Dr. Nida Sultana Thesis

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Dissertation submitted to Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial
Health Sciences & Ayush University of Chhattisgarh, Raipur,
Chhattisgarh, in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of
In the speciality of

Under the guidance of


Batch 2018-2021


Writing this thesis has been fascinating and extremely rewarding. As a

Post Graduate Student, during my thesis tenure people were instrumental directly

or indirectly in shaping up my academic career. It was hardly possible for me to

thrive in my thesis work without precious support of these personalities. Here is

the small tribute to all those people.

To commence with, I bow my head in deep reverence to the ALMIGHTY

ALLAH the savior, for giving me energy, perseverance and the will, to finish this

work successfully.

At this moment of accomplishment, I am greatly indebted to my guide

Dr. KARTHIK KRISHNA M Professor and Head of Department of Periodontology at

Rungta College of Dental Sciences and Research for being my support pillar in this

pathway full of hurdles. Whenever I digressed, his amazing gift of explaining

complicated things in a simplified manner helped me in regaining my focus. His

vast knowledge and attention to detail, hard work is an example I hope to match


someday. His unprecedented calm and patient persona, an unfailing caring and

understanding demeanor made each endeavor easier. His own zeal for perfection,

passion, unflinching courage and conviction has always inspired me to do more. He

is one teacher who truly made a difference in my life. No matter what I do to

show my gratitude towards him, it always will be infinitely small and thereby I

owe him, my sincere thanks.

I humbly acknowledge Mr. SANJAY RUNGTA, Chairman, Rungta College of

Dental Sciences and Research and Dean Dr. SUDHIR PAWAR for providing an

efficient and able platform for me to gain knowledge through this effective and

highly advanced research institute and allowed me to do this research.

My earnest thanks to Dr. V GOPINATH and Dr. PADMA R Professor &

former H.O.D in Rungta College of Dental Sciences and Research, for introducing

me to the world of research. It was only due to their valuable guidance, cheerful

enthusiasm, and ever friendly nature that gave me boosts to start my work.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and deep appreciation to

Dr. AENA JAIN PUNDIR Professor in the Department of Periodontology at Rungta

College of Dental Sciences and Research. Her personified excellence, not only

through deep insight into the field of periodontology, but also through the unique


art, to exhume from her students the strings of an inquisitive mind and dedication

to work which made me realize the worth of discovering my own capabilities.

I am grateful to my prized staff Dr. SONIKA BODHI and Dr. SHRUTI

BHATNAGAR Senior Lecturers in the Department of Periodontology at Rungta

College of Dental Sciences and Research who had always been there for me for

unravelling the hitches of my course, giving constant advices to tackle glitches and

also for their constant guidance.

I also express my deep thankfulness to Dr. BALASUBRAMANYAM VASANT

for his meticulous statistical data analysis, without which this dissertation would

have been meaningless and incomplete.

I am extremely thankful to Tissue bank of TATA Memorial Centre, Advanced

Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer, Navi Mumbai. for providing

me the Amniotic Membrane and Bone Graft used in the study.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to my revered seniors Dr. TEH CHAI LIU and

Dr. NIKITA AGRAWAL for constant support and guidance, who have always been

there for me for unraveling the hitches of my course, giving constant advices to

tackle glitches and also for their constant guidance, infinite patience and

encouragement in shaping this thesis.


I owe thanks to a very special person, my husband Dr. SHAHZAD AHMAD

for his continued and unfailing love, and understanding during my pursuit of post-

graduation that made the completion of thesis possible. who was always around

at times I thought that it is impossible to continue, he helped me to keep things

in perspective. I greatly value his contribution and deeply appreciate his belief in

me. Words would never say how grateful I am to him. I consider myself the

luckiest in the world to have such a caring husband standing beside me with his

love and unconditional support.

I am bound to express my thanks to my colleagues Dr. SAMARPITA NANDA

and Dr. SMRITI GUPTA for constant encouragement, motivation, unconditional

support and positive appreciation throughout my post-graduation period. Even in

those very dreaded days, you both made my life easier. Thanks for supporting me

wholeheartedly, I couldn’t appreciate it enough.

It’s my fortune to gratefully acknowledge the support of my juniors


CHANDRAKAR for helping and enabling me comprehend and overcome the

hardships and hurdles throughout the course of my post-graduation.


I am also thankful to my sub juniors Dr. ABHISHEK HIRWANI, Dr. SYEDA


Dr. KRITIKA KEJRIWAL for their valuable help and support in all possible aspects.

I wish to acknowledge the help and cooperation from our non-teaching

staff Mrs. JAYA DAS and Mrs. KAMLAWATI DEVI.

No words could ever express the love and appreciation that I hold for my

loving PARENTS AND FAMILY, for their unconditional love, constant prayers,

support and sacrifice that they have made and also for instilling in me those

values and principles in my life.

I would like to pay high regards and deep sense of gratitude to my parents


Mrs. SHAMIM BANO, for their sincere encouragement and inspiration throughout

my work and lifting me uphill in this phase of life. I hope I have made them

proud and I owe everything to them.

I extend my sincere thanks to my brother NAHEED KHAN, my sister


and my sister in laws ALFIYA BANO and SANIYA NASEEM for their kind co-


operation and support. Their faith in me gave me the strength to carry out the

work successfully.

Narrow border of language could never express my respect and gratitude to

all the patients who co-operated with me, they deserve maximum credit for the

success of this dissertation.

Besides this, I want to thank all the people that have knowingly and

unknowingly helped me in the successful completion of my dissertation.


List of abbreviations



ABM Allogenic Bone Matrix

ACM Amnion Chorion Membrane

AIAM Antibiotic Impregnated Amniotic Membrane

AM Amnion Membrane

ANOVA Analysis of Variance

BMP Bone Morphogenic Protein

BOP Bleeding on Probing

BP Bard Parker

CAL Clinical Attachment Level

CBCT Cone Beam Computed Tomography

CM Chorion Membrane

CPS Calcium Phosphosilicate

DBM Demineralized Bone Matrix

List of abbreviations

DFDBA Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft

DMSD Digital Media Sustainable Development

ECM Extracellular Matrix

EGF Epidermal Growth Factor

EMD Enamel Matrix Derivatives

FDBA Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft

GI Gingival Index

GR Gingival Recession

GTR Guided Tissue Regeneration

HA Hydroxyapatite

HCL Hydrochloride

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HLA Human Leukocyte Antigen

HS Highly Significant

HSV Herpes Simplex Virus

List of abbreviations

IL Interleukin

KGF Keratocyte Growth Factor

mm Millimeter

NCP Non-Collagenous Proteins

NS Non-Significant

OFD Open Flap Debridement

OPG Orthopantomogram

PDL Periodontal Ligament

PI Plaque Index

PPD Probing Pocket Depth

PRF Platelet Rich Fibrin

PRP Platelet-Rich Plasma

PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene

RAL Relative Attachment Level

RVG Radiovisiography

List of abbreviations

S Significant

TGF Transforming Growth Factor

TIMP Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinase

UNC University of North Carolina

Table of contents








6. DISCUSSION 119-131



9. ANNEXURES 154-164

List of tables



Table 1 Bone replacement grafts 18

Table 2 Scoring criteria for Plaque Index 57

Table 3 Suggested Nominal Scale for Patient Evaluation 58

for Plaque Index

Table 4 Scoring criteria for Gingival Index 58

Table 5 Suggested Nominal Scale for Patient Evaluation 59

for Gingival Index

Table 6 Intragroup comparison of mean Plaque Index at 91

Baseline, 90th day and 180th day in group I

Table 7 Intragroup comparison of mean Plaque Index in 91

group I at different time interval

Table 8 Intragroup comparison of mean Plaque Index at 92

Baseline, 90th day and 180th day in group II

Table 9 Intragroup comparison of mean Plaque Index in 92

group II at different time interval

List of tables

Table 10 Intergroup comparison of mean Plaque Index 93

between various time intervals

Table 11 Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival Index at 95

Baseline, 90th day and 180th day in group I

Table 12 Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival Index in 95

group I at different time interval

Table 13 Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival Index at 96

Baseline, 90th day and 180th day in group II

Table 14 Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival Index in 96

group II at different time interval

Table 15 Intergroup comparison of mean Gingival Index 97

between various time intervals

Table 16 Intragroup comparison of mean Probing Pocket 99

Depth at Baseline, 90th day & 180th day in group I

Table 17 Intragroup comparison of mean Probing Pocket 99

Depth in group I at different time interval

Table 18 Intragroup comparison of mean Probing Pocket 100

Depth at Baseline, 90th day & 180th day in group II

List of tables

Table 19 Intragroup comparison of mean Probing Pocket 100

Depth in group II at different time interval

Table 20 Intergroup comparison of mean Probing Pocket 101

Depth between various time intervals

Table 21 Intragroup comparison of mean Relative 103

Attachment Level at Baseline, 90th day and 180th

day in group I

Table 22 Intragroup comparison of mean Relative 103

Attachment Level in group I at different time


Table 23 Intragroup comparison of mean Relative 104

Attachment Level at Baseline, 90th day and 180th

day in group II

Table 24 Intragroup comparison of mean Relative 104

Attachment Level in group II at different time


Table 25 Intergroup comparison of mean Relative 105

Attachment Level between various time intervals

List of tables

Table 26 Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival 107

Recession at Baseline, 90th day and 180th day in

group I

Table 27 Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival 107

Recession at Baseline, 90th day and 180th day in

group II

Table 28 Intergroup comparison of mean Gingival 108

Recession between various time intervals

Table 29 Intragroup comparison of mean Radiographic 110

Defect Depth at Baseline and 180th day in group I

Table 30 Intragroup comparison of mean Radiographic 110

Defect Depth at Baseline and 180th day in group I

Table 31 Intergroup comparison of mean Radiographic 111

Defect Depth between various time interval

Table 32 Intergroup comparison of mean Amount of Defect 113

Fill at 180th day

Table 33 Intergroup comparison of Percentage of Defect 114

Fill at 180th day

List of figures



Fig 1 Classification According to the number of osseous 7

walls present

Fig 2 Infrabony defects 8

Fig 3 Predictability of treatment outcome based on defect 10


Fig 4 Sources of regenerating cells in the healing stages of 12

a periodontal pocket

Fig 5 New Attachment 14

Fig 6 Epithelial adaptation after periodontal treatment 15

Fig 7 Layers of Placenta 26

Fig 8 Cross section of the human amniotic membrane 26

indicating the biochemical characteristics of the

Fig 9 Inhibition of Fibrosis by Amnion membrane 27

Fig 10 Defect landmarks 62

Fig 11 Defect landmarks in the radiograph 62

List of figures

Fig 12 Diagnostic cast with acrylic stent 74

Fig 13 Millimeter grid mount 74

Fig 14 Radiograph with millimeter grid mount 75

Fig 15 Surgical armamentarium 75

Fig 16 Demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft 76

Fig 17 Amnion membrane (AM) allograft 76



Fig 18 RAL measured using UNC -15 probe preoperatively 77

Fig 19 PPD measured using UNC -15 probe preoperatively 77

Fig 20 Incision placement 78

Fig 21 Osseous defect between right mandibular first molar 78

and second molar after debridement

Fig 22 DFDBA being carried to the defect 79

Fig 23 DFDBA placement in the defect 79

Fig 24 Flap closure with simple interrupted suture 80

List of figures

Fig 25 Periodontal dressing given 80

Fig 26 RAL measured using UNC -15 probe postoperatively 81

Fig 27 PPD measured using UNC -15 probe postoperatively 81

Fig 28 RVG at baseline 82

Fig 29 RVG at 180th day months 82


II (DFDBA with AM)

Fig 30 RAL measured using UNC -15 probe preoperatively 83

Fig 31 PPD measured using UNC -15 probe preoperatively 83

Fig 32 Incision Being Placed 84

Fig 33 After debridement 84

Fig 34 Osseous defect between right mandibular second 85

premolar and first molar after debridement

Fig 35 DFDBA and Trimmed AM with template 85

Fig 36 Defect grafted with DFDBA 86

Fig 37 AM placed over the grafted defect 86

List of figures

Fig 38 Flap closure with simple interrupted suture 87

Fig 39 Periodontal dressing given 87

Fig 40 RAL measured using UNC -15 probe postoperatively 88

Fig 41 PPD measured using UNC -15 probe postoperatively 88

Fig 42 RVG at baseline 89

Fig 43 RVG at 180th day 89

List of graphs



Graph 1 Comparison of mean Plaque Score Index between 115

group I and group II at baseline, 90th day and

180th day

Graph 2 Comparison of mean Gingival Score Index 115

between group I and group II at baseline, 90th day

and 180th day

Graph 3 Comparison of mean Probing Pocket Depth 116

between group I and group II at baseline, 90th day

and 180th day

Graph 4 Comparison of mean Relative Attachment Level 116

between group I and group II at baseline, 90th day

and 180th day

Graph 5 Comparison of mean Gingival Recession between 117

group I and group II at baseline, 90th day and

180th day

Graph 6 Comparison of mean Radiographic Defect Depth 117

between group I and group II at baseline and

List of graphs

180th day

Graph 7 Comparison of mean Amount of Defect Fill 118

between group I and group II at 180th day

List of annexures



1 Institutional ethics committee – Certificate of ethics 154


2 Scientific research committee certificate 155

3 Patient’s consent form 156

4 Case history Proforma 157-161

5 Master Table 162-164



Background: Periodontal regeneration in intrabony defects is an arduous task to

achieve, regardless of all advancement. Several treatment modalities have been

applied over the years to reconstruct intrabony periodontal defects surgically.

Perhaps the most obvious shift has been from resective periodontal surgical procedures

to techniques and methods aimed at regeneration and reconstruction of the lost


Objectives: To compare the efficacy of Amnion Membrane (AM) allograft barrier with

DFDBA and DFDBA alone in treatment of periodontal intrabony defect in chronic

periodontitis patients.

Methods: A total of 40 sites (20 in each group) with clinical and radiographical

evidence of intrabony defects were selected from the Out-Patient Department, Rungta

College of Dental Sciences and Research, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh. The selected sites were

randomly divided into group I (Open flap debridement with DFDBA) and group II

(Open flap debridement with DFDBA+ AM). The clinical parameter evaluated were

Plaque index (PI), Gingival index (GI), Probing pocket depth (PPD), and Relative

attachment level (RAL), at baseline, 90th day and 180th day postoperatively.

Radiographic parameters recorded vertical osseous defect depth, amount of defect fill

and percentage of defect fill at baseline and 180th day. All clinical and radiographic data

were subjected to statistical analysis using appropriate tests for within group

comparison and intergroup comparison.

Results: The clinical and radiographical parameters showed improvement throughout

the study period. The plaque and gingival index showed significant reduction from

baseline (Group I: 2.07±0.18, Group II: 2.05±0.25 and Group I: 2.14±0.24, Group II:


2.28±0.21 respectively) to 180th day (Group I: 0.57±0.10, Group II: 0.61±0.13 and

Group I: 0.69±0.12, Group II: 0.66±0.15 respectively). Both the group showed

reduction in mean PPD and RAL which was statistically significant when comparing

baseline (Group I: 6.95±0.94, Group II: 7.30±0.92 and Group I: 12.05±1.39, Group II:

12.95±1.93 respectively) to 180th day (Group I: 4.10±0.78, Group II: 3.45±0.60 and

Group I: 9.30±1.86, Group II: 8.04±2.05 respectively). Group II showed greater

reduction in PPD (p= 0.005) and improvement in RAL (p= 0.048) than group I. There

was significant reduction in defect depth (Group I: 2.11± 0.57 and Group II: 1.85±0.55)

and increase in percentage of defect fill (p= 0.04) in both groups.

Conclusion: The results of this investigation indicated that AM as a novel barrier

membrane, in conjunction with DFDBA, is quite predictable and comparable to

DFDBA alone when used in intrabony defects in bringing improvements in clinical


Keywords: Guided tissue regeneration; intrabony defect; demineralized freeze-dried

bone allograft; amnion membrane.



Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease of the supporting tissues of the

teeth. It results from pathogenic bacterial infection, which produces factors that

destroy collagenous support of the tooth, as well as loss of alveolar bone. 1 Loss of

alveolar bone support is one of the characteristics signs of destructive periodontal

disease and is generally considered to represent the anatomical sequela to the apical

spread of periodontitis.2

The main goals of periodontal treatment are the elimination of infection and

the resolution of chronic inflammation in order to arrest disease progression and

prevent its recurrence. Persistent probing depths following treatment are often related

to the presence of intrabony (angular) periodontal defects, thus worsening the long-

term prognosis for teeth. The rationale behind the treatment of intrabony defects is

therefore to reduce residual probing depths to improve tooth prognosis. During the

last three decades, various treatment approaches involving nonsurgical techniques,

have been employed for the treatment of intrabony defects and have achieved variable


The ideal therapeutic goal of periodontal therapy is regeneration. Periodontal

regeneration is defined as complete replacement of lost periodontal structure

including formation of new cementum with inserting periodontal ligament, bone and

gingiva.4 Several treatment procedures including bone grafts,5 guided tissue

regeneration,6 bioactive agents7 or combined approaches8 have been suggested for

regenerative periodontal therapy.


Although bone tissue exhibits a large regeneration potential and may restore

its original structure and function completely, bony defects may often fail to heal with

bone tissue. In order to facilitate and/or promote healing, bone grafting materials can

be placed into bony defects. It is generally accepted that the biologic mechanisms

forming the basis for bone grafting include three basic processes: osteogenesis,

osteoconduction, and osteoinduction.9

Combination regenerative approaches like open flap debridement (OFD) with

bone graft,10 guided tissue regeneration,11 growth factors,12 enamel matrix derivative,8

stem cells13 have been quite successful for treating the more challenging intrabony

lesions, particularly as the size and complexity of the lesion increases. 14 Typically

these efforts have included a bone replacement graft that has been covered by an

exclusionary barrier to achieve guided tissue regeneration (GTR).15

GTR has an advantage of permitting or encouraging wound repopulation by

cells derived from tissues with known or suspected regenerative potential. In

periodontal regeneration with GTR it is noted that the GTR and bone substitutes

demonstrate better results as compared with GTR alone. 6 Demineralized freeze-dried

bone allograft (DFDBA), is an allograft that possess osteoconductive and

osteoinductive properties and eliminates the need for a second surgical site. DFDBA

has shown evidence of greater bone formation in healing of non-molar extraction

socket.16 DFDBA has the potential for osteoinduction with more expression of bone

morphogenetic protein, and hence indicated for periodontal regeneration. 17-20

Tissue engineering (TE) is defined as the development of biological

substitutes for the purpose of restoring, maintaining or improving tissue function and

requires the application of principles and methods from engineering and life


sciences.21 Stem cells represent an excellent source for use in TE. Recently Amniotic

Membrane (AM) has been investigated as a possible source of stem/progenitor cells

for therapeutic application and has a beneficial role in tissue engineering.

The placental based amniotic membranes have been used for tissue

engineering in the reconstruction of ocular surface, intractable epithelial defects,

management of Steven Johnsons syndrome, chemical burns, nerve regeneration,

feeder layer for stem cells, skin reconstruction, endothelial cell cultivation,21 local

drug delivery, as a graft material after vestibuloplasty,22 barrier membrane in

treatment of periodontal osseous defects,23 and as a guided tissue regeneration

membrane in the management of gingival recessions. AM have inherent biological

properties that actively promote wound healing in lieu of simply providing an occlusal

barrier for selective cell population and also promotes bone induction.24,25

The AM represents the innermost layer of the placenta, composed of single

epithelial layer, thick basement membrane and avascular stroma. AM has anti-

inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-scarring, low immunogenicity and reasonable

mechanical property.21 The amniotic membrane is considered an important potential

source for scaffolding material, as it creates an almost a native scaffold for self-

seeding in tissue engineering as the epithelium might retain reservoir of stem cells. 21

The above-mentioned facts about AM and DFDBA may positively influence

the treatment of a periodontal intrabony defect by enhancing wound healing,

promoting periodontal regeneration increased bone formation as compared to sites

treated with conventional open flap debridement and bone substitutes. However, the

scientific literature has limited information evaluating the benefits of AM in

periodontal regeneration.


Hence in order to compare and evaluate this hypothesis, the present

randomized control trial will be aimed at clinically and radiographically evaluating

(bone fill) the efficacy of AM in combination with DFDBA in the treatment of

periodontal intrabony defects of chronic periodontitis patients.

Aim and objectives



The aim of this study was to evaluate clinically and radiographically the efficacy

of Amnion Membrane (AM) allograft barrier with DFDBA and DFDBA alone in

treatment of periodontal intrabony defect in chronic periodontitis patients.


The present study was undertaken with the following objectives:

1. To compare the efficacy of Amnion Membrane (AM) allograft barrier and

Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft (DFDBA) in the reduction of

probing pocket depth, gain in the clinical attachment level and reduction in

gingival recession.

2. To assess radiographically the effect of Amnion Membrane (AM) allograft

barrier and Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft (DFDBA), measure

the defect depth and to calculate the percentage of defect fill.

Review of literature


Chronic periodontitis is the most prevalent form of periodontitis, and it

generally shows the characteristics of a slowly progressing inflammatory disease.

Periodontitis belongs to the group of complex inflammatory diseases in humans. 26

The classic definition described chronic periodontitis as “an infectious disease

resulting in inflammation within the supporting tissues of the teeth, progressive

attachment loss, and bone loss.”27 The clinical feature that distinguishes periodontitis

from gingivitis is the presence of clinically detectable attachment loss as a result of

inflammatory destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. This loss is

often accompanied by periodontal pocket formation and changes in the density and

height of the subjacent alveolar bone. 26


Regeneration is defined as the biologic process by which the architecture and

function of lost tissues are completely restored. With periodontal regeneration this

would mean regeneration of the lost supporting tissues of the tooth including new

alveolar bone, a new periodontal ligament and gingival structures. New connective

tissue attachment is defined as the reunion of connective tissue to a root surface that

has previously been pathologically exposed. Reattachment means the reunion of

connective tissue to a root surface exposed by incision or injury. Bone fill is defined

as clinical restoration of bone tissue in a treated periodontal defect. Bone fill does not

address the presence or absence of histologic evidence of new connective tissue

attachment or the formation of a regenerated periodontal ligament. 28

Review of literature


For proper diagnosis and better treatment outcome of regenerative procedure

for periodontal osseous defects, their morphology and classification is important.

Vertical or angular defects occur in an oblique direction, leaving a hollowed-out

trough in the bone alongside the root. The base of the defect is located apical to

alveolar crest and it forms when junctional epithelium is apical to alveolar crest. 34 An

intrabony defect is defined as a ‘periodontal defect within the bone surrounded by

one, two or three bony walls or a combination of these’. 29 Periodontal disease alters

the morphologic features of the bone in addition to reducing bone height and result in

different types of bone deformities.30

Classification According to the number of osseous walls present (Figure 1)

(Goldman & Cohen 1958):31








Review of literature



Figure 2- Infrabony defects

Review of literature

Infrabony defects are usually classified according to their morphology i.e. the

number of walls present and their topographic extension around the tooth: 31,32

1) one-wall defects: defects limited by one osseous wall and the tooth surface;

2) two-wall defects: defects limited by two osseous walls and the tooth surface; and

3) three-wall defects: (originally called intrabony defect) defects limited by three

osseous walls and the tooth surface.33

Combined osseous defect:

The number of bony walls in the apical portion of the defect may be greater

than in its coronal portion i.e. three wall defect in most apical portion of the defect

and two/one wall defect in more superficial portion.34

Grading of angular defects are as follow:35

1) Shallow and narrow.

2) Shallow and wide.

3) Deep and narrow.

4) Deep and wide.

The morphology of the osseous defect is a critical factor in determining the

outcome of the regenerative procedures. The deeper the defect, greater is the amount

of clinical improvement and the wider the defect the lower the clinical attachment and

bone gain.36

Review of literature

Regeneration is better with 2 or 3 wall deep, narrow intrabony defects and

deep intraosseous craters.37 Defects presenting with a radiographic angle of 25% or

less, an intrabony component deeper than 3 mm and gingival tissues at least 1 mm

thick have the greatest chances to result in consistent amounts of clinical attachment

and bone gains, irrespective of the number of residual bony walls. The thickness of

the gingival tissues, if unfavorable, can be improved with mucogingival surgery. 38

Figure 3: Predictability of treatment outcome based on defect anatomy: 38,39,40


Gingival Thickness (≥1mm)

1-,2-,3- Wall Defect

Wide (≥37 degrees) Narrow (≤25 degrees)

Shallow (≤ 3 mm) Deep (>3 mm) Shallow (≤ 3 mm) Deep (>3 mm)

Increasing Predictability

Periodontal regeneration is defined as “the restoration of lost periodontium

or supporting tissues and includes formation of new alveolar bone, new cementum,

and new periodontal ligament.”

The ultimate goal of periodontal regeneration therapy is reconstitution of lost

periodontium. On cellular level, periodontal regeneration is a complex process

requiring coordinated proliferation of progenitor stem cells remain in PDL and

Review of literature

perivascular region of alveolar bone after tooth development and their synchronized

differentiation, and maturation to form new alveolar bone, PDL and cementum in a

sequence that these three individual tissues are integrated to function as a new

periodontal supporting apparatus.40

Regeneration of the periodontium is a continuous physiologic process. Under

normal conditions, new cells and tissues are constantly being formed to replace those

that mature and die; this is termed wear and tear repair.41

It is manifested by:

1. Mitotic activity in the epithelium of the gingiva and the connective tissue

of the periodontal ligament,

2. The formation of new bone, and

3. The continuous deposition of cementum.

Regeneration is occurring even during destructive periodontal disease as a part

of healing. Most gingival and periodontal diseases are chronic inflammatory

processes and as such are healing lesions. However, bacteria and bacterial products

that perpetuate the disease process, along with the resulting inflammatory exudate, are

injurious to the regenerating cells and tissues, thus preventing completion of the

healing process. By removing bacterial plaque and creating the conditions to prevent

its new formation, periodontal treatment removes the obstacles to regeneration and

enables the patient to benefit from the inherent regenerative capacity of the tissues. A

brief “spurt” in regenerative activity occurs immediately after periodontal treatment,

but no local treatment procedures promote or accelerate regeneration.

Review of literature


Repair simply restores the continuity of the diseased marginal gingiva and

reestablishes a normal gingival sulcus at the same level on the root as the base of the

preexisting periodontal pocket. This process, called “healing by scar” arrests bone

destruction but does not result in gain of gingival attachment or bone height. 42 This

return of the destroyed periodontium to health involves regeneration and mobilization

of epithelial and connective tissue cells into the damaged area and increased local

mitotic divisions to provide sufficient numbers of cells.

Figure 4- Sources of regenerating cells in the healing stages of

a periodontal pocket. Left, intrabony pocket. Right, after therapy the
clot formed is invaded by cells from, A, the marginal epithelium; B,
the gingival connective tissue; C, the bone marrow; and, D, the
periodontal ligament.

Review of literature

For the diseased gingiva and attachment apparatus to regain (totally or

partially) their level on the root, therapy must include special materials and

techniques. If these are not used or are not successful, tissues undergo repair only,

which involves regeneration of tissue to remodel the attachment apparatus but does

not include regaining attachment level or new bone height. For this reason, we prefer

to use the term reconstruction of the periodontium to refer to the crucial therapeutic

techniques that seek to rebuild the periodontium and result in a significant gain of

attachment and bone height.

New Attachment

New attachment is the embedding of new periodontal ligament fibers into new

cementum and the attachment of the gingival epithelium to a tooth surface previously

denuded by disease. The critical phrase in this definition is “tooth surface previously

denuded by disease”. The attachment of the gingiva or the periodontal ligament to

areas of the tooth from which they have been removed in the course of treatment (or

during preparation of teeth for restorations) represents simple healing or reattachment

of the periodontium, not new attachment. The term reattachment refers to repair in

areas of the root not previously exposed to the pocket such as after surgical

detachment of the tissues or following traumatic tears in the cementum, tooth

fractures, or the treatment of periapical lesions.

Review of literature

Figure 5- New Attachment- Enamel surface (A). Area of cementum

denuded by pocket formation (B). Area of cementum covered by junctional
epithelium (C). Area of cementum apical to junctional epithelium (D). The
term new attachment refers to a new junctional epithelium and attached
connective tissue fibers formed on area B.

Epithelial adaptation differs from new attachment in that it is the close

apposition of the gingival epithelium to the tooth surface, with no gain in height of

gingival fiber attachment. The pocket is not completely obliterated, although it may

not permit passage of a probe.43,44

The term periodontal reconstruction refers to the process of regeneration of

cells and fibers and remodeling of the lost periodontal structures that results in-

1. Gain of attachment level,

2. Formation of new periodontal ligament fibers, and

3. A level of alveolar bone significantly coronal to that present before treatment.

Review of literature

Figure 6- Epithelial adaptation after periodontal treatment. A,

Periodontal pocket. B, After treatment. The pocket epithelium
is closely adapted to but not attached to the root.

A technique to attain these ideal results has been a constant but elusive goal of

periodontal therapy for centuries.45 Since the 1970s, renewed laboratory and clinical

research efforts have resulted in new concepts and techniques that have moved us

much closer to attaining this ideal result of therapy. Melcher pointed out that the

regeneration of the periodontal ligament is the key to periodontal reconstruction

because it “provides continuity between the alveolar bone and the cementum and also

because it contains cells that can synthesize and remodel the three connective tissues

of the alveolar part of the periodontium.” 46

During the healing stages of a periodontal pocket, the area is invaded by cells

from four different sources: oral epithelium, gingival connective tissue, bone, and

periodontal ligament.

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The final outcome of periodontal pocket healing depends on the sequence of

events during the healing stages.46 If the epithelium proliferates along the tooth

surface before the other tissues reach the area, the result will be a long junctional

epithelium. If the cells from the gingival connective tissue are the first to populate the

area, the result will be fibers parallel to the tooth surface and remodeling of the

alveolar bone with no attachment to the cementum. If bone cells arrive first, root

resorption and ankylosis may occur. Finally, only when cells from the periodontal

ligament proliferate coronally is there new formation of cementum and periodontal



Bone replacement grafts are widely used to promote bone formation and

periodontal regeneration. The use of bone grafts for reconstructing osseous defects

produced by periodontal disease dates back to Hegedus in 192347 and was reviewed

by Nabers & O’Leary in 1965.48

Osteogenesis occurs when viable osteoblasts and precursor osteoblasts are

transplanted with the grafting material into the defects, where they may establish

centers of bone formation. Autogenous iliac bone and marrow grafts are examples of

transplants with osteogenic properties.

Osteoconduction occurs when non-vital implant material serves as a scaffold

for the ingrowth of precursor osteoblasts into the defect. Autogenous cortical bone or

banked bone allografts may be examples of grafting materials with osteoconductive


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Osteoinduction involves new bone formation by the differentiation of local

uncommitted connective tissue cells into bone-forming cells under the influence of

one or more inducing agents.

Bone grafting material function, in part as structural scaffolds and matrices for

attachment and proliferation of anchorage-dependent osteoblasts.49

Objectives of bone grafting: (Schallhorn, 1977) 50

1. Pocket reduction/ elimination

2. Gain in clinical attachment

3. Restoration of host alveolar bone

4. Regeneration of new bone, cementum and periodontal ligament as

determined by histologic analysis.

5. To establish a healthy maintainable environment

Characteristics of ideal bone graft materials: (Boyne, 1973)51

1. Should be readily available and not requie surgical intervention at a second

donor site.

2. Should provide rapid osteogenesis.

3. Should not elicit immunological responses.

4. Should enhance revascularization.

5. Should be highly osteoinductive.

6. Should provide osteoconduction.

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7. Should provide for the formation of new attachment in periodontal lesion.

8. Should not impede bone growth.

The use of bone grafting or replacement materials is based on the assumption that

these materials may facilitate formation of alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and

root cementum.47

Table 1. Classification of bone graft materials (Nasr et al 1999) 52


Autogenous grafts (autografts)
Allogeneic grafts (allografts)
Fresh frozen bone
Freeze-dried bone allografts
Demineralized freeze-dried bone allografts

Xenogeneic grafts (xenografts)
Bovine-derived hydroxyapatite
Coralline calcium carbonate
Alloplastic grafts (alloplasts)
Tricalcium phosphate
dense, nonporous, nonresorbable

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porous, nonresorbable (xenograft)

resorbable hydroxyapatite derived at
low temperature
Bioactive glasses

Autogenous bone grafts: According to the “American Academy of Periodontology’s

Glossary of Periodontic Terms”; an autograft is defined as a tissue graft (bone)

transferred from one position to a new position in the same individual. Autogenous

bone is often referred to as the “gold standard” grafting material since it contains both

osteoprogenitor cells and scaffolding. They can be obtained either from intraoral sites

such as edentulous ridge, maxillary tuberosity, retromolar area, extraction sockets or

from extaoral sites such as iliac crest. 53

Allografts: The inability to obtain sufficient quantities of autogenous material

at the time of surgery led to the development of several types of bone allografts. The

allografts are obtained from other individuals of the same species but different

genotype. Two types of bone allografts in routine use are mineralized freeze-dried

bone allograft and demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft. They come in different

forms like particulate, gel and putty. They provide a source of type-I collagen, which

is the sole organic component of bone. 49

Xenografts: Xenografts are grafts shared between different species. Currently,

there are two available sources of xenografts used as bone replacement grafts in

periodontics: bovine bone and natural coral. Both sources, through different

processing techniques, provides products which are biocompatible and structurally

Review of literature

similar to human bone. They are osteoconductive with the advantage of being free of

risk of disease transmission and are readily available. 52

Alloplasts: An alloplasts is a biocompatible, inorganic synthetic bone grafting

material. Alloplastic materials can be used alone in some applications, or more

commonly in combination with freeze dried or autogenous bone. At times, these

materials are used simply as volume expanders, such as when there is insufficient

volume of autogenous bone. Other times, they are used as biocompatible space fillers,

such as to occlude the gap between a dental implant and an extraction socket wall.

Another common use of these materials is to ostensible provide a ready mineral

source for new bone formation. Used alone as a single graft material, these materials

can result clinically in improved bone density and can lead to more complete bone fill

of defects via osteoconduction. Alloplastic materials used recently to reconstruct

osseous periodontal defect include bioactive glasses, bioceramics, collagen and




Allografts are graft transferred between genetically dissimilar members of the

same species. Urist and Strates (1965) stated that demineralizing and freeze drying

the bone greatly enhances the osteogenic potential. HCL demineralization exposes the

bone morphogenic proteins that are composed of acidic polypeptides. The bone

morphogenic proteins are located in the bone matrix and therefore are abundant in

cortical bone where bone matrix is more abundant.54

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DFDBA was first used in dentistry and medicine in 1965 and in 1975 for the

first time it was used for the treatment of periodontal defects in humans. 55 DFDBA

provides osteoconductive surface and in addition it also acts as a source of

osteoinductive factors. So, it elicits mesenchymal cell migration, attachment and

osteogenesis when implanted in well-vascularized bone; it induces endochondral bone

formation when implanted in tissues that would otherwise not form bone. DFDBA

contains bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) such as BMP 2, 4, and 7 which help

stimulate osteoinduction.56

Thus, commercially prepared, allograft-retained proteins have the capacity to

influence cell behavior in vivo. BMPs produce multiple effects on bone by: acting as

mitogens on undifferentiated mesenchymal cells and osteoblast precursors, inducing

the expression of the osteoblast phenotype bone cells, and acting as chemo attractants

for mesenchymal cells and monocytes as well as binding to extracellular matrix type

IV collagen.57

Advantages of allografts include:58

 Availability in adequate quantities

 Predictable results

 The elimination of an additional donor site surgery

Disadvantages of allografts include:58

 Host incompatibility

 Potentially contaminated specimens resulting in recipient site infections

 Potential transmission of disease from donor to recipient of the allograft and

impractical or biologically ineffective usefulness

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Processing Sequence:59

1. Cortical bone is obtained in a sterile manner within 12 hours of death of the

donor. It is preferred over cancellous bone as it is less antigenic and contains

more bone inducing proteins.

2. Then the bone is fragmented into 0.5 to 1mm particles and decalcified in 0.6 N

HCL and immersed in 100% ethyl alcohol for 1 hour to remove fat and to

inactivate virus.

3. After which, bone is frozen at -80֯C for 1-2 week to interrupt the degradation

process, further decreasing the risk of disease transfer. Freeze drying removes

more than 95% of water content from bone.

4. The bone is grounded to a particle size of 250-800μm. This particle size range

is shown to promote osteogenesis, whereas a particle size smaller than 125μm

induce a macrophage response.

5. This graft material is again immersed in ethyl alcohol and washed repeatedly

to remove chemicals used in processing.

6. Then it is decalcified with 0.6 N HCL which removes Ca ++ leaving the bone

matrix and exposing the bone inductive proteins.

7. Then washed with Na phosphate buffer to remove the residual acid and stored.

Healing following the use of DFDBA follows a highly regulated cascade of

events, ultimately resulting in cellular migration, differentiation and synthesis of

bone. Although the precise origin of these progenitor cells remains unknown, it is

clear that they have the capacity to migrate and differentiate into synthetically

specialized cell types in response to signals, such as bone morphogenic proteins

present within DFDBA. Although, poorly understood, similar signaling mechanisms

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are likely responsible for cellular recruitment, differentiation and synthesis of

cementum and periodontal ligaments. 60

When DFDBA is used in particulate form, particle size also appears to be an

important variable in the success of DFDBA as a bone inductive material. Particles in

the range of 125 to 1000 μm possess a higher osteogenic potential than do particles

below125 microns.61 Optimal particle size appears to be between 100 to 300 μm. This

may be due to a combined effect of surface area and packing density. Very small

DFDBA particles elicit a macrophage response and are rapidly resorbed with little or

no new bone formation. Tissue banks providing DFDBA for dental use usually have

this graft material in various particle sizes, and the range from 250 to 750 μm is the

most frequently available.67

Factors related to particle size that cause differences in healing include

interparticle spacing, surface area and exfoliation of osseous graft particles. 62


Amniotic Membrane (AM) is a thin patch of multi-layered human collagen and

fibronectin derived from the inner lining of the human placenta. It is composed of

3 layers: an epithelial monolayer, a thick basement membrane and underlying

stroma. Normal amniotic membrane is 0.02-0.5 mm thick, which is equivalent to 6-

8 layers of cells. It is tough and lacks blood vessels, lymphatic system and nerves.

The amnion withstands tensile forces better than the chorionic membrane because

of its rich collagen content.65

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Following implantation of the blastocyst in the endometrium, its wall becomes

the chorion, the outer layer of membranes surrounding the fetus. The innermost

trophoblastic cells, the so called amniogenic cells, form the amniotic membrane

(amnion) which is visible by day 10 post-conception. 65 The amniotic sac fills

with fluid, expands gradually and adheres to the inner surface of the chorion; the

chorionic cavity disappears but the two layers do not fuse histologically and

remain separable. The amnion is thick and hard but a flexible sheet of tissue at

full term. 65


The Amnion and Chorion are multiple layers of collagen and are hydrophilic

(absorbs liquid). The amnion is presumably derived from embryonic ectoderm.

Human amniotic membrane is totally free of smooth muscle cells, nerve fibers

and lymphatics or blood vessels. The tractional resistance of the amniotic

membrane is related mainly to the condensed layer of interstitial collagens type

I and II.

Collagen type I is the main interstitial collagen in tissues with high

tractional resistance such as bone and tendon, but in other tissues, collagen III is

known as the main factor of integrity and firmness. 65 Elastin exists in small

amounts in the amniotic membrane and its elasticity is mainly due to collagen

type III. Owing to the presence of interstitial collagens, one of the important

properties of amniotic membrane is its resistance to proteolytic factors. 66 The

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amniotic membrane is not just a simple avascular membrane. It has multiple

metabolic functions such as transport of water and soluble materials and

production of bioactive factors including vasoactive peptides, growth factors,

and cytokines. 66


Since 1910, hundreds of studies have found many characteristics of AM which

makes it a suitable substrate for use in surgery:

Promotion of Epithelialization

Amniotic membrane serves as a basement membrane which facilitates epithelial

cell migration, reinforces adhesion of basal epithelial cells, promotes epithelial

differentiation and prevents epithelial apoptosis. 64,67,68 It produces various

growth factors such as platelet-derived growth factor, vascular endothelial

growth factor, angiogenin, transforming growth factor beta 2 (TGF-b2),

epidermal growth factor (EGF), keratocyte growth factor (KGF) which can

stimulate epithelialization. 64 The epithelial cells of the membrane produce brain

natriuretic peptide and corticotrophin releasing hormone which have roles in

increasing cellular proliferation and calcium metabolism. 66 Amniotic membrane

can accelerate epithelial healing through several mechanisms of action

mentioned above. It also has good permeability providing sufficient

oxygenation for epithelial cells which is in contrast to many synthetic materials.

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Figure 7- Layers of Placenta

Figure 8- Cross section of the human amniotic membrane indicating the

biochemical characteristics of the section.

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Inhibition of Fibrosis

Fibroblasts are naturally responsible for scar formation during wound healing and are

activated by transforming growth factor β (TGF- β). Amniotic membrane inhibits

expression of TGF-β receptors in fibroblasts resulting in less fibrosis.64

Figure 9- Inhibition of Fibrosis by Amnion membrane

Inhibition of Inflammation and Angiogenesis

The exact mechanism of the anti-inflammatory properties of amniotic membrane

is not clear. It is postulated that it serves as a barrier, decreasing influx of

inflammatory cells to the affected area and consequently reducing inflammatory

mediators. When applied as a patch in vivo, amniotic membrane entraps T

lymphocytes. 64 Additionally, other anti-inflammatory factors such as tissue

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inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMPs-1,2,3,4), interleukin-10 (IL-10), and IL-1

receptor antagonists as well as endostatin which inhibits endothelial cell

proliferation, angiogenesis, and tumor growth have been isolated in human

amniotic membrane. The presence of proteinase inhibitors may facilitate wound

healing. Thrombospondin-1, an antiangiogenic factor, is secreted by the

epithelium of amniotic membrane. IL-1α and IL-1β, two very potent

proinflammatory mediators, are suppressed by the stromal matrix of the amniotic

membrane. 64

Lack of Immunogenicity

Studies showed that both amniotic epithelial and mesenchymal cells and fibroblasts

express all HLA class I molecules including class Ia (HLA-A, B, C, DR) and class

Ib (HLA-G, E) antigens. However, HLA class II antigens are not expressed by

amnion epithelial cells. INFγ and other immunologic factors have been

recognized in the amniotic membrane. It seems that in the presence of viable

epithelial cells, amniotic membrane may induce immunologic reactions. One study

revealed that transplantation of fresh amniotic membrane is associated with a mild

inflammatory reaction probably due to expression of HLA-I antigens by viable

epithelial cells.

However cryopreserved amniotic membrane does not lead to immunologic

rejection. The main reason is loss of epithelial cells due to cryopreservation.

Human amniotic membrane has the ability to suppress T lymphocytes in

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allografted limbus cells. This implies immunosuppressive properties which can

increase the success rate of grafting. 64

Antimicrobial and Antiviral Properties

Amniotic membrane may decrease the risk of infection due to antimicrobial

properties. Amniotic membrane has cystatin E, the analogue of cysteine proteinase

inhibitor, which exhibits antiviral properties.64 Amniotic membrane may function as

a barrier against bacterial infiltration by adhesion to the wound surface, prevents

dead space formation and serous discharge accumulation thereby reducing bacterial

load. In clean surgical wounds, the hemostatic property of collagen fibers in

amniotic basement membrane prevents hematoma formation reducing microbial

accumulation and thereby the risk of infection.

Furthermore, formation of fibrin filaments during wound healing results in

adhesion of the wound bed to amniotic membrane collagens leading to bacterial

entrapment and stimulation of phagocyte migration. There is a report that amniotic

membrane may decrease bacterial proliferation even in contaminated wounds. 70

Other Properties

Amniotic membrane acts as a biologic dressing resulting in significant pain relief

owing to adhesion to the wound surface and coverage of dermal nerve endings. It

also prevents wound surface drying, which accelerates wound healing.64

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Amniotic membrane may be obtained under sterile conditions through elective

cesarean section after a full -term pregnancy. The donor is initially evaluated for

the possibility of blood borne infections by taking a careful history of high-risk

sexual behavior, intravenous drug abuse, blood transfusion or malignant disease

and by performing physical examination specifically for tattoos and needle marks.

After obtaining written consent, serum samples of the potential donor are tested for

anti-HIV-1 and 2 antibodies, hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B core antigen,

anti-hepatitis C virus antibody, and rapid plasma reagin test for syphilis. The

serologic tests are repeated 6 months later in seronegative subjects to recognize

infections in the window period of the previous tests. Until confirmation of the

seronegative state of the donor, the amniotic membrane is preserved at -80ºC.

Absolute aseptic techniques should be applied at all stages.64

There are several methods of tissue preparation and preservation which are

described hereunder.

Heat-dried Amniotic Membrane

In this method, the tissues are dried overnight in an oven at 40±2°C. It is then

sterilized using gamma irradiation. In this method, the membrane loses many of its

biologic properties due to the high temperature employed and serves as a biologic

dressing which is often used for management of burns.70

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Air-dried Amniotic Membrane

After separating and washing, the amniotic membrane is flattened under a lamellar

flow hood and exposed to the air overnight to get dried. Packing and sterilization

using gamma irradiation is then performed. Although high temperature is not

applied in this method, some properties of the amnion are lost or altered

remarkably due to dehydration. This type of prepared amniotic membrane is also

often used for wound dressing.71

Lyophilized (Freeze-dried) Amniotic Membrane

In this method, placental membrane is cut into pieces and rapidly frozen at -50ºC

to -80ºC. Thereafter it is dried under high vacuum using a freeze drier device.

Tissue water is extracted through sublimation reaching a final water content of 5-

10%. At the end, packing and sterilization using gamma irradiation is performed.

This type of preparation induces minimal changes in amniotic membrane properties

and the product can be stored at room temperature. The technique is complex and

more expensive than the previous two methods. This preparation is mainly used

for management of wounds. 72

Preservation in Cold Glycerol

Glycerol has been used as a cryoprotective agent for a long time. Due to its high

osmotic pressure it extracts interstitial water from the amniotic membrane. In this

method, 80% glycerol is used for drying the amniotic membrane which can

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thereafter be preserved at 4ºC for a long time, although it loses some of its biologic

properties. This type of preserved amnion is used for dressing burn wounds. 63,73

Cryopreserved Amniotic Membrane

Under sterile conditions, the placenta is washed free of blood clots with isotonic

solutions. Next, the amniotic membrane is separated from the chorion and washed

again with isotonic solutions containing antibiotics. The amniotic membrane is

then flattened onto a nitrocellulose paper & then cut into desired sizes and placed

in a solution containing glycerol or DMSD (digital media sustainable development)

as a cryoprotective agent. Due to the toxicity of DMSD, glycerol may be

preferable.59 The tissue can next be preserved by two methods:

 The vial containing the amniotic membrane and the solution is frozen at -


 The tissue is packed within two layers of polycarbonate and aluminum foil

and then frozen at -80ºC.

This type of preserved amniotic membrane maintains maximum biologic

properties compared to other methods. It seems that the viability of amniotic epithelial

cells has little effect on the biologic properties of the membrane; these properties are

correlated on the integrity of its matrix.65

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Antibiotic Impregnated Amniotic Membrane (AIAM)

After separation, the amniotic membrane is placed in an antibiotic solution composed

of 5 types of wide-spectrum antibiotics and an antifungal agent overnight and then

frozen at -80°C. The resultant amniotic membrane is suitable for management of

infected wounds by providing an appropriate concentration of antibiotics to the

wound surface.74


Human amnion has a long history of clinical applications. It was reported for

the first time as a biological dressing to heal skin wounds a century ago. In the

management of open wounds, the major goal is to obtain a clean and closed wound in

the shortest time possible, thereby preventing fluid, heat, and nutrient loss as well as

wound infection, pain, and decreased mobility.

Amniotic membranes are efficiently used as allografts for treating skin burns;

open and nonhealing ulcers; pressure sores; and surgical, infected, and traumatic

wounds. An alternative treatment to manage wounds in the oral cavity, such as the

tongue, buccal mucosa, vestibule, palatal mucosa, and floor of the mouth; in the

reconstruction of the oral cavity, bladder, and vagina; tympanoplasty; arthroplasty,

and so forth. Its adhesive and tight contact with the injured surface promotes

hemostasis and good pain relief due to exposition of nerve fibers. Good

biocompatibility and mechanical properties such as permeability, stability, elasticity,

flexibility, plasticity, and resorbability also make it a promising scaffolding material

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in tissue engineering as in cell adhesion, and the potential for delivery of

biomodulatory agents such as growth factors and genetic materials.

Anti-inflammatory and anti-scarring property of amniotic membrane have

shown decreased necrosis and rapid healing of ulcers with herpes simplex virus

(HSV), varicella zoster virus infected tissues, erythema multiforme major (Stevens–

Johnson syndrome), and cervical necrotizing fasciitis. AM has been tried in the

reconstruction of temporomandibular joint ankylosis because it prevents fibrosis and

re-ankylosis when used as an interpositional material. Amniotic membrane is even

used as a carrier for local delivery of various drugs such as antibiotic netilmycin and

antiviral drugs such as acyclovir and trifluridine. Amnion has been tried as a graft

material after vestibuloplasty where it prevents secondary contraction after surgery

and maintains postoperative vestibular depth.

A novel allograft composed of amnion tissue has recently been introduced for

periodontal plastic surgery. Collected data and subjective observation by the authors

indicate that the use of processed dehydrated allograft amnion provides good results

in terms of root coverage, increased tissue thickness, and increased attached gingival

tissue. Processed dehydrated allograft amnion demonstrated excellent esthetic results

in terms of texture and color match without postoperative discomfort and adverse

reactions. The allograft has been reported to treat Grade II furcation defects with

DFDBA and xenograft by guided tissue regeneration.

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Studies on Amnion membrane

Animal Studies:

Adachi K et al (2014)75 conducted an analysis of periodontal ligament (PDL)

cells cultivated on AM to determine the distribution of factors responsible for

maintaining the characteristics of PDL. Amniotic membrane was obtained from

women undergoing cesarean sections, whereas PDL tissue was obtained from human

maxillary third molars. The harvested PDL cells were maintained in explant culture

for three or four passages, following which they were cultured on AM. After 3 weeks

of culture, the PDL cells had grown well on AM. Immunofluorescence showed that

these cells were capable of proliferating and potentially maintaining their PDL-like

properties. In addition, strong cell-cell adhesion structures, namely desmosomes and

tight junctions, were shown to be present between cells. Electron microscopy images

showed that the cultured PDL cells had differentiated and proliferated on AM with

lateral conjugation and adhesion to AM. We conclude that AM may represent a

suitable substrate for culturing PDL cells and that PDL cells cultured on AM show

sheet formation.

Honjo K et al (2014)76 conducted a study in which mesenchymal stem cells

are transplanted for periodontal tissue regeneration, and the PDL is regenerated using

a cultured cell sheet. This cultured cell sheet is prepared using PDL-derived cells,

growth factors, and AM. Dental pulp-derived cells can be easily obtained from

extracted wisdom teeth, proliferate rapidly, and are less susceptible to bacterial

infection than PDL-derived cells. Thus, to prepare a novel cell sheet, DP-derived cells

were cultured on AM as a culture substrate for immunohistochemical examination.

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Wisdom teeth extracted from three adults were cut along the cement-enamel border.

DP tissue was collected, minced, and primarily cultured. After three or four passage

cultures, DP-derived cells were cultured on AM, followed by hematoxylin-eosin (H-

E) and immunofluorescence staining. DP-derived cells cultured on AM formed a

layered structure. Cells positive for vimentin, Ki-67, ZO-1, desmoplakin, CD29, 44,

105 or 146, STRO-1, collagen IV or VII or laminin 5 or α5 chain were localized. DP-

derived cells proliferated on AM, while retaining the properties of DP, which allowed

the cultured cell sheet to be prepared. In addition, the cultured cell sheet contained

MSC, which suggests its potential application in periodontal tissue regeneration.

Iwasaki et al (2014)77 conducted a study to investigate the regenerative

potential of PDLSC-amnion in a rat periodontal defect model. Cultured PDLSCs were

transferred onto amniotic membranes using a glass substrate treated with polyethylene

glycol and photolithography. The properties of PDLSCs were investigated by flow

cytometry and in vitro differentiation. PDLSC-amnion was transplanted into

surgically created periodontal defects in rat maxillary molars. Periodontal

regeneration was evaluated by microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) and

histological analysis. PDLSCs showed mesenchymal stem cell-like characteristics

such as cell surface marker expression (CD90, CD44, CD73, CD105, CD146, and

STRO-1) and trilineage differentiation ability (i.e., into osteoblasts, adipocytes, and

chondrocytes). PDLSC-amnion exhibited a single layer of PDLSCs on the amniotic

membrane and stability of the sheet even with movement and deformation caused by

surgical instruments. We observed that the PDLSC-amnion enhanced periodontal

tissue regeneration as determined by micro-CT and histology by 4 weeks after

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transplantation. These data suggest that PDLSC-amnion has therapeutic potential as a

novel cell-based regenerative periodontal therapy.

Human Studies:

Kiany F et al (2015)78 conducted a study to evaluate and compare the efficacy

of AM with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (BBM) and a collagen membrane

(CM) with BBM in GTR for the treatment of intrabony periodontal defects. Ten

chronic periodontitis patients with bilateral intrabony defects with radiographic

evidence of intrabony component ≥ 4 mm and probing pocket depths (PPDs) ≥ 6 mm

were randomly divided into two groups. The test group was treated with AM+BBM,

and the control group was managed with CM+BBM. Periodontal clinical parameters

were recorded at baseline and at 6 months after treatment. PPD, clinical attachment

level (CAL), and probing bone (PB) showed significant improvements after 6 months

in both the test and control groups. Gingival recession showed a significant increase

in the control group but not in the test group. The changes in mean PPD, PB, and

CAL preoperatively and postoperatively between the groups were not significant.

There was no significant relationship between the depth of the baseline bony defect

and CAL gain. Both AM and CM in conjunction with BBM provided improvement of

clinical periodontal parameters. AM did not induce significant gingival recession and

is suggested as a new barrier membrane in GTR treatment.

Temraz A et al (2019)79 compared the clinical and radiographic outcomes of

amnion chorion membrane (ACM) with demineralized bone matrix (DBM) in a putty

form in management of periodontal intrabony defects. Twenty-two participants with

severe chronic periodontitis and intrabony defects were randomly assigned in two

Review of literature

equal parallel groups. Each group was treated with open flap debridement (OFD) and

ACM or OFD and DBM putty. Plaque index, gingival index, PD, CAL and

radiographic measurement of bone defect area (BDA) were recorded at baseline, 3

and 6 months postoperatively. Both ACM and DBM putty demonstrated significant

improvement in all clinical and radiographic outcomes at 6 months compared to

baseline values. However, no significant difference was observed between the two

treatment modalities when compared at different time intervals. Six months

postoperatively, ACM showed PD reduction and CAL gain, while DBM putty

revealed PD reduction and CAL gain. Radiographic assessment showed that mean

baseline BDA for ACM group, which significantly reduced after 6 months. Mean

BDA mm2 in DBM putty group also significantly improved after 6 months, when

compared to baseline values. Both ACM barrier and DBM putty allograft provided

significant improvement in clinical and radiographic outcomes after 6 months, yet no

significant differences were noticed between them. This trial implied that both

biomaterials have a potential regenerative capacity in treating periodontal intrabony



Animal studies:

Becker W et al (1995)80 performed a study to test the osteoinductive

properties of DFDBA randomly from four commercial bone banks. Twenty-five

milligrams of bone from each of the bank was implanted into the hindquarter muscles

of athymic mice. Two samples from each of the banks were compared with samples

from the other banks. A total of 16 implants were grafted into 8 mice. Two additional

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mice served as controls. One mouse received an implantation of deactived human

cortical bone matrix (DBM). The other mouse received an implant of human bone

morphogenetic protein/non-collagenous proteins (hBMP/NCP) infused to surface

demineralized human cortical bone (positive control). At 21 days the mice were

killed, the hindquarters were photographed, and the tissues were prepared for

histologic evaluation. Of the 16 commercial DFDBA implants, 12 were available for

histologic evaluation. There was no radiographic evidence of bone formation for the

DFDBA implanted mice or the DBM implants. Small bone ossicles were scarcely

visible in the hindquarters of the mouse which received the hBMP/NCP infused bone.

The result of this exploratory study questions the continued use of commercially

available DFDBA for bone induction in periodontal defects and adjacent to dental

implants. One potential cause might be that bone induction proteins are not present in

sufficient quantity to produce detectable bone formation. Another possibility is that

the bone inductive components of DFDBA are present but in an inactive form.

Carnes L et al (1999)81 conducted a study to develop a rapid reliable method

for assessing the induction ability of DFDBA in vitro. They characterized the

response of 2T9 cells, an immature osteoprogenitor cell line derived from the

calvariae of transgenic mice containing the SV40 T-antigen driven by the mouse bone

morphogenic protein (BMP-2) promoter to recombinant human BMP-2 by measuring

alkaline phosphates specific activity. They also tested the hypothesis that the radio

opacity of tissue following implantation of DFDBA in vivo correlated with the ability

of human DFDBA to induce new bone. DFDBA from 9 different donors, stratified by

age, were implanted subcutaneously in the thorax of 18 nude mice. Tissue was

harvested at 36 days postoperatively and examined histologically and biochemically

for calcium and phosphorous uptake. In conclusion the calcium and phosphorous

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uptake by DFDBA implanted, tissue correlated with the age dependent decrease in

bone induction. These data showed that early x-rays might actually detect

remineralization and not new bone formation.

Human studies:

Libin BM et al (1975)82 presented three case reports of patients with severe

periodontal defects treated with a decalcified, lyophilized bone allograft. Two patients

received grafts of cancellous bone and one patient received a cortical bone graft. The

patients were observed up to 2 years following implantation. The results showed that

the implantation of decalcified, lyophilized bone allograft of both the cortical and

cancellous bone types resulted in new bone formation and a gain in attachment level

and no evidence of rejection of graft material for up to 2 years following implantation.

Pearson GE et al (1981)83 conducted a controlled pilot study to evaluate the

effectiveness of decalcified freeze-dried cancellous bone allograft material in the

treatment of intrabony periodontal defects in humans. Twenty-two defects were

selected for the study, out of which 16 defects were randomly selected for grafting

while the remaining 6 served as controls. Results showed a significant gain in

attachment with the allografting procedure but not with the control procedure, which

consisted of flap and curettage only.

Quintero et al (1982)84 evaluated the osteogenic potential of DFDBA in the

treatment of human periodontal osseous defects over a 6-month period. Cortical bone

obtained under sterile conditions from a human donor within 24 hours after death, was

decalcified, freeze dried and grounded to particle size of 250-500 microns. 27 osseous

defects with one, two and wide three wall morphology were treated. Clinical

Review of literature

measurements were made before surgery, at the time of surgery and re-entry. The

results showed a combined mean osseous regeneration for all defects was 2.4mm.

This represented a 65% mean bone fill of the original defect.

Werbitt M et al (1987)85 presented several case reports where DFDBA had

been used to treat advanced intrabony defect and where new bone formation had

occurred. A total of 20 defects were treated, and at the nine-month evaluation, the six

cases presented in this report had minimal probing depth and showed radiographic

evidence of substantial bone fill. The amount of repair ranged from 75% to 95% of

the original defect. Bone fill was achieved on both vital and non-vital teeth and in

some cases, there was a radiographic evidence of a lamina dura and a discernable

periodontal ligament space. Furthermore, the teeth that were initially mobile showed a

decrease in mobility.

Fucini SE et al (1993)86 conducted a study to compare the bony defect

resolution by using two different particle size of DFDBA. Cortical bone of final

particle sizes of 250μ to 500μ or 850μ to 1000μ were obtained. Paired interproximal

intrabony periodontal defects in 11 patients were grafted with DFDBA. Soft and hard

tissue measurements were made using an electronic constant force probe at the initial

and reentry surgeries at 6 months. Treated sites in 10 patients were reevaluated by

reentry approximately 6 months post operatively. The results showed no statistically

significant difference in bony fill between defects grafted with the different particle

sizes of DFDBA when used in humans.

Persson et al (2000)87 conducted a study to assess changes in intra-bony

defects after either osseous surgery or open flap debridement in combination with

grafting procedures with DFDBA. Pre- and post-surgical computer digitized images

of intra-oral radiographs from 60 patients who had received periodontal surgery to

Review of literature

manage intrabony defects were analyzed by linear measurements. A total of 36

patients were treated with osseous surgery and had received flap procedures with

DFDBA. Post-surgical radiographs were obtained. Results showed a minor mean

bone fill for osseous surgery sites and 0.5 mm for DFDBA sites.

Studies comparing DFDBA with other regenerative materials:

Bowen JA et al (1989)88 conducted a study to compare the healing potential

of the osteoinductive DFDBA with an osteoinductive porous hydroxyapatite (HA). A

total of six patients were selected for the study. Soft and hard tissue measurements

were taken at baseline and 6 months re-entry. There was no significant difference in

any of the soft tissue measurements when DFDBA and HA were compared. There

was a defect fill of 61% for DFDBA and 53% for HA which was not statistically


Rummelhart JM et al (1989)89 performed a comparative study to evaluate

freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA) with demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft

(DFDBA) in intrabony defect. 22 defects in 9 patients were grafted with either

DFDBA or FDBA. Evaluations were based on standardized radiographs, presurgical

and post-surgical measurements using the cementoenamel junction as fixed reference

point and osseous measurements at the time of surgery. At reentry after 6 months a

mean osseous repair of 59% occurred with DFDBA and 66% with FDBA. Findings

revealed significant differences between the two materials in primarily intraosseous

defects when evaluated at a minimum 6 months post-surgery.

Francis et al (1995)90 evaluated an allogenic bone matrix (ABM) as a graft

material for the treatment of periodontal osseous defects. Paired osseous defects in 11

Review of literature

patients were randomized to receive ABM or DFDBA. Soft tissue and hard tissue

measurements were determined at baseline and 6 months reentry procedure.

Standardized radiographs were taken. Results of radiographic analysis suggested

similar density changes with each graft. These results demonstrated that both the

treatments were effective and that ABM may be a useful graft material in the

treatment of periodontal osseous defects.

Masters LB et al (1996)91 evaluated the use of DFDBA reconstituted with

50mg/ml tetracycline hydrochloride in the treatment of intrabony periodontal defects.

15 patients with three osseous defects each were selected for the study. Each site in

each subject was randomly assigned to one of the following groups: 1) DFDBA +

TCN, 2) DFDBA, 3) Debridement. Clinical measurements were taken on the day of

surgery, at 6months and 1 year. Radiographs were taken at baseline and 1 year and

were evaluated by CADIA. Osseous defect measurements were taken at baseline and

1-year reentry. Results showed statistically significant improvement in probing depth

and attachment level at 1 year. Although the grafted groups showed greater bone fill

and defect resolution there was no statistically significant difference in any of the

clinical parameters between the treatment groups. There is no significant benefit from

reconstituting the allograft with 50mg/ml of tetracycline hydrochloride.

Laurell L et al (1998)92 reviewed the studies presented during the last 20

years on the surgical treatment of intrabony defects. The treatments included open

flap debridement, open flap debridement with DFDBA, FDBA or autogenous bone

and GTR. The review included only those studies that presented baseline and final

data on probing depths, intrabony defect depth as measured during surgery, clinical

attachment level gain and or bone fill. Result of meta-analysis showed that open flap

debridement alone resulted in limited pocket reduction, clinical attachment level gain

Review of literature

averaged 1.5mm and bone fill 1.1mm. Open flap debridement plus bone graft resulted

in limited pocket reduction; clinical attachment level gain and bone fill averaged

2.1mm. Guided tissue regeneration resulted in significant pocket reduction, clinical

attachment level gain of 4.2mm and bone fill averaging 3.2mm.

Parashis et al (1998)93 performed a study to compare clinically and

radiographically the effectiveness of guided tissue regeneration, using a bioabsorbable

polylactic acid softened with citric acid ester barrier and commercially available

DFDBA in the treatment of 2 and 3 wall intrabony defects. 12 patients, each with one

treated defect comprised each group. Soft tissue measurements and hard tissue

measurements were taken and were comparable in both the groups at baseline. They

were repeated at 12 months. Results showed no statistically significant differences

between the 2 groups; only the exception was in the radiographic resolution of defect,

which was significantly greater in the GTR group.

Froum S et al (2002)94 compared healing extraction sockets 6 to 8 months

post implantation of a bioactive glass or DFDBA to an unfilled socket control. 30

sockets in 19 patients were randomly divided into 3 treatment groups. 10 sockets

received bioactive glass, 10 sockets DFDBA, and 10 sockets served as unfilled

controls, and histological cores of the treatment sites were obtained. Results

concluded that although the differences in percent vital bone were not statistically

significant among the 3-treatment group, bioactive glass material was observed to act

as an osteoconductive material and had a positive effect on socket healing at 6 to 8

months post extraction. Residual implant material was significantly higher in DFDBA

treated sockets versus bioactive glass treated sockets.

Reynolds MA et al (2003)95 systemically reviewed the efficacy of bone

replacement grafts in proving demonstratable clinical improvements in periodontal

Review of literature

osseous defects compared to surgical debridement alone. The therapeutic end points

examined included changes in bone level, clinical attachment level, probing depth,

gingival recession and crestal resorption with respect to the treatment if intrabony

defect, the results of meta-analysis supported the following conclusions; 1). Bone

grafts increased bone level, reduced crestal resorption, increased clinical attachment

level, and reduce probing depth compared to OFD procedures 2). Bone grafts in

combination with barrier membranes increased clinical attachment level and reduced

probing depth compared to graft alone 3). Histologically DFDBA supported the

formation of a new attachment apparatus in intrabony defects, whereas OFD resulted

in repair characterized by long junctional epithelium. The results of this systemic

review indicated that bone replacement grafts provided demonstrable clinical

improvement in periodontal osseous defects compared to surgical debridement alone.

Gurinsky BS et al (2004)96 conducted a study to evaluate the use of DFDBA

in combination with Enamel matrix derivative compared to enamel matrix derivative

alone in the treatment of human periodontal osseous defects. 40 patients with a total

of 67 sites were selected for the study; each subject received either enamel matrix

derivative alone, (34 sites) or enamel matrix derivative in combination with DFDBA

(33sites). Both soft tissue and hard tissue measurements were taken at baseline and

6months. Results showed significant improvements in soft tissue parameters for both

treatment groups as compared to preoperative measurements. There was no statistical

difference between the two groups.

Reidy et al (2004)97 conducted a study to establish whether there was a

significant difference in hard tissue fill of intrabony defects following treatment with

either calcium sulphate or ePTFE in combination with DFDBA. 19 patients with 38

defects were selected for the study. Soft tissue and hard tissue measurements were

Review of literature

recorded at baseline and 6 months. Defects were randomly treated with either a

combination graft of DFDBA with calcium sulphate covered by a calcium sulphate

barrier or with DFDBA and fitted with an ePTFE barrier. Results of this study

indicated that calcium sulphate, when used as a binder and barrier in combination

with DFDBA, supported significant clinical improvement in intrabony defects.

Calcium sulphate represented an alternative to non-resorbable ePTFE barrier in

combination with DFDBA for the treatment of intrabony defects.

Bender et al (2005)98 performed a study to determine the effectiveness of

DBX paste and putty compared to DFDBA in the treatment of human intraosseous

periodontal defects. Sixty systemically healthy individuals between the ages of 31 and

71 years with at least one intraosseous periodontal defect of ≥3 mm in depth and

radiographic evidence of at least 40% to 50% vertical bone loss were accrued.

Following initial non-surgical periodontal therapy, sites were randomly selected to

receive either DBX paste, DBX putty, or DFDBA (control). Baseline and 6-month

reentry soft and hard tissue parameter measurements were made. Results showed that

Probing depth reductions and attachment level gains were significantly improved in

all treatment groups. Bone fill was similar between all groups with DBX paste, putty,

and DFDBA control groups demonstrating 2.0 mm, 2.4 mm, and 2.2 mm,


Ilgenli et al (2007)99 did a comparative study to evaluate the clinical and

radiographic outcomes of DFDBA/platelet-rich plasma (PRP) combination with PRP

alone for the treatment of infrabony defects and to examine the influence of

radiographic defect angle on the clinical and radiographic outcomes. Twenty-eight

infrabony defects were treated with DFDBA/PRP combination or PRP alone. Clinical

parameters and radiographic measurements were compared at baseline and 18

Review of literature

months. The results showed more favorable gains in both clinical and radiographic

parameters with DFDBA/PRP combination than PRP alone group A correlation

existed between defect angle, defect depth, and clinical/radiographic outcomes for the

defects treated with DFDBA/PRP. The narrow defects presented more favorable CAL

gain, probing pocket depth (PPD) reduction and defect resolution than wide defects in

the combination group.

Aspriello et al (2011)100 did a study to compare the use of enamel matrix

derivative (EMD) and DFDBA with DFDBA alone for the treatment of human

periodontal intrabony defects at 12 months post-surgery. Fifty-six intrabony osseous

defects in 56 periodontitis patients were randomly assigned to the test group (DFDBA

+ EMD) or the control group (DFDBA) for periodontal treatment. Clinical and

radiographic measurements were made at the baseline and after 12 months. Compared

to baseline, the 12-month results indicated that both treatment modalities resulted in

significant changes in all clinical parameters (gingival index, bleeding on probing,

PD, CAL, gingival recession and radiographic parameters (hard tissue fill (HTF) and

bone depth reduction). Furthermore, statistically significant differences were found in

the test group compared to the control group in PD reduction, CAL gain, and HTF.

Agarwal et al (2013)101 performed a cohort study to evaluate the regenerative

outcomes of bone graft with or without local doxycycline in non-contained infrabony

periodontal defects. 16 one or two wall intrabony defects, in 11 patients suffering

from moderate to severe chronic periodontitis, aged 35-60 years, were randomly

divided for bone graft, alone (control) and with doxycycline (test) for the study. At

baseline, after 3 months and after 6 months of post-operative period, PPD, CAL,

radiological bone fill (RBF) and alveolar height reduction were recorded. The results

Review of literature

showed no added benefits of local doxycycline, as compared with bone graft alone,

for regeneration of non-contained human periodontal infrabony defects.

Bansal et al (2013)102 did a study to clinically evaluate and compare the

efficacy of autologous PRF combined with DFDBA to DFDBA alone in the treatment

of periodontal intrabony defects. 10 patients having two almost identical intrabony

defects with clinical probing depth of at least 6 mm were selected for the study.

Selected sites were randomly divided into two groups. In Group I, mucoperiosteal flap

elevation followed by the placement of DFDBA was done. In Group II,

mucoperiosteal flap elevation followed by the placement of homogeneous mixture of

PRF with DFDBA was done. Clinical and radiographic parameters were recorded at

baseline and at 6 months post‑operatively. Results showed both treatment groups had

a significant probing pocket depth reduction, clinical attachment gain, defect fill, and

defect resolution 6 months after surgery compared to baseline. However, there was a

significantly greater probing pocket depth reduction and clinical attachment gain

when PRF was added to DFDBA.

Katuri et al (2013)103 evaluated the efficacy of DFDBA and bioactive glass

clinically and radiographically in periodontal intrabony defects for a period of 12

months. Ten systemically healthy patients diagnosed with chronic periodontitis, with

radiographic evidence of at least a pair of contralateral vertical osseous defects were

included in this study. Defect on one side was treated with DFDBA and the other side

with bioactive glass. Clinical and radiographic measurements were made at baseline 6

month and 12 months after the surgery. Compared to baseline, the 12-month results

indicated that both treatment modalities resulted in significant changes in all clinical

parameters (gingival index, probing depth, CAL and radiographic parameters (bone

Review of literature

fill), however, sites treated with DFDBA exhibited statistically significantly more

changes compared to the bioactive glass in probing depth reduction and CAL gain.

Kher et al (2013)104 conducted a study to compare the effectiveness of GTR

by using a collagen membrane barrier with or without DFDBA in the treatment of

periodontal infrabony defects characterized by unfavorable architecture. Sixteen

systemically healthy patients with 20 periodontal infrabony defects were selected for

the study. Baseline measurements included plaque index, papillary bleeding index,

PPD, gingival recession, clinical attachment level and radiographic defect depth

(DD). At the time of surgery, the defects were randomly assigned to either the test

group (collagen membrane plus DFDBA) or the control group (collagen membrane

only). At the 6-month examination, result showed PPD reduction was significantly

greater in the test group compared with the GTR group. Radiographic DD reduction

was greater in the test group compared with the GTR group.

Khosropanah H et al (2015)105 conducted a study on 12 patients with two

comparable bilateral intrabony defects. Each pair of defects was randomly treated

with DFDBA+PRP (test) or DFDBA alone (control). CAL, intrabony defect depth

(IDD), distance from the stent to the alveolar crest and PD as well as radiographic

parameters including the radiographic defect depth, width and angulation were

measured at baseline and six months post-operatively. This study showed that both

treatments resulted in significant PD reduction, CAL gain and IDD reduction. Also,

PRP failed to enhance the results obtained by DFDBA.

Agrawal A et al (2015)106 conducted a study to determine the additive effects

of PRF with a DFDBA in the treatment of human intrabony periodontal defects. Sixty

interproximal infrabony defects in 30 healthy, non-smoker patients diagnosed with

chronic periodontitis were randomly assigned to PRF/DFDBA group or the

Review of literature

DFDBA/saline. Clinical [PD, CAL and gingival recession (REC)] and radiographic

(bone fill, defect resolution and alveolar crest resorption) measurements were made at

baseline and at a 12-month evaluation. Compared with baseline, 12-month results

indicated that both treatment modalities resulted in significant changes in all clinical

and radiographic parameters. However, the PRP/DFDBA group exhibited statistically

significantly greater changes compared with the DFDBA/saline group in PD, CAL,

REC, bone fill and defect resolution. Observations indicate that a combination of

PRF and DFDBA is more effective than DFDBA with saline for the treatment of

infrabony periodontal defects.

Chadwick J K et al (2016)107 conducted a study to evaluate changes in

clinical attachment level and bone fill of periodontal intrabony defects treated with

DFDBA compared to platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) in humans. Thirty-six patients

completed the study protocol. Each patient contributed a single intrabony defect,

which was randomized to receive either DFDBA or PRF. Clinical and standardized

radiographic data were collected at baseline and 6 months after treatment. Primary

outcomes measures included radiographic bone fill as measured from the CEJ to base

of bony defect, and change in CAL. Both treatment groups had significant gains in

CAL as well as bone fill, with no significant differences in outcomes between groups.

Treatment of intrabony defects with either DFDBA or PRF resulted in a significant

gain in CAL as well as bone fill after 6 months of healing, with no significant

difference between materials.

Agrawal P et al (2016)108 evaluated the effectiveness of PRP alone in

infrabony defects. Thirty infrabony defects were treated with either autologous PRP

with OFD or autologous PRP + DFDBA with OFD or OFD alone. Clinical parameters

recorded were gingival index, plaque index, PD, CAL, and REC. Radiographic

Review of literature

parameters included defect depth reduction, defect resolution, and crestal bone level.

All the parameters were recorded at baseline and 12 months postoperatively. Mean

PD reduction and CAL gain were greater in PRP + DFDBA and PRP groups than the

control group. Within the limits of the study, all the three groups showed significant

improvement in clinical parameters from baseline to postoperative 12 months. The

amount of defect depth reduction and defect resolution treated with PRP alone group

were significantly <PRP + DFDBA. The results pertaining to these parameters were

significantly better than the control group.

Kothiwale S et al (2019)109 conducted a study to evaluate and compare

clinically and radiographically freeze-dried bone and demineralized freeze-dried bone

block allografts with chorion membrane in intra-bony defects at 12 months post-

surgery. Eighteen intra-bony defects (9 intra patient pairs) in 9 patients with chronic

periodontitis were randomly assigned to group 1 (FDBA + Chorion membrane) and

group 2 (DFDBA + Chorion membrane) for periodontal therapy. Clinical and

radiographic (RVG) measurements were made at base line and 12 months. Data

obtained was subjected to statistical analysis. At 12 months on intra-group

comparison both the groups showed statistically significant improvement in the

plaque and gingival indices with reduction in the mobility, probing pocket depth and

gain in clinical attachment. Radiographs showed significant bone fill and increased

bone density However, group 1 (FDBA) showed increase in the bone density which

was statistically significant. The use of the FDBA and DFDBA block allografts

showed significant improvement in the periodontal prognosis of teeth with intra-bony


Review of literature

Atchuta A et al (2020)110 evaluated the efficacy of PRF, DFDBA, and their

combination in the regeneration of intrabony defects. A total of 39 sites with

intrabony defects were randomly assigned into three groups: (Group I ‐ Open flap

debridement, Group II ‐ DFDBA alone, and Group III‐ DFDBA + PRF). Parameters

such as PPD, relative attachment level (RAL), and radiographic bone fill were

measured at baseline, 3 months, and 6 months. Reduction in the PPD and greater

difference in RAL was observed over the study period in all the three groups with

greater reduction in DFDBA + PRF group. Reduction in the radiographic defect

depths was observed over the study period in all the three groups with the greatest

reduction in the DFDBA + PRF group. However, no statistically significant difference

was reported by DFDBA versus DFDBA + PRF group. Combination of DFDBA and

PRF improved the clinical and radiographic parameters compared to PRF and

DFDBA alone. PRF was combined with DFDBA to produce a synergistic effect for

treating intrabony defects in chronic periodontitis patients.

Materials and method


Systemically healthy patients with moderate to severe chronic periodontitis

were selected for this study from the Outpatient Department of Periodontology,

Rungta College of Dental Sciences and Research, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh.

Study Design:

The study was double blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial. Patients diagnosed

with chronic periodontitis based on clinical and radiographical criteria proposed by

the 1999 International World Workshop were selected for the study. 111 A total of 40

sites were selected for this clinical study, and Phase I therapy was performed in all the

patients. Four weeks following Phase I therapy a periodontal re-evaluation was

performed to confirm the suitability of the sites for the study. The selected sites were

randomly divided into Group I and Group II according to the type of treatment

rendered to them.

Group I – 20 surgical sites treated with Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft


Group II – 20 surgical sites treated with Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone

Allograft (DFDBA) combined with Amnion membrane (AM).

Duration of study:

Study was carried out for 6 months with clinical evaluation at baseline, 90th day and

180th day and radiographical evaluation at baseline and 180th day.

Materials and method

Sample Size:

40 sites (20 sites in each group) with intrabony defects were included in the study.

Sample size determination:

Sample size was estimated using SPSS software.

The minimum sample required was calculated taking into consideration the following:

N = minimum required sample size in each of the group

D = difference in mean = 0.86

SD2 = Squared pooled deviation = 0.346

1.96 = conventional multiplier for alpha 0.05

1.26 = conventional multiplier for power 90%

2(1.96+1.26)2 𝑆𝐷2
Minimum sample size is N = =2(10.36) (0.346)/ (0.86)2

= 10 minimum sites

Appling Boneferroni correction for missing data management, a total of 40 sites (20

sites in each group) with intrabony defects was selected for this study.

Sampling Technique-

The sampling technique to be employed was purposive sampling technique.


1. Age group of 25-55 years.

2. Presence of at least one radiographical detectable interproximal intraosseous

defect with a probing depth ≥ 6 mm following initial therapy.

Materials and method

3. Depth of the intraosseous vertical component of the defect ≥ 4 mm as

measured by radiographic means.

4. Presence of at least 2 mm of keratinized tissue around the teeth associated with

the defect.

5. Systemically healthy patients.


1. Subjects taking medications, such as corticosteroids, calcium channel blockers

or immunosuppressive drugs, which are known to interfere with periodontal

wound healing.

2. Subjects allergic to medications.

3. Subjects who are pregnant or lactating.

4. Smokers /Tobacco users.

5. Subjects showing poor oral hygiene maintenance after initial phase I therapy.

Method of Collection of Data:

The proposed study was carried out on patients with chronic periodontal disease as

assessed by clinical and radiographical findings. Patient’s verbal and written informed

consent was obtained from all the patients before the commencement of the study. A

brief history of each patient was recorded on a case history proforma. Four weeks

following phase I therapy a periodontal reevaluation was performed to confirm the

suitability of the sites for the study. (Annexures)

Materials and method


The clinical parameters used for assessment before and after surgical procedures


1. Plaque Index (PI) (Silness and Loe, 1964)112, 113

2. Gingival Index (GI) (Loe and Silness, 1963) 112, 113

3. Probing pocket depth (PPD)114

4. Relative attachment level (RAL)115

5. Gingival recession (GR)116

Radiographic evaluation:

1. Orthopantomogram (OPG)

2. Digital Radiovisiography (RVG) with millimeter grid mount.

OPG, RVG and routine hematological investigations were done preoperatively

at baseline. At 90th day follow-up all the clinical parameters were evaluated. At 180th

day follow-up the clinical parameters as well as the radiographical parameters were


On the day of surgical procedure, before administering local anaesthesia,

Plaque Index (Silness and Loe, 1964) and Gingival Index (Loe and Silness, 1963) of

the tooth of interest were recorded as follows:

Materials and method

Plaque Index (Silness and Loe, 1964) 112, 113

Plaque Index was evaluated on the cervical third of the tooth with no attention

to the plaque that extended to the middle or incisal thirds. The explorer was passed

across the tooth surface in the cervical third near the entrance of the sulcus.

Table 2- Scoring criteria for Plaque Index

Score Criteria

0 No plaque in the gingival area.

1 A film of plaque adhering to the free gingival margin and adjacent area of
the tooth. The plaque may only be recognized by running a probe across
the tooth surface.

2 Moderate accumulation of soft deposits within the gingival pocket, on the

gingival margin and/or adjacent tooth surface, which can be seen by the
naked eye.

3 Abundance of soft matter within the gingival pocket and/or on the

gingival margin and adjacent tooth surface.

The evaluation of scored was done at four areas i.e. the distal-facial, facial,

mesial-facial and lingual surface in the cervical third of the tooth. The scored around

Materials and method

each tooth was added and divided by four, the plaque index score for the tooth was


Table 3- Suggested Nominal Scale for Patient Evaluation for Plaque Index

Rating Scores

Excellent 0

Good 0.1-0.9

Fair 1.0-1.9


Gingival Index (Loe and Silness, 1963) 112, 113

The severity of gingivitis is scored on all surfaces of teeth as done for bleeding

on probing. A blunt instrument, such as a periodontal probe was used to assess the

bleeding potential of the gingiva.

Table 4- Scoring criteria for Gingival Index

Score Criteria

0 Absence of inflammation/Normal gingival

Materials and method

1 Mild inflammation; slight change in color, the gingival margin is slightly

more reddish or bluish-red than normal, slight edema, a colorless gingival

exudate may be observed, no bleeding on probing.

2 Moderate inflammation; gingival is red or bluish-red, there is moderate

glazing, there is enlargement of the margin dur to edema, bleeding is

provoked on probing.

3 Severe inflammation; marked redness and hypertrophy ulceration,

tendency to bleed spontaneously

For scoring purpose, the tissues surrounding each tooth were divided into four

gingival scoring units: distal-facial papilla, facial margin, mesial-facial papilla and the

entire lingual gingival margin. The scores around each tooth was added and divided

by 4; the Gingival Index score for the tooth was obtained.

Table 5- Suggested Nominal Scale for Patient Evaluation for Gingival Index

Gingival Index Scores Condition

0.1-1 Mild Gingivitis

1.1-2.0 Moderate Gingivitis

2.1-3.0 Severe Gingivitis

Materials and method

Probing Pocket Depth (PPD), Relative Attachment Level (RAL) &

Gingival Recession (GR):114, 115, 116

An occlusal stent was fabricated with self-cure acrylic resin on a dental stone cast

obtained from an alginate impression for positioning of the periodontal probe

(University of North Carolina No. 15 Probe, Hu-Friedy, USA). The occlusal stent was

made to cover the occlusal surfaces of the teeth being treated and were extended on

the buccal and lingual surfaces to cover the coronal third of the teeth involved. A

groove was made in the inter-dental regions, such that the position and angulation of

the probe remained the same for all pre- and post-operative measurements. An

imaginary line was drawn on the bucco-occlusal line angle of the teeth using a black

permanent marker. Using the groove as a guide, the periodontal probe was inserted

into the periodontal pocket until resistance was encountered and PPD (using the

gingival margin as reference), and RAL (using the marking in the stent as reference)

were recorded.

GR was measured from fixed reference point (marking in the stent) to the

gingival margin by UNC – 15 Probe.

PPD, RAL & GR were recorded at baseline i.e. after the completion of phase I

therapy and post-operatively at 90th day and 180th day.

Radiographic Measurements:8

Digital intraoral periapical radiographs were taken for all the sites at baseline and

180th day. The radiographs were standardized by using long cone paralleling

technique with the digital radiovisuography (RVG) with 70 KVp, 10 mA and

Materials and method

exposure time of 0.8 seconds. The radiographic linear bone growth/defect fill were

measured using millimeter grid mount.

Radiographical vertical osseous defect depth was calculated as the linear

distance (in mm) measured with the following formula at baseline and at 180th day


At baseline: -

vertical osseous defect depth = (FRP to BOD) – (FRP to AC)

AC = Alveolar crest

BOD = Base of the bone defect

FRP = Fixed reference point

At 180th day: -

Changes in alveolar crest level = (FRP to AC at baseline) – (FRP to AC at 180th day)

Amount of defect fill (ADF) = Initial defect depth – defect depth at 180th day

𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐭 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐝𝐚𝐲

Percentage of defect fill (%) = × 100
𝑩𝒂𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒇𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝒅𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒉

Materials and method

Figure 10- Defect Landmarks



Figure 11- Defect landmarks in the radiograph

Materials and method


1. Mouth mirror

2. Straight probe

3. Explorer

4. Tweezer

5. University of North Carolina (UNC-15) Periodontal probe (Hu-Friedy,


6. Disposable gloves

7. Disposable mouth mask

8. Disposable syringes

9. Local anesthetic solution (2% lignocaine HCL with 1:80,000 adrenaline)

10. Bard-Parker handles no. 3 with no. 11, 12 and 15 blades

11. Periosteal elevator

12. Hand scalers

13. Gracey Curettes (no.1-14) (Hu-Friedy, USA)

14. Universal Curettes (Columbia 4R,4L) (Hu-Friedy, USA)

15. Graft carrier

16. Membrane placement instrument

17. Castroveijo scissors

18. Goldman-Fox scissors

19. Tissue forceps

20. Needle holder

21. Suture cutting scissors

22. Curved scissors

Materials and method

23. Sterile gauze

24. Kidney tray

25. 5% Povidone iodine

26. 0.9% Saline

27. 0.2% Chlorhexidine digluconate

28. Amnion membrane (Tissue bank, TATA Memorial Hospital & Research

Center, Mumbai)

29. DFDBA bone granules (Tissue bank, TATA Memorial Hospital & Research

Center, Mumbai)

30. Dappen dish

31. Suture material (Mersilk, No. 3-0, Ethicon, Johnson & Johnson, India)

32. Periodontal dressing (Coe-pakTM, GC America Inc. Alsip, II, USA)


1. Presurgical Procedure:

Initial therapy consisting of full mouth supragingival and subgingival scaling and

root planning was carried out. Detailed instruction regarding self-performed plaque

control measures were given to the patients.

After four weeks, study subjects were recalled and only those maintaining

optimum oral hygiene were further subjected to the surgical procedure. The PPD,

RAL and GR were recorded for each selected site in all patients.

Materials and method

2. Surgical Procedure:

Prior to the surgical procedure, the patients were instructed to rinse with 0.2%

chlorhexidine gluconate for 1 minute. The surgical protocol emphasized complete

asepsis and infection control.

Incision and Flap Reflection: -

The operative site was anaesthetized with 2% lignocaine HCL with adrenaline

(1:80,000). After achieving adequate anesthesia, crevicular incisions were given

(extending one tooth on either side of the tooth of interest) on the facial and lingual

sides reaching the tip of the interdental papilla using B.P knife with blade no. 11 and

an interdental incision with blade no. 12. A full thickness mucoperiosteal flap was

reflected using the periosteal elevator, taking care that the interdental papillary tissue

was preserved or retained as much as possible. Meticulous defect debridement and

root planing was performed using hand instruments and area-specific curettes. No

osseous recontouring was performed. Suture was passed through the elevated flaps as

per the relevant technique prior to performing the regenerative procedure. In Group I,

the intrabony defects was treated with DFDBA allograft and material was filled up to

the level of alveolar crest. In Group II, the intrabony defects was treated with

DFDBA allograft and covered with dry AM. Prior to the regenerative material

placement an aluminum foil template was cut in to the desired amount according to

the osseous defect. Then the AM was trimmed with the help of curved scissors as the

template. After coming in contact with blood dry AM quickly became supple by

hydration and was adapted with hand instruments to cover DFDBA allograft. The AM

was extended ≥ to 3mm beyond defect border and was allowed to touch adjacent root

surfaces. If the AM barrier folded on itself, no attempt was made to unfurl the barrier.

Materials and method

After placement of AM, the mucoperiosteal flaps was repositioned and secured in

place using 3-0 non-absorbable black braided silk surgical suture. Direct loop sutures

were placed at the defect site and figure of eight in the adjacent sites. The surgical

area was protected and covered with non-eugenol periodontal dressing. Pressure was

applied to the surgical sites for 1minute with the moistened gauze.

Post-operative care:

After the surgical procedure, patients in both groups were prescribed

medications. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs (Paracetamol 500mg,

Aceclofenac 100 mg, Serratiopeptidase 15mg twice a day) and antibiotics

(Amoxicillin 500mg thrice a day) for 5 days post-operatively. Then postoperative

instructions were given to the patients.

Post-operative recall visits:

Patients were recalled after one-week post operatively for removal of

periodontal dressing and the sutures. Symptoms regarding discomfort, pain and

sensitivity were recorded. Any sign of swelling, inflammation, infection, flap

displacement, hematoma and necrosis were noted and dressing was replaced for

another one week, if necessary. Recall appointments were given at 90th day and 180th

day post-surgery and the relevant clinical and radiographic parameters were recorded

during these visits. At each visit, oral hygiene instructions were reinforced.

Materials and method


Statistical software: The Statistical software namely SPSS v.16.0, was used for the

analysis of the data and Microsoft office and Excel programs used to generate graphs,

tables etc.

Statistical Methods: Descriptive statistical analysis was carried out in the present

study. Results on continuous measurements were presented on Mean  SD (Min-Max)

and results on categorical measurements were presented in Number (%). Significance

is assessed at 5% level of significance. The following assumptions on data were made,


1. Dependent variables should be normally distributed

2. Samples drawn from the population should be random, Cases of the samples should

be independent.

Independent t-test:

Independent student t test was used for the comparison of mean Plaque index, Gingival

index, PPD, RAL, Radiographic Defect Depth and Amount of Defect Fill.

It is applied to a data of observation for same variables between two samples. It can

also be applied to paired data of observations from one sample only when each

individual gives pair of observations.

Materials and method

For testing the significance of difference:

i. Find the difference in each set of observation for the same variables or paired

observations before and after (X1-X2=d) or (X2-X1=d)

ii. Calculate the mean difference (d)

iii. Calculate the standard deviation (SD) of difference (SD of d’s) and standard

error (SE) of difference (SD/n)

iv. Calculate the ‘t’ value by substituting the above values in the formula:

Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection of statistical models, and their

associated procedures, in which the observed variance in a particular variable is

partitioned into components attributable to different sources of variation.

In its simplest form ANOVA provides a statistical test of whether or not the

means of several groups are all equal, and therefore generalizes t-test to more than two

groups. Doing multiple two-sample t-tests would result in an increased chance of

committing a type I error. For this reason, ANOVAs are useful in comparing two, three

or more means.

The basic principle of ANOVA is to test the difference among the mean of

populations examining the amount of variation within each if these samples, relative to

the amount of variation between the samples. In terms of variation between the given

population, it is assumed that the observation differ from the mean of this population

only because of random effective i.e. there are influence which are unexplainable,

Materials and method

whereas in examining the difference in between the population we assume that the

difference between the mean of the jth population and grand mean is attributable to what

is called a specific factor or what is technically described as treatment effect. Thus while

using ANOVA, we assumed that each of the sample was drawn from a normal

population and that each of these population had the same variance, we also assumed

that all factors other than one being tested are effectively controlled, this in other words

means that we assumed the absence of many factors that might affect the conclusion.

ANOVA was used to determine the mean difference between the different time

intervals. (baseline, 90th day and 180th day)


Fc = between samples variance

Within sample variance

Significant figures

+ Suggestive significance (p value: 0.05<p<0.01)

* Moderately significant (p value: 0.01<p  0.05)

** Strongly significant (p value: p0.01)


The Kruskal–Wallis test by ranks, Kruskal–Wallis H test (named after

William Kruskal and W. Allen Wallis), or one-way ANOVA on ranks is a non-

parametric method for testing whether samples originate from the same distribution. It

is used for comparing two or more independent samples of equal or different sample

sizes. It extends the Mann–Whitney U test when there are only two groups. The

Materials and method

parametric equivalent of the Kruskal–Wallis test is the one-way analysis of variance


A significant Kruskal–Wallis test indicates that at least one sample

stochastically dominates one other sample. The test does not identify where this

stochastic dominance occurs or for how many pairs of groups stochastic dominance

obtains. For analyzing the specific sample pairs for stochastic dominance in post hoc

testing, Dunn's test, pairwise Mann-Whitney tests without Bonferroni correction, or the

more powerful but less well-known Conover–Iman test are appropriate.

Since it is a non-parametric method, the Kruskal–Wallis test does not assume a

normal distribution of the residuals, unlike the analogous one-way analysis of variance.

If the researcher can make the less stringent assumptions of an identically shaped and

scaled distribution for all groups, except for any difference in medians, then the null

hypothesis is that the medians of all groups are equal, and the alternative hypothesis is

that at least one population median of one group is different from the population median

of at least one other group.

Test statistics is given by:

 ni = is the number of observations in group i

 rij= rank of observation j from i group

 N is the total number of observations

Materials and method


A popular nonparametric test to compare outcomes between two

independent groups is the Mann Whitney U test. The Mann Whitney U test,

sometimes called the Mann Whitney Wilcoxon Test or the Wilcoxon Rank Sum

Test, is used to test whether two samples are likely to derive from the same

population (i.e., that the two populations have the same shape). Some

investigators interpret this test as comparing the medians between the two

populations. Recall that the parametric test compares the means (H0: μ1=μ2)

between independent groups.

In contrast, the null and two-sided research hypotheses for the

nonparametric test are stated as follows:

H0: The two populations are equal versus

H1: The two populations are not equal.

This test is often performed as a two-sided test and, thus, the research

hypothesis indicates that the populations are not equal as opposed to specifying

directionality. A one-sided research hypothesis is used if interest lies in

detecting a positive or negative shift in one population as compared to the other.

The procedure for the test involves pooling the observations from the two

samples into one combined sample, keeping track of which sample each

Materials and method

observation comes from, and then ranking lowest to highest from 1 to n1+n2,


Test Statistic for the Mann Whitney U Test

The test statistic for the Mann Whitney U Test is denoted U and is

the smaller of U1 and U2, defined below.

where R1 = sum of the ranks for group 1 and R2 = sum of the ranks for group 2.


The Chi-Square statistic is most commonly used to evaluate Tests of

Independence when using a crosstabulation (also known as a bivariate

table). Crosstabulation presents the distributions of two categorical variables

simultaneously, with the intersections of the categories of the variables appearing in the

cells of the table.

The Test of Independence assesses whether an association exists between the

two variables by comparing the observed pattern of responses in the cells to the pattern

that would be expected if the variables were truly independent of each other.

Materials and method

Calculating the Chi-Square statistic and comparing it against a critical value

from the Chi-Square distribution allows the researcher to assess whether the observed

cell counts are significantly different from the expected cell counts.

The calculation of the Chi-Square statistic is quite straight-forward and


2 (𝑓0 − 𝑓𝑒 )2
𝜒 =∑

where fo = the observed frequency (the observed counts in the cells)

and fe = the expected frequency if NO relationship existed between the variables

As depicted in the formula, the Chi-Square statistic was based on the difference

between what was actually observed in the data and what would be expected if there

was truly no relationship between the variables.

Materials & method

Figure 12- Diagnostic cast with acrylic stent

Figure 13- Millimeter grid mount

Materials & method

Figure 14- Radiograph with millimeter grid mount

Figure 15- Surgical armamentarium

Materials & method

Figure 16- Demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft

Figure 17- Amnion membrane (AM) allograft

Materials & method



Figure 18- RAL measured using UNC -15 probe preoperatively

Figure 19- PPD measured using UNC -15 probe preoperatively

Materials & method

Figure 20- Incision placement

Figure 21- Osseous defect between right mandibular first molar and second molar
after debridement

Materials & method

Figure 22- DFDBA being carried to the defect

Figure 23- Defect grafted with DFDBA

Materials & method

Figure 24- Flap closure with simple interrupted sutures

Figure 25- Periodontal dressing given

Materials & method

Figure 26- RAL measured using UNC -15 probe post-operatively

Figure 27- PPD measured using UNC -15 probe preoperatively

Materials & method

Figure 28- RVG at baseline

Figure 29- RVG at 180th day

Materials & method


Figure 30- RAL measured using UNC -15 probe preoperatively

Figure 31- PPD measured using UNC -15 probe preoperatively

Materials & method

Figure 32- Incision placement

Figure 33- After debridement

Materials & method

Figure 34- Osseous defect between right mandibular second premolar and first
molar after debridement

Figure 35- DFDBA and Trimmed AM with template

Materials & method

Figure 36- Defect grafted with DFDBA

Figure 37- AM placed over the grafted defect

Materials & method

Figure 38- Flap closure with simple interrupted sutures

Figure 39- Periodontal dressing given

Materials & method

Figure 40- RAL measured using UNC -15 probe post-operatively

Figure 41- PPD measured using UNC -15 probe preoperatively

Materials & method

Figure 42- RVG at baseline

Figure 43- RVG at 6 months

Obsevation & Results


40 intrabony defects of systemically healthy patients within age range of 25-55

years, with moderate to severe chronic periodontitis were included in the study.

 Following parameters were recorded at baseline, 90th day and 180th day post

surgically for both group I (DFDBA) and group II (DFDBA and AM):

 Plaque Index (PI),

 Gingival Index (GI),

 Probing pocket depth (PPD) in mm,

 Relative attachment level (RAL) in mm, and

 Gingival recession (GR)

 Digital intraoral periapical radiographs were evaluated at baseline and 180th


 Vertical osseous defect depth

 Amount of defect fill

 Percentage of defect fill

During the six months period, the wound healing was uneventful, no bone graft

and membrane was exposed, nor were any of the sites eliminated from the study. None

of the selected patients dropped out before the termination of the study.

Obsevation & Results


Table 6 - Intragroup comparison of mean Plaque Index at Baseline, 90th day and

180th day in group I:

Time N Mean SD F value p-Value


Baseline 20 2.07 0.18

90th day 1.02 0.30 253.361 0.001 (H.S)


180th day 20 0.57 0.10

Statistical test: ANOVA; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S - Highly Significant

Table 7 – Intragroup comparison of mean Plaque Index in group I at different

time interval:

S No. Intragroup comparison Mean difference p-value

1. Baseline – 90th day 1.045 0.001 (H.S)

2. Baseline – 180th day 1.500 0.001 (H.S)

3. 90th day - 180th day 0.455 0.001 (H.S)

Statistical test: Tukey’s post-hoc test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S- Highly

Obsevation & Results

Table 8 - Intragroup comparison of mean Plaque Index at Baseline, 90th day and

180th day in group II:

Time N Mean SD F value p-Value


Baseline 20 2.05 0.25

257.456 0.001 (H.S)

90th day 20 0.96 0.22

180th day 20 0.61 0.13

Statistical test: ANOVA; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S - Highly Significant

Table 9 - Intragroup comparison of mean Plaque Index in group II at different

time interval:

S No. Intragroup comparison Mean difference p-value

1. Baseline – 90th day 1.095 0.001 (H.S)

2. Baseline – 180th day 1.440 0.001 (H.S)

3. 90th day - 180th day 0.345 0.001 (H.S)

Statistical test: Tukey’s post-hoc test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S - Highly

Obsevation & Results

Table 10: Intergroup comparison of mean Plaque Index between various time


Time Group N Mean SD Mean t- p-value

interval difference value

DFDBA 20 2.07 0.18

Baseline 0.01500 0.213 0.833
20 2.05 0.25

DFDBA 20 1.02 0.30

90th day 0.06500 0.768 0.448
20 0.96 0.22

DFDBA 20 0.57 0.10

180th day 0.04500 0.465 0.243
20 0.61 0.13

Statistical test: Independent Sample t-test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), N.S –


Obsevation & Results

PLAQUE INDEX (PI) (Table- 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & Graph-1)

The mean PI scores at baseline, 90th day and 180th day for group I (DFDBA)

was 2.07±0.18, 1.02±0.30 and 0.57±0.10 respectively. When the mean PI score was

compared using ANOVA, the difference was found to be statistically highly significant

(P-0.001). (Table – 5) Intragroup comparison using Tukey’s post-hoc test showed a

mean difference of 1.045 and 1.500 from baseline to 90th day and baseline to 180th day

respectively, which was found to be statistically highly significant (P-0.001). The

difference between 90th day and 180th day was found to be 0.455 which was also found

to be statistically highly significant (P-0.001). (Table – 6)

The mean PI scores at baseline, 90th day and 180th day for group II (DFDBA +

AM) was 2.05±0.25, 0.96±0.22 and 0.61±0.13 respectively. When the mean PI score

was compared using ANOVA, the difference was found to be statistically highly

significant (P=0.001). (Table – 7) Intragroup comparison using Tukey’s post-hoc test

showed a mean difference of 1.095 and 1.440 from baseline to 90th day and baseline to

180th day respectively, which was found to be statistically highly significant (P-0.001).

The difference between 90th day and 180th day was 0.345 which was also found to be

statistically highly significant (P-0.001). (Table – 8)

Independent sample t test showed a non-significant result of PI scores between the

groups from baseline to 180th day (Table – 9, Graph – 1)

Obsevation & Results


Table 11 - Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival Index at Baseline, 90th day

and 180th day in group I:

Time N Mean SD F value p-Value


Baseline 20 2.14 0.24

267.13 0.001 (H.S)

90th day 20 1.39 0.20

180th day 20 0.69 0.12

Statistical test: ANOVA; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S- Highly Significant

Table 12 – Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival Index in group I at different

time interval:

S No. Intragroup comparison Mean difference p-value

1. Baseline – 90th day 0.750 0.001 (H.S)

2. Baseline – 180th day 1.450 0.001 (H.S)

3. 90th day - 180th day 0.700 0.001 (H.S)

Statistical test: Tukey’s post-hoc test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S. - Highly

Obsevation & Results

Table 13 - Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival Index at Baseline, 90th day

and 180th day in group II:

Time N Mean SD F value p-Value


Baseline 20 2.28 0.21

424.542 0.001 (H.S)

90th day 20 1.45 0.19

180th day 20 0.66 0.15

Statistical test: ANOVA; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S - Highly Significant

Table 14 – Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival Index in group II at different

time interval:

S No. Intragroup comparison Mean difference p-value

1. Baseline – 90th day 0.945 0.001 (H.S)

2. Baseline – 180th day 1.740 0.001 (H.S)

3. 90th day - 180th day 0.795 0.001 (H.S)

Statistical test: Tukey’s post-hoc test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S- Highly

Obsevation & Results

Table 15: Intergroup comparison of mean Gingival Index between various time


Time Group N Mean SD Mean t- value p-value

interval difference

DFDBA 20 2.14 0.24

-0.140 1.963 0.057 (N.S)

20 2.28 0.21

DFDBA 20 1.39 0.20

90 day
-0.060 0.972 0.336 (N.S)
20 1.45 0.19

DFDBA 20 0.69 0.12

180 day
0.030 0.698 0.489 (N.S)
20 0.66 0.15

Statistical test: Independent Sample t-test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), N.S –


Obsevation & Results

GINGIVAL INDEX (GI) (Table- 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 & Graph-2)

The mean GI scores at baseline, 90th day and 180th day for group I (DFDBA) was

2.14±0.24, 1.39±0.20 and 0.69±0.12 respectively. When the mean GI score was

compared using ANOVA, the difference was found to be statistically highly significant

(P-0.001). (Table – 10) Intragroup comparison using Tukey’s post-hoc test showed a

mean difference of 0.750 and 1.450 from baseline to 90th day and baseline to 180th day

respectively, which was found to be statistically highly significant (P-0.001). The

difference between 90th day and 180th day was found to be 0.700 which was also found

to be statistically highly significant (P-0.001). (Table – 11)

The mean GI scores at baseline, 90th day and 180th day for group II (DFDBA +

AM) was 2.28±0.21, 1.45±0.19 and 0.66±0.15 respectively. When the mean GI score

was compared using ANOVA, the difference was found to be statistically highly

significant (P=0.001). (Table – 12) Intragroup comparison using Tukey’s post-hoc test

showed a mean difference of 0.945 and 1.740 from baseline to 90th day and baseline to

180th day respectively, which was found to be statistically highly significant (P-0.001).

The difference between 90th day and 180th day was 0.795 which was also found to be

statistically highly significant (P-0.001). (Table – 13)

Independent sample t test showed a non-significant result of GI scores between the

groups from baseline to 180th day (Table – 14, Graph – 2)

Obsevation & Results


Table 16 - Intragroup comparison of mean Probing Pocket Depth at Baseline, 90th

day and 180th day in group I:

Time N Mean SD F value p-Value


Baseline 20 6.95 0.94

90th day 20 5.15 0.74 60.263 0.001 (H.S)

180th day 20 4.10 0.78

Statistical test: ANOVA; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S - Highly Significant

Table 17 - Intragroup comparison of mean Probing Pocket Depth in group I at

different time interval:

S No. Intragroup comparison Mean difference p-value

1. Baseline – 90th day 1.800 0.001 (H.S)

2. Baseline – 180th day 2.850 0.001 (H.S)

3. 90th day - 180th day 1.050 0.001 (H.S)

Statistical test: Tukey’s post-hoc test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S -

Highly Significant

Obsevation & Results

Table 18 - Intragroup comparison of mean Probing Pocket Depth at Baseline, 90th

day and 180th day in group II:

Time N Mean SD F value p-Value


Baseline 20 7.30 0.92

90th day 20 4.60 0.85 115.106 0.001 (H.S)

180th day 20 3.45 0.60

Statistical test: ANOVA; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S - Highly Significant

Table 19- Intragroup comparison of mean Probing Pocket Depth in group II at

different time interval:

S No. Intragroup comparison Mean difference p-value

1. Baseline – 90th day 2.20 0.001 (H.S)

2. Baseline – 180th day 3.85 0.001 (H.S)

3. 90th day - 180th day 1.65 0.001 (H.S)

Statistical test: Tukey’s post-hoc test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S -

Highly Significant

Obsevation & Results

Table 20: Intergroup comparison of mean Probing Pocket Depth between

various time intervals:

Time Group N Mean SD Mean t- value p-value

interval difference

DFDBA 20 6.95 0.94

-0.35000 1.190 0.241
DFDBA 20 7.30 0.92 (N.S)

DFDBA 20 5.15 0.74

90th day
0.5500 2.182 0.035 (S)
DFDBA 20 4.60 0.85


DFDBA 20 4.10 0.78

180th day
0.6500 2.953 0.005 (S)
DFDBA 20 3.45 0.60


Statistical test: Independent Sample t-test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), S-

Significant, N.S –Non-Significant

Obsevation & Results

PROBING POCKET DEPTH (PPD) (Table- 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 & Graph- 3)

The mean PPD at baseline, 90th day and 180th day for group I (DFDBA) was

6.95±0.94, 5.15±0.744 and 4.10±0.78, respectively. When the mean PPD was

compared using ANOVA, the difference was found to be statistically highly significant

(P-0.001). (Table – 15) Intragroup comparison using Tukey’s post-hoc test showed a

mean difference of 1.800 and 2.850 from baseline to 90th day and baseline to 180th day

respectively, which was found to be statistically highly significant (P-0.001). The

difference between 90th day and 180th day was found to be 1.050 which was also found

to be statistically highly significant (P-0.001). (Table – 16)

The mean PPD at baseline, 90th day and 180th day for group II (DFDBA + AM)

was 7.30±0.92, 4.60±0.85 and 3.45±0.60 respectively. When the mean PPD was

compared using ANOVA, the difference was found to be statistically highly significant

(P=0.001). (Table – 17) Intragroup comparison using Tukey’s post-hoc test showed a

mean difference of 2.20 and 3.85 from baseline to 90th day and baseline to 180th day

respectively, which was found to be statistically highly significant (P-0.001). The

difference between 90th day and 180th day was 1.65 which was also found to be

statistically highly significant (P-0.001). (Table – 18)

Independent sample t test showed a significant reduction in PPD between the

groups at 90th day and 180th day (Table – 19, Graph – 3), Group II (DFDBA+AM)

showing a greater reduction in PPD.

Obsevation & Results


Table 21 - Intragroup comparison of mean Relative Attachment Level at Baseline,

90th day and 180th day in group I:

Time N Mean SD F value p-Value


Baseline 20 12.05 1.39

90th day 20 10.35 1.78 13.411 0.001 (H.S)

180th day 20 9.30 1.86

Statistical test: ANOVA; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S - Highly Significant

Table 22- Intragroup comparison of mean Relative Attachment Level in group I

at different time interval:

S No. Intragroup comparison Mean difference p-value

1. Baseline – 90th day 1.700 0.007 (S)

2. Baseline – 180th day 2.750 0.001 (H.S)

3. 90th day - 180th day 1.050 0.132 (N.S)

Statistical test: Tukey’s post-hoc test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), S-

Significant, H.S - Highly Significant, N.S- Non-Significant

Obsevation & Results

Table 23 - Intragroup comparison of mean Relative Attachment Level at Baseline,

90th day and 180th day in group II:

Time N Mean SD F value p-Value


Baseline 20 12.95 1.93

18.559 0.001 (H.S)

90th day 20 9.070 2.17

180th day 20 8.043 2.05

Statistical test: ANOVA; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S - Highly Significant

Table 24- Intragroup comparison of mean Relative Attachment Level in group II

at different time intervals:

S No. Intragroup comparison Mean difference p-value

1. Baseline – 90th day 2.250 0.003 (H.S)

2. Baseline – 180th day 3.350 0.001 (H.S)

3. 90th day - 180th day 1.700 0.030 (S)

Statistical test: Tukey’s post-hoc test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S -

Highly Significant, S- Significant

Obsevation & Results

Table 25: Intergroup comparison of mean Relative Attachment Level between

various time intervals:

Time Group N Mean SD Mean t- p-value

interval difference value

DFDBA 20 12.050 1.39454

-0.90000 1.689 0.099 (N.S)
DFDBA 20 12.950 1.93241


DFDBA 20 10.350 1.78517

90th day
1.2800 2.032 0.049 (S)
DFDBA 20 9.070 2.17885


DFDBA 20 9.300 1.86660

180th day
1.257 2.027 0.048 (S)
DFDBA 20 8.043 2.05196


Statistical test: Independent Sample t-test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), S-

Significant, N.S –Non-Significant

Obsevation & Results

RELATIVE ATTACHMENT LEVEL (Table- 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 & Graph- 4)

In group I (DFDBA), mean RAL values changed from 12.050±1.39454 at

baseline to 10.350±1.78517 at 90th day and 9.300±1.86660 at 180th day. When mean

RAL was compared using ANOVA, the difference was found to be statistically highly

significant (P-0.001) (Table – 20). Intragroup comparison using Tukey’s post-hoc test

showed a mean difference of 1.700 from baseline to 90th day which was found to be

statistically significant (P-0.007) and a mean difference of 2.750 from baseline to 180th

day which was found to be statistically highly significant (P-0.001). However, mean

difference in RAL from 90th day to 180th day was 1.050 which was found to be

statistically non-significant (P-0.132) (Table – 21).

In group II (DFDBA + AM), mean RAL values changed from 12.950±1.93241

at baseline to 9.070±2.1788 at 90th day and 8.043±2.0519 at 180th day. When mean

RAL was compared using ANOVA, the difference was found to be statistically highly

significant (P-0.001) (Table – 22). Intragroup comparison using Tukey’s post-hoc test

showed a change of 2.250 and 3.950 from baseline to 90th day and 180th day

respectively which was found to be statistically highly significant (P=0.001). However,

mean difference in RAL from 90th day to 180th day was 1.700 which was found to be

statistically significant (P-0.030). (Table – 23)

Intergroup comparison of RAL at baseline was found to be statistically not

significant showing a P value of 0.099 and comparison of RAL p value was 0.49 and

0.048 at 90th day and 180th day respectively which was found to statistically significant.

(Table – 24 and Graph – 4)

Obsevation & Results


Table 26 - Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival Recession at Baseline, 90th

day and 180th day in group I:

Time N Mean SD Chi-value p-Value


Baseline 20 0.65 0.745

4.391 0.111 (N.S)

90th day 20 1.00 0.561

180th day 20 1.05 0.686

Statistical test: Kruskal-Wallis H test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), N.S- Non-


Table 27 - Intragroup comparison of mean Gingival Recession at Baseline, 90th

day and 180th day in group II:

Time N Mean SD Chi-value p-Value


Baseline 20 0.70 0.732

1.582 0.45 (N.S)

90th day 20 0.80 0.615

180th day 20 0.55 0.604

Statistical test: Kruskal-Wallis H test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), N.S- Non-


Obsevation & Results

Table 28: Intergroup comparison of mean Gingival Recession between various

time intervals:

Time Group N Mean SD Mean U- value p-value

interval difference

DFDBA 20 0.65 0.74

-0.05000 191.500 0.832 (N.S)
DFDBA 20 0.70 0.73


DFDBA 20 1.00 0.56

90 day
0.20000 166.000 0.369 (N.S)
DFDBA 20 0.80 0.61


DFDBA 20 1.05 0.68

180 day

20 0.50000 123.000 0.038 (S)

DFDBA 0.55 0.60


Statistical test: Mann-Whitney U test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), S-

Significant, N.S –Non-Significant

Obsevation & Results

GINGIVAL RECESSION (GR) (Table- 25, 26, 27 & Graph- 5)

In group I (DFDBA), mean GR values changed from 0.65±0.74 at baseline to

1.00±0.56 at 90th day and 1.05±0.68 at 180th day. When mean RAL was compared using

Kruskal-Wallis H test, the difference was found to be statistically non-significant (P-

0.111) (Table – 25).

In group II (DFDBA + AM), mean GR values changed from 0.70±0.73 at

baseline to 0.80±0.61 at 90th day and 0.55±0.60 at 180th day. When mean GR was

compared using Kruskal-Wallis H test the difference was found to be statistically non-

significant (P-0.45) (Table – 26).

Intergroup comparison using Mann-Whitney U test of GR at baseline and 90th

day was found to be statistically non-significant showing a P value of 0.832 at baseline

and 0.369 at 90th day. However, GR 180th day was found to be statistically significant

showing a P value of 0.038. (Table – 27, Graph – 5)

Obsevation & Results


Table 29: Intragroup comparison of mean Radiographic Defect Depth at Baseline

and 180th day in group I:

Time N Mean SD Mean t-value p-value

interval diff

Baseline 20 4.95 1.01 2.84000 15.858 0.001


180th day 20 2.11 0.57

Statistical test: paired t test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S- Highly


Table 30: Intragroup comparison of mean Radiographic Defect Depth at

Baseline and 180th day in group II:

Time N Mean SD Mean t-value p-value

interval diff

Baseline 20 4.77 0.496 2.92000 20.964 0.001


180th day 20 1.85 0.552

Statistical test: paired t test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), H.S- Highly


Obsevation & Results

Table 31: Intergroup comparison of mean Radiographic Defect Depth between

various time interval:

Time Group N Mean SD Mean t- value p-value

interval difference

DFDBA 20 4.9550 1.01643

Baseline 0.18000 0.712 0.481
DFDBA 20 4.7750 0.49617 (N.S)


DFDBA 20 2.1150 0.57425

0.26000 1.460 0.153

180th day (N.S)
DFDBA 20 1.8550 0.55201


Statistical test: Independent Sample t-test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), N.S –


Obsevation & Results

RADIOGRAPHIC DEFECT DEPTH (Table- 28, 29, 30 & Graph- 6)

In group I (DFDBA), the mean radiographic defect depth was 4.9550±1.0164

at baseline. At 180th day, the mean radiographic defect depth was 2.1150±0.5742. The

difference in depth was 2.8400 which was statistically highly significant (P-0.001).

(Table – 28)

In group II (DFDBA + AM), the mean radiographic defect depth was

4.7750±0.4961 at baseline. At 180th day, the mean radiographic defect depth was

1.8550±0.5520. The difference in depth was 2.9200 which was statistically highly

significant (P-0.001). (Table – 29)

Intergroup comparison of the defect depths showed no significant difference at

baseline. Comparison of the defect depth using independent sample t test was also

found to be non-significant when evaluated at 180th day postoperatively. (P-0.153).

(Table – 30, Graph- 6)

Obsevation & Results


Table 32: Intergroup comparison of mean Amount of Defect Fill at 180th day:

Time Group N Mean SD Mean t- value p-value

interval difference

DFDBA 20 2.8400 0.80092

180th day
-0.08000 -0.353 0.726
DFDBA 20 2.9200 0.62290 (N.S)


Statistical test: Independent Sample t-test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), N.S –


AMOUNT OF DEFECT FILL (Table- 31 & Graph- 7)

Comparison of the amount of defect fill using independent sample t test was

found to be non-significant when evaluated at 180th day postoperatively. (P-0.726).

(Table – 31, Graph- 7)

Obsevation & Results


Table 33: Intergroup comparison of Percentage of Defect Fill at 180th day:

Time interval Group N Chi-value p-value

180 days 23.70 0.04 (S)


Statistical test: Chi-square test; (p<0.05- significant, CI=95%), S- Significant

PERCENTAGE OF DEFECT FILL (Table- 32 & Graph- 8)

Intergroup comparison of the percentage of defect fill using Chi-square test

showed statistically significant difference at 180th day (P-0.04). (Table –32, Graph- 8)

Obsevation & Results

2.07 2.05


1.02 0.96
0.57 0.61


Graph- 1. Comparison of mean Plaque Score Index between group I and group II
at baseline, 90th day and 180th day


1.5 1.39 1.45


0.69 0.66



Graph- 2. Comparison of mean Gingival Score Index between group I and group II
at baseline, 90th day and 180th day

Obsevation & Results

7 6.95

5 4.6

4 3.45


Graph- 3. Comparison of mean Probing Pocket Depth between group I and group
II at baseline, 90th day and 180th day

12 12
10 9.07 9.3


Graph- 4. Comparison of mean Relative Attachment Level between group I and

group II at baseline, 90th day and 180th day

Obsevation & Results

0.8 0.7

0.6 0.55




Graph- 5. Comparison of mean Gingival Recession between group I and group II at

baseline, 90th day and 180th day

5 4.955 180TH DAY




Graph- 6. Comparison of mean Radiographic Defect Depth between group I and

group II at baseline and 180th day

Obsevation & Results

2.92 2.92






Graph- 7. Comparison of mean Amount of Defect Fill between group I and group
II at 180th day



The ideal goal of periodontal therapy is the restoration of the periodontium by

predictable regeneration of bone and connective tissue attachment, which has been

destroyed by periodontal disease. Conventional periodontal therapy has limited scope

and results are not predictable. Healing following conventional therapy is most likely

to occur mainly through the formation of a long junctional epithelium. 117

The aim of the regenerative procedure is to displace the epithelial attachment at

a more coronal position than before treatment, allowing cells from periodontal ligament

and bone to repopulate the root surface and to form a new periodontal attachment. 118

Alveolar bone and cementum have good potential of regeneration provided that

the necessary cell types and cell signals are present. The same is true for periodontal

ligament, but for this to form a functional attachment, the collagen fibers must become

enclosed by newly formed bone on one surface and cementum on the other. This

requires the regeneration of the three tissues to be finally integrated. Also, for any new

attachment to form, junctional epithelium which proliferates over exposed connective

tissue, must be excluded from the wound.119

A successful outcome of periodontal tissue engineering requires appropriate

cells, signals, scaffolds, blood supply, mechanical loading and pathogen control. Cells

provide the machinery for new tissue growth and differentiation, whereas growth

factors and other molecules modulate the cellular activity and provide stimuli for cells

to differentiate and support tissue neogenesis. A three-dimensional template structure

is provided by scaffolds to support and facilitate these processes that are critical for

tissue regeneration. New vascular networks promoted by angiogenic signals provide

the nutritional base for tissue growth and homeostasis, whereas appropriate mechanical


loading is essential for the development of highly organized, functional PDL fibers.

Finally, because of the microbial load at the periodontal lesion, strategies to control

infection and host response are required to optimize periodontal regeneration. 120

Recent advances in molecular and cellular biology have increased our

understanding of tissue regeneration and of interactions between extracellular matrix,

growth factors and cells during wound healing. In bone regeneration, osteoblasts

proliferate and produce ECM components and local growth factors which play key roles

in regulating cellular activities.121

An increased knowledge of cellular response and function within the

periodontium has led to the development of numerous treatment modalities exhibiting

different degree of success. Treatments including modification of root surface, grafting

with bone or bone substitute, stimulation of cells with growth factors, hormones or

extracellular matrix proteins and cell occlusive barrier membrane have all been

explored for their ability to predictably regenerate the periodontium. 122

Treatment of periodontal intrabony defects via isolation for selective cell

repopulation has been an accepted treatment modality for nearly 30 years. In 1976,

Melcher123 discussed the compartmentalization of tissues to achieve regeneration, and

the clinical application of this concept was first demonstrated by Nyman et al.124 then

in 1986, Gottlow et al. coined the term guided tissue regeneration (GTR) to describe

this treatment modality, which allows for the formation of bone, cementum, and

periodontal ligament in degranulated periodontal defects.125 Since its introduction,

GTR therapy has evolved and changed. Initially, non-resorbable occlusive barriers were

used to simply isolate degranulated periodontal intrabony defects. Over the years, bone

or bone substitutes were used to fill these defects, and when covered by a barrier, the


term combination GTR was used. Non-resorbable barriers were eventually replaced

with bioabsorbable barriers and, more recently, biologic growth factors have been used

to enhance healing. The evolution of regenerative therapy through evaluation of

placental-based amnion allograft membranes (AM), which have inherent biologic

properties that actively promote wound healing in lieu of simply providing an occlusive

barrier for selective cell repopulation.21

Various regenerative materials have provided clinicians with a reliable method

of achieving defect fill and defect resolution. The autogenous bone graft is considered

as ‘gold standard’ but limited amount of intraoral donor bone, need for second surgical

site for graft procurement and potential risk for root ankylosis and resorption with iliac

crest graft was its drawback. Alloplasts as graft materials have an unlimited supply and

provide greater defect fill and less crestal resorption than debridement alone.

Histologically, the alloplasts becomes encapsulated by connective tissue and a long

junctional epithelium is present along the tooth surface with no evidence of

cementogenesis or new periodontal ligament formation. Allografts can be obtained

from a tissue bank in the form of FDBA or DFDBA. The use of allografts in the

treatment of periodontal defects has become popular since studies have reported defect

fill of greater than 50% in the majority of treated sites. Histologically, when placed in

intrabony defects and compared to nongrafted defects, DFDBA demonstrate

significantly more new cementum, new connective tissue, and bone formation in

intrabony defects grafted with DFDBA than in nongrafted sites. 81

Furthermore, bone grafts materials that are needed in periodontics should be

osteoinductive, have good handling characteristics, and have physical properties

providing appropriate stiffness for the treatment site. Bone graft material commonly

used for these procedures are DFDBA and FDBA. The osteoinductive properties of


DFDBA have made it the grafting material of choice as compared to FDBA, xenografts

and alloplasts. The use of DFDBA has seen successfully proven in a histologic study

wherein 80% of test sites showed complete regeneration. The demineralization process

of DFDBA exposes its BMP’s that makes it osteoinductive in nature. 83,84

Periodontal osseous grafting techniques are directed towards the restoration of

the lost periodontium and specifically the regeneration of alveolar bone. Bone healing

in grafted sites has been characterized as occurring by several mechanisms. Of these,

the term “osteoinduction” implies bone formation through the active recruitment of less

differentiated host cells by bioactive diffusible mediators and their eventual expression

as bone tissue. The presence of an inductive signal in demineralized cortical bone

eliciting osteogenesis from precursor cell populations has been termed “Bone

Morphogenetic Protein” (BMP). In addition to the inducer substances, an organic

matrix is required. Both these elements are made available through the demineralization

of bone tissue. DFDBA is a material with related osteoinductive potential as realized in

various in vitro and in vivo model systems. 88

In present study, chronic periodontitis patients with a total of 40 intrabony

defects were selected. Patients with good systemic health and no contraindication to

periodontal surgery were selected, since patients suffering from systemic diseases like

uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or those patients on immunosuppressive therapy, almost

always show a compromised wound healing response. 126

Variation in the assessment of pocket depths and attachment levels may occur

if the probing site and the direction of the probe insertion differ from one measurement

to another.127 Reliability of these measurements depends on the stability of the structure

used as a fixed reference point. CEJ is frequently used as a fixed reference point is often

difficult to identify. To eliminate these problems acrylic occlusal stent with groove and


reference marking was used to provide a landmark for accurate and reproducible

measurements and guide for the probing position.128

Clinical parameters including plaque index and gingival index were recorded

and probing pocket depth, relative attachment level and gingival recession were

measured from the selected patients at baseline, 90th day and 180th day post-operatively.

All those patients maintaining efficient oral hygiene in recall appointments during

phase I therapy, were considered for the study because of local and behavioral factors

influence the regenerative outcome.

Radiographic evaluation was done at baseline prior to surgery and at 180th day

postoperatively by digital intraoral periapical radiographs with millimeter grid mount

standardized with long cone paralleling technique with 70 KVp, 10 mA and exposure

time of 0.8 second.

After completion of phase I therapy and the attainment of surgical

manageability of tissues, the selected sites were randomly treated with DFDBA (Group

I) and DFDBA with AM (Group II). All patients in the study showed good compliance

and the healing period was uneventful for both test and control group.

The study did not have non-graft site as control group because numerous studies

have been reported statistically significant results in favor of bone replacement grafts

as compared to non-grafted sites.129-131

To the best of our knowledge there are no clinical studies reported using

DFDBA with AM in the treatment of intrabony defects, the present study was done to

evaluate and compare the clinical efficacy of Amnion Membrane with DFDBA bone

granules in the treatment of intrabony defects in terms of clinical and radiographic



All patients participating in the study demonstrated good oral hygiene level and

a healthy gingival condition throughout the study period as indicated by plaque index

(PI) and gingival index (GI) scores. The reduction in PI & GI score was statistically

highly significant in both the groups. This improvement in PI and GI was attributed to

the maintenance of optimum oral hygiene by the patient and regular supportive

periodontal care program. The results obtained in this study were similar with previous

study by Katuri et al. who reported a significant improvement in GI as compared to

baseline while treating Infrabony defects.132

A statistically significant improvement in gingival index may be attributed to

the resolution of inflammation and return of the gingival tissues from a diseased to

health state. Numerous reports based on short term and long-term data indicate that

good oral hygiene reflected by low plaque scores, was associated with enhanced

periodontal regeneration and stability.133-135

On comparison between the two groups at 90th day and 180th day post-surgery,

mean plaque index and gingival index was statistically non-significant. Similar findings

were observed in previous studies.136-138

Mean change in gingival margin position was not statistically significant for the

Group I (DFDBA) from baseline to 180th day post-surgery. Mean change in gingival

margin position was not statistically significant for the Group II (DFDBA+ AM) from

baseline to 180th day post-surgery.

On comparison between two groups at 90th day post-surgery mean change in

gingival margin position was statistically not significant and at 180 th day post-surgery

mean change in gingival margin position was statistically significant. Results of this

study are similar to findings of Kiany et al.139


Reduction in probing pocket depth is considered to be the most important

outcome of periodontal procedure, including periodontal regeneration, because it

directly affects the ability of a clinician to maintain a treated site. In this study, mean

reduction in probing pocket depth was statistically highly significant for the Group I

(DFDBA) from baseline to 180th day. The results of this study are similar to the findings

of Iorio-Siciliano et al.140 and Camargo et al.141 who demonstrated notable

improvement in the reduction of pocket depth. In Group II (DFDBA+ AM) mean

reduction in pocket depth was also statistically highly significant 180 th day post-

surgery, again comparable to the findings of Chen et al.141,142

The primary reason for reduction in probing pocket depth after treatment can be

attributed to the reduction in inflammation, shrinkage of the pocket wall and gain in

attachment level. As well as reattachment of collagen fibers and bone fill also impede

penetration of probe.

On comparison between the two groups at 90th day and 180th day post-surgery,

mean reduction in pocket depth was statistically significant in Group II (DFDBA+AM)

as compared to Group I (DFDBA). Results of this study are similar to findings of

previously mentioned studies.136,137

The most practical clinical parameter for assessing the results of

regenerative periodontal treatment methods is RAL. The assessment of attachment

levels due to its fixed reference point (FRP) provides better information relating to gain

or loss of attachment to the root surface and in assessing the disease progression as

compared to pocket depth measurements. Though attachment level measurements too

have certain inherent shortcomings like its high level of tactile sensitivity and time

consumption, it still represents “Gold Standard” by which clinicians record disease



In this study, mean relative attachment level was statistically highly significant

for the Group I (DFDBA) from baseline to 180th day. The results of this study are

similar to the findings of Iorio-Siciliano et al.140 and Kukreja et al.137 who

demonstrated gain in clinical attachment level. In Group II (DFDBA+ AM) mean

relative attachment level was also statistically highly significant at 180th day post-

surgery. The results of this study are similar to the findings of Camargo et al.141 and

Kher et al.144 who demonstrated notable improvement in the gain in attachment level.

On comparison between the two groups at 90th day and 180th day post-surgery, mean

relative attachment level was statistically significant. Results of this study are similar

to findings of previous studies.136,145,146

The results of the study with respect to mean defect fill for Group I and Group

II were quite similar. Though the value was higher in Group II than in Group I

mathematically, there was no statistically significant difference found between the two

groups. In accordance the present study, some other similar type of clinical trials also

shows no statistically significant difference between combination and bone graft alone

type of therapy.147-149 These studies were in agreement with our study which records no

additional benefit of GTR membrane together with bone graft alone. However, there

are certain studies which favor the combination therapy with respect to bone


The uneventful healing response of the periodontal tissue proved the

biocompatibility of AM. Despite the lack of histologic clues and with respect to

clinical healing, it can be claimed that, cellular adhesion to the membrane surface,

blood clot stabilization, and integration of the membrane with the proliferating

connective tissue of the gingiva occurred. To date, there are no published data on the

use of AM in conjunction with DFDBA for the treatment of intrabony defects. Also,


there are several variations that make it difficult to compare the results of this clinical

study with those of other studies that examined other biodegradable membranes.

During the immediate postoperative period, no membrane exposures were

observed. In both groups, uneventful healing and subsequent integrity of soft tissue

were noted.

Since its introduction there have been immense alterations in the processing

of AM, which have resulted in improved clinical outcomes. The lyophilized (freeze-

dried) method of preparation of AM induces minimal changes in its biologic

properties. This method results in loss of epithelial cells and minimizes

immunogenicity, as it does not require refrigeration, the product can be stored at

room temperature and has an extended shelf life of 3 years. 152

AM appear to be suitable for GTR, as they are chemotactic for periodontal

ligament fibroblasts and can serve as fibrillar scaffolds for early vascular ingrowth. AM

has unique characteristics, including bacteriostatic effects, antiadhesive properties,

wound protection, and epithelialization effects, that make it different from routinely

used barrier membranes.153

It has been shown that AM, through adhesion to the wound surface, can act as

an antibacterial barrier and reduce bacterial infiltration. 154 Thus, it has been speculated

that AM, because of its antibacterial properties, could decrease the risk of infection and,

based on the presence of growth factors, promote healing. AM contains growth factors

that hasten formation of granulation tissue by stimulating the growth of fibroblasts. 155

In the meantime, AM vascularizes healthy granulation tissue and stimulates

neovascularization in the neighboring tissues. 156 Also, AM provides a protein-enriched

bioactive matrix that facilitates cell migration. 157 Hence, it can be speculated that the

use of AM as a membrane for GTR could stimulate vascularization of the granulation


tissue in the defects and promote cell migration and wound healing.

The presence of laminin-5 in high concentrations throughout AM, with its high

affinity for gingival epithelial cells, could accelerate healing and integration of the

membrane with gingival tissue.156,158 In other words, it has been claimed that AM has

the ability to form an early physiologic “seal” with the host tissue. This precludes

bacterial contamination.159 This quality of good integration of AM with the overlying

gingiva may account for the smaller amount of REC observed in the Group II

(DFDBA+ AM). For confirmation of this hypothesis, further studies with histologic

examination at different points during the healing period are necessary.

It can also be claimed that the presence of various growth factors in AM, such as

platelet-derived growth factors alpha and beta and transforming growth factor beta, is

likely to induce faster sealing of the defects and limited loss of the grafting material in

the Group II (DFDBA+ AM).160

Thickness of normal AM is 0.02 to 0.5 mm, which is equivalent to six to eight

layers of cells.161 One of the major advantages of AM, in comparison to other bio-

degradable membranes, is its thinness (320 μm) and good adaptability. The significant

lack of GR observed in the Group II (DFDBA+ AM) might be a result of the thinness

of the AM, which resulted in better adaptation of the membrane over the bony defect

and consequently better coverage of gingiva over the membrane. AM is suggested for

use in areas with limited thickness and height of gingiva, as full coverage of membrane

is more easily accomplished.

Considering the advantages of AM, it can be introduced as an inexpensive and

readily available membrane. Its unique physical nature permits the clinician to ignore

many of the recognized guiding principles for the application of customary barrier

membranes. From a clinical and practical viewpoint, the ease of handling, trimming,


and adapting of this form of AM renders it an easy-to-use and operator-friendly

membrane. The AM used in this study, after being hydrated, needs less defined

trimming and adapts tightly to the underlying grafting material, bony margin, and tooth

surface. It is naturally self-adhesive to the underlying surfaces. However, it must be

noted that this physical property of AM does not afford any space maintenance

capabilities, because of a lack of stiffness. Thus, after becoming dampened by the tissue

fluid, it adapts to the surgical field. Therefore, some kind of space-saving grafting

material was needed underneath membrane.

In an attempt to further improve the clinical outcomes of GTR, this study was

designed to employ a combined periodontal regenerative technique. 162 It means that the

study did not include a nongrafted group. There was no defect selection according to

the number of walls or configuration of the defect in the protocol of the study, so it was

expected that unfavorable and large defects might be encountered during surgery.

According to the rationale for combined periodontal regenerative therapy, the bone

material that is used in conjunction with membranes enhances the stability of the

coagulum, sustains the membranes in the presence of non-contained defects, and

prevents collapse of the membranes onto the root surface or into the defects during

wound healing, thereby preserving the space necessary for regeneration. Reduced or

limited space might result in compromised healing as a consequence of inadequate

space for tissue ingrowth.163 In this study, it was assumed that DFDBA would

enhance and facilitate the proliferation of osteogenic cells through its osteoinductive


The provision of physical support by the graft material under such

membranes allows the flaps to be sutured over the defects without exerting pressure

on the membranes or displacing them. Owing to the pliability and fragility of AM,


the presence of DFDBA as a graft material in the defect provided good support for

AM and prevented its collapse into the defect.

One of the important factors in the outcome of GTR is the speed at which the

biodegradable membranes are absorbed. Researchers disagree on the precise

bioabsorption time of barrier membranes. There is not enough evidence to determine

the time to degradation of AM when it is used as graft, wound dressing, or membrane.

In fact, it is difficult to determine how long the barrier effect of the AM lasts. It has

been claimed that the protective function of AM, acting as a skeletal substructure,

diminishes by the 14th to 21st days as a result of mucoid degeneration.164,165 It can be

hypothesized that placement of AM as a membrane under a periodontal flap and

prevention of exposure to the oral cavity might lead to longer degradation time. The

gains in RAL and reductions in PPD in this study make it safe to speculate that the

absorption of AM was slow enough to produce the desired effects.

Despite the promising findings of this study, it has a few limitations to be

considered. Although acrylic resin guides were used to confirm the reproducibility of

the measurements, the application of pressure-sensitive probes might have resulted in

a smaller margin of error. Reentry was not considered in this study, so the changes

in crestal bone levels and bony defect depths could not be measured directly.

Certainly, the nature of the attachment between the newly regenerated tissue and the

root surface cannot be determined without biopsy of the treated teeth. Histologic

studies are needed to claim true periodontal regeneration. Because none of the teeth

included in this study were candidates for extraction, a histologic study was not

performed. Further studies with a larger sample size over a longer postoperative

follow-up period are needed to conclusively proclaim the efficacy of this



The results of this investigation indicated that AM as a novel barrier membrane,

in conjunction with DFDBA, is quite predictable and comparable to DFDBA alone

when used in intrabony defects in bringing improvements in clinical parameters. In

addition to its various biologic properties, AM is easy to use as it could be folded and

compressed into narrow spaces between the roots. AM, with its diverse characteristics,

can influence the clinician’s decision.

Summary & conclusion


The present study was undertaken with the aim of this study is to evaluate

clinically and radiographically the efficacy of Amnion Membrane (AM) allograft

barrier with DFDBA and DFDBA alone in treatment of periodontal intrabony defect in

chronic periodontitis patients and observing the findings at baseline, 90th day and 180th

day postoperatively.

The following results were observed:

Clinical parameters:

 There was reduction in the mean plaque and gingival indices scores from

baseline to 180th day postoperatively, which was statistically significant. It

suggests improvement in patient’s oral hygiene throughout the study period.

 In both the groups there was a reduction in mean PPD and gain in RAL which

was statistically significant. The mean GR score was statistically significant in

Group II.

 When reduction in PPD and gain in RAL was compared between both the

groups, the Group II showed a statistically significant improvement over Group


Radiographic Evaluation:

 In both the groups there was decrease in mean defect depth and increase in

percentage of defect fill compared to baseline which were statistically


 However, no significant difference was observed in intergroup comparison.

Summary & conclusion

From the analysis of the clinical and radiographic results the following conclusions

were drawn:

I. Individually both groups showed promising results in treatment of periodontal

intrabony defects.

II. However, better results were observed with Group II (DFDBA + AM) in clinical

parameters (PPD, RAL, and GR) as compared to Group I (DFDBA).

Use of AM as a GTR membrane seems to be promising for the treatment of

infrabony defects. Future studies with more critically designed protocols, larger sample

size and inclusion of histological examination as a criterion for periodontal

regeneration, are warranted to further explore this potential of the AM.



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Principal investigator- Dr. Nida Sultana

OPD No.:

I the undersigned Mr./Ms./Mrs.____________________________________have

been informed about the study and its related procedure that will be carried out in the
Department of Periodontology at “Rungta College of Dental Sciences and Research,
Bhilai” in the language which I understand.

I have understood the procedure completely and I willingly give my consent to

Dr. Nida Sultana to carry out the procedure for her dissertation. I have also been
informed that the confidentiality of the names will be maintained and the recorded
data and photographs will be used for the record keeping, dissertation, scientific
discussion, presentations, publications, etc. I do not have any objection for all the

Signature of Patient Signature of


Signature of Investigator Signature of Staff




Name: Date:
Age: OPD No:
Sex: Case No:
Occupation: Telephone No:

Chief Complaint:

History of Present Illness:

Past Dental History:

Personal History:




Plaque Index (PI) Silness and Loe (1964)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Gingival Index (GI) Loe and Silness (1963)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8




Plaque Index (PI) Silness and Loe (1964)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Gingival Index (GI) Loe and Silness (1963)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


AFTER 180th DAY:


Plaque Index (PI) Silness and Loe (1964)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Gingival Index (GI) Loe and Silness (1963)

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



 Location of infrabony defect:

 Group I:


 Group II:

Clinical measurements:

Clinical BASELINE 90th DAY 180th DAY


Site Group I Group II Group I Group II Group I Group II


Radiographic measurements:

Parameters BASELINE 180th DAY

Site Group I Group II Group I Group II
Bone Loss
(from CEJ –
base of the
Defect Depth
(from crest of
bone – base of
the defect)
Crestal Height
(from CEJ –
crest of bone)


Percentage of
Defect Fill
(area of defect)


 Complete blood count:

 Blood sugar:

 Orthopantomograph (OPG):

 Radiovisiography (RVG):

 Study models:






Name Age/ Plaque Index Gingival Index Name Age/ Plaque Index Gingival Index
Sex Baseline th
90 day th
180 day Baseline th
90 day th
180 day Sex Baseline th
90 day th
180 day Baseline 90th day 180th day

Pankaj Patil 31/M 2.1 1.4 0.7 1.8 0.2 0.5 Pankaj Patil 31/M 2.2 1.2 0.6 2.3 1.3 0.8

Bharti Sahu 36/F 2.2 1.5 0.9 2.3 1.1 0.7 I Sunil 26/M 2.4 1.5 0.7 1.9 1.1 0.7

Shailendri Dhahariya 38/F 2.5 1.8 0.8 1.9 0.8 0.5 I Sunil 26/M 2.1 1.2 0.5 2.2 1.2 0.7

Pankaj Patil 31/M 2.2 1.6 0.7 2.1 1.2 0.6 Bharti Sahu 36/F 2.2 1.6 0.8 2.1 1.3 0.6

Rituraj Goswami 40/M 2.4 1.4 0.5 2.3 1.1 0.6 Shailendri Dhahariya 38/F 2.6 1.8 0.8 2.3 1.1 0.5

D Vamsi 25/M 2.3 1.1 0.6 1.9 0.9 0.5 Shailendri Dhahariya 38/F 2.5 1.5 0.6 1.3 0.7 0.4

Rituraj Goswami 40/M 2.4 1.7 0.8 2.1 1.2 0.7 T Anita 31/F 2.8 1.7 0.7 2.3 1.1 0.6

D Vamsi 25/M 2.2 1.2 0.6 1.9 0.8 0.5 Pramila Banjare 35/F 2.5 1.4 0.6 2.1 0.9 0.6

Mohini Sahu 48/F 2.4 1.3 0.7 1.9 0.7 0.5 Bharti Chandrakar 26/F 2.2 1.6 0.6 2.1 1.1 0.7

Shiv Kumari 29/F 1.9 1.2 0.5 1.8 0.8 0.4 Mohini Sahu 48/F 2.3 1.2 0.6 1.9 0.7 0.5

Shiv Kumari 29/F 2.3 1.6 0.9 2.2 1.1 0.8 Shiv Kumari 29/F 2.5 1.5 0.8 1.8 0.8 0.5

Chandana Rao 40/F 1.8 1.1 0.6 1.9 0.9 0.6 Bharti Chandrakar 26/F 2.3 1.2 0.7 1.9 0.7 0.4

Usha Chaubey 42/F 1.8 1.1 0.6 1.8 0.7 0.5 Chandana Rao 40/F 2.5 1.6 0.8 2.1 0.7 0.6

Ganga Das 32/M 2.1 1.3 0.8 2.2 1.2 0.5 Ganga Das 32/M 2.8 1.4 0.9 2.2 0.8 0.5

V Uma 34/F 2.2 1.6 0.9 2.3 1.2 0.7 Dhanesh Ku. Sahu 27/M 2.2 1.3 0.6 1.6 0.7 0.6

Usha Chaubey 42/F 2.5 1.5 0.7 2.2 1.1 0.6 Beena Yadav 31/F 2.6 1.5 0.8 2.2 1.1 0.8

Nandlal Kalet 46/M 1.9 1.4 0.7 2.2 1.2 0.4 Dhanesh Ku. Sahu 27/M 2.4 1.4 0.6 2.2 0.9 0.6

Usha Chaubey 42/F 1.8 1.2 0.5 2.2 1.6 0.7 K Saibabu 54/M 2.6 1.7 0.8 2.2 0.8 0.7

Dhanesh Ku. Sahu 27/M 1.9 1.5 0.6 2.2 1.4 0.6 Vijay Badge 51/M 2.1 1.2 0.5 2.2 0.9 0.6

Bhagraji Yadav 55/F 1.9 1.3 0.7 2.2 1.3 0.5 Vijay Badge 51/M 2.2 1.6 0.2 2.2 1.3 0.9




th th th th th th th th th th
B 90 d 180 d B 90 d 180 d B 90 d 180 d B 90 d 180 d B 90 d 180 d B 90th d 180th d
1 7 4 3 11 8 7 0 1 1 7 5 3 12 10 8 0 1 0
2 7 4 4 13 10 10 1 1 0 8 6 4 15 13 11 0 0 0
3 8 5 5 13 10 10 2 2 1 7 5 3 15 13 11 0 0 1

4 6 4 3 13 11 10 0 1 1 7 4 3 15 12 11 1 1 1
5 6 5 4 13 12 11 1 1 2 8 5 3 14 11 9 1 0 0

6 6 5 4 15 14 13 0 1 1 9 7 4 16 14 11 1 0 0
7 7 6 5 11 10 9 1 2 2 8 5 4 10 7 6 2 1 1
8 6 4 3 10 8 7 1 1 1 7 4 3 10 7 6 2 1 1

9 7 5 4 10 8 7 2 1 1 6 5 4 13 12 11 0 1 1
10 8 6 4 12 10 8 0 2 1 7 5 3 11 9 7 0 1 0
11 7 5 5 11 9 9 0 1 1 6 4 3 12 10 9 1 1 1
12 6 6 4 11 11 9 1 1 2 6 5 4 11 9 7 1 1 0
13 8 6 5 12 10 9 2 1 1 7 7 5 12 12 10 0 0 0

14 7 5 3 12 10 8 0 1 2 8 5 3 12 9 7 1 2 2
15 6 5 4 11 10 9 0 0 0 7 5 4 13 11 10 0 1 0
16 8 6 5 13 11 10 1 1 0 6 5 3 15 14 12 0 1 1
17 6 6 5 15 15 14 1 1 2 7 4 3 14 11 10 0 0 0

18 8 6 5 12 10 9 0 0 1 8 5 3 16 13 11 1 1 0
19 7 5 3 11 9 7 0 1 0 9 5 3 12 8 6 1 1 1
20 6 5 4 12 11 10 0 0 1 8 6 4 11 9 7 2 2 1




Defect depth Amount of defect fill Percentage of defect fill Defect depth Amount of defect fill Percentage of defect fill
th th th th th
Baseline 180 day 180 day 180 day Baseline 180 day 180 day 180th day
1 4 2 2 50 4.5 1.8 2.7 60

2 4.2 2.5 1.7 40.4 5 1.2 3.8 76

3 5 1.2 3.8 76 4.8 2 2.8 58.3
4 4 1.2 2.8 70 5.2 2.8 2.4 46.1

5 8 3 5 62.5 5 2 3 60
6 5 1.5 3.5 70 4 1.2 2.8 70
7 6 3 3 50 4.2 2.5 1.7 40.4
8 4.5 2.2 2.3 51.1 5 1.5 3.5 70
9 4.1 1.5 2.6 63.4 5 2 3 60

10 4 2 2 50 4.8 2.5 2.3 47.9

11 6 2.8 3.2 53.3 4.2 2.2 2 47.6

12 4.5 2 2.5 55.5 5 1.8 3.2 64

13 6 2.8 3.2 53.3 5 1.2 3.8 76
14 4.8 2 2.8 58.3 5 1.2 3.8 76

15 4.8 2 2.8 58.3 4 1.2 2.8 70

16 4 2 2 50 4.8 2 2.8 58.3
17 4.2 2.5 1.7 40.4 5 1.5 3.5 70
18 5 1.5 3.5 70 6 3 3 50

19 6 2.8 3.2 53.3 4 2 2 50

20 5 1.8 3.2 64 5 1.5 3.5 70


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