Describing Function of Common Nonlinearities
Describing Function of Common Nonlinearities
Describing Function of Common Nonlinearities
n may be of three types and they are written below:
I. Static Friction : In simple words, the static friction acts on the body when the body is at rest.
II. Dynamic Friction : Dynamic friction acts on the body when there is a relative motion between the surface
and the body.
III. Limiting Friction : It is defined as the maximum value of limiting friction that acts on the body when it is at
rest. Dynamic friction can also be classified as (a) Sliding friction (b) Rolling friction. Sliding friction acts
when two bodies slides over each other while rolling acts when the bodies rolls over another body. In
mechanical system we have two types of friction namely (a) Viscous friction (b) Static friction.
Dead Zone Non Linearities
This type of non linearity is shown by various electrical devices like motors, DC servo motors, actuators etc. Dead
zone non linearities refer to a condition in which output becomes zero when the input crosses certain limiting
Relays (ON/OFF Controller) Non Linearities
Electromechanical relays are frequently used in control systems where the control strategy requires control signal
with only two or three states. This is also called as ON/OFF controller or two state controller.
Relay Non Linearity (a) ON/OFF (b) ON/OFF with Hysteresis (c) ON/OFF with Dead Zone. Fig (a) shows the ideal
characteristics of a bidirectional relay. In practice relay will not respond instantaneously. For input currents
between the two switching instants, the relay may be in one position or other depending upon the previous history
of the input. This characteristic is called ON/OFF with hysteresis that shows in Fig (b). A relay also has a definite
amount of dead zone in practice that show in Fig (c). The dead zone is caused by the fact that the relay field
winding requires a finite amount of current to move the armature.
Backlash Non Linearities
Another important non linearity commonly occurring in physical system is hysteresis in mechanical transmission
such as gear trains and linkages. This non linearity is somewhat different from magnetic hysteresis and is
commonly reffered to as backlash non linearities. Backlash in fact is the play between the teeth of the drive
gear and those of the driven gear. Consider a gear box as shown in below figure (a) having backlash as illustrated
in fig (b).
Fig (b) shows the teeth A of the driven gear located midway between the teeth B 1, B2 of the driven gear. Fig (c)
gives the relationship between input and output motions. As the teeth A is driven clockwise from this position, no
output motion takes place until the tooth A makes contact with the tooth B 1 of the driven gear after travelling a
distance x/2. This output motion corresponds to the segment mn of fig (c). After the contact is made the driven
gear rotates counter clockwise through the same angle as the drive gear, if the gear ratio is assumed to be unity.
This is illustrated by the line segment no. As the input motion is reversed, the contact between the teeth A and B 1
is lost and the driven gear immediately becomes stationary based on the assumption that the load is friction
controlled with negligible inertia. The output motion therefore causes till tooth A has travelled a distance x in the
reverse direction as shown in fig (c) by the segment op. After the tooth A establishes contact with the tooth B 2, the
driven gear now mores in clockwise direction as shown by segment pq. As the input motion is reversed the
direction gear is again at standstill for the segment qr and then follows the drive gear along rn.
Describing Function Method of Non Linear Control System
The describing function method in control system was invented by Nikolay Mitrofanovich Kryloy and Nikolay
Bogoliubov in year of 1930 and later it developed by Ralph Kochenburger.
Describing function method is used for finding out the stability of a non linear system of all the analytical
methods developed over the years for non linear control systems, this method is generally agreed upon as being
the most practically useful. This method is basically an approximate extension of frequency response methods
including Nyquist stability criterion to non linear system. The describing function method of a non linear system
is defined to be the complex ratio of amplitudes and phase angle between fundamental harmonic components of
output to input sinusoid. We can also called sinusoidal describing function. Mathematically,
Let us assume that input x to the non linear element is sinusoidal, i.e, For this input, the
output y of the non linear element will be a non sinusoidal periodic function that may be expressed in terms of
Let us take
input function as Now from the curve we can define the output as:
On substituting the value of the output in the above equation and integrating the function from 0 to 2π we have
the value of the constant A1 as zero. Similarly we can calculate the value of Fourier constant B 1 for the given output
and the value of B1 can be calculated as
On substituting the value of the output in the above equation y(t) = Y we have the value of the constant B 1
Let us
take input function as Now from the curve we can define the output as
The output
periodic function has odd symmetry : Let us first calculate Fourier series constant A1.