1505365618mod14 Quad 1
1505365618mod14 Quad 1
1505365618mod14 Quad 1
Development Team
Prof. Vinay Gupta, Department of Physics and Astrophysics,
Principal Investigator University of Delhi, Delhi
Module Id M14
Learning Outcomes
In the present module, we shall consider the dia- and paramagnetic behaviour of solids. The
contribution of the spin of the electron and its orbital angular momentum about the nucleus to the
magnetic momentum of a free atom gives rise to the paramagnetic contribution to the magnetization,
On the other hand , the change in the orbital moment induced by an applied magnetic field gives rise to
the diamagnetic contribution. In other words, paramagnetic magnetic dipoles and magnetic
susceptibility is positive. A diamagnetic substance on the other hand has negative susceptibility.
Where E0 ( Ba ) is the ground state energy in the presence of an applied magnetic field Ba .
In case T 0 , the system will be in the excited state En ( Ba ) . In thermal equilibrium at temperature T,
the thermal average of the magnetization of each excited sate energy En ( Ba ) gives the magnetization
M 2F
(T ) 0 0 N 2 (14.4)
Ba Ba
Ba (14.5)
1 e
2m i
( pi ri Ba )2 g0 B s.Ba
Where we take the external magnetic field to be in the z- direction. The first term of equation (14.7) is
the kinetic energy while the second term is the interaction energy due to electron spin. Note that the
e2 2
H 0 ( L g0 s ).Ba B0 ( xi2 yi2 ) (14.8)
8m i
Where L ri pi .
Now let the energy E n changes by En on application of the magnetic field Ba . Second-order
perturbation theory gives En as
n H n
En n H n
n' n En En' (14.9)
n B Ba ( L g 0 S ) n e2 2
En B Ba n L g0 S n Ba n (x2
yi2 ) n
En E' i
n' n n 8m i
We will now apply the above quantum mechanical formalism to understand the origin of diamagnetism
and paramagnetism.
Solids which are made up of ions where all electron shells are filled exhibit diamagnetism. For such
J 0 L 0 S 0 0 (14.11)
Consequently from the expression for En , we have the ground state energy shift:
e2 2
Ba 0 r
0 (14.12)
2 E0
0 N (14.13)
0 r
0 z r 2 (14.14)
0 Nze2 2
r (14.15)
This expression which was derived based on quantum mechanics coincides with the one derived
Solids composed of ions with partially filled shell exhibit paramagnetism. There are two distinct cases.
(i) J 0 and major contribution to paramagnetism is from the first two terms in relation to
(ii) J 0 (e.g. Mn3+ or Cr2+) and the second term (third term) is the only contributor.
Let us consider the first case, we assume that only the lowest (2J+1) states are thermally excited.
Therefore, with the applied magnetic field along the z – direction,
g J B
exp( ) exp( B z a ) (14.16)
k BT J z J k BT
Where we have used the fact that the energy levels of the system in a magnetic field are
EJ (Ba ) Ba g B J z Ba (14.17)
1 1
rBa ( J ) rBa ( J )
e 2
e 2
exp( F ) rBa rBa (14.18)
e 2
e 2
Where 1 and r g B
2J 1 2J 1 1 1
BJ ( x) ( ) Coth( x) Coth( x) (14.20)
2J 2J 2J 2J
Where x rJBa
k BT
Figure 1: Plot of magnetization versus temperature. Solid line is the theory while the squares are the
experimental points.
J 1
BJ ( x) ( )x (14.21)
0 Ng 2 [ J [ J 1]] B2
Where c is the Curie Constant.
3k B
Expression (14.19)is known as the Curie – Brillouin Law and (14.22) is called Curie law.
The second case of J=0 will be discussed in the next module.
How to calculate the energy shift induced by an external magnetic field in order to calculate the
magnetic susceptibility.
How Based on the energy shift results, you learn to calculate the magnetic susceptibility of a
diamagnetic substance and paramagnetic solid with J 0 .