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Fourth Quarter 2022 Results

February 23rd, 2023

This presentation may contain forward-looking statements relating to such matters
as continued growth prospects for the Company, industry trends and product and
technology initiatives.

These statements are based on currently available information and Certain monetary amounts included elsewhere in this document
our current assumptions, expectations and projections about future have been subject to rounding adjustments. Accordingly, figures
events. While we believe that our assumptions, expectations and shown as totals in certain tables may not be the arithmetic
projections are reasonable in view of currently available information, aggregation of the figures that precede them.
you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-
Our actual results may differ materially from those included in this
looking statements.
conference call, for a variety of reasons, including those described in
A reconciliation of Non-GAAP measures can be found in our Fourth the forward-looking statements and risk factor sections of our
Quarter 2022 earnings press release, available on our investor upcoming annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December
relations website, and in the section entitled "Non-GAAP Measures 31st, 2022, and any of MercadoLibre Inc.’s other applicable filings
of Financial Performance" of our upcoming annual report on Form 10- with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available
K for the year ended December 31st, 2022. on our investor relations website (
All the information included in this presentation is updated as of
December 31st, 2022. Except as may be required by applicable law,
we assume no obligation to publicly update or revise our statements.
Fourth Quarter 2022
Operational & Financial Highlights

US$9.6BN US$36.0BN US$25.8BN US$3.0BN

+35% FXN1 YoY +80% FXN1 YoY +121% FXN1 YoY +56% FXN1 YoY


320.9MM 93.6% US$2.8BN US$349MM

+11% YoY +417bps YoY +68% YoY 11.6% Margin


1 FX-Neutral basis (Please see shareholder letter for reconciliation); 2 Percentage of items shipped on Managed Logistics Network
Fourth Quarter 2022
Key Messages

• We had a successful year in 2022, with a strong fourth quarter helping us to reach new highs across the business, surpassing $100bn in total
payments volume, $10bn of revenue, 1bn items shipped through Mercado Envios and $1bn of EBIT in 2022, all for the first time in our history.

• Our fourth quarter EBIT margin of 11.6% increased substantially year-on-year, with efficiency in promotional spend and logistics, higher penetration of
advertising and a strong performance across Mercado Pago, including Mercado Crédito, enabling us to offset seasonal margin headwinds in Commerce.

• Our Commerce business performed well in the fourth quarter, and we extended our market share leadership in most markets, with particularly strong
performances in Brazil and Mexico. We reached $9.6bn in Gross Merchandise Volume, with FX-neutral growth accelerating to 35% year-on-year.

• Our delivery times continue to be the fastest across the region, helped by Mercado Envios reaching a new record of fulfillment penetration of 43%.

• Our Fintech business continues to show strong momentum with Total Payment Volume reaching almost $36.0bn; off-platform TPV grew above 100%
on a FX-neutral basis for the fifth consecutive quarter in Q4’22 and surpassed $25bn of TPV – an annualised run rate of over $100bn – for the first time.

• Our Fintech take rate contracted slightly on a sequential basis as a result of lower credit revenues as a proportion of TPV when compared to Q3’22; the
take rate of our other Fintech revenue streams was higher quarter-over-quarter.

• Mercado Crédito's portfolio was broadly stable at $2.8bn as we took a cautious approach to originations. In Q4’22, our credit business delivered an
annualized IMAL* spread of 48%, helped by improvement in asset quality, with our <90-day NPL falling sequentially to 10%, broadly flat year-on-year.

*Interest Margins After Losses (IMAL) = Credit revenues (APRs + late fees) net of provision for doubtful accounts
Fourth Quarter 2022

1 Quarterly Highlights

2 Financial Metrics

3 Margins

4 Appendix
Fourth Quarter 2022 Marketplace
Quarterly Highlights
Gross Merchandise Volume (FX-Neutral YoY Growth) Items Sold (YoY Growth)

87% 83%
53% 33%
32% 32% 35% 22%20% 27% 27% 26%
23%20% 22% 33% 23%28% 23% 10% 9% 11% 9% 11%
-20% -13% 5% -1% -3% 2%

Argentina Brazil Mexico Other Consolidated Argentina Brazil Mexico Other Consolidated

Q4’21 Q3'22 Q4'22 Q4'21 Q3'22 Q4'22

Total Unique Buyers (MM) General Performance

7.1 7.0 • In Q4'22, MELI’s FX-neutral GMV growth accelerated to 35%, with
6.7 6.7 6.7 Brazil and Mexico driving the acceleration on the back of higher
items sold.
• Chile – the largest market in our Other segment – delivered another
46.0 sequential improvement in growth (albeit still negative) with items
40.7 40.8 42.5 sold back into positive territory.
• Unique buyers reached its highest ever level of 46 million in Q4’22,
Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22 up 13% year-on-year, driven by growth in Brazil and Mexico.
Successful Items per Unique Buyer
Fourth Quarter 2022 Logistics
Quarterly Highlights
Managed Network Penetration* Managed Network Penetration by Country (Q4'22)
93% 93% 97% 95%
94% 91%
89% 91% 91% 92%

55% 54% 55% 55%


Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22 Argentina Brazil Mexico Chile Colombia
Same day + Next day Delivery

General Performance Additional Notes

• Almost 311 million items were shipped through Mercado Envíos in • Fulfillment penetration reached a record high of 43%, with sequential
Q4’22, taking the total for 2022 above 1bn items for the first time. gains in all of our major markets.
• Managed Network penetration reached almost 94%, with Mexico, Chile • Over 7,000 Meli Places are operating as hubs for sellers to drop items
and Colombia posting the largest year-on-year gains. off, and for buyers to collect and return items, with good NPS trends
• Same-day and next-day deliveries fell slightly to 51% of the total due to amongst both buyers and sellers.
higher-than-expected volumes and external disruptions during peak • Chile launched Mercado Envíos Extra, our crowdsourced solution for
season. last mile deliveries; Colombia will follow.
• Almost 76% of orders were delivered within 48 hours.

* Including Fulfillment, Cross Docking & Flex
Fourth Quarter 2022 Payments
Quarterly Highlights
Acquiring and Digital Account TPV (USD BN) Unique Fintech Active Users and Wallet Payers (MM)
YoY FX-neutral growth: 80%

36.0 41.6 43.7

30.2 32.2 38.2
34.5 35.8
24.2 25.3 11.5
9.4 10.6 23.3
8.0 19.3 20.2 21.4 22.4
20.8 21.6 24.5
17.2 17.4

Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22
Acquiring TPV Digital Account TPV Wallet Payers Unique Fintech Users

General Performance Additional Notes

• Acquiring TPV – On-Platform, Online Off-Platform, MPOS and QR • Unique Fintech Active Users reached almost 44 million in Q4’22, a 27%
transactions – grew at an FX-neutral rate of 61%, accelerating for a year-on-year increase, driven by higher engagement in all digital
second successive quarter and reaching its highest growth rate in 18 account use cases in all key markets, particularly Argentina and Mexico.
months. • Assets under management grew strongly quarter-on-quarter and year-
• MPOS sustained its healthy levels of growth, with just over 1 million on-year.
devices sold, whilst QR and Online Payments reaccelerated and
delivered solid results across our main markets.
• Digital Account TPV - Wallet payments, P2P transfers between
MercadoPago Wallets, and prepaid, debit and credit cards - of $11.5
billion, grew at 140% on a FX-neutral basis.
Note 1: Transfers to other external accounts are not considered payments volume
Note 2: Unique Fintech Users refers to the users who engage in at least one of the following services within the quarter: wallet payments online, in app or in store; transfers; withdrawals; consumer or merchant credit borrowers; card users; fintech sellers; and fintech active products such as
asset management and insurtech users 8
Fourth Quarter 2022 Payments
Quarterly Highlights
Consolidated TPV ON Marketplace (FX-Neutral YoY Growth) Consolidated TPV OFF Marketplace (FX-Neutral YoY Growth)

72% 72%
98% 97% 98% 99% 100% 70%

48% 42% 39% 44%

32% 139% 135% 122% 121%

Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22
MP On-platform Penetration TPV Off-platform Share of Total TPV

General Performance Additional Notes

• Total TPV reached almost $36.0 billion dollars on a consolidated basis, • MPOS continued to grow consistently, up 78% year-on-year on a FX-
with FX-neutral growth accelerating to 80% year-on-year. neutral basis and with all main markets posting another quarter of
• Off-platform TPV grew at 121% year-on-year on an FX-neutral basis, the sustained growth rates.
fifth successive quarter with growth above 100% • Online Payments – our merchant solutions for payment links and online
• We processed almost 1.7 billion transactions in Q4'22, 63% year-on-year checkouts – accelerated to +54% year-on-year on an FX-neutral basis.
growth, with all major countries delivering strong growth. • QR Payments continued to perform well, with another quarter of triple-
digit growth, with Brazil and Argentina as highlights.

Fourth Quarter 2022 Credits
Quarterly Highlights
Credit portfolio remained broadly stable Margins rising on lower provisions due to better asset quality

Credits Portfolio, Total & by Product (US$ M) Interest Margin After Losses3, Total (US$ M, % of Portfolio)
On-line Merchant In-store Merchant Consumer Credit Card Originations1 # Revenues Bad Debt IMAL IMAL % spread

2,840 542 560

2,687 2,774 529
2,415 525 572 611 48.3%
468 299 402 225 257
1,695 32.1%
296 1,512 1,568 149 344
1,270 1,472 37.1%
136 33.6%
851 24.7% 304 285
187 251 276 280 267 253 216
361 426 414 410 394

Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22
1,907 2,310 2,756 2,494 2,528
General Performance
Q4’22 Credit
• The portfolio and originations were broadly stable in Q4’22 vs. Q3’22, with a
On-line In-store Consumer Credit Card decline in originations in Brazil offset by growth in Mexico and Argentina.
Product Profile Merchant Merchant
Exposure per User2 $ 203
• The IMAL spread rose to 48.3%, driven by adjustments in our APRs and lower
$ 1.8k $ 446 $ 167
(USD) new provisioning than in Q3’22 as a result of lower risk and better asset quality.
Duration 4.5 3.5 2.2 2.2 • A proxy for actual losses can be calculated using the current quarter’s >90 NPL
(Months) divided by originations of the four prior quarters. These losses have remained
largely stable throughout the year.
1 Originations include credit card TPV
2 Exposure = Portfolio eop / Credit Active Users per book 10
3 Interest Margin After Losses (IMAL) = Revenues (interest from loans + late fees) net of provision for doubtful accounts. Note: Interchange fee revenues from credit card is not considered Credit Revenues. Portfolio considered is annualized eop.
Fourth Quarter 2022
Quarterly Highlights
Total Portfolio and Past dues <90 & >90 Past dues and PDA1 Provision Coverage
(USD M, % NPLs / Total Portfolio) (USD M, % of Total Portfolio) (% Allowance of Uncollectibles Provisioned / NPLs)
Total Past Dues (1-360 days)
Portfolio <90 dpd >90 dpd >30-days >90-days
Provision for Doubtful Accounts in the quarter / Portfolio

23.9% 29.6% 198%

11.3% 185% 152%
18.2% 10.5% 10.3% 7.6% 150% 172%
9.6% 131%
13.9% 136% 130%
13.2% 13.1% 100% 124%
13.4% 115%
10.2% 10.3% 109%
1,695 2,415 2,687 2,774 2,840 411 666 843 1,026 1,132

Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22

General Performance
• Our <90 day NPL was broadly stable year-on-year, and fell sequentially to 10.3% as a result of better asset quality. The actions we took in mid-2022 to contain the risks of
a weaker lending environment – particularly in Brazil – have had worked as intended.
• Our >90 day NPL continued to rise as a result of the accumulation of prior period bad debts up to the moment of write-off at 360 days, alongside a portfolio whose
duration is 2-3 months and originations that are growing at a lower pace than a year ago.
• Our provision in Q4’22 was equivalent to 7.6% of the portfolio, a lower level than in previous quarter due to a lower risk portfolio overall and improved asset quality.
Increased liquidity (thirteenth salary) and specific collection campaigns in Brazil also played a part in the decrease of the bad debt charge during the quarter.
• We continue to have more than 100% of our >30 day past due portfolio provisioned.

Provision for Doubtful Accounts
Fourth Quarter 2022

1 Quarterly Highlights

2 Financial Metrics

3 Margins

4 Appendix
Fourth Quarter 2022 Financial Results
Quarterly Highlights
Net Revenues (FX-Neutral YoY Growth) Operating Margin (%)
+1,050 bps

11.0% 11.6%
74% 67% 6.2%
57% 61% 56%


Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22 Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22

General Performance
• Consolidated net revenue reached $3,002 million dollars, representing a • Operating expenses were $1,109 million in Q4’22, amounting to 36.9%
yearly increase of 41% in US dollars and 56% on a FX-neutral basis. of net revenues, 198bps lower than the same period last year, due to
• Commerce contributed $1,661 million dollars of revenue, growing almost cost efficiency and dilution of S&M and G&A expenses, partially offset
36% year-on-year on a FX-neutral basis; Fintech contributed $1,341 million by higher Product Development costs. Provisions for doubtful accounts
dollars of revenue, reflecting a 93% growth on a FX-neutral basis. in our credit business were stable as a percentage of revenue.
• Gross profit reached $1,458 million dollars, margin of 48.6% and an • MELI’s operating margin reached 11.6%, with greater cost efficiency in
expansion of more than 852 bps year-on-year. Commerce and strong profit growth in Fintech.
• The net income margin in Q4’22 reached 5.5%, up 766bps year-on-year,
compared to the loss in the same period of last year.

Consolidated Net Revenues grew at 56% on an FX-neutral basis,
adding USD $872 million year-on-year
Consolidated Net Revenues per Quarter (US$ M)

57% 61% 56%

2,597 2,690
2,130 2,248

Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22

Net Revenues FX-Neutral YoY Growth

Country-level Net Revenues continued to grow strongly

Consolidated Net Revenues per Quarter (FX-Neutral YoY Growth)

140% 143%

96% 87%
61% 62%
35% 28% 26% 18%

Argentina Brazil Mexico Other

Q4 ‘21 Q3 ‘22 Q4 ‘22

Commerce Net Revenues reached almost $1.7 billion in Q4, helped
by stronger monetization
Commerce Net Revenues per Quarter (US$ M)

33% 36%

1,404 1,465
1,358 1,278

Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22

FX-Neutral YoY Growth

Revenues from Commerce transactions are mainly generated from: Marketplace final value fees paid by sellers derived from intermediation services and related shipping fees, classified fees derived from classified advertising services and ad
sales, revenues from inventories sales and related shipping fees.
Fintech Net Revenues surpassed $1.3 billion, driven by strong TPV
growth and a higher take rate year-on-year
Fintech Net Revenues per Quarter (US$ M)

113% 115%



1,193 1,225

Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22

FX-Neutral YoY Growth

Fintech revenues are generated from payments fees. Regarding our Mercado Pago service, we generate payment fees attributable to: commissions representing a percentage of the payment volume processed that are charged to sellers in connection with off Marketplace platform transactions; commissions
from additional fees we charge when a buyer elects to pay in installments through our Mercado Pago platform for transactions that occur either on or off our Marketplace platform; commissions from additional fees we charge when our sellers elect to withdraw cash; commissions that we charge from
transactions carried out with Mercado Pago credit and debit cards; interest cash advances and fees from merchant and consumer credits granted under our Mercado Credito solution; and revenues from the sale of mobile points of sale products and insurtech fees. 17
Commerce take rate expansion driven by Ads penetration; Credit
and repricing driving higher year-on-year monetization in Fintech
Commerce Take Rate1 (YoY Growth) Fintech Take Rate2 (YoY Growth)


1.96% 2.17%

Q4'21 Seller Final Shipping Ads 1P Product Other Q4'22 Q3’22 Q4'21 Transactional Net Credit Revenues Others Q4'22 Q3’22
Commerce Value Fees Fees Revenues Sales Revenues Commerce Commerce Fintech Fees Financing Fintech Fintech
Take Rate + Revenue Take Rate Take Rate Take Fees Take Take
Flat Fee Rate Rate Rate

3P 1P Other Fintech Revenues Credit Revenues

3P Revenues and GMV:

13.5% 0.2% 0.5% 0.4% - -0.1% 14.5% 14.3%

Commerce Take Rate: Commerce Revenues as a % of Total GMV 2 Fintech Take Rate: Fintech Revenues as a % of Total TPV
Fourth Quarter 2022
Net Revenue Breakdown by Products and Services

Brazil Argentina Mexico Others Total

20221, 20212 & 20203
2022 2021 2020 2022 2021 2020 2022 2021 2020 2022 2021 2020 2022 2021 2020

Commerce Services (a) 2,585M 2,076M 1,257M 814M 614M 461M 1,036M 756M 428M 329M 304M 159M 4,764M 3,750M 2,305M

Commerce Products Sales (b) 487M 405M 100M 271M 242M 100M 246M 168M 43M 40M 70M 12M 1,044M 885M 255M

Total Commerce Revenues 3,072M 2,481M 1,357M 1,085M 856M 561M 1,282M 924M 471M 369M 374M 171M 5,808M 4,635M 2,560M

Fintech Services (c) 1,464M 938M 671M 904M 490M 350M 152M 80M 64M 125M 82M 54M 2,645M 1,590M 1,139M

Credit Revenues (d) 1,102M 468M 143M 506M 178M 64M 421M 163M 39M 4M n/a n/a 2,033M 809M 246M

Fintech Products Sales (e) 28M 23M 23M 5M 7M 5M 9M 5M 1M 9M n/a n/a 51M 35M 29M

Total Fintech Revenues 2,594M 1,429M 837M 1,415M 675M 419M 582M 248M 104M 138M 82M 54M 4,729M 2,434M 1,414M

Total Net Revenues 5,666M 3,910M 2,194M 2,500M 1,531M 980M 1,864M 1,172M 575M 507M 456M 225M 10,537M 7,069M 3,974M

1Figures for the year ended December 31, 2022; 2 Figures for the year ended December 31, 2021; 3 Figures for the year ended December 31, 2020; (a) Includes final value fees paid by sellers derived from intermediation services and related shipping fees, classified fees derived from classified advertising
services and ad sales; (b) Includes revenues from inventory sales and related shipping fees; (c) Includes revenues from commissions the Company charges for transactions off-platform derived from use of the Company's payment solution, revenues as a result of offering installments for the payment to its Mercado
Pago users, either when the Company finances the transactions directly or when the Company sells the corresponding financial assets, Mercado Pago credit and debit card fees and insurtech fees; (d) Includes interest earned on loans and advances granted to merchants and consumers, and interest earned on
Mercado Pago credit card transactions; (e) Includes sales of mobile point of sales devices. 19
Fourth Quarter 2022

1 Quarterly Highlights

2 Financial Metrics

3 Margins

4 Appendix
Gross profit margin expansion, with dilution of shipping and
payments processing costs, lower 1P sales with margin improvement
+852 bps

Shipping costs
Higher interest growing at a
rates and larger slower rate than
Lower 1P
Dilution helped by funding consolidated
revenue as a
higher PIX volumes contribution from revenues, which
percentage of
SPVs were boosted by
total sales,
Ads and Fintech
higher 1P gross
margin; mPOS
costs also down
as a percentage
of sales

Operating margin expansion driven by lower COGS, G&A dilution
and more efficient marketing spend, partially offset by PD headcount
+1,050 bps

Higher Product Development

and Shipping headcount

Broadly stable asset quality

YoY, and originations growth
below consolidated revenue
Greater efficiency in growth
marketing spend

Overall G&A dilution

Total Marketing & Provisions Operating
Operating COGS Development Other Buyer Protection
Salaries & Sales Chargebacks for Doubtful Margin
Margin Q4'21 excl. Salaries Expenses Expenses Program
Wages Investments Accounts Q4'22
excl. Salaries

Sales & Marketing Expenses

Sound net income margin expansion, largely due to efficiencies in
COGS and Income Tax, partially offset by higher OPEX and FX losses
+766 bps

FX losses diluted by
revenue growing at a
Higher interest faster rate
rates, plus
issuance of CDBs
to fund Mercado
Pago working
Recognition of
capital and
deferred tax
Mercado Crédito
liabilities of FIDCs
due to paying out
retained earnings

Net Income COGS OPEX Interest Income Financial Equity in Foreign Income Tax Net Income
Margin Q4'21 Expenses Earnings of Exchange Margin Q4'22
Entity 23
Increase of $835 MM in Total Cash in Q4’22, with leverage ratios
consistently improving throughout 2022
Total Cash Q4 x Q3 2022 (US$ M) Leverage Evolution (US$ M)
Cash and cash equivalents Restricted cash and cash equivalents Total Debt*** Cash, cash equivalents Net Debt / EBIT****
and investments**

+835 5.23x
4.11x 3.66x
2.65x 2.07x

2,816 2,611 2,689
Increase in short 2,080
and long-term
investments 1,910

1,455 Due to
Higher profitability Continued decelerated Mostly from third 3,982 4,640 4,968 5,280 5,414
in Q4 and investments in growth of the party funding
continuous our managed Total Credit (SPVs) for the Q4'21 Q1'22 Q2'22 Q3'22 Q4'22
1,073 improvements in logistics Credit Portfolio 1,453
working capital network Comments
Total Cash Cash from Investments CAPEX Loans Loans Payable Stock Total Cash
• Solid cash generation, mainly driven by cash flow from
Q3’22 EOP Operations (proceeds net of Receivable, net and other repurchases, FX Q4’22 EOP operations and decelerated growth of Credit portfolio.
purchases) financial adjustments, and Total cash position in 2022 stood at USD 3.4bn, USD
liabilities, net others
285M below the same figure in 2021, including
-285 November 2021 equity raise.
• Consistent sequential improvement of leverage ratios
3,648 2,940 -1,671 -455 -1,701 1,084 -482 3,363 throughout the year, driven by robust EBIT and cash
and cash equivalents generation, including investments.
Total Cash 2022 x 2021* (US$ M) ** Cash and cash equivalents and total investments (excl. restricted BACEN securities, securitization
transactions and equity securities held at cost)
*** Total loans payable and other financial liabilities plus total lease liabilities
* In Q4’21, the Company closed a public equity offering and raised funds in the amount of $1.5 billion net of issuance costs paid, which was kept as cash and cash equivalents by the end of 2021 **** EBIT is calculated LTM 24
(USD 3.6bn as per the chart above). By the end of 2022, it was allocated to short- and long-term investments (YoY delta of USD 1.67bn as per the chart above).
Fourth Quarter 2022

1 Quarterly Highlights

2 Financial Metrics

3 Margins

4 Appendix
Fourth Quarter 2022
Operational & Financial Factsheet

GMV (FX-Neutral growth) 9.615M 34.7% Unique MELI Active Users (units) 96.6M 17.5% Brazil (USD millions) 5,666 44.9%
Successful Items Sold (units) 321M 11.3% Unique Marketplace Buyers (units) 46.0M 13.2% Commerce 3,072 23.8%


Consolidated Net Revenues per Country 1

Live Listings (units) 406M 34.6% Unique Fintech Active Users (units) 43.7M 26.8% Fintech 2,594 81.5%
MELI Logistics Network Penetration (%) 93.6% +417bps Unique Wallet Payers (units) 23.3M 20.8% Argentina (USD millions) 2,500 63.3%
TPV (FX-Neutral growth) 35.951M 80.0% Investment Accounts (units) 21.5M (3.6%) Commerce 1,085 26.8%
TPV ON (FX-Neutral growth) 10.101M 44.2% Fintech 1,415 109.6%

TPV OFF (FX-Neutral growth) 25,849M 121.1% Mexico (USD millions) 1,864 59.0%
TPV Acquiring (FX-Neutral growth) 24,458M 61.2% Net Revenue (FX-Neutral growth) 3,002M 56.5% Commerce 1,282 38.7%
TPV Digital Account (FX-Neutral growth) 11,493M 139.7% Commerce Revenues (FX-Neutral growth) 1,661M 35.9% Fintech 582 134.7%
TPN 1,677M 63.0% Fintech Revenues (FX-Neutral growth) 1,341M 92.7% Other countries (USD millions) 507 11.2%
Asset Management (USD growth) 1,900M 57.5% Gross Profit (FX-Neutral growth) 1,458M 94.3% Commerce 369 (1.3%)

Credit Portfolio (USD growth) 2,840M 67.6% GP Margin (%) 48.6% +852bps Fintech 138 68.3%
Merchant (USD growth) 661M 20.8% Income from Operations (FX-Neutral growth) 349M 1,585.3% Consolidated (USD millions) 10,537 49.1%
Consumer (USD growth) 1,568M 84.2% Operating Margin (%) 11.6% 1,050bps Commerce 5,808 25.3%
Credit Card (USD growth) 611M 106.5% Net Income (NI Margin %) 165M 5.5% Fintech 4,729 94.3%

Note: Growth rates presented on a yearly basis, except otherwise stated; 1 Figures for the year ended December 31,2022.
Thank you

Fourth Quarter 2022 Results February 23rd, 2023

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