Rod Problem
Rod Problem
Rod Problem
A rod of proper length L (the length in its rest frame) points along the x axis but moves
in a direction making an angle of 45◦ to this axis. A platform, also parallel to the x axis,
lies in the rods way, but a slit of proper length 1.1L has been cut out of it, so that the
rod can easily fit through if it travels at nonrelativistic speed. What happens if its speed
is 0.9c? Analyze the problem from both reference frames.
The rod either goes through or it doesn’t. If it goes through in one frame, it must go
through in all frames. The coordinate system as shown on the viewgraph is a great help.
We will consider two events:
1. The left end of the rod passes through the left end of the slit.
2. The right end of the rod passes through the right end of the slit.
Assume that, to take the worst case situation, in the frame of the slit, both ends of
the rod pass through the slit simultaneously, as drawn. Furthermore, the rod is Lorentz
contracted, so there is no issue as to whether it will fit.
In the frame of the rod, however, the slit is Lorentz contracted to length
1.1L × 1 − (0.9 cos 45◦ )2 = 0.85L
L2 /2γ 2 = L2 /2 − c2 ∆t02
µ ¶
02 L2 1
∆t = 1− 2
2c2 γ
µ ¶1
0 L 1 2
∆t = √ 1− 2
2c γ
∆t0 = √
as before.