Planning For Learning (March 2023-May 2023) Name: Chelsea O'Brien

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Professional Growth Plan

Planning for Learning (March 2023-May 2023)

Name: Chelsea O’Brien

Career goal: Teacher

Goal: To enhance my teaching skills by creating and utilizing a comprehensive range of planning, instruction, and
assessment strategies that cater to the individual learning requirements of every student in my class.

Teaching Quality Standard Reference: TQS 3: A teacher applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective
planning, instruction, and assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student.

Strategies Timeline Resources Measurement

o Utilize the resources around me All year o Alberta o Conduct self-

that I can use to implement into (practicum) Assessment assessments of my
my teaching and assessment Consortium current teaching
practices. resources that practices and
o Collaborate with colleagues to include classroom identify areas that
share effective practices/strategies materials, self- could use
and receive feedback. directed PD improvement.
o Use collaborative learning resources, events, o Use student data to
strategies to promote peer-to-peer and workshops. aid to evaluate the
learning and collaboration. o Formative impact of my
o Get to know the students’ assessment tools teaching practices on
strengths, weaknesses, interests, provided by the each student.
and learning styles so I can tailor ATA that help o Seek feedback from
my instruction to meet their teachers build and colleagues,
needs. strengthen their administrators, and
o Use a variety of differentiated assessment and students on the
instruction strategies such as evaluation effectiveness of my
learning contracts, modified practices. teaching practices.
materials, learning stations, and o Knowing and
etc, to meet the diverse learning Responding to
needs of my students. Learners- A
o Incorporate technology to Differentiated
enhance instruction and engage Instruction
students. They can use interactive Educator’s Guide.
whiteboards, educational apps,
and online resources.

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