ENG Structural Steels

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Structural Steels

1 Steel description and applications

As a result of joining the forces of Duferco Clabecq and Verona Steel into one unique division, we propose one of the largest range of thickness in structural steels. Our long experience in these steels is another advantage, as we can meet most of your technical requirements. For a long time, we have proven our know-how in the following sectors: earthmoving, mining and quarrying machinery mechanical construction structural steelwork oil & gas storage tanks wind towers etc. Our structural steels are also developed to enhance processability: laser steels(*) make it possible to cut them with high precision cold forming steels optimize the forming properties in order to guarantee an excellent finishing As you sometimes expect more of your steel for outside applications, we also propose special solutions: steels with improved resistance to atmospheric corrosion(*) combine strength and inner protection against weathering effects floor plates(*), with their numerous combinations of grades and thickness, are an answer for higher security in longlasting hard weather and utilization conditions Whether you are looking for a widespread mix of thickness, small quantities in any grade or when you have special requirements, our plates and bars keep each time the same high quality which makes their reputation. Our sales representatives help you to find the most appropriate plates to fulfill your specific requirements. Dont hesitate to contact us.

2 Standards
EN 10025-2 Japanese JIS 3106 Canada CSA G40-21 USA ASTM EN 10025-3 USA ASTM EN 10025-5 (*) USA ASTM


S185 1.0035 A283 Gr. A,B,C,D Thanks to its experience in structural steel, Duferco Clabecq can meet S235JR 1.0038 SM 400 A 230 G S235J0 1.0114 SM 400 B all the expectations in terms of quality - even the toughest ones - in S235 J2 1.0117 SM 400 C the following sectors: S275 JR 1.0044 260 W, WT A572 Gr. 42 S275 JO 1.0143 A36 S275 J2 1.0145 A573 Gr. 65 S355 JR 1.0045 SM 490 A 350 W, WT A633 Gr. C,D S355 JO 1.0553 SS 490 B S355 J2 1.0577 SS 490 C A573 Gr. 70 S355 K2 1.0596 SS 490 YB S235 JRC 1.0122 S235 JOC 1.0115 S235 J2C 1.0119 S275 JRC 1.0128 S275 JOC 1.0140 S275 J2C 1.0142 S355 JRC 1.0551 S355 JOC 1.0554 S355 J2C 1.0579 S355 K2C 1.0594

S275 N 1.0490 S235 JOW 1.8958 S235 J2W 1.8961 S275 NL construction1.0491 of earthmoving, mining and quarrying machinery S355 JOW 1.8959 A588 S355 N 1.0545 mechanical construction S355 JOWP 1.8945 S355 NL 1.0546 A572 Gr. 50 structural steelwork S355 J2W 1.8965 S420 N 1.8902 A572 Gr. 60 oil & gas storage tanks S355 J2WP 1.8946 S420 NL 1.8912 construction1.8901 of wind towers S355 K2W 1.8967 S460 N etc. NL S460 1.8903

If you need medium thickness, small quantities in any type or when USA USA you have10025-4 requirements, our plates keep each time the same EN 10148-2 EN special ASTM ASTM high quality which makes their reputation. S315 MC 1.0972 S275 M 1.8818 S355 MC 1.0976 A656 Gr. 50 S275 ML 1.8819 OurS355 M representatives help you to find the most appropriate Gr. 60 sales S420 MC 1.0980 A656 plates 1.8823 S460 MC S355 your 1.8834 A945 to fulfill ML specific requirements. Dont hesitate1.0982 to contact them. S500 MC 1.0984 A656 Gr. 70 S420 M 1.8825 S550 MC 1.0986 A656 Gr. 80 S420 ML 1.8836 A945 1.8974 S700MC (*) S460 M 1.8827 S460 ML 1.8838 (*) see also the specific data sheets
for these products

Grades S 185 S 235 JR S 235 JO S 235 J2 S 275 JR S 275 JO S 275 J2 S 355 JR S 355 JO S 355 J2 S 355 K2 E 295 E 335 S 235 JRC S 235 J2C S 275 J2C S 355 JOC S 355 J2C S 355 K2C S 355 MC S 420 MC S 460 MC S 500 MC S 550 MC S 700 MC S 275 N S 275 NL S 355 N S 355 NL S 420 N S 420 NL S 460 N S 460 NL S 275 M S 275 ML S 355 M S 355 ML S 420 M S 420 ML S 460 M S 460 ML S 355 JOWP S 355 J2WP S 235 JOW S 235 J2W S 355 JOW S 355 J2W S 355 K2W

Hot Rolled Steels

Thickness max. thickness range: 3-150 (depending on the norm or on the delivery condition, it may be limited to 25,40mm, 120mm or 130 mm) Please contact us for the feasibility! Width/ length Delivery Conditions (2)

Forged Plates


Forged Bars


Delivery Conditions

Delivery Conditions


EN 10025-2

as rolled (AR), normalized rolled or normalized (N), thermomechanically controlled rolled (M)


as rolled (AR), normalized rolled or normalized (N)


as rolled (AR), normalized rolled or normalized (N)

(2.1) 2.2/3.1/3.2

B normalized rolled or normalized (N) A normalized rolled or normalized (N) 2.2/3.1/3.2

4,76-120 12-16

3-30 B 3-20 5-20 8-16 10-16 3-120 3-70 3-25,40 3-63 3-40 3-25,4 3-12 C A B C A B C B A 3-80


Cold forming
EN 10149-2

B thermomechanically controlled rolled (M)

EN 10025-3

normalized rolled or normalized (N)


Weldable Fine Grain

EN 10025-4

thermomechanically controlled rolled (M)

Steels With Improved Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance

EN 10025-5

as rolled (AR), normalized rolled or normalized (N)

(2.1) 2.2/3.1/3.2

(1) between 64 and 80: max width is 2750mm (2) the plant may not accept certain delivery conditions in order to respect mechanical results (3) no production of J2+AR and JR+N

4 Elementary precautions
As the workability of structural steels differs from the one to the other, it is recommended to observe elementary precautions and to strictly follow the instructions given in the norms and in the technical guides before using advanced techniques for cutting,welding, forming, etc... Our technical experts are at your disposal for any request or requirement.

The elements in the data sheet are given for information only and reflect the information known at the time of publishing. This document is intended to give a general guideline for the purchasing and use of the steels only. The transmitter of this document doesnt accept any liability for any error or omission in the content of this document. Values and components quoted must not be considered as being guaranteed unless specifically confirmed separately in writing.

Duferco Clabecq S.A.

Rue de Clabecq 101 - B-1460 ITTRE - Belgium Tel. : +32 (0)2 391 91 00 - Fax. : +32 (0)2 391 98 90 [email protected] - www.sif-steel.com

Via Antonio Salieri, 24 - 37050 Vallese di Oppeano (VR) - Italy Tel. : + 39 045 69 97 900 - Fax : + 39 045 69 97 915 [email protected] - www.veronasteel.eu

Verona Steel S.p.A.



3 Dimensions

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