WT Phosp Test Kit

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The WT PHOSP TEST KIT is designed for the determina-
tion of Phosphate ion concentration in the water. The
Phosphate ions act as scale inhibitors in the water sys-
tems while preventing the precipitation of salts which
result in scale formation. At the same time they also
act as corrosion inhibitors by the formation of a thin
film on the metallic surfaces. With the determination
of the Phosphate ion concentration, the proper dosage
can be defined, which is necessary to adjust the water
conditions of the Boiler System.


The contents of the test kit are sufficient for 100 tests
as many as the number of the sticks which can be
found in the metallic package.

ACCESSORIES 3. Take one of the two small test tubes and fill it care-
fully with 6 drops of the reagent solution Phosphate–2
66 1 piece of test tube with a ring mark of 5ml and keep the solution. You may put it in the recess of
66 2 pieces of small test tubes the test kit plastic package.
66 1 piece of metallic package with 100 test sticks and a 4. Remove from the metallic package as many sticks
color indicator as required for the measurement and reseal the con-
tainer after use. Do not touch the test paper zone.
REAGENTS 5. Place the test stick into the prepared sample from
66 1 bottle of 30ml reagent solution Phosphate–1 the step 2 and leave it in the solution for about 15 sec-
66 1 bottle of 30ml reagent solution Phosphate–2
onds while shaking carefully.
6. Then place the test stick into the small test tube
PACKAGING which filled with the solution Phosphate–2 from the
step 3, for about 15 seconds.
Order Number : 700109
7. Remove the stick from the small tube and after 60
Container : Plastic Case seconds compare the color of the stick with the color
scale on the metallic package. If the Phosphate ions
TESTING PROCEDURE are present the colour changes to blue green.
Pre-treatment B. Evaluation of the Test Results
Before testing, samples must be cooled to 25ºC by With this procedure we can determine directly the
passing them through a cooler. Phosphate ions concentration in the Boiler System.
A. Determination of Phosphate Ions (PO4–3) For samples less than 20ppm of Phosphate ions con-
concentration centration the Boiler System has to be supplied with
1. Rinse the test tube several times from the sample the relevant PHOSPHATE, BWT NEW FORMULA or BWT
you wish to determine the Phosphate ions concentra- POWDER dosage according to the following table.
tion PO4–3 and fill it with the sample water to the ring For samples greater than 40ppm of Phosphate ions
mark of 5ml mark. concentration perform blowdown, replenish with
2. Add 5 drops of the reagent solution Phosphate–1 fresh water and check again the Phosphate ions con-
(Nitric Acid 19%) and shake it carefully. centration.


TABLE: Concentration of Phosphate ions (PO4–3) in ppm (Boiler System)

ppm PO4–3 0–10 10–20 20–40 40+

PHOSPHATE 30gr /tn of water 15gr /tn of water Satisfactory Blowdown

The PHOSPHATE dosage that has to be applied anytime C. Additional Information

the test performed in the Boiler System is described Making treatment in the Boiler system by the introduc-
by the table above. tion of BWT NEW FORMULA or BWT POWDER to adjust
the Phosphate, will significantly affect the Alkalinity
Initial dosage of PHOSPHATE and Sulfite concentrations. So it is recommended
50gr/tn of water when you treat the system with these products you
check all the concentrations in the Boiler system and
the pH value as well.
Should you need to adjust only the Phosphate con-
centration then you have to make treatment using
Phosphate. In this case however it will affect the alka-
linity but it shouldn’t cause a significant change in the
alkalinity’s value.
After the test results are obtained, they must be
recorded in the Marichem Boiler Water Treatment Log
Sheets. At the end of every month, these Log Sheets
should be submitted by the engineer responsible to
the owner company, who in turn should send them to
MARICHEM MARIGASES Worldwide Services for further
evaluation and technical analysis.

XXFor more information and literature concerning the

WT PHOSP TEST KIT measurements and the Boiler
Water Treatment program, feel free to contact the
MARICHEM MARIGASES Worldwide Services techni-
cal department.

Read the Material Safety Data Sheet before using this product.
For detailed information on safety and health, please refer to Material Safety Data Sheet and/or Product Label.

MARICHEM MARIGASES Worldwide Services or any subsidiary or associated companies warranties of merchantability and competence, if any, along with
any expressed warranties concerning this merchandise, shall not be actionable or pertinent or effective if the good is used contrarily or differently to the direc-
tions herein and in no other way due to impending hazards from inappropriate use of the good explained herein. Merchandise might vary insubstantially
depending on country of origin. The information provided concerning merchandise is exclusively presented to the customer.


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