Introduction To Soft Computing

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Subject Code:PCP7H010
7th Semester
Dr. Sakuntala Mahapatra
Dean (R &D), Professor and HOD
Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.


TIME:12.15 PM-1.15 PM

24/08/2020 Introduction to Soft Computing 2

• Soft Computing Syllabus
• Definition of Soft Computing
• Basic Tools of Soft Computing
• Fuzzy Logic
• Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)
• Evolutionary Computing

24/08/2020 Introduction to Soft Computing


Definition of Soft Computing
 Soft Computing is the use of
approximate calculations to provide
imprecise but usable solutions to
complex computational problems.
 The approach enables solutions for
problems that may be either unsolvable
or just too time-consuming to solve with
current hardware.

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Definition of Soft Computing
 Soft Computing is sometimes referred to
as Computational Intelligence.
 Soft computing provides an approach to
problem-solving using means other than
 With the human mind as a role model, soft
computing is tolerant of partial truths,
uncertainty, imprecision and approximation,
unlike traditional computing models.
 The tolerance of soft computing allows
researchers to approach some problems that
traditional computing can't process.

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Definition of Soft Computing
 Soft computing contrasts with possibility, an
approach that is used when there is not
enough information available to solve a
 In contrast, soft computing is used where
the problem is not adequately specified for
the use of conventional math and computer
 Soft computing has numerous real-world
applications in domestic, commercial and
industrial situations.
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Basic Tools of Soft Computing
Soft computing uses component fields of
study in:

 Fuzzy Logic (MODULE-11)

 Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)
 Evolutionary Computing (MODULE-IV)

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Fuzzy Logic
 Fuzzy Logic is an approach to computing
based on "degrees of truth" rather than the
usual "true or false" (1 or 0) Boolean logic
on which the modern computer is based.
 Dictionary meaning of Fuzzy is not clear,
noisy etc.
 The term Fuzzy refers to things which are
not clear or are vague.
 The idea of fuzzy logic was first advanced by
Dr. Lotfi A. Zadeh of the University of
California at Berkeley in 1965.
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History of Fuzzy Logic

Professor Lotfi A. Zadeh

 In 1965, Lotfi A. Zadeh of the University of California at

Berkeley published "Fuzzy Sets," which laid out the
mathematics of fuzzy set theory and, by extension, fuzzy
logic. Zadeh had observed that conventional computer
logic couldn't manipulate data that represented subjective
or vague ideas, so he created fuzzy logic to allow
computers to determine the distinctions among data with
shades of gray, similar to the process of human reasoning.
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Fuzzy Logic
 Fuzzy Logic (FL) is a method of
reasoning that resembles human
reasoning. The approach of FL imitates the
way of decision making in humans that
involves all intermediate possibilities
between digital values YES and NO.
 The inventor of fuzzy logic, Lotfi A. Zadeh,
observed that unlike computers, the
human decision making includes a range
of possibilities between YES and NO.

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Fuzzy Logic

 Fuzzy Logic:
◦ A way to represent variation or imprecision
in logic
◦ A way to make use of natural language in logic
◦ Approximate reasoning

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Boolean Vs Fuzzy Logic
 In the Boolean system, only two
possibilities (0 and 1) exist, where 1
denotes the absolute truth value and 0
denotes the absolute false value.
 But in the Fuzzy system, there are
multiple possibilities present between the
0 and 1, which are partially false and
partially true.

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Boolean Vs Fuzzy Logic
 Fuzzy logic contains the multiple logical
values and these values are the truth
values of a variable or problem between 0
and 1.
 This concept provides the possibilities
which are not given by computers, but
similar to the range of possibilities
generated by humans.
 Humans say things like "If it is sunny and
warm today, I will drive fast"
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Need of Fuzzy Logic
 Sometimes, we cannot decide in real life
that the given problem or statement is
either true or false. At that time, this
concept provides many values between
the true and false and gives the flexibility
to find the best solution to that problem.

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Boolean Vs Fuzzy Logic(Example)

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Boolean Vs Fuzzy Logic(Example)

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Boolean Vs Fuzzy Logic(Example)

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TIME:12.15 PM-1.15 PM

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Characteristics of Fuzzy Logic
 This concept is flexible and we can easily understand and
implement it.
 It is used for helping the minimization of the logics created by the
 It is the best method for finding the solution of those problems
which are suitable for approximate or uncertain reasoning.
 It always offers two values, which denote the two possible
solutions for a problem and statement.
 It allows users to build or create the functions which are non-
linear of arbitrary complexity.
 In fuzzy logic, everything is a matter of degree.
 In the Fuzzy logic, any system which is logical can be easily
 It is based on natural language processing.
 It is also used by the quantitative analysts for improving their
algorithm's execution.
 It also allows users to integrate with the programming.

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Need of Fuzzy Logic
 Fuzzy logic is useful for commercial and
practical purposes.
 It can control machines and consumer
 It may not give accurate reasoning, but
acceptable reasoning.
 Fuzzy logic helps to deal with the
uncertainty in engineering.

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Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)
 Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), usually
simply called Neural Networks (NNs), are
computing systems vaguely inspired by
the Biological Neural Networks that
constitute Human Brain.
 An ANN is based on a collection of connected
units or nodes called Artificial Neurons,
which loosely model the Neurons in a biological

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Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)
 An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is
the piece of a computing system designed to
simulate the way the human brain
analyzes and processes information.
 It is the foundation of Artificial
Intelligence (AI) and solves problems that
would prove impossible or difficult by human
or statistical standards.
 ANNs have self-learning capabilities that
enable them to produce better results as
more data becomes available.
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Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)
 Artificial Neural Networks are built like
the human brain, with neuron nodes
interconnected like a web.
 The human brain has hundreds of billions
of cells called neurons.
 Each neuron is made up of a cell body
that is responsible for processing
information by carrying information
towards (inputs) and away (outputs) from
the brain.
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Biological Neuron

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Biological Neuron

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TIME:12.15 PM-1.15 PM

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Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)
 An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a
computational model based on the structure
and functions of Biological Neural
 Information that flows through the network
affects the structure of the ANN because a
neural network changes - or learns, in a
sense - based on that input and output.
 ANNs are considered nonlinear statistical
data modeling tools where the complex
relationships between inputs and outputs are
modeled or patterns are found.

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ANN Functions as Biological

Artificial Neuron

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Artificial Neural Networks(ANN)
 An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is the
component of Artificial Intelligence that is meant
to simulate the functioning of a human brain.
 Processing units make up ANNs, which in turn
consist of inputs and outputs. The inputs are what
the ANN learns from to produce the desired
 Backpropagation is the set of learning rules used
to guide Artificial Neural Networks.
 The practical applications for ANNs are far and
wide, encompassing finance, personal
communication, industry, education, and so on.
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Structure of Artificial Neural

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Structure of Artificial Neural

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Structure of Artificial Neural

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Evolutionary Computing
 Evolutionary computation is another field, that is
strongly inspired by nature ( Artificial Intelligence,
Genetic Programming).
 This field was pioneered independently in the 1960s
by Fogel et al. 1966, Holland 1975, Rechenberg 1973.
The latter two authors published their work in a
widely accessible form only in the 1970s.
 Rechenberg used evolutionary strategies to develop
highly optimized devices, such as irregularly shaped
reduction pieces for pipes, e.g., for an air conditioning
system, which proved to have a lower air flow
resistance than ordinary reduction pieces.

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Evolutionary Computing
 In Computer Science, Evolutionary
Computation is a family of algorithms for global
optimization inspired by biological evolution, and the
subfield of Artificial Intelligence and Soft
Computing studying these algorithms. In technical
terms, they are a family of population-based trial and
error problem solvers with
a metaheuristic or stochastic optimization character.
 Evolutionary Computation techniques can
produce highly optimized solutions in a wide range of
problem settings, making them popular in Computer
 Many variants and extensions exist, suited to more
specific families of problems and data structures.

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Evolutionary Computing
 In Evolutionary Computation, an initial set of
candidate solutions is generated and iteratively
 Each new generation is produced by stochastically
removing less desired solutions, and introducing
small random changes.
 In biological terminology, a population of
solutions is subjected to natural
selection (or artificial selection) and mutation.
 As a result, the population will gradually evolve to
increase in fitness, in this case the chosen fitness
function of the algorithm.
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Evolutionary Computing
 EC is a computational intelligence technique inspired from natural
evolution. An EC algorithm starts with creating a population
consisting of individuals that represent solutions to the problem.
 The first population could be created randomly or fed into the
algorithm. Individuals are evaluated with a fitness function, and the
output of the function shows how well this individual solves or
comes close to solving the problem.
 Then, some operators inspired from natural evolution, such
as crossover, mutation, selection, and reproduction, are applied to
 Based on the fitness values of newly evolved individuals, a new
population is generated. Because the population size has to be
preserved as in nature, some individuals are eliminated.
 This process goes on until the termination criterion is met.
Reaching the number of generations defined is the most used
criterion to stop the algorithm.
 The best individual with the highest fitness value is selected as the
solution. 31/08/2020 Introduction to Soft Computing 37
Evolutionary Computing
 In Evolutionary Computation, the
process of natural evolution is used as a role
model for a strategy for finding optimal or
near optimal solutions for a given problem.
 In Genetic Algorithms, an important class
of evolutionary computing techniques,
candidates for a solution are encoded in a
string, often a binary string only containing
‘0’s and ‘1’s. Evolution takes place by
modifying the genetic code of a candidate.
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Evolutionary Computing
 This roughly means that programs are expected
to require a computing time that grows
exponentially with the size of the problem.
 One such problem is the traveling salesperson
problem, where a number of cities are given along
with a distance matrix providing the traveling
distance or cost for each pair of cities.
 The problem asks for the shortest possible round
trip, i.e., the traveling salesperson departs from a
given city and should visit all other cities before
returning to the first city.
 For n cities, apart from the city of origin, there
are n! different round trips, provided there is a
direct connection between every pair of cities.
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Evolutionary Computing
 A substantial proportion of them has to be
evaluated before one can be sure that the optimal
round trip has been found.
 Hence, the number of computing steps grows
exponentially with the number of cities to be
 That is, the required computing time to find the
optimal solution becomes impractical even for
moderate numbers of cities on today's fast
computers and those computers projected for
the near future.
 As a consequence, one has to be content with a
good solution as opposed to an optimal solution.

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Genetic Algorithm (GA)
 In Computer Science and operations research,
a Genetic Algorithm (GA) is
a metaheuristic inspired by the process of natural
selection that belongs to the larger class
of Evolutionary Algorithms (EA).
 Genetic Algorithms are commonly used to generate
high-quality solutions to optimization and search
problems by relying on biologically inspired operators
such as mutation, crossover and selection.
 John Holland introduced Genetic Algorithms in
1960 based on the concept of Darwin’s theory of
evolution, and his student David E. Goldberg further
extended GA in 1989.

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Genetic Algorithm (GA)
 Darwinism is;A theory of biological evolution develop
ed by the English naturalist Charles Darwin (1809–
1882) and others, stating that all species of organisms
arise and develop through the natural selection of small,
inherited variations that increase the individual's ability
to compete, survive, and reproduce.
 Also called Darwinian theory, it originally included
the broad concepts of transmutation of species or of
evolution which gained general scientific acceptance
after Darwin published on the Origin of Species in 1859,
including concepts which predated Darwin's theories.
English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley coined the
term Darwinism in April 1860.

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