Basic English Class

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Some common topics of conversation between new friends include introductions, backgrounds, interests, and plans. Common questions involve things like where someone is from, their family, hobbies, and school/work.

Common topics include backgrounds, interests, hobbies, sports, favorite subjects in school, places to visit in the area.

Common questions when ordering food involve requesting the menu, placing an order, requesting drinks, bills, allergies, and dietary restrictions like vegetarian options.

• Introduce Yourself in English Conversation

• Dialogue 1

• Hey! Looks like we’re gonna be lab partners this semester. I’m Emma. Hi.
• I’m Trevor. Nice to meet you.
• Nice to meet you, too. You don’t look very familiar to me. Are you new to this
• I am. My family and I just moved here last month.

• Where did you live before?

• We lived in Mason Heights.
• Did you live in Masson Heights your whole life? Or were you born somewhere else?
• I was born in Mason Heights and lived there until now.

• When were you born?

• I was born on December 14th, 2007. It was a Friday, at 6 o’clock in the morning. I
guess I’m an early riser.
• Friday is my favorite day of the week. It’s the closest to the weekend and we have less

lessons than usual.

• Yeah, It’s my favorite day of the week too. What about you? When were you born?

• I was born on May 25th, 2007.

• We’re the same age. Were you born here, in Jeffersonville?
• No, I was born in Greece and moved here when I was five years old. My dad got a

green card and got a job here.

• Wow, that’s nice! So do you go back there very often?
• Yes, my family and I spend our summer vacations in Greece every two years. So it

certainly feels like my second home. It’s where my roots are.

• Can you speak Greek?

• Yes, I can speak Greek fluently.

• That’s awesome! So do you like living here?
• Yes, I love it. And I love this school too. I feel so comfortable here because the
teachers are really nice and helpful. I joined a lot of clubs when I came here and I

have a lot of friends.

• What sports facilities are there in this school?
• We have a gym and a stadium. We are also lucky to have a swimming pool in our

• Wow, that’s great to hear! I’ve been thinking of joining a sports club to try to meet
more people.
• That’s a great idea. We have so many clubs for all kinds of sports and hobbies. What

do you like to do?

• I love Athletics. That’s my favorite thing. I also like swimming a lot. What is
your favorite subject?

• My favorite subject is Science because I like doing experiments.

• What subject do you find the most difficult?

• It’s social studies because I have to take a lot of notes.

• My favorite subject is Math because I like solving problems. The most difficult
subject for me is History. I’m very bad at memorizing dates and names.

• I pretty much feel the same way.

• What are some of your favorite places to go here?

• I like going to the mall, the park and the Grand Plaza market on Saturdays.
• Is there a movie theater here?
• The mall has its own movie theater and is a short walk from our school. It has all of

the newly released movies.

• That’s awesome!

• I’m going there this Saturday with some friends. You can join us if you like.
• Great! I can’t wait!
• Dialogue 2

• Excuse me, is this the right place for the meeting about the Spain trip?
• Yes, You’re in the right place. It seems we’ve arrived too early. Are you thinking of

studying abroad in Spain next semester?

• I am! I have been wanting to go on this trip since my freshman year.

• Me too! I’m very excited to hear all of the details. I’m Martin, by the way.

• Nice to meet you, Martin. I’m Jasmine.

• Do you speak Spanish?

• I don’t. But I’m hoping I’ll learn during this trip. I’ve always wanted to become fluent

in a second language, so I think this opportunity will be perfect for me.

• How about you? Do you speak Spanish?

• I speak a little bit, but I want to improve. I actually speak French pretty well, so I’m

hoping that will help

• Are you from France?

• I was born in the states, but my parents are from Belgium.

• How cool!

• How about you? Where are you from?

• I was born in Chicago, but I grew up in Michigan. Then I decided to move to

Tennessee for college.

• How did you end up here at the University of Tennessee?

• Well, my parents moved from Belgium to Tennessee for my dad’s job before I was

• Once they had me, they decided to stay in Tennessee and raise me here. So I’ve been

in Tennessee all of my life.

• Is your family nearby?

• They all live about two hours from here.

• Do you have siblings?

• No, I’m an only child. What about you?

• I have an older sister who goes to college in New York. I don’t get to see her very

often, but we both try to get back to Michigan for the holidays.

• That’s good. What is your major?

• I’m studying International Business, hence the trip to Spain. I think it will be cool to

learn about how other cultures conduct business. And to learn a language.

• For sure. That will be very useful.

• What are you majoring in?

• I’m studying Architecture. I want to get to Spain and get inspired by the amazing

buildings and historical designs.

• I bet they are beautiful.

• I’m sure I’ll take millions of photos.

• Me too.
• Would you be interested in getting a coffee after the meeting to talk about the trip?

• I would love that! We will discuss all the details after the meeting.
• Great! Looking forward to it.

• Me too.

Dialogue 3

• Hello! Welcome to the neighborhood!

• Hi! Thank you! I’m Stacy.

• Pleased to meet you! I’m Amanda.

• Nice to meet you as well. It’s been a crazy few days of moving and unpacking! We

haven’t had a chance to introduce ourselves to anyone in the neighborhood yet.

• No worries at all! I could see you had your hands full trying to get settled. I wanted to

wait a few days before stopping over to say hello.

• Thanks. Have you lived here for a while?

• We have. We actually built our house about 15 years ago, and we’ve been here ever


• That’s quite a while!

• That’s right. Where did you guys move from?

• We used to live in Atlanta. My boss asked me if I’d be willing to transfer to

California, and I thought it would be great to move out here.

• It is fantastic. The weather is great. The people are nice. It’s a great place to be.

• That’s what I heard.

• So, what do you do?

• I’m in IT. I work for a large computer company that develops software for lawyers

and courthouses.

• That sounds interesting.

• It is. I really enjoy it. What about you. What do you do?
• I’m a nurse at the local hospital. And my husband is a teacher at the high school.

• Nice! My husband worked as a realtor in Atlanta, and he hopes to continue to do that

• I’m sure he will have no problem getting a job selling houses out here. The market is

incredible right now.

• That’s what we’re hoping. Do you have any kids?

• We have three boys. Aidan is 14, Ryan is 12, and Ian is 10.

• That’s awesome! We have two boys. Leo is 13, and Zack is 11.

• Do they like to play basketball?

• They love basketball!

• That is great. We have a park with a nice basketball court at the end of the street

where my boys play all the time. I’m sure they’d love to take your boys there.
• That would be so nice. They’ve dying to make some new friends and burn off

some energy.
• Would you and your family like to come over for a cookout tonight? Nothing fancy,

just some hot dogs and burgers?

• We could introduce our boys to each other and introduce our husbands as well. What

do you think?

• Thank you so much. We would love that.

• It will be a fun evening for all of us!
• Good morning /Good afternoon/Good evening /Good Night
• Hello good morning.
• How are you?
• I am great. I am fine. good / I am not feeling well.
• And u? How about you?
• I am ok.
• What are you doing these days?
• Not so much. Just usual.
• I am so busy with my work.
• How it’s going?
• It’s great.
• It’s bad. I have been working a lot.
• Are you ok with everything?
• Yes, I am ok.
• No, I am not ok. My apartment rental fee is very expensive. There is no fan and the
room is very hot. There is no enough water. The room is very dirty.
• What do I have to do today? Madam.
• You have to do laundry and clean the house.
• Do the dishes. Take care the baby.
• Madam: I won’t be able to come tomorrow for cleaning.
• Housewife: OH, why is it so?
• Maid: Madam, my husband, and kids will be at home tomorrow, so I’ll need to be
with them.
• Housewife: But Lily, I’m paying you for the whole month, you cannot just take leave
any day.
• Maid: I understand madam, but if I don’t take a leave tomorrow, my husband would
say that you work every day and you don’t even have time for your kids and family.
• Housewife: But you are working and working for family only.
• Maid: Yes, ma’am but I won’t be able to work tomorrow if you wish I’ll work extra
on Sunday.
• Housewife: Okay then, if you say so.
• Maid: For now, I’ve done washing the dishes and clothes. I’ll sweep and mop the
floor now.
• Housewife: Yes, and please clean from the bedroom’s corner too, you tend to leave
that spot every day.
• Maid: I’ll do that too madam.
• Housewife: And I wanted to inform you that we are having guests the day after
tomorrow, so you’ll have to come early. Now that you’ve started to cook also, I want
you to cook a delicious Indian meal on that day.
• Maid: Don’t worry ma’am, I’ll be on time. What time shall I come that day?
• Housewife: They will be having lunch here so I want you to come morning at 9 so
that you can clean the house also and simultaneously will cook also. Don’t worry, I’ll
help you that day with the cooking. You won’t have to do it alone.
• Maid: Thank you so much, madam.
• Housewife: Yeah, no problem. Now you complete the work and I’ll look at the rest.
Maid: Okay madam.

• Conversation-2

• Hello mam, I am looking for a job. So, is there any requirement for a maid in your
• Mother: Yes. In fact, I was also searching for a maid.
• Maid: I am interested in doing this job.
• Mother: Could you please tell me where were you working before?
• Maid: I was working in A-block at Mr. Mukesh’s house.
• Mother: Why did you leave that work?
• Maid: l left because they shifted to Kerala last Sunday.
• Mother: What were your working hours there?
• Maid: I used to work there in two shifts. Morning 10:00 a.m -2:00 p.m and evening
4:00 p.m-6:00 p.m.
• Mother: But I am looking for a full-time maid.
• Maid: I am ready to do that.
• Mother: What all work you can do?
• Maid: I can do all the household works.
• Mother: That’s good. You can come from tomorrow.
• Maid: How much will I be paid?
• Mother: I will pay you 15000/- per month.
• Maid: Okay, I will come from tomorrow
• Mother: Do come at 10 in the morning.
• Maid: Sure.

• A. Taxi
B.Get on, please. Where do you want to go?

• Please hurry. I’m late I need to be at the railway station in 20 minutes.

• Alright, Miss. Take it easy.

• How does actually do you figure out the fare?

• According to the kilometer rate, the first three kilometers are $10 and every

kilometer extra cost you $2.

• Oh, I see.

• Here we are, Miss.

• Thank you. How much do I owe you?

• You owe me $28.

• That’s $30. Keep the change.

• Thank you.
• Dialogue 2

• Hello.

• Hello. Is this taxi Service Center?

• Yes, Sir. What can I do for you?

• I’m going to the airport tomorrow. I want to book a taxi.

• Okay. Can you tell me when you need it?

• My flight is at 10 o’clock in the morning. So I think the taxi should pick me up at


• A.7:30 a.m. No problem. Where can the driver find you tomorrow morning?
• Number 345 York Street. By the way, do I need to pay any extra for my suitcases?

• Yes, you are charged $1 a piece.

• B.I see. Thank you.

• Calling for the Lost
• Dialogue 1

• Emergency Assistance, may I help you?

• I’ve just been robbed. Can you help me?

• Yes. Are you injured, Miss?

• No, I’m just scared.

• Stay calm, Miss. Could you tell me your name and where you are?

• My name is Emily Davis. I’m calling from Motel 23 on Pine Street.

• Please stay there. Our offices will meet you in less than three minutes.

• Thank you very much.

• Dialogue 2
• What can I do for you, sir?

• I lost my backpack.

• Do you know when you lost it?

• About 20 minutes ago I think.

• Can you still remember where you saw it last time?

• B.I put it down on that chair, and after I came back from the toilet, it’s gone.
• Okay. Don’t worry, sir. We will take care of it. Now, could you let me know your


• Then Scott.

• Your cell number, sir?

• B.708 – 6356.
• Okay. We will let you know when we find it.

• Thanks a lot.

• Identifying lost items

• Dialogue 1

• Can I help you?

• Yes. I got a call told me that you’ve found my suitcase.

• Hold on, sir. What’s your name?

• Mike Jones.

• Okay. Please follow me. Could you tell me what’s in your suitcase?

• Some clothes. And some important files in it as well. Oh, and my passport.

• Okay. Mike Jones?

• Yes, it’s me.

• Alright, sir. You can fill out the from and get your suitcase back now.

• Thank you very much.

• You are welcome.

• Dialogue 2

• Did you see my purse?

• Excuse me. You lost your purse?

• Yes, it’s brown.

• Is this your purse, Miss.

• No, it’s not.

• Don’t worry. Can you describe your purse? I’ll try to help you.

• It’s a leather purse in brown. And there is a logo in the center of the surface.

• Okay. I got it. I’ll let you know when we find it.
Thank you very much.

• English travel vocabulary and Phrases
o Booking Accommodation:
• Can you recommend a good hotel/hostel?
• I’d like to book a room for (number of nights).
• How much does a (single/double) room cost?
• Is breakfast included in the price?
• Do you have any availability for (date/number of nights)?
• I’d like to reserve a (single/double/twin/triple) room, please.
• Does the room have (a private bathroom/air conditioning/a balcony)?
• What’s the check-in/check-out time?
o At the Airport:
• What time does my flight depart/arrive?
• Can I have a window/aisle seat, please?
• How many bags can I check in?
• Where is the boarding gate?
• Where is the baggage claim area?
• Can you tell me the gate number for my flight?
• Is there a shuttle bus to the city center?
• Where can I exchange currency?
o Getting Around:
• How do I get to (name of destination)?
• Is there a bus/train/metro that goes to (name of destination)?
• How much does a ticket to (name of destination) cost?
• Can you call me a taxi, please?
• Is it far from here to (name of destination)?
• How long does it take to get to (name of destination)?
• Can you show me on the map how to get to (name of destination)?
• How much does a one-way/round-trip ticket cost?
o Ordering Food:
• Can I see the menu, please?
• I’d like to order (dish name).
• Can I have a glass/bottle of (drink name), please?
• Could you bring me the bill, please?
• I’m allergic to (ingredient). Is it in this dish?
• Could we have separate bills, please?
• Is there a vegetarian/vegan option?
• Can we see the dessert menu?
o Shopping:
• How much does this cost?
• Do you accept credit cards?
• Can I try this on, please?
• Can you give me a discount?
• Do you have this in a different size/color?
• Could you recommend something similar to this?
• I’m looking for a gift/souvenir for someone. What do you suggest?
• Could you tell me how much this costs in my currency?
o Emergency Situations::
• I need help.
• I lost my passport/bag/wallet.
• Can you call an ambulance/the police, please?
• Where is the nearest hospital/police station?
• My wallet/passport was stolen. Can you help me?
• I’m not feeling well. Is there a hospital/doctor nearby?
• I need to contact my embassy. Can you provide me with a phone?
• Can you please call the fire department/ambulance/police?
• Parking Problems in English Conversation
• Dialogue 1

• You can’t park here! You’ll get a ticket!

• Parking in this business area is a nightmare!

• Let’s look for a parking lot.

• We have to.

• There’s one right over there, and… ten dollars an hour.

• Sheer robbery!

• Well, do stop whining!

• Let’s go and get the parking ticket.

• Dialogue 2

• May I park my car here?

• Sorry, that’s not allowed. This is a private parking place only.

• Is there a parking lot near here?

• Yes, there is a parking lot just over there. There are many free parking spaces there.

You can save money on parking there.

• Can I find a parking space there?

• It’s hard to say. Just try your luck.

• Thank you very much!

• You are welcome.
• Changing an Appointment English Conversation
• Dialogue 1

• I’m sorry to tell you that I have to cancel our appointment.

• What happened?

• I must meet someone at the airport this afternoon.

• I’m sorry to hear that. Shall we meet tomorrow afternoon?

• Let me see. Oh, I have another appointment that afternoon

• Then, how about tomorrow morning?

• Sorry, I will attend a meeting tomorrow morning.

• It seems you won’t see me in this week, huh?
• Oh, come on, you misunderstood me. I’m really busy this week. What do you say if I

call you as soon as I’m free.

• All right, you’d better call me soon.

• Dialogue 2

• Hello!

• Hello! Is this Mr.Will?

• Yes.

• This is Smith. I wonder if our meeting could be put back a day or so.

• Oh, let me see…

• Would it be possible to postpone our meeting until Wednesday?

• Yes, sure.

• Would 2:30 p.m. be convenient for you?

• Yes, 2:30 p.m. is fine.

• Thank you very much. Goodbye, Mr. Will! I will see you in your office

on Wednesday afternoon.
• I will be there waiting for you.

Shopping At The Mall

Dialogue 1
• May I see some hats, please?
• What size do you take?
• I’m sorry. I don’t know.
• Let me measure you… Your size is 6. What color would you like?
• Brown, please.
• Here are some nice brown hats. Try this hat on. It’s a very good one.
• Yes, I like this one. It goes very well with my coat. How much is it?
• It’s ten dollars. Would you like to take it?
• Yes. I’m glad to take it.
• Do you want me to put it in a box?
• No, thank you. I’d like to put it on now.

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