Mil Module q2

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CVE Colleges, Inc.

T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon

Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Media and Information

Prepared by:

Ms. Jellie Ann A. Dayawon

CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

 Cite an example of an issue showing the power of media and information to affect change.
 Discuss the implication of media and information to an individual and the society.

You have learned in the previous modules that all media messages are constructed – creators make
choices each step of the way, from their work’s purpose and focus to the point of view they use to relay
their message. Media, as a vehicle of these constructed messages, hold substantial influence on the
opinion or belief of a person or even of the public, as humans are, intrinsically, easily persuaded by the
views or choices of the majority.

Moreover, the revolution in media, information, and technology has had direct implications in the
shaping of a society’s systemic landscape both in positive and negative ways.

In this module, you will further look into the media’s impact and contribution particularly the
opportunities and advancements media and information puts on the table as well as the risks and
challenges that come with it. In addition, this module will discuss in detail the overall implications of
media and information to you as an individual and to the society as a whole.

Lesson 1: Opportunities, Challenges, and Power of Media

and Information

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 Realize the opportunities and challenges in media and information;

 Research and cite recent examples of the power of media and information to affect change;
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Informational (Social Media and the Web)

Whether we like it or not, the advent of the Internet has forced practically almost everyone to
migrate to the virtual world especially when most of the information we need now is available via the
Internet. Today the World Wide Web is at the forefront of information providers given its multimedia
format which have “enriched information through synergy of text, audio, image, and video (Liquigan,
2016).” The new media has enabled audiences to faster, easier, and more efficient access and utilization
of data and information especially that search engines have made information seeking and retrieval
more interacting, engaging, and convenient. It also links users through the vast networks of
communication platforms such as e-mail, Internet search, and messaging application. Moreover, the
Internet has afforded the audiences to a world that connects people and share cultures transcending
physical boundaries.

Aside from the Web, one of our most accessed source of information is social media.

Study the table below for the challenges and opportunities that you as a netizen face in the
midst of your engagement with social media (Liquigan, 2016).

The Challenges/Opportunities of Social Media

In terms of: Challenges /opportunities

Collaborative Projects enable the joint and The joint effort of many actors leads to a
projects simultaneous creation of better outcome than any actor could
content by many end-users achieve individually.

Wikis-Websites which allow From a corporate perspective firms must

users to add, remove, and be aware that collaborative projects are
change text-based content trending toward becoming the main
e.g., online encyclopedia source of information for many
Wikipedia currently available consumers.
in more than 230 different
Blogs Special types of websites that Many companies are already using blogs
usually display date-stamped to update employees, customers, and
entries in reverse chronological shareholders on developments they
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

order. consider to be important.

The social media equivalent [It is risky because] customers

of personal web pages and who turn out to be dissatisfied with or
can come in a multitude of disappointed by the company’s offerings
different variations, from may decide to engage in virtual complaints
personal diaries describing in the form of
the author’s life to protest websites or blogs which
summaries of all relevant results in the availability of
information in one specific potentially damaging information in online
content area space
Content Main objective of content From a corporate viewpoint, content
Communities communities is the sharing off communities carry the risk of being used
media content between users. as platforms for the sharing of copyright-
protected materials
Exist for a wide range of different
media types including text, While major content communities have
photos, videos, and PowerPoint rules in place to ban and remove such
presentations. illegal content, it is difficult to avoid
popular videos being uploaded only hours
after they have been aired on television.

On the positive side, the high popularity of

content communities makes them a very
attractive contact channel for many firms.

Other firms rely on content communities

to share recruiting videos, as well as
keynote speeches and press
announcement, with their employees and
Social Networking Applications that enable users to High popularity, specifically among
Sites connect by creating personal younger Internet users.
information profiles, inviting
friends and colleagues to have
access to those profiles, and
sending e-mails and instant
messages between each other.

Can include any type of

information, including photos,
video, audio files, and blogs.
Source: Media and Information Literacy (Liquigan, 2016)

On the other hand, still because of all the information and data right at the audience’s disposal,
Cybercrime has also been one of the greatest challenges in media and information. According to the
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Department of Justice, Cybercrime is “a crime committed with or through the use of information and
communication technologies such as radio, television, cellular phone, computer and network and other
communication device or application.”

According to the 2001 Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, criminal offenses in cyberspace include:

1. Offenses against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and systems;
2. Computer-related offenses;
3. Content-related offenses; and
4. Offenses related to infringements of copyright and related right

Economic (Business and Marketing)

To put up a business means having to disburse money. It’s an expensive endeavor. Starting a
business is one thing, but sustaining and marketing your business is another. In the old days, traditional
marketing mediums such as print and broadcast were very costly, and actually even until now. Due to
the impact of social media as a new medium, the relationship between brands and consumers have
changed a lot. Now, through social media marketing, business owners can connect with their target
consumers for free through using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc., and can
significantly lower their marketing costs.

The New Media also allows them to see what potential customer’s opinions are and network
with them as well. It creates a platform for discourse and lets the business owners respond to customer
grievances, questions, and concerns almost instantly. Businesses will always be connecting with
customers, both actual and potential ones, and social media enable for a more fast and cost-efficient

However, its opportunities are also its disadvantages. First, because connection to customers is
put on a priority, you may have to spend more time being active in social media answering queries,
responding to feedbacks, and updating your online presence with creative marketing content. This may
be a challenge for some as this is time-consuming and may compromise the time you get to use for
actual work or production instead. Moreover, the ability for new media to cater online feedback may
also pose a challenge as they can also spread bad things from your product or brand. Competitors may
also be lurking around studying your business.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]


Media and information have made a radical impact on education (Gonzales, 2016). Today,
learning has never been easier and faster. When we talk about education, we usually refer to its most
technical sense, “the knowledge, skill, and understanding that you get from attending a school, college,
or university (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary).” In the past decades, society has been limited with the
idea that people can only learn and get education through sitting and listening lectures in a classroom,
passing exams, or making projects. Today, learning and education has taken a whole new meaning with
media and information.

At present, the advancement in media tools and information dissemination has made learning
and education resources more open and free for public use. What we had to research in the library
before can already be sought through your laptop or phone today.

Thanks to the internet, a learner may also get information from a wide variety of sources like e-
books, articles, videos, and the like. Furthermore, it has also opened the opportunity for various modes
of learning to exist, both in formal and non-formal arrangements. One of the growing trend in education
is distance or online learning where students need not attend classes physically, instead, register to
online courses or programs and attend in such even in the comfort of their homes.

This is especially beneficial to people who are constrained by their schedules or due to some
personal reasons. The convenience, abundance, and interconnection, aspect of media and information
for education are opportunities worth taking advantage of (Gonzales, 2016).

However, the opportunities that media and information brought has also opened several
challenges. For instance, the problem with overflowing information available for public use is people
having to assess and evaluate the usefulness and credibility of the information on their hands. It is
unfortunate though that people in some communities, especially rural ones, doesn’t even have the
chance to evaluate information because they have no access to such technology and data in the first
place. As the world and education rapidly progresses, people who have been left behind are even stuck
at a farther distance making it more difficult for them to catch up.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Political (Politics and Governance)

The communication of political information is an important process in the political system, and
the mass media play a central role in this activity (Coxall, et al, 2003). Media, as a vehicle in
communication, can provide the audience with news and information which will help them develop
more informed opinions and choices. For instance, during the election period, most of what the people
would know about political candidates and political parties are information we get from media which
often affects how they perceive a certain candidate or party, both positively and negatively. The media
also acts as a watchdog which monitors the conduct and governance of elected government officials. In
today’s politics and society at large, media is essential to safeguarding the transparency of democratic

Through media and more information provided to the public, a bigger platform for political
discussions has also been opened. This validates that “the media assist the working of a democratic
system through facilitating free speech and unrestricted public debate (Coxall, et al, 2003).”

On the other way around, politics can also have an effect on media as, at times, although not
explicitly, powerful political figures and even the government can manipulate or influence media’s
content. This kind of media regulation can be best seen in communist systems like of North Korea’s
where the government enforces rules and regulations governing the media industry and prescribing the
kind of information they are allowed to broadcast. This is one of the challenges of media as an element
in politics, the truth or information the media disseminates may be manipulated by external factors. In
example of this is what we call propaganda, a communication that is primarily used to influence an
audience and further an agenda thus, information may be made incomplete, twisted or presented

The interrelationship between media and politics provides a fair foundation in the function of
media as a source of information (Gonzales, 2016). However, today, the widening gap between the
media, the government, and the public’s trust is becoming a pressing challenge.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Social (Citizen Engagement and Social Change)

Have you ever heard of ABS-CBN’s “Bayan mo, IpatrolMo!” Program where ordinary citizens
send reports, photos, videos, of problems in their communities, issues they want to put the spotlight on,
or advocacies they want to promote. How about this, have you ever noticed that news organizations
now are using photos and footages from ordinary citizens when reporting for a story? Have you ever
wondered at what point did ordinary citizens take part in providing information for mass broadcast? This
trend is brought about by advancements in technology and the fast and widespread dissemination of
information. This is what we call citizen journalism.

As defined by Encyclopedia Britannica, citizen journalism is “journalism that is conducted by

people who are not professional journalists but who disseminate information using Web sites, blogs,
and social media.” Citizen journalism is one of the biggest opportunities in media and information as it
encourages ordinary citizens to take part in the news production process. It gives the then-receivers an
opportunity to become news producers as well. Moreover, it also urges them to be more wary and
mindful of the things happening around them and gives them the confidence to speak out when they
see something wrong. According to TCC Group, their work revealed that media influences an audience
(i.e., affects change) through a flow, illustrated in the diagram below.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

As opposed to the traditional communication process where the message to be sent is usually
found at the middle, this flow reveals that there may be several entry points of targeted contents and
media audiences may start at various points along the flow. This means that some may just be aware of
an issue or topic, some may actually understand it, or some are just acquainted with it because of
emotional connection. Whatever the case is, “content can individually and collectively (as part of a
campaign) serve to affect an increase in audience understanding and help foster an emotional
connection between the audience and the issue being presented (Gasper 2016).”

Several events in history proved this to be true, that media, as a vehicle of these targeted
contents, brought about action and mobilization. In fact, history have concretely showed society how
media can be a powerful tool for social change and mass revolution. The speed at which information is
spread through social media is the main reason why platforms such as Facebook or Twitter have had
increasingly large roles in civil society, even fueling revolution. Check out the powerful ways social media
has been used to create change around the world.

1. Libyan Revolution – When official media outlets like television and print media were controlled
by the state, social media became the reliable source of information for the revolutionaries and
even a platform used to distribute information and firsthand accounts of what was going on
within the country. As a result, media tools like tablets and phones played crucial roles in the
2. Arab Spring – In 2011, an online frenzy of activity commenced a revolution in Egypt which saw
more than 3 million tweets on Twitter, hundreds of hours of YouTube video, and countless posts
on Facebook and blogs which told stories of the revolution from citizens who needed to get
their voices heard.
3. Ukrainian Revolution – In Ukraine, much like traditional revolutions, protesters line the streets
to call for social change. Nonetheless, social media still played a role in the movement as
protester used socmed as a strategic tool for communication, using platforms such as Twitter
and Facebook to organize thousands of like-minded individuals.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Apart from mass protests, calls for social change may also be in the form of what we call as social
marketing. Social marketing refers to using business and marketing techniques to encourage people in
adopting certain behaviors that would lead to better physical and mental health, and eventually to wide-
scale social change.

On the other hand, although media has the ability to bring people together, conversely, it also has
the potential to bring people apart, attitude and ideology-wise. As earlier mentioned, social media and
the World Wide Web offers the audience a wider avenue for intellectual discussion and productive
conversations. However, due to the influx of various differing ideas, the broadening problem of
polarization has been one of the undeniable challenges in media and information. Because of the
differences of views and opinions of the audience, a culture of social division is becoming evident and is
taking a toll on unity and even social trust.

In April 2016, the World Economic Forum published an article titled “6 ways media is changing
the world” which reports the following:

Around the world, billions of us use social medial every day, and that number just keeps
growing. In fact, it’s estimated that by 2018, 2.44 billion people will be using social networks, up from
970,000 in 2010.

We use it for every part of our lives – in our personal relationships, for entertainment, at work
and in our studies. To put it into some context, every minute we collectively send more than 30 million
messages on Facebook and almost 350,000 tweets.

Did you know …

 More people own a mobile device than a toothbrush
 Facebook is the largest country on earth
 Grandparents are the fastest growing users on Twitter
 3x more for infographics than any other type of content
 By 2018 video will take over mobile usage

The article also discussed six observations and predictions for the way social media is changing the
world from experts from the Global Agenda Council.

1. Across industries, social media is going from a “nice to have” to an essential component of any
business strategy.
2. Social media platforms may be the banks of the future.
3. Social media is shaking up healthcare and public health.
4. Social media is changing how we govern and are governed.
5. Social media is helping us better respond to disasters.
6. Social media is helping us tackle some of the world’s biggest challenges, from human rights
violations to climate change.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Activity 1: Fill in this table with your personal view and experience regarding the
opportunities and challenges of media and information in the following aspects:

Aspects Opportunities Challenges






Activity 2: Look in the Past

As mentioned earlier, many events in the past showed us how media play a pivotal role in bringing
awareness and action addressing social and political issues around the world. In the Philippines, an
example of these events is the Million People March.

In this activity, you are to read the article below about the Million People March – what is was, how it
came to be, how it ended, and what role media and information played in between. Read, reflect, and
answer the guide questions that follow on a separate sheet of paper
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

The Million People March

August 17, 2013, a day after the Commission on Audit (COA) released a special report on the Priority Assistance
Development Fund (PDAF), saw how social media became a springboard for a mass protest. Calls for protest
began circulating on Facebook and Twitter after a series of exposés by the Philippine Daily Inquirer about a
mammoth scam involving Congress’ PDAF.

PDAF or more popularly known as the “pork barrel”, the term used to mean funds allocated to senators and
congressmen to be used in their pet development projects, sparked online outrage from the Filipinos because of
how, by nature, vulnerable it is to corruption and how it has become a fund source for some legislators. What
enraged citizens more was that then-President Benigno Aquino III earlier maintained that he wanted to keep the

Consequently, friends Arnold Pedrigal, Peachy Bretana, and Bernardo Bernardo, created a Facebook event page
to gather people who wanted the PDAF scrapped. They said they wanted a "massive pocket picnic" and to bring
one million people at the Luneta Park on August 26. Astonishingly, the #MillionPeopleMarch surfaced by August
18 and immediately dominated Twitter.

This hashtag, together with #PDAFKalampag and #ScrapPork, flooded Twitter and FB feeds with over 140,000
social media mentions as of 8PM of August 26. Many Filipinos expressed their anger through creating blogs,
pages, advertisements and even memes to show that they agree to the idea of stopping the Pork Barrel Fund.

Although the movement originally called to bring in a million people to march against the graft-tainted pork
barrel fund, it has still been deemed a success as the online campaign was actualized with 80,000 100,000
people at Luneta according to the police. This number included professionals, students, workers, priests, nuns
and even civic and showbiz personalities. The movement was even emulated on a smaller-scale in other cities
across the country and in various cities around the world where there are concentrations of Filipinos.

In the face of the mass’ growing collective anger, President Aquino announced that he was suspending the
releases of money and vowed to reform the system. After the protests, senators also released statements
acknowledging the legitimacy of protesters’ call to abolish lawmakers’ Priority Development Assistance Fund
(PDAF) or pork barrel.

This was the Million People March – a tale of how a group of 3’s call to reform in social media sparked a crusade
against corruption, a movement actualized on the ground.

Sources: Hundreds of thousands join people’s march against pork barrel
Online and offline success

Guideline questions:
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

1. What was the “Million People March” all about?

2. Who initiated the movement?
3. What role did media play in the conception and actualization of the Million People March?

4. What was the outcome of the Million People March movement? Was it successful in terms of
achieving its goals?

5. What can you recommend for the betterment of mass media-assisted campaigns such as the
Million People March?

Activity 3: Analyze the cartoon below and answer the guide questions that follow.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Guide questions:

1. What is the message in this cartoon


2. Is the situation about media depicted in the cartoon true in the Philippines? Why or why not?

3. Does the cartoon show a challenge or an opportunity? Why do you say so?
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Activity 4: Understanding the opportunities and challenges of media and information is

best done by reflecting on how it exists in your life. With this, in the table below, write what you think
are the opportunities (positive effects) or challenges (threats or negative effects) brought by media (new
and traditional) and information citing personal experiences or examples.

Media and Information

Opportunities Challenges

Activity 5: Research work

Research a news article (2015 up to present) on the internet about an event that that shows the power
of media and information to affect change or an event where media and information was instrumental
in making a change.
Attach you printed/written answer in this module.

1. Copy and paste the article on a short bond paper.

2. Cite the source of the news using APA style.
3. Write a summary and a reaction about the article.
4. Answer the following guide questions:
 What media is important or instrumental in the course of event?
 Why do you think the identified media was instrumental or very important in this event?
 Was the outcome a positive or a negative change? Explain your answer.

 Describe the impact of massive open on-line

Technological advancements, digitization, and the Internet is swiftly changing the nature of
information production, consumption, and sharing. With this, even the economic, societal, political, and
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

educational landscapes of society has been aligning its mechanisms and policies to the realities in the
Information Age. In a fast-paced era of information and technology, society is left with only two choices:
adapt to change or get left behind. As such, MIL encourages us to learn the current trends in Media and
Information as well as anticipate what may come in the future so that we may understand, as
consumers, in what ways we can adapt to and maximize the innovations of these changing times.

In Lesson 1, you have learned that media and information open both opportunities and challenges
for you as an individual and to the society in general. Media as well carry with them meaning – even
powerful ones – that can influence media and information consumers’ attitudes, behavior, and views. As
a digital native and a media and information literate individual, you are expected to manage its
challenges and make the best use of its opportunities. In this lesson, we will focus on these
developments, specifically the current trends of media and information, how it plays a role in the Digital
Era and realize how they shape people’s media experience and influence information needs.

Lesson 2: Current and Future Trends of Media and


At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 Evaluate current trends in media and information and how it will affect/how they affect
individuals and the society as a whole;
 Describe massive open on-line;
 Predict future media innovation
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Media and information, much like almost anything in the world, is a dynamic and developing
entity. It is ever-changing in nature – a product of continuous improvement. Here, you will explore more
of these developments and visualize what the future may bring in terms of the trends in media and

Activity 1: Watch the video lifted from YouTube entitled “massive open online course”
with the link

Massive Open Online Courses

EDUCAUSE, a nonprofit organization composed of IT leaders and professionals, defines MOOC as “a
model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit on

Furthermore, MOOCs can be characterized by the following:

1. A revolutionary approach to education that transitions from physical setting to a virtual set-up
2. A kind of learning that is facilitated online, breaking the norm of having to physically go to
traditional schools or universities for higher education
3. Utilizes information technologies like analytics to help instructors evaluate their students’
4. Emphasizes connectedness (Gonzales, 2016)

MOOCS are asynchronous, open-access, Web-based courses geared toward enrolling hundreds or
thousands of students at a time. MOOCs deliver content via recorded video lectures, online readings,
and online assessments, as well as various degrees of student-student and student-instructor interaction
(Kurt, 2018). People enroll in MOOCs for a range of purposes including: Career development, college
preparations, supplemental learning, lifelong learning, corporate training, and more.

There is a distinction though as to whether an online learning material or program is considered as a

MOOC. Here are a number of features that are typically required for a course to be considered a MOOC:

1. Massive - It should allow access to a very large number of students, much larger than a face-to-
face class, or a traditional online course. It can even reach up to 500,000 learners or more!
2. Open – It does not have an admission process nor qualifications to be able to register or enroll.
MOOCs being open also means free and open access to educational resources hosted in varied
online places.
3. Online – The course is done remotely via the Internet and does not require physical attendance
at a classroom which also means that anyone from anywhere around the world with an Internet
connection can avail of these courses.
4. Courses - It should have learning objectives to be achieved by students after certain activities
within in a given period of time.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

MOOCs are made and hosted by universities and companies through open enrollment or open
registration. However, most of these institutions do not host MOOCs under their organization per se but
rely on course providers such as Coursera, edX, Udacity, and many others. They range in length from 1
to 16 weeks (Bowden, 2019). While others run on a schedule, MOOCs remain flexible letting you
progress through them at your own pace, that means you are able to study and go through the lessons
and activities according to your time, schedule, and pacing. Like in a traditional classroom, students will
also be graded through quizzes, assignments or activity. However, these may come as peer review which
are graded by other students according to a rubric or automatically-marked tests which are graded
directly upon submission.

MOOCs offer a strong starting point for a number of reasons, including:

1. Lack of entry requirements – a MOOC can be taken by anyone who is interested in the subject
matter and able to access the course, regardless of age, background, or location
2. Repetition – a MOOC will often run two or three times a year, ensuring that students won’t miss
their chance
3. High quality – MOOCs are led by subject matter experts (SMEs) and supported by teaching
assistants, so that students have access to first-rate educational resources
4. Feasibility – a MOOC usually necessitates around 1-2 hours of study a week for about 5 weeks,
making learning doable for students with busy lives
5. Self-paced but supported learning – a MOOC enables students to work through the course
materials and assessments at their own rates while also interacting with a global learning
community (Kurt, 2018).

In sum, MOOCs are a game-changer for higher education. The large scale availability, the low
cost to students, the questions raised around credentialing, and the analytics that MOOCs provide all
create a momentum for new pathways to education. Check out an example of a MOOC below:

Course provider Course title

Registration link
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Course description

Course objective

Other details about course

Screenshot from edX Online Course: How to Write an Essay May 30, 2020
(Retrieved from

Here is a list of 10 of the leading MOOC providers that feature courses offered by accredited and
elite Universities from around the globe.

1. Coursera

Watch short video lectures, take interactive quizzes,

complete peer graded assessments, and connect with
fellow learners and instructors.

Finish your course and receive formal recognition for

your accomplishment with an optional Verified

4 key ideas that were influential in shaping our vision:

Effectiveness of online learning - classes with online learning have been shown to produce
stronger student outcomes that face-to-face only.
Mastery learning - to help learners fully understand a topic before moving onto a more
advanced topic.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Peer assessments - have been shown in many studies to result in accurate feedback for the
learner and a valuable learning experience for the grader.
Blended learning - has been shown in studies to increase student engagement, attendance
and performance.

2. edX

Institutional partners, the xConsortium, along with other

leading global members, we present the best of higher
education online, offering opportunity to anyone who
wants to achieve, thrive, and grow.

Aim is to become a leading resource for learners and learning worldwide by staying focused
on the goals and principles set forth when forming edX:

Expand access to education for everyone
Enhance teaching and learning on campus and online
Advance teaching and learning through research

Open source platform
Financially sustainable

3. Udacity

Believe that higher education is a basic human right, and

we seek to empower our students to advance their
education and careers.

Students acquire real skills through a series of online

courses and hands-on projects.

Building an online university, "by Silicon Valley", that:

 teaches the skills that industry employers need today
 delivers credentials endorsed by employers
 educates at a fraction of the cost of traditional schools
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

4. FutureLearn

Believe learning should be an enjoyable, social

experience, so our courses offer the opportunity to
discuss what you’re learning with others as you go,
helping you make fresh discoveries and form new ideas.

We’re a private company wholly owned by The Open University, with the benefit of over 40
years of their experience in distance learning and online education.

We have 40 partners from the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. These include
many of the best UK and international universities, as well as institutions with a huge
archive of cultural and educational material, such as the British Council, the British Library,
the British Museum, and the National Film and Television School.

5. NovoEd

Committed to being on the cutting edge of innovation in

pedagogy, and our platform is the only one designed to
connect students to each other and to their instructors
around content at scale.

We help learners foster the competencies of creative thinking, collaboration, and

communication in practice.

Our courses are built on sound pedagogical foundations to help you learn to be a better
team player, creative thinker and problem solver in an active, social, learning environment.
Our innovative technology keeps you connected with other students so that you can
exchange ideas, work on group projects, get feedback, and form relationships with other
learners that last well beyond the course's end.

6. Iversity
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Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Our aim is not to replace universities, but to empower

academics. is the European platform for online learning
that enables universities to share a broad range courses
with students from around the globe, providing them
with the opportunity to earn recognized credentials, no
matter where they are.
We work in close cooperation with instructors, higher education institutions and knowledge-
based companies to provide high-quality courses that are engaging, interactive and fun.

Iversity makes higher education more accessible, more affordable and more personalized.
With cultural sensitivity and passionate commitment, it is our goal to bring higher education
into the digital age. We are young and thrive on experimentation: we optimize our
technology and didactical methods to deliver the best possible online education experience.
In other words, we practice what we teach: lifelong learning.

7. Canvas
Canvas Network offers open, online courses taught by
educators everywhere.
We provides a place and platform where teachers,
students, and institutions worldwide can connect and
chart their own course for personal growth, professional
development, and academic inquiry.
Canvas Network is developed and supported by Instructure, a technology company that
partners with educators, institutions, and technologists to break down barriers to learning.

While other platforms offer only a subset of online teaching tools, Canvas Network provides
all the ease and functionality of Canvas, the LMS that makes teaching and learning easier for
more than 12 million users.

8. Open2Study
Believe in the idea that connecting with other students is
a powerful way to learn.
Unlike students from other platforms, about one in five
Open2Study students are not only completing their
subjects, they’re also passing.

It’s about finding the right topics at the right level, creating short easy to digest videos
and offering a classroom designed to give you everything you need at your fingertips.
Open2Study tries to remove the barriers that can make people hesitant to try online
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

9. Open Learning

OpenLearning is an online learning platform that goes

beyond content delivery to focus on community,
connectedness, and student engagement.

We understand that for students to learn deeply, they need to be active, engaged,
inspired, and involved. They need to interact with their peers, connect dots between new
and current knowledge and they need to have fun in the process!

The OpenLearning philosophy, which governs the design of the platform's student and
teacher experience is based on the pedagogical foundations of:
 Student empowerment, to foster deeper learning through intrinsic motivation,
 Authentic, active learning experiences which go beyond publishing content,
 Community and connectedness, to provide a social platform with the best support,
encouragement, knowledge sharing, and engagement.
 We are both the Learning Environment and the Student Hangout.
Traditional education providers view these as separate spaces; we see them as the same

10. Udemy Faculty Project

We’re the world’s online learning marketplace, where 6 million+
students are taking courses in everything from programming to
yoga to photography–and much, much more. Each of our 25,000+
courses is taught by an expert instructor, and every course is
available on-demand, so students can learn at their own pace, on
their own time, and on any device.
The Faculty Project is devoted to courses by professors at a number of top institutions,
such as Colgate, Duke University, Stanford University, Northwestern University, Vanderbilt
University, the University of Virginia, Dartmouth College and Vassar College. While Udemy is
a for-profit enterprise, the Faculty Project courses will be free forever.

The courses, available to students on demand, include discussion boards for interaction
with other students and professors, videos, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, articles, and
other resources. The project creates an incredible and unprecedented opportunity to share
lessons that empower and inspire people to improve their lives and change their worlds.
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Activity 2: Answer the questions briefly in your own words.

1. What is the impact of MOOC in information access?


2. Can MOOCs replace the traditional mode of information and knowledge delivery? Expound your

3. Are MOOCs potentially harmful to copyright? Why or why not?


Wearable technology

Also known as wearable or fashion technology, wearable technology is a general term which
encompasses a field of smart devices that are worn on the body. This technology is also considered as a
trend in media and information as with it, people and access information through media in a much
faster manner.
Earlier versions of wearable were devices clipped to the body or on pieces of clothing. Today,
however, advancements in technology allowed powerful sensors to have direct contact with the skin.
Thus, the tech gravitated to other body parts: the wrists, fingers, chest, forearms, ears, eyes, forehead,
temple and anywhere else you can think of (yes, even those parts).
According to Wearable Devices magazine (Liquigan, 2016), the characteristics of wearable include the
 Performing computer-related tasks such as laptops and mobile phones
 Provide sensory and scanning features
 Have some form of communication capability and will allow the wearer access to information in
real time
 Data-input capabilities
 Local storage capabilities
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Wearable technology is growing to be one of the fastest-rising innovation in the ICT industry. The
new age of wearable are loaded with smart sensors that track our movements and biometrics, often
using Bluetooth to sync wirelessly to a smartphone. Others also rely on
Wi-Fi connectivity and standalone mobile 4G LTE data connections. Wearable also use sensors to
connect to you as a person, helping you to achieve goals such as staying fit and active, losing weight,
being more organized or tracking your overall mental and physical health. In the case of VR and AR
heads-up displays, they’re providing a wealth of new entertainment and educational opportunities, as
well as enhancing the world around us (Smith, 2019).
Different fields such as in gaming, music, entertainment, health and medicine, fitness and wellness,
education, transportation, and many others, have slowly started to adapt to the use of this technology.
Let’s look at these examples of wearable tech:

1. Smartwatch
Smartwatches are wrist-worn devices that connect to your
mobile phone. As they are synced to your smart phone, it allows
you to see notifications on your wrist at a glance. This
technology eases the burden of having to constantly open and
check you smartphone text messages, e-mails, or other
notifications. It can even track your physical activity!

Most smartwatches rely on a smartphone to function, which also means the model you choose
will depend on your phone. For example, the Apple Watch can only be synced with an iPhone,
while Android Wear devices—such as the Moto 360 and Samsung Gear—can only be connected
to Android phones.

2. Fitness trackers and sports watches

Whether for formal training or just trying to be active and fit,

fitness trackers and sports watches help you get a better
understanding of your fitness activities. According to GCF Global,
they can track the number of steps you take, your average heart
rate, how long you sleep, and more.

This data can then be synced with another device, which allows you to see trends and patterns
in your activity. For example, you could find out how far you've walked over the past week or
estimate how many calories you've burned in a day.

3. Smartglasses
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Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

No longer do your specs just help you see things mmore clearly:
smart glasses can link up with your phone, control the volume of
your music and even take photographs (Stevens, 2018). Google
Glass was the first to launch this technology in 2013.

Basically, it brings wireless connectivity and imaging into the frames and lenses of our eyewear,
controls that we can only usually do on our smartphones and computers. So instead of a
keyboard or mouse, you can control smart glasses by tapping or swiping control built into the
frame or even verbalizing your commands as you do with Alexa and Siri.

4. Hearables

Most have had or known earphones and headphones

throughout their lives. Today, these devices, like the ones we
previously discussed, have now also utilized wireless
connectivity as well. These hearables work just like the
traditional earphones and headphones but are already wireless
and are worn in the ear.

The most popular example is Apple’s AirPods, those true wireless earphones that offer quick
access to the Siri voice assistant. However, these hearable aren’t only for music or
entertainment but some are actually used as smart hearing aids.

5. VR Headsets

VR or Virtual Reality headsets are devices connected to a

PC/games console and show you a computer-generated virtual
reality that fools you sight and your brain into thinking you are
in a different scenario.

Today, many industries and fields are using and developing more innovations of these wearable
tech especially in the health care industry where they’re looking into devices that could be used
to monitor things like blood pressure, vital signs, or blood sugar levels for diabetics. From the
basic fitness trackers and highly-advanced sports and smartwatches, to virtual and augmented
reality headsets, wearables are definitely establishing their names.
As such, wearable technology will most likely continue to have an impact to modern society
especially given its efficient use and aesthetic quality.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

3D Environment

3D or three-dimensional in its literal sense refers to anything that has a width, height, and depth
(Gonzales, 2016). The physical world, the realm we live in including us humans, are examples of 3D
environments. This technological concept of a 3D environment is explored to imitate and simulate the
physical world through media. Most common examples of this are computer animations in video games
and TV shows. Films have been also among the most common media modalities that employ 3D. 3D
films make objects in their material appear solid to the audience through the illusion of perception
(Gonzales, 2016). If you have been to one of these 3D films, you are made to wear special 3D glasses
which directs each of your eyes to see a slightly different picture. According to American Paper Optics, a
manufacturer of 3D eyewear, “this is done in the real world by your eyes being spaced apart so each eye
has its own slightly different view. The brain then puts the two pictures together to form one 3D image
that has depth to it.

Another 3D technology, which have existed for actually quite a while now, is 3D printing. This
innovation brings digital data and design to the physical world – literally. Simply put, it brings your
design to life! According to The University of Tennessee Knoxville, 3D printing “creates objects by
bonding the print material one layer at a time. They work by making use of 3D design files, such as those
created in AutoCAD or similar applications. These files are processed by specialized software that slices
the data into cross sections. The printer uses this data to build the desired object from the bottom up
one layer at a time.” Unlike laser printers that utilize inks, 3D printers “prints” in layers of material like
plastic, metal, and concrete.

Overall, 3D environment has been already widely used because it gives the audience or the
users a more engaging and enjoyable media experience because the images and videos are in three-
dimensional rendering – meaning it’s as if we’re looking at something real!

Ubiquitous Learning

Ubiquitous Learning or u-learning is a kind of e-learning experience that “implies a vision of learning
which is connected across all the stages on which we play out our lives. Learning occurs not just in
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

classrooms, but in the home, the workplace, the playground, the library, museum, and nature center,
and in our daily interactions with others (Bruce, 2009).”

Compared to mobile learning and e-learning, it is a more context-based approach and more adaptive to
the needs and pacing of the learner.

U-learning is a kind of wireless modality where learning takes place at anytime, anywhere, and
with anyone. It benefits from the use of technologies to implement the learning activities and achieve
learning objectives. These technologies incorporate learning materials such as videos, audios,
PowerPoint presentations, or notes with embedded source data in them (Liquigan, 2016). It is a very
personalized and dynamic mechanism that uses devices integrated into the students’ environment.
Furthermore, u-learning maximizes the use of any form of media like media like mobile phones and
computers for an efficient use.

However, in the Philippine setting especially in the public education system, most u-learning
tools fail to endure because of the lack of resources and thus, not effectively sustaining the actual needs
of the students. It is, nevertheless, still a promising endeavor that both private and public education
institutions hope to embark on.

Activity 3: Answer the questions briefly in your own words.

1. How has wearable technology revolutionized the way people access information?
2. How does a 3D environment affect the audience’s media experience?

3. How does ubiquitous learning (u-learning) impact the traditional mode of learning?
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Paperless society
A call for faster transactions and greener mechanisms brought paperless transactions as a viable
and useful practice in society. A paperless society is a society where communication and transactions are
done electronically or digitally and all forms of printed communication have become obsolete. It is
characterized by the shift from letters to e-mails, newspapers to news web pages, books to e-books, and
so on (Gonzales, 2016). Paperless transactions also include cashless dealing which are often done
through credit or debit cards or through virtual wallets like PayMaya and GCash.

Going paperless offer several benefits like acquiring savings on costs on materials, printing,
labor, and storage. In addition, paperless transactions minimizes the risk of losing or misplacing a digital
document and allows employees to access and edit a digital document, whether remotely or in the
office, then electronically manage or send it. These documents can also be accessed simultaneously,
eliminating the need for multiple copies and thus saving time and adding to work efficiency.

However, for a country like the Philippines where many places are still without electricity, even
more so Internet, going entirely paperless is still a far-fetched aim. Bureaucracy in several companies
and organizations, both public and private, also hamper the actual realization of a paperless society.
Despite such, societies are positively gearing towards going paperless as places and people who are
capable of carrying it out have already adapted such procedures.

MOOCs, Wearables, 3D, U-Learning – these are only a few of the many technological advances
that we can only expect to shape our daily life now and in the future – the way we communicate,
conduct business, and even have fun. From virtual worlds, wireless devices, artificial intelligence,
holographic images and videos, and so much more. All these trends will continue to advance, empower,
and transform every aspect of our lives.

Now, let’s further harness your knowledge on these trends and technologies by answering the
following enrichment activities!

Activity 4: Identify the important details of this MOOC. Write your answers on the
activity matrix found in the next page.
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Screenshot from Coursera Online Course: Journalism Skills for Engaged Citizens May 30, 2020
(Retrieved from

Component Answer
1. Course title
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

2. Course brief description

3. Course provider

4. Host institution

5. Course instructor/s

6. Course duration

7. Cost of enrollment

Activity 5: In the table below, write down what you think are the pros (advantages) and
cons (disadvantages) of the previously discussed trends in media, information, and technology.

Trend Pros Cons

1. MOOCs

2. Wearable technology

3. 3D Environment

4. U-learning

5. Paperless society

Activity 6: Complete the sentence stem below.

1. Current trends in media and information include

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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]


2. These developments change society’s way of life by


3. However, these advanced technological tools also pose disadvantages such as


Activity 7: Essay

Technology isn’t what it is now compared to what our parents, grandparents, or elder relatives have
grown up to. In this activity, you will discover how our tech now differ from what they have used before.
On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions:

Attach your printed/written answer in this module.

1. Choose a current media and information technology you know or currently own or patronize
and create a review about it.
2. Ask an elder (parents, aunts or uncles, grandparents) for their opinion of a similar yet earlier
version of the technology you used for your own review.
3. Write an essay comparing the difference between their technology and yours.

Activity 8: To further expand your knowledge on MOOCs, this activity will let you
explore on the various online courses available on the Web. So here’s what you have to do:

1. Research for two (2) specific MOOCs of your choice.

2. Take note of the following details for the two MOOCs and write them on a separate sheet of
a. Course title
b. Course description
c. Course objectives (if any)
d. Host institution
e. Course provider
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

f. Course Duration
g. Cost
h. Certificate
3. Answer the following questions:
a. Would you be willing to enroll yourself for a MOOC?
b. How effective do you think are MOOCs in providing training and education?
Note: Attach your printed/written answer in this module.

Most Essential Learning Competencies

 Discuss the implication of media and information to an individual and the society. Describe the
different dimensions of:
 Text information and media
 Visual information and media
 Audio information and media
 Motion information and media
 Manipulative information and media
 Multimedia information and media
 Analyze how the different dimensions are formally and informally produced, organized, and
 Produce a creative text-based, visual-based, audio-based, motion-based, and manipulative-
based presentation using design principle and elements.

People use different media sources in order to gain information a media source is any resource that
serves as a means of communicating to a general public audience. These sources are important because
the standard in which we receive a message shapes the message. Information is power and essential
ingredients in decision making. To gain appropriate relevant and quality information for your study or
research work you need to know the various sources of information available. There are several
dimension that would help

This module is expected to deepen your knowledge on different dimension and sources of media
and information their design principle and elements, and selection criteria. Also you will produces a
living museum or electronic portfolio or any other creative forms of multimedia showcasing their /
his/her understanding, insights, and perceptions of the different resources of media and information.

Lesson 3: Dimensions - Text information and media

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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 Describes the different dimensions of text information and Media;

 Comprehends how text information and media is /are formally and informally produced,
organized and disseminated;
 Evaluates the reliability and validity of text information and media and its/their sources using
selection criteria;
 Produces and evaluates a creative text-based presentation using design principle and elements.

Activity 1: Let’s see how much you know before we discuss the lesson. Below is an
example of a fraudulent text message.

1. What is the tone of this fraudulent message? (Enticing, scary, informative, formal, encouraging)
Explain your answer.

2. Why do you think Filipinos fall for this kind of fraudulent or scam text message?
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]


3. Do you think that text-based message are powerful?


4. Why so many people fall in a text scam?


5. What do you do when you get a fraudulent or scam text message?


A simple and flexible format of presenting information or conveying ideas whether hand written, printed
or displayed on screen.

a. Text is very powerful as well as disseminating information, providing and giving


b. Text is available in different sources whether it is formal (news articles, published Books,
newspapers, magazines, advertisements, research works, etc.) or Informal (blogs,
personal e-mails, SMS or text messages, online messengers, Social media platforms,

 Formal text-based materials are created and distributed by established

institutions (such as publishing companies, news agencies, etc.) and through a
rigorous process of editing or evaluation and are usually governed by censorship
of the state.
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

 Informal text-based materials, on the other hand, come from personal opinions
or views on different issues, processes, etc.

c. Text can be as short such as a single sentence or phrase, or they can be as lengthy as
news articles or investigative reporting. No matter how brief or lengthy, however, a text
is always carefully written with the intent of sending a very specific message to the
target audience.

d. In our exposure to text media and information, we can either be a consumer or a

producer of content. As a consumer, these are the questions that you need to ask with
regards to the content of text media and information:

 Who or what institution is sending this message?

 What techniques are used to attract and hold attention?
 What is the language used by the writer?
 What views are represented? Are they balanced?
 How might the message be interpreted in different ways?
 What is omitted, slurred or added in the message?

e. As a producer of text media and information, we need to review the media and
information design framework: target audience, author or sender, key content, purpose,
form/style and format.

Activity 2: Answer the questions briefly.

Based on the given picture answer the following questions.

1. Who or what institution is sending this message?


2. What techniques are used to attract and hold attention?

CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

3. What is the language used by the writer?
4. What views are represented? Are they balanced?
5. How might the message be interpreted in different ways?
6. What is omitted, slurred or added in the message?

Typeface (also called font, font type, or type) refers to the representation or style of a text in the
digital format. A typeface is usually comprised of alphabets, numbers, punctuation marks, symbols and
other special characters. When fonts are installed in the computer, they usually come in file formats
such as True Type Font (.ttf), Open Type Font (.otf), etc.

In the absence of images or drawings, text is the easiest way of communicating to your
audience. The use of various font types can express different emotions or meaning.

Types of Typeface


 Connotes formality and readability in large amount of texts. This font is usually used for the
body text of books, newspapers, magazines and research publication. Also, serif fonts give a
classic or elegant look when used for title or heading.
Examples: Times New Roman, Garamond, Baskerville

Sans Serif

 Brings a clean or minimalist look to the text. This font is used for clear and direct meaning of text
such as road signage, building directory or nutrition facts in food packages. Also, sans serif fonts
give a modern look and is used primarily in webpage design.
Examples: Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, Verdana, Calibri

Slab Serif
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

 Carries a solid or heavy look to text. This font can be used for large advertising sign on

Examples: Rockwell, Playbill, Blackoak


 Draws much attention to itself because of its brush-like strokes. This must be used sparingly and
not to be used in large body text. This font is usually used in wedding invitation cards or other
formal events.
Examples: Edwardian, Vladimir, Kunstler


 Display or decorative- caters to a wide variety of emotions (such as celebration, fear, horror,
etc.) or themes (such as cowboys, circus, holidays, summer, kiddie, etc.)
Examples: Chiller, Jokerman, Curlz MT

Design principles and elements

These are the principles in designing text elements are Emphasis, Appropriateness, Proximity,
Alignment, Organization, Repetition and Contrast.

 Emphasis - refers to the importance or value given to a part of the text-based content. When
trying to make a point or highlighting a message, you can make the text bold, italicized, have a
heavier weight, darkened or lightened (depending on your background color) or enlarged.
 Appropriateness - refers to how fitting or suitable the text is used for a specific audience,
purpose or event. In the creation of text-based content, make sure that the selection criteria
(tone, style, purpose, clarity) is followed. As for the choice of typefaces to be used, refer to the
discussion of the characteristics of the fonts. When it comes to large body text, the font should
be clear enough to read.
 Proximity - refers to how near or how far are the text elements from each other. When two
things are closely related, we bring them close together. Otherwise, we put text elements far
from each other. For example, the main title and subtitle are usually placed close to each other.
 Alignment - refers to how the text is positioned in the page. This can be left, right, center or
 Organization - refers to a conscious effort to organize the different text elements in a page.
Organization ensures that while some text elements are separated from each other (based on
the principle of proximity), they are still somehow connected with the rest of the elements in
the page. When there are many elements needed to fit in a page, start by creating a framework
or a compartment for the elements. Divide the space by creating lines across the page, making it
look like a cabinet with various space sizes. Once you are done compartmentalizing, you can
place the different text elements on the boxes.
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T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

 Repetition- concerns consistency of elements and the unity of the entire design. Repetition
encourages the use of repeating some typefaces within the page. When several typefaces are
used on a page, it might distract the audience and fail to communicate what you want them to
get from the content. To strike a balance, do not also use just a single typeface for a visual
design product.
 Contrast- creates visual interest to text elements. Contrast is achieved when two elements are
different from each other. When you place a white text on a very light yellow background,
contrast is not achieved and the text will be difficult to read, but when you put a white text on a
dark brown background, contrast is created. Contrast can be achieved in various ways, by
joining the following elements: large font with a small font, serif and sans serif, thin elements
with thin elements, cool color and warm color.

Activity 3: Imagine that you own an advertising firm, you need to create a brochure for
a client with specific needs. You need to identify the appropriate content for the brochure based on the
media and Information Design framework. You will be provide answer in the table.

Component Guide questions Learner’s answer

Target Audience Who are the possible readers of this
Author/sender Who is the author of this brochure?

Key content What is the tone of the text in the brochure?

What are the sample phrases or taglines that

you will

What are the facts/figures that you will

include in the brochure?

Purpose What are the font types/colors/ highlights

that you will use in the brochure?

What are the words or phrases that you need

to emphasize in the brochure?
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Medium/Format What are the blank of the brochure? - paper

type, texture, glossy, matte folding (three-
fold, two-fold) full color, black and white

Aside from the brochure, what other text

based formats that you can use to deliver
your message?

Activity 4: Complete the sentence below.

1. As a producer of text media and information, we need___________________________


2. Text is very powerful in a way that___________________________________________


Activity 5: Identify an advocacy or issue that they would like to campaign about through
a typography poster design. The campaign poster will have a statement consisting of 10-20 words.

Poster statement example: "Not all heroes wear capes. This time, they are on house clothes."

In the bottom part of a poster, include an explanation (150-200 words) about the campaign.
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Activity 6: Design a statement t-shirt with the topic “We heal as one” be sure that you
promotes Media and Information Literacy skills. Attach your printed design in this module.

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Lesson 4: Dimensions - Visual information and media

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 Describes the different dimensions of visual information and media;

 Comprehend how visual information and media is/are formally and informally produced,
organized, and disseminated;
 Evaluate the reliability and validity of visual information and media its/their sources using
selection criteria;
 Produces and evaluates a creative visual-based presentation using design principle and

Activity 1: Let’s see how much you know before we discuss the lesson

Direction: Write YES if you agree the statement and NO if you disagree.

______1Forty percent of people will respond better to visual information than plain text.

______2.Publishers who use infographics grow in traffic of an average of 12% more than those who

______3.Eighty percent of what is seen is retained.

______4.Conversions increase by 86 percent when videos are used in a landing page.

______5.Twenty percent of words on a web page is read by the average user

In the previous lesson you have learned that text is very powerful as well in disseminating
information, providing direction and giving suggestions. As a producer of text media and information,
you need to review the media and information design framework: target audience, author or sender,
key content, purpose, form/style and format. You also knew how to evaluate the reliability and validity
of text information and media and their source using selection criteria.
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Activity 2: Study the picture/infographic and answer the questions briefly.

1. What is the important of Visual content based on the survey result?


2. Do you think the infographic was a better way of presenting the results of the survey?

3. Do you have any other ways of presenting the same information?

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Visual media and information

Materials, programs, applications and the like that teachers and students use to formulate new
information to aid learning through the use, analysis, evaluation and production of visual images.

Types of visual media

▪ Photography, video, screenshots, infographics, data visualization (charts and graphs), comic
strips/cartoons, memes, visual note-taking, etc.

Common visual media file types

1. JPEG (also known as JPG), file types ending in .jpg

JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, which created this standard for this type of
image formatting. JPEG files are images that have been compressed to store a lot of information
in a small-size file. Most digital cameras store photos in JPEG format, because then you can take
more photos on one camera card than you can with other formats.

2. TIFF (also known as TIF), file types ending in .tif

TIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format. TIFF images create very largefile sizes. TIFF images are
uncompressed and thus contain a lot of detailed image data (which is why the files are so big)
TIFFs are also extremely flexible in terms of color (they can be grayscale, or CMYK for print, or
RGB for web) and content (layers, image tags).

3. GIF, file types ending in .gif

GIF stands for Graphic Interchange Format. This format compresses images but, as different
from JPEG, the compression is lossless (no detail is lost in the compression, but the file can’t be
made as small as a JPEG).GIFs also have an extremely limited color range suitable for the web
but not for printing. This format is never used for photography, because of the limited number
of colors. GIFs can also be used for animations.
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4. PNG, file types ending in .png

PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. It was created as an open format to replace GIF,
because the patent for GIF was owned by one company and nobody else wanted to pay
licensing fees. It also allows for a full range of color and better compression. It’s used almost
exclusively for web images, never for print images. For photographs, PNG is not as good as JPEG,
because it creates a larger file. But for images with some text, or line art, it’s better, because the
images look less “bitmappy.”

5. BMP. Short for "Bitmap." It can be pronounced as "bump," "B-M-P," or simply a "bitmap
image." The BMP format is a commonly used raster graphic format for saving image files. It was
introduced on the Windows platform, but is now recognized by many programs on both Macs
and PCs.

Formally and informally produced visual media

▪ Visual media produced by formal organizations such as schools, government, and established
media/publishing outfits are considered formally produced. Other visual media are considered
informally produced

Purpose of visual information

▪ the primary purpose of visual information is to gain attention, create meaning, and facilitate retention

Visual design elements

The building blocks or basic units in the construction of a visual image. Design Elements are:

a. Line - describes a shape or outline. It can create texture and can be thick or thin. Lines
may be actual, implied, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or contour lines.
b. Shape - usually a geometric area that stands out from the space next to or around it, or
because of differences in value, color, or texture. Shape may also be organic.
c. Value - the degree of light and dark in a design. It is the contrast between black and
white and all the tones in between. Value can be used with color as well as black and
white. Contrast is the extreme changes between values.
d. Texture - the way a surface feels or is perceived to feel. Texture can be added to attract
or repel interest to a visual element. Visual texture is the illusion of the surfaces peaks
and valleys, resulting in a feeling of smoothness or roughness in objects.
e. Color - determined by its hue (name of color), intensity (purity of the hue), and value
(lightness or darkness of hue). Color and color combination can play a large role in the
design. Color may be used for emphasis, or may elicit emotions from viewers. Color
maybe warm, cool, or neutral. It plays a major role in our visual perception, as it
influences our reactions about the world around us. It is therefore important to create
color palettes that evoke the appropriate audience reactions. Color has three
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Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

f. Form - a figure having volume and thickness. An illusion of a 3-dimensional object can
be implied with the use of light and shading. Form can be viewed from many angles.

Activity 3: Evaluate the magazine visual appearance by filling up the media and
information design framework worksheet. Answer the questions briefly.

Framework worksheet

Component Guide questions Answers

Target audience Who is the intended audience?
Sender/author What is the purpose?
Key content What is the topic or message?
What are the facts?
Form/style How was the information
Did it make use of appropriate
design elements and principles?
Medium/format Is this the best platform to use?
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Design Principles and Elements

The elements and principles of design are the building blocks used to create a work of art. The
elements of design can be thought of as the things that make up a painting, drawing, design etc. Good or
bad - all paintings will contain most of if not all, the seven elements of design. The Principles of design
can be thought of as what we do to the elements of design. How we apply the Principles of design
determines how successful we are in creating a work of art. Visual Design Principles are:

1. Consistency of margins, typeface, typestyle, and colors is necessary, especially in slide

presentations or documents that are more than one page.
2. Center of interest - an area that first attracts attention in a composition. This area is more
important when compared to the other objects or elements in a composition. This can be by
contrast of values, more colors, and placement in the format.
3. Balance - a feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc. Balance can be
symmetrical and evenly balanced, or asymmetrical and unevenly balanced. Objects, values,
colors, textures, shapes, forms, etc. can be used in creating balance in a composition.
4. Harmony - brings together a composition with similar units. If for example your composition
was using wavy lines and organic shapes, you would stay with those types of lines and not put in
just one geometric shape.
5. Contrast - offers some change in value creating a visual discord in a composition. Contrast shows
the difference between shapes and can be used as a background to bring objects out and
forward in a design. It can also be used to create an area of emphasis.
6. Directional Movement - a visual flow through the composition. It can be the suggestion of
motion in a design as you move from object to object by way of placement and position.
Directional movement can be created with a value pattern. It is with the placement of dark and
light areas that you can move your attention through the format.
7. Rhythm - a movement in which some elements recur regularly. Like a dance, it will have a flow
of objects that will seem to be like the beat of music.
8. Perspective - created through the arrangement of objects in two-dimensional space to look like
they appear in real life. Perspective is a learned meaning of the relationship between different
objects seen in space.

Information Graphics or Infographics - are graphic visual representations of Information, data

or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly.

Activity 4: Below is an Example of visual-based presentation (Infographics).Identify at

least 5 design elements and 5 design principle.
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Design principle Design elements

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.
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Activity 5: Create text and visual media composed of not less than 6 digital posters
informing people of valuable information that they need to know.(Example “Safety tips during rainy
season”).Use any type of media(Example: PowerPoint presentation or Canva).
Attach your printed poster in this module.

Example of poster:
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Lesson 5: Dimensions - Audio information and media

Audio helps recall memories, enhance brain activity and stimulate the brain (Molineux, 2007).
Audio media is very useful in developing the listening skills of students (especially for language learning).
Audio media supports distance learning. Audio media helps in memorization (music, mnemonics, etc.).

In digital just like the computer, audio is processed by converting the analog signal into a digital
code using PCM (Phase change memory). Audio frequency (AF) is an electrical alternating current within
the 20 to 20,000 hertz range that can be used to produce acoustic sound.

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 Describes the different dimensions of audio information and media

 Comprehends how audio information and media is/are formally
 And informally produced, organized, and disseminated.
 Evaluates the reliability and validity of audio information and media its/their sources using
selection criteria
 Produces and evaluates a creative audio-based presentation using Design principle and

In the previous lesson you have learned that visual materials, programs, applications and the like
that teachers and students use to formulate new information to aid learning through the use, analysis,
evaluation and production of visual images. And forty percent of people will respond better to visual
information than plain text. As explained in the previous discussion primary purpose of visual
information is to gain attention, create meaning, and facilitate retention. But before we proceed to the
next topic, let’s try to evaluate how much you know about audio information media.
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The act of perceiving sound by the ear, while listening requires concentration so that you brain
processes meaning from words and sentences. Listening leads to learning.

Benefits of listening

Listening should not be taken for granted. Before the invention of writing, people conveyed
virtually all knowledge through some combination of showing and telling. Elders recited tribal histories
to attentive audiences. Listeners received religious teachings enthusiastically. Myths, legends, folktales,
and stories for entertainment survived only because audiences were eager to listen. Nowadays,
however, you can gain information and entertainment through reading and electronic recordings rather
than through real-time listening.

Design Principle and Elements

Characteristic and Purposes of Sound

1. Volume-intensity of a sound
2. Tone-the audible characteristic of a sound
3. Pitch-is how high or low a sound is
4. Loudness-refers to the magnitude of the sound heard

Purposes of a sound:

1. Give instructions or information

2. Provide feedback
3. To personalize or customize

Elements of the Sound Design

1. Dialogue- speech, conversation, voice-over

2. Sound Effects-any sound other than music or dialogue
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3. Music-vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of
form, harmony, and expression of emotion

Principle of Sound Design

1. Mixing- the combination, balance and control of multiple sound elements

2. Pace-time control, editing, order of events(linear, non-linear or multi-linear)
3. Stereo imaging- Using left and right channel for depth. This refers to the aspect of sound
recording and reproduction.
4. Transition-how you get from one segment or element to another

Types of Transitions

1. Segue - one element stops, the next begins ("cut" in film).

2. Cross-fade - one element fades out, the next fades in, and they overlap on the way.
3. V-Fade - First element fades to inaudible before the second element begins.
4. Fade to Black - V-Fade with some silence between elements.
5. Effects.
6. Stereo Imaging - Using left and right channel for depth

Activity 1: Write true or false for the following statements

_______1.One of the purpose of a sound is to give entertainment

_______2.Mixing time control, editing, order of events (linear, non- linear or multi-linear)

_______3.Volume is the intensity of a sound.

_______4.Transition is how you get from one segment or element to another.

_______5.Dialogue any sound other than music or dialogue.

_______6.Purpose of the sound is to personalize or customize.

_______7.Sound Effects-any sound other than music or dialogue

_______8.Pace-time control, editing, order of events (linear, non-linear or multi-linear)

_______9.Cross fade one element stops, the next begins ("cut" in film).

_______10.Transition-how you get from one segment or element to another

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Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Activity 2: Write true or false Complete the sentence below.

1. Listening requires concentration so that


2. Listening should not be taken for granted because


Activity 3: Listen the video clip without reading the subtitle and answer the following
question briefly.

Video clip:

1. Did you hear the audio or did you listen to the audio?

2. What was the monologue all about?

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Lesson 6: Dimensions - Motion information and media

Motion media are graphics that use video footage and/or animation technology to create the
illusion of motion or rotation, and are usually combined with audio for use in multimedia projects.
Motion graphics are usually displayed via electronic media technology, but may be displayed via manual
powered technology (e.g. thaumatrope, phenakistoscope, stroboscope, zoetrope, praxinoscope, flip
book) as well. The term is useful for distinguishing still graphics from graphics with a transforming
appearance over time without over-specifying the form.

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 Describes the different dimensions of motions information and media

 Comprehends how motion information and media is/are formally and informally produced,
organized, and disseminated
 Evaluates the reliability and validity of motion information and media and its/their source using
selection criteria
 Produce and evaluates a creative motion-based presentation using design principle and

In the previous lesson you have learned that audio media is media that uses audio or recordings to
deliver and transfer information through the means of sounds. You also learned the different types of
audio and its uses and differentiate the hearing and listening.

Motion Media and Information

Motion Media is visual media that gives the appearance of a movement can be a collection of
graphics, footage, videos. It is combined with audio, text and/or interactive content to create
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2 Forms of Motion Media:

 Informal - created by individuals often for personal use

 Formal-created by professionals who follow industry standards in creating, editing and
producing motion media.

Steps in Formal Production of Animations:

• Writing the Story

• Script is written and dialogue is recorded
• Animators sketch major scenes, in between are fill in the gaps
• Background music and background details are added
• Drawings are rendered

Types of Motion Media

Animation –Animated GIFs (Graphic Interchange Format), Flash, Shockwave, Dynamic HMTL

Video formats / Video codecs – MP4, DivX, MPG, 3GP, AVI, MKV, etc.

According to Purpose:

 Education
 Entertainment
 Advertising

According to Source:

 Personal
 Social Media
 Media Companies

According to Audience:

 Private / Public
 General / Directed

Credibility of Motion Media

 Determining the Credibility of Motion Media:

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 Validity of Information
 Source
 Relationship of the Author to the event

Technical Methods to Detect Fake/Tampered Video:

1. Smoothness of the Video- This is often detected when movements are not smooth; when action
seems to jump from one position to another, as if some action was missing.

2. Lighting Coverage Matches - One way to detect lighting matches is to look at the shadows; the
source of light determines the size and direction of the shadow.

3. Scale and Size Consistent - scale refers to how the size of the objects in reference to one another
are near the real thing.

Advantages of Motion Media:

 It captures motion in a manner that can be viewed repeatedly

 It can show processes in detail and in sequence
 It enables learning with emotions
 It can cut across different cultures and groups
 It allows scenes, history, events and phenomenon to be recreated

Limitations of Motion Media:

 Compared to other forms of visual media the viewer cannot always interrupt the presentation.
 It is often times more costly than other forms of visual media.
 Other data may be presented best using still images. Examples are graphs, diagrams, maps.
 It is subject to misinterpretation.

Elements of Motion Media

 Speed– A fast movement gives vigor and vitality, intensifying emotions. A slow movement
connotes lethargy, solemnity or sadness.
 Direction– indicate sa movement from one direction to another. It can also refer to the growing
or shrinking of an object.
 Timing –can be objective or subjective. Objective timing can be measured in minutes, seconds,
days, etc. Subjective timing is psychological or felt. Timing can be used to clarify or intensify the
message or the event. Using a pause can help time the events.
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 Transition –used to switch between scenes.

 Sound and Color– adds meaning to the motion
 Blurring – In animation, blurring can provide the illusion of fast movement. In videos, it is often
used to censor information for security or decency.

Activity: Think of your own product. Create an advertisement storyboard. Below is an

idea of 10 seconds advertisement for Maltese ice cream. “V.O” stands for voice over. Using your
storyboard, create an advertisement video.

She takes Maltese ice cream out of

A woman walks out from the her pocket and reads the packet.
V.O “Maltese ice cream”

She falls in pond.

Close-up of product.
V.O “Amazingly only 130 calories.”

Your storyboard and video will be graded according to the rubric.

Criteria 5 4 3 2
Clarity of The main idea The message is The main idea is The story has a
message stands out, clear and visible; the theme but
completely completely message is with message is not
developed and developed one or two clear nor
enhanced with confusing points developed
Relevance of Content is well- Content is well- Content is Content is difficult
message suited to audience suited to relevant but not for the audience
and purpose, audience suited to to understand and
make connections and purpose; and audience and does not connect
and provide make purpose; some to their experience
insights connections connections may
be present
Development Attention to detail is Sequencing and One or two Little to no
of story evident from the pacing is evident segments in the planning done; the
start of the story to but a there are sequencing is/are story cannot be
the end; segments that confusing but story understood
sequencing and lack can still be
pacing is smooth details; one or understood.
two Several gaps are
gaps are evident present
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but story can still

be understood
Design Motion design Motion design Motion design Motion design
maximizes creates some creates some is inappropriate
audience impact audience impact audience impact and not helpful
Lesson 7: Dimensions - Manipulative information and media

There are two types of Manipulative media the traditional and digital. Traditional Manipulative
Media is actually being used in certain schools, wherein they use different materials that the students
can use to have a hands-on experience regarding the lesson. Digital Manipulative are computationally
enhanced versions of physical objects, created in an effort to expand the range of concepts that children
can explore through direct manipulation. (Patten et al, as cited in Zuckerman et al 2005)

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 Describes the different dimensions of manipulative information and media;

 Comprehends how manipulative information and media is/are formally and information
produced, organized, and disseminated;
 Evaluates the reliability and validity of manipulate information and media and its/their sources
using selection criteria;
 Produces and evaluates a creative manipulative-based presentation using design principle and

In the previous lesson you have learned that motion information media is visual media that gives the
appearance of a movement can be a collection of graphics, footage, videos. It is combined with audio,
text and/or interactive content to create multimedia. We also categorized the different formats of
motion media and information and how the format affects the design of the media presentation, and
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Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

using for evaluating the design on popular motion based media presentation based on their design and
use of elements.

Interactive Media

A method of communication in which the program's outputs depend on the user's inputs, and
the user's inputs in turn affect the program's outputs. Interactive media engage the user and interact
with him or her in a way that non-interactive media do not. Websites and video games are two common
types of interactive media


1. Social media (Facebook) - sent friend request; responded to friend request; liked a post;
followed a site; commented on a friend's post; uploaded a file; chat with a friend; sent private
2. Online booking - search for flights; booked a flight and paid through credit card; web-check-in.

Platforms of interactive media

1. Mobile apps - a software application developed specifically for use on small, wireless computing
devices such as smartphones and tablets, rather than desktop or laptop computers.

2. 3D TV - a television display technology that enables a three-dimensional effect, so that viewers

perceive that an image has depth as well as height and width, similar to objects in the real

3. Video games (multi-player) - a game played by electronically manipulating images produced by

a computer program on a television screen or other display screen. Multiplayer games allow two
or more players to play with one another or play together.

4. Role-playing games (RPG) - a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional
setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through
literal acting or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.

5. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) – any story-driven online video
game in which a player, taking on the persona of a character in a virtual or fantasy world,
interacts with a large number of other players.

6. Interactive websites (pools, surveys, exams, exercises)

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7. Virtual reality and immersive environments - the computer-generated simulation of a three-

dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical
way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or
gloves fitted with sensors

8. Social media - websites or online services where users (actual people) are the creators and
consumers of the content, and where social interactions (commenting, liking, posting, talking)
are the main features of content. Examples are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine,


The communication process that takes place between humans and computer software. The
most constant form of interactivity is typically found in games, which need a continuous form of
interactivity with the gamer. Database applications and other financial, engineering and trading
applications are also typically very interactive.

Activity 1: Answer the questions briefly.

I. Name 3 actions that demonstrate the interactivity of online shopping?


II. Name 4 advantages and 4 disadvantages of online gaming.



Interacting with social media

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1. Online shopping - compare prices; compare features of similar items; add to cart; choose
payment type; track delivery; get advice from experts; search products; check local availability;
get product recommendations.
2. Online gaming - choose a game; play with computer; play with others; choose a level, in-game
customization, etc.
3. Online classes - interact with content; interact with instructors; interact with classmates.
4. Chat - group chat; search groups; search friends; translate language.
5. News and information - exchange information; give reaction; news on demand; monitor views.
6. Videos - choose your own adventure; get multimedia content; experience game elements.

Types of interactivity and their purposes

a. Click on images
b. Hotspot - a special region to act as a trigger to another web page. The hotspot could be
a circle, triangle, rectangle or polygon.
c. Rollover - an image or portion of an image that changes in appearance when the mouse
cursor moves over it.
d. Tabs - clicking on them displays a relevant content with an appropriate graphic.
e. Timeline - a menu slide that branches to different events.
f. Numbers/processes - the number of clicks and the time spent in an interactive function
provide data points.
g. Slideshow - non-linear interactive slideshow where the pathway through the show is
determined by the user's interaction with it.
h. Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
i. Flip cards - a card that when clicked flips to display a description and other information

Emerging interactive media

a. Interactive television - also known as ITV or iTVA form of media convergence, adding
data services to traditional television technology. Throughout its history, these have
included on-demand delivery of content, as well as new uses such as online shopping,
banking, and so forth. ITV enables the viewer to issue commands and give feedback
information through an electronic device called a setup box. The viewer can select
which program or movie to watch, at what time, and can place orders in response to
commercials. New setup boxes also allow access to email and e-commerce applications
via internet.

b. Allow viewers to participate in games shows - viewers compete with onscreen

c. Select alternate endings to their favorite program
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d. Encourage children to interact with educational programs

Activity 2: Complete the sentence stem below.

1. Interactive media engage

2. Interactivity is the communication process that

Activity 3: Think of a topic for survey research wherein the respondents will be your
classmates. Pick 5 questions to use for the survey and fill in the table below. Attach the screenshot of
your Google form.

Use the link below for your guide on how to create a Google forms

Component Guide questions Answer

Target Audience Who are the respondents?

Sender/Author Who is the researcher?

Key content What are the survey questions?

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Purpose What is the research problem?

Form/style What are considered in

designing the electronic form?
What is the software used for
creating the electronic form?

Medium/Format How would you implement the

electronic form?

Lesson 8: Dimensions - Multimedia information and media

Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer-controlled integration of text, graphics,
drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of
information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally. A Multimedia sources can
sometimes be found by searching online library catalogs, such as the Library Catalog.

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

 Describes the different dimension of multimedia information and media.

CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

 Comprehends how multimedia information and media is /are formally and informally produced,
organized, and disseminated.
 Evaluates the reliability and validity of motion information and media and its/their sources using
selection criteria.
 Synthesizes overall knowledge about different information and media sources by producing and
subsequently evaluating a creative multimedia form (living museum, electronic portfolio,

In the previous lesson you have learned that there are 2 types of manipulative media the traditional
and digital. Traditional Manipulative Media is actually being used in certain schools, wherein they use
different materials that the students can use to have a hands-on experience regarding the lesson. Digital
Manipulative are computationally enhanced versions of physical objects, created in an effort to expand
the range of concepts that children can explore through direct manipulation.

As discussed, people used the human voice as a type of medium until writing was discovered. Over
the years, it has been established that information can be expressed through text, speech, sound,
graphics or images, animation, and video. A combination of these media sources is considered

Multimedia is the field concerned with the computer controlled integration of text, graphics,
drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any other media where every type of
information can be represented, stored, transmitted and processed digitally.

History of Multimedia

Multimedia is a media that uses multiple form of information content and information processing.

The Basic Elements of Multimedia

1. Text-characters that are used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs.

2. Graphics-A digital representation of non-text information, such as a drawing, chart, or photograph.

3. Animation-Flipping through a series of still images. It is a series of graphics that create an illusion of

4. Video-photographic images that are played back at speeds of 15 to 30 frames a second and they
provide the appearance of full motion.

5. Audio-music, speech, or any other sound.


Two types of Multimedia presentation

1. Linear- active content progresses often without any navigational control for the viewer such as a
cinema presentation.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

2. Non-linear -uses interactivity to control progress as with a video game or self-paced computer based
training. Hypermedia is an example of non-linear content.


Multimedia finds its application in various areas including, but not limited to:

• Education, multimedia can be used as a source of information. Students can search encyclopedias such
as Encarta, which provide facts on a variety of different topics using multimedia presentations.

• Advertising and selling products on the Internet.-Some businesses use multimedia for training where
CD-ROMs or on-line tutorials allow staff to learn at their own speed, and at a suitable time to the staff
and the company.

• Entertainment- is heavily used in the entertainment industry, especially to develop special effects in
movies and animations (VFX, 3D animation, etc.). Multimedia games are a popular pastime and are
software programs available either as CD-ROMs or online. Some video games also use multimedia

• Engineering- is a powerful tool for engineering education that can be used in many different ways,
such as: support to class presentations, tutorial for off-class consultancies or complementary activities,
virtual laboratories, simulators, center of activities to be used in a laboratory or at home, distance

• Medicine- intended for use by medical doctors, nurses and other interested persons. It describes ways
in which multimedia can assist in their work. These include the areas of diagnosis and the application to
training. Matters that are important to patients are also dealt with.

• Mathematics and Scientific research –mainly used for modeling and simulation

• Business- such as mobile marketing, live casting and podcasting, photo, video and file sharing, can
spread the word about your company and help build brand awareness in a very unique and powerful
way. This particular type of social media also has the ability to go viral quickly.

Advantages of using Multimedia

• It is very user-friendly. It doesn’t take much energy out of the user, in the sense that you can sit and
watch the presentation, you can read the text and hear the audio.

• It is multi sensorial. It uses a lot of the user’s senses while making use of multimedia, for example
hearing, seeing and talking.

• It is integrated and interactive. All the different mediums are integrated through the digitization
process. Interactivity is heightened by the possibility of easy feedback.

• It is flexible. Being digital, this media can easily be changed to fit different situations and audiences

• It can be used for a wide variety of audiences, ranging from one person to a whole group.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Disadvantages of using Multimedia

• Information overload. Because it is so easy to use, it can contain too much information at once.

• It takes time to compile. Even though it is flexible, it takes time to put the original draft together.

• It can be expensive. As mentioned in one of my previous posts, multimedia makes use of a wide range
of resources, which can cost you a large amount of money.

• Too much makes it unpractical. Large files like video and audio has an effect of the time it takes for
your presentation to load. Adding too much can mean that you have to use a larger computer to store
the files.

Hypertext and Hypermedia

Hypertext is a text which contains links to other texts. The term was invented by Ted Nelson around

Hypermedia is not constrained to be text-based. It can include other media, e.g., graphics, images, and
especially the continuous media –sound and video.

Activity 1: Complete the sentence below.

1. Multimedia is a media that uses

2. Multimedia finds its application in various areas including, but not limited to:

Activity 2: Create a Production of a 3-minute video trailer about a campaign that you
passionate about. For instance, you can create a video about raising awareness on covid-19 problem in
your city/area and what people can do about this issue. Upload your video in your Social media platform
account (Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube, Instagram, etc.)

Write your report or summary in creating a campaign below.

Title of Campaign:
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]


Platform used:

Material used in creating video:









Reference for lesson 1 and lesson 2:

ABREU, JARITZA. “Social Media Is the Platform for the Start of a Revolution.” Continuing Revolutions. Accessed June 3, 2020.

“Beginners Guide to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).” Class Central Help Center. Accessed June 3, 2020.

Borreo, Raiza. “Ubiquitous Learning for Senior High School Students: Philippines Scenario.” Accessed June 3,


Bruce , Bertram C. “Ubiquitous Learning, Ubiquitous Computing, and Lived Experience.” CiteSeerX. Accessed June 3, 2020.

Coxall, Bill, Lynton Robins, and Robert Leach. “The Mass Media and Politics.” SpringerLink.

Palgrave, London, January 1, 1970.

“The Definition and Characteristics of Ubiquitous Learning ...” Accessed June 3, 2020.

Dominguez, Alberto. 10 Disadvantages of Social Media for Business.,n.d. “FAQ.” American Paper Optics, LLC, November 7, 2018.

Garst, Kim, and Davis. “4 Instances When Social Media Fueled a Revolution.” Kim Garst |
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Marketing Strategies that WORK, May 22, 2018.

Gasper, Charles. “How Media Affects Social Change.” TCC Group, May 10, 2019.

Gonzales, Edward D. Media and Information Literacy. Pasay City, Philippines: JFS Publishing Services, 2016.

Guzman, Alejandra, and Farida Vis. “6 Ways Social Media Is Changing the World.” World Economic Forum. Accessed June 3,

“Impacts OF Media on Society: A Sociological Perspective.” Accessed June 3, 2020.

“Introduction: Information, Knowledge and Power.” Accessed June 3, 2020.

Khanna, Udit. “The Impact of Social Media Marketing Today.” Social Media Impact, January

29, 2018.

Kraidy, Marwan M. “Social Change and the Media.” Penn Libraries, 2002.

Kurt, Serhat. “Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Definitions.” Educational

Technology, November 10, 2018.

Liquigan, Boots C. Media and Information Literacy. Makati City, Philippines: Diwa Learning Systems Inc., 2016.

Mangosing, Frances, Jamie Elona, Julliane Love De Jesus, Kristine AngeliSabillo, and

Matikas Santos. “Hundreds of Thousands Join People's March against Pork Barrel.”

Inquirer News Hundreds of thousands join peoples march against pork barrel Comments. Accessed June 3, 2020.

“Media and Information Literacy: Why Does It Matter?: Co-Inform.” Co. Accessed June 3, 2020.

Mora, Sergio Luján. “MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).” What is a MOOC? – MOOC (Massive Open Online Course).
Accessed June 3, 2020.

Shikati, Chomwa. “Ways Social Media Has Changed Our Society.” Medium. What it Takes, November 9, 2017.

“SwapnaSahool - Digital Marketing Specialist - Social ...” Accessed June 3, 2020.

Team, All About Vision Editorial. “Smart Glasses: How They Work and What's Next.” All About Vision. All About Vision, June 3,

“Wearables: What Is Wearable Technology?” Accessed June 3, 2020.
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

“What Is Ubiquitous Learning.” IGI Global. Accessed June 3, 2020.


“What Is Wearable Tech? Everything You Need to Know Explained.” Wareable, August 17, 2019.

[Author removed at request of original publisher]. “2.1 Mass Media and Its Messages.” Understanding Media and Culture.
University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing edition, 2016. This edition adapted from a work originally produced in 2010 by a
publisher who has requested that it not receive attribution., March 22, 2016. .

Reference for lesson 3 to lesson 7:

“Media and Information Literacy: Curriculum for Teachers”. 2020 UNESCO Press ISBN 978-

92-3-104198- 959- 18-0787-8 (ES)

“Media and Information Literacy Curriculum Guide by Deped.” Accessed May 31, 2020.

Media and Information literacy teaching guide by CHED. Accessed May 31, 2020.


“The 5 Types of Digital Image Files: TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, and Raw Image Files,”: Accessed May 31, 2020 files- and-when-


“An Outline for Visual Technical Communications”: The Storyboard Techwhirl. Retrieved from communications/ on September 8, 2015

Definition: Interactivity, Technopedia Retrieved from September 8, 2015

How can I tell if a website is credible? Tutorial 2016 Retrieved from website%20reliable.pdf on

September 8, 2015

The Power of Visual Content [Infographic]" Retrieved from
infographic.html#.VUDqrfnF_r3 on September 8, 2015

How to Use an Audio Mixer (soundboard): Markusaurelius in Living Retrieved from

“Evaluation of Multimedia”Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia of Learning,

Reddi, U & Mishra, S. (2003 Retrieved from February 8, 2016

Communicating ideas with film, video and multimedia: Shelton, S.M. (2004) A practical guide to information motion-media.
Carbondale: South Illinois Press
CVE Colleges, Inc.
T.R. Alvarez Subd. Brgy, Del Carmen, Pagbilao, Quezon
Tel No.: (042)797 1692 Email: [email protected]

Some Ideas about Composition and Design Elements, Principles and Visual Effects.

Retrieved from on September 8,2015

.Graphic Design in the Age of Interactive Media. Sperka, Martin and Stolar, Anton Retrieved from isimd_05/16.pdf on September 8, 2015

Technopedia, Definition: Interactivity. Retrieved from on

September 8, 2015

“The Basics of Motion “Media Retrieved from on October 20, 2015

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