Bihar - AI Based MicroIrrigation - 10092022

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Bihar – Smart Micro-Irrigation

Centralized Micro Irrigation Portal with supporting AI-Based

microservices & Data Analytics Framework

Micro Irrigation technology plays a vital role in Agriculture in saving water and increasing
productivity through effective utilization of every drop of water. Micro Irrigation has received
considerable attention from farmers for its perceived ability to contribute significantly to
groundwater resources development, agricultural productivity and economic growth.
Increasing water scarcity and limited availability of labour has paved the way for
implementation of Micro Irrigation scheme. Micro Irrigation technology improves water use
efficiency by 40% - 60% by precise water application. Through fertigation technology,
fertilizers are directly applied to the root zone in drip irrigation, hence fertilizer use efficiency
is also increased.

Bihar – Micro Irrigation

Bihar is one of the most densely inhabited states in India with a population of 10.41 crores
living in an area of 94163 sq.kms. Due to the rapid growth in population density, there has
been a significant focus on irrigation and agriculture in general. The only way to solve Bihar's
issues with poverty and slow economic growth is through a sharp increase in agricultural
production. A significant expansion of irrigation infrastructure is needed to achieve this aim.

Till March 2021, a potential of 37.15 lakh ha has been developed through 20 major and 103
medium completed schemes and 9 major and about 9 medium ongoing schemes.
For example - Bihar government made provisions to give subsidy of up to 90 percent on mini
sprinklers under the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana, to help farmers of all
categories to advantage of drip irrigation system.

Table: Potential and actual area under MI in different states (in ‘000 ha as on 2009) – Source: IWMI-TATA
MI Challenges for Bihar
Under the Centrally-sponsored Scheme - Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY),
Area covered under Micro Irrigation through CSS in Bihar (till 2016-17) was 1.03 lakh ha, out
of which Area under Drip Irrigation was 0.085 lakh ha and Area under Sprinkler Irrigation
was 0.94 lakh ha.

However, despite the best efforts by Govt of Bihar, the adoption of MI for irrigation in Bihar
when compared to other states has been low.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

Studies indicate that adoption of micro-irrigation (MI) technologies - drip and sprinkler
systems - has a positive impact in terms of water saving, yield and income enhancement at
farm level. However, the overall impression among the farmers is that MI is capital intensive
and suited only to large farmers who have Access to capital and technical knowhow. As
such, only 12.2 percent of potential drip irrigation area and 7.8 percent of potential
sprinkler area is covered in the country with large variations across states.
For accelerating MI adoption in Bihar there is a need for:
 Reduction in capital cost of the system,
 Encouraging Farmers to switch from Groundwater and adopting MI
 Provision of technical support for regular MI operation and maintenance,
 Relaxation on any farm size limitation in providing MI subsidies; and
 Creation of a single state level Portal or a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for speedy
implementation of the MI program.
If the state government manages to overcome these challenges existing in the state, Bihar
can be one of the top states in the country to provide uniform micro-irrigation services to its
farmers and the state with the best micro-irrigation utilization.

Project Proposal
The Project proposes:

Portal Development
There shall be one portal which includes all Micro Irrigation related modules and
information on all policies incentives. Portal will also be hosted on servers as per Govt. of
India/Govt. of Bihar Guidelines. The Portal will be:
 Responsive - Portal will be designed to be responsive and will automatically adapt to
a layout specifically optimized for the screen size that the user is using
 Hybrid mobile app for farmers – are easier and faster to develop & require less
 Multi-lingual – The Portal will be accessible in Hindi and English for all the
Users/Farmers in Bihar [Provision to add more languages as per requirement]

Some of the elements of the new portal will be:

 Farmer Module
o Farmer Registration login
 Type of farmer (individual / Group / Association etc)
 Location (District, Block, Village, codes)
 Scheme selection (Multiple Schemes with options)
 Farmer Profiling (interface with Aadhar & ID proof)
 Land details (interface with Revenue, RoR)
 Bank Details
o Soil & Land Profiling
 Crop Details [Seasonal & Perennial crop]
 o Area cultivated
 Field map [general reference points (such as streams, residences,
wellheads etc.), number of acres, and soil types]
 Soil Test (N-P-K and other critical elements such as pH and organic
 Crop sequence
o Water course Details
 Name of Canal & outlet
 Present status
 Requirements (new/ rehab/ extension)
o Pond Details
 Type of pond
 Coverage area
o Solar Pump details
o Micro Irrigation details
 Benefited area (Planned)
 Type of MI equipment
 Cultivated area equipment wise
 Vendor equipment wise
 Past subsidy (interface with Agriculture / horticulture data)
o Farmer Payment
o Farmer – vendor Interface for progress status
o Farmer Status update

 Officer Module
o Officers Login at various level (JE, SDO, XEN, SE/ Director, CE, Administrator,
ACS CM office)
o Transactions details
o Verification process
o Physical verification (if required)
o Approval process (MI Estimation, Pond estimation)
o Status update to farmers
o Outlet update
o MIS reports

 Vendor Module for MI

o MI Vendor Registration (Interface with Industry)
o Vendor login
o Vendor Details [Edit & Update]
o Vendor estimation
o Subsidy Calculation
o Challan Generation
o Vendor Interface for farmer application
o Vendor – farmer Interface for progress update
o Vendor related reports

 Work Management Module

o Works [Name of work, Work Details -estimates, Revenue / capital works,
Sanction Details, Verification of work, Planned works, Unplanned works, Type
of works, Works Monitoring, Work Status -Physical Progress]
o Budget & Finance [Demand generation]
o Action Plan [Tender status, Approval status, WO status, Fund status]
o Reports
 MIS reports
 Progress Reports
 Grading Report
 Pendency
 Fund allocation report

 Multi-lingual Chatbot: AI-Chatbots integrated with the new portal Hindi & English,
with provision for multiple languages as per requirement] that can use direct
messages to gather information necessary to provide effective support like:
o Integrated with widely used social media Apps like telegram, Messenger,
WhatsApp etc. to provide a broader reach
o Provides support by answering frequently asked questions and provides steps
to connect via email for additional support
o Answer queries and Redirect user 24x7 without human involvement
o Track Application status, Provide Quick Access to all the Guidelines etc.
o Guide Users to Better Outcomes: Users [Farmer/Vendor/Staff] may not know
where they can find the information they’re interested in and may give-up on
the search if it takes more time to find relevant information. By asking a
series of qualifying questions the chatbot can route users to the best place
for them to find the information they want.

 Administration Module
o User management
o Geography management
o Role creation & Management
o Access & rights Management

Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Considering the need and importance of an effective grievance redressal mechanism, the
portal will have an integrated grievance redressal mechanism to address user/ farmer
grievances in an effective and time bound manner.
The new system will be completely transparent, and user/farmer can keep track of all the
actions taken up by the relevant authorities.
Following tasks will be performed under the Grievance Redressal Mechanism:
 Linking different sources of user/ farmer interactions
 Assimilation of various sources of grievances
 SMS and e-mail Notifications

Analytics & Dashboards

Analytics and Artificial intelligence (AI) assists discover insights, find new patterns and
discover relationships in the data and also help in automating the process.
Some of the applications are:
 System generated support report for department resources [deviation report]
 Implementing a comprehensive AI-Based Centralized Data-storage system with Data
Analytics Framework - Data Analytics & Data visualization which would consist of the
data representation essential matrices to gauge the performance of the portal and
derive insights for improving the system. Following activities are envisaged under
this component:
o Dynamic charts and graphs with relevant information and metrics related to
the data. These charts shall be prepared based on the inputs provided by the
state Govt. For example:
 Farmers who have the availed by region
 Heatmap of regions lacking the reach of specific schemes
 Misuse of the micro irrigation infrastructure
 Damage, spillage and essential maintenance required etc.
o Predictive Analytics: A framework for predictive analytics for understanding
the usage patterns and help in planning ahead. Some of the sample use cases
envisaged for predictive analytics are listed below:
 Predict the Micro Irrigation Scheme applicable to the User/farmer
based on Land record/RoR
 Identification of bottleneck steps in the entire process of service
 Fraud detection: AI helps to complete data analysis within
milliseconds and detects non genuine applicants and identify foul play

Requirement Gathering and functional specifications for new system to be developed

 Information Architecture
 Quality Assurance and testing
 Security Audit of the System
 Project management services for successful implementation of the project
 The other services to be provided as part of the warranty/operations/maintenance
would be:
o Database management.
o Refurbishment of web portal at regular interval of Making web portal more
o Fine tuning of web portal performance
o Cyber Security Audit from time to time.
o Monthly Web analysis and progress reports

Other Modules
 Dynamic Workflow Solutions: enhanced data management, application integrations
and data migration for multiple platforms. A customizable solution to support
development, flexibility, usability, and interoperability with ease.

 IT enablement of Policy Incentive module – Various modules for the implementation

of online application, verification and approval of incentives/subsidies being granted
to industries under various policies.

 Continuous Optimization, Maintenance and Improvements a per user Feedback and

as per Ease of Doing Business Requirement: Maintaining the existing development &
making minor changes in the existing development as per the requirement raised by
the department.

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