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  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages for companies of product
endorsements? (Những lợi thế và bất lợi cho các công ty chứng thực sản phẩm là
2. How can companies create brand loyalty? (Làm thế nào các công ty có thể tạo ra
lòng trung thành thương hiệu)
3 Can you give any examples of successful or (unsuccessful brand stretching?kéo
dài thương hiệu không thành công)
4 Think of a cheap or expensive idea for a product launch.( Hãy nghĩ về một ý
tưởng rẻ tiền hoặc đắt tiền cho một buổi giới thiệu sản phẩm)
5 What other market segments can you identify (e.g. young singles).( Bạn có thể
xác định phân khúc thị trường nào khác (ví dụ: người độc thân trẻ tuổi))
6 What action can companies take if they start to lose market share?
Các công ty có thể làm gì nếu họ bắt đầu mất thị phần?
What questions you should ask yourself before taking a change? 
 Before changing, I always ask myself if the change will help me get
better, what do I have to change? Is it worth the things I've given up?
Will it be easy for you to adapt to new things? When that change is not
suitable for you, what alternative plans are there?
What contributes to a successful business meeting ?
 A successful study is defining clear goals of the meeting when you know how
to set goals that make it easier for you to succeed, stay on track, expertise and
knowledge help everyone. able to harness the right and creative ideas, the
ability to communicate understandingly to promote individual and group ideas,
the thoughtful preparation before the meeting, a purposeful, participatory
meeting of the right audience, contributing to correcting errors afterwards.
Conduct regular long-term measurements and analysis. This allows you to stay
involved and focused, while maintaining a positive effect. Businesses can
continuously invest in the right areas based on repeatable and focused
improvement models, rather than areas that are deemed essential.
1. What are some common departments found in a typical business
organization? and What is the main function of each department?
In research and development department, people carry out research

2. In customer services, people deal with companies

3. In Human Resources, people train staff
4. In Sales & Marketing, people run advertising campaigns
5. In Production, people operate assembly lines
6. In Finance, people prepare budgets
7. In Adiminstration, people keep records
8. In Legal, people draw up contracts
9. In Logistics, people transport goods
10. In Public Relations, people issue press releases
11. In IT, people install and maintain systems equipment.

2 What makes a good business organization? Give one example of a specific

company with a good organizational structure.
- Good companies have good leaders so they can guide them, they know how to
build strong relationships and know how to connect employees in the company,
motivate the team and people to take responsibility. high responsibility at work.
Good companies have good plans, define goals, create strategies in the market,
have a clear plan that makes it easy for them to succeed.
- Good companies always focus on their strengths, create unique products, have
their own characteristics that meet customer expectations, help them maintain the
brand and attract new customers.
- For example _ Factors contributing to Apple's success
- Clear objectives-Treat customers: Apple's success is not only due to product
quality. They are experts in understanding and taking care of users.- Do it better
than the competition: What really sets Apple apart is that it's not afraid to take its
competitor's idea and make it better.
3. Where would you like to work in: a private-owned company or a state-owned
company? Why?
4. What do you know about Google? and would you like to work for a company
like Google? Expain why / why not. What are the secrets of Google's
organizational culture behind the story of success?
I want to work in a company like google because Google is one of the most famous
technology companies in the world, it gives employees better job prospects. If you
want to be an employee of the google company, you are also a talent, because they
are always looking for good people with high competitiveness. Working at Google
provides employees with a sense of contributing to populations around the world.
Google employees positively impact society with the applications and technologies
they work with. Moreover, they have the opportunity to interact with many famous
people and have the opportunity to learn from their cultures and experiences. .
Google has specific support policies for women that are building a free nursery so
that parents can safely send their children when they return to work.
The cultural secret behind the success of google
+ The process of recruiting employees is always thorough, they always look for
talented and potential people. Good companies always focus on the recruitment
process, consider and carefully search for candidates through thinking tests,
interviews and behavioral tests.
+ They always have clear mission and values: why you do what you do. At the
company's infancy, the founders of Google wrote "ten things we know to be true"
that would serve as foundational values for their future.
5. Give an example of a Vietnamese company with a successful organization and
many kinds of perks employees really wish to work for.
I will give you a example , that is Vinfast company . It is very successful
organization in production vehicle like car, mortobike , supermarket . Vinfast
develop in all aspects and have many strategy to develop in foreign , bring revenue
for company , in here have a number of luxury customers and qualitied staff
support for caompany , the manage have deep knowledge and diversity field.
6. What are reasons for advertising? What are some methods of advertising? To
you, what is the most effective advertising way to attract the attention of the young
or the old customers?
 The main purpose of advertising is to attract customers, launch their products to
the market, and enhance positive promotional images for the brand. Some
commonly used advertising methods are Events, product launches; Advertising
products via TV, the Internet; advertising by printing leaflets;... For young
customers, I think the best way to advertise is through celebrities, influencers in
real life and on social networks like singers, tiktokers, and youtubers,...
7. What are viral campaigns? Find and present one successful and one unsucessful
viral campaign or advertisement.
8. How to create a publicity stunt? Think of one product or service you want to
sell/provide, brainstorm and present ideas for live advertisement or publicity stunt
for your product or service.
 Nothing will get your product noticed faster than a well-though-out and well-
performed publicity stunt.First, you need to plan an advertising campaign.You
could start with some teaser advertisement on radio or tv, and design some large
adverts for a poster campaign.You need to highlight all the key design
features.Alert to local media and get good press coverage.Tip off the local radio or
tv station that something is going to happen.When it comes to the actual publicity
stunt, ensure that all slogans and logos are visible.And if you have the money, why
don’t you try a live advertisement on tv?Finally, try to get some free word-of-
mouth and hopefully end up on You Tube.
1. What steps do you think job-seeks should take before a
2. Is it best to work for as few companies as possible?
 I don't think the best job is to work for as few companies as possible, when
working in many companies you have a lot of experience and a new
perspective, if you bring accumulated knowledge and experience. , then apply
them in your future work, you can have more positive, creative and appreciated
ideas. Moreover, there are more chances of finding the right job, which is
priceless. win-win for both you and the potential employer, provided, of course,
that you don't keep jumping jobs for a while.
1. How much do you know about what your country imports and exports?
Give examples.
2. What are the differences between open markets and protected markets?
 Open markets - (Trade without restrictions on the movement of goods)
( open border, free port, laisser-faire, liberalise, deregulation )
Protected markets - (Trade with restrictions on the movement of goods, for
example, import taxes) ( barriers, tariffs,   restrictions quotas, strategic
industries, regluations developing, industries
3. Why do some countries, even developed ones, protest free trade? What
might they do to stop people from trading freely?
 Because businesses can transfer their production to a cheaper location thanks to
free trade. In countries where labor or production costs are high, many people
lose their employment as production is outsourced to cheaper locations.
Production requires resources and through free trade companies gain access to
the natural resources of other countries. In “less developed” countries vigorous
environmental protection laws are often lacking, which allows companies to use
fast harvesting methods, such as clearcut-logging, which are harmful to the
environment and very unsustainable. The rigorous exploitation leads to a
depletion of resources, which has severe negative long-term effects on the local
environment. It also means that the resources are no longer available for the
local population, leading to negative impacts on the local economy.To stop
people from trading freely, the government should give taxes, imports, and
exports between countries by eliminating all or most tariffs, quotas, subsidies,
and prohibitions.

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