Arabic Sick

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Getting Sick

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Conversation Cheat Sheet

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Main Dialogue CLICK HERE

A nurse asks Erica what’s wrong.

mālek? .‫رايس واجعاين‬
rāsī wagʿānī.

What's the matter?

My head hurts.

Focus Example
.‫____ واجعاين‬ .‫رايس واجعاين‬

_____ wagʿānī. rāsī wagʿānī.

My ________ hurts. My head hurts.

Key Vocabulary

‫ضهر‬ ‫رقبة‬ ‫راس‬ ‫زور‬

ḍahr raʾabah rās zūr

back neck head throat

Sickness & Injury-Related Vocabulary
‫حساسية‬ ḥasāseyyah allergy

‫ربو‬ rabū asthma

‫رجل مكسورة‬ regl maksūrah broken leg

‫كحة‬ koḥḥah cough

‫سكر‬ sokkar diabetes

‫إنفلونزا‬ ʾenfelwanzā flu

‫سخونية‬ soḫūneyyah fever

‫دوا‬ dawā medicine

‫التهاب رئوي‬ eltehāb reʾawī pneumonia

‫آنكل‬ ʾānkel sprained ankle

Questions and Answers About Sickness

Q. ‫إيه األعراض؟‬ A. .‫زوري واجعني و عندي كحة‬
ʾeīh el-ʾaʿrāḍ? zūrī wāgeʿnī we ʿandī koḥḥah.
What are your symptoms? I have a sore throat and a cough.

Q. ‫بقالك قد إيه حاسس بده؟‬ A. .‫بقايل تالت أيام‬

baʾalak ʾad ʾeīh ḥāses bedah? baʾalī talāt ʾayyām.
How long have you been feeling this way? For three days.

Phrases You Need at the Doctor’s Office

.‫محتاج أشوف دكتور‬ .‫أنا مش مظبوط‬
meḥtāg ʾašūf doktūr. ʾanā meš maẓbūṭ.
I need to see a doctor. I don’t feel well.

.‫حرارتك متانية و تالتني‬ .‫رايس واجعاين‬

ḥarārtak tamāneyah we talātīn. rāsī wagʿānī.
You have a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius. My head hurts.

Want More?
Learn How to Talk About Getting Sick in Egyptian Arabic

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