Summ Math7 q3

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Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________________
Mathematics 7 Teacher: _______________________ Score: ___________________________

DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following represents an idea of an exact location that has no size and length?
a. circle b. point c. line d. plane
2. Which of the following objects represents a plane?
a. ball b. paper c. ballpen d. ruler
3. What geometric figure is being represented by the extension wire?
a. circle b. point c. line d. plane
4. It is part of a line consisting of two endpoints and all the points in between.
a. line b. line segment c. ray d. plane
5. What are the points on line segment AB as shown in the figure.
a. •A,B b. •A,B,C c. •A,B,C,D d.•A,B,C,D,E
6. What are the points on ray SV as shown in the figure.
a. •S b, •S,T c. •S,T,U d. •S,T,U,V
7. It is formed by two non collinear rays with a common endpoint.
a. angle b. sides c. vertex d. line
8. What is the unit used in measuring angle?
a. Degree b. Celsius c. Fahrenheit d. Kelvin
9. What is the tool used in measuring angle?
a. barometer b. anemometer c. protractor d. thermometer
10. An angle whose measure is equal to 90 .
a. acute angle b. right angle c. obtuse angle d. congruent angle
11. If the sum of two angles is 900, they are_____.
a. supplementary b. complementary c. adjacent d. congruent
12. If two angles have equal measures, they are_____.
a. supplementary b. complementary c. adjacent d. congruent
For item 13-18. Refer the figure below.

1 2

13. What relationship being described by angle 1 and angle 4?

a. complementary b. supplementary c. adjacent d. vertical
14. If angle 1 and angle 2 have equal measures, they are called _________ angles.
a. vertical b. congruent c. adjacent d. complementary
15. Which of the following pairs of angles are adjacent?
a. < 1 and < 2 b. < 1 and <4 c. < 2 and < 3 d. < 4 and < 1
16. Which of the following is a linear pair?
a. < 1 and < 2 b. < 1 and <4 c. < 2 and < 3 d. < 4 and < 1
17. When does the two angles become vertical angles?
a. if they are congruent b. if they are opposite c. a only d. a and b
18. Opposite angles are ________ angles.
a. adjacent b. complementary c. vertical d. congruent
19. When two parallel lines cut by a transversal, the corresponding angles are____.
a. supplementary b. complementary c. adjacent d. congruent
For item 20-22. Refer to the figure. 1000
1 2
3 4

5 6
7 8

20. How many pairs of corresponding angles are formed when two parallel lines cut by a transversal?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
21. Which of the following are alternate interior angles?
a. <1 and <2 b. <3 and <6 c. <1 and <4 d. <3 and <5
22. How many vertical angles are formed?
a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8
23. When two parallel lines cut by a transversal, what do you called the four angles formed inside the
parallel lines? a. interior b. exterior c. corresponding d. congruent
24. These angles are pair of non- adjacent interior and exterior angles on the same side of transversal.
a. interior b. exterior c. corresponding d. congruent
25. If <1 and <4 are vertical and m<1=100 , find m<4.
a. 450 b. 900 c. 1000 d. 1800
26. If <2 and <4 are supplementary and m<2=450 , find m<4.
a. 1350 b. 1550 c. 1850 d. 3650
27. These are lines that intersect and form a right angle (900).
a. parallel b. perpendicular c. bisector d. skew
28. The procedure of constructing geometric figures such as angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors,
parallel and perpendicular lines, and many more using only a compass and a straightedge,
a. geometric figure b. geometric pattern c. geometric sequence d. geometric construction
29. Which of the following is used in constructing geometric figures such as angle bisectors,
Perpendicular bisector, parallel and perpendicular lines?
a. compass b. straightedge c. ruler d. compass and straightedge
30. These are lines that do not meet even when extended infinitely.
a. straight lines b. perpendicular lines c. parallel lines d. transversal line
31. These are lines that intersects and form a right angle.
a. straight lines b. perpendicular lines c. parallel lines d. transversal line
32. Suppose you are ask to construct a perpendicular lines, what is the exact measure of the
Angle being formed?
a. 450 b. 550 c. 750 d. 900
33. Which of the following is a parallel line?
a. b. c. d.

34. Which of the following is a perpendicular line?

a. b. c. d.

35. In constructing a perpendicular line, which of the following is the first step?
a. b.
c. d.
36. How many sides are there in a hexagon?
a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10
37. Which of the following is a polygon?
a. b. c. d.

38. It is a polygon which both equilateral and equiangular.

a. equilateral b. equiangular c. regular d. irregular
39. Which of the following is NOT belong to the group?
a. b. c. d.
40. Which of the following is convex polygon?
a. b. c. d.

41. How many diagonals are there in a square?

a. 2 b. 3 c.4 d. 5
42. How many sides does an octagon have?
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8
43. Which of the following figures is a pentagon?
a. b. c. d.

44. Which of the following is a concave polygon?

a. b. c. d.

45. What polygon that has an interior angles greater than 1800?
a. concave b. convex c. supplementary d. complementary

46. An angle inside the polygon is ________.

a. exterior angle b. interior angle c. acute angle d. congruent angles
47. An angle outside the polygon is _______.
a. exterior angle b. interior angle c. acute angle d. congruent angles
48. If interior angle is adjacent to its exterior angle, what is the sum of their angles?
a. 1000 b. 1200 c. 1580 d. 1800
49. If two angles are supplementary, and one of the angles measures 50 0, what is the measure of
the other one?
a. 900 b. 1000 c. 130o d. 1400
50 If two angles are complementary and one of the angles measures 75 0, what is the measure of the

other one? a. 150 b. 450 c. 900 d. 1050

For item 51-52, please refer the figure below.

The interior and exterior angles are supplementary and the sum of their angles is equal to 1800.
51. If m<1=1000, what is m<2?
a. 500 b. 600 c. 700 d. 800
52. If m<3=750, what is m<4?
a. 500 b. 600 c. 1000 d. 1050
53. It is the line segment connecting the center of the circle and a point on the circle.
a. circle b. radius c. chord d. arc
54. It is a line segment whose endpoints are both on a circle.
a. diameter b. radius c. chord d. arc
55. It is a chord that passes through the center of the circle.
a. diameter b. radius c. chord d. arc
For item 56-61. Please refer to the figure below.


56. Identify the tangent line.
a. line P b. line XY c. line m d. line R
57. What is the point of tangency?
a. P b. Q c. R d. X
58. Identify the secant line.
a. line XY b. line PR c. line m d. none of these
59. What is the diameter?
a. segment OQ b. segment PR c. segment XY d. none of these
60. Which of the following is the radius?
a. segment OR b. segment OP c. segment OQ d. all of these
61. Which of the following is a semi-circle?
a. arc PYR b. arc PY c. arc PRQ d. arc XQR
62. These are materials used in constructing triangle EXCEPT one.
a. protractor b. tape measure c. pencil d. bond paper
63. The formula used to determine the length of each side in constructing polygon.
360 360 360 360
a. b. c. d.
4 5 6 𝑛
64. Suppose you are asked to construct a regular pentagon, what is the exact length of each side?
a. 72 degree b. 60 degree c. 45 degree d. 36 degree
65. If you are supposed to construct a regular hexagon, what is the exact length of each side?
a. 72 degree b. 60 degree c. 45 degree d. 36 degree
66. In using the formula , n refers to?
a. degree b. number of sides c. angles d. line
67. The sum of the four interior angles of a quadrilateral.
a. 900 b. 1800 c. 3600 d. 5400
68. What is the sum of the three interior angles of a triangle?
a. 1800 b. 3600 c.5400 d. 7200
69. What is the sum of the eight interior angles of an octagon?
a. 1800 b. 3600 c.5400 d. 10800
70. How many sides does a polygon have if the sum of its interior angles is 900?
a. 5 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8

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