355 - Adverbial Clauses Conjunctions Inversion Advanced Level Test Quiz Online Exercise With Answers 3

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Adverbial Clauses Conjunctions Inversion Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online

Exercise With Answers) 3

1. In the original Greek sense, “Clime” was a concept 7. UNICEF said today that _____ torrential rains in April,
used to divide the world into climatic zones sharing tens of thousands of pastoralist children still face
similar climatic attributes _____ temperature, length death in one of the world’s most inhospitable regions.
of the solar day (sunlight), and in
particular latitudinal distance from the equator.
A) although
A) such as B) however
B) either C) whereas
C) too D) instead of
D) neither E) despite
E) as well
8. First examples of illustrated text came much later
2. ______ the Turks regard the Osmanlis, or Ottomans as _____ because paper had only been recently
their ancestors, they are a highly composite ethnic introduced to the area, _____ because paper
mixture. deteriorates so much more quickly than other
A) While
B) Although A) both / and
C) Despite B) yet /still
D) However C) either / or
E) As D) the moment / while
E) not only / but also
3. People are realizing there are different varieties of

citrus _____ lemons and limes. 9. Jewellery was important in _____ settled _____
nomadic societies and was worn for festive occasions
A) moreover and for displaying wealth.
B) in addition
A) just as / when
C) also
B) whether / or
D) besides
C) either / or
E) further
D) neither / nor
4. Experts estimate that 20 million Americans have mild
E) both / and
symptoms _____ for 6 million women and 3 million
men, the symptoms are moderate to severe. 10. Science fiction is usually just an element of the story
and the background _____ the play would deal with
A) despite the fact that issues of society.
B) because
A) much as
C) although
B) during
D) while
C) until
E) due to the fact that
D) whilst
5. The design hotel simply proved that good
E) although
architecture isn’t _____ a demand ____ a requirement.
11. In our multi-medial world with a lot more fiction
A) whether / or available than in the past, the influence _____ the
origin of single ideas are not so easy to trace.
B) either / than
C) neither / nor A) as well as
D) more / than B) in addition
E) just / but C) beside
6. A working group will outline the effects of the D) what's more
changes on humans, showing the effects of increases
E) furthermore
in temperature and humidity on malaria _____ the
impact of heatwaves on crop losses.

A) as well as
B) in addition
C) moreover
D) more than
E) so

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Adverbial Clauses Conjunctions Inversion Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online
Exercise With Answers) 3
12. Extraterrestrials are not _____ an object science 18. The Heart Association lists risk factors for heart
would have to deal with, _____ they constitute a very disease _____ increasing age, male sex, heredity,
strong story element for any kind of fiction as well. smoking, high blood cholesterol.

A) just / but A) to illustrate

B) both / and B) for example
C) so / that C) so that
D) no sooner / than D) such as
E) neither / nor E) as
13. Throughout history, there have been some books 19. Alcohol may have a sedative effect for the first hours
which had an extraordinary influence, _____ this was following consumption, it can then lead to a non-
nothing compared to the influence the new media restful night's sleep, _____.
would have.
A) even so
A) otherwise B) otherwise
B) because C) however
C) yet D) all the same
D) in spite of E) except
E) on the one hand
20. The story of the hero was lost to human memory,
14. _____ a long and controversial history, psychosurgery _____ occasional fragments.
has persisted as a modern treatment option for some

medically intractable psychiatric disorders. A) as regards

B) with respect to
A) Although
C) as for
B) Yet
D) in addition
C) Despite
E) except for
D) While
21. _____ napping seems like a proper way to catch up on
E) In spite of the fact that
missed sleep, it is not always so.
15. The bishop, who stated that he intends to amend the
Easter message to German churches _____ include A) Much as
the delegation's political impressions from their visit
B) As
to the territories, has finally set out.
C) However
A) even though D) Otherwise
B) how E) In contrast
C) no matter 22. Regular exercise can improve sleep quality and
D) in order that duration; _____, exercising immediately before
bedtime can have a stimulant effect on the body.
E) so as to
16. _____ cloudy conditions over much of Europe, a A) nevertheless
variety of webcasts carried the weather event lives.
B) nonetheless
A) Whereas C) furthermore
B) Despite D) whereas
C) Although E) whenever
D) However 23. _____ their lack of rights and privileges, women in
high position were viewed as temptresses, and an
E) Instead of
essential part of Mesopotamian culture.
17. Residents of Asia saw the eclipse cut short by
moonset _____ those in America had the moon A) Despite
already totally eclipsed by the time it rose.
B) Although
A) much as C) As though
B) however D) In case of
C) even if E) Owing to
D) while
E) although

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Adverbial Clauses Conjunctions Inversion Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online
Exercise With Answers) 3
24. The new system improved the remote access for 25. Hand washing needs to happen quite often _____ you
doctors on the move, enabling them to log into the just have a snack, especially _____ from a self-service
hospital information systems, _____ what equipment source.
they were using.
A) even if /if
A) regardless of B) in case / as though
B) pertaining to C) as long as / provided
C) for fear that D) otherwise / unless
D) besides E) as though / when
E) even though


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Adverbial Clauses Conjunctions Inversion Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online
Exercise With Answers) 3

Answer Key:

1: A 14: C
2: B 15: E
3: D 16: B
4: D 17: D
5: E 18: D
6: A 19: C
7: E 20: E
8: C 21: A
9: E 22: C
10: D 23: A
11: A 24: A
12: A 25: A
13: C


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