1.5 The Concept of A Function (C1)

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1 Find the equation of the circle with the given point as and completing the square. Under what circumstances
center and the given number as radius: does the equation have distinct real roots, equal real roots,
(a) (4, 6), 3 ; (b) ( - 3, 7), Vs; and no real roots?
(c) ( - 5 , - 9), 7; (d) ( 1 , - 6), \/2; 6 At what points does the circle x2 + y2 - 8x 6y - -

(e) (a, 0), a ; (f) (0, a), a. 1 1 = 0 intersect

2 In each case find the equation of the circle determined (a) the x-axis? (b) the y-axis?
by the given conditions : (c) the line x + y = l ?
(a) Center (2, 3 ) and passes through ( - ! , - 2). Sketch the figure, and use this picture to judge whether
(b) The ends of a diameter are ( - 3, 2) and (5, - 8). your answers are reasonable or not.
(c) Center (4, 5) and tangent to the x-axis. 7 Find the equations of all lines that are tangent to the cir­
(d) Center ( -4, I) and tangent to the line x = 3 . cle x2 + y2 = 2y and pass through the point (0, 4). Hint:
(e) Center (-2, 3) and tangent to the line 4y - 3 x + 2 = The line y = m.x + 4 is tangent to the circle if it inter­
0. sects the circle at only one point.
(f) Center on the line x + y = I , passes through ( - 2, I ) 8 Find the focus and directrix of each of the following
and ( -4, 3). parabolas, and sketch the curves:
(g) Center on the line y = 3x and tangent to the line x = =
(a) y2 12.x; (b) y = 4x2;
2y at the point (2, 1 ). (c) 2.x2 + 5y = O; (d) 4x + 9y2 = O;
3 In each of the following, determine the nature of the (e) x = -2y2; (f) 12y = -x2;
graph of the given equation by completing the square: (g) ! 6y2 = x; =
(h) 24x2 y;
(a) x2 + y2 - 4x - 4y = 0. (i) y2 + 8y - 1 6x = 1 6; (j) x2 + 2x + 29 = 7y.
(b) x2 + y2 - 1 8x - 14y + 1 3 0 = 0. 9 Sketch the parabola and find its equation if it has
(c) x2 + y2 + 8x + I Oy + 40 = 0. (a) vertex (0, 0) and focus (-3, O);
(d) 4x2 + 4y2 + 12.x - 32y + 37 = 0. (b) vertex (0, 0) and directrix y = - 1 ;
(e) x2 + y2 - 8x + 1 2y + 53 = 0. (c) vertex (0, 0) and directrix x = -2;
(f) x2 + y2 - v2x + \/2y + I 0. = (d) vertex (0, 0) and focus (0, -f);
(g) x2 + y2 - 16x + 6y - 48 0. = (e) directrix x = 2 and focus ( - 4, O);
(f) focus (3, 3) and directrix y - I .
4 Find the equation of the locus of a point P = (x, y) that
moves in accordance with each of the following condi­ 10 Find the focus and directrix of each of the following
tions, and sketch the graphs: parabolas, and sketch the curves:
(a) The sum of the squares of the distances from P to (a) y = x2 + I ; (b) y = (x - 1 )2;
the points (a, 0) and ( - a, 0) is 4b2, where b � (c) y = (x - 1)2 + I ; (d) y = x2 - x.
a/Yl > 0. 11 Water squirting out of a horizontal nozzle held 4 ft above
(b) The distance of P from the point (8, 0) is twice its the ground describes a parabolic curve with the vertex at
distance from the point (0, 4). the nozzle. If the stream of water drops I ft in the first
5 The quadraticformula for the roots of the quadratic equa­ 1 0 ft of horizontal motion, at what horizontal distance
tion ax2 + bx + c = 0 is from the nozzle will it strike the ground?
12 Show that there i s exactly one line with given slope m
-b ::!:: Yb2 - 4ac which is tangent to the parabola x2 = 4py, and find its
2a equation.
Derive this formula from the equation by dividing 13 Prove that the two tangents to a parabola from any point
through by a, moving the constant term to the right side, on the directrix are perpendicular.

The most important concept i n all of mathematics i s that o f a function. No mat­
ter what branch of the subj ect we consider- algebra, geometry, number theory,
probability, or any other- it almost always turns out that functions are the pri­
mary objects of investigation. This is particularly true of calculus, in which most
of our work will be concerned with constructing machinery for the study of func­
tions and applying this machinery to problems in science and geometry.

What is a function? Briefly -and we expand on this below - if x and y are

two variables that are related in such a way that whenever a permissible numer­
ical value is assigned to x, there is determined one and only one corresponding
numerical value for y, then y is called a function of x.

Example I (a) If a rock is dropped from the edge of a cliff, and it falls s feet
in t seconds, then s is a function of t. It is known from experiment that (approx­
imately) s = 1 6t2.
(b) The area A of a circle is a function of its radius r. It is known from geom­
etry that A = 1Tr2.
(c) If the manager of a bookstore buys n books from a publisher at $ 1 2 per
copy and the shipping charges are $35, then his cost C for these books is a func­
tion of n given by the formula C = 1 2n + 3 5 .

We continue building our understanding of the concept o f a function by con­

sidering an example directly related to our work in the preceding section.

Example 2 We examine the equation

y= x2
and its corresponding graph, which we know is a parabola that opens upward
and has its vertex at the origin (Fig. 1 .20). In Section l .4 we thought of this equa­
tion as a relation between the variable coordinates of a point (x, y) moving along
the curve. We now shift our point of view, and instead think of it as a formula
that provides a mechanism for calculating the numerical value of y when the nu­
merical value of x is given. Thus, y = l when x = 1, y = 4 when x = 2, y = ±
when x = t, y = I when x = - 1 , and so on. The value of y is therefore said to
depend on, or to be a function of, the value of x. This dependence can be ex­
y x2
pressed in functional notation by writing

Y = f(x) where =
f(x) x2 .
The symbol f(x) is read "f of x," and the letter f represents the rule or proces s ­ x x
squaring, in this particular case-which is applied to any number x t o yield the
corresponding number y. The numerical examples just given can therefore be Figure 1.20

written as f( l ) = l , f(2) = 4, J(t) = ±. and f( - 1) = 1. The meaning of this no­

tation can perhaps be further clarified by observing that
f(x + I ) = (x + 1 )2 = x2 + 2x + I and f(x3) = (x3)2 = x6;
that is, the rule f simply produces the square of whatever quantity follows it in

This example suggests the general concept of a function as we shall use it in

most of our work. We formulate this concept as follows.
Let D be a given set of real numbers. A function f defined on D is a formula,
or rule, or law of correspondence that assigns a single real number y to each num­
ber x in D. The set D of allowed values of x is called the domain (or domain of
definition) of the function, and the set of corresponding values of y is called its
range. The number y that is assigned to x by the function! is usually written f(x)
-so that y = f(x) -and is called the value off at x. It is customary to call x the

independent variable because it is free to assume any value in the domain, and
to call y the dependent variable because its numerical value depends on the choice
of x.
There is nothing illegal or immoral about using other letters than x and y to
denote the variables. In Example 1, for instance, the independent variables are t,
r, and n, and the dependent variables are s, A, and C. Also, as we see in the next
example, there is nothing sacred about the letter f, and other letters can be used
to designate functions.

Example 3 (a) If a function f(x) is defined by the formula f(x) = x3 - 3x2 +

5, then f(2) = 23 - 3 · 22 + 5 = 1 , f(O) = 5 , and f( - 2) = ( - 2)3 - 3(-2) 2 +
5 = - 15.
(b) I f a function g(x) i s defined by the formula g(x) = Vx, then g( I ) = VI =
l , g(4) = v'4 = 2, and a calculator tells us that g( l O) = VlO = 3 . 1 62277660 1 7,
approximately. In this case the only allowed values of x are those for which x �
0, because square roots of negative numbers are not real numbers.
(c) If a function h(x) is defined by the formula h(x) = 1 /(4 - x), then h( l ) =
1 /(4 - 1 ) = }, h(2) = 1 /(4 - 2) = ±, and h(4) = 1 /(4 - 4) = � does not exist,
because division by zero is not permitted in algebra. Thus, x = 4 is the only value
of x that is not allowed.

We point out that a function is not fully known until we know precisely which
real numbers are permissible values for the independent variable x. The domain
is therefore an indispensable part of the concept of a function. In practice, how­
ever, most of the specific functions we deal with are defined only by formulas
like the ones in Example 3, and nothing is said about the domain. Unless we state
otherwise, the domain of such a function is understood to be the set of all real
numbers x for which the formula makes sense. In part (a) of Example 3, this
means all real numbers ; in (b), all real numbers x � O; and in (c), all real num­
bers except x = 4.
The reader is undoubtedly acquainted with the idea of the graph of a function
f: If we imagine the domain D spread out on the x-axis in the coordinate plane
(Fig. l .2 l a) , then to each number x in D there corresponds a number y = f(x),
and the set of all the resulting points (x, y) in the plane is the graph. Graphs are
pictures of functions that enable us to see these functions in their entirety, and
we will examine many in the next section.
Many people find it helpful to visualize a function by means of a machine di­
agram, as shown in Fig. l .2 l b. Here a number x in the domain is fed into the
machine, where it is acted upon by the specific instructions built into the func­
tion f, and this action produces the resulting number f(x). The domain is the set
of all permissible inputs x, and the range is the set of all outputs j(x).
Another way to picture a function is by an arrow diagram, in which the do­
main is thought of as a certain set of points on the page and the range as another
set of points (Fig. 1 .2 l c). The arrow shows that x has j(x) corresponding to it,
and the functionf is the complete collection of all these correspondences thought
of as a mapping of the first set onto the second.
We mention machine diagrams and arrow diagrams only to help students who
may be having difficulty grasping the concept of a function. The basic tool for
visualizing functions throughout our work will always be graphs. Also, we will

Domain Range

x x
D f(x)

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1 . 2 1

see in Section 2. 1 that graphs are essential for formulating the main purposes of
Originally, the only functions mathematicians considered were those defined
by formulas. This led to the useful intuitive idea that a function f "does some­
thing" to each number x in its domain to "produce" the corresponding number
Y = f(x). Thus, if
y= f(x) = (x3 + 4)2,
then y is the result of applying certain specific operations to x: Cube it, add 4,
and square the sum. On the other hand, the following is also a perfectly legiti­
mate function which is defined by a verbal prescription instead of a formula:

Y = f(x) = g if
x is a rational number,
x is an irrational number.
All that is really required of a function is that y be uniquely determined- in any
manner whatever- when x is specified; beyond this, nothing is said about the
nature of the rule f In discussions that focus on ideas instead of specific func­
tions, such broad generality is often an advantage. We will understand this bet­
ter in Chapter 6, where one of our problems is to discover what conditions must
be imposed on an arbitrary function to guarantee that its integral exists.
An additional remark on usage is perhaps in order. Strictly speaking, the word
"function" refers to the rule of correspondence f that assigns a unique number
y = f(x) to each number x in the domain. Purists are fond of emphasizing the
distinction between the function f and its value f(x) at x. However, once this dis­
tinction is clearly understood, most people who work with mathematics prefer to
use the word loosely and speak of "the function y = f(x)," or even "the function
The functions we work with in calculus are often composite (or compound)
functions built up out of simpler ones. As an illustration of this idea, consider
the two functions
j(x) = x2 + 3x and g(x) = x2 - 1 .

The single function that results from first applying g to x and then applying f to
g(x) is
f(g(x)) = f(x2 - I ) = (x2 - 1 )2 + 3(x2 - l )
= x4 + x2 - 2.
Notice that f(x2 - 1 ) is obtained by replacing x by the entire quantity x2 - 1 in
the formula/(x) = x2 + 3x. The symbol /(g(x)) is read "f of g of x" and is called
a function of a function. If we apply the functions in the other order (first f, then
g), we have
g( f(x)) = g(x2 + 3x) = (x2 + 3x)2 - I
=x4 + 6x3 + 9x2 - 1 ,
so f(g(x)) and g(f(x)) are different. I n special cases it can happen that f(g(x))
and g(f(x)) are the same function of x; for example, if f(x) = 2x - 3 and g(x) =
-x + 6:
f(g(x) ) = f(-x + 6) = 2( -x + 6) - 3 = -2x + 9,
g(f(x)) = g(2x - 3) = -(2x - 3) + 6 = -2x + 9.
In each of these examples two given functions are combined into a single com­
posite function. In most practical work we proceed in the other direction, and
dissect composite functions into their simpler constituents. For example, if
y= (x3 + 1)7 ,
we can introduce an auxiliary variable u by writing u = x 3 + 1 and decompose
the above function into the two simpler functions
y = u7 and LI = x3 + J .
We shall see that decompositions of this kind are often useful in the problems of
In practice, functions often arise from algebraic relations between variables.
Thus, an equation involving x and y determines y as a function of x if the equa­
tion is equivalent to one that expresses y uniquely in terms of x. For example, the
equation 4x + 2y = 6 can be solved for y, y = 3 - 2x, and this second equation
defines y as a function of x. However, in some cases it happens that the process
of solving for y leads to more than one value of y. For example, if the equation
is y2 = x, we get y = :±: Vx. Since this gives two values of y for each positive
value of x, the equation y2 = x does not by itself determine y as a function of x.
If we wish, we can split the formula y = :±: Vx into two separate formulas, y =
Vx and y = - Vx. Each of these formulas defines y as a function of x, so that
out of one equation we obtain two functions.
The number of distinct individual functions is clearly unlimited. However, most
of those appearing in this book are relatively simple and can be classified into a
few convenient categories. It may help students to orient themselves if we give
a rough description of these categories in order of increasing complexity.

The simplest functions are the powers of x with nonnegative integer exponents,
l , x, x2, x3, . . . , x11 , • • • •

If a finite number of these are multiplied by constants and the results are added,
we obtain a general polynomial,
p(x) = ao + a,x + a2x2 + a3x3 + · · · + anx n .
The degree of a polynomial is the largest exponent that occurs in it; if an i= 0,
the degree of p(x) is n. The following are polynomials of degrees I , 2, and 3 :
y = 3x - 2 , y = I - 2x + x2, y = x - x3.
Polynomials can evidently be multiplied by constants, added, subtracted, and
multiplied together, and the results are again polynomials.

If division is also allowed, we pass beyond the polynomials into the more in­
clusive class of rational functions, such as
x x+2 x3 - 4x2 + x + 6 I
x + -.
x2 + I ' x - 2' x2 + x + I x
The general rational function is a quotient of polynomials,
ao + a,x + a2x2 + · · · + a11x 11
bo + b,x + b2x2 + · · · + bmxm '
and a specific function is rational if it is (or can be expressed as) such a quo­
tient. If the denominator here is a nonzero constant, this quotient is itself a poly­
nomial. Thus, the polynomials are included among the rational functions.

If root extractions are also allowed, we pass beyond the rational functions into
the larger class of algebraic functions, which will be properly defined in a later
chapter. Some simple examples are

y = Vx, y = x + Vx2 + 1, y= y = v�4

�· !x+l ,
If we replace the root symbols by fractional exponents in accordance with the

(�) 1/4.
rules of algebra, then these functions can be written

y = x 1 12, y = x + (x2 + 1 ) 1 13, y = (1 _

x)- 1 12, y= x- 1

Any function that is not algebraic is called transcendental. The transcendental
functions studied in calculus are the trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, expo­
nential, and logarithm functions. We do not assume that students have any pre­
vious knowledge of these functions. All will be carefully explained later.

We conclude this section with a brief review of some i mportant functions aris­
ing in geometry. A ready grasp of the geometric formulas given in Fig. 1 .22 is


- - - -, - -
.._ _ _

Cir cle Sphere Cylinder Cone

A = .,,.,2 V = '.!. V = rrr 2h V = � rrr2h
A = 2rrrh
Figure 1 .22 Geometric formulas. c = 2rrr A = 4rrr2 A = rrrs

essential for coping with many examples and problems in the following chap­
ters. These formulas -for the area and circumference of a circle, the volume and
total surface area of a sphere, and the volume and lateral surface area of a cylin­
der and a cone- should be understood if possible, but remembered in any event.
Each of the first four formulas, those for the circle and the sphere, defines a func­
tion of the independent variable r, in which a given positive value of r determines
the corresponding value of the dependent variable.
Most of our attention in this book will be directed at functions of a single in­
dependent variable, as previously defined and discussed. Nevertheless, we point
out that each of the last four formulas in Fig. 1 .22 defines a function of the two
variables r and h; these variables are called independent (of each other) because
the value assigned to either need not be related to the value assigned to the other.
In special circumstances a function of this kind can be expressed as a function
of one variable alone. For example, if the height of a cone is known to be twice
the radius of its base so that h = 2r, then the formula for its volume can be writ­
ten as a function of r or as a function of h:

or v = ]7T (2h )2 h = J27Th3 .

I l

The formulas in Fig. 1 .2 2 also illustrate the custom of choosing letters for vari­
ables that suggest the quantities under discussion, such as A for area, V for vol­
ume, r for radius, h for height, and so on.


If f(x) = 5x2 - 3, find: In each of Problems 3-8, compute and simplify the quantity
(a) j( - 3); (b) j(2); f(x + h) - f(x)
(c) j(O); (d) f(- V7); h
(e) j(a + 3); (f) j(St). 3 f(x) = Sx - 3. 4 f(x)
= 3 - 2x.

2 If g(x) =
x- 1
-- 5 f(x) = x2. 6
f(x) = 2.x2 + x.
, find:
x+ 1 I 3
(a) g(3); (b) g( - 3); 7 f(x) = -. 8 f(x) - =

x 1 -x
(c) g(f) ; (d) g x3
9 If f(x) = - 3x2 + 4x - 2, compute j( I ), f(2), j(3),
f(O), f( - 1 ), and f( - 2).
(e) g(a + I ) ; (f) g(t - 1 ). 10 If f(x) = 2X, compute f( I ), j(3), j(5), f(O), and j(-2).

11 Iff(x) = 4x - 3, show that f(2.x) = 2f(x) + 3 . Y+ 1 1

(c) x; (d) x = y -
What are the domains off(x) = l l(x - 8) and g(x) = x3?
-- = -.
12 y- 1 y
What is h(x) = f(g(x))? What is the domain of h(x)? 25 Split the equation 2.x2 + 2xy + y2 = 3 into two equa-
1 3 Find the domain of each o f the following functions: tions, each of which determines y as a function of x.
(a) Vx ; (b) �; The following problems all involve geometry. In working on
(c) W; (d) '\1?"=4; such a problem, always draw a sketch and use this sketch as

4; a source of ideas.
1 1
(e) (f)
x2 - 4 ; x2 + 26 If an equilateral triangle has side x, express its area as a
1 function of x.
(g) Y(x - l )(x + 2); (h) ---;:=
: ==::=-
Y(x - l )(x + 2) 27 The equal sides of an isosceles triangle are 2. If x is the
base, express the area as a function of x.
(i) Y3 - 2x - x2; (j)
�· 28 If the edge of a cube is x, express its volume, its surface
area, and its diagonal as functions of x.
1 4 Iff(x) = 1 - x , show that f(f(x)) = x.
29 A rectangle whose base has length x is inscribed in a
1 5 If f(x) = xl(x - 1 ), compute f(O), f( l ), f(2), f(3), and
f(f(3)). Show that f(f(x)) = x. fixed circle of radius a. Express the area of the rectan­
gle as a function of x.
16 Iff(x) = (ax + b)l(x - a), show that f(f(x)) = x.
30 A string of length L is cut into two pieces, and these
17 Iff(x) = 1/( 1 - x), compute f(O),f(l ),f(2), f( f(2)), and
f(f(f(2))). Show that f(f(f(x))) = x. pieces are shaped into a circle and a square. If x is the
side of the square, express the total enclosed area as a
1 8 lff(x) = ax, show thatf(x) + f(l - x) = f( l ). Also ver­
function of x.
ify that f(x 1 + x2) = f(x 1 ) + f(x2) for all x 1 and Xz.
31 (a) Is the area of a circle a function of its circumference?
19 If f(x) = 2x, use functional notation to express the fact
If so, what function?
that 2x 1 2xi = 2x , +x'.

(b) Is the area of a square a function of its perimeter? If

20 Find f(x) if f(x + 1 ) = x2 - 5x + 3. Hint: Let u = x +
so, what function?
1 and find f(u).
(c) Is the area of a triangle a function of its perimeter?
21 A linear function is one that has the formf(x) = ax + b,
If so, what function?
where a and b are constants. If g(x) = ex + d is also lin­
32 The volume of a sphere is a function of its surface area.
ear, is it always true that f(g(x)) = g(f(x))?
22 If f(x) = ax + is a linear function with a * 0, show
Find a formula for this function.
33 A cylinder is inscribed in a sphere with fixed radius a .
that there exists a linear function g(x) = ax + /3 such that
I f h is the height and r i s the radius of the base o f the
f(g(x)) = x. • Also show that for these two functions it is
cylinder, express its volume and total surface area as
true that f(g(x)) = g(f(x)).
functions of r, and also as functions of h.
23 A quadratic function is one that has the form f(x) =
34 A cylinder is circumscribed about a sphere. If their vol­
ax2 + bx + c, where a, b, c, are constants and a * 0.
(a) Find the values of the coefficients a, c iff(O) = 3,
umes are denoted by C and S, find C as a function of S.
35 A cylinder has fixed volume V. Express its total surface
f( l ) = 2, f(2) = 9.
area as a function of the radius r of its base.
(b) Show that, no matter what values may be given to
36 A fixed cone has height H and base radius R. If a cylin­
the coefficients, a, c, the range of a quadratic func­
der with base radius r is inscribed in the cone, express
tion cannot be the set of all real numbers.
the volume of the cylinder as a function of r.
24 In each case, decide whether or not the equation deter­
37 (a) A farmer has 1 00 ft of fencing with which to build
mines y as a function of x, and if it does, find a formula
a rectangular chicken pen. If x is the length of one
for the function:
side of the pen, show that the enclosed area is
(a) 3x2 + y2 = l ; (b) 3x2 + y = l ;
A = 50x - x2 = 625 - (x - 25)2.
Use this result to find the largest possible area and
the lengths of the sides that yield this largest area.
(b) Suppose the farmer in part (a) decides to build the
*The symbols a and {3 are letters of the Greek alphabet whose names pen against a side of the barn so that he will have to
are "alpha" and "beta." The letters of this alphabet (see the front end­ fence only three sides of it. If x is the length of a side
paper) are used so frequently in mathematics and scienc.e that seri­
ous students should learn them at the earhest opportunity. Among perpendicular to the barn wall, find the enclosed area
other benefits, this will avoid the annoyance of reading printed mat­ as a function of x. Also find the largest possible area
ter containing symbols we don't know how to pronounce. and the lengths of the sides that yield this largest area.

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