2nd QTR Assessment

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Mountain Province General Comprehensive High School

Grade 10 Science - Special Science Program (SSP)

2nd Quarter Examination

“Learning without REFLECTION is a waste… REFLECTION without learning is dangerous…”

God Bless!
GENERAL INSTRUCTION: Read and analyze all questions carefully. Follow instructions in each part of the exam. AVOID
ERASURES. Choose and shade the letter that corresponds to your answer.
C. Sound
1. In which case can a magnetic field be D. Wave
produced? 10. Which of the following refers to the number
A. A charged comb of waves produced in one second?
B. A falling glass rod A. Wavelength
C. A welder’s arc B. Wavecount
D. A rolling plastic cylinder C. Frequently
2. How can you tell (in the olden times) that D. Frequency
something has electricity? 11. What do waves carry as it moves when
A. By trying to put your finger to test there is a presence of electric and magnetic waves?
B. If the bulb lights up A. Light
C. When you put water and there is a short circuit that B. Sound
occurred C. Frequency
D. By using a magnetic compass around an electrical D. Energy
wire 12. Which of the following is an effect if electromagnetic
3. How is the relationship of electricity and waves do not travel through space?
magnetism? A. The light and heat from the sun would not be able
A. Inverse to reach us here on earth
B. Direct B. There will be no radio waves that travel in the walls
C. Complicated of your rooms
D. No status C. You will no be able to send messages to your loved
4. Which two waves lie at the ends of the visible spectrum? ones
A. Infrared and ultraviolet rays D. All of the above
B. Radio waves and microwaves 13. How does a medium affect the speed of a
C. Radio waves and x-rays wave as it travels through it?
D. X-rays and gamma rays A. Faster
5. A certain radio station broadcasts at a B. Slower
frequency of 6.75x10^5 Hz. What is the wavelength of the C. No movement
radio waves? D. At constant speed from a vacuum
A. 280m 14. All electromagnetic waves travel through a vacuum
B. 324m at _____.
C. 400m A. The same speed
D. 444m B. Speeds that are proportional to their frequency
6. What type of electromagnetic waves is used C. Speeds that are inversely proportional to their
in RADAR? frequency
A. Infrared rays D. None of the above
B. Microwaves 15. Which of the following is the correct order
C. Radio waves of lowest to highest energy?
D. Ultraviolet rays A. X-rays, visible light, microwave
7. What electromagnetic wave carries more B. Gamma, radio, ultraviolet
energy than the others? C. Ultraviolet, visible light, gamma
A. Microwaves D. Microwave, visible light, gamma
B. Radio waves 16. Which of the following waves has the same
C. Ultraviolet rays size of a molecule?
D. Visible light A. Ultraviolet ray
8. What is the wavelength of the wave with a B. Gamma ray
frequency of 3x10^9 Hz? C. Infrared
A. 1x10^-1 m D. Microwave
B. 1.00 m 17. What wave do plants reflect?
C. 1x10^-2 m A. Infrared wave
D. 1x10^2 m B. Ultraviolet ray
9. Which of the following is a disturbance in C. Visible light
space? D. Radio waves
A. Light
B. Ray
18. Which of the following is used for B. The inside surface of the spherical section is the
describing the behavior of particles and waves at an reflecting surface
atomic scale? C. The focal point is in front of the mirror
A. Wave speed D. The outside surface of the spherical section is the
B. Planck’s constant reflecting surface
C. Speed of light 28. Which of the following is not true about
D. Energy index of refraction?
19. Which of the following is not a principle of A. An object’s ability to decrease the speed of light
electromagnetic theory? therefore causes refraction
A. EM waves are transverse waves B. An object’s ability to decrease the speed of light
B. When an oscillating charge accelerates, its electric therefore causes reflection
field changes too C. It is the ratio of the speed of light in vacuum to the
C. EM waves travel at 3x10^8 m/s through a medium speed of light in the medium
D. Light can be described as a wave D. None of the above
20. Who among the following Scientists 29. Who among the following scientists coined
discovered radio waves? the Law of Refraction?
A. Hans Christian Oersted A. Isaac Newton
B. Michael Faraday B. Albert Einstein
C. Andre-Marie Ampere C. Christian Huygens
D. Heinrich Hertz D. Willebrord Snell van Royen
21. Who among the following Scientists 30. Which of the following is not true about
thought that light was a particle because the periphery of critical angle?
the shadows it created was extremely sharp and clear? A. The angle of refraction should not be equal to 180
A. Christian Huygens degrees
B. Isaac Newton B. The maximum angle of incidence in which light may
C. Antoine Lavoisier enter air from another substance and not undergo
D. Albert Einstein total internal reflection
22. Who among the following Scientists C. Effect of the occurrence of total internal reflection
discovered the phenomenon of light diffraction and D. None of the above
pointed out that it resembles the behavior of waves? 31. A student studies that a convex lens always
A. Christian Huygens forms a virtual image respective of its position. What
B. Isaac Newton causes the convex mirror to always form a virtual image?
C. Antoine Lavoisier A. Because the reflected ray never intersects
D. Albert Einstein B. Because the reflected ray converges at a single
23. What phenomenon is caused due to the point
wave nature of electromagnetic radiation? C. Because the incident ray traces its path back along
A. Dispersion the principal axis
B. Diffusion D. Because the incident ray of a convex mirror gets
C. Polarization absorbed in the mirror
D. Radiation 32. Which of the following conditions a concave
24. Which of the following is not true about the mirror can form an image larger than the actual object?
Law of Reflection? A. When the object is kept at a distance equal to its
A. Incident ray, reflected ray, and normal line all lie on radius of curvature
the same plane B. When object is kept at a distance less than its focal
B. Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection length
C. Reflected ray is equal to incident ray C. When object is placed between the focus and
D. Incident angle, reflected ray and normal line all lie center of curvature
on the same plane D. When object is kept at a distance greater than its
25. Which of the following best describes radius of curvature
specular reflection? 33. How does light behave as it enters these
A. Reflection on smooth, plain, and shiny surfaces mediums?
B. Illuminates shaded areas
C. Reflection on rough surface A. Continue its
D. Reflection on semi rough and flat surface path as
26. Which of the following is perpendicular to straight line
the surface at the point of incidence? B. Bends
A. Principal axis toward the
B. Vertex normal line
C. Radius of curvature C. Bends away from the normal line
D. Normal line D. Reflects
27. Which of the following is not true about 34. The path of a ray of light coming from air
concave mirror? passing through a rectangular glass slab traced by four
A. Converging mirror students are shown as A,B,C, and D in the figure. Which
one of them is correct?
A. The energy contained in the batteries of the vehicle
is transformed into wheel rotation
B. Electrical energy converted into blade rotation in
the food processor and cut down food
C. Both A and B
A. A D. None of these
B. B 43. Which is the correct sequence in the
C. C operation of generator in the production of electricity in
D. D Hydroelectric Power Plant?
35. What happens to a light striking a mirror i. A turbine converts the kinetic energy of the
according to the Law of Reflection? falling water into mechanical energy
ii. Hydropower plants capture the energy of falling
water to generate electricity
iii. Once an electrical current has been established,
it is directed through copper wires to power
machines and devices
A. Continues iv. The generator converts the mechanical energy
moving through the from the turbine into electrical energy
mirror in the same A. I,iv,ii,iii
direction B. Ii,I,iv,iii
B. Moves into the mirror at a slightly different angle C. Iv,I,iii,ii
C. Bounces off the mirror toward the direction it came D. Iii,ii,iv,i
from 44. Who was credited for discovering that
D. Bounces off the mirror at the same angle it hits electric currents create magnetic fields, which was the
36. Which of the following allows light through first connection found between electricity and
it? magnetism?
A. Opaque A. James Maxwell
B. Transparent B. Hans Christian Oersted
C. Translucent C. Michael Faraday
D. All of the above D. Alessandro Volta
37. Spherical air bubble floating in air will act as 45. What will happen to the coiled wire in a
_____. model of an electric motor if the magnetic poles are
A. Concave lens repulsed and attracted?
B. Convex lens A. The coil remains stable
C. Plano-concave lens B. The coil fluctuates and converts electrical energy
D. Plane glass plate into chemical energy
38. A light ray travelling parallel to a concave C. The coil stops and changes mechanical energy into
mirror’s axis, strikes the mirror’s surface. The reflected electrical energy
ray _____. D. The coil rotates and changes electrical energy into
A. Passes through the mirror’s focal point mechanical energy
B. Travels again parallel to the mirror’s axis 46. What are the three basic parts of an electric
C. Travels at right angles to the mirror’s axis generator?
D. Passes through the mirror’s center of curvature A. Commutator, stator, and motor shaft
39. Which of the following does not belong to B. Armature, brushes, and battery
the group? C. Stator, rotor, and commutator
A. Interference D. Battery, armature, and DC power supply
B. In phase 47. Which of these is the commutator function
C. Out of phase in the generator?
D. Outward phase A. Acts as a rectifier that converts AC voltage to DC
40. Which of the following is perpendicular to voltage within the winding of the armature
the surface at the point of incidence? B. Diminish the energy loss caused by Eddy Current
A. Principal axis C. Offer magnetic fields where the coil is rotating
B. Vertex D. Provides electricity to the generator
C. Radius of curvature 48. What do you call a device that generates
D. Normal line electrical current when a wire coil is wrapped around an
41. What do you call an energy converting iron core and rotated close to a magnet?
system that transforms electrical energy into mechanical A. Car
movement? B. Magnet
A. Electric motor C. Motor
B. Electric field D. Generator
C. Electric generator 49. Which is not a distinctive attribute of an
D. Electric plasma electrical generator?
42. Which of the following situations shows how a A. Electric generator turns mechanical energy into
basic electric motor works? electric energy
B. Electric generator turns electric power into B. 1.8x107 Hz
mechanical energy C. 1.5x107 Hz
C. It provides electricity D. 1.3x107 Hz
D. It is based upon the electromagnetic induction 58. A photon has a frequency of 2.68x10^6 Hz.
theory Calculate its energy.
50. What do you call a huge wheel (associated A. 1.77x10-7 J
with generators) that rotates when driven by water, wind, B. 1.77x10-17 J
or steam? C. 1.77x10-27 J
A. Motor D. 1.77x10-37 J
B. Pipe 59. Calculate the index of refraction of salt
C. Turbine solution which light travels at 1.8x10^8 m/s.
D. Magnet A.1.60
51. Which of the following is a device that B. 1.63
converts electrical energy into mechanical energy? C. 1.67
A. Electric bicycle D. 1.69
B. Microwave oven 60. Calculate the speed of light in a wine whose
C. Rice cooker refractive index is 1.80.
D. All of the above A. 1.5x10^8 m/s
52. Which of the following is the correct B. 1.7x10^8 m/s
explanation of the electrical motor operation? C. 1.9x10^8 m/s
A. Electric motor uses electricity D. 2.0x10^8 m/s
B. The operation is based on the principle of
C. The motor converts electric energy into mechanical
energy V=f₰
D. All of the above E=hf
53. What do you call a device that transforms h=6.623x10^-34
mechanical energy into electrical energy? n1sinθ1=n2sinθ2
A. Electric charge
B. Electric motor
C. Electric generator
D. Electric current
54. Which is the correct sequence in the
operation of simple motor?
i. Magnets placed near one another either attract
or repel
ii. The attraction and repulsion cause the wire to
iii. Electric current starts to creep along wire; it
creates magnetic field all around it
iv. Electrical energy converted to mechanical
v. Temporary magnetic field interacts with the
permanent magnet
A. V,iv,ii,I,iii
B. Iii,v,I,ii,iv
C. V,iii,I,iv,ii
D. Iii,ii,iv,I,v
55. Which two forces are required to operate with
generators and electric motors?
A. Electric and magnetic
B. Electric and thermal
C. Magnetic and radiant
D. Magnetic and thermal
56. A certain radio station broadcasts at a
frequency of 675KHz. What is the wavelength of the radio
A. 280m
B. 324m
C. 400m
D. 444m
57. What is the frequency of radio waves with
wavelength of 20m?
A. 2.0x107 Hz

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