Billy 12 IPA 4

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Name : Billy Yohanes

Class : 12 IPA 4
red color is my option
Choose the correct answer a, b, c, d or e
• Why .......go to the Zoo? It was reported that a new – born Panda is being shown to
• Don’t we to d. Don’t we would
• Don't we e. Don’t we will
• Don’t
• Tania : I have a very important interview tomorrow. But I have arranged some
Appointments with customers.
Lia : I ................. the appointments. I believe they will understand your situation.
• Suggest you rearranging d. Suggest you would rearrange
• Suggest you to rearrange e. Suggest you rearranged
• Suggest you rearrange
3. Dana : Well, I was thinking of going camping somewhere, puncak maybe
Nila : Camping?.......All the fuss and bother putting up a tent. Puncak what if it
rains? You are stuck in a tent all day.
Dana : perhaps, but I don’t mind that I always take some books with me to read. And
anyway I‘d much prefer to be stuck in a tent on mountain than in beach.
• I don’t agree you
• Why? But I think it sounds nice
• It is more interesting than cooking, isn’t it.
• How pity you are oh.
• I don’t see how you can like that.
4. Jono : .............
Jene : Cheating on test gives nothing but practising bad habits.
Jono : That sound quite convincing. Have you got reason for that?
Jene : Sure, first, we will be lazy to study because we can open the book
besides, a high Score can be achieved easily.
• Have you ever cheated on a test
• We should cheat on every written
• What was your openion about cheating on test.
• Let’s talk about cheating.
• We should be aware that relying on our selves.
5. Boy : would you like to go watching a movie this weedkend?”
Girl : I can’t. Iam low on cash right now. .......stay at home and watch TV instead.
a. How about b. let’s c. what about d. I think e. I will go.

6. Dad : I have a lot of work to finish, I don’t know how to manage it.
Son : ................... half of it if you want?
• Would you like me c. why don’t you e. I will help you
• I think so d. Do you mind.

7. Son : Sorry Dad, I think I lost your car key.

Father : ....... I must leave for the office now
• Why don’t you go to office
• Oh no
• You make me shy
• I am very happy
• I think it’s not a serious problem
Wawan is planning to visit his uncle and taking a public transportation like a bus to go
there. The time is estimation from his home to his uncle is thirty minutes by bus. The bus will
depart at 9.15 he is intending to leave his house at nine because to reach the nearest bus stop
from home takes five minutes walk arriving at the bus station. He buys a ticket he gets on the
bus and sits behind the driver. The seat is clean and nice. Moreover , what makes him very
excited is the view along the way. He enjoys seeing the nature , people and traffic rush.
Wawan is planning to stay at his uncle’s for a day and he can’t wait to get there
• Where is Wawan intending to go?
• His uncle’s house d. His grandma’s houses
• Bus station e. The driver’s house
• His friend’s house

• When will Wawan arrive at his uncle house?

• 9.15 b. 9.30 c. 9.45 d. 9.50 e. 9.55

• Why does Wawan enjoy his trip to his uncle house?

a. Because the bus is very clean d. Because of the nature

b. Because the bus is fast and fluent e. Because of traffic rush

c. Because he loves his uncle

• He is intending to leave his house. The word intending means........

• Purposing c. proposing e. constructing
b. instructing d. Destroying
Dear Dania Rahmawati,
Thanks for sending your letter to our “Motivation Column” about how to be successful in
job interview. Herewith , I suggest some points to prapare to your interview.
• You have to answer guestion from an interviewer politely and comprehensively. You
should also prepare some questions because you have a chance to ask him or her
questions. You should be ready to bring a small notebook. It helps to give the
imprssion that you are very interested in what that inteviewer is saying
• When an interviewer asks questions about your weaknesses, you should be honest
about weaknesses that will not have a bad impact on the job. You should let the
interview know about your plans to overcomes the weaknesses. It give the
impression that you want to learn and grow in your job.
• Prepation is very important so you should practice the interview in advance. Good
luck with your job interview.
• What is the text about?
• An experience of passing a job interview
• An argument why a job interview is important
• Some suggestions for success in a job interview .
• A description about what happens in a job interview.
• A motivational quotation to prepare for a job interview.
• What is TRUE according to the text?
• You should tell the interviewer all your weaknesses.
• The interviewer doesn’t have a chance to ask questions.
• You have a chance to choose what questions you will answer
• It is not permitted to bring small note book into a job intrview
• You should tell the interviewer about your strategies to overcome your
• should practice the interview in advance
What does the underlined idiom mean?
• Before something happens d. simultaneously
• In front of something e. Like an expert.
• In a very skilful way
• What is the synonym of blend is .......?
• Mix b. get c. take d. See e. Have.
In my opinion, rich countries, such as few countries in Europe, should help poor
countries that are located in Africa, Asia and south America. Rich countries should be
responsible for providing the basic needs for countries, such as food and education. It is
reported that famines always happen in some part s of Africa, mostly caused by climate
change and civil wars that lead to harvest failure.
It is the duty of all the nations governments to help poor countris so that the world can be
better place for all human beings. We should try to have a world where no one hears news
about starving and lack of education on other countries.
• What is the text tell about?
• The differrence between poor and rich countries
• The main duty of governments of poor countries.
• The main duty of governments of rich countries in Europe.
• The responsibility of rich countries to help poorer countries
• The duty of government in assisting their citizen’ prosperity.
• What is true statement according to the text.
• Rich countries should take over the poor countries to provide their food and
• Poor countries always find it dificult to get out of the poverty chain.
• Poor countries have the right to ask for help from rich countries.
• All countries whould work hand-in-hand to help poor countries.
• Civil wars always happen in poor countries.
• It is reported that famines always happen in some parts of Africa.
What does the underline word means.
• Poor b. chaos c. danger d. Hunger e. Harmful
• What is the Antonym baren is ......?
• Rich b. fertile c. poor d. Danger e. Hear

Currently, the number of students who bring mobile phone to school is
increasingly. They are allowed to do this by their parents for emergency reasons. From
my point of view bringing mobile phone to school can be accepted, asa long as it does not
disturb learning activities in the classroom.
Students commonly go to school and come home without their parents. In this
cases. I believe that mobile phones are essential. If the students get into some trouble on
their way, they can their parents immediately.
Moreover the parents need to inform their children every time they have to get
home late from work. I have no doubt that mobile phone are very useful for parents.
Parents can easily contact relatives to take care of their children when they have to be
Nevertheless, that make some mobile phones annoying is the fact that the ringing
of the mobile phone can intrrupt the learning process in the classroom. The students wil
also lose concentration when they contact their friends.
In conclusion, my attitude towards this case is that students can bring their mobile
phones to school for emergency cases, as ong as they turn them off in the class.
• What is the main idea paragraph one ?
• Why is mobile very important?
• The students can bring mobile phone to school.
• Students bring mobile phone to school increasingly
• Mobile phone for learning activities in school.
• Parents allowed their children bring mobile phone.
• Why did the writer say that mobile phone is essential for students?
• Mobile phone can help students play games
• Mobile phone can be friend of the students
• Mobile phone can search knowledge.
• The students can contact their parents when they have a trouble.
• The students can do home work with assist of mobile phone.
Global warming is a phenomenon used to describe the glbal increase in the
temperature of earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Global warming is not a new problem but
lately people are acknowledging that we are facing a serious problem. Climate change is
apparent everywhere. Failed crops economic slowdown, and deforestation, are among the
several impacts global warming.
First of all, there is irrefutable evidence that human activities have changed the
atmosphere of our earth. Since the time we have been industrializing, we started polluting
our waters and air, and have been releasing greenhouse gases that contribute to global
Secondly, according to researh by the greenpeace organization, there is evidence
of extensive deforestation being carried out in indonesia an other tropicals countries
around the world. These forests are used to grow crops like palm sugar, palm oil, and
coffee. The lifetime the weterns society ( greenpeace report 2007). The impact of climate
change is noticeable asia -pasific, either during hot days or too much rain accompanied
by wind and thunderstorm. This has started to affect the economy as well.
Futhermore, the shifting weather patterns have made it dificult for farmers to grow crops.
A recent study has shown that due to unpredictable patterns, there have been lot of failed
In conclusion, global warming is not a new probem nor are we solely responsible for it.
But as a citizen of the world, we have to take every posible action to help overcome this
issue. It is not only for us but for all the future generations to follow.

• What the statement bellow is not true according to the text?

• Global warming is not new issue for us.
• We polluted our water and air can contribute to global warming
• Deforestation can not help to decrease the global warming.
• The changing weather make farmers difficult to grow crops.
• We have to make every possibility to overcome global warming.

• What is the real effect for us about global warming?

• There is high temperature of the earth.
• People around the world feel problem about global warming
• Human activities have changed the climate.
• Global warming is not new issue for us
• The changing weather make flood anywhere.

• What is the main idea of paragraph two?

• Greenhouse contribute to global warming.
• We polluted our air and water
• There are too many industrialisations
• The forestation can help decrease temperature
• The human activities can change the atmosphere

• Why are we as world citizen have to responsible to overcome the global warming?
• Because the global warming is a big issue
• Because it is good for us and the future generation.
• Because too many human activities have changed the climate
• Because we will get glabal warming
• Because the weather pattern make us in difficulties.

• Climate changed is apparent everywhere. The synonym of apparent is.......

• Seem b. make c. effect d. Grow e. depend

Many years ago. There lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatera. He did not grow foods
but depended on the jungle to survive. Soon, there was a drought, all the plants and fruit
trees in the jungle died.
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to nearby
village trying to get some food. At first, the villagers were very happy to help him.
However, when he came continually, they refused to give him more food. They told him
to grow his own food.
One day,while the hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think
about growing his own food. Just then a boatman stopped by and taking on the hermit,
gave him some rice seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said these will grow and give you everlasting
harvest If you very work hard, if you are tired of the work, the rice plants will turn into
The old hermit worked hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains
came. Strangly, after a short periode of time, the rice was ready for harvesting. The old
man got a lot Of rice from the harvest. After each harvest, the plants grew back again
right away.
When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful rice, they flocked to his rice
field and took home the rice as much as they could.
One day the hermit became so tired of harvesting the rice that he shouted. Oh stop
growing, you wretched thing, as soon as he said this, the rice plants turned into weeds.

• Why was the hermit hungry?

• Because he didn’t have food to eat.
• Because he was in the jungle
• Because there was a drought in the area
• Because all the trees died
• Because the villagers helped him.

• What does the text tell about?

• The hermit worked hard to survive from the jungle
• The hermit lived in the jungle of Sumatera
• The lazy hermit has too many foods after working hard to plant rice.
• The hermit has a lot of rice now
• The villagers helped him to harvest the rice.

• What is the type of the text above?

• Descriptive c. report e. review
• Narrative d. Recount

• Why did the rice plants turned into weeds?

• Because the hermit cursed the plants
• Because the hermit was very angry
• Because the hermit shouted stop growing
• Because the hermit was so lazy to harvest the rice
• Because the hermit flocked to the rice

• What is the main idea of the paragraph 5?

• The hermit working hard in short of time he became success as a farmer
• The hermit has become a good farmer
• The hermit worked hard to clear the land.
• The hermit got a lot of rice
• The plants grew back again and again.
32. Girl will go to Jakarta if Her mother picks her up. Can the sentence be
reached in the future ?
a. Yes, it will c. Yes, it can e. No, it can’t
b. No, it doesn’t d. Yes, it does

33. Girl : Woman, will you join the English drama ?

Woman : I will join the English drama if I …. More free time.
a. Having b. Is having c. Had d. Has e. Have
34. Boy will answer the questions easily if He …. His book only.
a. Was opened b. Opening c. Opened d. Open e. Opens

35. Woman will be the winner of the competition, if she …. More about the technique.
a. Learn b. Learns c. Learning d. Learned e. Is learning

36. “ If I have more time to study, I will ask you to join me.” Can the underlined
sentence happen in the future ?
a. Yes, it is b. No, it doesn’t c. Yes, it does d. No, it can’t e. Yes, it can

37. If you have a good time, you ..... with us

a. Join b. joined c. Will join d. Would join e. Had joined.

38. If the students studied hard for the test, they ........ the test.
a. will pass b. would pass c. Passed d. Pass e. Had passed.

39. If my parent had given me a new car, I ........... around the city.
a. will have driven b. will drive c. Would have driven d. Drive e. Would drive.

40. If the students read the novel some times ago, they..... it’ s content
a. will understand c. understand e. understanding
b. would understand d. understood

Complete the following dialogue
41. Teacher : how long have you been waiting for your friends?
Student : Just some time ago, sir.
42. Complete the following sentences as an example given.
- wash you hair with Timotey shampoo - it looks soft and shiny
If you wash your hair with Timotey shampoo, it wiil looks soft and shiny

. Sleep a lot better - sleep in a dreamboat bed

- If you sleep a lot better, it's feel like sleep in a dreamboat bed.
43. Complete the following sentences with conditonal IF
1. If you study hard for the test, you will easily take the test and get good
2. If you came to party early, You won't miss anything at the party.
44. Give the synonym to the following sentences
1. slim ( Slender )
2. sincere ( Truthful )
3. occur ( Happen )
4. rest ( Relax )
5. enormous ( Huge )
45. Wake sentences by using the following words
1. take ( can you take the book? )
2. bring ( I bring the order you wanted )
3. drive ( i will drive you home )

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