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What is the definition of a Project?

• A project can be defined in terms of its distinctive
• a project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique
product or service.
• Unique means that the product or service is different in some distinguishing
way from all other products or services.

• every project has a definite beginning and a definite end.

• Any other pls ???
What is the Objective of Project Management?


• To complete the Project within Stipulated

ü Scope (includes Quality)

ü Time

ü Budget
What does your experience tell you? How would you describe a
project situation in light of Time, Quality and Resources
(budget) ?
• …….
• …….
• ……
What does your experience tell you?

scope or
Late content

Challenges in Project Management
• Growth of Work/ Changes in specifications.
• Delays in the availability of designs.
• Delay or Non availability of spares and materials.
• Resources are shared & limited
• Unpredictability of quantum of work & timing
• Significant interdependence on outside agencies
• Rework
• Delay in decisions
• Unplanned activities and consequent workload.
• Dependencies
• Changing priorities
• Resource contention or availability of manpower
Why this happens? Because………
• Usually Original Due Dates are not met
• There are too many changes
• Too often resources are not available when needed (even when
• Necessary things are not available on-time (information, specifications,
materials, designs, authorizations etc)
• There are Fights between priorities
• There are Budget Over-runs
• There is too much re-work
Compensating for uncertainty during planning
The distribution of the time it takes to complete a given
uncertain activity is a skewed distribution!

Aggressive But Possible (ABP)

Minimum 50%
P(t) Highly Probable

t0 t
What estimates should we give?

Aggressive But Possible (ABP)

P(t) Highly Probable

t0 t
Task time estimates

50% 90%


A Task Duration Time B

Conclusion: significant safety time is inserted in each task

Losses in Multi-Project environments
Student Syndrome Work

Work Parkinson’s Law

Task 1 Task 2 Task 3

Bad Multi-Tasking

1. Loss of time, capacity, quality

• Switching costs
• Duration stretch
• Lapse in concentration

2. Deterioration in priorities
• More de-synchronization
• More instability
The common practice of managing projects leads to
significant dissonance
• Time creep, Scope compromises, Budget overruns in a highly uncertain
Because of the way projects are managed!
• Focus on tasks, not on the project
• You vs. Me vs. Hierarchy
• Disregarding resource contention

Students Parkinson’s Bad Multi-

syndrome Rule tasking Integration
Dealing with Uncertainty - How the Safety Gets Wasted
Realistic Estimate (90%)


8 hr day


Late detection of Murphy

Chances of delays are even more
Dealing with Uncertainty - How the Safety Gets Wasted
Parkinson’s Effect
What is observed in
reality • Work expands to fill the time due to lack of
High uncertainties mean original clear completion criteria (Parkinson’s Law).
estimates should be very
Number of Tasks Checked

different from actuals • Work continues because it must take the

full scheduled time to be of high quality.

• Resources do not typically report early

finishes (lose negotiating ability for future
task time estimates).

Time Taken to Complete The Task

Dealing with Uncertainty - How the Safety Gets Wasted
Bad Multitasking
Occurs when resources stop work on a task to start another task even though they could still work on the
first task.

Task A 3 days
Tasks assigned to a
Task B 3 days
Task C 3 days

Should happen: Task A Task B Task C

3 days 3 days 3 days

Does happen: A B C A B C

7 days

The lead time increases significantly, even without considering additional setup time.
Snap Shot of CCPM Methodology applied to Projects
1. The tasks are staggered as per the most loaded
resource (integration) and all the tasks are released in a
staggered manner. This not only reduces the cycle time
of each task, but results in more tasks getting completed
in a period of time.

2. The second rule of project success is to have strategic

buffers, placed to protect the longest path. The Buffers
are placed in the feeding chain paths too. This ensure
that the overall project completes on time despite local

3. Drive Execution Priorities based on relative Buffer

Consumption: Instead of creating precise rules for the
tasks and resources at the planning time, the third rule
is to set schedules in execution based on how much
buffer is remaining ; tasks with higher buffer
consumption gets the highest priority and vice-versa..
CCPM – The Five Focusing Steps
1. Identify the constraint – Since the length of the CC
determines the project length and prevents the project
from being finished faster it is considered as the
constraint. Critical chain is the same as the critical path
but it takes into account resource contention.
2. Exploit the constraint – Decisions are taken to prevent
wastage of time along the CC. This is normally done by
cutting the task times by 50% and setting aggressive
targets so as to eliminate basic human tendencies such as
Students’ Syndrome and Parkinsons’ law. All critical tasks
are resourced to the maximum.
3. Subordinate everything else to the above decisions –
Identify the critical & near critical tasks across the project,
proper communication of these to all concerned and
taking effective actions to actively manage them – Relay
Race Work Ethic, Prepare for all upcoming tasks in
advance. No one is allowed to work on a non-critical
activity at the expense of a critical activity. Policies such as
task managers are not pulled up for not meeting the
committed dates are formulated by the organization.
4. Elevate the Constraint – Is enabled by implementing
focused changes by continual analysis of buffer statistics –
causes of Buffer Loss.
CCPM Approach
20 d
P1 20 d
Safety in
20 d
20 d

20 d


Inherently we do put safety to each task/activity

planned in a project

Start 18
CCPM Approach
Cut Safety, Crash durations
20 d
P1 20 d
Safety in
20 d
20 d
20 d

20/2 End

10 d 20/2

10 d

10 d

10 d

10 d

Start 19
CCPM Approach
Remove Safety from Tasks,
20 d
Create buffer for project Activity
P1 20 d
Safety in
20 d
20 d

20 d

P1 20/4
’ 20/4

10 d 20/4

10 d

10 d
10 d

10 d 25 d

Start End 20
CCPM Approach
Aim to finish project before the
original date Activity
Safety in

P1’ End


0 75 100

Start End 21
Project Monitoring – Fever Chart

Fever chart showing How

much % Critical Chain is
completed against How
much % buffer is

For this project, the

Buffer consumption was
almost 80% as against CC
completion of 0.5%
Project Monitoring – Penetrating chain Analysis
While the progress on CC is important, it is
also important to focus other chains.
Specifically other chains that threatens to
penetrate the original CC. One of the
most critical aspects in project

This will help the team to focus on the

chains which are of similar or near similar
Risk Analysis
Risk Probability of Magnitude Risk
Risk Event Assigned Date Last
Event Occurrence of Business Consequence Response -- Owner Status
Description Dept Modified
S. No (low / medium / high) Impact Action

Action Initaited,
Transportation of Project will Project Overrun - Taken up with Mr. S S
1 High 5/2/2012 More follow-ups
Heavy Equipments delay Cost, Time. MADC Acharya
Action Initaited.
Good Selection Contract / qualification norms
Deploying Contractors Project will Project Overrun -
2 Medium criteria Respective Purchase 7/2/2012 discussed with
without adequate skill delay Cost, Time.
adopted HOD project leader and

Each risk item was discussed first within the project team and mitigation plan identified
followed up by discussing with management team to ensure all risks are addressed with
adequate focus
Issue register was prepared to track obstacles and ensure
resolution Status (Open
Date Concerned Date Business
Serial Issue Name Originator Brief Description Assigned To Action History / Resolved
Raised Dept Resolved Impact
Number / Pending)
HOLD for all works at Vinod Kumar All works are under hold as part Only Excavation Work
1 16.02.12 Management Sr. VP Open High
site Tilgule of Management decision carried out
Revised offers are
Praveen Mr. Pankaj Ji/ expected before 20th feb
2 16.02.12 Excavation Works Drawings are not Recd. Fitchner Open HIgh
Choudhari Milind Gohane & ordering can be done by
month end.

Issue register
Comparative statement is a key document
Praveen Vinod Kumar
Tilgule to track obstacles coming in way
3 18.02.12 Civil Works Civil Contractors Not yet finalsed Civil has been made & shown Open High
to Higher Management.
of implementation. Project
4 22.02.12 Crusher
Vinod Kumar Equipment is not yet Recd at
Commercial Leader
Mr. Ravi Singh/
Received and Manager resolved both have Medium
Tilgule site. Mr. Shantanu
responsibility to follow up for
material is not procurred for site
5 28.02.12 Material for site office Trilok Ganvir
office. Vendors are not yet
Commercial issue
Mr. Ravi Singh resolution and
In-process open raise flag inMeduim

Technocommercial Delay in submission & casefollow-ups,

Frequent of delay
Call in resolution
for techno commercial
6 3/30/2012 offer submission by Milind Gohane technocomercial discussion of Mech Mr. SS Acharya Open High
discussion with partaly
vendor offer from vendor's side
submission also
Review and Monitoring of Project
• Daily 15 minute stand up meeting at the project site was done and recorded in issue
register, if required. If the project is on course continue work.

• Weekly BMM to discuss

• progress,
• issues and pertaining action plan for approval
• Action plan to recover consumed buffer (if required)
• Progress on CC and impending chains on CC which can penetrate the original CC

• Steering Committee meeting : Twice a month in the initial period of the project later
became once in a month
Planning - Initial Schedule with HP
• Prepared the initial project plan with broad activities
• Plan the project with Highly Probable duration
• Links on FS basis to have clear completion criteria

Tasks with HP
durations and
Planning - Schedule with Buffer
• Final Pert with Buffer Inserted.

Plan with Buffer at the end is

Planning - Critical Chain View
• Freeze on the due date of the project.
• Critical Chain needs to be Analyzed.
• The linkages of the chain that they are logically correct
• The durations of the tasks, that they are correct.
• If the total duration of the Critical chain is still long then take actions by reducing the task times or check the
linkages again.

Analyzed CC with total CC

length together with Start and
finish Date of project
Updating - tasks on Remaining Duration (RDU)
Tasks were updated based on the remaining duration (RDU)
in days and not as percent complete.
NOTE : Task Manager responsible for the task needs to put
the RDU daily
Tasks not Started(that must be started by now)
Just Select the task status as not
started, sort order in start date
and click Search
Daily Monitoring
Daily 15 minute stand up meeting at the project site was done and recorded in issue
register, if required. If the project is on course continue work.
Upcoming Task Report
Upcoming window
Tasks Report of 45 days is taken to As of Date 2012-2-13

Project Name haveLathe Montanatasks for the next 45 days. Code TATA/001 Leader Sandeep Jha

Task window can be longer in case

Project Buffer
Time Window 45 Days
one wishes to
Initial Project Duration 99 Days
49.5 Days

Start RDU Chain RDU Buffer RDU

Task Name Priority Status Skills Successors
Projected Finish DU Completed Consumed
2012-2-13 9:00 0 98.5 10.5
RCC-Excavation 69.0 Not Started RCC-Footing
2012-2-14 14:00 1.5 0.5 78.8
2012-2-14 14:00 0 98.5 10.5
RCC-Footing 69.0 Not Started RCC-Backfilling
2012-2-18 14:00 4 0.5 78.8
2012-2-18 14:00 0 98.5 10.5
RCC-Backfilling 69.0 Not Started RCC-Plinth Beam
2012-2-20 18:00 2.5 0.5 78.8
2012-2-21 9:00 0 98.5 10.5
RCC-Plinth Beam 69.0 Not Started RCC-Backfilling
2012-2-23 18:00 3 0.5 78.8
2012-2-24 9:00 0 98.5 10.5
RCC-Backfilling 69.0 Not Started
Once you have analyzed the fever chart, it
2012-2-26 14:00 2.5 0.5 78.8
RCC-Plinth PCC

2012-2-26 14:00 0 98.5 10.5

RCC-Plinth PCC 69.0 Not Started
shows the list of activities to focus on based
2012-2-27 14:00 1 0.5 78.8
Superstructure-1st Slab

2012-2-27 14:00 0 98.5 10.5

Superstructure-1st Slab 69.0 Not Started on buffer consumption, status and their Superstructure-1st slab
2012-3-7 14:00 9 0.5 78.8
start date. Superstructure-2nd Slab

2012-3-7 14:00 0 98.5 10.5

Superstructure-2nd slab
Superstructure-2nd Slab 69.0 Not Started Deshuttering
2012-3-16 14:00 9 0.5 78.8 Superstructure-3rd Slab

2012-3-16 14:00 0 98.5 10.5 Superstructure-3rd slab

Superstructure-3rd Slab 69.0 Not Started
2012-3-25 14:00 9 0.5 78.8 Deshuttering
2012-3-25 14:00 0 98.5 10.5 Brickwork,Plaster-Roof Floor
Superstructure-3rd slab Deshuttering 69.0 Not Started
2012-4-2 14:00 8 0.5 78.8 Brickwork
2012-3-16 14:00 0 83.5 25.5
Superstructure-2nd slab Deshuttering 69.1 Not Started Brickwork,Plaster-FF Brickwork
2012-3-24 14:00 8 15.7 48.5
1. Shifts focus from task level to project level
2. Provide Project Team a real time information on project status allowing them to
focus their attention and resources
3. Focus on Critical chain activities and other chains (penetrating) that might
threaten the CC.
4. Provide Clear cut priorities of tasks by reviewing Black , Red, Yellow or Green
5. Review detail action plan of activities for Blacks and Reds
6. Manage project progress according to buffer depletion - taking corrective actions
for buffer recovery.
7. Review risk mitigation plan and issue resolution plan to remove obstacles and
avoid delays
Preparing for BMM
• Update the plan to keep task priorities trustworthy (At least every alternate day)
• Ensure that you have the critical task status right & updated in Being Management.
• Identify the most penetrating chain (S) & tasks of the most penetrating chain[s].

• Full Kit for all the upcoming activities in the next 4 week
• Full kit will be a rolling plan on weekly basis to ensure at all times next 4 week plan is ready.

• Weekly buffer recovery planning & actions:

• Project Leader and Task Managers to prepare actions for buffer recovery.
• Prepare needed recovery actions to full recovery.
• Maximum, best resources on critical ongoing tasks.
• Maximum hours & days of work on critical, ongoing tasks.
• Recovery must include ALL chains. [First chain may need 14 days; second chain may need 12 days, etc.]
• Refer to the Blacks and Reds
• Communicate obstacles to all concerned.
• Update Issue and Risk register
Guidelines for BMM
Attendees: Project Managers, Task Managers across all functions. Resource Managers e.g Accounts, Purchase, Civil
Points of Discussion:
1. Review Last meeting notes/MoM
2. Review Fever Chart of the Project –
• CC% completion Vs Buffer% consumed
• Delay days
• Projected end date
3. Review the most penetrating chain ( Longest chain)
• Focus and take recovery action on the activity causing the maximum penetration of buffer as well as subsequent task on that chain
• Refer and Discuss full kit for all upcoming tasks which getting delayed
4. Focus only on upcoming tasks which are delayed ( Blacks and Reds)
• Any task in yellow which is in danger of getting delayed
5. Review Issue and Risk register
• Any risk item pertaining to importation of material or resource e.g. Chinese expert/consultant which may impact the timelines in
future tasks must be discussed and addressed
6. Circulate MoM

NOTE : Initially the BMM may take longer time but target should be to finish a BMM
within 30 mins
For each task full kit was prepared with L-2
activities and details w.r.t inputs required for
Full-Kitting completing the task and resources
S. No Activity / Task SubActivities Status Duration Inputs Resources
Preparation for Utilities Done 1. Drawings 1. Foreman (1)
2. Vehicles – Pick Up 2. Operator (3)
Check Soil Types and Concrete Design Done 0.5 3. Vehicles – Car or Van 3. Clean Up Tech(1)
Dust control In Progress 4. Uniloader w/drum 4. Task Manager(1)
5. Grappler
Preparation of Subbase 0.5 6. Command Post
1 RCC Excavation 7. Port a Jon
Edge Courses and Kerbs 0.5 8. Water Truck 2000 gal
Laying Course 9. Off Road Dump Truck
10.Utility Trailer
Block Laying 11. Front End Loader
12. Excavator w/thumb

1. Task Manager(1)
1. Design and Specification
2. Door Carpernter(5)
Check External Masonary walls 0.5 2. Sheathing: Ply, MS plates,
3. RCC Workers(20)
wooden runners, steel spans
Prepare FRAME 3 3. Scaffolding: Steel props ,
Check Doors and Windows, Balcony 0.5 wooden props
Cladding 2 4. Shuttering: Props(timber &
3 Superstructure Slab adjustable telescopic, steel),
bracings, couplers
5. Beams: Beam bottom,
Ready Roof Structure 2
beam sides, tie bolts
6. Mild steel bars, thermo
mechanically treated (TMT)
and corrosion resistant steel
Roof Covering 1 (CRS) bars
CCPM Vs Traditional Project Management
Traditional Project Management Critical Chain Project Management
Treats Task Durations as physical entities and deduces Acknowledges that uncertainty in achieving the task
the project completion time as the sum of all the task durations is embedded in the system and plans for it.
estimates as if they are fixed numbers with no variability
Traditional Project Management plans for failure as Task estimates are aggressive targets with feeding
delays are always passed on but gains can never be buffers & project buffer protecting the feeding chains
utilized as the upcoming task is mostly not ready to start and project completion respectively
The cushion for protecting the project from Murphy is In the execution cash flow, manpower planning, order
very less as most functional areas work in Silos without placement is based on the aggressive plan thus reducing
project focus the risk of failure from multiple sources substantially
The monitoring system is based on the reporting the Health of the Project is continuously monitored based
%age work completed ignoring the time required to on the time required to complete the remaining critical
complete the project on time. chain and the project buffer left
Red flags are raised retrospectively very late in the life Real-time information regarding the tasks causing the
cycle of the project when they can be of little help for penetration of the buffer, upcoming task delays and
the project. resource planning is available

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