 [D] 1

1068. Maximum no of dependents allowed on a Privilege pass is [ ]

[A] 1 [B] 2 [C] 3 [D] 4
1069. Maximum no of persons allowed on a Privilege pass when dependents are included is [ ]
[A]3 [B] 5 [C] 7 [D] no limit

1070 . Maximum amount of Retirement Gratuity payable [ ]

[A] Rs20 LAKHS [B] Rs10 LAKHS [C] Rs25LAKHS [D] Rs15LAKHS

1071. Maternity leave permissible for a period of [ ]

[A]90 days [B]120 days [C] 135 days [D] 180 days

1072. For miscarriage, including abortion, what period of Maternity leave may be granted [ ]
[A]6 weeks [B]45 days [C] 7 weeks [D] 43 days

1073. From the date of confinement Paternity leave to be availed within [ ]

[A] 12 months [B] 24 months [C] 6 months [D]48 months

1074. The Minimum pension as per VII PC pension scheme ____________ [ ]

(A) Rs 3500 (B) Rs 8500 (C) Rs 9000 (D) Rs 10500

1075. If the charge is unauthorized absence, _________ can be one of the witnesses [ ]
[A] Attendance Register [B] Medical Certificate [C] Co- employee [D] None

1076. Appeal shall be entertained unless preferred within _________ days [ ]

[A] 100 [B] 10 [C] 30 [D] 45

1077. Post Retirement Complimentary Pass are admissible to Railway Servant retired after putting in __
years of service [ ]
[A] 20 [B] 12 C) 15 D) 16

1078. What is Pass as per Railway Servants Pass Rules 1986? [ ]

(A) Pass is a Privilege (B) To travel in Railway (C) An authority given by Railway to a Railway
employee or to a Person authorizing him to travel in a train gratuitously (D) None of these

1079. Family means. [ ]

(A) Wife, Husband, Son/Step sons under the age of 21 years and wholly dependent. Bonafide
student of any recognized University. Unmarried daughter of any age whether earning or not,
dependent widow daughter, Railway Doctor’s certified invalid son daughter of any age.
(B) Wife, Husband, son/Step son/Son-in-law/mother-in-law/daughter of any age.
(C) Husband, Wife/Widow mother/son/Step son of any age/Daughter of any age.
(D) Husband/Wife/Sons/Daughters of any age/Mother-in-law, if father is not alive

1080. How many sets of P.T.O. are issued to the Railway employees? [ ]
(A) 6 sets both for Gazetted and Non-Gazetted every year from the date of appointment
(B) 4 sets both for Gazetted and Non-Gazetted every year from the date of appointment
(C) 3 sets both for Gazetted and Non-Gazetted every year from the date of appointment
(D) 6 sets for Gazetted and 4 sets for Non-Gazetted

1081. How many sets of School Pass issued to Railway employee? [ ]

(A) 6 sets or 3 half sets per year (B) 4 sets or 6 half sets per year
(C)3 sets or 6 half sets per year (D) 5 sets per year

1082. Of late validity for a Privilege Pass/PTO is ? [ ]

(A) 3 months (B) 4 months (C) 2 months (D) 5 months
1083. Attendants of Pass Holder is [ ]
(A)Part time servant (B)Servant (C)Full time paid servant (D)Any person

1084. Irregularity for use of Passes may be condoned by [ ]

1085. The colour of the First Class A Pass is _________ [ ]
[A] White [B] Pink [C] Green [D] Yellow

1086. The colour of the First Class Pass is _________ [ ]

[A] White [B] Pink [C] Green [D] Yellow

1087. The colour of the Second Class Pass is _________ [ ]

[A] White [B] Pink [C] Green [D] Yellow

1088. The colour of the Second Class A Pass is _________ [ ]

[A] White [B] Pink [C] Green [D] Yellow

1089. When dependents are included in a Pass/PTO, number persons entitled to be include in Pass/ PTO
shall be [ ]
[A] All Family members + 2 dependents [B] 5 member’s only
[C] 6 members only [D] Any number of Family members + 3dependents

1090. In case of loss of IInd class Privilege Pass ------ amount has to be levied as fine [ ]
[A]Rs. 5 [B]Rs.10 [C]Rs. 15 [D] Rs. 25

1091. When a Railway servant has availed all passes due to him in a current calendar year, _____
number of set of passes/PTO may be issued for journeys commencing in the next year only by
debiting to the next year’s pass account. [ ]
[A] One [ B] Two [C] Three [D] Four

1092. In case of loss of First class Privilege Pass ------ amount has to be levied as fine [ ]
[A]Rs. 5 [B]Rs.10 [C]Rs. 15 [D] Rs. 25

1093. PGRM stands for ___________________ [ ]
[A] Poor Grievances Redressal Machinery [B] Political Grievances Redressal Machinery
[C] Public Grievances Redressal Machinery [D] None

1094. The Head of the Public Grievances Organization at Divisional level is [ ]


1095. The Head of the Public Grievances Organization at Zonal Level is _______ [ ]

1096. The Head of the Commercial Department at Zonal Level is _____ [ ]


1097. The Commercial Department is responsible for [ ]

[A] Sale of transport [B] Creating and developing traffic
[B] Fixing of fares & freight [D] All these

1098. The Commercial Department deals with _____ traffic [ ]

[A] Goods [B] Passenger [C] Luggage [D] All these

1099 . Platform ticket is valid for ________ Hours. [ ]

[A] 3 [B] 4 [C]2 [D]1

1100. Cost of platform ticket is Rs ___________ [ ]

[A] 3 [B] 2 [C]5 [D]10

1101. Children below _______ years of age are allowed to travel free [ ]
[A] 4 [B] 6 [C]5 [D]2

1102. Children of 5 years and above and below 12 years of age will be charged _____of adult fare [ ]
[A] Same [B] Half [C] 1/3 [D] 1/4

1103 Boys under ______ years of age are permitted to travel in ladies compartment along with
relatives/parents. [ ]
[A] 5 [B] 10 [C] 13 [D] 12

1104. Staff working on trains can keep private cash upto Rs.______ [ ]
[A] 500/- [B] 1500/- [C] 2000/- [D] 750/-

1105. Stationary staff is permitted to have a private cash upto Rs._______. [ ]

[A] Rs.500/- [B] Rs.750/- [C] Rs.1000/- [D] Rs.1500/-

1106. Super fast supplementary charges for II class is. [ ]

[A] Rs.10/- [B] Rs. 15/- [C] Rs. 20/- [D] Rs.30/-

1107. Season Tickets for general public can be given up to a distance of _______kms. [ ]
[A] 100 [B] 150 [C] 200 [D] 250

1108. Normal Season Tickets are issued for ____ periods [ ]

[A] Monthly [B] Quaterly [C] Half Yearly [D] All of these

1109. Reservation on Season tickets is [ ]

[A] Permitted [B] Not Permitted C] Permitted Once, Monthly [D] Permitted once Quaterly

1110. Season tickets can be renewed _______ days in advance of the date of expiry. [ ]
[A] One day [B] 2 days [C] 5 days [D] 10 days

1111. Season tickets are issued for travel in__________ and _________ classes only. [ ]

1112. Quarterly season ticket fare is ___ times of monthly season ticket fare [ ]
[A] 2.7 [B] 2.5 [C] 2 [D] 1.5

1113. Season tickets on concession issued to general students up to maximum of ___ age. [ ]
[A] 25 [B] 27 [C] 30 [D] 35

1114 . Free second class monthly season tickets are issued to male students studying up to __ Standard. [ ]
[A] 11th [B] 10th [C] Degree [D] 12th

1115. Free second class monthly season tickets are issued to female students studying upto ___ Standard [ ]
[A] 11th [B] 10th [C] Degree [D] 12th

1116. MPs are issued with [ ]

[A] Tourist coupon ticket [B] ICCRP [C] Rail Travel Coupon [D] HOR

1117 .The highest class in which MPs are allowed to travel on ICCRP [ ]
[A] I AC [B] II AC [C] Executive Class [D] Both (A) & (C)

1118 . Sleeping accommodation is provided between ______ & ________ hrs [ ]

[A] 20 & 8 hours [B] 22 & 6 hour [C] 21 & 9 hours [D] 20 & 6 hours

1119. Holders of single journey tickets for a distance of more than __ kms are allowed to break journey
enroute [ ]
[A] 200 [B] 400 [C] 300 [D] 500

1120. ____ Break journey is permitted on tickets upto 1000 KMs distance [ ]
[A] Two [B] three [C] one [D] four

1121. Two break journeys are permitted on journey tickets above ____ kms. [ ]
[A] 500 [B] 800 [C] 900 [D] 1000

1122. Break journey is not permitted by [ ]

[A] Rajdhani [B] Shatabdi [C] Both A & B [D] None of these

1123. Number of break journeys permitted on single journey tickets above 1000 KMs. [ ]
[A] 2 [B] 4 [C] 3 [D] 1

1124. The break journey period is _____ days excluding the day of arrival and day of departure [ ]
[A] 4 [B] 3 [C] 2 [D] 5

1125 . First break journey is permitted after travelling _________ KMs [ ]

[A] 200 [B] 300 [C] 500 [D] 100

1126. Maximum number of break journeys allowed on a single journey ticket is ______ [ ]
[A] 3 [B] 2 [C] 1 [D] 4

1127. Halt at an intermediate station for less than _______ hours for onward connecting train is not
treated as break journey [ ]
[A] 10 [B] 6 [C] 12 [D] 24

1128. To avail break journey, tickets must be presented for endorsement to [ ]

[A] S M [B] Booking Clerk [C] T C [D] Either A or C

1129. Maximum number of break journeys permitted on a circular journey ticket is [ ]

[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 4 [D] 8

1130. H O R stands for ______________ [ ]

[A] High official of railway [B] High official requisition [C]Higher officer in railway [D]None

1131. Dropping cash bag in the safe is witnessed by _____________ of the train. [ ]
[A] Driver [B] Conductor [C] Guard [D] RPF

1132. S M must deposit cash bag in the presence of _________ [ ]

[A] RPF [B] Station master [C] Goods clerk [D] Guard

1133. Whenever cash bag is deposited in the cash safe, the signature of ____________ is to be obtained
by Guard in cash summary. [ ]
[A] Guard [B] Station master [C] Goods clerk [D] RPF

1134. Identity card issued by Railways along with season ticket is valid for [ ]
[A] One year [B] Two years [C] Five years [D] Four years

1135. After collection of cash bags in the section, the cash safe is sealed at [ ]
[A] Forwarding station [B] En-route station [C] Last cash dropping station [D] Destination

1136. At the last cash depositing station, cash safe should be sealed by ________ [ ]
[A] Guard [B] Station master [C] TIA [D] Commercial Inspector

1137 . PRS stands for _________________ [ ]

[A] Passenger rail services [B] Passenger rail system
[C]Passenger reservation system [D]Permanent reservation system

1138. RAC means ___________ [ ]

[A] Reservation against cancellation [B] Reservation and cancellation
[C]Reservation and concession [D]None

1139. A.C.P. stands for ______________________ [ ]

[A] Automatic chain panel [B] Alarm Chain Pulling [C]Additional chain pulling [D]None
1140. The following are exempted from weighment when carried as luggage [ ]
[A] Umbrella [B] Walking stick [C] Hand bag [D] All these

1141. Free allowance of AC FC is _______ KGs. [ ]

[A] 60 [B] 40 [C]50 [D]70

1142. Free allowance of AC 2 tier is _______ KGs. [ ]

[A] 50 [B] 40 [C]70 [D]35

1143. Free allowance of AC 3 tier is _______ KGs. [ ]

[A] 60 [B] 40 [C]50 [D]70

1144. Free allowance of FC is _______ KGs. [ ]

[A] 50 [B] 40 [C]70 [D]60

1145. Free allowance of AC CC is _______ KGs. [ ]

[A] 50 [B] 70 [C]40 [D]35

1146. Free allowance of SL is _______ KGs. [ ]

[A] 60 [B] 40 [C]50 [D]70

1147. The free allowance on II Class pass is _____ KGs. [ ]

[A] 40 [B] 50 [C]60 [D]70

1148 . The free allowance on I Class pass is _____ KGs. [ ]

[A] 60 [B] 50 [C]70 [D]35

1149. Free allowance on child ticket is _________ of free allowance of the adult ticket. [ ]
[A] Full [B] Half [C] Same [D] None

1150. Luggage should be presented for booking at least ___ before scheduled departure of the train .[ ]
[A] 60 minutes [B] 30 minutes [C] 10 minutes [D] No time limit

1151. Luggage can be booked ___ hours in advance excluding the day of scheduled departure of the train
on reserved tickets. [ ]
[A] 12 hrs [B] 24 hrs [C] 48 hrs [D] 72 hrs

1152. Minimum distance for charging luggage is [ ]

[A] 10 km [B] 50 km [C] 100 km [D] 25 km

1153. Minimum weight for charge of luggage ______________Kgs. [ ]

[A] 30 [B] 10 [C] 40 [D] 5

1154. Minimum fare for charging luggage is [ ]

[A] Rs.20 [B] Rs.10 [C] Rs.50 [D] Rs.30

1155. When Luggage is booked with passenger in the compartment it will be charged at ______ [ ]
[A] Scale “R” [B] Scale “L” [C] 1.5 times of Scale “L” rate [D] Scale “S”

1156. For booking of luggage by brake van _________ should be given at booking station. [ ]
[A] Journey Ticket [B] Application [C] Certificate [D] Forwarding Note

1157. Luggage ticket is prepared in ___________ foils [ ]

[A] 4 [B] 2 [C] 3 [D] 5

1158. Bicycles booked as luggage are charged for a minimum weight of [ ]

[A] 20 kg [B] 40 kg [C] 50 kg [D] 100 kg
1159. In case of scooter of 150 CC, the chargeable weight is [ ]
[A] 100 kg [B] 200 kg [C] 250 kg [D] None of these

1160. Dogs are permitted to be carried along with passengers in _____ and _____class. [ ]
[A] I AC & SL [B] IIAC & FC [C] IAC & FC [D] SL & ACCC

1161. When dogs are offered for booking in brake van _________should be given [ ]
[A] Ticket [B] Application [C] Certificate [D] F. Note

1162. When dogs are booked in brake van owner must travel in the ________train. [ ]
[A] Another [B] Any [C] Same [D] II Exp

1163. A dog in brake van is charged for __________ KGs. [ ]

[A] 60 [B] 40 [C]50 [D]30

1164. When dogs are booked in brake van chain and collar must be provided by _____ [ ]
[A] Railway [B] Owner [C] Parcel clerk [D] None

1165. Provision of food and water for animals carried in brake-van is the responsibility of __ [ ]
[A] Guard [B] Railways [C] Owner [D] Booking staff

1166 Loading of parcels must be done in _________________ order in the brake van. [ ]
[A] Geographical [B] Parallel [C] Standard [D] None

1167. Parcel way bill is prepared in ______ [ ]

[A] 3 foils [B] 4 foils [C] 5 foils [D] 2 foils

1168. The highest scale for charging parcels is [ ]

[A] P [B] R [C] S [D] L

1169. A passenger without ticket or G.C. is charged [ ]

[A] Fare + EC [B] EC only [C] Double the fare [D] Basic fare

1170. Number of concessions allowed at one time is [ ]

[A] One [B] Two [C] Three [D] Four

1171. The element of concession allowed for female Senior Citizen [ ]

[A] 25% [B] 50% [C] 30% [D] 75%

1172. Check conducted at Mid-Section by stopping train [ ]

[A] CRB check [B] Massive Check [C] Ambush Check [D] Replacement Check

1173. Application for compensation in case of death due to train accident is made to __ [ ]
[A] RCT [B] RRT [C] HRC [D] District Court

1174. Compensation payable for death of passenger in a railway accident is Rs.__lakhs. [ ]

[A] 4 [B] 10 [C] 6 [D] 8

1175. Compensation is not paid due to death/injury in Untoward Incident on account of [ ]

[A] Suicide [B] Self inflicted injury [C] Intoxication [D] All these

1176. Ex-gratia payment in case of death per passenger in a train accident is Rs. ____ [ ]
[A] 50,000 [B] 25,000 [C]10,000 [D]5000

1177. Ex-gratia paid for grevious /serious injury in train accident is __________ [ ]
[A] Rs. 50,000/- [B] Rs. 25,000/- [C] Rs. 15,000/- [D] Rs. 5,000/-

1178. Exgratia paid for simple injury in train accident is __________ [ ]

[A] 25,000 [B] 10,000 [C] 5,000 [D] 1,000
1179. As per Section ______ of Railway Act 1989, traveling without ticket is prohibited. [ ]
[A] 55 [B] 56 [C]57 [D]58

1180. As per Section ______ of Railways Act. 1989, separate accommodation is provided for ladies. [ ]
[A] 164 [B] 162 [C] 58 [D] 167

1181. Alarm chain is provided as means of communication between passengers and Railways as per
Section __________of Railway Act, 1989. [ ]
[A] 55 [B] 58 [C] 59 [D] 64

1182. Passenger travelling without ticket can be removed from the compartment as per Section ___ of
the Railways Act, 1989. [ ]
[A] 137 [B] 138 [C] 139 [D] 141
1183. Holders of MVST found selling their products in the railway premises will be prosecuted as per
section ________ of Railway Act 1989. [ ]
[A] 142 [B] 144 [C] 146 [D] 147
1184. Male passenger found travelling in Ladies compartment is penalized as per Section
________ of the Railways Act. 1989. [ ]
[A] 164 [B] 162 [C] 58 [D] 167

1185. Smoking in Railway Premises is prohibited under Section____ of Railway Act [ ]

[A] 144 [B] 145 [C] 162 [D] 167

1186. Penalty for traveling in Ladies compartment is____________ [ ]

[A] Removal from carriage [B] Penalty of Rs. 500 [C] Forfeiture of Ticket [D] All

1187. Whenever Running Train Theft is detected on run, the Guard should submit a report at [ ]
[A] Destination station [B] Forwarding station [C] Next junction [D] Next Station

1188. FOIS stands for ______________________ [ ]

[A] Freight operations information system [B] Fare operated information system
[C]Full operations information system [D]Fouling operations informationsystem

1189. Presently, the GST implication on Goods Traffic is_____________ [ ]

[A] 5.5 % [B] 5.2% [C] 5% [D] 4.5%

1190. General forwarding note is valid for [ ]

[A] 5 months [B] 3 months [C] 6 months [D] 12 months

1191. P.L.M stands for _____________________________ [ ]

[A] Packing, Loading, Marking [B] Party, Labeling, Marking
[C] Packing, Labeling, Marking [D]None

1192. The object of sealing is to ________________ thefts. [ ]

[A] Localize [B] Prevent [C] Both A&B [D] None

1193. Two types of seals namely ____________ and _______________ [ ]

[A] Lead & Iron [B] Wax & Iron [C] Wax & Lead [D] None

1194. Seal cards are preserved for a period of _____ [ ]

[A] 3 months [B] 6 months [C] 9 months [D] 1 year

1195. ___ type of seals that are used on wagons loaded with explosives and dangerous goods. [ ]
[A] Lead [B] Wax [C] Wax & Lead [D] None

1196. The object of riveting is to ________________ thefts. [ ]

[A] Localize [B] Prevent [C] Both A&B [D] None

1197. Number of rivets to be used on each wagon door is ____ [ ]

[A] 3 [B] 2 [C] 1 [D] 5

1198. Marking is of two types’ viz., ________________ and _________________ [ ]

[A] Railway, State [B] Railway, Private [C] Consignor, Consignee [D] None

1199. Private marking is done by _____________ [ ]

[A] Railways [B] Party [C] Both [D) Parcel staff

1200. Demurrage charge per 8 wheeler BG wagon per hour is ________ [ ]

[A] Rs.75/- [B] Rs.100/- [C] Rs.120/- [D] Rs.150/-

1201. Wharfage is levied for _______ beyond the free time [ ]

[A] Detention of wagons [B] Non-removal of goods from station premises
[C] Goods loaded in a private siding [D] None of these

1202. Wharfage charges are not collected on ___ National holiday’s days [ ]
[A] Independence day [B] Republic day [ C] Gandhi Jayanti [D] All these

1203. Claims prevention measures taken by Guard is [ ]

[A] Loading geographically [B] Supervising loading and unloading
[C] Loading light packages on heavy packages [D] All these

1204. Explosives will be booked and carried accompanied by ___________ certificate [ ]

[A] Form-16 [B] Form- 24 [C] Com-164 [D] Medical

1205. Unauthorisedly bringing dangerous goods on a Railway is punishable as per section ____ [ ]
[A] 55 [B] 164 [C] 83 [D] 84

1206. Weight of each package of explosive goods should not exceed _________Kgs. [ ]
[A] 25 [B] 35 [C] 50 [D] 100

1207. For booking explosives/dangerous goods _______ hours advance notice is required. [ ]
[A] 24 [B] 12 [C]72 [D]48

1208. Maximum no. of wagons containing explosive goods that can be dealt at a time [ ]
[A] 2 [B] 3 [C] 4 [D] 5

1209. Advance reservation period for Indians [ ]

[A] 180 days [B] 120 days [C] 90 days [D]365 days

1210. Advance reservation period for Foreigners [ ]

[A] 180 days [B] 120 days [C] 90 days [D] 365 days

1211. Expand A R P [ ]
[A] All time Reservation Period [B] Advance Reservation Period
[C] Automatic Reservation Period [D] Any Reservation Period

1212. Tatkal reservation can be arranged [ ]

[A] 1day before the date of journey [B] 3days before the date of journey
[C] 7days before the date of journey [D] 10 days before the date of journey

1213.An individual can book for how many passengers in one reservation form [ ]
[A] 6 [B] 4 C] only one [D] Any number

1214. Reservations can be arranged on [ ]

[A] Valid ticket / pass [B] Recommendation C] Phone [D] None of these.
1215. Reservations can be arranged on the basis of [ ]
[A] First come First serve [B] First come Last serve C] Last come First serve [D] None of these.

1216 . Transfer of Ticket is prohibited as per section [ ]

[A] 53 of R A 1989 [B] 57 of R A 1989 C] 61 of R A 1989 [D] None of these.

1217. Passengers are required to occupy their Seat / Berth how much time before the departure of the
train [ ]
[A] 30 minutes [B] 10 minutes C] 15 minutes [D] 1 hour

1218. Reservation Fee for A C 2 Tier [ ]

[A] 60 Rs [B] 50 Rs C] 40 Rs [D] 20 Rs.

1219. Reservation Fee for A C 3 Tier [ ]

[A] 60 Rs [B] 50 Rs C] 40 Rs [D] 20 Rs.

1220. Reservation Fee for A C chair car [ ]

[A] 60 Rs [B] 50 Rs C] 40 Rs [D] 20 Rs.

1221. Reservation Fee for Sleeper (ordinary) class [ ]

[A] 60 Rs [B] 50 Rs C] 40 Rs [D] 20 Rs.

1222. What is the Carrying capacity of BCN wagon? [ ]

[A] 54.08T [B] 56.50T [C] 64.10T [D] 64.20T
1223. What is the Carrying capacity of BOXN wagon? [ ]
[A] 64.50T [B] 56.50T [C] 58.81T [D] 54.20T
1224. What is the Carrying capacity of BTPN wagon? [ ]
[A] 64.50T [B] 56.50T [C] 54.28T [D] 50.10T
1225. What is the Carrying capacity of BCNHL wagon? [ ]
[A] 70.8 T [B] 56.50T [C] 58.81T [D] 64.20T

1226. What is the Carrying capacity of BOXNHL wagon? [ ]

[A] 70.8 T [B] 56.50T [C] 60.78 T [D] 74.20T

1227. What is the Carrying capacity of BLCA wagon? [ ]

[A] 61 T [B] 56.50T [C] 60.78 T [D] 64.20T

1228. What is the Carrying capacity of BLCBM wagon? [ ]

[A] 61 T [B] 70 T [C] 60.78 T [D] 54.20T

1229. What is the seating capacity of FAC (ICF) (AC FIRST CLASS COACH) ? [ ]
[A] 18 seats/berths [B] 46 seats/berths [C] 64 seats/berths [D] 72 seats/berths

1230. What is the seating capacity of ACCW (ICF) (AC 2 TIER SLEEPER) ? [ ]
[A] 46 seats/berths [B]18 seats/ berths [C] 72 seats/ berths [D] 64 seats/ berths

1231. What is the seating capacity of ACCN (ICF) (AC 3 TIER SLEEPER) ? [ ]
[A] 46 seats/ berths [B]18 seats/ berths [C] 72 seats/ berths [D] 64 seats/ berths

1232. What is the seating capacity of GSCN(ICF) (3TIER SLEEPER COACH) ? [ ]

[A] 46 seats/ berths [B]18 seats/ berths [C] 72 seats/ berths [D] 64 seats/ berths

1233. What is the seating capacity of GS (ICF) (II CLASS COACH) ? [ ]

[A] 70 berths [B]18 seats [C] 90 seats [D] 30 berths

1234. What is the seating capacity of WCB (ICF) (Pantry Car) ? [ ]

[A] 22 berths [B]18 seats [C] 15 seats [D] 10 berths
1235. What is the seating capacity of GSCZ (ICF) (II CLASS DAY COACH) ? [ ]
[A] 70 berths [B] 108 seats [C] 90 seats [D] 108 berths

1236. What is the seating capacity of SLR(ICF) (II CLASS, LUGGAGE & BRAKE VAN) ? [ ]
[A] 70 berths [B] 42 seats [C] 90 seats [D] 42 berths

1237. What is the Maximum Speed of WAM4 LOCO(for coaching)? [ ]

[A]140 KMPH [B] 160 KMPH [C] 150 KMPH [D] 110 KMPH

1238. What is the HP of WAM4 LOCO(for coaching) ? [ ]

[A] 3640 T [B] 3240 T [C] 3540 T [D] 3140 T

1239. What is the Maximum Speed of WAG5 LOCO (for coaching & Freight)? [ ]
[A] 140 KMPH [B] 105 KMPH [C] 150 KMPH [D] 110 KMPH

1240. What is the HP of WAG5 LOCO (for coaching & Freight)? [ ]

[A] 3640 T [B] 3840 T [C] 3850 T [D] 3940 T

1241. What is the Maximum Speed of WAG7 LOCO (for Freight)? [ ]

[A] 100 KMPH [B] 105 KMPH [C] 150 KMPH [D] 110 KMPH

1242. What is the HP of WAG7 LOCO (for Freight)? [ ]

[A] 3640 T [B] 3840 T [C] 5000 T [D] 3940 T

1243. What is the Maximum Speed of WAP1 LOCO(for coaching) ? [ ]

[A] 100 KMPH [B] 105 KMPH [C] 150 KMPH [D] 130 KMPH

1244. What is the HP of WAP1 LOCO (for coaching)? [ ]

[A] 3640 T [B] 4620 T [C] 5000 T [D] 3640 T

1245. What is the Maximum Speed of WAP4 LOCO(for coaching)? [ ]

[A] 100 KMPH [B] 140 KMPH [C] 150 KMPH [D] 130 KMPH

1246. What is the HP of WAP4 LOCO (for coaching)? [ ]

[A] 3640 T [B] 4620 T [C] 5000 T [D] 3640 T

1247. What is the Maximum Speed of WAP5 LOCO(for coaching)? [ ]

[A] 100 KMPH [B]140 KMPH [C] 160 KMPH [D] 130 KMPH

1248. What is the HP of WAP5 LOCO (for coaching)? [ ]

[A] 5440 T [B] 4620 T [C] 5000 T [D] 3640 T

1249. What is the Maximum Speed of WAP7 LOCO (for coaching)? [ ]

[A] 130 KMPH [B] 140 KMPH [C] 160 KMPH [D] 120 KMPH

1250. What is the HP of WAP7 LOCO (for coaching)? [ ]

[A] 5440 T [B] 6120 T [C] 5000 T [D] 3640 T

1251. What is the Maximum Speed of WAG9 LOCO (for Freight)? [ ]

[A] 130 KMPH [B] 100 KMPH [C] 160 KMPH [D] 120 KMPH

1252. What is the HP of WAG9 LOCO (for Freight)? [ ]

[A] 5440 T [B] 5120 T [C] 6120 T [D] 3640 T
1253. What is the reservation fee & supplementary charges of AC- I class? [ ]
[A] Rs. 50 & Rs. 75 [B] Rs. 60 & Rs. 75 [C] Rs. 40 & Rs. 55 [D] Rs. 0 & Rs. 65

1254. What is the reservation fee & supplementary charges of AC- 2 Tier class? [ ]
[A] Rs. 50 & Rs. 75 [B] Rs. 40 & Rs. 75 [C] Rs. 50 & Rs. 45 [D] Rs. 0 & Rs. 65

1255. What is the reservation fee & supplementary charges of AC- 3 Tier class? [ ]
[A] Rs. 50 & Rs. 75 [B] Rs. 40 & Rs. 45 [C] Rs. 50 & Rs. 45 [D] Rs. 30 & Rs. 55

1256. What is the reservation fee & supplementary charges of AC- Chair Car class? [ ]
[A] Rs. 50 & Rs. 75 [B] Rs. 40 & Rs. 45 [C] Rs. 50 & Rs. 45 [D] Rs. 30 & Rs. 55

1257. What is the reservation fee & supplementary charges of Sleeper class (M/Exp)? [ ]
[A] Rs. 20 & Rs. 30 [B] Rs. 30 & Rs. 20 [C] Rs. 50 & Rs. 45 [D] Rs. 40 & Rs. 45

1258. What is the reservation fee & supplementary charges of Second Sitting class (M/Exp) ? [ ]
[A] Rs. 20 & Rs. 30 [B] Rs. 15 & Rs.15 [C] Rs. 50 & Rs. 45 [D] Rs. 20 & Rs. 20

1259. What is the seating capacity of FAC (LHB) (AC FIRST CLASS COACH)? [ ]
[A] 18 seats/berths [B] 24 seats/berths [C] 64 seats/berths [D] 72 seats/berths

1260. What is the seating capacity of ACCW (LHB) (AC 2 TIER SLEEPER)? [ ]
[A] 52 seats/berths [B]18 seats/ berths [C] 72 seats/ berths [D] 64 seats/ berths

1261. What is the seating capacity of ACCN (LHB) (AC 3 TIER SLEEPER)? [ ]
[A] 46 seats/ berths [B]18 seats/ berths [C] 72 seats/ berths [D] 64 seats/ berths

1262. What is the seating capacity of GSCN(LHB) (3TIER SLEEPER COACH)? [ ]

[A] 46 seats/ berths [B]18 seats/ berths [C] 72 seats/ berths [D] 80 seats/ berths

1263. What is the seating capacity of GSCZ (LHB) (SECOND CLASS COACH)? [ ]
[A] 78 seats [B] 106 seats [C] 72 seats [D] 80 seats


1 A 51 A 101 C 151 A 201 B 251 A 301 D

2 A 52 C 102 D 152 B 202 B 252 B 302 A
3 B 53 D 103 C 153 B 203 A 253 B 303 A
4 C 54 B 104 A 154 C 204 C 254 C 304 A
5 A 55 B 105 B 155 C 205 A 255 B 305 C
6 A 56 C 106 B 156 A 206 D 256 C 306 B
7 A 57 A 107 B 157 A 207 A 257 B 307 D
8 C 58 C 108 C 158 C 208 A 258 B 308 D
9 D 59 D 109 C 159 A 209 D 259 A 309 B
10 A 60 C 110 B 160 C 210 A 260 D 310 D
11 C 61 B 111 D 161 D 211 D 261 A 311 A
12 A 62 C 112 C 162 A 212 B 262 D 312 B
13 D 63 B 113 D 163 C 213 A 263 C 313 A
14 B 64 A 114 C 164 B 214 D 264 D 314 C
15 A 65 B 115 C 165 A 215 C 265 C 315 D
16 B 66 A 116 B 166 C 216 D 266 A 316 A
17 A 67 A 117 C 167 C 217 C 267 A 317 D
18 B 68 A 118 C 168 D 218 D 268 C 318 C
19 C 69 C 119 B 169 A 219 A 269 B 319 B
20 D 70 B 120 A 170 D 220 B 270 C 320 C
21 B 71 C 121 C 171 A 221 A 271 D 321 D
22 B 72 A 122 A 172 A 222 B 272 C 322 C
23 C 73 C 123 B 173 C 223 B 273 C 323 B
24 A 74 C 124 C 174 C 224 C 274 D 324 A
25 D 75 C 125 D 175 B 225 D 275 C 325 A
26 A 76 B 126 D 176 C 226 A 276 A 326 D
27 C 77 D 127 B 177 D 227 B 277 B 327 A
28 B 78 D 128 B 178 A 228 A 278 A 328 C
29 B 79 C 129 A 179 D 229 B 279 A 329 A
30 D 80 A 130 C 180 A 230 D 280 B 330 D
31 A 81 C 131 B 181 C 231 A 281 B 331 A
32 D 82 C 132 C 182 B 232 A 282 C 332 A
33 C 83 D 133 C 183 A 233 B 283 B 333 D
34 C 84 A 134 D 184 B 234 A 284 A 334 D
35 A 85 C 135 C 185 D 235 B 285 B 335 B
36 B 86 D 136 A 186 C 236 C 286 B 336 C
37 C 87 B 137 D 187 B 237 B 287 B 337 D
38 B 88 A 138 C 188 C 238 C 288 D 338 D
39 C 89 B 139 C 189 C 239 B 289 A 339 C
40 D 90 A 140 A 190 D 240 D 290 B 340 B
41 A 91 B 141 D 191 C 241 B 291 A 341 B
42 C 92 B 142 B 192 A 242 D 292 B 342 A
43 C 93 C 143 D 193 B 243 D 293 C 343 B
44 B 94 D 144 C 194 B 244 A 294 B 344 C
45 B 95 D 145 B 195 B 245 C 295 A 345 C
46 D 96 B 146 C 196 C 246 B 296 C 346 C
47 C 97 B 147 B 197 A 247 C 297 C 347 B
48 B 98 A 148 B 198 A 248 A 298 A 348 A
49 B 99 D 149 A 199 A 249 A 299 B 349 D
50 D 100 C 150 C 200 B 250 A 300 A 350 C
351 A 401 C 451 D 501 A 551 A 601 B 651 C
352 A 402 C 452 C 502 B 552 A 602 D 652 D
353 D 403 A 453 B 503 A 553 C 603 A 653 C
354 B 404 B 454 D 504 D 554 C 604 C 654 B
355 B 405 D 455 C 505 C 555 B 605 A 655 A
356 D 406 A 456 C 506 B 556 D 606 B 656 B
357 B 407 B 457 D 507 B 557 B 607 B 657 C
358 D 408 C 458 B 508 A 558 B 608 C 658 A
359 D 409 A 459 A 509 C 559 B 609 D 659 D
360 D 410 C 460 C 510 A 560 C 610 B 660 C
361 D 411 C 461 D 511 D 561 B 611 C 661 D
362 C 412 C 462 C 512 A 562 D 612 D 662 C
363 B 413 D 463 C 513 D 563 B 613 C 663 C
364 C 414 A 464 B 514 C 564 B 614 B 664 B
365 A 415 D 465 A 515 A 565 D 615 C 665 D
366 A 416 C 466 B 516 A 566 B 616 D 666 C
367 C 417 D 467 A 517 B 567 B 617 C 667 A
368 B 418 B 468 C 518 D 568 C 618 D 668 C
369 C 419 C 469 D 519 A 569 A 619 A 669 B
370 C 420 C 470 A 520 B 570 A 620 A 670 A
371 B 421 D 471 B 521 D 571 A 621 A 671 B
372 B 422 A 472 D 522 C 572 B 622 B 672 A
373 C 423 B 473 C 523 B 573 D 623 A 673 A
374 D 424 C 474 D 524 C 574 A 624 B 674 B
375 C 425 C 475 B 525 C 575 B 625 C 675 A
376 A 426 A 476 A 526 D 576 D 626 D 676 D
377 A 427 A 477 A 527 A 577 D 627 C 677 A
378 A 428 B 478 C 528 B 578 B 628 A 678 C
379 A 429 C 479 C 529 C 579 B 629 D 679 C
380 C 430 B 480 A 530 B 580 B 630 A 680 A
381 B 431 D 481 A 531 B 581 D 631 B 681 A
382 D 432 A 482 D 532 A 582 C 632 D 682 B
383 C 433 B 483 C 533 A 583 C 633 D 683 B
384 A 434 B 484 B 534 B 584 B 634 C 684 A
385 C 435 C 485 B 535 B 585 A 635 B 685 C
386 D 436 A 486 A 536 C 586 D 636 A 686 B
387 C 437 C 487 C 537 A 587 C 637 C 687 D
388 B 438 C 488 B 538 A 588 B 638 A 688 C
389 B 439 C 489 A 539 A 589 D 639 C 689 B
390 A 440 D 490 A 540 A 590 B 640 D 690 A
391 B 441 D 491 C 541 B 591 A 641 B 691 B
392 D 442 B 492 A 542 A 592 B 642 B 692 C
393 C 443 D 493 C 543 B 593 C 643 D 693 D
394 D 444 C 494 D 544 C 594 A 644 D 694 B
395 B 445 D 495 A 545 A 595 A 645 A 695 D
396 B 446 A 496 C 546 A 596 B 646 B 696 A
397 A 447 A 497 A 547 D 597 A 647 D 697 A
398 A 448 D 498 C 548 B 598 C 648 D 698 D
399 B 449 D 499 C 549 C 599 B 649 B 699 C
400 C 450 B 500 D 550 B 600 D 650 B 700 D
701 C 751 C 801 D 851 D 901 A 951 C 1001 A
702 B 752 D 802 C 852 C 902 A 952 A 1002 C
703 D 753 A 803 A 853 A 903 B 953 D 1003 B
704 C 754 C 804 C 854 B 904 A 954 B 1004 D
705 B 755 A 805 B 855 B 905 C 955 A 1005 B
706 A 756 C 806 A 856 A 906 C 956 C 1006 B
707 A 757 B 807 A 857 A 907 A 957 A 1007 C
708 C 758 C 808 C 858 C 908 A 958 C 1008 C
709 D 759 A 809 A 859 B 909 B 959 B 1009 A
710 B 760 A 810 B 860 D 910 A 960 D 1010 D
711 A 761 D 811 B 861 C 911 C 961 A 1011 B
712 D 762 B 812 B 862 B 912 D 962 C 1012 A
713 B 763 B 813 B 863 B 913 A 963 B 1013 B
714 C 764 B 814 C 864 A 914 D 964 D 1014 D
715 D 765 B 815 B 865 B 915 B 965 A 1015 C
716 C 766 B 816 A 866 A 916 C 966 B 1016 D
717 A 767 B 817 B 867 C 917 A 967 D 1017 A
718 C 768 B 818 A 868 B 918 C 968 A 1018 A
719 B 769 B 819 C 869 C 919 A 969 C 1019 A
720 A 770 A 820 A 870 A 920 B 970 C 1020 C
721 C 771 C 821 A 871 A 921 D 971 B 1021 D
722 B 772 C 822 A 872 C 922 A 972 D 1022 B
723 B 773 C 823 C 873 A 923 C 973 C 1023 A
724 C 774 C 824 B 874 B 924 D 974 B 1024 D
725 D 775 D 825 D 875 B 925 C 975 A 1025 B
726 A 776 A 826 A 876 B 926 D 976 C 1026 C
727 D 777 A 827 B 877 B 927 A 977 A 1027 B
728 B 778 D 828 D 878 C 928 C 978 B 1028 C
729 D 779 D 829 B 879 C 929 D 979 D 1029 B
730 B 780 B 830 D 880 C 930 C 980 C 1030 C
731 A 781 C 831 A 881 B 931 B 981 B 1031 D
732 C 782 B 832 A 882 A 932 D 982 A 1032 B
733 B 783 B 833 D 883 B 933 C 983 D 1033 C
734 C 784 C 834 C 884 B 934 D 984 C 1034 C
735 B 785 D 835 A 885 C 935 B 985 B 1035 A
736 C 786 C 836 A 886 B 936 C 986 C 1036 B
737 B 787 B 837 B 887 B 937 A 987 B 1037 D
738 A 788 C 838 C 888 C 938 A 988 A 1038 B
739 C 789 C 839 C 889 B 939 B 989 B 1039 D
740 A 790 D 840 C 890 C 940 D 990 B 1040 B
741 D 791 A 841 A 891 B 941 C 991 D 1041 C
742 A 792 D 842 B 892 B 942 D 992 C 1042 D
743 D 793 B 843 D 893 C 943 B 993 A 1043 C
744 D 794 B 844 C 894 C 944 C 994 A 1044 C
745 B 795 A 845 C 895 A 945 D 995 C 1045 A
746 C 796 A 846 A 896 C 946 C 996 C 1046 D
747 D 797 A 847 B 897 C 947 B 997 A 1047 A
748 B 798 C 848 B 898 B 948 B 998 D 1048 D
749 A 799 D 849 A 899 B 949 D 999 D 1049 C
750 B 800 C 850 A 900 C 950 A 1000 B 1050 A
1051 D 1101 C 1151 B 1201 B 1251 B
1052 C 1102 B 1152 B 1202 D 1252 C
1053 D 1103 D 1153 B 1203 D 1253 B
1054 A 1104 B 1154 D 1204 A 1254 C
1055 D 1105 B 1155 C 1205 B 1255 B
1056 A 1106 B 1156 D 1206 C 1256 B
1057 C 1107 B 1157 C 1207 D 1257 A
1058 A 1108 D 1158 B 1208 D 1258 B
1059 A 1109 B 1159 B 1209 B 1259 B
1060 C 1110 B 1160 C 1210 D 1260 A
1061 D 1111 B 1161 D 1211 B 1261 C
1062 D 1112 A 1162 C 1212 A 1262 D
1063 C 1113 A 1163 D 1213 A 1263 B
1064 C 1114 D 1164 B 1214 A
1065 A 1115 C 1165 C 1215 A
1066 B 1116 B 1166 A 1216 A
1067 C 1117 D 1167 B 1217 B
1068 B 1118 B 1168 B 1218 B
1069 B 1119 D 1169 A 1219 C
1070 A 1120 C 1170 A 1220 C
1071 D 1121 D 1171 B 1221 D
1072 B 1122 C 1172 C 1222 A
1073 C 1123 A 1173 A 1223 C
1074 C 1124 C 1174 D 1224 C
1075 A 1125 C 1175 D 1225 A
1076 D 1126 B 1176 A 1226 A
1077 A 1127 D 1177 B 1227 A
1078 C 1128 D 1178 C 1228 B
1079 A 1129 D 1179 A 1229 A
1080 B 1130 B 1180 C 1230 A
1081 C 1131 C 1181 C 1231 D
1082 D 1132 D 1182 C 1232 C
1083 C 1133 B 1183 B 1233 C
1084 B 1134 C 1184 B 1234 A
1085 A 1135 C 1185 D 1235 B
1086 C 1136 B 1186 D 1236 B
1087 B 1137 C 1187 D 1237 D
1088 D 1138 A 1188 A 1238 A
1089 B 1139 B 1189 C 1239 B
1090 A 1140 D 1190 C 1240 C
1091 A 1141 D 1191 C 1241 A
1092 B 1142 A 1192 C 1242 C
1093 C 1143 B 1193 C 1243 D
1094 C 1144 A 1194 B 1244 B
1095 B 1145 C 1195 A 1245 B
1096 C 1146 B 1196 B 1246 C
1097 D 1147 B 1197 D 1247 C
1098 D 1148 C 1198 B 1248 A
1099 C 1149 B 1199 B 1249 A
1100 D 1150 B 1200 D 1250 B

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