Sample Film Extended Essay

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Film Overview

An extended essay in film provides students with an opportunity to undertake an in-depth investigation
into a topic of particular interest to them. Students are encouraged to engage in diligent, serious,
personal research, and to develop and explore in a disciplined and imaginative way an area of study
specifically appropriate to film or television.
Moving images are part of the everyday international currency of information and entertainment.
Audiences everywhere, young and old alike, respond with increasing sophistication to the ways that
stories and messages are presented. Complex skills are involved in the interpretation and enjoyment of
film, but critical understanding of how images tell stories, create emotional responses and give
information is less widely developed.
The study of film in an international context also allows students to broaden their vision of film culture
beyond the dominance of Hollywood or popular network television images, in keeping with the spirit
of intercultural understanding promoted by the IB.
Choice of topic
The first and most critical stage in preparing for the extended essay is the choice of a suitable topic and
students need appropriate guidance in making their final choice. The topic for an extended essay in
film must be one that clearly focuses on film (or television) rather than another subject area. For
instance, a study of film adaptations of Shakespeare’s plays or of classic novels must not become an
essay about the plays or the novels from a purely literary point of view, instead of a discussion about
the films from a filmic point of view.
The scope of the topic and the framing of the research question must be given careful consideration.
The topic needs to offer enough scope to provide material for a substantial essay without being too
general. It needs to be one that captures the interest and enthusiasm of the student. Establishing a topic,
however, is not enough. The essay also needs to have a sharp focus within the topic and the student has
to be perfectly clear about the following issues.
• What important question about the topic will the essay answer?
• What major arguments or points of view about the topic will be developed or proven in the
course of the essay?
• What needs to be said about the topic?
• What will the reader be led to understand about it?
• How might the ideas discussed be supported by evidence?
• What evidence will be appropriate?
Students should avoid developing ideas around the topic and research questions that have been
addressed fully in earlier academic studies unless they propose to examine existing views and argue
against them to a greater or lesser degree. Earlier studies must be used as a basis for discussion and not
be merely replicated.
Students should be firmly advised to avoid topics that are:
• mainly dependent upon summarizing secondary sources
• likely to lead to approaches that are essentially narrative or descriptive
• too general and not well focused
• more appropriate to other subject areas.
Students should check very carefully, before embarking on a topic, that they have sufficient sources to
support a substantial essay and that they have access to these sources when they need them. Early
planning is essential.
Please note: Students who are taking the Diploma Programme film course must exercise care in
selecting the material for their extended essay to ensure that it does not overlap significantly with any
other work the student is preparing to submit for examination. The extended essay should not be based,
for instance, on the same films the student has studied for the independent study assessment or for the
The following examples of titles for film extended essays are intended as guidance only. The pairings
illustrate that focused topics (indicated by the first title) should be encouraged rather than broad topics
(indicated by the second title).
• “A comparison of the treatment and depiction of the family in the films of Satyajit Ray and
mainstream Hindi films” is better than “The role of the family in Indian cinema”.
• “The contribution of Nino Rota’s composition to the films of Fellini (or Morricone–Leone,
Williams–Lucas)” is better than “Effective composer–director relationships”.
• “Goddess and vampire: two female archetypes in Hollywood cinema” is better than “Women
in film”.
• “The continuation and extension of silent film comedy in the films of Jacques Tati” is better
than “The comedy of Jacques Tati”.
Treatment of the topic
Clarity, coherence of ideas and attention to detail are all necessary to achieve an effective treatment of
a film topic in an extended essay. To ensure a suitable treatment of the topic, it is essential to construct
a well-formulated research question that allows the student to develop an essay that is cogent, rational,
and economical in expression. Ideas should be supported by relevant sources and specific reference to
film and/or television texts.
For primary sources, there must be detailed references to at least one film (or major television work).
Primary sources could consist of the film(s), the script, the screenplay, the score, personal contacts, or
personal correspondence with individuals involved in making the film.
For secondary sources, there must be close references to relevant sources (print and other media)
related to the essay’s title. Secondary sources could include journal and magazine articles, reviews,
DVD “extras”, second unit material, promotional material, internet material.
Once the topic and research question have been selected, students should ask themselves the following
• Is the topic one that will lead me to write a critical essay about film, film theory and history
without offering temptations for irrelevant digressions into other areas?
• Is the research question well enough focused to allow for a thorough analysis within the word
limit of the essay?
• Does the research question provide opportunities for me to write an essay that will meet the
highest levels in the assessment criteria?
Making a schedule for writing the essay will help students both meet deadlines and avoid a last-minute
rush to finish. Itemizing the stages of essay preparation (topic selection, research, drafting, polishing
and finishing) in a timeline and leaving extra time for unforeseen problems is one way of ensuring the
best work. Time for consultation with a supervisor or mentor needs to be built into the process.
Students should remember the cardinal rule of scheduling: Planning for just enough time will leave you
short of time; plan for too much time, instead.
Essays must focus on developing, supporting and illustrating their argument, rather than on plot
summary or character description. The essay should focus on the evaluation of the arguments in the
sources rather than simply on repeating what the sources have to say. Essays should not rely too
heavily on a single secondary source or on a number of items from a single author. A broad range of
ideas from different sources should be explored.
The use of accurate terminology is an essential requirement of an extended essay in film. Students must
pay close attention to the accurate and appropriate use of filmic terms. It is quite appropriate in an
essay on film to include elements such as drawings, diagrams, storyboard frames or camera layouts to
illustrate the text. All such references must be properly acknowledged, together with all other source
materials, in a properly structured list of sources at the end of the essay.
Given all this, it is important to note that the most successful essays are often those with a clear voice
that transmits the student’s enthusiasm and scholarship with clarity and conviction. The extended essay
should reflect a coherent and informed engagement with the student’s chosen topic.
The following examples are intended as guidance only.
Title Clint Eastwood as auteur
To what extent can Clint Eastwood be considered an auteur?
An investigation into the origins of auteur theory and a discussion of whether Clint
Eastwood’s work qualifies him to be considered an auteur, with specific reference to Play
Misty For Me (1971), The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976), Bird (1988) and Million Dollar
Baby (2004).
Title Neo-noir in colour
Research To what extent do the films Chinatown (1974), Blood Simple (1984) and Pulp
question Fiction (1994) qualify as film noirs?
An investigation into the origins and characteristics of the films classified as film noir, and
Approach an assessment as to how far the films listed above can be defined as belonging to the same
genre or style.
Title From Hill Street Blues to CSI
Research What has been the influence of Hill Street Blues on subsequent US television crime drama
question such as NYPD Blue and CSI?
An investigation into the impact that Hill Street Blues has had upon the content and style
of subsequent crime drama on American television, with particular reference to specific
episodes of NYPD Blue and CSI, and the extent to which this has influenced the overall
nature of the programmes.
Title African film and cultural independence
To what extent have the films of Ousmane Sembene been able to retain a truly indigenous
style and content in the face of pressures to make films more acceptable for an
international market?
An investigation into how Ousmane Sembene’s films have achieved and maintain
Approach international status in world cinema, with particular reference to the narrative and visual
style of Xala (1974), Guelwaar (1992) and Moolaade (2004).
Title Ang Lee as an international film-maker
Research To what extent do the films of Ang Lee enable him to be considered a truly international
question film-maker?
An investigation into what has enabled Ang Lee to become a significant contemporary
director with films from very different cultural contexts, with particular reference to Yin
shi nan nu—Eat Drink Man Woman (1994), Sense and Sensibility (1995), Wo hu cang
long—Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) and Brokeback Mountain (2005).
Interpreting the assessment criteria
Criterion A: research question
The research question can often be best defined in the form of a question. It may, however, also be
presented as a statement or proposition for discussion. It must be:
• specific and sharply focused
• appropriate to the particular area of film being explored
• centred on film, not on peripheral issues such as biography or social discourses
• stated clearly early on in the essay.
Criterion B: introduction
The introduction should relate the research question to existing subject knowledge: the student’s
personal experience or particular opinion is rarely relevant here.
The introduction should not be used to pad out an essay with a lengthy account of the context of the
films chosen.
Criterion C: investigation
The range of resources available will be influenced by various factors, but above all by the topic.
Students should use, in the first instance, the primary sources of the films and/or television
programmes themselves, with secondary sources such as textbooks, reviews, websites and DVD
“extras” as evidential support.
The proper planning of an essay should involve interrogating source material in light of the research
question, so that the views of academics and theorists are used to support the student's own argument,
and not as a substitute for that argument. It may thus be helpful for a student to challenge statements
made in reference to the films being studied, instead of simply agreeing with them, where there is
evidence to support such a challenge.
Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied
Students should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the films and/or television programmes
chosen, together with their historical, social and cultural, as well as academic, contexts. Wherever
possible, this knowledge should be based at least partially on primary sources.
Criterion E: reasoned argument
Students should be aware of the need to give their essays the backbone of a developing argument.
Personal views should not simply be stated but need to be supported by reasoned argument to persuade
the reader of their validity. Straightforward descriptive or narrative accounts that lack analysis do not
usually advance an argument and should be avoided.
Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the
Students should demonstrate an accurate and consistent application of appropriate textual analysis to
illuminate specific aspects of the films and/or television programmes chosen, demonstrating an
understanding and a persuasive personal interpretation of the subject matter. The key concept here is to
address how moving-image texts in film and/or television create or construct meaning, and to evaluate
how others have interpreted such meanings.
If students make use of internet-based sources, they should do so critically and circumspectly in full
awareness of their potential unreliability.
Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject
Specifically filmic terminology must be used wherever appropriate.
Criterion H: conclusion
“Consistent” is the key word here: the conclusion should develop out of the argument and not introduce
new or extraneous matter. It should not repeat the material of the introduction; rather, it should present
a new synthesis in light of the discussion.
Criterion I: formal presentation
This criterion relates to the extent to which the essay conforms to academic standards about the way in
which research papers should be presented. The presentation of essays that omit a bibliography or that
do not give references for quotations is deemed unacceptable (level 0). Essays that omit one of the
required elements—title page, table of contents, page numbers—are deemed no better than satisfactory
(maximum level 2), while essays that omit two of them are deemed poor at best (maximum level 1).
Filmographies should be included where appropriate; illustrations (including thumbnail screen grabs)
and tables and charts, if relevant, should appear in the body of the essay, as close as possible to their
first reference.
Criterion J: abstract
The abstract is judged on the clarity with which it presents an overview of the research and the essay,
not on the quality of the research question itself, nor on the quality of the argument or the conclusions.
Criterion K: holistic judgment
Qualities that are rewarded under this criterion include the following.
• Intellectual initiative: Ways of demonstrating this in film essays include the choice of topic
and research question, locating and using a wide range of sources, including some that may
have been little used previously or generated for the study (for instance, transcripts of oral
• Insight and depth of understanding: These are most likely to be demonstrated as a
consequence of detailed research, reflection that is thorough and well informed, and reasoned
argument that consistently and effectively addresses the research question.
• Creativity: In film essays, this may include qualities such as comparison of filmic features,
inventive approaches to textual analysis, and new approaches to popular topics.

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