Lie Detection Tech

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Bautista, BJ G.

BS Crim 3-B Use of Drugs that inhibit the inhibitor

A. administration of truth serum

-The term “truth serum” is a misnomer the procedure

FORENSIC5: Lie Detection Techniques
does not make someone tell the truth and the thing
(continuation…) administered is not a serum but it’s actually a drug.

-In the test hyoscine hydrobromide is given

hypodermically in repeated doses until a state of
Use of Word Association Test delirium is induced
-A list of stimulus and non-stimulus word is read to the -When the proper point is reached, the questioning
subject who is instructed to answer as quickly as begins and the subject feels the compulsion to answer
possible the questions truthfully. He forgets his alibi that he may
-The answer to the question may be a “YES” OR “NO” have built up to cover his guilt.

-Unlike the lie detector the time of interval between the -He may give details about his acts or may even
words uttered by the examiner and the answer of the implicate others
subject is recorded.

-Techniques not machine Narcoanalysis or Narcosynthesis

-Speed of the answer specially the interval of answers -The term Narco analysis is derived from the Greek
or responses in questions word narko (meaning anaesthesia or Torpor) and is
-When the subject is asked questions with reference to used to describe a diagnostic and psychotherapeutic
his name address, civil status, nationality, etc, which has technique that uses psychotropic drugs, particularly
no relation to the subject matter of the investigation, barbiturates.
the tendency is to answer quickly. -in a treatment technique that involves the
administration of narcotic drugs to stimulate recall of
emotional traumas, followed by “synthesis” of these
How are polygraph and psychological stress evaluator experiences with the patient's emotional life through
similar? therapeutic discussions in the waking state.
-The PSE and the polygraph operate similarly. Both rely -A method of treating acute traumatic neurosis by
on the fact that deception causes stress and that stress working with a patient while he or she is under the
causes psycho- physiological changes. 2 The polygraph influence of a hypnotic drug. Narcoanalysis is directed
measures changes in the subject's heartbeat, toward making the patient recall repressed memories
respiration and perspiration. The PSE mea- sures and emotional traumas.
changes in the subject's voice.

-It was developed to detect levels of significant

emotional stress from vocal utterances and was Intoxication
expected to be useful in psychological and psychiatric What is an example of intoxication?
evaluations and in lie detection.
-Involuntary intoxication occurs when someone is
-Another mechanical instrument currently used to tricked into consuming a substance like drugs or
detect deception is the Psychological Stress Evaluation alcohol, or when someone is forced to do so. For
(introduced in the 1970's), which measures human instance, a woman who has a date rape drug placed in
stress by analyzing the voice. her drink without her knowledge is involuntarily
-In using this approach, the investigator allows the
interviewee to control many aspects of the interview
subject matter, formality, and pace.
What are the signs of intoxication?
-The passive approach is commonly called as “non-
Signs of Intoxication directive interview”

-Difficulty with fine motor skills (difficulty picking up

small things like toothpicks, napkins, tying their shoes
Aggressive Role
-The aggressive role requires the investigator to
-Speaking too loud or too softly.
establish the goals and purpose of the interview at the
-Talking fast, then slow, then fast. outset of the interview.

-Slurred speech. -He controls the pace, formality, and subject matter of
the interview
-Bloodshot eyes.
-An aggressive approach is commonly called a directive
-Sweating when no one else is. interview
-Dopey, not alert (responds slowly to questions) -To employ this approach the investigator uses primary
closed or narrow questions most of which require only
short or direct answer
-It is the alteration of consciousness and concentration
in which the subject manifest a heightened -Confession is an expressed acknowledgment by the
suggestibility while awareness is maintained. accused in a criminal case of the truth of his guilt as to
the crime charged or of some essential thereof
-The subject is instructed to sit quietly and gaze at a
flashing light or shiny object dangled before his eyes -Confession is different from admission, although
and cooperate with whatever the hypnotizer would like admission includes as one of its species confession.
him to do. -Confession is a statement of guilt while admission is
-In this case, consciousness and cooperation of the usually a statement of facts by the accused that does
subject is a must not directly involve an acknowledgment of the accused.

-Franz Anton Mesmer – was the first to introduce Observation

hypnotism as a method of detecting deception -Express emotion without saying a word, the primary
reason for the existence of any investigator, whether in
the criminal, loss prevention personnel, intelligence,
Scientific Interrogation and private investigation field is to gather information
-Interrogation is a questioning of a person suspected of concerning the case being investigated
having committed an offense or of persons who are CONTINUATION…
reluctant or unwilling to make a full disclosure of
information in his possession that is pertinent to the -A good criminal investigator must be a keen observer
investigation and a good psychologist. A subject under stress on
account of the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous
-It may be done on a suspect or sometimes a witness system may exhibit changes that may be used as a
potential clue of deception

Passive Role -In recent years the study of “kinesics” interrogation

and interview has gained acceptance as a method of
detecting deception and truthfulness on the part of the -If you refer to an untrue statement as a white lie, you
subject mean that it is made to avoid hurting someone's
feelings or to avoid trouble, and not for an evil purpose.
-These outward physical behaviors of the body
exhibited during communication are known as “Non-
Verbal Communication”. Nonverbal communication is
defined as any part of communicative expression
outside of the words used to verbalized a response or -(black propaganda/political lies) sometimes called
question misinformation this is a line of information that is
seemingly valuable but is intended to destroy political
-By understanding the “ vocabulary ” of body language
belief or ideology
along with the diagnosis of a person’s verbal output an
interviewer could easily asses a person’s truthfulness or MALICIOUS LIES
deception regarding the current issue under discussion
- it is usually in the form of a pure dishonest statement
for the purpose of obstructing justice.
Types of Lies TYPES OF LIARS
-This lie is manifested by the response I DIT NOT DO IT -A person who lies in order to avoid the consequence of
to evade inner conflict while seeming to answer confession.
-A type of liar is afraid of embarrassment to loved ones
LIE OF OMISSION and is a serious blow to his ego.
-the type of lie commonly used because it is easy to tell. OCCUPATIONAL LIAR
The act of telling what transpired but omitting details
that are incrimination - A type of liar that this person is a practiced liar and lies
when it has a higher payoff than telling the truth.
-the type of lies used by a person who overplays what
actually happens. These could be in the form on a - A person who loves to lie and is excited by the
testimony where details are added to intensify the challenge of not being detected. Tournament Liar.
impact of the story ETHNOLOGICAL LIAR
LIE OF MINIMIZATION - a person trained to lie
-involved the acceptance of a person that something PSYCHOPATHIC LIAR
happened but downplays the implication or seriousness
of the offense - an individual who has no conscience thus capable of
lying to the point of causing death to other people.
-also called “lie of fabrication”
-creating a false history, such as saying they've achieved
- the type of lie that is most difficult to use or experienced something they haven't.
-this involves the act of creating a story or series of • claiming to have a life-threatening illness that
events that never transpired they don't have.
Other Types of Lies • telling lies to impress others, such as saying
WHITE LIE they're related to a famous person.

-one who enjoys pretending and better known as BARGAINING
HYPOCRITE (mapagpanggap)
-The weakest of all moods of rejection thereby leaving
the subject open for some manipulation by the

-When responding with bargaining the subject is making

an attempt to get the listener to agree with their
-Kinesics interview and interrogation is viewed as a perception of themselves an/or the conditions
multi-phase behavioral analysis system used to conduct surrounding the issue at hand
more effective and efficient interpersonal
 A- complaining for sympathy- paawa effect
 B- subtitute words –pagpapababa ng kasalanan
-KINESICS is the study of observable outward physical
behaviors of the body  C- Gray statement-madaming paligoy ligoy
Five Stress Response Techniques  D- Religious Statement-ginagamit ang salita ng
1. ANGER Diyos

-anger response is a mood of dominance in which the  E- Personal moral statement- pinapabango ang
subject will be trying to gain or maintain control pangalan
through some form of aggression.  F- Overly courteous – sobrang bait
-the use of anger is a mental form of fight known as  G- Name dropping- pag gamit ng mga
“flight or fight” response maipluwensyang tao

-this is the most easily recognizable of the two forms Acknowledgment (acceptance)
“FOCUSED ANGER” is an open frontal attack on the
interviewer, victim or witness -When the subject has reached the point of acceptance
he will no longer deny the reality of the event.
-However, this window of opportunity may not remain
- this is a subtle use of aggression by the subject open for very long
-this clandestine attack is conducted on an intellectual -It may also be a very tentative situation in that the
level and is very often overlooked by the interviewer wrong stimulus overstimulation or even an overly
4. DEPRESSION energetic response from the interviewer could cause
the window to close
-Depression is of opposite ends of the behavior or
conflict response continuum although the two have a -At this point, there are three general types of
strong common bond the common bond between statements from a subject that will indicate that they
anger and depression is the presence of aggression (do may be ready or open to the suggestion of confession
not misinterpret depression as acceptance. Listen for these are;
the verbal output and proceed with caution) A. buy out statement- bayaran nalang para matapos
5. DENIAL B. fantasy reality statement- childish behavior / moody
-the stress-response state of denial is the subject effort or bipolar
to reject reality C. Punishment Statement- kinakabahan ka sa mga
-more than 90% of the subject’s deceptive behavior will posibleng mangyari sayu
present itself to the investigative interviewer in the
form of a denial
- one conducting the polygraph examination

Polygraph test/polygraph examination

- is the whole process of questioning or taking one chart

from a series of questions or all of the charts and
questions sheet used in the test
Polygraph chart /polygram
1. Interview
- refers to the recorded tracing of all the emotional
– gathers all facts about the case by asking
patterns permanently on the charts or graphs from
series of questions
2. Formulate
- polygraph questions
-is the act of discovering the existence or pressure of
3. Prepare and set up the polygraph instrument something hidden obscured

4. Conduct pre-test questioning Deception

5. Profile the subject -is an act of deceiving or misleading usually

accompanied by lying
6. Prepare/condition the subject as so to be
tested Polygram

7. Collect Polygrams -refers to the composite records of the pneumograph,

galvanograph, and cardiograph tracing recorded from
8. Analyze and interpret polygraph tracings series of questions
9. Conduct post-test Questioning

Definitions of Terms


- is the force or motion reaching the organism from the

environment and excites the preceptors


- any activity aroused in an organism by a stimulus

which is of mental process


- any reaction usually of the muscular or glandular

process that depends upon stimulation

Specific response

- one that is exhibited by a subject to a particular

question which is a deviation from his norm


-refers to any person undergoing a polygraph


Polygraph examiner/polygraphist
and doesn't have the same ring. I like the cage imagery,
the suggestion that we're trapped by our own body's

-Human excretory system includes organs that facilitate
the removal of nitrogenous wastes from the body. The
main excretory organs include the kidney, ureter,
urinary bladder, and urethra. Kidneys filter the blood
THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM(CNS) and urine is the filtrate obtained.
-the central nervous system is the body's processing GENERAL RESPONSES RECORDED BY A POLYGRPH
-the brain controls most of the functions of the body, blood pressure and pulse change at the same rate?
including awareness, movement, thinking, speech, and
the 5 senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and -Your heart rate and your blood pressure do not
smelling automatically increase at the same rate. It's possible for
your heart rate to safely increase twice as much as the
THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM normal heart rate while your blood pressure only
-the circulatory system is made up of blood vessels that increases a minimal amount
carry blood away from and towards the heart. GALVANIC SKIN REFLEX
-Arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins -the galvanic skin response (GSR, which falls under the
carry blood back to the heart. T umbrella term of electrodermal activity, or EDA) refers
-the circulatory system carries oxygen, nutrients, and to changes in sweat gland activity that are reflective of
hormones to cells, and removes waste products, like the intensity of our emotional state, otherwise known
carbon dioxide. as emotional arousal


-the respiratory system includes the nose, mouth, -the normal respiratory rate for healthy adults is
throat, voice box, windpipe, and lungs. between  12–20 breaths per minute. At this breathing
rate, the carbon dioxide exits the lungs at the same rate
-Air enters the respiratory system through the nose or that the body produces it. Breathing rates of below 12
the mouth. If it goes in the nostrils (also called nares), or above 20 can mean a disruption in the normal
the air is warmed and humidified breathing processes


-the organs that are involved in breathing INSTRUMENT

-these include the nose, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi, 1. CARDIOSPHYGMOGRAPH

and lungs. Also called the respiratory system. Enlarge. - Is considered as the most important use to record
THE BONY CAGE Blood pressure

-the Bone Cage means “the body.” I could have even 2. PNEUMOGRAPH
called the novel The Body, but that's a bit heavy-handed - Use to record respiration

- Use to record perspiration FINGER ELECTRODES

– is attached on the index finger

Metal plates- ?


CUFFBAND- -A pneumography was used for recording respiratory

movements of the chest wall is described.
- is attached on the upper arm to measure the changes
on blood pressure -It has been used as a timer for electrokymographic
recordings of the respiratory movements of the
diaphragm, and chest wall, and the variations of the
-it is use to pump air going to the cuff band transmission of roentgen rays through the lungs during
Pneumograph Section
- use to adjust the pressure in releasing air
Corrugated rubber tubes
-The pneumograph is designed on a vacuum or
- it controls the amount of air pneumatic principle for recording of normal and
SPHYGMOMANOMETER GAUGE variation from subject respiratory norm. when the
subject inhales the volume of air within the tube
-used to measure the amount of air decrease when he exhales the tube expands
SPHYGHAND Vent valve
- a part of Sphygmomanometer gauge use to identify - this vent operates on the same principles as does the
the amount and pressure of the air inside the cuff band cardio vent. Its purpose is to open or close the
COVERED BLADDER pneumograph system

- Use to locate Pulse Main Centering Knob

PNEUMOGRAPH - manually operated the knob is used to adjust and keep

the pneumo recording pen in its proper place on the
-is placed on the Upper part of chest chart
- is placed on the abdomen and thoracic - same basic function as in the cardio and galvo units.
BEADED CHAIN Pneumograph
- holder of the corrugated rubber tube when placing - most sensitive same length and size as the cardio pen
and identically construction so as to be interchangeable
proper balance is obtained through use of its crew in
- Galvanic skin reflex (GSR Electricity) changes in our weight.
Perspiration (pawis or sweat)
Obtaining proper tracing or pattern
– center the oscillating pen with the idea of obtaining a
-Release OHMS one inch amplitude where possible

Manual/ automatic switches Technical production of the pneumograph tracing

-normal adults produce a repiratory pattern of from - this part of the galvo is self-explanatory this knob is
fifteen to twenty breaths per minute simply used to position the pen on the chart and to
make adjustments

Inkwell and pen fork

- the ink well here is the same as that of the cardio and
– consist of two 10 inches convoluted tubes fastened
Galvo pen
around the subject’s chest and abdomen. During a test,
as the circumference of the subject's chest and - this pen on both stoelting and keeler instruments as
abdomen increases with each inspiration of air, the far as production of tracing in a chart is concerned is
pneumograph tubes stretch: as the subject exhales, the from about four to seven seconds behind the
contraction it moves pneumograph cardio colliding with the other two pens
and to allow a greater range of execution of the chart
-an instrument that records the movements or volume
change of the lungs. The record is produced either by KYMOGRAPH
electric monitoring of the rate and extent of respiratory -Writing levers are used to trace the recording from
movements or by X-ray imaging of the lungs after they muscle contractions
have been injected with gas to improve the visual
-some of the commonly used writing levers are the
contrast between tissue areas.
simple lever, the frontal writing level, and the starling
GALVANOGRAPH heart lever

-the galvanograph component is used to record the skin -these writing levers are connected to a fulcrum which
resistance of the subject to a very small amount of is found on a secondary apparatus.

- It is composed of the finger or palm electrode

assembly, and amplifier. unit and the galvanometer
recorded unit.

-The finger electrode connects the subject

Hand Electrodes --end--

- Depending on the instrument used keeler or stoelting
with or without conducting jelly palm or finger clip
method the hand electrodes system of the galvo unit
must first be appropriately attached to the subject.

Master Control Switch

-this switch activates the entire galvo section

Sensitivity (Reactivity)Control Dial

- a very important unit that must be used properly for

effective galvo operation the sensitivity control through
adjustment is intended to balance the electrical current
of the instrument with resistance within the subject’s

Balancing Control knob

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