Electrical Shutdown and Voltage Discharge (UENR3890-12)

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2019/08/12 Electrical Shutdown and Voltage Discharge (UENR3890-12)

SMCS - 1400 i07853939

This section of the manual provides instruction on the machine shutdown and voltage check procedure. The procedure must
be followed before maintenance or service is performed on any of the high-voltage "Power Train Electric Drive System" components.

Note: If unfamiliar with the "Power Train Electric Drive System" components, refer to the section (below). Review the material referencing the
components used in the system and the operation of the system:

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Systems Operation/ Testing and Adjusting, UENR2267 , "Electric Power Generation"

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Illustration 1 023 0 g01392482

The electrocution hazard safety message is present at all compartment covers and component covers that protect high-voltage components. The "Power Train Electrical System
Service Shutdown" procedure must be performed before a cover is removed from any machine high-voltage component or any machine compartment where this safety message is

The Power Train Electric Drive System will contain hazardous
voltage levels during machine operation and for a short period of
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time after engine shutdown.

Do not remove any covers that will expose energized high

voltage electrical components while the engine is operating.

Any type of maintenance on the following components can only

be performed after the Power Train Electrical System Service
Shutdown procedure has been followed:

High voltage compartments in the inverter cabinet

The rear axle housing that contains the electric drive traction

The generator

The retarding resistor grid, the grid blower motor and the
grid system cabling

The excitation field regulator

The high voltage cables and connection enclosures

Failure to follow these instructions could result in personal injury
or death.

In order to avoid the buildup of hazardous live voltages on the

exposed surfaces, all grounding wires and grounding straps
must be properly connected at all times during engine operation.

Any disconnected grounding wires, including the grounding

wires for all high voltage components and the grounding strap
for the inverter cabinet must be properly reconnected before the
engine is started.

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Failure to follow these instructions could result in personal injury

or death.

During normal machine operation, the Power Train Electric Drive System produces high levels of Alternating Current (AC) voltage and high levels
of Direct Current (DC) voltage.

After engine shut down, capacitive DC voltage can remain in the system until the DC plus (+) side and the DC minus (-) side of the bus are
discharged. Redundant systems are in place for discharging the DC Power Bus when the Engine has been shut down.

When the engine is shut down under normal conditions, the Motor Control 1 ECM will activate the Dynamic Retarding Contactors. the closed
contactors will short circuit the DC Power Bus through one set of the resistors in the retarding grid. In addition, the Motor Control 1 ECM will
activate the negative side transistor driver for the Retarding Chopper Module, short circuiting the DC Power Bus through the other set of the
resistors in the Retarding Grid. When these systems are activated, the DC Power Bus voltage will be discharged in a short time period
(approximately one second).

If the operation of the Dynamic Retarding Contactors and Retarding Chopper Module both malfunctioned at engine shutdown, the system is
designed to discharge the power bus capacitive DC voltage through the Discharge Resistor Assembly. When discharging through the resistor
assembly, the capacitive DC voltage could take up to 15 minutes to discharge to a level of 50.0 VDC or less.

These redundant discharging systems ensure that the capacitive DC voltage inside the Inverter Cabinet is discharged after the engine is shut
down. However, there is low possibility that multiple failures in the cabinet could prevent the DC bus or a section of the DC bus from discharging.

Note: A DC Power Bus voltage level of 50.0 V or less must be verified by manual measurement before any enclosure covers or
components can be accessed or serviced in the following high-voltage power train subsystems:

Any of the Power Inverter high-voltage compartments

The Generator

The Retarding Grid Assembly, the grid assembly high-voltage enclosure, the Grid Blower Motor, or the Grid Cabling

The rear axle housing that contains the Electric Drive Traction Motors
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Any of the Generator three phase cables, the grid system cables, or electric drive motor three phase cables that connect the motors
to the Inverter

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Illustration 2 g01789153
Inverter Active Lamps illuminated indicating that the Inverter DC Power Bus voltage is greater than 150.0 VDC
The Inverter Cabinet is equipped with two Inverter Active Lamps that are located above the "Retarding Contactor" compartment. The two LED
lamps are illuminated any time that the voltage on the DC Power Bus is greater than 150.0 VDC. The lamps will operate regardless of the state of
the key start switch.

Note: The Inverter Active Lamps are used as a visual aid to indicate the status of the DC Power Bus. The Inverter Active Lamps are not
designed to be an absolute indication that the DC Power Bus has been discharged. Regardless of the state of the Inverter Active Lamps,
the DC Power Bus voltage is manually measured with the proper high-voltage equipment. Verify that the voltage is below 50.0 VDC
before any service can be performed on any of the high-voltage system components.

The following "Power Train Electrical System Service Shutdown" procedure must be followed to verify that the DC Power Bus voltage in the
"Inverter Cabinet" is at a level of 50.0 VDC or less.

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Illustration 3 g03794723
Systems components that are present in the front compartments of the Inverter Cabinet
(1) Bulk capacitors. The bulk capacitors are supplied system power by the interface modules. The capacitors are in place to provide a three second emergency power supply for the
ECMs. This power supply will allow a stable phase module shutdown if the system power is interrupted. This compartment is in the low voltage compartment.
(2) Terminal blocks - Used for connections to the voltage sensors, current sensors, the system control 24 VAC circuits, and the 24 VDC and ground wires. The cabinet ground boss
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and the RGBI pilot relay are on the floor of this compartment in front of the terminal blocks.
(3) Interface Module 2 - used between the Motor 2 ECM and the phase modules for the Traction Motor 2. The interface modules are used for conversion and isolation of the copper

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transistor driver and feedback circuits to fiber optic circuits. Also used for isolation of the phase module power AC power supply circuits. This compartment is a low voltage

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(4) Motor Control 2 ECM - monitors and controls the operation of the Traction Motor 2.
(5) Interface Module 1 - used between the Motor Control 1 ECM and the phase modules for the Traction Motor 1. The interface modules are used for conversion and isolation of the
copper transistor driver and feedback circuits to fiber optic circuits. Also used for isolation of the phase module power AC power supply circuits.

(6) Motor Control 1 ECM - monitors and controls the operation of the Traction Motor 1.

(7) PMA2 - Motor Control 2 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 2 phase A power circuit.
(8) PMB2 - Motor Control 2 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 2-phase B power circuit.

(9) PMA1 - Motor Control 1 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 1 phase A power circuit.
(10) PMB1 - Motor Control 1 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 1-phase B power circuit.
(11) Retarding Contactors 1 and 2 - used to switch the DC Power Bus through the retarding grid 2 resistors.

(12) DC Power Bus Capacitor - provides a part of the total DC Power Bus filter capacitor that helps to supply a stable DC bus voltage.
(13) PMC2 - Motor Control 2 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 2-phase C power circuit.
(14) "Retarder Chopper Module. Motor 1" ECM controls the operation of Chopper Module. The ECM uses the chopper to modulate DC bus voltage through the chopper grid 1

resistor elements. Used to help control the voltage level of the DC bus, add dynamic load during retarding and discharge the bus when required.
(15) PMC1 - Motor Control 1 ECM will use the power transistors in this phase module to create the Traction Motor 1-phase C power circuit.

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(16) Connection compartment for the retarding grid system circuits. Also contains the chopper current sensor (CHPRCT). This sensor is used to monitor the current that is present in
the chopper grid resistor circuits from the Chopper Module and the Crowbar.
(17) Connection compartment for the Generator three phase cables, traction motor 1, traction motor 2, and 3 phase cables to bus bar connections. The Generator and the motor

phase current sensors are located in this compartment.
(18) Compartment that contains the Pressurization Filter. This filter is used to filter the air that is used to create the positive air pressure in the cabinet.

Power Train Electrical System Service Shutdown

Personal Protective Equipment

The Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) listed below
is required for persons that are performing any of the
following procedures. In addition, any protective
equipment required by the work site operator or the
machine owner must be worn by the persons that are
performing any of the following procedures.

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The following list of personal protective equipment is the minimum protective equipment that must be worn when performing any of the following

High-voltage rubber gloves that are rated for a minimum of 5000 V or greater. The rubber gloves must meet or exceed all applicable
regulations and standards for the country in which the machine will be operated.

The high-voltage rubber gloves must be used with protective leather outer gloves or leather protective outer mittens. The outer gloves or
mittens provide mechanical protection from damage to the high-voltage rubber gloves. The outer leather protective gloves and mittens must
meet or exceed all applicable regulations and standards for the country in which the machine will be operated.

A face protection shield is recommended. Safety eyewear with side shielding is required.

The required safety eyewear must be worn always when working on the machine.

The high-voltage gloves must be worn at the initial removal of any compartment cover for a high-voltage section of the Power Inverter cabinet. The
high-voltage gloves must be used until the DC Power Bus voltage is manually measured, verified to be below 50.0 VDC and the DC Power Bus
has been connected to cabinet ground with a jumper wire.

The following procedure will instruct the user when the high-voltage gloves must be worn and when the high-voltage gloves are not required.

Illustration 4 g02995576
The 359-9241 dual handle high-voltage meter (Europe)
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Illustration 5 g01787993

The 331-6561 dual handle high-voltage meter (North America Only)

In addition to the PPE equipment, the following high-voltage meter will be used for this procedure:

A 359-9241 digital dual handle high-voltage meter (Europe).

A 331-6561 digital dual handle high-voltage meter (North America Only).

rI nc.
Before using the dual handle high-voltage meter for this procedure, read the supplied operating instructions to be familiar with the operation of the
high-voltage meter.

Note: The following procedure must be followed before any maintenance or service is performed in any of the Power Inverter high-
voltage compartments, on the Generator, in the rear axle housing or in the retarding grid system. The first DC voltage measurement
must always be in the "Dynamic Retarding Contactor" compartment before any action is taken on any high-voltage power train
subsystem on the machine.

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Measure the DC Power Bus Voltage in the Contactor Compartment

When service or maintenance must be performed in a
high-voltage section of the Inverter Cabinet or in any
high-voltage component enclosure on the machine,
always assume that a hazardous level of voltage could
be present. The level of voltage is manually checked
using high-voltage electrical measurement tools rated
for 5000 V. The level of voltage present must be
confirmed to be below 50.0 VDC before any exposure to
the high-voltage components can take place.

Begin this procedure with the key start switch in the OFF position.

Note: In the next step, when the Engine Lockout Control is moved to the ON position (locked out), the low voltage control system will switch to
an energized "key start switch ON" state at the + battery voltage level. The system + battery voltage will energize regardless of the state of the
key start switch.

1. Turn the Engine Lockout Control to the ON (lock out) position.

2. Lock and tag the Engine Lockout Control.

3. Check the state of the Inverter Active Lamps. The lamps should be OFF.

4. On the Advisor, check the status of the DC Power Bus voltage. There should be little or no voltage present on the DC Power Bus.
Note: If either the status of the Advisor DC Power Bus value or the status of the Inverter Active Lamps is not correct according to what is
expected, there has been a malfunction in the Inverter Cabinet that must be resolved after this procedure has been completed.

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In the next step, when the cover is removed from a high-voltage compartment, do not allow any personal contact with the bus bars or other

components in the compartment. Personnel that are wearing personal protective equipment must maintain a distance of at least 30.4 cm
(12 inches) from any of the conductive surfaces in the compartment until the voltage is checked and confirmed to be at 50.0 VDC or less.

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Personnel that are not wearing personal protective equipment must maintain a distance of at least 0.8 m (2.5 ft.) from any of the conductive

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surfaces in the compartment.
5. At the front of the "Inverter Cabinet", remove the cover for the compartment that houses the "Dynamic Retarding Contactors".

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Illustration 6

Bus bar connections at the front of the "Retarding Contactor Compartment"
(10) DC Power Bus positive (DCP) connection

(11) DC Power Bus negative (DCN) connection

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Illustration 7 g02995596
Using the dual handle high-voltage meter to measure the voltage between the DC positive bus bar and the DC negative bus bar in the "Retarding Contactor Compartment".
6. At the open compartment for the retarding contactors, use the dual handle high-voltage meter to measure the voltage on the DC Power Bus.
Place one probe on the uninsulated section of the positive bus bar (10) at the front of the compartment that is labeled "DCP". Place the other
probe on the uninsulated section of the negative bus bar (11) at the front of the compartment that is labeled "DCN".

7. Observe the multimeter kilovolt measurement. The high-voltage meter will not measure a voltage value once the voltage is below 50.0 VDC.
The meter will display "0.00" when the measured voltage is less than 50.0 VDC.

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Illustration 8 g01788953
Qualifying the digital dual handle high-voltage meter at 5000 V using the supplied proof tester. The meter displays the actual voltage.
8. Each time that a voltage has been measured in the contactor compartment or in any other compartment, the operation of the meter must be
tested and qualified using the supplied proof tester. This qualification must be done to ensure that the meter is not damaged and that the
voltage measurement is accurate. If the operation of the meter is not correct, repeat the complete procedure from the beginning using a
different dual handle high-voltage meter.

a. To test the operation of the meter, connect the two proof tester leads to the meter probes as shown in figure 8.

b. Turn ON the meter. Press and hold the two "TEST" buttons on the proof tester. The red test lamp will illuminate. Observe the meter

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c. When the two "TEST" buttons on the proof tester are depressed, the tester will supply 5000 V at a low amperage to the meter. Correct

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operation of the meter will be verified when the meter displays approximately 5000 V. Once the operation of the meter has been verified to
be correct, proceed with the procedure.

Voltage Measured Expected Result:

The multimeter is indicating a voltage measurement that is less than 50.0 VDC between the DCP and the DCN bus bars. (Either 50.0 or 0.00 on c.
the display). The meter has been tested and the meter operation is correct.


OK - The voltage measurement is less than 50.0 VDC between the DCP and the DCN bus bars. The meter has been tested and the meter
operation is correct. The DC Power Bus voltage has been discharged.

Illustration 9 g01684454
Voltage is confirmed as discharged. The "Retarding Contactor DC Power Bus" bars are jumpered together and to the compartment ground lug on the right-hand side of the

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Note: The assembly of the typical jumper wire setup that is illustrated in figure 9 is the users responsibility. A minimum 12 gauge wire should be
used. Clips that are large enough to connect to the bus bar bolt heads should be connected to the uninsulated ends of the wires.

Continue to use the high-voltage gloves when connecting the jumper wires to the DC Power Bus connections.

To ground the DC Power Bus, connect a three-leg jumper wire between the uninsulated section of the positive bus bar (DCP), the uninsulated
section of the negative bus bar (DCP) and the compartment ground lug on the right-hand side of the compartment.

In other Inverter compartments where a ground lug is not installed, connect to a good unpainted cabinet ground point.

Grounding the positive and the negative DC bus is standard practice when performing service on high-voltage power systems. If required, the
grounded jumper wire can be moved to another location where the positive and the negative DC bus can be connected to a cabinet ground point.
One jumper that connects the positive and the negative DC bus to a cabinet ground point is required. The user can connect more jumpers when
work will be performed in other areas of the cabinet if desired, however, always ensure that the grounded jumper wire is removed before
installing the compartment cover back on the Inverter cabinet.

Once the grounding jumper wires are connecting the DC Power Bus to cabinet ground, the components in the "Retarding Contactor Compartment"
can be serviced without using the high-voltage gloves.

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Illustration 10 g01788254
Verifying that there is no voltage present between the "P" and the "N" DC bus connections for one of the phase modules

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Illustration 11 g01788255
Verifying that there is no voltage present between the one set of the DC positive and the DC negative bus connections on the "FC1" DC Power Bus Capacitor (both sets of positive
and negative connections must be checked at the capacitor)

Due to the possibility that multiple failures in the
discharging systems could result in hazardous voltage
being present in another section of the cabinet, this
procedure must be followed when any other Inverter
cabinet high-voltage compartment is opened. Leave the
grounding jumper wires connected in the Retarding
Contactor Compartment and follow the same steps to
check the voltage between the DC positive bus (either
"DCP" or "P") and the DC negative bus (either "DCN" or
"N") in the compartment that is opened.

In addition to the initial voltage check in the contactor compartment, once the DC voltage in the Inverter compartment where the work will take
place has been verified to be less than 50.0 VDC, the high-voltage gloves can be removed.

If service or maintenance is to be performed on a high-voltage subsystem that is not in the Inverter cabinet, the enclosure for that
system can now be opened.

Note: Remember that when the Engine Lockout Control is in the ON (lock out) position, the low voltage control system is energized at
the + battery voltage level regardless of the state of the key start switch. When the system + battery voltage needs to be OFF, turn the
Battery Disconnect Switch to the OFF position and lock the Battery Disconnect Switch in the OFF position. Always verify that the system
+ battery voltage is OFF before working on the low voltage components and circuits.

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Note: After the work is completed, ensure that all the jumpers that are used to ground the DC Bus connections to ground are removed.
Starting the Engine with any of the jumpers still connected will result in severe damage to components in the Inverter Cabinet.

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To ensure that all jumpers that were installed are removed, use a multimeter to check the resistance between the DCP bus connection and the

DCN bus connection in the "Retarding Contactor Compartment". The positive meter probe must be on the DCP bar and the negative meter probe

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must be on the negative bar for an accurate measurement. The resistance reading must be in the kohm (thousands of ohms) range. A low-

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resistance measurement indicates that a jumper is still connected.

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NOT OK - The display on the high-voltage meter is indicating a voltage measurement between the DCP and the DCN bus bars that is greater than
50.0 VDC. There is a problem that has prevented the DC Power Bus from being fully discharged.

In the next step, when the cover is removed from a high-voltage compartment, do not allow any personal contact with the bus bars or other
components in the compartment. Personnel that are wearing personal protective equipment must maintain a distance of at least 30.4 cm

(12 inches) from any of the conductive surfaces in the compartment until the voltage is checked and confirmed to be at 50.0 VDC or less.
Personnel that are not wearing personal protective equipment must maintain a distance of at least 0.8 m (2.5 ft.) from any of the conductive
surfaces in the compartment.
The voltage on the DC Power Bus will have to be manually discharged before any other action can take place.

Before proceeding to the manual discharge procedure, ensure that steps are taken to prevent personnel on the machine from entering the area
around the open "Retarding Contactor Compartment" or any of the other high-voltage compartments. If necessary, place the cover back on the
"Retarding Contactor Compartment" until the discharge procedure can be performed.

To discharge the voltage on the DC Power Bus, proceed to the "Manual Discharge of the Inverter DC Power Bus Voltage" procedure in this section
of the manual.

Manual Discharge of the Inverter DC Power Bus Voltage

This manual discharge voltage procedure is to be performed only after the "Power Train Electrical System Service Shutdown" procedure has been

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This procedure will be performed after a DC voltage level that is greater than 50.0 VDC has been manually measured in a high-voltage section of
the "Inverter Cabinet".

When the Power Train Electrical System Service
Shutdown procedure has been performed and a
hazardous level of DC voltage has been measured on
the DC Power Bus or at a component connection in an
Inverter high-voltage compartment, a serious failure or
multiple failures have occurred in the systems in the
cabinet. After this discharge procedure has been
successfully performed, the cause of this problem must
be investigated and resolved before the machine can be
operated. Do not start the Engine until the problem has
been resolved.

Personal Protective Equipment

The Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that is listed below is in addition to any protective equipment that is required at the work site where the
machine is to be used. The following list of personal protective equipment is the minimum protective equipment that must be worn when performing
this procedure:

High-voltage rubber gloves that are rated for a minimum of 5000 V or greater. In addition to the 5000 V requirement, the rubber gloves must
meet or exceed all applicable regulations and standards for the country in which the machine will be operated.

The high-voltage rubber gloves must be used with protective leather outer gloves or leather protective outer mittens that provide mechanical
protection from damage to the high-voltage rubber gloves. The outer leather protective gloves and mittens must meet or exceed all applicable
regulations and standards for the country in which the machine will be operated.
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A face protection shield is recommended. Safety eyewear with side shielding is required.

The required safety eyewear must always be worn when working on the machine.

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The high-voltage gloves must be worn during the initial removal of a cover for a high-voltage section of the Power Inverter cabinet. The gloves must
be worn when voltage measurements of the system are taking place. The gloves must be worn until grounding jumper wires are in place on the

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components that will be worked on. In addition, the high-voltage gloves must be worn anytime that a manual discharge procedure is performed.

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The following procedure will instruct the user when the high-voltage gloves must be worn and when the high-voltage gloves are not required.

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Illustration 12 g01788008
The 331-6563 "Dual Handle High Voltage Discharge Resistor Tool"
rI nc.
In addition to the PPE equipment, the following high-voltage tools will be used for this procedure:

A 331-6563 "Digital Dual Handle Discharge Resistor Tool".

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A 331-6561 "Digital Dual Handle High-Voltage Meter" (North America)

A 359-9241 (Europe)

Manual Discharge Procedure

Preliminary conditions that must be met before this procedure is performed:

The "Engine Lockout Control" is locked in the ON (lock out) position.

The required personal protective equipment is being worn by the personnel that are performing the procedure.

The cover for the high-voltage compartment where the discharging will take place is removed.

Once these conditions are met, proceed with the following procedure.

1. Before using the Dual Handle Discharge Resistor Tool, verify that the wire conductor is securely connected between each discharge resistor
assembly as shown in illustration 12.

2. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance between the discharge tool probes. The resistance between the probes of a new tool is
approximately 2300 ohms. If a resistance is measured that is below 1500 ohms, replace the discharge tool. If an open circuit (megohms or
greater) resistance is measured, replace the tool before proceeding with this procedure.

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Illustration 13 g01681846
Manual discharging between the DC Power Bus positive (DCP) bus bar and the DC negative (DCN) bus bar
Note: When using the discharge tool to contact the DC bus bars, a small amount of electrical arcing may occur. Arcing is normal. However,
when a probe tip is close to the bus bar, a quick movement to contact the bus bar will reduce the possibility of electrical arcing.
3. At the compartment or component where the DC Power Bus must be discharged, place one discharge tool probe on the uninsulated section of
the positive bus bar or connection point (labeled DCP or P).

4. Place the other discharge tool probe on the uninsulated section of the negative bus bar or connection point (labeled DCN or N).
Note: When discharging the voltage of the DC Power Bus through the discharge tool, the resister section of the tool and the cable that is
connected between the resisters can become hot. Use caution when handling the discharge tool after the discharge has been performed.

5. Discharge the DC Power Bus for 3 minutes.

Note: When a compartment contains components that are connected to the DC bus positive bars and the DC bus negative bars at more than
one connection point, discharge the voltage between each of these positive and negative connections individually for 3 minutes.

6. After discharging the DC Power Bus for 3 minutes, use the digital dual handle high-voltage meter to measure the voltage between the positive
bus bar or connection point (labeled DCP or P) and the negative bus bar or connection point (labeled DCN or N).
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Note: Each time that a voltage has been measured in the contactor compartment or in any other compartment, the operation of the meter

must be tested and qualified using the supplied proof tester. This qualification must be done to ensure that the meter is not damaged and that
the voltage measurement is accurate. If the operation of the meter is not correct, repeat the voltage measurement using a different dual handle
high-voltage meter. Refer to steps 8a, 8band 8c in the previous voltage check procedure for instructions to qualify the operation of the meter.

Discharge and Measure Expected Result:

The high-voltage meter is indicating a voltage measurement that is less than 50.0 VDC between the DCP and the DCN bus bars or the connection
points that have been manually discharged.


OK - The voltage measurement between the discharged DC positive bus bar and the DC negative bus bar is less than 50.0 VDC. The DC Power
Bus voltage has been fully discharged.

Illustration 14 g01915996

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After the voltage is confirmed as discharged, the Retarding Contactor DC Power Bus bars are jumpered together and to the compartment ground lug on the right-hand side of the

Continue to use the high-voltage gloves when connecting the jumper wires to the DC Power Bus connections.

To ground the DC Power Bus, connect a multiple leg jumper wire between the uninsulated section of the positive bus bar (DCP or P), the
uninsulated section of the negative bus bar (DCN or N) and the compartment ground lug on the right-hand side of the compartment.

In other Inverter compartments where a ground lug is not installed, connect to a good unpainted cabinet ground point.

Grounding the positive and the negative DC bus is standard practice when performing service on high-voltage power systems. If required, the
grounded jumper wire can be moved to another location where the positive and the negative DC bus can be connected to a cabinet ground point.
One jumper that connects the positive and the negative DC bus to cabinet ground is required. The user can connect more jumpers when work will
be performed in other areas of the cabinet if desired, however, always ensure that the grounded jumper wire is removed before installing the
compartment cover back on the Inverter cabinet.

Once the grounding jumper wires are shorting the DC Power Bus together and to cabinet ground, the components in the compartment can be
serviced without using the high-voltage gloves.

Note: After the work is completed, ensure that all the jumpers that are used to ground the DC Bus connections to ground are removed.
Starting the Engine with any of the jumpers still connected will result in severe damage to components in the Inverter Cabinet.

To ensure that all jumpers are removed that were installed, use a multimeter to check the resistance between the DCP bus connection and the
DCN bus connection in the Retarding Contactor compartment. The positive meter probe must be on the DCP bar and the negative meter probe
must be on the negative bar for an accurate measurement. The resistance reading must be in the K ohm (thousands of ohms) range. A low-
resistance measurement indicates that a jumper is still connected.

NOT OK - The multimeter is still indicating a voltage measurement between the positive and the negative bus bar that is greater than 50.0 VDC.
The DC Power Bus has not been fully discharged.

Perform this manual discharge procedure again. Discharge the DC bus for 1 minute. Then, measure the voltage between the positive and the
negative bus bars again.

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Multiple voltage discharge and voltage measurement cycles may be required before the DC voltage is discharged to 50.0 VDC or less.

Note: If the voltage of the DC Power Bus is not decreasing after multiple manual discharging cycles, the Dual Handle Discharge Resistor Tool may
be faulty. Repeat the first two steps of this procedure to check the operation of the discharge tool.

Once the voltage between the positive and the negative bus bars is confirmed to be 50.0 VDC or less, the DC power bus must be jumpered to
cabinet ground.
ar I
Using the high-voltage gloves, connect a multiple leg jumper wire between the uninsulated section of the positive bus bar (DCP or P), the
uninsulated section of the negative bus bar (DCN or N) and a cabinet ground connection in the compartment. One jumper that connects the
positive and the negative DC bus is required. The user can connect more jumpers when work will be performed in other areas of the cabinet if c.

Once the grounding jumper wires are shorting the DC Power Bus together and to cabinet ground in at least one location in the Inverter Cabinet, the
components in the compartment can be serviced without using the high-voltage gloves.

© 2023 Caterpillar Inc.

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