Gus Harper
Gus Harper
Gus Harper
doing a part of one of Gus Harpers’ ‘citrus-scapes’. His style of lines fading
to the edge of the canvas is particularly pleasing to look at for me as well.
However, sometimes I find pieces that are spread over a few square canvases
to drain out the lines. He tends to do roses in the ‘grid’ style and I think these
are actually really effective as it follows a row of blue roses surrounded by
squares of red roses. This stark contrast to the rest of the image provides a
great centre of attention
Gus Harper does not really do realism and most of his pieces contain just
enough shading to show a narrow field of depth. This is his own style though
and it is evident through his vast amount of techniques he uses he still falls
back on minimal realism and shading: often intensifying shadows where he
wants certain things to pop. Where he lacks in realism he makes up for in
detail – his massive murals contain so much to absorb that you can not just
take a single glance. A lot of surrealist imagery is ‘hidden’ into the
background and sometimes the foreground as well, in turn his wall-art (Put in
real world.
Gus Harper
Gus Harper, son of Fielden Harper, was born and raised in Santa
Monica, California. He sold his first painting at age 17 where he
realized his passion for abstract forms. This led him down an 18 year
path of professional artistry and discovery. Gus Harper travels around
the world producing murals and artworks based on the experiences
and cultures he picked up in those countries. These include: Nepal,
Malaysia, India, Vietnam, Indonesia and Mexico. However it is this
bond with the local people that really gave him the joy and inspiration
he need to make a ‘set’ of designs in that style.