Jovic G. Rullepa: SST - Iii, Shs Stem

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Jovic G.

Review: The geometric definition relies on a cone
and a plane intersecting it.

Algebraic definition: All points that are equidistant

from a given line (the directrix)and a fixed point not
on the directrix (the focus)
The “vertex” of the parabola
is the midpoint of the
perpendicular segment from the
focus to the directrix, while the
line that passes through the
vertex and focus is called the
“axis of symmetry”. The line
segment through the focus
perpendicular to the axis of
symmetry is called the “latus
rectum” whose length is 4c
Parabola Equations
If the parabola opens upward, the vertex is the lowest point. If
the parabola opens downward, the vertex is the highest
The directrix is c units below or above the vertex.
The focus is c units above or below the vertex.
Any point on the parabola has the same distance from the focus
as it has from the directrix.
Axis of Symmetry:
This line divides the parabola into two parts which are
mirror images of each other.
The General and Standard
Equation of Parabola

Example 1: Convert the general equations to standard

 a. y2 + 12x + 2y + 25 = 0 b. 2x2 – 12x – y + 16 = 0

Solution: Solution:

y2 + 2y = - 2x – 25 2x2 - 12x = y – 16
y2 + 2y + 1 = - 2x – 25 + 1 2(x2 – 6x + 9) = y – 16 + 18
(y + 1)2 = - 2x – 24 2(x - 3)2 = y + 2

(y + 1)2 = - 2(x – 12) (x - 3)2 = ½(y + 2)


Example 2: Convert the standard equations to general

 a. (y – 3)2 = 7(x – 8) b. (x + 2)2 = -8(y + 5)
Solution: Solution:

(y – 3)(y – 3) = 7x - (x + 2)(x + 2) = -8y -40

56 x2 + 4x + 4 = -8y -40
y2 – 6y + 9 = 7x -56 x2 +4x + 8y + 4 + 40 = 0
y2 - 6y – 7x + 9 + 56 = 0
x2 + 4x + 8y + 44 = 0
y2 - 6y – 7x + 65 = 0
y2 – 7x –6y + 65 = 0
1. Convert the general
equations x2 – 36x + 5y + 21 = 0
to standard form.
2. Convert the standard
equation (x + 2)2 = 8(y – 3) to
general form.
Parts of Parabola
Parts of the Parabola at Vertex (0,0)

Standard Axis of
Focus Directrix of Latus Graph
Equation Symmetry
E1(c,2c) Opening to
(c,0) x = -c x-axis
E2(c,-2c) the right
E1(-c,2c) Opening to
(-c,0) x=c x-axis
E2(-c,-2c) the left
E1(2c,c) Opening
(0,c) y = -c y-axis
E2(-2c,c) upward
E1(2c,-c) Opening
(0,-c) y=c y-axis
E2(-2c,-c) downward
Parts of the Parabola at Vertex (h,k)

Axis of Endpoints of
Standard Equation Focus Directrix Graph
Symmetry Latus Rectum
E1(h + c, k + 2c) Opening to
(h + c, k) x=h-c y=k
E2(h + c, k - 2c) the right
E1(h - c, k + 2c) Opening to
(h - c, k) x=h+c y=k
E2(h - c, k - 2c) the left
E1(h + 2c, k + c) Opening
(h, k + c) y=k-c x=h
E2(h - 2c, k + c) upward
E1(h + 2c, k - c) Opening
(h, k - c) y=k+c x=h
E2(h - 2c, k - c) downward
Example 1: Sketch and discuss: x2 = 8y

Solve for c: 4c = 8; c=2
Vertex: V(0,0)
Focus: F(0,c)  F(0,2)
Directrix: D(0,-c)  D(0, -2)
Axis of symmetry: y-axis
Latus Rectum: 8
Ends of Latus Rectum: E1 (2c, c)  E1(2*2, 2) 
E2(-2c, c)  E2(-2*2, 2)  E2(-
Example 1: Sketch and discuss: y2 = -12x
Solve for c: 4c = 12; c = 3
Vertex: V(0,0)
Focus: F(-c,0)  F(-3,0)
Directrix: D(c,0)  D(3, 0) x = 3
Axis of symmetry: x-axis
Latus Rectum: 12
Ends of Latus Rectum: E1 (-c, 2c)  E1(-3,6)
E2(-c, -2c)  E2(-3,-6)
Example 2: Find the equation of the parabola with
vertex at (0,0) focus at (1,0) and directrix of x = -1.

Vertex: V(0,0)
Focus: F(c,0)  F(1,0) (y – k)2 = 4c(x – h)
Directrix: D(-c,0)  D(-1, 0) (y – 0) 2
= 4c(x – 0)
y2 = 4(1)x
Axis of symmetry: y-axis
y2 = 4x
Latus Rectum: 4c = 4(1) = 4
Ends of Latus Rectum: E1 (c, 2c)  E1(1,2)
E2(c, -2c)  E2(1,-2)

Example 3: Given the equation of the parabola

(x – 2)2 = 12(y – 1). Find the vertex, focus,
directrix, axis of symmetry, length of latus
rectum and its endpoints and sketch the graph.
Example 4: Reduce the general equation y2 – 4x
+ 6y – 11 = 0 to standard form. Determine the
vertex, focus, directrix, axis of symmetry, length
of latus rectum and its endpoints and sketch the
1. Find the general equation of the parabola
with vertex at (3, 6) and focus at (3, 4). Sketch
the graph.
2. Find the general equation of the parabola
with vertex at (2, 1) and directrix x = 5. Sketch
the graph.
3. Find the general equation of the parabola
with focus at (-1, -6) and directrix y = 0.
Sketch the graph.
Problem Solving:
Problem #1. A satellite dish has a shape
called a paraboloid, where each cross-section
is a parabola. Since radio signals (parallel to
the axis) will bounce off the surface of the
dish to the focus, the receiver should be
placed at the focus. How far should the
receiver be from the vertex, if the dish is 12 ft
across, and 4.5 ft deep at the vertex?
Problem Solving:
Problem #2. The cable of a suspension
bridge hangs in the shape of a parabola. The
towers supporting the cable are 400 ft. apart
and 150 ft. high. If the cable , at its lowest, is
30 ft. above the bridge at its midpoint, how
high is the cable 50 ft. away (horizontally)
from either tower?
Problem Solving:
Problem #3. An object thrown from a
height of 2m above the ground follows a
parabolic path until the object falls to the
ground; If the object reaches a maximum
height of 7m after travelling a horizontal
distance of 4m, determine the horizontal
distance between the object’s initial and final
Problem Solving:
Problem #4. A flashlight is shaped like a
paraboloid and the light source is placed at
the focus so that the light bounces off parallel
to the axis of symmetry; this is done to
maximize illumination. A particular flashlight
has its light source located 1 cm from the base
and is 6 cm deep. What is the width of the
flashlight’s opening?
(x - h)2 = c(y – k) OR (y - k)2 = c(x – h)
where the vertex is at (h,k) and |c| is the width at the
To graph:
1. Put in standard form (above) – squared term on left
2. Decide which way the parabola opens.
Look at the right side. If y: + c → opens up
If y: - c → opens
If x: + c → opens right
If x: - c → opens left
(x - h)2 = c(y – k) OR (y - k)2 = c(x – h)
where the vertex is at (h,k) and |c| is the width at the
To graph:
3. Plot the vertex (h,k) Note what happens to the signs.
4. Plot the focus: move │¼ c │ from the vertex in the
direction that the parabola opens. Mark with an f.
5. Draw the directrix: │¼ c │ from the vertex in the
opposite direction of the focus (Remember that the
directrix is a line.)
(x - h)2 = c(y – k) OR (y - k)2 = c(x – h)
where the vertex is at (h,k) and |c| is the width at the
To graph:
6. Plot the endpoints of the latus rectum/focal chord
(width at the focus). The width is the │c│ at the
7. Sketch the parabola by going through the vertex
and the endpoints of the latus rectum. (Be sure to
extend the curve and put arrows.)
8. Identify the axis of symmetry. (The line that goes
through the vertex dividing the parabola in half.)
Exp. 1: Graph (x - 5)2 = 12(y – 6)
To graph:
1. Put in standard form– squared term on left
2. Decide which way the parabola opens.
Look at the right side. If y: + c → opens up
If y: - c → opens down
If x: + c → opens right
If x: - c → opens left
Up because y is on the right and 12 is positive
Exp. 1: Graph (x - 5)2 = 12(y – 6)
To graph:
3. Plot the vertex (h,k) Note what happens to the signs.
4. Plot the focus: move │¼ c │ from the vertex in the
direction that the parabola opens. Mark with an f.
(5,9): found by moving up 3 from the vertex
5. Draw the directrix: │¼ c │ from the vertex in the
opposite direction of the focus (Remember that the
directrix is a line.)
y = 3: found by moving down 3 from the vertex
Exp. 1: Graph (x - 5)2 = 12(y – 6)
To graph:
6. Plot the endpoints of the latus rectum/focal chord
(width at the focus). The width is the │c│ at the
L.R. = 12 with endpoints at (-1,9) & (11,9)
7. Sketch the parabola by going through the vertex
and the endpoints of the latus rectum. (Be sure to
extend the curve and put arrows.)
8. Identify the axis of symmetry. (The line that goes
through the vertex dividing the parabola in half.)
Vertex: (5,6)

Focus: (5,9)

Directrix: y = 3

L.R.: 12
Axis: x = 5
Exp. 2: Graph (y + 3)2 = -4(x – 2)
To graph:
1. Put in standard form
2. Decide which way the parabola opens.
Left because x is on the right and 4 is negative
3. Plot the vertex (h,k)
4. Plot the focus:
(1,-3): found by moving left 1 from the vertex
5. Draw the directrix:
x = 3: found by moving right 1 from the vertex
Exp. 2: Graph (y + 3)2 = -4(x – 2)
To graph:
6. Plot the endpoints of the latus rectum
L.R. = 4 with endpoints at (1,-1) & (1,-5)
7. Sketch the parabola
8. Identify the axis of symmetry.
y = -3
Vertex: (2,-3)

Focus: (1,-3)

Directrix: x = 3
           


L.R.: 4

f Axis: y = -3




Exp. 1: Graph x = y2 - 4y + 1
 What’s the first step?
Put in standard form.
y2 - 4y + 1 = x
y2 - 4y + 4 = x - 1 + 4 Complete the square.
(y – 2)2 = x + 3
(y – 2)2 = 1(x + 3)

 Now you try graphing the parabola and labeling all

the parts.
Challenge Question
Given the following information, write the equation of
the parabola.

Vertex is (0,0) and Focus is at (0,2)

1) How can you tell the graph of an equation will be a
2) What’s the standard form of a parabola?
3) What are the steps for graphing a parabola?
4) What are common errors people make when
graphing parabolas?

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