Physics Nmat 2018 Module C

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NMAT REVIEW 2018 10. What happens when a dielectric material is placed in
PHYSICS MODULE C an electric field?
A. The material becomes a conductor
DIRECTIONS: Select the best answer to each of the B. The material becomes polarized
following questions and blacken the appropriate space on C. The material undergoes electrolysis
your answer sheet. D. The material remains electrically inert

1. Waves transmit from one place to another by: 11. An electric generator operates according to the
A. mass B. amplitude C. wavelength D. energy principle of:
A. electromagnetism C. electricity
2. Which of the following factors is responsible from B. magnetism D. motion
transmitting waves?
A. Amplitude B. Wavelength C. Energy D. Mass 12. If current flows in A, a current in wire B will be
produced by:
3. Which of the following will be the result if the number A. resistance C. insulation
of lines in a diffraction grating of a given width is B. induction D. convection
A. The wavelengths can be diffracted will be shorter
B. The wavelengths that can be diffracted will be longer.
C. The spectrum produced will be narrower.
D. The spectrum produced will be broader.

4. When waves are refracted, which property changes?

A. Frequency C. Speed
B. Period D. Amplitude
13. If a force of electrical origin is exerted on a charged
body placed at a point in space, which of the following
exists at that point?
A. a current
B. an electrical field
C. an isolated charge
D. an electromotive force

5. The two waves shown travel in opposite directions. If 14. A single quantum of electromagnetic radiation is
points X and Y fall on the same vertical line when the called:
waves meet, what is the combined amplitude of the A. compton B. hyperon C. photon D. phonon
A. 36 cm B. 12 cm C. 6 cm D. 0 cm 15. All of the following particles can be accelerated by an
electric or magnetic field except:
6. An object has a positive electric charge whenever… A. neutron B. proton C. electron D. deuteron
A. it has an excess of electrons
B. it has a deficiency of electrons OPTICS (LENSES AND MIRRORS)
C. the nuclei of its atoms are positively charged
D. the electrons of its atoms are positively charged 16. When an object is reflected in a plane mirror, the
image is always…
7. Two charges of + are 1 cm apart. If one of the A. enlarged C. left-right reversed
charges is replaced by a charge of - the magnitude of B. inverted D. real
the force between them is…
A. zero B. the same C. larger D. smaller 17. A converging lens may not have…
A. positive focal length
8. In hydroelectric plants, electric energy is generated by… B. one plane surface
A. Making the water evaporate C. a negative focal length
B. Distilling the water D. one concave surface
C. Changing the water chemically
D. Making the use of the power of a waterfall

9. Electroplating results in a better quality product by

applying a relatively…
A. Strong current for a shorter time
B. Strong current for a longer time 18. In the diagram above, the focal length of the lens is F.
C. Moderate current for a shorter time No image will be projected on the screen if a candle is
D. Moderate current for a longer time placed…
A. At 2F C. Beyond 4F
B. At 3F D. Between F and the lens

19. A 10-meter object is placed at a distance of 175 28. Which of the following is an implication of the formula
meters in front of a lens whose focal length is 50 meters. E=𝑚𝑐 2 ?
Which of the following describes the image formed? A. Energy can be created from nothing
A. It is 4 meters long and inverted B. Matter can be created from nothing
B. It is 4 meters long and erect. C. Relatively large amounts of matter can be changed into
C. It is 25 meters long and inverted relatively small amounts of energy
D. It is 25 meters long and erect. D. Relatively large amounts of energy can be obtained
from relatively small amounts of matter
20. A certain solar cooker is made of a big concave mirror.
To get the greatest amount of reflected sunlight, where 29. The velocity of light in water is approximately:
𝑚 𝑚
should the food be placed? A. 2.25 x 108 𝑠 C. 4.5 x 108 𝑠
A. At the focus of the mirror 𝑚 𝑚
B. 3 x 108 D. 1.33 x 108
B. At the center of the curvature of the mirror 𝑠 𝑠
C. Between the focus and the center of curvature of the
mirror 30. An electron is travelling at 1% the speed of light. What
D. Above the center of the curvature of the mirror is its kinetic energy in joules?
(Speed of light = 3 x 108 𝑠 )
21. Parallel rays for light passing through a convex lens A. 4.000 x 10-18 J C. 4.098 x 10-18 J
can be made parallel again by passing them through: B. 4.098 x 1010 J D. 4.000 x 1018 J
A. a glass plate C. concave lens
B. another convex lens D. a translucent paper 31. If the velocity and frequency of a wave are both
reduced to one half, the wavelength is:
22. A concave mirror has a 10-cm focal length. If an A. half as large C. twice as large
object 5 cm. wide is placed 25 cm in front of the mirror, B. the same D. doubled
the image is:
A. virtual and reduced C. real and reduced Illustration for no. 32
B. virtual and enlarged D. real and enlarged

23. When a large atom such as U splits into two smaller

atoms, then the combined mass of the products resulting
from the splitting will be
A. One half of the original mass
B. The same as the original mass
C. One half more than the original mass
D. Two times more than the original mass

24. When a certain nucleus gave off radiation, its mass

decreased by 4 and its charge decreased by 2. What
radiation was given off?
A. x-ray C. beta radiation
B. alpha radiation D. gamma radiation

25. Which statement about moving electrons is not true? 32. The current I2 in the circuit is:
A. they are deflected by a magnetic field A. 32 amp C. 3.5 amp
B. they are deflected by an electric field B. 7 amp D. 1 amp
C. their masses are independent of their speed
D. they have energy and momentum 33. A capacitor acquires 0.0008 coulomb when 50 volts is
applied. Its capacitance is:
26. The maximum speed of electrons produced by incident A. 0.16 microfarad C. 1.60 microfarad
photons on a metal depends only on the: B. 16.0 microfarad D. 160.0 microfarad
A. temperature C. intensity of the incident light
B. electric field D. frequency of the incident light 34. The power rating of an electric motor which draws a
current of 50 amperes from a 240-volt line is:
27. The atomic reaction where 13 13 A. 12.0 kw B. 1.2 kw C. 48.0 w D. 4.8 w
6𝐵 becomes 7𝐶 results
in the release of
A. A neutron C. A beta particle 35. A charge of 60 coulombs moves through a circuit in
B. An alpha particle D. A gamma particle 0.60 seconds. How much current is flowing through the
A. 6 A B. 6.6 A C. 100 A D. 10 A

36. You are using an electric iron drawing current of 6

amperes and has a resistance of 20 ohms. How much
energy will be used by the iron in 60 s?
A. 43,200 J B. 7,200 J C. 200 J D. 20,000 J

37. If electrical energy costs PHP 0.50 per kilowatt-hour, 46. Which medium is the densest?
how much will one pay to use a 2 HP air conditioner for
5 hours? (746 Watt = 1 HP)
A. PHP 3.70 B. PHP 2.80 C. PHP 2.00 D. PHP 5.70

For the ff. numbers 38-40, in the circuit shown below:

A. medium 1
B. medium 2
C. medium 3
D. any of the above

47. At what location in front of a converging lens should

38. What is the current in the 5.0-Ω resistor in the circuit?
you place the object in order to obtain no image?
A. 0.42 A B. 0.67 A C. 1.5 A D. 2.4 A
A. at the center of curvature
B. beyond the center of curvature
39. What is the potential drops in the 3.0-Ω in the circuit?
A. 2.5 V B. 4.5 V C. 6.5 V D. 8.5 V C. between the vertex and focal point
D. at the focal point
40. An object that is placed in front of a converging mirror
48. An object that is placed in front of a diverging mirror
will never result to an image that is
will always result to an image that is
A. virtual, upright, maximized
A. Virtual, erect, diminished
B. real, inverted, diminished
B. Virtual, inverted, maximized
C. real, inverted, maximized
D. virtual, upright, diminished C. real, erect, diminished
D. real, inverted, maximized
41. Which of the following eye defects can be corrected
49. Which of the following eye defects can be corrected
using converging lens?
using diverging lens?
A. myopia C. sore eyes
A. hyperopia B. myopia C. sore eyes D. astigmatism
B. astigmatism D. hyperopia
50. Light is a form of electromagnetic wave. Comparing
42. You have a normal vision if the image is exactly
the speed of light with other forms of electromagnetic
located at the retina of the eye. What is the eye defect
waves, which of the following travels at the slowest speed
when the image is formed behind the retina?
in vacuum?
A. astigmatism C. sore eyes
A. Radio waves
B. hyperopia D. myopia
B. Infrared rays
𝑚 C. gamma rays
43. A 22-rifle bullet, traveling at 375 𝑠 , strikes a wall,
D. all these travel at the same speed
which it penetrates to a depth of 0.075 m. The mass of
the bullet is 1.75 grams. Assume a constant retarding
force. How much time is required for the bullet to stop?
A. 4 x 10-4 s C. 5 x 10-3 s
B. 3 x 10-4 s D. 4 x 10-5 s

44. A hypothetical atom has 3 energy levels: the ground

level, 2.00 eV, and 5.00 eV above the ground level. Which
frequency of the spectral lines cannot be emitted when
(𝒉 = 𝟒. 𝟏𝟑𝟔 𝒙 𝟏𝟎−𝟏𝟓 𝒆𝑽 ∙ 𝒔)
A. 4.84 x 1014Hz C. 9.67 x 10-14 Hz
B. 7.25 x 1014 Hz D. 12.1 x 1014 Hz

45. A 10-pound object is suspended by a string from an

overhead support. A horizontal force of 5.8 pounds is
applied on the object. The measure of the angle which the
string makes with the horizontal is:
A. 300 B. 450 C. 600 D. 900


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