Rubrics 2-Reflection and Refraction

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Lab Report : Reflection and Refraction

Teacher Name: Mr. Olimpo

Student Name:     ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Completeness All required One component is Two components are Three or more
elements are missing missing component are
present. (Question,
Materials, Method,
Result, Illustrations,

Participation Used time well in lab Used time pretty Did the lab but did Participation was
and focused well. Stayed focused not appear very minimal OR student
attention on the on the experiment interested. Focus was hostile about
experiment. most of the time. was lost on several participating.

Experimental Hypothesized Hypothesized Hypothesized No hypothesis has

Hypothesis relationship between relationship between relationship between been stated.
the variables and the the variables and the the variables and the
predicted results is predicted results is predicted results has
clear and reasonable based on been stated, but
reasonable based general knowledge appears to be based
on what has been and observations. on flawed logic.
Materials All materials and Almost all materials Most of the materials Many materials are
setup used in the and the setupu used and the setup used described
experiment are in the experiment are in the experiment are inaccurately OR are
clearly and clearly and accurately not described at all.
accurately accurately described.
described. described.

Procedures Procedures are Procedures are Procedures are Procedures do not

listed in clear steps. listed in a logical listed but are not in a accurately list the
Each step is order, but steps are logical order or are steps of the
numbered and is a not numbered and/or difficult to follow. experiment.
complete sentence. are not in complete

Data Professional looking Accurate Accurate Data are not shown

and accurate representation of the representation of the OR are inaccurate.
representation of the data in tables and/or data in written form,
data in tables and/or graphs. Graphs and but no graphs or
graphs. Graphs and tables are labeled tables are presented.
tables are labeled and titled.
and titled.
Conclusion Conclusion includes Conclusion includes Conclusion includes No conclusion was
whether the findings whether the findings what was learned included in the
supported the supported the from the experiment. report OR shows
hypothesis, possible hypothesis and what little effort and
sources of error, and was learned from the reflection.
what was learned experiment.
from the experiment.
Safety     Lab is carried out Lab is generally
with full attention to carried out with
relevant safety attention to relevant
procedures. The set- safety procedures.
up, experiment, and The set-up,
tear-down posed no experiment, and
safety threat to any tear-down posed no
individual. safety threat to any
individual, but one
safety procedure
needs to be

Date Created: Feb 01, 2023 12:22 am (CST)

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